A Carriage Ride

By John Parker

Published on Mar 4, 2021


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There is an old expression about people of different socio-economic classes and their interaction--"to see how the other half lives." It applies in both directions. I am staying is a resort known for its extreme luxury and impeccably correct standards. Everything is buttoned up, genteel and proper. Today, I feel like I will see another view of life...

My instructions from Frankie were very specific. I packed the girls off to their spa day, they were excited. After they left, I slipped into tennis clothes without showering or doing any type of "personal hygiene." As directed, I texted TJ and told him I was leaving-he replied with a thumbs up. I went out the side door of the hotel and walked the lovely driveway to the main gate. After I exited the property, I turned left and went up a small hill and around a curve. Half a mile up the hill, I saw a red truck with Frankie at the wheel. I got in and fastened my seatbelt. Frankie had on 501's, a tight tee shirt and a leather vest. He pulled onto the road and headed away from the posh resort into the country. "Hey fucker, hope you followed my directions" he growled. " I did. They were pretty specific" I answered. He continued "I think you're going to enjoy today. I have another friend coming over too." He must have noticed me stiffen a little as my mind raced--what have I gotten myself into? Is this safe? What am I doing here? Did I let the wrong head guide me? "Relax, man! Maybe it's time for a little background here. TJ and I are brothers from my father's second wife. You probably knew him from just before that. He was kind of a mean bastard...liked to drink and didn't care who he fucked or where. Got my mom pregnant at 17 with my sister, then went on to fuck around as much as he could, male or female, didn't matter. My mother passed away when I was about 17. He didn't fuck me but once, when I was in college and he thought I was gettin' too big for my britches--told me afterward he knew I wasn't a sissy, he just had to show he was still the boss. Now with TJ, he's kind of a sissy and a little bit of a player. Dad realized that he needed to be dominated and sex was the best control for him. He's in a little trouble today, cause he let you fuck him without my permission. He thought sending you my way would get him out of trouble, but hell no. I watch out after him, make sure he plays safe and I have to keep an eye on him. So understand, this arrangement works for us, and today I spect it'll work for you. I make sure everybody we play with is safe. Promised the old man I would do that, he always had a soft spot for TJ." The story was at once fascinating and exciting. "Where'd you go to school?" I asked. "Clemson on scholarship--you may have thought thought I was just some local yokel, but I have an honors degree in horticulture," he said laughing. I was, indeed a little surprised and comforted by that part of the story. About that time, he slowed the truck and turned into a dirt driveway. Up in front was a little frame house somewhat in need of paint. The yard wasn't too well kept--I guess Frankie didn't believe in bringing his work home with him. The other vehicle was a Jeep CJ 5 with the canvas top. A mixed breed dog got up lazily and sauntered to the truck. He sniffed me and tried to come inside the house with us. "Not today boy, TJ can't play with you right now" he said to the dog (Hmmmmm-no couldn't be).

The house was really what I imagined inside. There very two nondescript recliners and a well-worn sofa with an abstract print on it. A couple of mounted deer heads gazed down upon us. There were equally trite pictures and a large Clemson banner. Past the dining area table there was a small kitchen with a few apparently empty Budweiser cans grouped by the sink. There was the slight odor of smoke,maybe cigars and the slightest smell of pot. "Sit down on the couch" Frankie more ordered than invited, taking back on the more authoritative air he had abandoned in the truck. It was almost 10 am.

