A Big Surprise from Russ

By jonny btm

Published on Apr 19, 2012



After years of enjoying reading these I finally decided to take a crack at writing one myself. I hope you enjoy. This is inspired by my loss of innocence (grin) years ago at the ripe age of 18 with a slightly older co-worker. All the standard caveats apply. Praise or constructive criticism welcomed at hotbtminla at yahoo.

I'd say the last thing I expected from Russ was what happened in the stairwell that night, but that would mean the rest of the night was any less surprising.

Russ was one of my coworkers at the turnpike rest stop restaurant. Most of my coworkers were high school seniors like me. Russ was in his mid 20s and our lead fry cook. He was also supremely strange. But then again you'd have to be if your only apparent aspiration in life was to master sunny side up eggs in a go-nowhere town most people just stop in to refill gas and grab coffee on the way to a more interesting place.

I just didn't get Russ. He wasn't overtly dickish, but I didn't get his sense of humor, he didn't strike me as particularly bright, and he had a wicked temper. Probably had to do with his height; he was 5'4 tops (at 18 I had 6 inches on him). Buzzed dark hair, coal black eyes. Not someone you'd look at twice, he just breathed "working class dirtbag" in every way.

We were working the late shift on a weekday. We were alone in the restaurant, which wasn't unusual because traffic was always non-existent this time of night. I was already taking care of my nightshift prep, mopping floors, running the dishwasher, stocking the freezer for the morning. Russ had wrapped up cleaning the kitchen -- one thing I'd always give him, the guy was obsessive about keeping the kitchen spic and span.

"Yo, Jack."

I looked up. His voice was coming from the stairwell down to the basement. I hated that basement, it reminded me of a boiler room in a horror movie.

"What's up Russ?"

"Jack, c'mere. Check this out."

I propped the mop against the wall and walked over. Rounded the corner and there was Russ leaning back against the railing. The lighting was kinda dim (like I said, horror movie boiler room, or, more specifically, the insanely creepy metal stairwell leading to it).

When I finally got close enough to see what he was doing I froze. I am certain my mouth dropped open. Our work uniforms consisted of stained, baggy snap-button shirts and black pants; Russ usually wore combat boots while I opted for Doc Maartens after learning the hard way that Chuck Taylors and newly mopped floors are a bad match.

Russ was standing there with his work shirt open. Scandalous right? Yeah, that's not why I was so startled. What shocked me was his chest. First, I had never seen a guy in real life who was ripped like that. Second, I had ever even remotely wondered what Russ' chest might look like, let alone ever imagined he had THAT going on.

I just stood there, mouth agape. We made eye contact and he smirked. "Check this out."

He was making his pecs move. Mind you he was a little guy and wiry, thin, but his chest was unbelievable. Solid muscle, cut so sharply I couldn't even imagine how he got that way.

I moved closer.

"Pretty cool, huh?"

I think said, "Yeah" but it came out more like a croak. "Dude... I... how did you? I mean... dude."

I was right in front of him and couldn't get over the strange feeling that he was taller. Or something. I barely ever thought of Russ as a "guy" let alone a "man." His shirt was hanging open, still covering his shoulders and somewhat obscuring his pecs and I couldn't stop staring. His chest was mostly hairless, a few dark strands around nipples the size of dimes. The movement he created was slight but mesmerizing.

I looked at his face again and he was grinning. "Pretty awesome huh?"

I nodded and returned my gaze to his chest.

"You can touch `em if you want, doesn't bother me."

I glanced in his eyes again, wondering if this wasn't going to result in me getting my ass kicked.

"Go for it dude. It's cool."

I lightly touched my fingers to his chest. The pulsing from the movement he created felt strange, but awesome. Up to this point I had never touched another guy -- or girl -- like this. He was warm. I could feel his heartbeat. His pecs felt just as solid as they looked, like granite. Warm granite.

