A Chance Reunion

By moc.liamg@0002pwmc

Published on Sep 21, 2017



This story is entirely fictional- any similarity to any person or event is a coincidence and unintentional.

Copyright me 2017.

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"Tony?" I recognized him instantly, and the shock made me forget my Customer Service tone. This was the last person I would have expected to run into here, but there he was. He looked up from his menu, his dark eyes studying me for a second, before a flash of recognition. "John! Whoa. Wow! It's great to see you! How are you man?" He got out of his seat and hugged me, again catching me off guard. His muscled arms squeezed me a moment, trapping mine at my sides, before letting me go and stepping back. "You look so different," he said. "I barely recognized you!" It was true, I had changed a lot in the four years since high school. I had grown a bit taller, and filled out with muscle of my own. While I was a late bloomer, Tony looked exactly the same. He was now shorter than me, but with the same slim, muscular body. His face had matured slightly, more of a man's face than the 18 year old I last saw, but was still mostly the same. His warm eyes, his broad, bright smile with a single dimple all were as if frozen in time. "Really? Well, you've barely changed at all," I said, grinning stupidly. He laughed, a sound I didn't realize how badly I missed, and answered, "I'll assume that's a compliment. How long has it been? A few years yeah?" "I don't know, that sounds about right," I answered. That was a lie- I knew exactly when and why we stopped talking after graduation. I had been infatuated with Tony Andrews since the day I met him. We became fast friends soon after I moved to that small farming town in Iowa, and I had always hoped for more. After graduating, though, I moved to LA for school, and he stayed behind. We kept in contact with emails, but I had stopped replying once I realized actual gay guys here were better than pining for a straight guy back home. Looking at him now though, smiling at me, genuinely happy to see me, I couldn't help feel a pang of guilt. I should have done more to be his friend instead of just cutting him off. I also couldn't help feeling the rush of my infatuation coming back to me as studied his features, and my cock twitched in my pants. "So, uh, I guess I'm your waiter tonight. Do you know what you're ordering?" I asked, shifting slightly so my hardon wouldn't be as obvious. "Oh, I'm actually here early to meet a few people." He answered. "They should be here soon, I'll wait to order with them." "Okay, let me know when you're ready then," I said, grinning like a dork, before moving on to my next table.

It was another busy Saturday night at Miguel's Bar and Grill, which is typically just how I liked it. Busy means more tips after all. But tonight I'd have given almost anything for it to be slow. As it was, I had to make do with fleeting moments of eye contact with Tony as I tried to keep up with the demands of the restaurant. I was disappointed when he had asked me for the check, as I hadn't had any time to say anything of substance to him at all. Oh well,' I thought. It was good to see him at least.' When I made my way back to the table, Tony and his friends had already left, having paid in cash. Counting the money, I realized they had left me a sizable tip. I double checked the receipt to make sure it wasn't a mistake, and I saw a note under the total.

John- It was great running into you. Let's catch up. -Tony

His number was written after. I couldn't help myself. My stomach tingled with excitement, and my pants felt tight again.

I spent most of the next morning fretting over what to wear. I had texted Tony as soon as I got off work the night before, and we agreed to meet at a coffee shop this afternoon. Memories of him were in my mind as I went through my closet. We met each other the start of freshman year, both having moved from the city at the same time. Being the new guys together forged a bond between us as we both adjusted to the quirks of small town life. My attraction to him was immediate, and my affection for him only grew as I got to know him. He did better than me with adjusting though, and quickly became the star quarterback, popular with everyone. Meanwhile, I was never meant to fit in. A sigh escaped me as I bitterly remembered cheerleading tryouts sophomore year. Saying I was being naive was an understatement, but I was surprised when everyone put two and two together and realized I'm gay. The bullying started after the first day, and intensified until I was jumped by a senior while walking home. I didn't even realize what was happening when Tony, driving past and seeing this unfold, pulled the guy off me. We were never as close after that. I figured defending me put him at risk for being seen as gay too, and as much as it sucked, I understood. We were still friendly in the classes we shared, but didn't really hang out. I shook myself back to the present looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes popped, and I couldn't help but laugh at what I saw. Being stuck in my thoughts, I had absentmindedly put on a Hawaiian flowered T-shirt and black skinny jeans. It's all in the past John. Don't worry about all that,' I thought to myself. Now with focus, I looked at the clothes I had strewn about the room and settled on a teal v-neck and straight leg jeans. Simple, comfortable, and straightforward.' With that, I headed out.