"Hey TJ, get in here! Tell Mr. Johnson the rules!" Frankie yelled. Momentarily, TJ appeared wearing a black nylon jock and black leather harness. He started softly and submissively "I was bad. I didn't get Frankie's permission to let you fuck me, I'm not allowed to do that. I need to be disciplined for what I did. You need to help me, sir." Frankie followed by saying "Here are the rules. TJ can't cum without permission. He is here to serve. If you want to fuck, he is available. If you need to piss, it's either on him or in him. If you get fucked, he has to clean up the mess. He did wrong and this is his punishment for breaking the rules. Don't feel bad for him and don't worry about him. We have our understanding and it's for his own good. I promised to take care of him and this is necessary. Now TJ, go get Mr. Johnson ready for the day." TJ dropped to his knees and crawled over to me, took off my shoes and socks and kissed and my feet and sucked my toes, one at a time. He sniffed my crotch and licked my shorts and gave himself in submission. Frankie watched with a sardonic grim and after a few minutes of rubbing his own crotch said "Go now." Meekly, TJ asked me to please come with him. He moved on all fours as I followed through a room equipped with a sling, a fuck bench and more toys than most stores have. There were dildos and whips and hoods. My mind raced but we moved on. We arrived at a bathroom with a large shower. "Do you need to piss? Please piss on me." he said. Truth was I did so I hauled out my dick and once he was in the shower, I let loose a a stream of liquid gold. He moved his face to make sure he was covered, opening him mouth to receive the gift I offered. When I was done he expressed his appreciation and tenderly undressed me. He started the water in the shower and adjusted the temperature. "Are you ready to be cleaned up? he asked. I stepped beneath the water and he took my cock in his hand. He licked inside the foreskin and then soaped me up. It felt so good. He stood and washed me, lathering my pubes and my chest hair. I was at full erection by this point, but he ignored my cock. He turned me around and began washing and rubbing my back. His ministrations dropped lower and soon he was licking my ass crack. All I could do was moan as he thrust his tongue into my ass. He ate like a starving homeless boy until I was whimpering. "Frankie said you'd like to get fucked at some time today. May I clean you out please?" I couldn't refuse, remembering the pounding Frankie gave me. TJ took the shower attachment, lubed it and began cleaning me out. There was no hurry, only gentleness as he filled me, then checked the progress. After several rinses, I felt his stubble on my pucker and his tongue work it's way inside me. He ate my hole, and finally said "Good enough for Sunday dinner!" He shut off the water and reached for a towel. He dried and massaged me enough to make me even harder than I had been. He kissed my nipples and my neck, stroked my cock and sucked my toes again. Tenderly he put a little lube on and in my ass. Then he asked if he could dress me. He opened a small cabinet and pulled out a leather jock strap covered in silver studs and put it on me. It barely held my erect dick. He put a black leather harness around my chest and tightened the buckles and placed a leather Muir cap on my head. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought `Fuck, is that really me?' Lastly, he put a leather collar on himself and handed me a leash. All he said was "Frankie is waiting"

I attached the leash and TJ got on all fours. He led me back to the playroom. Frankie was waiting, leering at the two of us. "Up ,TJ" he said and look at me "What do you think? Pick one." In his palms he held two chastity cages, one with a long sound and the other, an iron maiden, lined with inward facing sharp metal spikes. "Your choice". I studied the two, knowing I had to make a decision. "Spiked," I said.

