A Chance Encounter

By KevBot

Published on Aug 19, 2013



A Chance Encounter (Part 1) A Short Story Series By KevBot

Chapter One:

As soon as I touch down at the Indianapolis International Airport, my mind begins to wander to all the lost opportunities that I faced during my high school years here in the state of Indiana, while I had fun, I felt as though those who I had sexual experiences with used me.

When I first began high school back in 2009, I was still confused as to who I was as a person. I was, at that point, unable to words my peculiar interests. Before I began high school, I could not apply the title of homoerotic to what interested me sexually. Throughout 6th-8th grade, I would be thrilled during P.E. class, solely at the opportunity of changing with the other boys. At that time, I figured that I just enjoyed the simple thrill of being partially naked with others watching, and while I did find attraction in the girls, it seemed that opportunities to see the boys naked were more readily available.

My freshman year, I met Jacob Wolf, an identical twin, in my World Geography class. I became infatuated with him not sexually, or at least at the time I did not think it was of a sexual nature, but because he was a twin. For some reason, that simply blew my mind. My interest in him, and basically just the zany nature of his sometimes-homoerotic mannerisms, led me to admit to him that I loved him. With a straight face, his response was "I've always known that, but frankly, I can't do that right now, but I'll go ahead and do this for you just this once," and then he kissed me softly on the lips. I leaned in closer to take full advantage of this sole opportunity to be with Jacob, if not only just with a simple kiss. We held our lips together for what seemed like an eternity, and then I realized his arms were around my hips. He pulled me closer to him and I felt his erectness against my own. And then, just as suddenly as I began to live my fantasy, he stopped, and said, "That's all you'll ever get from me." And it stayed that way; neither of us ever brought it up again. However, that was not my sole interest in high school. I had last period P.E. with Jacob's brother Jonah.

Once a week during class, we went to the pool to swim, meaning that everyone had to take a shower afterward in order to rid their bodies of the chlorine. Normally, the boys wouldn't shower, so each Monday Ð the swimming day of class - was my only chance. By this time, I was able to get a control on myself, in that; I could suppress erections if I was naked around other naked boys. So every Monday after swimming, I'd strip down and take a shower, always making sure I was either next to Jonah or could make eye contact with his penis. I remember thinking to myself that: that's the exact same penis that's on his brother's body, so I'm basically looking at both Jacob and Jonah's penises at the same time.

One day, our P.E. teacher had Jonah and I shut down the pool area after everyone else had gotten out. Since I met Jacob first I was a little shy around Jonah, and I had difficulty speaking with him. When we had finished, we went to the showers and I pointed out "Hey everyone else is already out of here," to which Jonah replied,

"Yeah, it looks that way."

We began to take off our bathing suits; since Jonah was in front of me I was able to get a good look of his butt as he took of his trunks. Once, we had them off he turned around and looked at me, and said, "Well lets do this." But before he walked to the shower area from the anteroom of the shower complex, he looked down at my penis, smirked, and quickly looked back up. He probably thinks I'm small I thought, and just wants to ridicule me later about it. He walked over to the faucet nozzles and turned two showers on, directly adjacent to each other. I walked over to what was my shower and began to rinse my hair, when Jonah said, "I know the way you've been looking at me, you know." I froze up. "And I have to admit, I kind've like the attention you've been giving me and my dick, how about you treat it and I to some fun?"

"What do you mean by that?" I asked trying not to sound too eager about what was happening.

"I mean that, I want something in return for all the free viewings you've gotten of me naked" Does he want me to give him a blowjob? I think to myself. Before I could reply Jonah had moved his hands onto my shoulders and began applying pressure to signify that he wanted me on my knees. I gave in to the force bearing down on me, and as I knelt I came in direct contact with his penis, erect, and in my face. The water still bearing down on us, Jonah took my hands in his and placed them on the cheeks of his butt, so that I was in prime position to take him into my mouth, which I immediately did.

The skin of his penis was as smooth as I had imagined it would be. I began as I had seen in so much Internet porn, by moving my mouth over him again and again. He moaned as I did that, and in an effort to keep the rhythm going he placed his hand on the back of my head and began to help move me back and forth. Eventually he signaled for me to switch it up, and I complied by licking his head with my tongue, attempting to make each lick as smooth and pleasurable as possible. He moaned even louder when I did that. Then I added one hand to his shaft in order to keep my balance, and used my other hand to cup at his balls.

