A Career Change

By Rachelle Naughty

Published on Dec 13, 2022


This is a work of fiction depicting sexual acts between consenting adults, aged eighteen and over. There are no similarities to anyone real or living, other than myself who is the main character, set in deep running fantasy. There are depictions of unprotected sex and smoking. I do not condone either, as each is an individual's choice. Constructive feedback welcome at rachellenaughty@yahoo.com. Also, support Nifty with a donation if you are able.

A Career Change Chapter 13 The Answer is Yes

The day started out as a `normal' Friday. I had not heard from Carla much during the week, and I didn't see her at the salon except that Monday and then briefly on Wednesday. I was able to set myself up with the machine now and I wasn't restrained, which was nice. I did my morning routine, which was getting to be just that, a routine. I didn't need to go to the salon today unless I wanted my makeup done, but I said I didn't want to work the booths today, I wanted to be fucked by Mr. Hutchins so I could do privates. But Carla never said whether or not she spoke to Mr. Hutchins, so I presumed it wasn't happening.

I had done enough makeup practice to look like what I thought is sexy, not overly glamourous but enough to make me feel good about myself. Estelle does wonders with my makeup, however. I really like her. I stayed in the apartment and worked on mannerisms and my voice, using the dildos a few times, and just becoming accustomed to living this way. I should go home this weekend I thought and empty the refrigerator, get my laptop, get the mail, and check on things.

Carla called me and said, "Why don't you meet me at eleven thirty at the bar for lunch and a drink. We need to talk."

I thought of a bar, with other people. I wasn't ready to go out yet. I don't know if I will ever be ready as I voiced my concerns and fear.

"The sports bar here on the second floor, not the main bar in the hotel," she replied.

"I misunderstood. I will be there but, tell me where it is. I haven't been there."

She explained how to get there, second floor elevator, make a left, and to the end. The sign says DB's Sports Bar and Pub - Members Only, scan my pass key to enter.

I dressed conservatively, if you call black thigh highs, a black mini skirt, and a white blouse, with four-inch pumps conservative. I arrived at the bar. Carla was seated in a corner, smoking a cigarette, and reading some papers. The bartender greeted me and there were two other tables occupied by men who looked at me but didn't say anything.

"You found it ok," she said.

"Yes. I have to apologize, other than my apartment, the salon, the booths, and the gym, I don't know my way around here," taking a seat.

"You should have a map in your apartment of where everything is. There is one on here," she said, opening a tablet.

"Do you want a drink," she asked.

"Just an iced tea," I replied.

"That's it, an iced tea? It's five o'clock somewhere."

I looked at the bartender "Iced tea, please."

"The reason I asked you here is so we can talk in private. My office is in chaos right now and I don't need the other girls interrupting," she said.

"May I ask how many other girls are there?"

"Four plus you make five," she said. "And I have a new girl starting next week, she has a bit more experience than you but needs some training and I have enough headaches right now."

"The drama from last week in the salon?"

"Yeah, her and you to a point, and one of the other girls wanting to transfer to the City full time," she replied as she took a big sip of her drink.

"Back to what we need to discuss. You filled out the questionnaire and that gets entered into our database and it matches you with members based on a best fit, good fit and less than ideal fit. From there we can gauge what members you can satisfy based on what your limits are in performing for them. Typically, I don't explain the process this early to someone like yourself who is so new. However, Jerry or Mr. Hutchins as you know him, wants to keep you happy after I mentioned to him your request to do privates. He is away for two weeks starting today, therefore, he is allowing you to do up to three to four privates per week based on best and good fit members who request you," she went on. "This tablet is yours to keep at your apartment. It has the apps downloaded to be able to see who you will be meeting with. It provides a picture of the members so you can confirm who you meet. This is a security feature to prevent a member from giving their phone to someone else which would enable that person access to the building, and our little world here. Understand? Jerry feels you can handle this, and like I said, he wants you to be happy. Therefore, your first private is tomorrow at one o'clock," she said, pointing to the tablet screen, opening the schedule app.

She tapped the icon, and it opened the calendar. At one o'clock it had a member number. She tapped that and a page opened up with a photograph of a Black man.

"You met him already in the booths. Dale is a nice guy and matched a best fit with your likes. He requested a two-hour appointment, which is the maximum for a one on one. And then Sunday at one o'clock you have a threesome with Sam and Jack who matched as a good fit. That is also a two-hour limit based on the threesome. If you finish with them before two hours, you don't have to stay for that amount of time, unless they request it," she said.

I immediately knew it was the two men from the booth, "They were very nice and said they wanted to do a threesome with me and were going to demand it," I said.

"They are two long time members and they had issues with someone else here. Jerry said to keep them happy. They want you and now they are going to have you. Can you handle this?" she asked, seriously looking at me with concern and doubt in her eyes.

"Yes, I can," I said confidently.

She continued, "Under their photo is the type of meeting they are expecting, and their likes and dislikes. They may not all match your answers perfectly on the questionnaire, but this system has worked well for many years. Their age and status is also listed, as well as notes from other girls, if they cared to put any into the system," Carla explained.

"I will look at this tonight and before meeting each of them," I said.

