A Better Haircut

By Daniel1989a .

Published on Nov 16, 2016


A Better Haircut-Part 5

The word spanking echoed through my head as my body continued to calm after my explosive orgasm. Aiden had made me cum on purpose, there was no doubting it, and the evil grin he was giving me made it sink in even more. I regretted reacting to his Mother's embarrassing admissions about the size of his penis and his prostate gland sensitivity, which made it clear, she had both seen his erect penis and, as it seemed doubtful he would willingly talk about his prostate, that she knew that from experience as well. It was also clear from the way he did what she said easily that the spankings she had given him had caused his submissiveness or at least added to it. He was bigger than me by a couple inches and heavier, but DR. Engvall was an imposing woman and her manner showed she had no trouble at all being in charge. Aiden had reacted so quickly when his Mother mentioned his penis size that I wondered, without really wanting to see, just how small it was. I knew what a prostate gland was, but had no idea of what it would feel like to have it stimulated, but I had stories about guys who loved it.

As these thoughts were running though my head, I felt Dr. Engvall finish wiping up my cum, and the threatened spanking filled my head. It had been a few years since my last spanking, delivered very effectively by my Mother when she had come home early and caught me smoking a cigarette in the back yard. She had spanked me before that, not often but enough, however that last time I was almost 13 and like always she had taken me to her room, lectured me about why the spanking was needed, then had me strip to my underwear in front of her. I had not really hit puberty at the time, but I had become much more private about her seeing me undressed. She had easily pulled me over her lap and spanked me with her hand for quite sometime. Unlike previous spankings though, she had paused and then I felt her fingers pulling at my underwear. She had never done this before, but her anger had been obvious and severe so I had raised my hips and she pulled them down and all the way off. I remembered the feeling of being very vulnerable and even though my briefs were thin, they provided some protection and I had started to cry at that point, more out of humiliation than anything else. She had paused with me naked over her lap and said,

"Cry all you want young man, this is for your own good."

It was then that another thing changed as I felt her shift her weight and when I looked back I saw she was holding her wooden hairbrush. My eyes opened widened with shock and I had begged,

"Please Mommy, please, I'll never do it again I promise."

Her expression showed that my words were not working, even though it had been the first time in ages I had called her Mommy, and I remember when the hair bush made contact I had screamed out as my entire body bucked. The pain intense, but instead of stopping she had grabbed my arm and pulled it up my back, making it impossible for me to get away. Suddenly,

"Did you hear me?"

The words surprised em as I was so deep in thought that I heard myself say,

"Yes Mommy......."

The words tapered off as I realized it had been Dr. Engvall talking to me and I felt not only my face, but my entire body going red with humiliation as I looked and saw Aiden, now with a very self satisfied smile on his face. Dr. Engvall said,

"Not, not Mommy, but I guess that answers the question if she ever spanked you boy, now stand up, don't make me ask you again."

I did as she said and stood on my wobbly legs, my body still heaving from my orgasm and unfortunately my erection still very hard. She pulled out the desk chair and sat on it then said,

"Across my lap boy."

I hesitated and thought of running but when she raised her voice and told me to get across her lap again and that any delay would make it worse, I slowly lowered my self and felt her adjusting me until my butt was centered and as high up as possible. Her hand smacked down hard and it was clear she was much stronger than my Mother and her hand bigger and to make matters worse, Aiden was watching the whole thing. Her hand alternated from cheek to cheek, covering every inch of my butt cheeks as she admonished,

"Nothing like a good spanking to keep boys in line, you never get too old for one, and much better delivered by a woman."

Her hand continued smacking as I felt tears running down my face and looked away so Aiden could not see, but if anything her hand swung even harder. Much worse than the spanking was that my cock was rubbing across her lap and with my foreskin stretched back tightly, my very sensitive cock head was getting too much stimulation. I had no idea what she would do it I shot a load on her lap and as my tears increased to the point where I was about to start crying out loud, I pushed my hand back and in the way, then instantly regretted it when I heard her say,

"Aiden, run and get my hairbrush, the wide wooden one."

Aiden ran from the room and was back seconds later as she told me,

"Now you really get the spanking you deserve boy."

