A Better Haircut

By Daniel1989a .

Published on Nov 29, 2016


A Better Haircut-Part 6

Henry had been correct, sun screen was definitely going to be a necessity for me. With my shorts this small and tight as well as the new t-shirts, I was showing much more skin than usual. I wasn't sure, but I thought having no body hair might make sun burn easier to get as well. I had no money left, so started walking towards home. I saw people coming towards me on the sidewalk and as I got closer noticed it was a Mother with her 2 daughters, both a bit younger than me. I again wondered where all the boys were, I had yet to see one. The Mother smiled at me and both of the girls giggled as they stared at me, making me uncomfortable and wondering what was so funny until the older one said,

"Look Mom, he has no hair on his legs."

All three of them looked and I felt my face flush red as I quickly covered my still hard cock with my hands. The younger girl asked,

"Shouldn't he have hair Mom, he's old enough, that's what they told us in health class. Does it mean he is not in puberty yet?"

My face went a deep red as the Mother looked closer and said,

"I'm not sure girls."

Then to me,

"I'm Mrs. Langdon. How old are you young man, you're new here right?"

My entire body felt like it was blushing and seeing this the older girl said,

"Look Mom, he's blushing, that's so cute."

I wanted to run away and hide, but managed to utter,

"I'm 15 Ma'am."

"You are at least partially polite, I asked if you are new here, and giving your name and offering your hand is proper courtesy young man."

Her tone was authoritative, firm, like she was used to getting what she wanted, so I said,

"I'm sorry Ma'am, my name is Nick Walsh, yes I'm new, my Mother and I just moved here recently."

There was a pause and I wondered what I had left out, but at the same time getting frustrated with everyone ordering me around. I had called her Ma'am like I had promised to do, I was not naked, thankfully, so I considered myself on good standing. But she just stood there staring at me, that's when I noticed I had been staring at the ground and as my eyes raised I saw she was still holding her hand out, ready to shake. Her daughters were now talking to each other and not paying attention, so I quickly pulled my right hand away from the bulge in my shorts and held it out. I had not noticed before, but she was taller than my own 5'9" by a couple inches and her hand shake was firm and strong. She held on to my hand as she said,

"Girls, run ahead, I'll meet you at the store."

Once they had left her tone got firmer,

"You're lucky that bulge in your shorts was not evident to my daughters."

I yanked my hand back and covered up as her eyes glared at me,

"Judging by the way you dress and your state of arousal, I'm guessing you're quite proud of your body, but still unaware as to how to show proper respect to women. I'm guessing your Mother no longer punishes you, is that correct? In case you haven't seen or read, I'm the Principal of the school you'll be attending in a few weeks."

My jaw dropped at the news, but it got worse,

"As well as the Head of Education of this town, your Mother will be working in my office at City Hall. This town is quite progressive, especially when it comes to keeping young men like yourself in line. I think I'll have to have a long talk with your Mother."

I knew that after Mrs. Anders had called her, if another woman, especially my Principal and her boss called, I would be in some serious trouble.

"Please Ma'am, you caught me off guard, you don't have to call my Mother do you?"

"I asked if your Mother still punishes you?"

Her eyes bored into mine, as I said,

"Yes Ma'am, she does."

"And how does she punish you boy?"

My situation was getting more and more humiliating as I said,

"Lectures, grounding, extra chores Ma"am."

She sneered as she asked,

"She doesn't spank you, ever!"

I shook my haed and said,

"Not for a couple years Ma'am."

"It's no wonder you have no respect for your elders. Yes a very long talk with your Mother is in order."

I pleaded,

"Please Ma'am, don't do that."

"I guess I could hold off, on one condition."

I stood waiting, but finally she made me ask,

"What condition Ma'am?"

"You volunteer to be the subject of the girls upcoming ISE class, we always have trouble filling that spot."

My heart beat calmed as I smiled and said,

"Yes Ma'am, no problem at all."

"I'll need your Mothers permission, but I'm sure she'll agree, plus I'll leave out the rudeness you showed me today."

I agreed and a minute later was back on my way home. I quickly showered, making myself ready like I had been told, scrubbing myself clean. I pulled on the blue shorts, no t-shirt as I had been told, and made it downstairs as my Mother got home. We talked for a while, and I was aware that she wondering why I wasn't wearing a shirt and was getting ready to mention it when the phone rang. She listened for quite a while not saying much, then looked at me and raised her eyebrows, smiled and then said into the phone,

"If it's okay with him and he has no problem, you have my permission Betty."

There was some more small talk and after she hung up my Mother said,

"That was Mrs. Langdon, did she tell you I would be working for her at City Hall. Nick, that was so brave of you to volunteer for the class, I never thought you would agree to something like that. I guess all that work on your body has made you less shy."