I exhaled slowly. "Dude, I had no idea you... you obviously lift weights. A lot of them."

Russ grinned. "Yep. You never noticed these?" He lifted his arms and flexed. Even with the baggy, undone shirt his biceps appeared to double in size.

"Jesus," I muttered. Without thinking about it my hands moved up to his arms. They felt like steel cables. One of my hands slipped under the fabric. I wasn't exactly massaging him, I was still too surprised and more than a little scared to touch him forcefully. With his arms lifted the shirt finally opened enough to fully expose his chest.

So reality check #1: 10 minutes ago I was mopping floors thinking about a history final and wishing it was 11pm so I could clock off. Now I had my hands around my oddball coworker's biceps staring at his jaw-droppingly incredible naked chest. And possibly drooling. That's when I noticed the abs. Being a head taller than him they didn't get my attention at first.

"Jesus H. Christ, dude."

He looked down to see what I was looking at. He had a proud grin on his face. "Ever seen anything like `em?"

"Shit no." I counted eight distinct abdominal muscles. A literal washboard.

"Go ahead Jacky," he said. "Get a closer look."

Again I eyed him. I wasn't sure where this was going but I was now wishing the clock would stop so I could take my time examining him.

"It's cool dude," Russ whispered. "Nobody's here, it's all good. I don't do 300 sit-ups a day to not be proud of `em."

I slowly eased myself down to a squatting position. Russ angled himself a bit so what dim light we had would fall on his abs. Doing so made his shirt slip off his shoulders and gather around his forearms as he leaned back on the railing.

Crouching down was the first time in several minutes I became aware of my own body. My cock was hard as a rock. I was pretty sure I was leaking pre-cum. I hoped to god he didn't notice.

My face was just a few inches away from his stomach. I was trying to not breathe too hard. I reach my hand out and stopped, looking at him again for permission.

He smiled and nodded. "Go for it dude. Feel `em up. It's cool." A placed my fingertips lightly on his abs. He flinched. I looked up again and he was smiling. "Ticklish." I retuned his smile and placed both hands on his hips. My thumbs traced their way across his abs one by one from his waist up. He had a light dusting of dark hair down the middle. I couldn't believe how solid he felt.

His breathing had gotten heavier, matching mine. When my hands returned to his pecs I noticed his nipples were standing at attention. Without realizing what I was doing I tweaked them at the same time. Russ moaned, "Yeah."

"Sorry," I muttered breathlessly.

"Don't be sorry dude. Do that again." I did. He exhaled deeply. "Fuck, that feels good."

I slowly worked my hands back down his stomach. I was staring at his crotch. The heavy black material of his work pants made it impossible to tell if he was enjoying this as much as I was.

"Are you..." my voice trailed off. "Are your legs..."

Russ chuckled quietly. "Hell yeah dude. Lots more muscle going on down there."

I blushed. "I didn't mean... I mean... I just..."

"Dude!" he hissed. "If I wanted to kick your ass I'd have done it by now. How many times do I have to say it's cool? I'm liking this."


"Hell yeah. The way you're touching me I can tell you appreciate my bod. It's all good. I like that."

My hands went to his calves. Even covered in thick material they felt as hard as the rest of him. I slowly worked my way up to his thighs. We were both breathing heavy now. A light coat of sweat covered his chest and arms making his muscles stand out even more.

"Can I... " I still couldn't bring myself to put a sentence together.

"Wanna see more?"


For the first time he looked around. We still hadn't heard the doorbell ding that we had a customer, but Russ clearly had a moment of clarity. Him standing there shirtless with me massaging him was one thing; him mostly naked was something else.

He looked down at me. I looked up at him. Then I redirected my gaze straight to his crotch.

He smiled and whispered, "If you wanna see more, go for it dude."


"Hell yeah. Gotta warn you though, once these pants come down I don't think you're gonna notice my legs."