I could not hod back and pleaded,

"Please, no more."

"You will refer to me as Doctor or Ma'am, in fact I want to hear you refer to all woman older than you as Ma'am from this moment on, got it boy?"

I should not have hesitated as the brush swung down hard, harder than my Mother's brush as I literally screamed out,

"Yes Ma'ammmmmmmmm."

Dr. Engvall kept up the spanking, more serious than any previous one I had until I had dissolved into tears and was crying like I had when I was 8. Instead o comforting me after like my Mother had always done, she simply guided me until I was standing in front of her, my tears streaming down my face as my hands reached back to gently soothe my burning butt cheeks. That was when I heard Aiden say,

"Look, he still has an erection."

My humiliation was now complete, but my butt cheeks hurt too much to really care about my erection at this point, however I did catch the unhappy expression on Aiden's face when the Doctor said,

"It's happened to you before too Aiden."

Then looking at me she asked,

"Have you learn ed your lesson boy?"

I almost just nodded my head, but caught myself and said,

"Yes Ma'am."

"Good, and don't forget that Ma'am is the way you will address all women older than you from now on....I'm guessing your Mother has probably not had that respect for quite sometime."

At the mention of my Mother, my mind reeled, she would for sure notice me all of a sudden calling her Ma'am, but my ass cheeks still hurt too much to worry. My reply was quiet,

"Yes Ma'am."

"Good, now all I need is a semen sample for the study and to give you your booster shot, lay back down on the table."

I awkwardly stepped to it and as my butt made contact I arched it up off the paper as a grunt of pain escaped my lips. The Doctor smiled and said,

"I'm guessing you'll remember this spanking for quite sometime, nothing like it to tame boys like you."

She was awaiting for an answer, and she got it,

"Yes Ma'am."

I figured she would have me give the semen sample so I prepared to be humiliated further by stroking in front of her, but it got worse as I watched her smear some lube between her first two fingers as she stepped beside the exam table. With her other hand she handed me a small container and told me make sure to place it at the tip of my penis when she told me to ejaculate. She then grasped my shaft at the base, pulling back tightly and with her two lubed fingers she made a circle and ran it up and down the very sensitive head of my penis. I had never really touched my head that much, finding it too sensitive and as her circled fingers slid up and down my cock responded by swelling again and I took in a deep breath as a moan escaped my lips. I felt myself getting very close and was confused if I should speak up, but she sensed it and her fingers left my cock head. A minute later she started up again, again bringing me right to the edge of shooting and then stopping. Aiden watched, not my cock but my face and his smile showed he was enjoying this as his Mother brought me to the edge over and over, always stopping just in time. My legs started to move and my nipples had again hardened, my balls pulling up tight as she once again stroked my cock head and stopped just before my ejaculation. Each time she stopped, my cock bounced around, spraying pre cum and my moans got louder. The Doctor paused longer each time as my cock was so hard it was getting painful and she expertly stopped stroking each time.

Over and over she brought me to the edge, stroking just the head of my cock, my moans almost constant now, sweat breaking out on my torso and legs, my balls feeling like they would explode. As she brought me to the edge again I could not hold back,


Her eyes tightened as she asked,

"Please what boy?"

"Please Ma'am."

"Better, but what do you want boy?"

I didn't want to ask, I knew she wanted me to, but I did not want to give in to her. Her fingers brought me to the edge again and again and again, teasing me until finally I said,

"Please let me cum Ma'am."

As her fingers slid up and down my head she looked in my eyes and said,

"Better boy, better, but this is not a porn movie, I don't like the word cum. And for speaking to me like that, from this moment on you will never masturbate or, EJACULATE, without asking an adult for permission first. Do you understand boy? No more late night masturbating, no running to the washroom, wherever you are, whenever it is, you will ask an adult for permission to masturbate and ejaculate, begging if necessary, understood?"

At this point I would have agreed to almost anything, but her words were serious and I understood the ramifications so I held off as she brought me to the edge several more times before I gave in and said,

"Please let me ejaculate Ma'am."

