A Better Haircut

By Daniel1989a .

Published on Nov 12, 2016


A Better Haircut-Part 3

As I stood under the warm water, rinsing off my body, I heard another loud laugh echo through the locker room. As my towel had been pushed away and was now soaked, I walked back into the room naked, my hand covering my cock and balls. I looked around and saw I was alone, both Jeff and Stan having left, I made my way to my locker. My legs still felt a little week, having never experienced anything like what had just happened before and my hand shook as I ran the combination to open the lock on my locker. As I slid the door open, my eyes opened wide in surprise, my locker was empty except for my keys, wallet, shoes and a pair of shorts that I had never seen before. I looked around the room, expecting someone to say surprise or it was a joke, but I was very much alone. I picked up the shorts and saw felt the soft shiny material in my fingers. I looked at the label and saw they were made of silk, a material I had never worn before. I looked around again, then bent down and pulled them on. Right away the material felt smooth on my legs and as I finished pulling them on, it became very obvious they were too small for me. Nothing extreme, but the waistband rested only an inch or two above the base of my cock and the leg openings rested just below my balls.

They were not as tiny as my briefs, just, and when I looked in the mirror I saw that they they left little to the imagination. They were also quite tight and when I turned I saw my ass was very pronounced. It was almost like someone had painted them on me, they were that tight, and to make matters worse, as I looked I felt my cock hardening again. I stared at myself in the mirror, admiring my post work out body, which always made my muscles look better. I was about to drop the shorts and start jerking, but I heard movement and knew others were entering the locker room. I kept my back towards the men who entered and as they passed, one of them gave a short whistle and said,

"Sweet ass."

I knew it was time to leave, so I grabbed my keys and wallet and using my hands to cover my groin, awkwardly walked out of the room, up the stairs and outside. I felt very exposed, I had never walked around almost naked before and as I began the walk home I noticed more than a few people looking and staring at me, both men and women. I tried my best to keep my eyes down, because the more I saw people staring, the hornier I got and the harder it became to keep my bulge covered. I saw two men approaching and they were holding hands and openly staring at me. As they passed I heard,

"Damn, wish all boys dressed like that."

My face went red at the same time my cock pulsed and a second later, my eyes down I bumped into someone. I heard a gasp and to balance myself my hands left my bulge momentarily. I quickly covered again and looked up and at the eyes of one of my Mother's best friends, Sheila Anders. I had known her all my life, but never really got along with her. She was a member of the local church and a parent who was always trying to bring back school uniforms, short hair, discipline and basically most things teens did not like.

"Nick, you almost knocked me over."

I start to apologize but noticed her eyes taking in my almost naked body, then,

"Why are you walking around like this, you are nearly naked young man, and your hair is much too long."

I replied,

"It's not that long, I got it trimmed the other day and I am just coming from the gym."

She gave me a very long disapproving look, then said,

"Put a shirt on at least."

Suddenly I got a little angry at her for trying to tell me what to do so I said,

"I don't have one with me, and it's not really your business anyways."

Her face showed mild shock that t I had talked back to her like that, but she recovered and said,

"It is my business, I'll make sure and let your Mother know how you talk to people, and those shorts are much too tight and small for you."

I got braver, winked at her and quickly took my hands away from my bulge. Her eyes lowered and she showed real shock as it was obvious that my erection was making the bulge. She took in a deep breath and said,

"Disgusting, you should be ashamed, cover yourself right now."

There were no other people around so I looked her in the eyes, then let my hand roam up and over my chest and nipples then slowly down my torso. As it neared my waist, instead of covering i ran my fingers along the bulge, making my cock throb and push harder against the thin material. I did it again, then slowly covered up and asked,

"Is this covered enough now?"