"So I never thought I'd see you as a waiter, John. What happened?" I'd be offended, but Tony said this with a smile, teasing me jokingly. It was surprising how quickly we fell back into our banter. Much like his looks, it felt like nothing had changed. "Ha. Not everyone gets a free ride scholarship mister Football Star. Working there is good money, and I'm earning as much as I can over the summer to pay for grad school. What about you? Shouldn't you be in with the pros now?" He laughed. "Nah man, I knew I wasn't good enough for the pros. I just milked it as long as I could. I knew it had to end someday. Anyway, it's good knowing you're in grad school. Remember all the times you saved my ass with homework?" "Remember when you saved my literal ass from Matt? I'll say we're even with that." Tony looked down at his drink. "Yeah. I remember that. He was a tool. When I saw him sneaking up on you I got so pissed." He looked up at me again, concern in his eyes. "Nobody ever tried to pull anything like that again, did they?" "No, that was it, other than stupid shit in the hallways...why?" "Good. I told Matt if I ever heard of you being harassed or bullied, then I'd quit the football team. Everyone knew I was the backbone of the team. They wouldn't win without me, and football was basically a religion there." "You...you did that? I had no idea," I said, staring at him. "You were already risking your reputation just getting Matt off me...You had to know what everyone might think...?" "I did, yeah." He looked at me, his dark brown eyes serious. "But it was the right thing to do. I knew how awful it'd be for you if I didn't stop it before it really started." His face softened, and he gave a small smile. "Besides, you were my first friend there, what kind of person would I be if I turned a blind eye?" "I-I don't know what to say." Tony reached across the table and put his hand on mine. "Don't mention it, man. It's good to know it helped." Another pang of guilt hit me again. I looked down and pulled my hand away from his. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Does thinking about all that upset you?" I sighed. "No, I just feel bad. I kinda withdrew because I didn't want to make you regret sticking up for me. I knew your reputation would be tainted by being friends with the gay guy. I never would have guessed you KEPT sticking up for me after." Now Tony looked uncomfortable, looking down. "You make it sound like I was being all selfless and brave. I'm not nearly as good as you think I am." Totally bewildered I asked, "What? What could you possibly stand to gain from sticking up for me?" He was still looking away from me, more unsure of himself than I've ever seen him. "You really don't know? I did it because I liked you. And I hoped maybe you liked me back." "I...I...you liked ME?" I would have laughed at the idea if I wasn't so shocked. "But...but you're straight! You dated Mindy for almost 3 years!" "Yeah, and she dumped me when she realized I wasn't into it. Don't you see John? I wasn't like you, the one who's actually brave. You were always so defiantly yourself, even if it meant you didn't fit in. Me? I did everything I could to be popular." He paused a moment, then said, "I thought THAT was why we stopped talking as much, you could tell I was faking it. And then you moved out here alone, in a way I never could have, and stopped talking to me." All this left me speechless. Tony looked so sad, and was barely looking at me. Tony broke the silence. "You're the biggest reason I came out here, man. I was still being fake all through college. Once I graduated, I realized I had no idea what to do with my life. I was denying myself for so long that I don't know how to figure it out. Then I thought of you, and how sure you're always so sure of who you are. I guess I thought, even if I could just be your friend again, maybe I could figure out my own way." He stood up, and threw some cash down on the table. "That was stupid though. You've got your own life. I'll let you get on with it," he said, and he turned to leave. "Wha- Wait! Tony!" I quickly stood and grabbed his shoulder. "If I had known any of this, I- I mean. Fuck! I was so into you all of high school, but I never thought..." Tony turned to face me, and stepped closer. He looked up into my eyes, full of intensity, before moving in to kiss me. It was soft and gentle, as if he was still unsure, but I returned the kiss passionately, moving my hand to his neck. I parted his lips with my tongue before he pulled away suddenly. "Not here," he said, breathing hard. "My place is close," I responded, leading him out.