"I think you need to be more precise boy, make me feel you deserve the privilege of ejaculating, that you have earned it."

Aiden's eyes were locked on my face and he was enjoying every second as my mouth opened and I said what came into my mind,

"Please Ma'am let me ejaculate, I'll be a good boy I promise. I'll never masturbate or ejaculate without permission, I give you my word. Please I need to ejaculate Ma'am."

My face reddened and Aiden's eyes opened wide, his sneer covering his face as his Mother's fingers slid up and down my cock head quicker, she told me to get the container ready. She suddenly stopped touching my cock head and I placed the container at the tip of my penis just as my back arched and my cock exploded. Spurt after spurt shot into the tube as my cock drained and my body started to clam down. Dr. Engvall wiped away the remaining as she took the container and placed the lid on it and handed to Aiden, telling him to place it with the other samples. As he left the room she said,

"Remember boy, this is a small town, don't even think of trying to get way with anything here. Now stand up and bend over the table."

For a minute I thought she was going to spank me again, but just as I bent I felt her drive the booster needle into my right butt cheek, causing me to cry out. As she pulled the needle out she said,

"Okay boy, get dressed. we'll see you back here in a week for a follow up for the study."

As fast as I could I pulled on my shorts, t-shirt and shoes and was almost out of the house when I heard Aiden laugh and say,

"You called her Mommy."

His laughing got louder, my face flushing with shame and anger, I looked and saw she was still in the back, so I called back,

"See you tiny."

His laughing stopped immediately at the reference to his penis size and I heard him getting up so I opened the door and ran most of the way home. Once inside I went to my room, stripped, made myself hard and pulled back my foreskin, then took a long hot shower. The impulse to masturbate was huge and even though I had no interest in Dr. Engvall and hoped I never had to see her again, I had promised and even greater than that, the idea of having to ask to masturbate was exciting as well as anxiety provoking. I figured I could get permission easily from Stan, Jeff or Jerry, or if need be, I knew my body was special to gay men, I would flaunt myself at a stranger. My Mother came home not too much later so after helping around the house I asked,

"Can I have some money to buy some new shorts please......Ma'am."

Her head did a double take, looking at me then away, then back to see if I was making a joke. Her eyes widened and she asked,

"I hope you're not poking fun Nick, or just trying to get something, you know I don't tolerate disrespect in this house."

I was not willing to go too far so I answered,

"No Ma'am, not at all, I just think you deserve the courtesy and respect."

She looked at me for a full minute, trying to see if I was kidding, but then she asked,

"Why shorts all of a sudden, you used to hate wearing them."

I winked at her, smiled and said,

"I'm working my way down to being a nudist."

She let out a laugh then said,

"Well from what I've seen, you have the body for it. I'll leave you some money. And don't think I have forgotten about Mrs. Anders, we may not have seen her for quite sometime, but she is still one of my best friends, you'll have to make up being so rude to her somehow."

After dinner we watched tv and as I headed up to bed I realized it would be one of the only times I was not able to jerk off before bed. I did my regular routine in the morning with no need to stroke, my cock was hard when I woke up. I ate and dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, pulled on my shoes, grabbed the money my Mother left and headed into town. I was finding it odd that I had not see any guys my age, there was a high school, so they had to be some. This morning I passed and saw a few girls my age and younger, but still no guys. I put it out of my head and was delighted to see Jerry as entered the town. He smiled and waved me over and said,

"How did it go with Dr. Engvall? Heard she had to blister that sweet ass of yours."

My face flushed and my eyes lowered as I said,

"Yes Sir, she did."

He put his hand on my shoulder, the feeling electric to me, coursing through my body as he said,

"What are you doing here so early?"

"I'm here to buy some shorts Sir, like you said, no more jeans."

His smile widened,

"We'll make a nudist out of you yet. The best place to go is Henry's, he's an expert at clothing boys like you and will make sure you don't buy any of those shorts that come down to your knees. And oh boy, will he ever enjoy seeing you come into his store."

After pointing the direction, I walked on until I was in front of the store. There was a closed sign and I was about to turn around when the door opened and an old man, in his 60's at least walked out and called,

"It's okay son, I'll open for you."

