A Better Haircut

By Daniel1989a .

Published on Mar 7, 2017


A Better Haircut-Part 8

This chapter mainly deals with Nick getting punished by his Mother. Fopr the stroy to proceed, this has to happen. Hope you enjoy!

There was no one in the alleyway to see me as I slowly walked towards the street. I had never felt so exposed before in my life, wearing just a tiny, bright pink speedo and carrying the bag with the other pairs. I wanted to run, but being barefoot, I didn't want to step on something sharp and every time I walked a bit faster my erection started to pop out the waistband of my speedo. As I neared the street I wanted to jerk off badly, but my luck had been bad lately so I peered around the corner and seeing the street empty, walked out of the alleyway. I kept up a steady pace, my heart racing as I envisioned walking in the front door of my house. I had to duck into alleyways and behind a couple mailboxes to avoid the few people I saw on the street and heaved a huge sigh as I began walking down my driveway. There were no cars, making me breathe even easier. I grabbed the door knob, turned and opened the door, quickly walking in as the door slammed behind me.

I raced up the first set of stairs and just as my foot landed on the first stair leading up to my room, I heard,

"Nick! Come here please."

I had not seen my Mother's car which meant she had parked in the garage. I called back,

"Just a minute Ma'am."

Her voice raised,

"Now Nick!"

Her tone was not angry, just stern and I knew that was a bad time to argue with her. I turned and held the bag in front of my groin, then took the few steps into the main room. As Soon as I did I gasped out loud and immediately started to turn and walk back out. It was not my Mother that startled me, it was Mrs. Anders sitting in a chair beside her. My Mother had looked surprised, but Mrs. Anders like always looked angry. I called out,

"I'll be right back Ma'am."

My Mothers reply was louder and much sterner,

"Nick! Come back here right now."

I thought about running upstairs and changing anyways, but her tone made me slowly turn back and awkwardly step back into the main room. I stood there, very aware that both women were staring at me and having ni idea what to say or do. My Mothers voice startled me,

"Nick, don't be so rude, say hello to Mrs. Anders."

Before my mouth opened I heard Mrs. Anders say,

"He's almost naked."

My face flushed red as I uttered a weak,


I knew my Mother was getting angry before she opened her mouth and said,

"Nick. Seriously. Look at Mrs. Anders and say hello properly."

Through my humiliation, I felt my erection throbbing and felt lucky at least that I had the bag to cover it. I slowly raised my head and looked at the face of Mrs. Anders. Her anger at me was obvious as I said,

"Hello Mrs. Anders, it's nice to see you again."

I again stood, unsure of what to do and was about to turn and go upstairs, but my Mother asked,

"How did it go today, did you find the store okay?"

I nodded my head and said,

"Yes Ma'am."

Mrs. Anders face showed disgust and anger as she gazed at my almost naked body, my Mother just looked calm and curious as she asked,

"Is that the swimwear in the bag Nick? Did you have enough money?"

As I started to answer the phone rang and I watched as my mother answered it, listened for a few moments, saying very little, her face getting stern, then hung up. I again stood still, wishing I could vanish, then wanting to run when she said,

"Let me see the bag Nick."

My entire body was flushing red as |I knew there was no way out for me. I slowly walked in front of her, handed her the b ag and quickly dropped my hands to cover my erection. I turned quickly and all of a sudden my humiliation got even worse as Mrs. Abnders called out,

"What is that he's wearing? It's so tiny. And....look what it says."

It suddenly hit me what she was referring to, the word, Spank, in big letters across the back of my speedo. I stood, facing away from them and again thought about running, but my Mothers voice was firm,

"Nick. Stop being so rude, turn around."

I slowly turned and faced the women, Mrs. Anders angry like always, my Mother had an expression I could not read. She opened the bag and pulled out the other speedos., holding each one up. Mrs. Anders sneered each time, as hse looked at the speedo my mother was holding, then back at me.

"Nick, these are quite tiny...but I guess that's what swimmers wear."

My heart slowed a bit, thinking this was almost over and I could escape to my room.

"Did you have enough money Nick?"

If Mrs. Anders had not been there I might have told the truth, but am not sure as my mouth opened I said,

"Yes Ma'am, more than enough."

I again thought it would end and I could run to my room, but my heart almost stopped when she asked,

"Where is my change Nick?"

My mind raced, my heart pulsed, my erection throbbed as I searched for an excuse, and knew it was lame when I said,

"I meant.....I had just enough Ma'am."

Mrs. Anders snorted and said,

"Look at his face, listen to his voice, the boy is lying to you. Do you allow your boy to lie to your face?"

My anger at her boiled over and before thinking, I said,

"It's none of your business."

Both women looked startled, shocked, but Mrs. Anders recovered quickly as she said,

"And rude too. The word printed across his backside has never been more appropriate, this boy needs a spanking. Nothing teaches boys better than a good long spanking."

I cleared my throat, my erection throbbing at the thought of a spanking and unsure what my Mother would say. She paused and asked,

"Nick, tell me about the money, was it enough or more than enough."