Her face got red and she stared for a minute, then hurried off in the other direction. I felt good and had loved the look of surprise when she had noticed my bulge. I began walking again, now loving the feel of the sun on my body, feeling like I had accomplished something. I became very aware that not only men and women, but boys and girls my age were looking at me, most of the girls my age looking interested, but some of the boys looking almost hostile. I started walking faster, wanting to get home and decided the park route was the quickest. I made it half way through when I noticed another Male couple, again holding hands. They were wearing shorts, not as tiny as mine and tank tops, and it was obvious they spent a lot of time in the gym. As they got closer I went for it and kept my hands at my sides, my bulge now very obvious to anyo0ne who looked. When they were only a few feet away, both of them checked me out, their eyes lingering much longer than most, and when one of them saw my bulge he said,

"Damn kid, you're hot."

I gave them a smile and as I passed them they must have looked back because one of them said,

"Sweet ass."

I was feeling better and better about myself the further I walked, now thankful for being almost naked. I finally made it home and as I put my key in the lock the door swung open. My Mother stood there, looking angry,

"Nick, what the heck did you say to Mrs. Anders?"

Before I could answer she suddenly noticed how I was dressed and said,

"Where are your clothes, you're practically naked."

I now felt exposed and wished I was at last wearing a t-shirt as I said,

"It's so nice, I just felt like walking home like this Mom."

"But where are your clothes?"

I was not ready to say the two gay guys at the gym that had watched me feeling my hole while one of them swallowed my cock, so thinking quickly I said,

"I left them in my locker, I'll get them tomorrow Mom."

I thought that would be the end but she quickly asked.

"Where did you get those shorts, they are so tiny and I've never seen them before?"

Thinking quickly again I said,

"I've had them, just forgot about them, they are a little small."

Luckily my erection had faded, but her anger returned as she demanded,

"What did you say to Mrs. Anders, she is furious?"

Without thinking I raised my voice and said,

"Nothing, she's such a pain."

My mother looked shocked, then angry again as she said,

"You will not raise your voices to me ever, now what happened?"

I could see this was going to lead to an argument and probably a grounding for me so I got an idea and said,

"You were right Mom, my hair is too long. Can I have some money to get it cut shorter tomorrow please?"

She looked startled, then smiled, forgetting her anger for now and said,

"Yes, sure of course you can honey."

Then as if noticing for the first time she said,

"The gym is really working out for you. You're muscles are much more defined than the last time I saw them, you are really growing up."

It was a bit embarrassing, but at the same time it was a compliment and since she was my Mother I did a quick chest, arm and ab flexing for her. Then when I saw her look at my legs, I flexed them as well. She smiled and said,

"Well keep it up, I'm glad you are taking care of your body."

She held the door open for me and my face reddened as I walked past her and heard,

"Nick really , those shorts, you might as well not be wearing anything."

As my Mother I knew her comment was just that a comment, not desire or anything, so as I looked over my shoulder at her I wiggles my butt and said very sarcastically,

"Really? Should I take them off then?"

She did not look embarrassed, my Mother has always been a very strong person and as I continued waking into the house I got the shock of my life when I felt her hand quickly smack my butt cheek as she said,

"Don't forget who is in charge in this house Nick."

I knew my sarcasm had been over the line, but it was not brought up again that night. Later after dinner as I was going to bed she called upstairs to say,

"I left you money for your haircut on the table and don't forget, you have your yearly physical the day after tomorrow. I left the Doctor's name and address on the table."

I slept very well that night and woke early the next morning. I looked out the window and saw my Mother had left so I walked downstairs naked and ate breakfast. I took a very long hot shower, going through my routine with my hair and teeth, then a long look at myself in the full length mirror. Again delighted at how my body was developing, I ran my hands over my chest and nipples, down my abs to my pubes, then cupped my balls in one hand and stroked my shaft a couple times. The desire to reach back and play with my hole was huge, but I really wanted to get into town and see Jerry to trim my hair again so I pulled out a pair of jeans, then Remembering Stan's words tossed them aside and instead picked up the shorts he had left for me. The silk material felt amazing as it slid up my legs and I loved how the material hugged cock and balls. I rummaged through my drawer and found a t-shirt that I had not worn for a long time. It was a sleeveless one and as I pulled it on it was tight enough that when I looked at myself from the side I could see my chest and even my nipples were obvious. It was not tiny, just tight. I thought about socks but tossed them away and pulled on my shoes. I checked myself again in the mirror, determined to let Jerry see as much as possible, hoping he would like what he saw and comment on it.

