A Carriage Ride

By John Parker

Published on Mar 11, 2021


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Papa and Daddy

I stretched a little, still in bed, and reflected over the last few days. Yesterday had been hot, having Joey with Gustav in the shower like that. And the day before, two beautiful brothrs and are deeply in love with each other, yet clearly in a dom-sub relationship,oh how hot was that. I was getting just a little chubbed thinking about it all when Mary started to stir on her side of the bed. "Morning honey" I said softly. She returned the greeting and told me she had had a wonderful time this week, as had the girls. She was, however, a little concerned about Luisa. "She misses her mother so much. I'm not sure her father doesn't quite understand what a girl that age needs" she continued "Maybe I should talk to him today." "Perhaps" I responded, and reminded her that today was the last full day of vacation. "What time is our flight tomorrow?" she asked. I told her after lunch and she knew she could put off packing until the morning. That pleased her. I got out of bed and slipped on some clothes to get coffee (the only fault I could find with this wonderful resort was the room service Café Americano was not hot). The scheduled for today had been under the door last night but we hadn't looked at it being exhausted from the rafting and so much more. Today however, there was another note under the door. I picked it up and handed it to Mary as I left. When I got to the first floor, I nearly bumped into Frankie who was supervising the delivery of freshly redone potted flowers for the adjacent terrace. He pulled me aside and whispered "Hey fucker, enjoyed the other day! Lemme know when you're coming back so we can set up another party! TJ and I are always ready for fun." Maybe today would have some action, I thought. We departed and I went to get the coffee.

Returning to the room, I handed Mary her coffee. Before she took a sip, she said "We have an invitation." She handed me the schedule. The first was our normal daily schedule--swimming in the morning, lunch at the poolside restaurant, croquet in the afternoon, dinner in the grand dining room--all as scheduled. The second sheet had an amended schedule with drinks at 6 pm in the pink room followed by dinner in the a la carte restaurant. I had tried for reservations there, but they had been booked solid for a month. There was an additional piece of note paper with a handwritten message:

I will not take no for an answer. You have been so kind to Luisa and Gustav. I insist that you and your family will be my guests for drinks and dinner!

Fondly, Haakon Jacobsen

I rang the concierge. A young girl answered and I asked her to connect me to Jacobsen's room. Haakon answered and I said " That is too kind. You really don't need to do anything like this!" He was totally polite but adamant, in no mood for discussion, no matter my protests, and so the issue was settled. We would be his guests.

And so we set out to enjoy the last day. The sun was glorious and pool refreshing. I enjoyed people watching as much as swimming. At lunchtime, we sat on the terrace and had a delicious club sandwich and tossed salad. We went back to the room and changed into whites to play croquet, Louisa still with us. She was a master at the game and I finished last, in part because TJ had passed, smiled, waved slightly and utterly distracted me. Late in the day we went back to the room to change for dinner. The pink room is high formal, tuxedoes and evening gowns, Mary loves to dress up. The young girls wanted to skip the drinks time and had realized they could watch a movie in the theatre which would finish by seven. Mary helped them dress and then return our room. "Pink or taupe?" she questioned, regarding her dress for the evening. "This has been such a wonderful week, I hate to see it end. When we first started coming here, I didn't see the attraction, but now I couldn't imagine a year not being here. Thank you, Paul." She kissed me tenderly and I kissed back. "So pleased I could give this to you, this has been the best trip ever!" I said. With that she remarked "My goodness, the time!" She scurried and I scurried and presently we were dressed. She looked patrician, almost regal in a muted pink floral dress. Her tan set the pearls off beautifully and the diamonds at her ears and on the hands sparkled. I caught a glimpse of us in the mirror and thought "Not too shabby!"

