A Carriage Ride

By John Parker

Published on Mar 8, 2021


If you're on nifty you know what to expect. This work is entirely fictional.

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Slippery when wet

As usual, there was a neat little envelope slipped under our door while we were at dinner with our activities for the next day and instructions. We were to meet the shuttle at 7.30 am for our white water rafting adventure. The facility was about an hour away. Sunscreen was a must and the clothing suggestion didn't really fit anything we had brought. Fortunately, the guide could direct us to a shop at the river head and we would have time to purchase anything we needed prior to staring the trip. There were other helpful suggestions, as well. I noted the concierge had signed this itinerary himself...'Have fun, Rob'. "That's so nice and personal" Mary said, "This is such a wonderful place!" If she only knew how wonderful, I thought, when we got in bed.

The next morning, we were all up early--journey proud I guess. We dressed as nearly as possible to the suggestions given and headed to the entrance. The Mercedes Sprinter van was waiting. The driver introduced himself as Charlie and told us we were waiting on two more people. The catering staff brought out boxed breakfasts and coffee and put them in the dark blue van. Always first class here! I dropped our bag with a few necessities inside and went back to join the family (still daydreaming about the previous day, but resigned that today would be altogether different). I was looking down as I stepped down on to the pavement and when I looked up I saw something I hadn't anticipated. There was a beautiful young blonde girl, a little older than my daughters chatting excitedly "I do wish Gustav would hurry...he's always late" Her accent was decidedly Scandinavian. People from all around the world visit this wonderful resort, so that didn't surprise me. I was simply taken by her stunning natural good looks. I introduced myself to her and found out we were waiting on her brother. "Luisa, I am here now!" a young male voice said, breathlessly. We all turned toward the door.

Nothing in my wildest imagination could have prepared me for what I was to see when I turned. Framed by a classical archway stood Gustav. To describe him as a Norse god would have been a bit of an insult. He was about six-three and well muscled. His eyes were piercing and deep blue and his slightly tousled hair was gold and brilliant in the early sun. He wore a tight fitting light blue Lycra shirt with three-quarter sleeves that highlighted every inch of his chest and matching Lycra shorts that made it obvious that he was blessed physically in every regard. He trotted over and introduced himself. "Let's be off" Charlie called and we got in the van for our trip. I made sure I was last on just to admire his perfect ass and was glad I just had on some slightly baggy shorts!

Once in the van my girls chose to sit on the front row behind the driver. Mary and I sat behind them--she by the window and me on the aisle. Luisa sat on the aisle across from the girls and Gustav behind her against the window where he could stretch his long tanned legs toward the aisle. We quickly learned she is 15 and this is her first trip to the US. Gustav is 23 , close to TJ's age, but the physical contrast is remarkable. Their father is a telecommunications executive in Norway and their mother had died suddenly several years ago. Since Mary had lost her mother at an early age, she immediately bonded with Luisa. Gustav has not found a job he likes yet, so he travels a bit with his dad. The siblings are both athletic and have white water rafted before. We were the newbies. I asked if the had any tips and they both reassured us they would help us out. The hour long drive passed quickly and we arrived at the rafting center which overlooked the magnificent gorge and river. The driver had explained that this was a public rafting company open to the general public, but as resort guests we would be taken care of specially. Our belongings would be looked after by him.

He parked the van and we alighted. Gustav looked at us and suggested we might need some different clothing. "We can help you if you would like" he said breezily. We had about an hour before we were to gather with the other rafters and I readily agreed. We entered the store and quickly the females went into their section of the store. Gustav and I headed off into the men's section. He suggested some compression shirts much like his own and a looser shirt. "These will be more satisfactory, I think." he said. I asked if I needed a bathing suit `or something'. He looked at me grinned and reached for a rather skimpy tight fitting suit. "This will work nicely" he said, continuing "Go put them on." The clerk directed us to the changing area in the back and I slipped into a fitting room, leaving the door slightly ajar and hoping my newly reactivated Gaydar was correct. Happily, it was...and apparently his was unfailing!