I slowly reached up and tugged at his belt. I moved from a squatting position to my knees or else I was going to pass out. I couldn't believe I was about to do this. Reality Check #2.

Getting someone else's belt open was something I'd never done before. It took some fumbling. I could also tell there was something else super hard going on with him in the crotch area. I got his belt open and snapped the button on his pants. I slowly pulled his zipper down. Yes, there was definitely something very hard, and apparently big, going on under there.

I slowly pulled his pants around his waist. He had boxers on. The thin material was no match for his cock, the head of which was poking out of his waistband.

"Holy shit." I whispered. I looked up at Russ. He wasn't smiling any more; his eyes were focused on me. I froze.

Russ took my hands in his and brought them to the waistband of his boxers. He started slowly pushing them down. "Go ahead dude. Check me out all you want. Take your time."

I pushed his boxers the rest of the way down until they were bunched up on his pants at his knees. I stopped breathing. All I could do was stare.

Russ's half-exposed chest was mesmerizing. Almost completely naked he was indescribable. His cock, like the rest of his body, was perfect. To that point the only hard cock I'd ever seen was mine. I was more than happy with mine, which is a perfect 7 inches and thick. His was simply beautiful. Longer than mine and twice as thick. His balls were full, round orbs. His pubes were naturally, perfectly formed to create a frame around his magnificent tool, which looked painfully hard, arcing toward his belly button.

I finally exhaled.

Russ chuckled softly again. "Like my legs?"

I just stared at his cock. "What legs?"

"Go ahead dude."

I looked up at him once again for permission.

He smiled. "I haven't stopped you from feeling up every inch of my bod so far. I'm sure as hell not gonna stop you from touching another eight inches."


"Well, eight and half."


"Ever see one that big before?"

I shook my head.

"Go ahead dude. It's all yours."


"Hell yeah. You're enjoying this as much as I am, ain't ya?"

I nodded.

"Touch it."

For the first time in my life I touched a hard cock other than my own. It felt awesome. I pulled it down so it stuck obscenely perpendicular to his body. His cock would be huge on a guy twice his size; on him it looked unreal.

I slowly started stroking it. There was a ton of pre-cum oozing from the pronounced head that quickly coated my hand, lubricating it. I could barely close my fingers around its thickness. Russ moaned loudly. "Fuck. Dude that feels so good."

I realized, with some surprise, how happy that made me. I was doing something to him that made him moan. I was doing something to his cock that made him feel incredible.

Throwing all caution to the wind I instinctively opened my mouth and leaned forward. I lightly licked the tip of his dick.

Russ moaned again. "Fuck yeah, dude."

Emboldened, I put the head of his cock in my mouth and closed my lips around it. It felt hot, literally and figuratively. I could feel his pulse on my tongue.

Russ' moans were non-stop now. "Fuck yeah, Jack. Go for it dude."

I slowly slid more of his cock in my mouth. I couldn't come close to fitting it all in, and my hand continued to stroke the part I couldn't. His hips started lightly thrusting. I felt like I was in a different world. All I wanted was that cock. All I wanted was to please him. I wanted to make him come. The intensity of the first blowjob I ever gave was intoxicating.

My sucking and stroking became more intense, but I tried to keep my pace slow and steady. I was savoring this too much for it to end quickly. Unfortunately, a cock being pleasured -- particularly one being pleasured as relentlessly as I was doing - usually works on a faster timeline.

"Fuck!" Russ hissed and yanked his hips away from my mouth, pushing my head back. It was the only time he touched me other than when he encouraged me to slide his boxers down.

"What?" I asked. I was startled, confused, surprised to have my trance broken.

"Dude, you got me so fucking close!"

"That was the idea dummy." I couldn't mask my disappointment.

"I almost shot in your mouth."

"I wanted you to."

Russ looked dumbstruck. "Seriously?"

I nodded. I stared at his tool and licked my lips.

"You want me to come in your mouth?"

"Yeah, dude."