We arrived at the pink room a minute after six and sat down. I noticed Haakon and Gustav on the terrace, smoking together. He saw me and hurried in. "So sorry to keep you waiting...a nasty habit, I know. It seems I have corrupted my son as well" he said apologetically. We order drinks- Chardonnay for Mary, a martini for me and a Negroni for Haakon. Gustav had a Carlsburg pilsner, they must have a hundred beers here and anything else you could think of. Over the next hour, we learned much about each other. He had a telecommunications company which he had founded but was later sold at a large profit. His wife was French, and a lawyer. She had died tragically in a skiing accident leaving him with Gustav just going to University and Luisa at home. In his grief, he had sent Luisa to the boarding school in Switzerland her mother had attended. The nuns remembered her mother and were quite kind. We told him of our life in Houston and Mary shared that her mother had died young as well...an aneurysm. Haakon smiled and said "You have been so kind to her and I greatly appreciate that. When we leave here, we will be on the way to Chicago for a few days to see my sister who is with the Norwegian consulate there, she married an American. After that, I have a business meet in Dallas. How far away is that from Houston?" "Hardly a stone's throw" Mary said. I laughed and said, "There ain't two places in Texas that are a stones throw apart." Mary ignored me and continued, "We'd love reconnect again and have you come to our home in Houston!" Haakon promised to consider the offer saying "I have the luck of setting my own schedule." With that, he excused himself to go to the terrace for a smoke. Gustav followed him and we waited for the girls. Before the men returned, the girls entered the room. Louisa glanced outside, sighed and they sat down. Luisa seemed sad. Before any questions could be asked, Haakon and Gustav rejoined us. It was dinner time.

We walked to the intimate a la carte restaurant and we're quickly seated. I did inquire "How did you manage this?" Haakon responded that a nice young concierge named Rob had arranged it all for him. The food and drink were fabulous. This place could have 3 Michelin stars if they had wanted. We all couldn't help but notice that Luisa picked at her dinner. Quietly she said "Papa, May I stay with them again tonight?" Before he could answer, Mary, ever maternal said "Oh baby, of course you can. Let's have dessert and us girls can have a slumber party! There are two beds in the girl's room. We'll play cards and tell stories!" Only then did she look at me and said "That's okay with you. Paul?" It wasn't a request, and I knew it.

Gustav jumped in and said "Guess it casino time for the men!"

After the Iles flottantes and champagne (we let the girls have a little), Gustav offered to walk them to their room. Mary called over her shoulder "Now don't lose too much money!" I kind of giggled to myself, after this week how much would be too much money? They disappeared into the hotel. Haakon and I walked out into the terrace and he pulled out his pack of cigarettes. He took one and offered one to me. Having quit just before our oldest was born, I did enjoy the occasional cigar. I produced one I had bought in unrealized anticipation, cut and lit it and drew the sweet smoke deeply into my mouth.

Haakon looked directly at me and said softly "Gustav came out to me at 17, but I knew earlier. After Marie-Claire died, I too explored my attraction for men. Last night, he and I were able to enjoy the company of Rob, the concierge. In a brief moment of indiscretion, he connected you and himself. When he left, Gustav and I were talking. He has never been the receptive participant in sex, but asked me to have sex with him. I told him no--he is my son and I couldn't risk hurting him or having him feel forced. He mentioned you, and told me of your exploits on the rafting trip. Tonight, by a twist of fate, or perhaps inevitably an opportunity has presented itself. Please join us. It would mean so much." "Mein Gott," was all I could say in whatever European language that is. . Haakon looked intently at me and I nodded. Gustav bounded out the door, and took his father's half smoked cigarette and inhaled deepl.

Haakon looked at his Gustov and smiled "Tonight, my dear son, I'm going to give you what you've wanted, and what I've wanted to."