As I was varying my method from back and forth to licking the head, I would take one of his testicles in my hand, use my fingers to lightly stroke it and then lightly tug it downward from his cock. Occasionally I'd give them a squeeze to spark up Jonah's experience of me sucking him off.

Suddenly, after what seemed like forever, Jonah groaned loudly and signaled that he was about to climax; I gave him a look that said that I was willing to go all the way to the end. He placed both hands on the back of my head as he took over and moved his hips so that he went in and out of my mouth. After another 10 seconds I felt him tense up, and reacted as his cum exploded from his raging cock head to my mouth. I remained immobile until he finished ejaculating out his load, and then I licked his head one more time, and then I stood up and made sure he saw when I swallowed his cum.

"Well, I think you more than paid me back for gazing at me," Jonah said. He then left the showers, got dressed and left me there both shocked at what I'd been able to do to him, and unsatisfied that he hadn't returned the favor.

My third interest was my best friend, Jacob Drake. We had known each other since Freshman year, and it wasn't until after my experience with Jacob Wolf that I realized I found him cute. It took another three months until I came out to him. As soon as the words, "Drake, I'm bisexual and I have a crush on you," came out of my mouth, he admitted the same thing, except that he only swung for the boys' team. It was at that point we started secretly dating. He first kissed me on our second date, I still remember it vividly: he had a look in his eyes as he moved his mouth toward mine. He turned his head sideways, whereas, I remained immobile, enjoying the simple pleasure of having him make the move on me. He pressed his moist lips to mine and I closed my eyes in pleasure. As I was still inexperienced in kissing, I was a little confused when he pressed his tongue against my closed lips. While waiting for me to open my mouth to receive his tongue, Jacob grabbed my butt with both of his hands in an attempt to pull me closer to him. I put my arms around him and greeted him with my tongue. Our two tongues danced around, as we tasted each other's mouths. As we finished our passionate kiss, and he removed his tongue from my mouth, he lightly bit my lower lip as he moved away, and let it go as he moved away.

On our third private get-together he told me he wanted to go to second-base. In our relationship, I enjoyed being the more submissive partner, and I respected and cared about Drake enough that I enjoyed him dominating me sexually. So, I agreed to do whatever he wanted to do, I told him I was a conduit for his pleasure, and it got me off whenever I could get him off. "So, how are we going to do this? Who's doing what Jacob?" I asked, in anticipation of our sexual exploits.

"Well," Jacob replied as he began to rub my crotch through my shorts, "how about I start?" And he did. As he continued to rub, I began to stiffen, until it got to the point at which I could not get any harder while I was contained in my shorts. Acknowledging his surprise at my size, Jacob said, "Mmmm, someone is ready for me."

"Take my shorts off and I'll get even harder for you, Jacob," I replied.