We were barely through the door of my apartment before Tony was unbuttoning my jeans. He pulled them down to see my hardon throbbing in my boxer briefs, precum soaking through. "Excited, huh?" he asked, looking up at me with a grin. He rubbed the palm of his hand along my cock, making me moan. His smile grew, and he reached under my waistband to grab me. Tony began to slowly pump, my precum making his hand slick. Unable to take the strain anymore, I shoved my underwear off entirely. Tony kept jacking me slowly, and placed his lips on my tip. I looked down at him, and his face was full of determination. He opened his mouth, sliding his tongue under the head of my dick, and closed his mouth around me. My eyes closed as I gasped in pleasure, and I could feel more precum pumping out. My body instinctively thrust into him, and his mouth opened wider to accommodate. We continued this way for a minute, before I put my hands on his shoulders and pulled away. "If we keep this up I'm gonna cum." I said, slightly breathless. "You have something else in mind?" He asked, and he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "You're damn right I do. I dreamed about this moment for four years, I'm not letting it go that quickly." I pulled off my shirt and stepped out of my jeans. "Let's go to my room." Not waiting for him to respond, I turned and lead the way, letting him enjoy the sight of my firm, round ass. I heard him stumble up behind me and rush to catch up to me. He had one of his hands on my ass, grabbing it softly, but I kept walking to the bed. He had started kissing the back of my neck when I turned around. "Your turn," I said, pushing him to the bed and getting between his legs. He smiled wide again, his one dimple making my heart melt, as he watched me undo his jeans and swiftly pull out his cock. I took a moment to admire the sight of it- a little longer than average, thick as a beer can, and a dark, perfectly shaped head. I took him into my mouth, stopping just past the head, and pulled both his jeans and underwear off at once. Then, without preamble, I took him in entirely, massaging the underside with my tongue as I did. Tony moaned loudly, and I quickly slid him out again. With one hand, I started gently massaging his balls, and the other went to his pec, grabbing it and rubbing his nipple. Again, I sucked the entirety of his throbbing cock in, and just as quickly pulled it out. "Jesus FUCK John!" he yelled. He put both hands on my head, and I let him guide my movements with them. His grip guided me to a much slower pace, and he said, "Better. If I can't make you cum fast, you can't make me yet, either!" Even as I relented, I had other tricks to surprise him with. Still letting him guide my pace, I slid one of my fingers from his balls to between his ass cheeks. Tony spread his legs and moaned loudly. Encouraged, I inched my finger slowly to his hole. Still sucking him, I started massaging him there, feeling it loosen. "Ohh god, man. Don't tease me!" he yelled, gripping the sheets now. I got up and grabbed my lube from my night stand. "You ready for this, Tony?" I asked, rubbing my cock head on his hole. His answer was to push against me, doing his best to get me inside him. I plunged in, and we both gasped. He was so tight, but soft and warm, closing down all around me as I pumped in and out. I looked down at him, and he was writhing in ecstasy, moaning quietly but non stop. Feeling the urge to kiss him, I leaned forward, and he wrapped his legs and arms around my body. I slid my arm under his back, resting my weight on my forearm, and reached between us to grab his dick. I timed my thrusts to jacking him off, my hand reaching his base at the moment I was fully inside of him. We kept this pace until I could feel him stiffen further, and he said "Fuck John, I'm gonna cum!" I raised myself up, needing to see his load. His moans intensified before suddenly spraying thick ropes of cum, landing everywhere from his neck down to his abs. This pushed me over the edge and my moans joined his as I unloaded my balls into him. It felt like forever before I finally finished, waves of intense pleasure still washing over me. I pulled out of him slowly, and fell on the bed, laying next to him. "Man. All this time, and neither of us said anything," Tony said between deep breaths. "Yeah," I answered. "But we can make up for that." We both moved to our sides and he was smiling at me. I leaned in and kissed him, and I could feel him getting hard against me again. "Round two already?" I asked, surprised but getting hard myself. "Oh fuck yeah, man. We've got a lot of ground to cover," and he laughed.

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