We took the elevator up to the top floor and walked to their suite. Entering, I noticed the pull-out bed and been made up for Gustav. There was a door that connected to Luisa's room on one side and to the master bedroom on the other. Gustav wasted no time in embracing his father passionately and kissing him deeply, then they pulled me into the embrace. We slowly undressed each other, kissing and caressing as we went. We kissed and hugged, our hands all over our naked bodies. My dick was rock hard and pouring, not dripping precum. Haakon's penis felt a bit shorter than Gustav's, but was thicker and uncut. We continued kissing and nuzzling each other, lost in the moment. Suddenly Gustav separated himself. Haakon looked at him "Are you all right, do we need to stop? "Oh dritt (shit in Norwwegian) I was afraid this was a bad idea!" "No papa, no. This is what I want. I just need a moment to prepare" was all he said. He gathered up a few things and entered the bathroom. Haakon explained the Gustav had even spent some time this morning with Rob, getting some pointers for this moment. It's a concierge's job to be helpful, I thought. With Gustav in the lavatory, Haakon and I resumed our kissing and he pulled me to the bedside enjoying the maturity of our bodies. A young man is a sweet pleasure, but sharing a man your own age is just as nice, maybe even better. We fondled each other, kissed and hugged. >From behind us, I heard a voice, quieter than normal "It's my turn." There was Gustav in a blue jock strap which was straining to contain his excitement. He dropped a tube of lube on the nightstand and joined us all on the king sized bed.

He kissed his father and softly said, "Thank you, Papa" and then turned to me, kissed me and said, "Thank you, too, Me Johnson". "Paul" I corrected. "How about daddy, instead of Paul?" he said gazing at me. Damn those eyes were mesmerizing. Gustav suckled his father's nipple and and I began sucking that beautiful cock as he moaned and bucked and was clearly in rutt. He was clean shaven and taut. I licked his nuts...gloriously large and low hanging and felt Haakon's fat prick. I massaged the foreskin and collected some precum on my finger. When it was good and slippery, I entered Gustav's ass with a finger. He pushed back into my finger and murmured "Mmmmmm." I worked his virgin hole slowly and gently, stretching it a little. I stopped sucking Gustav's dick and grabbed the lube. It didn't go long unattended as Haakon flipped around to take my place. Gustav seized the opportunity and licked and sucked on his father's foreskin. I entered Gustav's anus with two fingers and began a gentle massage, trying to match my movements with the father's and son's. This was not a fast paced frenetic time, it was just the slow, purposeful act of savoring a moment and giving pleasure for pleasure. There were the low sounds of moans and sighs hovering all around. The sight of Haakon and Gustav kissing and sucking each other filled me with a lust I had never had. I moved between Gustav's legs and lifted his hips up. Dropping my face down, I blew warmly on Gustav's ass then lapped it with my tongue. I probed gently, nibbling and licking and thrusting in and out with my oral dick. I ate with vigour, but no rush. Presently, I heard Gustav say so very softly "Fuck me daddy...pleeeeeease fuck me now. I'm so ready!" Haakon whispered to him "Are you sure son? This only happens once." Seeing Gustav smile and nod, he continued "Paul, would you do Gustav...and me the honor...?"

