A Carriage Ride

By John Parker

Published on Feb 28, 2021


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I slipped back into the room after my stable visit and settled into a deep sleep. When I woke up about seven, I noticed my morning wood. It was not just rock hard, it was leaking. I looked over at my wife who was still sound asleep. I slipped on my clothes and left the room noiselessly to retrieve some coffee. Near the coffee shop was the equestrian shop. I slipped in and told the nice lady how much my family had enjoyed the carriage ride. I complimented TJ and asked her to pass my thanks along to him.

From behind me I heard a voice "Thank you sir! It was my pleasure and I hope you enjoyed the ride." I turned to face him, noticing his sheepish grin. " You're here early" I said, of course knowing the truth. "No sir, I had stable duty last night so I'm headed home. I'm off the next two days...". He must have seen my slightly pained expression as we walked out of the office. "If you're bored today, you might contact my brother...he's a groundskeeper like my dad. He is really into planting seeds, if you know what I mean" he continued. Unobtrusively, he slipped a piece of paper into my palm and said "I was going to have the concierge give that to you later today. Guess I better be going now. Hope to see you again this week. We've got many activities here!"

As he strode away, I was able to appreciate the boy in a new way. He was about 6'1" and muscular--not in a body builder way, but in a hard working way. He had a fantastic ass, which I had pounded just a few hours before. It was full and firm and looked ready for even more of a workout. He had broad shoulders and well defined pecs. His cheeks were a bit ruddy and he had the tan that comes from working outdoors. A light blond/brown stubble covers his cheeks and hinted at the hairy chest I had seen dimly the night before. He was by all accounts easy on the eyes without being pretty. He was a perfect cub.

I grabbed my coffee and one for Mary and headed back to the room. I slipped in and set hers on the nightstand. "I wondered where you were...that's so sweet." she said adoringly.

I finished my coffee and jumped in the shower. I looked critically at the man in the mirror. Not too bad for 47, I thought to myself. I had kept myself up well. I'm right at 6 feet tall and just shy of 200 pounds. I play tennis several times a week and actually am in better shape than I was 25 years ago when I carried the "frat boy 15". However, the two things that really distinguish me are my hair and my cock. I have a thick shock of brown hair, just going grey at the temples. My cock could be defined as both a shower and a grower. When I'm flaccid, it's still almost six and a half inches with a foreskin that covers the head completely. It makes a decent show in the locker room. Get it excited and the length doesn't change much--a true 7 inches--but the girth goes up. I wouldn't say beer can sized, but it is every bit of a Red Bull can! "Not too bad" I whispered under my breath.

As Mary finished dressing, she asked if I minded if she went to a cooking demonstration this afternoon...with the girls. We had already planned to swim this morning. "It'll be over before cocktail time and I really want to go" she said. "Well if that's what you want, love' I guess it's ok" I said as nonchalantly as possible, thinking about the slip of paper I had been handed earlier.

Since you knew my old man and now you know me, you might want to meet my brother. Frankie works in groundskeeping. He's more a top like dad but maybe we can have some fun tomorrow when we're both off. Message me at 5156983366 or go by the greenhouse for a tour. TJ

After a few hours at the pool and a nice lunch, I slipped back into khakis and a polo and took my leave of the girls "Enjoy the cooking demonstration--I'm going to find a quiet spot to read and enjoy the sun" I called as the headed to the kitchen area. With them out of sight, I asked the concierge if I could visit the greenhouses. "Of course sir, we're very proud of them. I'll call a ride for you. Meet him at the side porch. When you get there, ask for Frank Parks. I'll phone him to let him know you want a tour." the concierge responded graciously. I slipped him $5 and went to the porch. A nice looking kid was waiting in a dark blue golf cart. "To the greenhouse, sir?" he asked. "Yes, thank you" I said and hopped in.

Five minutes later, we were at the greenhouse. I was introduced to Mr. Parks, who was the spitting image of the man who broke me in so many years before. He was about 6'4" tall and hard. His features were sharply delineated, his complexion somewhat dark and his blue eyes piercing. He had none of TJ's softness. Taken out of the resort's uniform and dressed in leather, he would have been menacing...