Russ grinned. "I wasn't expecting you to want my load."

"I want your load dude."

He smirked again. "Well if you keep talking like that I guess I'm gonna have to give it to you."

I pressed my hands against his stomach and slowly worked them up his abs again. The sweat from his body made the trip even more awesome. I was able to press harder, fully massaging him now. I reached his pecs again. My thumbs and forefingers returned to his nipples.

Russ moaned. "Fuck dude."

I tweaked his nipples, much harder this time. I stared into Russ' eyes. "Please, sir. Please let me suck you off?"

"Hell yeah," he whispered. He was slowly stroking himself.

"I want to make you come Russ. I want you to feel your cock shooting inside my mouth. I want to taste your come. I want to swallow your load. Please, Russ? Will you let me do that?"

His returned his hands to the railings and arched his back, presenting his body in all its glory to me once again. "I gotta warn you Jacky. When I come a shoot a lot."


"I'm serious dude. When I jack off I usually hit myself in the face with it. If I'm crazy turned on I hit the headboard. And I don't think I've ever been as turned on as I am right now."

"Good." I continued to massage his chest. Whenever I tweaked his nipples his cock would bob and throb and pre-come was streaming from the head.

"My loads are heavy too, real thick. You won't be able to take it all."

"That sounds like a challenge."

"I ain't teasing you dude, just want to make sure you know what you're asking for."

I leaned forward with my mouth open. I relaxed my throat this time. I ended with my nose in his pubes. Russ moaned, "Oh my god..." I don't know who was more shocked I didn't gag, him or me.

That's all it took. It felt like his whole body was coming. I felt the first blast from his cock fire straight down my throat. He was writhing, holding onto the railing for balance and sanity. "Oh my fuck, oh Christ."

I could feel his cock pulsing like a cannon. I slowly eased back on the throttle. I needed to taste it. My tongue danced around the underside of his cock. I continued to suck it while as it fired off one shot after another. I kept swallowing. I didn't bother keeping track of how many jets of his hot, delicious come went off in my mouth, but it had to be eight or nine.

He leaned forward, out of breath. "Holy shit."

I licked his cock dry to make sure I got any remaining drops out.

"I'm lightheaded," he whispered.

"Me too."

"That was unbelievable dude."

I smiled at him and licked my lips. "Beginners luck."

He looked dumbstruck for the second time. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

I shook my head with pride.

"That was your first?"


"You motherfucker."

We both started laughing.

I stood up and realized at some point I jizzed in my pants. I adjusted myself. "I dunno Russ. I think I'm going to have to practice some more so I get good at it."

Russ beamed. "Jacky boy, you hot son of a bitch. You can practice anything you want with me."

We finished cleaning the restaurant up and getting it set for the night shift, who arrived about 15 minutes later. Russ and I clocked off and headed out to the parking lot in silence. Suddenly it felt weird between us. Or maybe I just felt weird. It had been one hell of an eventful night.

"You, uh, want a lift home?" Russ asked.

"Nah." I looked at him. He seemed vaguely hurt. "My car's here. And my mom's home. Or, well, she will be soon."

"That's cool."

He walked over to his pickup. "So, uh, when you working again?"


I don't know what was going through my mind. I was confused, a little scared, but I didn't -- couldn't -- let him just walk away like nothing happened. I walked over to his truck and put my hand on his arm. That solid, steel cable bicep flexed in my hand. "Russ?"

He faced me. Tears were in his eyes. I didn't expect that.

"Russ? Dude."

He hugged me. I hugged him back. His grip tightened.

"I like you Jacky."

"I like you too man."

He looked up at me. It was this strange role reversal, him being the one looking up at me with a pleading look in his eye. I leaned in and kissed him. Lightly at first, then harder. Our mouths opened. Tongues intertwined. Feeling the warmth of his body pressed against me, and that... was that... yep. That's definitely what I think it is getting harder against my thigh. It wasn't alone. I felt Russ' hands move aggressively down to my butt. He squeezed my cheeks hard. I moaned into his mouth.