My head was reeling a bit as I asked,

"What does my body have to do with it Ma'am?"

My Mother smiled and said,

"Quit joking around and set the table honey."

As I did, making like it was a joke I asked again and then almost passed out when my Mother said,

"The ISE classes are very important for girls, and finding boys your age willing to be naked and examined are rare."

"WHAT!!!Naked in front of a class of girls, NO WAY!!!!!"

My Mothers stare said it all,

"Nick, you will never raise your voice to me again, ever. You agreed to do the class, you are doing it, end of story."

I knew any more argument would make things worse for me so I ate dinner and helped with the dishes quietly, then asked for some money to buy sun screen.

She smiled and said,

"With as much skin as you are showing, it's a good idea. I'm leaving you extra, there is a store that specializes in swim gear in town, you should buy some speedo's for when you join the swim team."

I had forgotten all about that semi lie, but thanked her as I headed upstairs. I used my computer and was happy to learn that the school did have a swim team, luckily, I should have checked that before, but with everything happening, it never crossed my mind. It was hard to fall asleep, my erection was throbbing, begging for attention, but without anyone's phone number there was no way I was getting relief. I did my best and finally fell asleep and woke the next morning in the same state, hard as a rock. I showered and pulled on a pair of red shorts as tight as the blue, checked my body in the mirror, loving how fit I was then ate. I was a little disappointed that neither Stan or Jeff were at the gym, but I made use of the time and put myself through an extra hard work out. Once finished I felt good, and saw the locker room was almost empty as I walked in. I had worn my shorts, so had not been naked yet, but now had to shower. I grabbed my towel and wore my shorts into the shower room and saw an older man showering. He glanced at me, then took a much longer look as I walked to a shower head at the the other end of the room. I pulled my shorts off, and already hard quickly got on my knees and pulled my foreskin back. My knees were spread wide as I put y hands behind my back, hoping the man would notice.

It did not take long before he saw me on my knees and openly stared. He looked unsure of what to do, or which part of my body to focus on, but needing relief I got brave and asked,

"Please Sir, I need to masturbate and ejaculate, do I have permission Sir?"

The man looked around the shower room as though it was a joke of some kid, then back at me and raised his eyebrows, then down at my erection and asked nervously,

"Are you talking to me?"

I repeated my plea, as seriously as possible adding that,

"I am required to ask for permission from an adult Sir."

His face stayed reserved, then a smile slowly filled his face as he asked,

"This is a joke right kid?"

I repeated my plea to masturbate and ejaculate and then added,

"I am not kidding Sir. I am begging you to please allow me to masturbate and ejaculate Sir."

He looked around again and I saw his own cock was getting hard as he said,

"Ummm...sure kid, go for it."

Finally I thought as my hand wrapped around my erection and started stroking. It had been a while and I had been over aroused so It was only a minute before I felt myself on the verge of shooting. A couple more strokes would have done it, but I heard,

"Hey, what are you doing kid? That's not allowed in here."

I looked up, my hands covering cock and saw a gym staff member looking angrily at me. I thought there would be more trouble, but he just said,

"Stand up and finish your shower, don't let me catch you doing this again."

The man hurried out of the room as I stood and quickly rinsed off, my erection now painfully hard. I dried off and pulled on my clothes and hurried out of the gym and onto the street. It took a while to find the store my Mother had mentioned as it was a little out of the way, but it was open and I walked in. The store was quite large, with not just swim gear, but scuba, kayak, pretty much gear for anything that had to do with water. I found the swim wear and was amazed at how large a selection there was. There were all kinds of bathing suits and speedos in every imaginable color. There were no price tags, but I picked up a few pair and not seeing an employee walked into the change room. I left my t-shirt on, not wanting to get naked, being hard would make it impossible to try on a speedo. I kicked off my shoes and tried on the first, then another pair. As I was pulling them off, the curtain for the change room pulled back and a man gasped as he said,

"I'm so sorry Sir, I had no idea......."

His voice trailed off and I knew he was staring at my ass so I said,

"I'll be right out, and stop looking at my ass."

My voice had raised, I was a bit angry as the man hesitated, unsure, started to speak then left quickly. I pulled on my shorts and shoes grabbed the speedos and walked up to the counter where I saw the man was around 50, tall and very thin with a head of almost white hair. His features were sharp and he was looked very angry as I dropped the speedos on the counter and said,

"I'm going to shop elsewhere, somewhere where old pervs don't burst in on boys in change rooms."

I knew I was out of line, but I had to try and get some of my control back, then felt a flutter in my stomach as he said calmly,

"You got one thing correct boy, I am an old perv."