I made it into town quickly and saw that Jerry was just going into his barber shop. There were almost no other people at all so I called out to him,

"Morning Sir."

He turned an smiled at me, waved and began opening the door. I walked up to him and noticed he started checking me out right away.

"How are you this morning Sir?"

"good Nick, thanks for asking. It's a bit early, what are you doing in town?"

I looked away a few times, to give him the chance to check me out and as he did, I let my left hand slide under my t-shirt and raise it up as I pretended to have an itch. His eyes were glued to my abs and I knew my cock and balls were bulging out the shorts as I said,

"I was thinking about another cut Sir."

"Really Nick? Last time you were pretty sure about only wanting a trim?"

I let my hand slide up a bit more, now showing most of my lower torso, his eyes glued t o it as I said,

"Well, I'm kinda thinking maybe a bit shorter, what do you think Sir?"

I let my hand slide over my nipples under my t-shirt and then took in a deep breath of air and let out the faintest moan I could make, as I felt my cock start to harden. He startled me by saying a bit loudly,

"What I think young man is that you are teasing me by lifting your shirt like that, and that you are here because Stan told you to get your hair cut."

I stood still, shocked beyond words, wondering if I had imagined what he just said, but came out of my shock when his voice raised again as he demanded,

"Right boy?"

"I'm sorry.....I didn't mean to......"

"You have meant everything you have done since I met you the other day. Now, get your ass inside boy."

I almost jumped through the door and watched as he closed and locked it and pulled the shade down. He turned to face me, not angry, but serious and said,

"Obviously you get off teasing people with that body of yours, but it's also obvious from what Stan told me, that you are quite a horny boy, who also likes being told what to do."

My face felt like It as on fire, I knew he was right, but hearing it was almost too much.

"Yes boy, he told me all about the shower, and how hot you got fingering your hole, and from the bulge in those tiny shorts, I would say the term bottom boy was made for you, right?"

I hadn't noticed my erection, but now that I did, I felt it get even harder, as my face got redder realiizikng he knew everything.

"Answer me boy."

His voice was firm and I nodded my head and said,

"Yes Sir."

His voice remained firm as he said, pull that shirt off boy."

I did not hesitate, i pulled it off and held it, looking around until he said,

"Hand it to me boy."

I did and as he took it he said,

"Take a seat in the chair."

I did and as he followed me he said,

"Teasing people is not nice boy, not at all."

He spun the chair so I was facing the mirror, then picked up his comb and scissors without putting the cape around me. He quickly started cutting and I was shocked to see how much of my hair he was lopping off. I started to open my mouth but he cut me off by asking,

"Make a sound and I'll get the clippers and give you brush cut boy."

I closed my mouth and watched as more and more of my hair fell down my chest and pooled on my shorts. Fifteen minutes later I was stunned at how short it was and as I saw him pick up the clippers I almost cried out,

"Please no more, it's short enough."

His face took on a very serious expression as he said,

"I was just goijng to trim the back of your neck and make it even boy, but obviously you need more of a lesson. Stand up."

As I did, all my beautiful hair fell to the floor and as I looked at it he commanded,

"Kick off your shoes and take those shorts off."

I pulled my shoes off and nervously slid the shorts down my legs and handed them to him as he reached out. He carelessly tossed them across the room and stood staring at me. I wanted to cover up but something told me not to as his eyes roamed over my naked body.