I broke the kiss and popped the buttons upon on his shirt again. He dug in deeper, pushing my ass forward, shoving our waists together, pressing our bodies closer. "Fucking hell, Jacky."


He eyed me hungrily.

"Please tell me you have a mattress in the back of this pickup."

"You gotta get home Jacky."

"Mom's on the late shift. I've got time to kill."

He grinned like a wolf about to devour a rabbit and smacked my ass.

We walked to the back and popped the hatch. It wasn't much more than a regular cab on the back of a pickup, not much room to move around without bumping your head, but then I was prepared for us to remain horizontal. Or at least thought I was. There was no turning back.

I climbed into the cab with Russ close behind. He slammed the door shut. It was pretty dark outside, and the cool breeze of the spring night evaporated completely in the stifling air trapped in the cab.

We were on each other like animals. Making out like madmen. He was shoving tools and crap out of the way while I tore his shirt off. He laid on top of me. There was a drop cloth beneath me. It wasn't the most comfortable thing to lie on but it was better than dirty metal.

He took my head in his hands. Our eyes had adjusted to the darkness. The bright lights from the empty restaurant parking lot filtered through the narrow windows in the cab. He straddled my waist and leaned back. I slowly, tenderly kissed his neck as I slid his shirt completely off. We were both sweating now, and I used his sweat to my advantage to massage his chest some more.

I undid his belt -- quicker this time now that I knew what I was doing. Undid his pants and reached inside. There it was.

Russ moaned. His chest was glistening, the light from the parking lot giving him a bluish tone. He looked unbelievably sexy. I slowly, methodically stroked his cock, which was back in its awesome, painfully hard upright position.

"Yeah, Jacky," he whispered. "You got it dude. That's all yours."

I smiled wickedly.

"Hang on a sec," he muttered and got off my waist, hitting his head on the roof in the process. He fell back on haunches and struggled to get his boots unlaced. There was nothing elegant or sexy about how he got the rest of his clothes off, but he was damn fast so I was happy. "Here, get up."

I crab-crawled toward the back of the cab as Russ edged his way up the cloth. He grabbed his clothes and piled them laid down as a makeshift pillow. "Close your eyes Jacky."

I did as I was told. I could feel my heart pounding. The scent of our combined sweat filled the air.

"Okay, open `em."

Russ was laying flat on his back on the cloth. His entire body was illuminated in the pale blue light. His arms were crossed behind his head. That shit eating grin was plastered on his face. The jackass was flexing every muscle simultaneously for me. My heart skipped. I muttered, "Jesus."

His beautiful, throbbing hard cock looked even bigger in repose, and it had looked positively huge before. I sat there motionless, staring. His feet teased my legs. "All yours baby," he said. "Every inch. When I said you could practice anytime you want I meant it."

I smiled.

"My bod's all yours Jacky." He stared at me lustily and slowly moved one of his hands down his chest to that perfect tool. "Yours to touch. Stroke. Suck. Kiss. Anything you want, it's yours."


He nodded slowly in rhythm with his stroking hand.

I started crawling toward him, toward my prize.

"Uh uh uh, Jacky boy."

I stopped.

"Not so fast, kiddo."

Goddamnit Russ.

"Here I am, Jacky. I'm totally naked. You're looking at every inch of my body. I've exposed myself to you completely because I know you want it. You want my bod don't you, Jacky?"


"Say it."

"I want your body Russ. I want to... I want to worship your body. I want to please you. I want to make you come."

"Yeah, you do. You like my cock don't you Jacky?"

"I love your cock Ru... sir." He smiled. "It's perfect. In every way. I can't get enough of it. I can't get enough of you."

"Show me."

I started moving again.

"Uh uh uh, Jacky." I stopped. "Show me," he said, with authority in his voice.

