A Better Haircut

By Daniel1989a .

Published on Nov 14, 2016


A Better Haircut-Part 4

As soon as I walked out the door I noticed something very different, I had never been very hairy, but with my legs and arms smooth, the wind felt different. It was almost like the wind was caressing my hair free areas, at first it surprised me but as I walked on I found it enjoyable, a new pleasant sensation. As I walked I ran my fingers down my left arm and found that touch was much more sensitive now, the hair free, smoothness somehow exciting and arousing to me. At the same time I knew there would be questions, luckily I did not start school for a while, but still, people would notice my arms and legs having no hair, there was no way I could keep them covered like I could with my cock and balls. I figured that even at the gym I could keep my crotch covered, but wondered what I could say about the rest of my body. The wind continued to excite my newly smooth skin as I walked on, thoughts of Jerry's naked body and the taste of his cock in my mouth. His cock was big and I knew there was no way I could fit much of it in my mouth and was happy he had not wanted to put it somewhere else, I knew my hole was way too tight for that.

As soon as I was home, I showered and then stood in front of my mirror, my hands exploring every inch of my smooth body. After a few minutes of fondling, I decided it was not bad at all, in fact if felt amazing, everything more sensitive to the touch. I was about to start jerking off when the phone rang, so I walked to my room and answered, and heard Jerry's voice, commanding as ever.

"Hi boy, just wanted to let you know your wallet fell out of your shorts, it's here when you want to pick it up."

I looked around and saw right away it was gone so I said,

"Thank you Sir, I'm just out of the shower, could I pick it up later please?"

There was a pause and I thought he had hung up but instead he asked,

"Did you follow my order boy?"

I held the phone confused and asked,

"What order......."

Before he answered I looked down at my cock, foreskin forward and instantly felt bad, I had promised.

"I'm sorry Sir, I forgot, I'll do it from now on I promise, I give you my word Sir."

There was a longer pause, then in a firm voice he said,

"If you're just out of the shower, are you naked now boy?"

I could have lied, but I said,

"Yes Sir."

"Are you hard and your foreskin all the way back boy?"

"No Sir."

"Okay boy, this is your one and only warning reminder. You will follow my order no matter what. That means when you shower, go to bed, ANYTIME you are naked, and I mean EVERYTIME you are naked you will make your cock hard and pull it back, understood boy?"

His words effected me and I felt my cock hardening before I even reached down to it and as I stroked it to full erection, I said,

"I'm doing it right now Sir. It will never happen again, I give you my word."

Seconds later my erection fully hard, I slowly slid the foreskin back, moaning slightly as I did.

"Did that moan mean you just did it boy?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good boy, how long until someone comes home?"

I looked at the clock and saw my Mother would be home in about an hour and told him so.

"Okay boy, you will stay naked, hard and foreskin back until she gets home, then you can get dressed. If you start to soften at all, you will stroke just to get yourself back to full erection, then stop, you will not cum, understood?"

I told him I did and would do as he said, then he added,

"And since you forgot already, from now on you will never wear underwear again, and no jeans, only shorts and t-shirts until the weather gets colder, got it?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good boy."

The phone hung up so I walked back to my mirror, staring for the first time at how short my head hair was. It had not been this short for years and I did not like it, but it was gone and nothing I could do about it. To make sure I didn't forget I opened my drawer and pulled out all my underwear and jeans and stuffed them in the back of my closet. After rummaging through my drawers I saw I only had 3 pairs of shorts which meant I would have to buy some. I did my own laundry so there was no worries my Mother would notice the underwear. She might wonder about the jeans, but I would just tell her that I am now preferring shorts in the warm weather. It was not difficult to stay hard, being 15 and being still aroused from seeing Jerry naked, the hard part was not cumming. My cock wanted to explode and I thought about jerking off, but something inside held me back, plus I wanted to please Jerry and had never been good at lying, so I held off. When I heard my Mothers car I pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and went downstairs. Her eyes lit up as soon as she saw me and seconds later her arms hugged me as she said,

"Oh Nicky, you did it, your hair looks great, so much better than that shaggy look."

I was going to mention not liking be called Nicky anymore, but didn't. As she pulled her arms back I said,

"I guess."