"Mr. Johnson, is there anything you would like to see in the greenhouse? We have quite a number of beautiful things" he asked. The driver left and he motioned me into the greenhouse. Initially there was some chat about the size of the structure and what was grown there-the variety and number, etc. We wandered further back and turned in a deserted area. "Any questions now? It's kind of deserted from here back" he said, looking me in the eyes. "Have you got anything exotic back here?" I asked. He focused directly on me, dropping his hand to his crotch "Yeah, there is one exotic I haven't shown you. You may have seen a similar specimen years ago, but this one is one of a kind. It has a fragrance all it's own and it likes to bloom frequently. Wanna see it? I know you do!" I licked my lips involuntarily and nodded. He unzipped his pants and hauled out a slightly chubbed cock with a generous hood and some low hanging nuts and growled "Come here, you can't really appreciate it with a close look and smell." I moved closer and knelt down. A small bead of precum clung to the end. "Smell it, lick it" he hissed, letting me know he meant business. I stuck my nose in close and sniffed--it was funky and manly, not really sour or ripe, but clearly manly. I stuck my tongue in the opening and savored the musky head. It was intoxicating, not soapy fresh but not ripe either. I pushed the skin back and began to suck, perhaps a little tentatively. Frankie grabbed my head and forced my down as his cock grew to its full 8 inch glory. He began to face fuck me assertively making me gag a little and slobber. "Fuck yeah, work it. Take it all bitch. You're making that thing bloom! Work those nuts, too. Bathe them." I sucked and licked and gagged and he moaned "You cleaned out?" I shook my head and he said "Figured as much...get in that toilet over there, strip and get on your knees! Ain't nobody here and there's a door chime". Shortly he came in with two bottles of water and some lube which he must have stashed earlier. He squeezed one bottle up my hole and instructed me to hold it in. After a minute, he told me to empty out in the toilet, looked, flushed and told me to get back down. He repeated the process and after looking in the bowl he muttered "Clean enough, I guess...Wipe up and bend over that chair out there. Once I was in position, he dove into my ass, slurping and tonguing and biting lightly. Then he stood and started using his fingers and lube to open me up some more. He didn't ask, but I didn't protest either. Shortly, I felt the head of his dick at my pucker. Fortunately, the head was a bit spongy, because the shaft was rock hard so the assault was (ever so slightly) cushioned. "God damn man, take it easy" I winced and said. "The old man never did" was his answer. He continued relentlessly until he was buried to the hilt, then gave me just a moment to relax. He see back slowly and re-entered fully several times before beginning to fuck me silly. The initial pain had been replaced first with an ache then pure pleasure as he picked up the pace. "Yeah fucker, give it up. You're making me feel real good. Gonna be planting time soon!" He was moaning and so was I. "Give it to me, man...give it to me!" I cried out as softly as possible. With that invitation, he long dicked me for a few strokes then collapsed on my back, growling and shuddering. "Fuck yeah!" we said in unison. I felt his load throbbing into my guts.

He disengaged and directed me toward the toilet. We cleaned up and dressed quickly. He lead me back to the office and called the driver. While we waited for the cart, Frankie gave me my marching orders, and when the cart arrived, he actually grinned and said "See you later, Mr. Johnson. Thank you for visiting."

I went back to the room, got cleaned up and took care of my instructions. Mary and the girls soon returned and regaled me with account of the cooking demonstration. We dressed for dinner and tonight, the chair seemed a little harder than normal. I cleared my throat at dessert and said " I have a little treat for you. I booked you all for the Mother/Daughter Spa Day tomorrow. You had all mentioned it, and I said it cost too much...but we're on vacation so let's live a little!" "What are you going to do? Mary asked. "Play tennis in the morning then go to the shooting school in the afternoon." And I continued, "We'll all go white water rafting Thursday."

Later as we dressed for bed, Mary said "Thank you for all you do for us." I smiled at her and said "The pleasure is all mine." She hadn't a clue what I meant. Yes I thought the attractions here are many and varied...and drifted off to sleep dreaming of tomorrow.

**** If you liked this, I'd like to hear from you. If you didn't, I need to.

Next: Chapter 3

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