I wish I could say I pulled off a slow, sensual striptease for him. Reality was I got my clothes off so fast it was like they were on fire. Russ never took his eyes off me. He just lay there, sweaty in the blue light, slowly stroking that perfect eight and half inches of thick, beautiful cock.

I crawled next to him and laid down. I never felt more naked, not even in gym class. Russ leaned over a sweetly stoked my face. His hand rested on my chest. He could feel my heart pounding. He moved further south and gripped my own seven incher, which was hard as a nail. I almost came right then and there. He instinctively pinched the head of my cock and I moaned.

He looked into my eyes. "God you're beautiful Jack."

I realized I had tears streaming down my face. Russ shushed me and started kissing them. I pulled him closer to me and we kissed again. Not hungrily this time, quietly. Softly. He rolled on top of me and embraced me tightly. We kissed again, more urgently this time. Feeling his naked body on top of mine was the most incredible feeling I'd ever experienced in my eighteen years. Our make out session became more fevered. He stoked our cocks together, his seeming to dwarf mine despite me being so much taller.

I spread my legs a bit, enough to get one of them out from under him. I wrapped it around his waist. His hands went back to my face. We were kissing like we were trying to consume each other. I used the leg around his waist to pull him closer to me. I had to feel every one of his muscles against my skin. The thick, perfect head of that long, thick, perfect cock of his brushed between my legs and touched my asshole.

"Whoa, baby," he whispered. "You're not ready for that."

"Like hell I'm not."

"Jacky, babe, believe me there's nothing I want more but --"

"Russ. I want it."

"You're not ready."


He looked at me, startled.

"You said your body was all mine, right?"

"Yeah." Despite his protests I could distinctly feel his hard cock pressing against my hole, then easing off, then pressing again. He was making me insane with lust.

"Anything I want, you said I could have, right?"

He grinned. "Yeah."

"Russ... I want you to fuck me. I need you to fuck me. I need to feel that big, beautiful hard cock of yours inside me."

"And I," said Russ, the authority back in his voice. "said you aren't ready." With one fluid movement he pushed my legs forward, my knees into my chest, my legs spread wide. His face was at my ass. No, his tongue was.

"Oh. My. God." I moaned and shut my eyes.

He was doing things to me down there I didn't even think were possible. Kissing, sucking, darting his tongue into and around my hole. I was absolutely convinced my cock was going to fire off its second load of the night without me touching it. I reached under my knees and held my legs back for him, opening them wider. I was able to place them on the roof of the cab, which was a good thing because they were buckling.

Russ sat back and whistled. "Wow. That's so... pretty."

I felt his finger brush against my hole, which twitched instinctively. He slowly, agonizingly slowly started pressing it in. I expected it to hurt, but it didn't. We were sweating so much and the amazing things his tongue did to me made me super receptive.

Russ kept whispering words of encouragement as his finger slowly penetrated me. "That's it, Jacky. You're opening up for me. Relax."

It took all my concentration to relax. He stroked my cock again, god I couldn't believe I didn't come yet. He leaned back in and gave my hole another workout with his tongue, his finger slowly moving in and out. I felt a second finger. Just as slow. "That's it Jacky."

"Oh god Russ."

"Yeah, now you're getting ready. You okay, babe?"

"Oh yeah."

"Yeah? What about now?" His fingers probed deeper. Holy shit. That's... holy shit.

"Russ!" He pinched my cockhead again, harder this time. My legs practically flew open. "Russ... that's... oh my god."

"Wow Jacky. Looks like I did something you really liked," he said with that sexy grin. "Was it this?" he teased, slowly sawing his fingers in and out of the entrance to my hole. “Or was is this?" Sliding deeper inside again, pressing against my prostate.

"Oh god. Oh my god. Russ."