My anger at Mrs. Andesr clouded my mind as my mouth opened and I said,

"It was just enough Ma'am."

The lie felt bad and I hated that I had told it. My Mothers face showed her anger, but her eyes showed she was still unsure of what to do. As I stood, Mrs. Anders grabbed the bag of speedos and rummaged through it, pulling out the receipt. Her eyes scanned it, then they opened wide as she gave me an evil smile she said,

"Look, the receipt shows a balance owing, he's lying again."

At that point I knew I was caught, my heart sank and my eyes lowered, looking at the ground as my Mother said,

"What am I going to do with you Nick? I ground you, give you extra chores and yet you lie to my face, in front of company."

I could not tell who was more surprised, my Mother or Mrs. Anders when after a pause I remembered whatI had promised and said,

"It's probably time for a spanking Ma'am."

There was a long pause, as both women looked at each other, then me. I saw my Mother was thinking hard and again remembering my promise I said,

"The other punishments are not working Ma'am."

As the words came out, her face set and I saw her mind was made up.

"You're right Nick, a good long spanking is what you need."

My Mother stood and walked towards me, grabbing a wooden high backed chair and pulling it to the middle of the room. She sat on it and as she patted her lap while looking at me, my mouth hung open, my head spinning as I realized she meant to spank me right here, in front of Mrs. Anders. I looked at her with pleading eyes,

"Please Ma'am, not here."

"Nick. You lied to me in front of Mrs. Anders and you disrespected her, it's only fair she witness your punishment."

I stayed where I was, but sprang forward as her voice raised and said,

"Right now Nick."

I stood right beside her, my hands covering my erection, very aware of the perfect view Mrs. Andesr would have. My Mothers hand shot out quickly and grasped my wrist and before I could think, she had easily pulled me across her lap. Luckily my erection was not touching her leg as her hand landed hard on my right butt cheek. The sound echoed in the small room and was followed by another and another. It had been a while, but I quickly remembered how good a spanker she was as her hand covered my butt cheeks with ever increasing spanks. I felt a tear running down my face and out of instinct, pushed my hand back to cover my stinging butt. Her reaction was immediate.

"You know better than to do that Nick. I was hoping to not have to do this...run upstairs and get the hairbrush."

As I heard hairbrush, I panicked, scared to move, but her hand landed so hard that in one motion I jumped up and found myself running up the stairs. I knew any delay would make it much worse as I rummaged in her bathroom and found the wooden bath brush. It was heavy in my hand and I instantly remembered how much it hurt as I ran back downstairs. I managed to cover up enough and get back across her lap without either woman seeing my obvious erection. I saw Mrs. Andesr now had a satisfied expression as the brush raised and landed hard on my left butt cheek. The pain was intense and made my back arch up as it quickly landed on my right butt cheek. In less than a minute tears were streaming down my face and a few seconds later, I made another huge mistake and pushed my hand back to cover my aching butt cheeks.

My Mother reacted quickly as I felt her free hand tugging at my speedos. I begged,

"Please! Not bare.......Ma'am....please......"

"Nick. One more word and I'll let Mrs. Anders spank you when I am finished."

The thought of that was too much, so as she tugged, I slightly raised my hips and felt her slide the speedos down and over my butt cheeks, then felt them slide down my thighs. I concentrated on making sure they did not fall off entirely, but forgot when the brush landed hard enough that my back again arched up. Without giving me a chance to reach back, my Mother grabbed my right arm and pulled it up high behind my back, My left arm was trapped between out bodies and I realized that now I was helpless. The brush began to rain down, alternating from cheek to cheek as the pain and noise got louder and louder. My tears began to flow down my face, then a minute later, I could not hold back any longer and started bawling like I had when I was little. The spanking went on for another minute, until my entire body was heaving, my face soaked with tears and my butt felt like it was on fire. I cried for a couple minutes, the pain so intense that when my Mother started helping me up, all I could think of was to reach back and massage my burning cheeks.

I stood, gently kneading my butt cheeks until I became aware that it had become very quiet and when I opened my eyes I saw a shocked disgusted look on Mrs. Anders face and a surprised expression on my Mothers. It became clear they were both staring at my out in the open, uncovered, still very hard erection. My hands quickly covered as much of my cock and balls as possible as both women, sat, silently. I stood for what seemed hours until my Mother broke the silence by saying,

"I guess that answers the question of whether you removed all your body hair."

I had never even imagined humiliation this intense could be possible, knowing both women had had an unobstructed long look at my erection. Finally, my Mother said,

"Pull up your speedo and go to your room Nick."

When I looked down I was relieved to see the speedo was still hooked around my left ankle, which technically meant I was fully naked and did not have to kneel and pull back my foreskin. I quickly pulled up the speedo and raced up to my room, flung myself face down on my bed and began crying again as my hands reached back to comfort my aching butt cheeks. Over an hour later I heard my Mother climbing the stairs and seconds later she walked into my room and sat on the bed beside me. She cleared her throat and said,


I wanted to keep my face buried in my pillow, but her hand smacked my butt cheek, I rolled over and lay on my back.