"No really honey, you look much better, cleaner, I absolutely love it this short."

We talked as she started making dinner, then as I was setting the table she turned with the milk in her hand and it spilled all down the back of my t-shirt. She put the carton down and as she apologized she said,

"Here lets take care of that."

Before her words stopped she had grabbed the bottom of my t-shirt and started pulling it up, and without even thinking I raised my arms, just like when I was little and she wanted to change my shirt, as she pulled it off. When my t-shirt came off she paused, then took in a breath and asked,

"Nick, what happened to your under arm hair......and your arm hair.....and your legs too?"

I had been so preoccupied I had forgotten and now with her standing right in front of me waiting for an answer I fumbled for words. Her gaze was on me, not angry, just curious as she held my milk soaked t-shirt. Ideas were not popping into my head so I just shrugged my shoulders and turned away to finish setting the table. Her hand reached out and grasped my right shoulder hard then pulled until I was facing her again,

"Young man, you will not shrug your shoulders at me and you will answer me when I ask you something."

She had always been a strong woman and the look on her face told me I was not going to get away without an explanation so I said,

"I'm thinking of going for the swim team when school starts and thought I would get a head start Mom."

It was a calculated lie, something I hated to do, and something she would be furious at if she caught me, but since we hadn't really talked about my new school yet and I didn't want to explain how my hair had really been removed, I felt confident. She looked like she was going to let it go but then she reached out and ran a finger part way up my arm and said,

"How did you get it this smooth, not with a razor."

Now I started to panic a bit, which got more as she said,

"Lift up your arms."

I knew her tone and so I raised my arms and she gently touched under neath and said,

"You didn't get this from a razor, how did you do it?"

I lowered my arms and got an idea,

"I asked the guy who cut my hair, he gave me a cream that he said works great, and as you can see it does."

She stepped back and looked me up and down, I was thankful she didn't want to feel my legs too,

"Well you weren't that hairy anyways, that stuff works great I don't see hair anywhere, your under arms are smoother than mine, and you do work hard on your body, guess your muscles will show better."

She started to turn then looked back, smiled and winked at me,

"Still want to drop the shorts like you said yesterday....doubt you used the cream there, but maybe I should check?"

She took a step forward, her hand reaching out towards my shorts, then she stopped, laughed and said,

"Let's eat."

Later that night as I was heading upstairs she said,

"Don't forget your physical tomorrow, the address is on the table, and make sure you take the forms I signed, I think you'll like her."

I was about to nod then paused and said,

"Her? I'm not going to a woman Doctor."

"Nick, women are just as good as men, and she's the only Doctor in town taking new patients."

"But Mom, c'mon, I don't want to....."

Her voice raised as she said,

"She's your Doctor, end of discussion."

I thought of arguing, but could see she was in no mood for it and I always lost anyways so I just went to bed. The next morning I showered, remembering to get hard and pull back my foreskin as son as I got naked, then pulled on a t-shirt, shorts and my shoes and ate breakfast. I grabbed the form and address and headed outside and walked slowly into town. My eyes lit up when I saw Jerry and after walking to him he asked,

"Remembering what I told you boy."

I smiled and said,

"Yes Sir. I did it last night when I undressed for bed and before my shower this morning."

Good boy, just remember, there are NO exceptions, ever, understood?"

"Yes Sir, I understand."

"Good boy, where are you headed this early?"

I told him about my physical and he said,

"Well...you are fit and healthy, that's for sure, but always good to get checked out. Who are you seeing?"

I read off the name and his eyes lit up as he said,

"Great, she's one of my best and closest friends, plus a very experienced Doctor, she specializes in teens."

I noticed the time and quickly got my wallet back, then headed farther into town. The office address was a house and I thought I had read it wrong, but then saw a sign that said the Doctor's name on it. I walked to the door and once inside saw that she had converted this part of her house into an office. There were a few chairs and a table with magazines on it, several diplomas on the wall and a few pictures. There was a guy a few years older than me sitting behind a desk so I said,

"Hi. I'm here to see Doctor Engvall."

He smiled and said,

"You must be Nick, I'm Aiden Engvall, her son."

