A Change for the Better

By Jane Doe

Published on Jun 16, 2001



A Change for the Better

By: An Unnamed Writer

DISCLAIMER: This story contains descriptions of sex between consenting females, and a change in gender. If this offends you, or is illegal for you to view, please do not read any further.

This story may be recopied in part, or in whole, provided that the author is credited.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

One year.

It's hard to believe one year has passed since my life has swung up for the best. So much has happened since then, and I can't believe it even happened at all.

"It" happened when I was a sophomore in high school. Like all teenage guys, I had fallen instantly and madly in love with a girl at school.

"I" was Mike, and she was Ellen, and was quite possibly the most beautiful woman to ever walk the face of the earth. She had strong, piercing green eyes, luscious honey-brown hair that came down to her upper back, stood at about 5'5, and had breasts that defined beauty. While they weren't ridiculously large, they weren't pathetically small, either. They were quite simply, perfect.

Perfect-that word came up all the time when I thought about her. Ellen was the embodiment of everything sacred and holy in this world, she was the personification of perfection, and the pinnacle of beauty.

Every night as I went to sleep, I would hold my pillow in my arms, and hope, pray it was Ellen. I begged God just to have one moment with her...just one moment that I could burn into my mind as Heaven on Earth.

I had latched onto her rising star, and I was destined to be smacked down to reality very harshly. I knew that day was coming, I just didn't know it would happen so soon.

Late in the year, I had stayed after school to make up a test, and was about to walk home. But, as I made my way to my locker, the sweet sounds of women giggling and heavy breathing from the girl's restroom broke through the silence of the hall, and I was struck with the curiosity of testosterone.

I contained my enthusiasm to keep up appearances in front of monitoring security cameras, and quickly walked into the neighboring men's room.

There was an old hole in the wall that had existed since the school was built, and was covered only by a hanging mirror. Quickly, I removed the heavy glass, and caught my whiff of-

Ellen and another woman.

They were all over each other, French-kissing and fondling each other's breasts. It was a sight that would drive any man wild, and it was getting me incredibly hard. I recognized Ellen's companion as her friend, a classmate since the 6th grade. But, a fat lot of damn good that really did me.

But, beyond all that biology-the natural male reaction to two beautiful women getting it on-I was just...devastated. Ellen was the one person I had ever loved, the one person I ever wanted to be with. And now, she had crossed the edge and gone over to the other side, so to speak.

Everything in my life, everything I had wanted, had just been thrown out the window. There was nothing left but an empty hole that would consume everything in me.

Somehow, I managed to drive home, and collapsed onto my bed. I wanted to just die...there was absolutely nothing left for me. The black abyss of sleep passed over me, and my mind drifted into the night of unconsciousness.

The harsh bleat of my alarm woke me up from my slumber, and I was in a whole new world.

My room was clean, free of clutter, and decidedly feminine. Pictures of boy bands were hung up on the walls, the room was completely in pink, and several stuffed animals were strewn about in comforting positions.

As that shock began to set in, another one hit me square upside the head: breasts. The two were incredible: firm, large, and round. They were at least a 36C, and just were the most amazing sight I ever saw.

A mirror in a corner of the room revealed more of my changes. I was, in fact, a woman. I stood a 5"7, had thick, silky, sensual black hair that fell to my mid-back, deep hazel eyes, a slender figure that looked like something out of a modeling magazine, and a face that could seduce even the coldest of hearts.

Dear Lord, I was sexy!

Gone was my heavy, masculine frame. Gone was my young, smallish cock. In their place, was the alluring, attractive body of a woman.


The amazement of my new situation began to subside just a bit, and completing the emotional restoration was a letter on the floor. I picked it up with vested interest, and read it:


You have just been given the chance of a lifetime, the opportunity to score with Ellen.

I apologize for not talking about this to you beforehand, but you never would have accepted it, and never would get the great opportunity that you have now.

I have changed you into a woman for 24 hours. If by this time tomorrow, you have not had sex with Ellen, I will change you back, and you can go about your daily life. But, if you do score with her, which I have full confidence that you will, you can remain as this perfect lady for the rest of your life, or return to your life as Michael.

You'll find that being a woman is better than anything you could ever hope to imagine. Ellen is a lesbian; there's nothing that can change that. But, now you can win her heart in a way that you could never before.

For today, just act normal, and go about your daily routine. Everything you need to carry on the illusion of being a new student is on the kitchen table downstairs.

Best of luck to you, Michelle.

There was no name signed.

I think I held that letter for a minute, absorbing all of what was going on. And then, the terrible pun of "Michelle" as my name instead of "Mike" forced me to laugh, and let loose some heavy, "pinned-up," tension.

I showered, and dressed myself in a white blouse, black knee-length skirt, matching heels, and a gold chain belt. After a quick, small breakfast, I found my car, and my masculine mind was amazed:

It was the latest model Ford Mustang sport coupe, red colored, with lines and design made for speed and responsiveness.