I sneered, satisfied and was about to turn and walk out when he added calmly,

"I'm Connor, this is my store. I had no idea you were in the change room, I knew someone had come in and was just trying to see who it was and if I could help."

I gave him a look which showed I did not believe him and since he was staring, I ran my hand over my crotch and loved that he watched it. I stroked my cock through my shorts a few times and then said,

"Is this what you were hoping to see old man?"

His face remained calm as he said,

"What I am hoping to see is the $250 you owe me."

"$250, for what?"

He pointed at the speedos I had tried on and said,

"These are my most expensive speeedos, hand made, with tax $250 for the two of them."

I sneered,

"I'm shopping elsewhere, remember?"

He pointed behind me, towards the change rooms and after a moment I looked back and saw the sign in big letters, UNDERWEAR MUST BE WORN TO TRY ON ALL SWIM WEAR! NO EXCEPTIONS! MY heart sank a bit as I said,

"I was wearing underwear."

His smile showed he did not believe me as he said,

"That will be $250 for the perv lease."

I swallowed hard and thinking quickly ran my hand over my crotch again, his eyes watching but not softening as he asked,

"Do you have $250, or should I call the Police or perhaps your home?"

My Mother would freak, but police was something that would make her go crazy.

"Ummm....I'm sorry Sir, it's been a long few days for me."

"I'm thinking this day just got much longer too."

He started to pick up the phone and my will broke,

"Wait, please, can't we work something out Sir?"

"Suddenly I'm a Sir and not a perv."

At those words I knew he had me in a bind, I had over reacted and lost my cool. He started pushing buttons and I lost it,

"Wait! Sir! Please!"

He paused and looked at me and I got an idea and started pulling my t-shirt off, rubbing my nipples and flexing my abs. He looked at me and said,

"You are beautiful boy, one of the best I've ever seen and I see alot in here. Why don't you go ait for me in the back room, and feel free to lose the shorts and shoes, or would you refer the perv finish his phone call?"

I thought of trying to tease him, but I saw it was not gong to work, so I walked to the back room and stripped naked, getting on my knees, spreading them wide. I stroked myself to full erection and then pulled my foreskin back, put my hands behind me and waited. My heart raced as I knelt there, unsure of what was going to happen and as the curtain pulled bncak, the man walked in. He looked surprised to see me on my knees, then his eyes caught my erection and he looked more than shocked. He took in a deep breath and said,

"Oh my, no body hair at all, just as it should be, you are strikingly beautiful boy. Stand up."

As I did my erection swayed from side to side as I heard him say,

"Turn around."

When I did he took in a deep breath and moaned slightly as I felt hi finger tips gently slide over the tops of my butt cheeks.

"Most beautiful ass I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot."

His fingers traced every inch of my butt cheeks as I heard his breathing get heavier, he let his other hand reach around and stroke my shaft a few times. A groan escaped my lips as he said,

"Not only beautiful, but well endowed and obviously very horny."

His hands reached around and ran up and down my torso, over my abs, then up over my nipples as I felt his body press against mine and felt the obvious bulge in the front of his pants. One of his hands stroked my shaft as the other cupped my balls, his mouth breathing heavily into my ear. As I moaned his lips gently kissed the back and sides of my neck a new sensation for me that was driving me wild. I felt myself pushing my body back against his, his erection now much more obvious as his fingers found and pinched my nipples. I groaned again and was close to shooting so I told him,

"I have to ask fore permission to cum Sir."

His fingers left my body and after a pause he asked,

"What was that boy?"

My erection throbbed and pulsed as I said,

"I have to ask permission to masturbate as well as to be able to ejaculate Sir."

He took in a deep breath as he said,

"Just as it should be boy, just as it should be. Maybe later, right now lets see how that beautiful mouth of yours works. Drop to your knees."

I did as he said and watched as he undid and then dropped his tor users. He looked down at me and said,

"Don't just kneel there boy."

I reached up and pulled his underwear down and saw his erection pop out. It was large, not as long as mine, but bigger around. It was also very hard, the haer flared and almost purple as I slowly leaned forward and ran my tongue up and down the shaft. He gasped which urged me on as I ran my tongue around the head in circles, then slowly started taking the head into my mouth. He gasped again, his eyes looking down at me as my tongue ran around the flared moist head. As I knelt there, he pushed forward a bit and drove about an inch or two of his shaft into my mouth, I wasn't ready and my teeth made contact with his shaft. He gasped again and said,

"Relax boy, relax your jaw."

I did as he said and eventually took another inch into me. The sounds he as making were obvious, he was loving what I was doing as I took a bit more into me. I was about to pull my head back a bit when he thrust his hips forward and his entire cock slipped in and part way down my throat. I gagged, trying to pull back but he grabbed my head and held it firmly as he ordered,

"Breath through your nose boy, relax and take it. Your pretty mouth was made for this boy."