As I neared and then entered the store, his eyes were all over me, he was not even trying to hide it, and as I walked in he closed and locked the door again. He smiled wide and asked,

"What can I do for such a cute boy as you this lovely morning?"

My face flushed as I said,

"I need some shorts Sir."

He looked down at the ones I was wearing, then lower to take in my legs as he said,

"Well, you certainly have the legs for shorts, better than any boy I have ever seen, and look how smooth they are, just like silk."

His words pleased me, made me proud of my body as he said,

"Let's go get you measured up boy."

I was shocked when he grabbed my left ear lobe between his strong fingers and led me to the back of the store, through a curtain and into the very back room. There were bits of material and clothing everywhere, plus full length mirrors on every wall, a couple tables and chairs. He let go of my ear and as he picked up a tape measure he said,

"Take those shoes off boy."

I felt his eyes on my butt as I bent to undo laces, and placed my shoes out of the way. When I stood back up he was again staring at me, his eyes glaring into my body as he said,

"Yes, great legs and a nice ass from what I can see, this will be a pleasure for me."

He walked up to me and put the tape measure around my waist without asking, then looked frustrated and said,

"This will not work at all boy, not at all."

He then grabbed my t-shirt by the collar and in one quick movement he tore the fabric all the way to the bottom and threw my ruined t-shirt on the floor. I stood there in just my shorts, with a new respect for Henry, it took some strength to rip fabric that way. He stepped back and I saw his breathing was heavier, his eyes wider as he said,

"Exquisite, beautiful, much too beautiful to cover up. And not a hair in site, excellant. I wonder if you are smooth all over?"

I tried to regain some control and flexed out my abs and chest muscles, then my biceps and saw it started to work as his tongue pushed out of his mouth and licked his lips and I noticed a new bulge in his trousers. I took this as a sign and ran my hand over my nipple, letting out a louder moan than was needed, then let it smooth it's way down to the waistband of my shorts, seeing his face redden slightly and the bulge increase in size, I caressed my cock through my shorts, feeling it hardening. Henry was not missing any of this and just when I thought I had him and was about to ask for some of the very expensive shorts I had noticed, he said,

"You are a naughty boy aren't you? Using your body like that to turn me on. Well boy it worked, but let's get you measured first."

Again without a word, he stretched the tape measure around my waist, inhaling deeply as he did and saying,

"You showered recently, apricot soap I presume."

Before I answered he dropped to his knees, his bones cracking and I felt the tape measure stretch around my thighs caressing my skin,

"Apricot body wash too, very nice."

He then reached up and grabbed the waistband of my shorts and quickly yanked them down and as I moved my feet he removed them and threw them to the side. I was not used to others undressing me, it somehow reminded me of being a young boy. I had been hoping to avoid this, but being naked I had no choice, I grasped my shaft and started stroking. His eyes opened wide in surprise as I fully hardened my cock and then slowly pulled the foreskin back. His breathing had increased and his face was redder as he seemed to be panting, almost like a dog.

"Oh my, perfectly smooth here too, you really are a sight to behold. Good, good obedient boy, preparing your penis like that. But from now on, you will drop to your knees, spread them wide, get yourself hard and pull back your foreskin, then put your hands behind you and wait. Understood?"

I nodded and said,

"Understood Sir."

He stood and walked behind me, then asked,

"Perfect, who spanked this Sweet ass boy?"

After I told him he said,

"A boys ass should almost always be red."

One of his hands smacked my right butt cheek hard, the sound echoing in the small room as his other hand reached around and started feeling my chest and nipples. His hands explored almost every inch of my body, his breathing getting heavier until finally he stopped and started showing me shorts. He had me try on many pairs, all of them very short and tight and each time he looked and gasped, commenting on my legs or ass and how great they looked. After he had picked out 10 new pair, all in different shades and colors he left me standing naked, staring at me, as his breathing got heavier.

"Such a beautiful boy, perfect and delightful."

His words thrilled me, but that changed when he said,

"Start stroking that beautiful boy cock of yours."

I cleared my throat and said,

"I am required to ask permission to stroke my cock Sir."