He withdrew his fingers. I opened my eyes. He was on top of me again, his face hovering over mine. Propping himself up like the top of a push-up, every muscle flexed. I melted, wrapping my arms and legs around him and kissing him deeply. He relaxed and laid on top of me. My hands massaged his arms and shoulders while I slowly drew my legs higher up his waist. He moved his arms and hooked my knees over his shoulders. Never once did his tongue leave my mouth.

I could feel his hard cock throbbing in the crack of my ass. I pulled my face away from his. "Russ. Please."

"Please what?"

"Please fuck me."

He smiled. I could feel his hand move down to his cock. My legs were around his neck like a vise. The head of his cock was against my hole. It felt impossibly large. He applied gentle pressure. "Relax Jacky. Breathe." He kept repeating that while gently increasing the pressure, than backing off.

He kissed me again. At the same moment I willed my hole to relax. The head of his cock popped in. Now it hurt. I winced. He held his cock in place. "It's okay babe. That was the hard part."

"I think there's several more inches of hard part, dude."

He chuckled and kissed away my tears again. "Trust me. The rest are going to blow your mind."

I kissed him again and held him close. Slowly, tenderly, he pushed. I felt the most incredible cock I'd ever seen in my life slide deeper inside me.


He stopped. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I mean I think so."

He pressed again.


Now he was grinning. "That sounded like a good `whoa.'"

"It was."

He pressed again.

"Okay!" I yelled. I thought I was losing my mind. Something that hurt like hell a few minutes before was not hurting now, quite the opposite. My entire body felt like it was on the verge of coming, all of it centered in my ass.


I started laughing like a maniac, drawing him closer to me. "Keep going."

"You sure?"

I reached down to where his cock was impaled inside me. A fist's length still to go. "Fuck."

"We can stop, Jacky."

"No we cannot."

"I don't want to hurt you."


He was talking sweetly but I knew from the look on his face he knew he had me.

"I'll just pull out Jacky, it's okay."

"Russ if you pull out we are never doing this again."

I grabbed his hips and started pulling him closer to me.

"You want more baby?"


"Tell me."

I kept pulling him closer, feeling his cock slowly sink deeper into my bowels, the length now constantly sliding across my prostate like he was playing a violin. The pleasure was relentless.

"I want you inside me Russ. To the hilt."

"You want my whole cock inside you?" he teased.

"I want every inch of your perfect fucking huge fucking cock Russ."

He suddenly thrust forward. My eyes rolled into the back of my head. I saw stars. I saw god. I felt my cock erupt, pumping streams of come all over my chest and his.

"Holy shit" Russ muttered lustily. "Holy fucking shit Jack."


"Sorry? What the fuck are you sorry for? That was fucking hot as hell! Your hole clamped around my cock like a goddamn milking machine."

"Just... don't... move." I could barely get the words out.

Russ leaned in and kissed me again. We laid like that for several minutes, just kissing. He was still hard as a rail and embedded in my ass to the hilt. He'd occasionally press his hips against me, not enough to move his cock in and out, but just pressing on my hips. He propped himself on his arms again. "Look at me Jack."

I could see his face clearly now in the darkness. His chest, shoulders and arms were tense, rippling, covered in a sheen of sweat.

"My body is all yours, Jacky. I'm inside you."

"Yeah." I stroked his arms and chest, shoulders, kissing him, tasting the saltiness of him. Then he started to move his hips with more purpose. His rock hard inches slowly working their way against my prostate again. Almost all the way out, then back in.

"I'm fucking you Jack."

His thrusts became gradually more forceful. Faster. It felt like he was even deeper, if that was possible.

"You like my cock fucking you Jacky?"

"Oh god yes, Russ." I could feel my own cock coming back to life. It was sore, but I didn't care. I couldn't help it. It was all him.

"You feel so good babe," he whispered. "Your ass is making my cock feel so good."

"Fuck me Russ. My ass is yours. I'm yours. Anytime. Anywhere."

"Yeah, this is my hole isn't it Jack?"