It took a minute, but I got the hang of it and as I did he said,

"Now, suck my cock like a pro boy."

I pulled my head back then pushed it forward and his cock slid easier into my throat as he let out of a gasp of pleasure. My mouth seemed to know what to do on it's own as he started sliding his cock in and out faster and faster as he called out,

"Damn boy, gonna fuck your face."

His hips started thrusting as his hands held my head firmly in place as his cock drove in and out of me until he gasped louder, his entire body shuddered and he drove it down my throat just as it exploded. Spurt after spurt of his hot, salty cum forced it's way down my throat. The taste driving me wild as he continued to fuck my mouth. As he slowed he let go of my head and as he made eye contact he said,

"You loved that right boy?"

As I was going to answer he smeared the head of his cock over my lips, then my cheeks, covering my face with his left over cum as he ordered,

"Tell me how much you loved that, need it boy, tell me. Thank me for letting you suck my cock."

The words came out on their own,

"Thank you so much Sir, I hope I pleased you."

His response came fast,

"More boy, more!"

"I needed that Sir, I loved being able to suck your cock. It's....it's what my mouth was made for Sir.....It's what I was made for Sir."

His eyes on mine he said,

"Good boy. From now on you will remember to show respect and tell everyone you please how much you enjoyed it. Their pleasure is everything, yours is nothing. You will learn yo show how much you appreciate sucking a mans cock, that pleasing people is your first and foremost concern. From now on, got it boy?"

As I started to answer he grabbed me under my arms and easily lifted me to my feet, as I said,

"Yes Sir, I promise."

He stepped back and looked me up and down,

"Damn boy, you really are perfect, just looking at you makes me want to do all kinds of things to you."

I stood, feeling very exposed and vulnerable, his eyes taking in my body as he told me,

"We're going to have to get rid of that erection though if you are going to try on speedos."

He went to the little fridge and came back with a hand full of ice and with out a word, roughly ran the ice up and down my shaft and all over my balls. At first it made me hornier but then my cock started to soften.

"Thats better."

He went into the show room and was back quickly with several speedos. As I tried them on he found my size and then said,

"Perfect fit, but you are so beautiful, we'll go for one size smaller."

As I tried them on it was obvious that they left almost nothing to the imagination. Any quick movement would start to expose more and more skin. It would be impossible for me to wear anything smaller or tighter, without having my cock visible. He seemed pleased, then smiled and said,

"Now, the prefect colors for you."

He again was back quickly, with 2 bright pink pairs, 2 white pairs and 2 fluorescent yellow pairs, all one size too small for me. The pink would be embarrassing enough, but I was pretty sure the white ones would be almost see through when they got wet and the yellow ones were almost shockingly bright. He smiled wider and said,

"Yes, prefect for a boy like you."

I figured it could not get worse until I noticed the brand name, in big letters across the back, SPANK. As I stood there, he told to me turn around and when I did he again fingered my butt mounds, groaning as he did and said,

"Perfect boy ass, absolute perfection. The word spank should be in big letters right boy?"

As I nodded I said,

"Yes Sir."

There was a wooshing sound and then his hand smacked my right butt cheek hard as he told me,

"Do your parents still spank you boy?"

"It's just my mother and me, no she hasn't for a while Sir."

"That is a shame, nothing keeps boys in line like a good bare assed spanking, do you agree boy?"

"Yes Sir, it is very effective."

"Good boy. From now on, if you are in trouble, do something wrong, get bad grades, forget to do your chores, forget to show respect, anything naughty at all, you will suggest to the adult, no matter who it is, or where it happens, that you deserve a spanking. As soon as they bring up what you have done, you will tell them that other punishments have obviously not worked. Got it boy?"

I hesitated, imagining the ways that could be used and then yelped as his hand smacked my other butt cheek.

"Got it boy?"

I nodded and said,

"Yes Sir."

"Remember boy that means anytime, and you will not just suggest it, you will make the adult know you are serious and that a spanking is the way to go."

I nodded and said,

"Yes Sir, I promise."

As he had stopped speaking and I was naked, I dropped to my knees, spread them wide and stroked myself to full erection then pout my hand behind my back. He spent a long time looking at me, his eyes roaming over my body until he said,

"We'll train you yet boy. Now, stand up and pull your clothes on."

When I walked back to the show room he had my speedos in bag and after taking enough money from me to pay for them he said,

"I can't wait for school to start up again, I'll be at every swim meet they have, hell with those speedos you'll be the star attraction."

I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. I am making the story go slowly on purpose. Please keep the comments and suggestions coming.

Next: Chapter 7

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