He was wearing a uniform and I saw a diploma beside his desk with his name , making him some kind of nurse.

"Nice to meet you."

"You're new here, how are you liking it?"

"I haven't met that many people yet, but it's good so far."

I handed him the envelope and watched as he opened it and entered a few things in the computer on his desk, then looked up at me and said,

"Your in the study, that's great, so we'll be seeing you here quite often."

"What study?"

"The AMH or Adolescent male health study, your Mother signed you up."

It didn't sound bad so I nodded and then Aiden said,

"Follow me please Nick."

He led me down a short hallway, passing a washroom and then I saw there was an exam room on either side just past it. He pointed to the one on the left, I stepped in and saw an exam table, desk and chair and a cupboard with medical equipment. On the walls were medical charts showing diagrams of the male body, just like in most Doctor's offices. Aiden then said,

"Take your clothes off and hang them on the hook behind the door, the Doctor will be right in."

He started to close the door and looked a little annoyed when I asked,

"All my clothes, really?"

He replied matter of factly,

"Yes, really. You can keep your underwear on for now if you prefer."

Aiden closed the door and I stood there, shifting my weight from one foot to another wondering what to do, and wishing I had at least worn underwear. I thought about leaving, but knew my Mother would freak at being billed for an appointment I never kept so I bent and undid my shoes and placed them against the wall. I looked around and pulled my t-shirt off and hung it on the hook on back of the door. Then stood wondering what to do, as I did there was a knock on the door and a second later Aiden popped his head in and said,

"My Mother is going to be a couple minutes....."

Then he looked at me standing in the middle of the room and said,

"Get those shorts off, she'll want to start right away."

The door closed and sealed my fate, I was not getting out of this, so after looking around I pulled my shorts off and hung them on the door. Then it hit me hard, a woman I had never met was going to come through the door and see me naked, which her being a Doctor I could handle, but Jerry's words came popping into my head. I had given my word twice about what to do when naked and I was now naked. My legs felt week, my breathing heavier than usual and my I felt my face flushing and almost grabbed my clothes and made a run for it, but he had told me the Doctor was one of his best friends, he would find out and I was not ready to disappoint him or break my word. My left hand slowly went to my shaft and I was shocked to feel that I was already almost fully hard. It only took a few seconds until my erection was complete and I very slowly started sliding my foreskin back. Just as it popped back and tightened around the base of my cock head the door started to open. There was no time for me to do anything, so I stood there, covering up as best as I could. A tall woman who looked about 50 walked in and said,

"Hi Nick, I'm Dr. Engvall, nice to meet you."

I felt my face redden, my heart racing as I stood awkwardly trying to cover up as much as I could and gave up trying to cover my balls, my hands were not big enough, so I covered my erection and turned towards the table. I had only taken a step when she said,

"Nick turn around and face me."

I turned just me head and briefly met her eyes, they were firm confident eyes. She didn't look mad or annoyed, but her tone was firm when she said,

"Nick, this is no way to start, I'm your Doctor and I've seen more naked boys then you can count."

I slowly turned, my hands scrambling to cover up as she said,

"In this office, you do as you are told, I will not stand for rudeness from a boy your age, got it?"

My eyes focused on the ground, my face feeling hotter and hotter as I said,

"Nice to meet you to Doctor."

"That's better, boys your age are becoming so rude, and trust me young man you don't have anything I haven't seen before."

She pointed to the scale and as I stepped on still covering she weighed me at 143 pounds, and took my height as 5'9". She then said,

"Take a seat on the exam table."

I had to uncover to do it but quickly put my hands back as my legs dangled off the side. The paper covering it made crinkling sounds as I adjusted myself. She read some papers and said,

"You're up on most of your shots which is good, I'll have to give you one though. Do you have any health concerns right now Nick?"

I shook my head from side to side which got the response,

"You will answer me young man."

"No Ma'am, no concerns."

"Okay lets get on with it then."

She stepped up to me and put her hands on each side of my head and looked into my eyes, then ears with her equipment, had me open wide and checked my throat. Then felt the sides of my neck and paused to write something down. She picked up the blood pressure monitor and I stuck my elbow out a bit for her to wrap it around. She then shocked my by lightly smacking my elbow and saying,

"Enough is enough young man, now give me your arm."