"It's your hole." His thrusts were powerful now. I was hard as a rock.

"You gonna cum for me again baby?"

"I think I am."

"Yeah I think you are. You're gonna shoot another load just because my big, thick cock is pounding your ass aren't you?"

"Oh god."

"You're getting me real close too Jacky babe. Your going to me shoot another huge fucking load dude."

"Fuck yeah Russ. Your load was so... fucking... huge... so... powerful..."

"You made that happen. You're gonna make it happen again."

"Like a... hose... fire hose..."

"Yeah you want to see that Jacky? Want to see how far my cock shoots for you? Wanna see how heavy that load was that you swallowed?"


"No?" He was really pounding my ass now. I could hear his balls slapping against me.

"No... I want... to feel it..."

"You want me to come inside you Jacky?"

"God, yes... Russ..."

"You wanna feel my big cock go off inside your ass?"

"I want... to feel... I want... deep..."

"You're not making much sense Jacky."

"Come... inside... Russ... I need... to feel your cock... shoot..."

"Okay babe. I said... anything you want... yeah..."


"I'm going shoot... my load... inside you dude. Gonna... make you... pregnant..."

"Fuck yeah Russ..."

"Man I'm close Jacky... your hole is just... too hot..."

"Your... hole... Russ... it's your... hole..."

My moans reached a fever pitch and I came again. I cried out his name. It was like my whole body went tense and limp at the same time, like an electric shock. My untouched cock was spewing what felt like a pint of come all over my stomach.

"Oh shit," Russ whispered a drove his cock inside me as deep as it could go. I felt it grow thicker, like it did in my throat. It seemed like everything was happening in slow motion. All eight and a half thick inches of Russ' cock was in my ass as I felt it throb and pulse, firing what felt like an even bigger load in my guts. Coating my insides. It felt so warm, so wet.

My hole continued to spasm around his cock, my orgasm continuing despite my nuts being empty. Every time it constricted around him he'd moan and his whole body jerked, his cock pulsing, filling me with his seed.

It felt like it took forever before we started coming back to reality. Heaving breaths. He slowly pulled his softening tool from my battered ass. I winced when it popped out. He muttered, "Sorry babe. Kinda like pulling off a band aid I guess."


We lay on the tarp for a while, calming down.



"That was the hottest fuck I've ever had in my life."

"That was the only one I've ever had."

He chuckled.

"I should probably head home. I need a bath." I said quietly.

"Yeah you made quite a mess."

"It was all your fault, you dick."

He chuckled again. "Yeah, my dick."

We got dressed. He climbed out the cab and helped me down. "Whoa, you okay?"

"Just a little wobbly. And probably bowlegged."

"Wait til tomorrow."

"Don't remind me."

We walked toward the front of his pickup. As he opened the door he winked at me. "You are one hot son of a bitch, Jacky."



"I think we might need to try this again. Until I learn how to get it right."

He laughed and kissed me. "Anytime you want more of this," he indicated his entire body. "It's yours."

I held his chin up to my face. "Do me a favor?"

"Anything, Jacky."

"I'm working the night shift again on Sunday. Don't even think about jacking off before then."

He feigned surprise. "That's a tall order, man. You thought you couldn't keep your hands off my bod, how do you think I feel?"

"You can think about it, but don't do it."

"Five days Jacky? I'll be so full of come my eyes'll turn white."

"No..." I kissed his forehead. "I will be." I whispered in his ear. "I'm gonna drain your balls completely."

"That's gonna take 5 or 6 rounds Jacky."

"We'll get a motel room."


"No jacking off for five days. You're not allowed to waste a single drop."

"I'll save it up for you, babe."

"Your loads go in my mouth or up my ass. Preferably both."

"Like I said, I'll have 5 or 6 for ya, babe."

"You better. And Russ?"

He raised an eyebrow. There was that cocky, sexy grin again. "Yeah?"

"Your 7th load will be dealer's choice."

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