"Nah, I'd like to get a blind feel before I see your cock, Kevin." Jacob then reached his hand down through my shorts and underwear and began to grope my manhood. He clenched the girth of my penis in his hand, attempting to gauge my thickness, followed by touching the head of my penis lightly as though he were touching a silk cloth. Before he retracted his hand, he reached down fully into my shorts and cupped my balls and gave them a tight squeeze, tight enough that I winced in pain, although it was a pain that hurt so good. He retracted his hand, and then told me to get on his bed, and lay back. As I looked up in the air, I prepared mentally for whatever was to come. I felt him grab my shorts and unbutton and unzip them. Slowly, he pulled them off, and I felt exhilarated that I was in the position in which I could push my hip up a little in order to not only help him remove my pants, but to also give him one final go-ahead for whatever he was about to do. As my underwear yielded away its final inch over my bulge, my cock sprung out like an elastic band, and Jacob started lightly gripping it, and then gradually he began to stroke my cock. He looked at my erect member in the way that a young teenage boy might stare at his first look at nudity, with awe, reverence, and a look on his face that suggests that he actively felt his heart beating in his chest, as though all other noises were inaudible except his beating heart and his stroking of my cock. After a minute, he seemed to realize that he too, had a penis, and that, he too could gain pleasure from stroking it. He came out of his confused state and began to rub his cock through his shorts, in a manner that suggested that after having the distinct opportunity to be able to stroke the cock of his sexual interest, he had forgotten how to provide for his own sexual interest. Realizing this, I reached over and rubbed his dick, he moaned in pleasure. As I felt it become harder and harder, I did the same in his hand. I gestured for him to stop stroking me so that I could facilitate his pleasure in return for his facilitation of mine own. I made him lay down and then quickly buried my face into his crotch, moving my lips around his shorts in an effort to stimulate the cock hidden within. I then unbuttoned his shorts and slid them off of him, all the while his head was laid back and his eyes looked upward as if to confirm that yes, this is what he wanted, this is who wanted to be with in this moment, this is his cock that is the center of my world right now. I briefly rubbed his cock through his boxer briefs, which seemed to be so small in comparison to what lay within; they seemed to be a chastity belt, which I had to remove, in order to get some of that good stuff. He pushed up his hips and I unsheathed his sword. Immediately I was taken aback at the size, he must have been 7.5" to 8" long and he was thicker than my cock was. "Just by looking at your cock right now, I could jizz a gallon of cum onto you without stroking one bit," I said to Jacob, or rather to Jacob's massive cock.

"Well, we can't have that yet, we haven't fucked yet have we? I want to fuck that little ass of yours Kevin, then I want you to fuck me and cum all over my face"

"Oh fuck, that gets me hard, I didn't even think I could get this hard, Jacob, here feel it." I guided his hand down to my cock which was as hard as concrete right now, the giant vein down the top bulging out as if ready to explode.

"Oh wait, a second cowboy, you have to give me some relief before I slide up into you." He then guided my hands to his ass cheeks, and then my head to his cock. And before Jacob could utter, "Suck it," I was moving my tongue up and down the length of it in frenzy, licking his balls, popping them into my mouth for a taste, and then finally taking his cock into my mouth. He thrusted himself deep inside of my mouth, as I took more and more of him into me, I tugged on his balls hard. He moaned as I did that. Then I took over, and began to move up and down the shaft, in a steady, uninterrupted rhythm. Down-Up. Down-Up. Base-Tip. Base-Tip. I removed him from my mouth and began licking the head aggressively, as though I were in a contest to get to the center of the Tootsie Roll Pop, I didn't care if he wanted to fuck me with this testament to cock greatness, I wanted to reach his tootsie roll center. I wanted to taste it in my mouth. But before I could, he pushed me off of him, pinned me into the position he had been in, and then took me in his mouth. My hardness had gone down so I felt myself grow inside of his mouth, the warm, moist pressure of his lips on my cock allowed me to achieve my previous concrete level of hardness in a short period. I squirmed under his grip, as he both sucked me off and held me down at the same time.

"No! Stop! I want to make you cum, Jacob! Let me make you cum! Let me taste it in my mouth!" I shouted, continuing my attempt to remove myself from his strong, dominant hold over me, at that point, I realized that even if I were to fuck him, he was the true top, the true dominant. He would only allow me to fuck him second, after he had had his fun filling in my warm, tight, virgin hole with his long, thick cock. And the notion turned me on even more, and Jacob could tell that my squirming under his strength and my inability to stop him from what he wanted, whether it be blowing me or me blowing him, got me even harder and more turned on. If I could have gotten wet, I would have been soaked.

"I like it when you squirm beneath me, Kevin, beg me to stop, beg me to let you taste my cum"

"Ok! Ok! Just please stop sucking me off! I want your cum not the other way around! Let me finish you off!"

"Only if you let me fuck you and you fuck me, will I let you taste my cum"

"Ok fine! I'll take you in my ass, and fuck your hole!"

"Good. Just know the sooner I fuck you, the sooner you can fuck me and the sooner you can taste my cum" And as Jacob finished saying that I had already grabbed one of the condoms he had brought, ripped it open, unwound it on his hard dick, grabbed his lube, squirted some out, lubed up my hole, lubed up his cock and turned around, pushed up my ass toward him and prepared for him to enter me.

End of Part One

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