I reluctantly raised my right arm and knew that about half of my shaft was now uncovered as she wrapped it around my bicep and took my pressure then wrote it down. I instantly covered up again and this time her voice got very firm as she said,

"Look, I'm about to take your temperature and pulse, keep acting like this and I'll take it rectally, now give me your arm."

My face reddened even more as I again raised my arm and as the thermometer was in my mouth she took my pulse and then wrote them down. She then reached under my arms and started feeling around then paused and said,

"You have no hair under here, has it not starred to grow yet?"

As my face flushed more my cock throbbed as I nervously said,

"Yes, I'm going for the swim team when school starts, thought I would get a head start."

She continued probing under my arms, then checked the reflexes on my legs and ran the tool under the soles of my feet. Then used the stethoscope to listen to first my back, then my chest, then said,

"Lay back, head on the pillow."

I managed to do it without moving my hands and heard her take in a deep breath and say,

"Look, I've had about enough of this, move those hands right now, or do I have to call your Mother?"

My heart skipped a beat as I slowly moved my hands to my sides, averting my eyes at the same time. She probed my abdomen, then my legs near my balls and said,

"Is your pubic hair gone for the swim team too?"

She said it a tiny bit sarcastically, obviously knowing it was not necessary as I said,

"Yes Ma'am."

"Well, you are very healthy. Stand up please."

I stood and covered up and this time her reaction was swift, her right hand shot out and swatted my hands away with a slight smacking sound. My erection popped up and started bucking and swaying from side to side.

"Do not test me young man, keep your hands at your sides until I tell you."

Her voice was confident and severe as my hands quickly went to my sides, she said loudly,

"Aiden, can you come in here please?"

I looked at her shocked and panicky and seeing my unease she gave me a slight smile and said,

"I'm required to have someone else here when I do a genital exam."

I started to open my mouth but she said,

"Not another word boy, your Mother signed all the papers, argue with me again and.......When was the last time you got a spanking?"

My mouth closed quickly and as I stood there she said,

"That's better, nothing like the real possibility of spanking to keep boys in line, and if you think I'm kidding, my son Aiden got one a few days ago and he's years older than you."

Her voice and manner told me she was very serious and as my cock throbbed, the foreskin stretched tight behind the head I felt pre cum oozing out just as Aiden walked in. He looked surprised, but regained his calm quickly as I noticed his eyes taking in my naked body. Dr. Engvall said,

"I need you here for the genital exam and if you're wondering he's joining the swim team and removed his body hair."

Aiden looked at my erection and asked,

"I didn't know they removed pubic hair too."

I swallowed hard, never so embarrassed before in my life as Dr. Engvall said,

"I don't think most do."

Aiden smiled briefly as his Mother grabbed my left testicle and ran her finger around it, then did the same to the right. Then pulled out an odd thing and actually measured them and said,

"Above normal for his age."

When she cupped my balls in her hand and said cough, I let out a very low moan first, making Aiden smile again. Dr. Engvall then said,

"As you can see, he is quite excitable."

She then grasped my erection at the base and slid her fingers up the shaft, then back again and this time I moaned louder, I could not hold it back. I saw both Aiden and the Doctor smile this time as she ran her fingers around the base, then back up again. She paused and looked at her notes, then said,

"Yes, you are uncircumcised, I thought I had read that."

She turned her head to Aiden and said,

"As you can see he is so aroused, the foreskin is trapped tightly behind the head of his penis, but it's necessary to check and make sure it can retract easily."

She grasped my shaft at the base and then slowly pulled forward until my foreskin covered my head then slowly pushed it all the way back again. This time my moan was louder and my legs shook a bit. She did it a couple more times and I thought I would shoot my load, but then almost fell when she said,

"Here Aiden, you'll have to learn this when you become a Doctor. Take my seat."

The Doctor stood and Aiden sat down as his Mother said,

"Grasp the shaft at the base and hold firmly, then slowly push the foreskin forward and then back."