My jaw dropped...maybe being a lady definitely had its advantages. There was no way I could be able to pull this off with my parents if I was a guy.

I drove to school at a reckless speed, and went through the trivial and boring paperwork with the office that was required of a new student. As luck would have it, I got assigned to the same classes as that of my masculine persona, and managed to get to my first class before the warning bell rang.

I "met" my teacher in that five-minute gap between the warning bell and the tardy bell, and sat in my usual spot in the back seat.

Barely before the bell rang, Ellen walked in like a huntress on the prowl. She wore a stunning red blouse, tan pants, and also wore a gold chain belt. I caught a glimpse of her looking at me, and smiling in a way that could pierce the deepest depths of anyone's soul.

The image of her kissing her friend in that bathroom came to mind, and for a moment, I pictured myself in her place: kissing Ellen and fondling her breasts. I felt a stirring down below, and knew I was wet.

I did everything I could to force Ellen out of my mind, lest I be left with an embarrassing stain. But, life was not going to lend me a break there, as Ellen sat down right next to me, and gave me a flirty smile and wink.

I returned it as best I could, and tried to focus on the class. I couldn't leave a stain...I couldn't leave a stain...I couldn't leave a stain...

Within a blink of the eye, the bell rang again. But, it wasn't the tardy bell, or the bell for the end of class.

The bell was the dismissal for school.

I was in my last period class, and had to practically shake my head to clear my confusion. Somehow, the entire day had passed by without my even noticing.

Damn! How'd that happen?

I grabbed my book bag, and walked down the halls. As I went to my locker, and put more thought into how the entire day had passed by, the world changed upside down again.


I looked up from out of my locker, and there was Ellen, as beautiful as ever. "Hey. You're Ellen, right?"

She smiled, "Yeah, I'm Ellen. You're Michelle?"

I politely nodded, and then closed my locker. "Yes, I am. We were in first period together, if I remember."

"We were." I think she scoped out my breasts, and then she noticed my car keys. "Hey, I hate to jump on you like this, but my ride home bolted, and the busses just left-"

I cut her off. "I'd love to."

She smiled, playfully slapped me on the shoulder, and walked with me out to the parking lot. On the way out, we chatted and talked like we were friends for years, and I even managed to sound like a teenage girl as if I really was one.

When we came to my Mustang, a slight up-breeze flew straight into my crotch, sending a chill straight up my spine. That was something to get used too. But, it was incredibly liberating at the same time, and felt downright sexy.

Ellen didn't notice, as her eyes were glued on the car. She managed a "Damn..."

I smirked. "You wanna' drive?"

Her eyes lit up like stars. "Really?"

"Absolutely. You can drive, right?"

"I can, but..." Her voice trailed off.

"Don't worry, it wouldn't be rude or anything. If you want to take her out for a spin, go ahead and do so."

She gave me a hug, and completely took me off guard. She seemed to linger a bit, as if she enjoyed the closeness between us. I had to admit, I did. The wonderful smell of her perfume, the touch of her breasts against mine, and her warm hands against my back sent waves of joy through me.

Ellen practically launched herself into the Mustang, and we were off in a second. She drove pretty aggressively from the get-go, and I could tell this was going to be one interesting ride.

About a minute into the ride, I could tell she wasn't taking herself home, because she was driving exactly in the opposite direction from where she and I lived.

"Anyplace you're going?" I asked.

"You'll see, it'll be great." She smiled once more, and I didn't really care where we were going.

It took about 10 minutes, but we arrived at a small establishment, complete with a bar, dance floor, booths for patrons, plus an adjacent room that I couldn't see inside. The catch was that the place was filled with women. There was not one man to be seen.

I smiled in understanding. Ellen had taken me to a lesbian bar.

She led me to a booth, and we were immediately served with coke and some peanuts. I was amazed at how we had received such prompt service, "How'd that happen?"

Ellen winked, "I know the owner."

"Ah. So, how was school for you?"

"Pretty lame." She took a radical change in discussion. "Michelle, have you ever been with a guy?"

I shook my head, "No, I haven't. You?"

"I used to, but they were all bastards who just wanted sex. None of them ever just wanted to be in love." She bit her lip, "Have you ever been with a girl?"

"You mean, have lesbian sex?"

"Yeah, that." Her eyes were like a feminine huntress, strong but sensual, promising much if I chose the right way. They pierced my heart, and I found myself being caught up in them.

"No, I've never come close to that before."

"Well, I might as well just come out and say it. Michelle, I'm a lesbian.

"Every man I talked to just made me want to...HIT them. They were just so...uncaring. Before long, I was completely turned off to men at large.

"But, one day, I came in this very bar, and the owner saw I was angry. She talked to me, and genuinely wanted me to feel good. I didn't know how, but I found myself in her arms, holding her, hugging.