"Stan was right, you are one exceptionally hot boy, the key word being boy, but something is not right with this picture.....the body hair needs to go."

I looked up stunned,

"What about my body hai....."

"That wasn't a question boy, you will speak when I tell you to, got it?"

His voice was now very firm and I nodded and said,

"Yes Sir."

He pushed something on the back of the barber chair and it flattened out, then said,

"Lay face down on it."

I did as he said, my erection grinding into the material and felt him spraying the back of my body with warm ater. He paused and said,

"Not much hair back here, but better to be thorough."

I felt him applying some kind of cream, the odor was strong and it made my skin tingle. His hands rubbed it in from the backs of my feet right up to the back of my neck, he did not miss a spot and his hands felt amazingly powerful. I lay there for about 10 minutes, my skin tingling more and more until I felt him wiping gently with a damp towel, then using another one. My skin continued to tingle as he said,

"Turn over boy."

I did carefully, my erection slapping up and down on my abdomen and watched a she sprayed the front of my body with water. This time I watched as he applied the cream, starting at my toes and working his way up, avoiding my cock and balls and working up my torso to my neck. The tingling was more intense on my legs and my arms than anywhere else, the odor even stronger. He then looked ta me and said,

"Boy, if you shoot your load, you won't sit down for a week, got it?"

The implication of a spanking was obvious, something I had not had for a few years since my Mother stopped spanking me and I did not want to test him so as his hands started rubbing the cream onto my balls I thought of anything possible to will my erection away. His hands felt amazing and when he grasped my shaft, it was the first time a hand other than my own had touched it in hard state. I took in a deep breath, s his hand slid up and down a couple times, covering me with the cream. Now my balls and pubic patch tingled even more than my legs and arms, not painful, but it was obvious the cream was doing something. He waited about 15 minutes, then started wiping down my body. Using three towels until he looked satisfied. The tingling has stopped, but my body felt different. He smiled and said,

"Much better, smooth as babies bottom now. Stand up."

As i stood I looked down and almost yelled, my pubic patch was gone, and as I looked closer I saw that not only that, very part of my body was now hair free, my arms, legs, underarms, everywhere. There was not much air moving, but what was made my body tingle. I looked in the mirror, shocked. I had not had pubic hair for long and had always admired it, now it was gone. Jerry ran his hand down my back, then over my right arm and said,

"Perfect, not a hair anywhere boy, and there won't be a for a very long time."

I looked at him, nervous and reading my expression he said,

"That cream is long lasting boy, you'll look like this for months before it needs to be done again."

My mind reeled, motnhs with no body hair and he talked about doing it again. I never thought I could feel more naked, but at the same time I noticed my erection looked even bigger with no pubes. He saw what I was looking at and said,

"You noticed it looks bigger right boy?"

I nodded and said,

"Yes Sir."

"You're bigger than I thought, you should be proud, you do really good work on your body, should be proud of that too, but you need to learn you are not the one who controls everything."

He paused briefly then said,

"Stan told me what a hot boy hole you have and I think it's time you start experiencing it more."

My eyes widened, as he started to undress, thinking he was going to fuck me, scared that except for my finger, nothing had been up there. I watched amazed as he pushed his shoes off, then dropped his ants to the floor. His legs were thick and well muscled. As he pulled his shirt off I thought I would pass out,his chest was huge, his shoulders round and his biceps massive. He did not look like a pro body builder, but his body was impressive. He sat on the chair and then said,

"Stand in front of me boy."

My erection waved from side to side as i did, then he ordered,

"Pull your foreskin back slowly. And from now on ANYTIME you are naked, you will make sure your cock is rock hard, then slowly pull it back and keep it back, understand boy?"

I slowly peeled my foreskin back, watching the head, covered with pre cum emerge as I said,

"Yes Sir."