TJ bowed his head as Frankie handed me the cage. "You picked it, you do it." Frankie showed me how to close it up on his cock. TJ had obviously been in here before because he had an expectant semi. Frankie handed me a screw driver. "Do it." As I drove the spikes into his shaft it must have been painful, as TJ cringed. I wouldn't want that thing on me. Then I got to the six spikes that were around his glans, I started to screw the first one in "No!" TJ yelled. Frankie slapped him. "Finish the job, all of them, all the way." I was kind of squeamish, but I did it. Frankie added a leather ball harness and a gag. "On the bench!" He ordered his brother sharply. "Get me hard, fucker" I thought he was talking to TJ, but he was commanding me. I knelt and sniffed his hooded cock. Like yesterday it was musky and masculine but not rank. I slipped my tongue into the foreskin, licking the knob and admiring the thick shaft covered with veins. Savoring my job, I sucked and tongued the slit, as his cock got rock hard. He pushed my face away just as he reached full erection and moved to the bench. "Watch this fucker" he said as he lined his dick head up with his brother's pucker. With that he began pushing forward with only the little bit of spit from my fluffing. TJ squirmed, this had to hurt, and his toes curled as centimeter after rock hard centimeter relentlessly moved into his unlubricated hole. When he was buried balls deep, he began to withdraw and I watched TJ's pucker being dragged away from his body. Frankie disengaged and immediately started his assault again, picking up the pace until he was long dicking his brother in a nice rhythm. TJ had calmed his squirming and seemed resigned to the pummeling. "You going to break the rules again little brother? You gonna fuck without permission?" he said as he twisted his brother's nipples really hard. TJ shook his head vigorously. "You take over, Mr. Johnson, but don't cum in him. I've opened his hole for you and there's a little precum for lube now" Frankie said as he pulled out. I entered easily and Frankie positioned himself at TJ's mouth, removing the gag. "Clean me up and tell me what your ass tastes like. You like that taste?" I felt the friction of TJ's ass walls... like warm velvet and focused on not cumming." I heard boots on the porch behind me and the sound of another man letting himself in. Frankie looked at me and said "Don't turn around and don't try to see who it is." He motioned to the newcomer who silently dropped down behind me and started eating my ass out. He felt clean shaven and his large tongue alternating with his fingers soon had me opened up. Wordlessly, Frankie slipped behind me and pulled me out of TJ's ass and onto his cock. The newcomer moved into view and I recognized him from the hotel, but couldn't place where I had seen him. The newcomer, now addressed by Frankie as Rob, moved between TJ and me. He grabbed TJ's nuts, squeezed and pulled hard. "Figured your ass could use a break!" He said as he twisted them. TJ was moaning like a bitch "Oh yeah, work those bastards, work em hard, really hard, Rob. Rip them off me." The room was full of sex noise, the relentless slap of Frankie's nuts against mine and TJ's impassioned pleas "Harder!, I've been bad...I deserve this. Make me hurt". Frankie pulled out and shoved a dildo up my ass. "Clean me up! I hope TJ cleaned you out good." I gagged and coughed as he rammed his tool down my throat. My mind raced and I felt a little dizzy from lack of oxygen. "TJ, up and get on Rob's ass. Get him ready." Frankie meant business "You fucker, get on Rob's dick. You're tip wasn't big enough!" At that moment, as I knelt to suck the only cut cock in the room, I recognized Rob as the concierge I had seen several days ago. I slurped down a perfect seven inch cock with a nice flared helmet head as TJ started on his ass, moaning still and eating like he hadn't seen food in days. Frankie encouraged' him by flailing his ass with a crop and a ping pong paddle. TJ bucked with each swat. "Fucker, see if Rob is opened up, and let me know," Frankie growled as the absolute master of this scene. I stuck two fingers in his ass and said "Oh yeah!" Frankie looked at me "Time for us to get our nut!" He moved Rob to the sling and put his legs up. "Go for it, just don't cum yet" he said and pushed me between Rob's upraised legs. As I entered he remove the dildo and inserted a mean looking black rod about his girth. It was covered with little knobs. "Fuck him and fuck yourself" he said as I entered Rob's sloppied ass. With each stroke I was simultaneously fucking and getting fucked. I had never experienced anything like it. "TJ, do it." Rob ordered, causing TJ to stop sucking Rob's nipples. TJ moved beneath the sling and began licking my nuts and my shaft when it went in and came out. "If you need more lube, use TJ" Frankie said, directing my engorged cock into his brother's mouth. Frankie pulled the toy out of my ass and stepped back. He pulled out a giant Maduro cigar and lit it. The sweet smoke wreathed him. "Don't you dare cum, fucker!" He commanded and pulled me back. He stuck his Dick in TJ's mouth then went to town on Rob. I moved to kiss Rob and bit his now fully erect nipple. When I made a move for Rob's dick, now a little deflated, Frankie pushed me away. "That's TJ's reward" he said as he withdrew from Rob and moved me in to fuck. TJ slobbered on me and I went back to fucking, pulling out from time to time for a little extra lube. My cock was harder and thicker than it had ever been, I think. Rob was swinging his head from side to side and Frankie was working his cigar and my nipples. "Go for it fucker! Cream his ass!" Frankie knew I was close and twisted my left nipple hard. TJ sucked my nuts as I climaxed deep in Rob's hot ass, three men together, a gay trifecta. Just as Frankie had done with me, I collapsed from the release, feeling my cock squirt more cum than I could imagine. After a moment, Frankie directed his brother to clean me up as he mounted Rob's gloriously cum lubed hole. TJ sucked and licked my softening cock and lapped up the bits of semen clinging to my pubic hairs and belly, while Frankie pounded Rob's ass, dropping cigar ashes on his chest and blowing smoke all the while. Once again, the sound of balls slapping ass and the intense moans of pleasure filled the room. With a guttural grunt, Frankie unloaded in Rob, slapping Rob's chest with one hand and holding his cigar with the other. Spent, he pulled out and presented his slimy cock to TJ. TJ was the clean up dump, he knew it and he l it. When he strayed, I'm pretty sure he did it on purpose.

All passions spent, Frankie looked at his brother tenderly. "Time for your reward!" he said. TJ dove into Rob's ass and lapped up our intermingled cum, sighing softly as he relished his reward. When he finished, he helped Rob out of the sling and led him to one of the recliners. Gently TJ took Rob's cock and started sucking. Frankie handed me the cigar--something I rarely indulged in and found a pre-rolled joint. He offered it to me but I demurred. He passed it to Rob who accepted gratefully. After the intensity of the session, Rob's orgasm was generous but quiet. We all cuddled a bit, kissing and hugging, until Rob, ever the concierge said "We need to get going. I'm taking you back to the hotel." We dressed, kissed and hugged a bit more. At the door, TJ knelt and said "Thank you. I didn't deserve so much pleasure for breaking the rules." Frankie pulled him up, kissed him deeply and said "It's my job to take care of you. I love you TJ more than you can possibly know." We said our goodbyes and Rob and I got into his silver GTI. He started the car and set off. Reaching behind the seat, he handed me a resort bag. "I put the tennis arms shooting club on your bill but gave you resort credit elsewhere so there's a net zero to your account. Here's some shit from the tennis center and the shooting club to have in your room for the fam to see. You don't need any shooting practice your perfect!" He dropped me off inconspicuously at a side entrance with enough time to shower, shave and get a short nap before the girls got in. I thought to myself about the day. They were being pampered and petted, but I had been too, far better than they. I had seen how `the other half' lived and would gladly take it.

If you liked this please tell me, if you didn't then you have to tell me.

Next: Chapter 4

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