"And then, we kissed.

"It was the most wonderful feeling I've ever had. The soft touch of her lips, her warm hands on me, and her breasts! God! Her breasts! I had never felt so loved, so beautiful.

"We did it that afternoon, and I had never felt more alive. She just put her tongue into me, and I was taken to a level of passion beyond anything of what a man could do." I was so turned on by her words, and felt myself getting wet. "Michelle, I know this is pretty sudden, but I just feel so-attracted to you. I know this is the right thing for me to do.

"Do you understand what I'm saying?" I noticed that her leg was rubbing up against mine, and that her eyes were continuing to enrapture me.

Those perfect, perfect emerald orbs...

I patted her forearm, "Yeah, I do. And...I feel the same way."

Ellen practically squealed with delight, "Oh, my God!" She leaned in to kiss me, but spilled coke all over me in the process. She repeated, "Oh, my God!" but in the complete opposite meaning.

I gave her a quick smile, and whispered. "Don't worry, I won't be wearing it for long."

Ellen's eyes sparkled, and helped me dry off. I couldn't help but notice the way she lingered over my breasts with her napkin, and the incredible charm in her eyes. When she had dried me off, she winked, and walked off to talk with the manager.

In a second, she had returned, and took me by the hand. "Come with me."

She led me into the adjacent room I had noticed earlier, which turned out to be a bedroom with a large King-size bed as the centerpiece of it. Before I could say something about how great this was, Elin had locked the door, and had kissed me full on the lips.

My instant reaction was to respond. I put my left hand against her neck to pull her in closer, and then moved my right hand to her tight, wonderful ass. I opened my mouth, and let her tongue penetrate into me. Our tongues entwined, and we melted together into one perfect being.

But, as soon as that began, it ended.

Ellen pushed me away, and adopted her huntress persona. She cocked her head to the side, gave a smug smirk, and her eyes became cold, icy cold. In an arrogant tone, she said, "You're mine, bitch."

Before I could blink, she was over me, tearing away my clothes, and pushing me to the bed. I fell over, and landed on the bed. Ellen dove on my breasts, licking and biting them with a fervor and passion.

I began gushing out juice out of my pussy, attracting the attention of Ellen. She smiled again at me, and said, "Well, well, well. Looks like someone's enjoying this."

She licked my ear, than traced her mouth down my neck and chest, over my breasts, and down my stomach to the promised land of my pussy. Her tongue was driving me wild, each lap around my lips sent a tremor of passion completely through me.

My body began going completely out of control; even my speech was short, choppy, filled with moans more than words. "Oooooh! God, yes! Ugh! Yeah! Just like that! More, damn you! Fuck! YES! Aaaaggghh! YES! YES! YESSSSSS!!!! OH, JESUS!! HERE IT COMES!!!! I'M CUMMMMMIIIINNNGG!!!!!"

I must have splattered a gallon of cum on her face; my climax was so incredible. I fell into the bed, exhausted. Ellen fell on top of me, and all I could really do was lick my cum off her face. I whispered, "That was so incredible, Ellen, t-thank you."

She ran her hand over my breast, "Any time, Mike."

I shot up with alarm. "WHAT?"

"Oh, shut up. I know who you are. Hell, I was the person who was behind your change."

Every ounce of energy was drained out of me. "But, why?"

"Because I love you; and, because a relationship would never work with you as a man. This way, I get the person that I love, with the body that I love."

"And I-"

"-Get the woman of your dreams." She adopted a cooler tone. "I know you loved me, Mike. I know you wanted me ever since we met. But, you were a nerd, Mike, a dork. You knew you would never have a chance with me, and I knew that, too.

"Good God, I did you a favor.

"Now, you've had sex with me. What's your choice? Man," she paused, and moved her body so as to make direct eye contact with me, "Or this? You can go back to your prison of testosterone, and never see me again. Or, you can have me every time we see each other. I managed to change your entire body, just think what I can do for your life. We can live in paradise, Mike, paradise.

"What will it be, Mike or Michelle?"

What choice did I really have? I gave her a smile, "Michelle."

Ellen smiled, "I knew you would."

We spent all day on that bed, having sex and making love. At the end of it all, Ellen took me to the manager, and explained that she was blessed with witch-like abilities. She was the one that had made me into Michelle, and cast another spell on us that made our lives simply perfect.

Ellen moved into my house, which suddenly became a lesbian love-brothel with the addition of two hot 25 year-olds as our "Mothers." She and I lived in the same room, and we spent our entire time together in lesbian bliss.

We didn't have to worry about grades or money; the spell took care of that very well. We would even bring in Ellen's friends that she had seduced to lesbianism for a damn fine night of love.

And then, there were all the straight girls we seduced...

All in all, this was definitely a change for the better.

Comments are welcome: janedoe107@hotmail.com

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