My cock pulsed and throbbed, it always did when I pulle3d back my foreskin and it tightened behind the head. He watched and said,

"Don't even think of cumming boy, you need to learn control. Now, wet your finger and start rubbing that boy hole of yours,slowly."

I stuck my finger in my mouth and wet it then reached back and slid it gently around my opening. There had been a tiny bit of hair there, but now it felt softer, smoother and more sensitive, so sensitive I moaned, and then moaned again. As my finger raced over my hole Jerry said,

"Dam boy, you could be a real fuck toy for sure."

I kept fingering My hole, loving that he was watching until he said,

"Okay boy, slide that finger right in now."

I started to gently press in but he raised his voice and commanded,

"I said all the way boy."

I pushed and my finger slipped right in as I let out A louder groan of pleasure.

"Good boy, now slowly start sliding it in and out."

I did as he said, the feeling getting better and better, my cock throbbing more as I did.

"Damn boy even your nipples are hard, you are one horny fuck toy for sure."

As I fingered my ass I watched as he stood up, towering over me, muscular and commanding and gasped as he dropped his boxer shorts. His cock was big, much bigger than mine and much thicker and the head was shiny and slick with his pre cum. I couldn't take my eyes off of it and my finger started sliding in and out faster without me meaning to.

"Pull your finger out boy."

I did and as it slid free, I almost shot my load again. Jerry warned me again,

"Don't even think about cumming boy. Now put your first two fingers together and spit on them."

I did as he said, then heard,

"Now, slide them in that boy pussy of yours, now."

As he st back down I placed my fingers at my hole and pushed hard. My fingers slid in awkwardly and my cock pulsed so much I thought I would cum, but I managed to hold off. Two fingers felt much better than one, my hole stretching and now clamping down on them. I felt my balls pulling up and my nipples getting harder as my cock felt like it had stretched to twice it's normal size. I wanted too cum more now than ever before in my 15 years.

"You love that feeling don't you boy, you could shoot your load right now if I let you right?"

He was right,

"Yes Sir."

"Good. Pull your fingers out, this is not the time for your pleasure boy."

As I did my hole felt empty, but my entire body felt like electricity was coursing through it as he said,

"Get on your knees in front of the chair boy."

As I did, I could smell his aroma, it drove me wild his cock inches from my face, looking huge and massive.

"Use your tongue boy, lick it all over and do it good."

I had never touched let alone licked another cock, but the urge was powerful and my tongue shot out and started lapping around the head. His moans led me on as I slid my tongue up and down his massive shaft, then back to his shiny cock head.

"Open your mouth boy."

As I did his hips thrust up and the head of his cock gushed into my mouth. The taste was salty and sweet and I had to make myself not clamp down as my tongue ran around the head. Seconds later a buzzer went off and he said,

"Fuck, already? Okay boy, you get more training later."

A second later the head of his cock swelled in my mouth, stretching it and I heard him moan a bit before his cock spasmed and I felt thick warm fluid shoot into my mouth and down my throat. I gagged, but he held my head in place, as his cock erupted again and again, shooting his cum down my throat. The taste was intense and satisfying, delicious to me, and I again felt a hollow empty feeling as he pulled his cock head from my mouth. As licked his cum from my lips he stood and started dressing, then looked at me smirked and said,

Fuck, you are one hot boy. Pull your clothes on, it's time for me to open the shop."

I found and pulled on my clothes, noticing how much different they felt now that I had no body hair. My entire body was more sensitive, smooth and even the slightest touch sent chills through me. Once I pulled my shoes on he looked at me with a serious expression and said,

"Remember what I told you boy, from now on, ANYTIME you are naked, no matter what, you make sure your cock is rock hard and slowly pull that foreskin back and leave it back, understood?"

I nodded and said,

"I promise Sir."

Jerry walked me to the door and as I walked out, he quickly swatted my butt and said,

"No exceptions boy."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comments and suggestions on what readers want to happen are appreciated.

Next: Chapter 4

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