Silently, he darted into the room and closed the door. " Let me help you" he whispered. I was a little taken aback at how forward he was, but I guess the kids today are less inhibited. He closed and latched the door and planted his lips hard on mine, rubbing my crotch and ass simultaneously. My tongue slipped into his mouth, probing and searching and I felt his massive crotch...that dick was at least seven inches...maybe more. Glad the fitting room door was solid, I tweaked his nipple and he licked his lips. I was about to put my hand dorm his shorts when a voice called into the space "That size work OK for you?" I froze and looked at Gustav, holding my finger to my lips. I answered "yes the size IS perfect! Where is the men's room?" The disembodied voice responded "Over to the left, I think your buddy is in there now. He'll show you. I'll be out front if you need anything ." Gustav and I suppressed a laugh. I finished putting on my new clothes and slipped out warily. That had been a little close for my comfort. Checking the surroundings, and finding them clear, I motioned to Gustav, who followed. Adjusting our clothing a bit, we went to the cashier and paid for the new stuff. I checked on the girls and, as usual, they were still shopping. I reminded Mary we had about 25 minutes until we were due to start, and told her Gustav and I would meet them at the check in. He and I walked back to the van to drop off my old clothes when we met Charlie. " I hate to ask Mr Johnson, but if you're going to be here for a few minutes, could I run to the bathroom and grab a snack. I can't leave the van unattended." he asked. "Of course, please take your time!" I said, thinking what luck. As he walked away, Gustav and I stashed the clothes and I said "You be the lookout...I've got work to do!" He stood so he could see out as I pulled his massive cock out and went to town on it. It was a perfect 7.5 inches, hard as only a young man's can be and now dripping clear precum. No one could see me as I slurped and tongued the piss slit, savoring every generous drop. He was cut and had a moderate amount of veiny markings--more would come with time. He was obviously turned on, as he quickly began moaning and forcing his cock down my throat. As much as I tried, I couldn't get all the way to the base. It didn't take long before I felt him tense up and push in hard, rewarding me with a mouthful of sweet creamy cum. I lapped it up and showed him my tongue and lips covered in his jizz. He smiled and said in his gorgeous Norwegian accent "What a way to start this trip. White water rafting is an adventure not to be missed and you're off to a great start!" We had just finished up and adjusted our clothing when Gustav saw Charlie on the way back. We tried our best to look innocent as he thanked us for helping him out. "Our guests are always the nicest possible people. Enjoy your time on the trip and I'll be here waiting for you when you return." I wanted to gloat that the fun had already begun!

And so we gathered, our resort group, and the others--the tour group was made up of about 50 people--and we stood out like well-dressed sore thumbs. The standard procedures were explained...how to paddle, what to do if we went overboard, et cetera. The guides were introduced. They were tanned and muscular as theirs was a very physical job. All had something of a swimmer's build. However, most were pretty scruffy looking, with tattoos and piercings. They looked like very fit stoners. The leader announced one final bathroom break prior to departure. Gustav promised to help us all "I've done this many times!" he said. He walked over to the huddle of guides, who were standing around, most of them smoking. They were all laughing. Gustav bummed a cigarette and focused on one particular river guide. I thought I saw him rub his crotch lightly. "I wish he wouldn't smoke. He's just like Papa, I guess" Luisa said. She seemed a little sad. Mary drew me aside and whispered "She really misses her mother. I'm going to give her a little extra attention today. Gustav seems to be closer to his father than she is." The guides finished their cigarettes and dispersed to the rafts. Gustav rejoined us, and listened to Luisa chide him a bit. "It was just one" he said. The crowd began to move to the river head as directed. As we walked, Gustav winked at me and said "The guides seem really cool. There is one in particular I hope we get." Gustav actually grinned. The group leader met us at the water's edge and introduced us to our guide, a man who appeared to be in his late thirties with tats and a scruffy head of hair. Gustav shook his head slightly at me. The guide helped us into the raft and I made sure Mary and I sat at the back, just so I could watch Gustav in action. What a specimen he was! When all the rafts were loaded, we set out, Jim, our guide had many amusing and informative stories during the first two miles of calm water. Then he announced the first rapids--they were a blast. We cleared them and as we paddled in calm water , Mary, as was her norm asked him about his life. As politely as possible, he described a rather nomadic life and I imagined it included plenty of beer, pot and sex. Life on the river seemed to have few rules. And thus, we passed the rest of the morning--rapids followed by calm, beautiful scenery, more stories and a generally good time.

We stopped for lunch in a beautiful leafy area. The crew provided a surprisingly delicious meal with salads and sandwiches and cookies. There were facilities for use so shortly before we set out for the afternoon, I went to urinate. By the toilet, I found Gustav talking to two of the guides and enjoying another cigarette with them. After I finished in the toilet, as I was leaving, Gustav introduced me to Joey, one of the other guides. He was the one I had noticed at the river head, brushing his crotch. I wondered but said nothing.

We were off again and the rapids were spectacular. I couldn't remember a more fun time in the outdoors. Toward the end of the trip, there was a quiet area where rafters were invited to leave their rafts and float along the river. Naturally, the girls all stuck together on one side of the raft and Gustav and I were on the other. He moved close to me, grabbed at my dick playfully and whispered "I have a little surprise for you. When we get back to camp, just follow my lead. Joey's all bottom." He flashed his infectious grin at me and drifted ahead.