Aiden did not look embarrassed at all and easily held my erection and did what his Mother said. I again let out a low moan and heard the Doctor say,

"Do not ejaculate boy, I'll need your semen collected properly for the study."

I did my best to hold back, but as a another moan escaped my lips, she added,

"Remember what I said about the spanking boy."

At the word spanking Aiden's eyes opened wide and he seemed to be excited about it as his Mother said,

"Do it a few more times Aiden, you don't see as many uncircumcised boys anymore, no telling when you will get another chance. Aiden's hand slowly retracted and then pulled forward my foreskin a few more times, my cock swelling and my moans louder each time until his Mother said,

"You mihgt as well do the measuring too."

She handed him a measuring tape and Aiden stretched it down my length and then around the girth and said,

"6.75 inches long and 5 inches around."

Dr. Engvall wrote it down and said,

"He is well above average for a boy of 15, and will probably grow more, and bigger than you are at 19, isn't he Aiden?"

I saw his face turn red and as he nodded his head his face showed slight anger directed at me as he replied,

"Yes he is Ma'am."

I could not help giving a slight smile that only he saw, then regretted it when Aiden gave me a sinister sneer as his hand cupped my testicles and his finger started tracing around them individually. I moaned again as Aiden looked up, paused and said,

"His nipples are erect, is that normal."

"Yes, it's very common in boys, they just don't usually like talking about it."

Aiden smiled at me and asked,

"Is it okay if I examine them too?"

Dr. Engvall said to me,

"Get back on the table, head on the pillow."

I started to protest but she said,

"Aiden is a nurse and registered member of the study, your Mother signed the papers. Now get up on that table boy, test me one more time and you are going to get the spanking of a lifetime."

Aiden's eyes lit up again as I quickly got up and laid down on the table, my erection bouncing up and own. He stood beside me as his fingers gently touched each of my nipples, then caressed them and gently pinched them between his fingertips. As always, my nipples drove me crazy and I could not hold back a louder moan of pleasure as my cock felt like it was stretching even bigger. Aiden asked,

"Is it usual for boys to get that excited on their nipples, it doesn't happen to me."

"It's not uncommon, but he seems to enjoy it more than I have seen before."

Aidens' fingers pinched my nipples again harder this time as another groan escaped my lips. His smile got wider as he continued to pinch and stroke my nipples, and as he looked down at my erection he said,

"His nipples seem to make his penis throb more, is that usual, it doesn't happen to me."

"Some boys are more sensitive in other areas, like you and your prostate gland."

This time his face went so red it surprised me, his eyes showed shame and anger and I could not help giving him a sly sneer of my own, and when he saw it his shame turned to pure anger. As Doctor Engvall looked away, hearing the phone ring, Aiden fondled my right nipple while his right hand reached down and grasped my shaft, and in one quick motion he pulled the foreskin all the back and held it there tightly. My moan came quickly and hearing it, he tightened his grasp on my shaft and quickly stroked it up and down a few times. Before I could do anything, my back arched up, my legs shook and without thinking I called out,


A split second after my cock exploded as the first spurt of cum looped up and landed on my forehead, followed by two more that landed in the middle of my face, another on my chin, my neck, my chest and as his hand tightened another on my chest, followed by a smaller one on my torso and abdomen. His hands quickly released my shaft and nipple and before the Doctor looked back, he grabbed my hand and rested in on my cock,just as another shot of cum arched up and landed on my chin, followed by a couple smaller ones on my torso as I called out,

"Fuck me.....oooooo..mmmmmm."

I lay there panting as he said,

"I didn't even touch him and he ejaculated."

I quickly pulled my hand away, which made it look worse for me. DR. Engvall did not look happy as she wiped the cum from my face and body with a damp towel, saying,

"Well two things just happened boy....first...you are in for a spanking you have needed I guess for a long time, and for the study I am going to need to you ejaculate again."

"Wait, he had his hands....."

As Aiden smiled, she said,

"Any other talk from you at this point, makes your spanking worse."

I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. I got requests for most of what happened. Keep the comments and suggestions coming. Nick will continue to experience things slowly. There will be no serious pain, no gang bangs or anything severe as he starts to accept who he is.

Next: Chapter 5

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