I lowered Gustav's hips to the bed and slipped yet a third finger into his waiting ass. I let his sphincter relax around them then moved into position. One last time, I looked at Gustav. In the the dimmed light he was gorgeous and yet strangely fragile. Haakon was kneeling beside us so that he could see his son's face and deflowering. The head of my cock, which was harder than I could remember in my adulthood was poised at his hole. The foreskin was pulled back the expose the whole glans and every vein stood out in high relief. I shifted and applied a little force and teased the young man's hole. After tapping at it several times, I poured lube generously on my dick head and pushed, instructing Gustav to push out. The flower bloomed momentarily, then disappeared forever and my glans passed through the sphincter. Gustav winced and drew in a sharp short breath. I held position to allow him to relax again. I felt him tense then relax as I began slowly pushing in...no force just gentle pressure. After I was about a third of the way in, I withdrew, not entirely but nearly. I squirted a little more lube on my shaft , spread it around and started in again. With each stroke, I enter a little deeper and faster. Gustav looked at me pleadingly, saying "Come on, daddy." Haakon dropped his face to his son and kissed him soulfully, stroking first the boy's dick and his own. With one last stroke I was balls deep. "I'm all the way in. How does that feel?" I asked. The look of pure bliss answered without words. I started to fuck in earnest steadily building the speed and force. Haakon kissed us both alternately and urged me on, as if I needed it. I hadn't had sex like this since I lost my own virginity years ago. I was beginning to get the tingling feeling in my groin and felt like I could go at any second. Gustav rolled me over so he had me on my back and slowly dismounted and kissed me full on. "Not yet...I'm not ready for your load yet!" he said and flashed that grin. He looked at his father intently, dark blue eyes locked into pale blue eyes and said tenderly "You didn't want to be the first to fuck me, because you love me, but I want you to be the first to breed me because I love you!" He kissed his father then turned and kissed me. Gustav pushed he butt up in the air and presented it to his father, who accepted the gift as offered. The elder Jacobsen was somewhat girthier than me, giving Gustav a whole new sensation and causing him to drive his tongue down my throat with each of his father's thrusts. Where earlier the pace was slow and steady, Haakon fucked like an accelerating express train--restless and powerful. He grunted and snorted and shook his head, just as Gustav had at the river. Gustav broke our kiss and untangle himself from Haakon long enough to flip over on his back "Papa I need to see your face! Have me, breed me, complete me!" he panted. The father's cock pistoned the son's hole. The sight of two such handsome men locked in passion was overwhelming. Gustav moaned and Haakon made strangely guttural sounds which morphed into a higher pitched "uh...uh...uh...uuuuuuuuuuuh as the older god buried his spasming dick deeply and fully into his son, transferring a gift from one generation to the next. The sheer beauty of the moment caused me to withdraw slightly--this was sacred even if I hadn't cum yet. They kissed softly now and Gustav rolled to me and pulled me into the mix. "Your turn daddy; finish what you started" he whispered, as he hugged his father chest to chest and I enter him again, all kneeling in the bed now.

Many people say that cum makes the best lube, but I could not describe adequately the feeling of pounding into Gustav's just seeded ass. The heat and viscosity of his father's cum and the natural tightness of Gustav's hole produced a experience unlike any I had known. Every nerve ending in my body tingled as I felt his ass grip my dick again. Haakon stared at me over Gustav's shoulder and nodded yes while stroking his son's cock. The boy tensed, swung his head around and clamped down hard with his sphincter. The sensation of his spasms pushed me beyond restraint and reason. My semen mixed with Haakon's seed in a head-ringing volley of cannon shots which left me whimpering and sobbing. Haakon smiled beatifically, tears streaming down his face. He touched Gustav's lips with his index finger, still slippery with his boy's jizz, then kissed him, then repeated the process with me. We all tumbled onto the bed, softly crying joyful tears and holding each other. This afterglow required no words and none were spoken.

About one on Saturday morning, I disturbed the reverie...I knew I needed to get back to my room and I felt like Gustav and his father needed some time by themselves, their life together had just changed so much. I slipped out of bed and put my clothes back on. The others stirred, we hugged, kissed and agreed we would talk in the morning. I had no idea if Mary was serious about a slumber party with the girls, so I couldn't risk staying. As I started to leave, Haakon motioned us out on the the balcony. He slipped his cigarettes out of his robe and offered one to Gustav. I retrieved the remains of my cigar. He lit his own then ours, and we smoked quietly, the smoke drifting upward like incense and the pink points glowing like shooting stars. I broke the last embrace, softly wished them a good night, knowing we would see each other in a few hours and slipped silently over the floral carpets to my dark and quiet room. By the time I got there, Gustav and Haakon were asleep in each other's arms and Mary and the girls were indeed in the other room had been asleep for several hours. I slipped into bed so full of joy with time to contemplate all that had occurred.

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