His eyes lit up, then got hard as he said,

"As it should be boy, but I think pleading for permission would be much better done on your knees, and you will do it from now on. A boy needs to know his lace, and that place is on his knees, waiting for instruction."

I knew what he wanted and dropped to my knees and asked,

"Can I masturbate please Sir?"

His eyes were all over my body, a bulge in the front of his pants as he said,

"Yes, but don't even think of cumming boy. I'll be watching, you will stroke until you are on the verge of cumming, then stop. If you are thinking of faking it, at some point I might ask you to cum and if you are not ready, the red on your ass will be nothing compared to what I will do, got it boy?"

I understood and said,

"Yes Sir."

After he motioned me to stand up, I started slowly stroking my shaft, getting hornier as I came closer to shooting my load, then stopping until my cock calmed down a bit. He was merciless, making me do this over and over, for well over an hour, to the point where I thought I would go crazy. I was sweating, my legs shaky, my balls and cock aching for release, but all he did was smile and tell me to go on. After another 10 minutes of bringing me to the edge, he ordered,

"Wipe the pre cum from your cock and lick your fingers clean."

I did as he ordered, loving the salty taste, but getting nervous as he dropped his pants and stepped out of them and as he stepped behind me, I thought I was going to get fucked. Sensing my anxiety he said,

"Relax boy, I'm not going to fuck you, but yours is the nicest ass I have ever seen, so keep up the stroking boy."

His arms went around my waist and as he pulled me back towards him I felt his large, very hard cock poking into my back. One of his hands went to the head of my cock, wiping up a huge amount of the pre cum I was producing and a second later he was smearing it up and down the crack of my butt.

"Stop playing with your nipples boy, but keep stroking that cock of yours, and remember, do not cum."

His hands held my hips strongly in place and then I felt his cock sliding up and down the crack of my butt cheeks. His cock was large and the addition of his pre cum made it slide easily up and down. Each time he thrust up, the head and his shaft ran over my hole and I found myself stroking faster, getting hotter as I went, until he called out,


My fingers left my shaft as my entire body shivered, realizing how close I had been to ejaculating. He whispered in to my ear,

"No pleasure for you today boy, it's all about me."

Henry started sliding his cock up and down my crack faster, his grunts and groans getting louder and louder until several minutes later he held me tighter to him and I felt his cum shoot up and onto my back,then down my crack, covering my butt. He held on, continuing to hump up and down for a couple minutes, then picked up my torn t-shirt and said,

"Wipe yourself off boy, time to open the store."

He handed me a pair of bright blue tight shorts and said,

"Pull these on."

As I did his hands roamed over every inch of my body, my arms and legs,my chest and my nipples as he said,

"Much too nice to cover up, much too beautiful boy. It is tempting to make you NEVER wear a shirt again, but that time will come, however, from now on you will remove it the second you get home and leave it off, no matter who is visiting. And remember boy, on your knees, make yourself hard, foreskin back, knees spread wide, then you will plead for permission to masturbate and ejaculate. Got it boy?"

He went and picked out several t-shirts, all of them tight and sleeveless, with slits down the sides, and after urging me to pull one on, he stepped back and said,

"Perfect, from the side people will be able to see those beautiful nipples of yours. Remember my orders boy?

"Yes Sir."

He led me to the door of the shop, pinched my nipples again, then wound up and smacked my shorts covered butt hard as he reminded me the shorts were not free and watched as I dug out the money my Mother had given me and handed it to him.

"Good boy. You need to head to the drug store down the street and get some sun tan lotion, be a shame to burn that beautiful soft smooth skin. Now, get out of here."

I walked out into the sun light, my erection throbbing in my new shorts, my torso barely covered by the new t-shirt and as I passed the display window and looked at my reflection, I saw Henry was right. The slits on the sides of my t-shirt were so long, I could see my nippleanyone seeing me from the side would see my nipples.

I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. Please keep the comments and suggestions coming. As you can see, I use most of them in the story. There will be women involved in this story, mainly to increase the humiliatio. If this is not your thing, sorry, but it is hard to please everyone.

Next: Chapter 6

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