"Estelle will do your makeup Saturday and Sunday you are on your own so do your best, but Sam and Jack are easy going. Don't expect a tip either unless they are very generous. You get paid well for privates and the members are not expected to tip for those. And one other thing I should tell you, everything in the booths, the private rooms and the bars is under video surveillance and is recorded," she said.

I looked at her with an expression of fear.

"Relax. It isn't as if someone on the outside is going to see them. Everything is monitored for security purposes. God forbid one of the members goes off the deep end on one of you girls, and we would have a problem. Security monitors the action and if something happens, they access the room and remove the member."

"I am being watched live and being recorded? I thought about this in the booths, one of the members was a little demanding, but not violent."

"Demanding is normal, becoming violent is never tolerated. Again no one knows it is you and the people monitoring the action have seen it all, they aren't sitting there jerking off to you giving a blow job," she replied.

"It actually does get me excited in a way," I said, feeling my face blush as my iced tea arrived.

"Nothing to be ashamed about. There you have it. Familiarize yourself with the app and let me know if you have any questions."

As we were sitting there a slightly elderly gentleman approached the table, on his way to the bathroom.

"Hi Carla, long time, how are you doing babe," he said.

Carla turned to greet the man, and I could see the look in her face, "I am well Lester how about yourself?"

"I can't complain, who is the new piece of ass," he said, looking at me. "Hey baby you look like a cutie. Why don't you come into the men's room with me, I gotta take a piss. You can hold it and lick the dew for me baby."

I was slightly taken aback by what he said, but also a little aroused. I didn't say anything, when Carla replied to him, laughing.

"Oh, Lester you are fun! Us girls are in a high-level business meeting right now, and Rachelle isn't available to help you, but I am sure you can manage it."

"You can't blame a dirty old man for trying," he said as me moved on to the men's room.

"What the heck?" I said with a laugh.

"He is as he says, a dirty old man. He is eighty-one I think, and he uses Viagra to get hard, but it doesn't always work so then he got into golden showers, as a way to still exert some prowess," she said. "I had a few sessions with him back in the day when I first started here. He has been here longer than me."

"A few sessions?"

"Yes, I was where you were about fifteen years ago. You didn't know that?"

"Carla, if you didn't tell me that, who would? I haven't spoken with anyone other than Estelle. You look amazing."

"Thank you," she said. "I still have my dick and balls, implants are saline, and I have had some work done on the face, but that is enough about that topic."

When she said that I immediately understood that she didn't want to discuss that any further. But how could I just sit there and not ask questions. Running through my head was the fact she may have experienced some of what I am going through, and what a better person to mentor me. Has she been mentoring me this entire time? I saw Carla in an entirely new light from that day forward. We ate lunch and talked about how things work around here. That was something that had never been conveyed to me before. She indicated that with the new girl coming, the schedule for the booths has me working from noon to two o'clock, three days a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, four thirty to six thirty on Tuesday and Thursday. That would allow time for privates either in the mornings or the afternoons, as well as some evenings and weekends.

"Do we have to work seven days per week?"

"Not at all and it isn't expected or recommended. You can go into the schedule app here," showing me on the tablet "Tap time off and put in when you would like to not be actively working. You don't have a minimum quota to achieve because you are new and that is something that we cannot control because members have to book the privates or schedule appointments for the booths themselves. We respect that you need time off to rest but also you can't abuse the time off policy. We aren't actively advertising your availability for private sessions, but an email went out about the new booth schedule. We want members from the booths to make appointments with you. It is the middle of October now and the private numbers tend to increase through the fall and winter, and then slowdown in the late spring. The summer is slower than other times of the year because people do family vacations and what have you. It is slower but there is enough to go around. If you stay and take on a regular position here, you will have a new schedule working that position a number of hours per week and then the other work."

That seemed complicated to me. Just then Lester walked past, looked directly at me, and said, "I needed you baby, you would have loved it." He didn't break stride and kept walking.

Carla and I both laughed.

"The next thing I want to discuss with you is the weekly meeting with the girls next week," she said. "Currently, I meet with the other four girls weekly, but I am going to change it to every other week. Jerry thinks I should include you in those meetings, but I am reluctant to do that right now," she said.

"Weekly meetings?" I asked.

"Each week the girls and I meet for about an hour to go over issues, policies, complaints, concerns, check in and see how everyone is doing. I know you have not officially met anyone yet, which is partially why I am reluctant to bring you into the meetings right now. Cassie or drama as you called her has an attitude and thinks she is God's gift to the world. Her hormones are not right and I suspect she and you will not get along. She is only twenty-two. I think that Tanya and you will get along well, she is great. A sweet girl, and nice. She is thirty. Elise is pleasant, but not engaging, and Michelle is also pleasant but doesn't have time for anyone," she said. "The new girl, Toni, is twenty-six and I met her twice now. She seems pleasant and is more evolved than I expected.

"Ok, well I leave it up to you."

We ate lunch and walked out together. I left to go back to the apartment with the tablet in hand. I was amazed I was being given this opportunity. I thanked Carla and said I will let her know if I have any questions. My first private is tomorrow at one o'clock. I was wet thinking about it.

Next: Chapter 14

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