"Nick. I hope you are not going to make it a habit of lying to me. The next time the spanking you just got will seem like nothing, do you understand me?"

I nodded and said,

"Yes Ma'am."

She smiled at me, then handed me the cream Mr. Toews had given me. She looked at it then said,

"Nick. I've known for quite some time that you have needs, that you are gay, and since moving here, you have been experiencing those needs more and more."

My eyes opened wide as she smiled and said,

"It's a small town Nick. I just want to ask you, is this, all this what you want?"

There was no mistaking what she was asking and what she was referring to, but ti still shocked me. I knew this was a crucial moment and in the back of my mind, since I met Jerry that first time, I knew that eventually, my Mother would have to find out what I was doing. I met her eyes with mind and said,

"I want and need it Ma'am."

Her expression stayed the same as she said,

"Then it's time to take your next step. You are now a complete nudist at home. You will never wear clothing of any kind, nor will you ever put your hands in front of your genitals again, no matter who is here, understood?"

I nodded and said,

"Yes Ma'am."

My Mother looked at the speedo I was wearing, then to my horror, she slid down the bed a bit and grabbed the waistband with both of her hands. I hesitated only for a moment, then lowered my eyes, raised my hips and in one quick movement she pulled the speedos down and off and threw them in the corner. MY erection flopped up and down, bouncing on my abdomen leaving patches of pre cum as my Mother looked at me fully naked for the first time in years. I could not meet her eyes, my humiliation too great as she said,

"You take very good care of yourself and you will keep that up. Your muscle definition is impressive for a boy your age."

I quickly remembered I was now fully naked and started to sit up, but she pushed me back until I was flat on my back as she said,

"At home you will only get on your knees when told to do so, by me or anybody else. Anywhere else that you are naked, you will continue with your orders and get down on your knees, pull your foreskin back and put your hands behind your back, do you understand Nick?"

I nodded and said,

"Yes Ma'am."

"At home, you will keep it pulled back at all times, whether you are erect or not, understood?"

As she watched, my hand slowly went to my erection and just as slowly pulled the foreskin back. As I did, my erection throbbed and a low moan escaped my lips. Although she was watching, it was obvious there was no lust or attraction, just curiosity as seeing me naked and erect. She looked at my erection, winked at me and said,

"Looks like you should apply some of that cream before you have an accident."

My face flushed a deep red as I opened the tube and slowly applied the cream to my shaft, as my Mother watched. She stood and said,

"Let's go get some dinner."

My first night naked at home went relatively smoothly, although getting used to being erect in front of my Mother would take a long time. As I was heading up to go to bed she said,

I have someone coming by to see you tomorrow morning, make sure you remember you are now a nudist at home."

I told her I would and quickly fell asleep. I woke early but could tell my Mother had already left as I walked into the shower. I went through my routine, then dried off and smiled as I looked at my clothes. I walked down naked and ate breakfast and as I was cleaning up heard a car in the driveway. There was writing on the side of the door and as I watched a tall black man step out and walk to the trunk. He pulled what looked like a large suitcase, closed the trunk and walked toward my house. Hew was tall, appeared to be in his 40's and as he neared it was obvious from how he walked that he was in good shape. I stood staring, now able to see that he was wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and his arm muscles and shoulders were impressive. Even though I knew he was there, when he knocked it startled me. I knew there was no going back at this moment, if I opened the door I would be naked and hard in my own home in front of a total stranger.

I stood behind the door, anxious and a bit scared, then slowly opened the door slightly. I peered out as he said,

"Hi Nick. I'm Victor from BBI."

He stood there, his hand outstretched forcing me to step from behind the door, open it fully and take huis hand. His grip was strong and powerful as his eyes took in my naked body he smiled and said,

"I've worked for BBI for years, but I must say, you are one of the most attractive boys I have ever met."

I began to open my mouth, but he must have sensed my question as he said,

"You're wondering what BBI stands for right?"

I nodded and said,

"Yes Sir."

He smiled wider and said,

"Bottom Boy International. You're about to get a whole new set of rules and some training boy."

Victor walked past me and into the house, carrying the large suitcase and as he passed me his other hand reached out and grabbed my ear lobe, guiding me behind him. Once in the living room he put the suitcase down and positioned me in front of him. His eyes took in my body, then his hands reached out and caressed my shoulders and arms, then over my chest, pausing to pinch each nipple. His hands ran down my abdomen, feeling every inch, then one of his hands grasped my balls as the other stroked up and down my shaft. He said,

"You are quite exquisite boy and you have a larger penis than most Bottom Boys I work with, quite a treat."

His face took on a sterner expression as his hands easily pushed me down to my knees and once there I could see that he was very hard, the front of his pants were bulging out. As he began to undo his pants he said,

"Time to begin boy."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it took so long. Keep the suggestions and comments coming.

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