Shortly, we were at the end of the trip. We thanked and tipped our guide generously, helped get the raft out of the water and rejoined Charlie at the van for the ride back to the rafting center. As soon as we had fitted to the van Charlie helped us out of our helmets and life vests the produced the cooler of water, soft drinks and beer the resort had sent. The trip back to the center took about 20 minutes, and the whole way the conversation was about how much fun we had had. Arriving back at the center, we stowed our vests and headed to the shower house. This was a long log building, which was, of course, divided into a ladies and a men's section. The ladies section had quite a line and Mary remarked they might be "a while." We headed around the corner to the men's side, but Gustav motioned for me to follow him. Proceeding to a door marked guides, we slipped in. Joey met us just inside, smiled, turned and led us to a large shower with multiple heads. I put my bag down and began to strip. Gustav and Joey did the same. Joey looked at me and said "I saw Gustav's dick at lunch...he didn't tell me you were packing a big one too!" "What if someone comes in. I don't want to get in trouble" I said. He laughed and said. "No prob! I put out for any of the guides who want it-which is most of them. If they come in, it just a preview of future attractions. They're cool. And just so you know, I'm on Prep and negative. I get tested regularly, so no worries there either. Come on!" And as he said that, he produced a bottle of lube, saying "Ain't my first rodeo!" Gustav looked a little puzzled, but soon figured out the unfamiliar American expression and flashed that grin again. Joey smeared at little on his ass and handed the bottle to Gustav. He used it to bring his magnificent cock to full erection and moved in for the kill. He wasted no time in putting his dick through Joey's outer sphincter--brusquely enough for Joey to wince a little and say "Easy stud, that things a lethal weapon!" Gustav slowed his a assault just a little and bent Joey over so that his face was now at my crotch level. "Hell fuckin' yeah" Joey panted, as I pushed my now fully erect cock in his mouth. He gagged a little but took me to the balls. I grabbed him behind the ears and began to face fuck him with long strokes, allowing to breathe just a little. The sound of his moans and Gustav's nuts hitting Joey's echoed off the tile, barely muffled by the shower. We worked Joey over, Gustav pushing him onto my dick then me pushing his ass back on to Gustav. Joey managed to work free stood and leeringly said " Time to change partners and dance!" Before I could completely understand, he turned and backed onto my cock. His hole was nicely open by Gustav and well lubed. That ass was prime and I felt him work his sphincter muscles to grab and milk my cock. I watched my veiny cock slide in and out as he used those muscles to trap my foreskin and hold me ready for the next thrust. It was so fucking hit to see that picked dragged out then pushed back in. He bent over and took Gustav in his mouth and we soon were working him in sync again. A voice interrupted the rhythm slightly. The tour leader was watching us and rubbing his crotch. " Don't stop guys! This is hot and I want him sloppy for later!" he said in his gravelly voice. He watched for a few minutes as we got closer. The pressure in my nuts built and I could tell Gustav was close too. Joey clamped down hard on my dick, which put me over the edge. Cum jetted up his ass as I moaned and slobbered. My orgasm was monumental...as I felt my now cum lubed dick sliding in and out. Joey continued to use his ass picked like a squeegee, holding my cum inside. He milked the last drops, then turned to offer his ass to Gustav. The boy entered quickly and had only a few thrusts in before he started gasping and shaking that beautiful blond head. His eyes rolled back as he moaned "Fuck, fuck, fuck" followed by something in Norwegian I didn't understand. From across the shower, the leader clapped and said "Bravo!" He walked over to Joey and produced a large red butt plug. He shoved it into Joey's well fucked ass and said "This'll keep you ready for later!" Hurriedly, Gustav and I showered off and dressed. No formalities with Joey who simply said "Fucking incredible...thanks!" We dressed and slipped out. I was hoping the girls had uneven waiting on us too long, so I was relieved to find we beat them to the van. Charlie smiled blandly, asking "Y'all have a good day? Before I could answer, Gustav flashed that grin and replied "The best! I love Americans!" Only I knew how much.

The girls finally returned, Mary a bit apologetic about how kind they had been. We started the trip home and Gustav and I opened another beer. All the physical exertion of the day made everyone a little sleepy so we dozed on the way back. When we arrived, Mary said to me "Luisa and the girls have really hit it off. Can she have dinner with us and stay in their room tonight? That was of course, fine. She just needed her father's permission. Luckily, he was waiting at the entrance when we arrived. We got off the bus and I got a good look at him. He was about Gustav's height, but heavier and more mature. His blond hair was graying at the temples and his eyes were a much paler blue but the resemblance was obvious. He thrust out his hand and said "Mr Johnson, I am Haakon Jacobsen. Thank you for taking good care of my children today. I hope they were no trouble. ( I was thinking to myself only the best kind of trouble!!') I don't know how to thank you. Rob at the concierge desk told me you were quite responsible (He knew Rob by name?!?)". "They were a delight " I said and introduced Mary. After a few pleasantries she asked if Luisa could join us tonight. He thought momentarily and said "That will be fine. Luisa can get her things and join you." Turning to Gustav he continued "I guess we're just bachelors tonight son." Gustav shot me a grin, unseen by anyone else as we headed in to dress for another wonderful dinner. Today, dessert had preceded the meal!

Later, I wondered about Haakon, Gustav and Rob as I tied my tie...naaah, not in a million years, I thought. And with that we headed to the dining room, Luisa in tow.

If you liked this please tell me, if you didn't then you have to tell me.

Next: Chapter 5

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