A Better Haircut

By Daniel1989a .

Published on Nov 9, 2016


A Better Haircut-Part 2

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My sweatshirt was still slightly damp as I headed home, Jerry's comment about spilling water on my pants left nothing to the imagination, he wanted to see me naked. The more I thought of it the more I wanted him to see me naked, his whole being was exciting. I did not really have a type yet, being only 15, but his height at over 6 feet and the way his body had filled out his shirt told me that he was quite muscular, his Sandy hair and blue eyes made him the whole package, a very hot at l;east 40 year old man. He had told me he wasn't married, but that did not mean he was gay and it was possible his comment about spilling water on my pants could have been just good natured joking, but somehow I thought he had meant it. As soon as I got home, I ran upstairs, stripped naked and jumped in the shower. I always showered after a hair cut and this time I slowly jerked off while thinking about Jerry.

I dried off and took a long look at myself in my full length mirror, again pleased and proud of my body. I let my hands run over my developing abs, then up to my chest and rubbed my nipples a few times making me hard again almost instantly. I was about to start jerking off while watching myself in the mirror but I heard my Mothers car in the driveway so I dressed and went downstairs. She came in with some groceries and she put them away she said,

"Oh Nick, your hair looks better, but I really wish you would cut it short, it's just too long."

I gave a short laugh and said,

"No way, longer hair makes me look much better."

She gave me a look that told me she did not like my arrogance and ever increasing obsession with my looks, but I ignored it. The next morning I was up early, ate and headed to the gym. As I ran my membership card through the scanner, I saw the 2 men, Stan & Jeff sitting at a table watching the early news. They noticed me and both of them gave me winning smiles. I smiled back and as I walked towards the change room I saw them stand and follow me. It was obvious they were hoping for another show, and even being in their 50's and not my type at all, I loved the obvious thrill it gave them to see my body. I put my gym bag on the bench in front of my locker, going slow enough to give them time to get a seat to watch. They were being a bit more obvious this time, but still averted their eyes when I looked at them. I kicked off my shoes, then bent and peeled of my socks and put them in my locker. I turned me head and said,

"Looks like it's going to another beautiful day."

They both looked a little surprised, but Jeff managed to squeak out,

"It sure does."

The two of them started rummaging through their own gym bags, but it was obvious they just wanted to watch so I undid the button of my jeans and let them fall to the floor. I bent and picked them up and hung them in my locker, then just wearing a t-shirt and my tightest briefs I turned to them and said,

"I got my hair cut yesterday, what do you think?"

They both stumbled for words until Jeff said,

"It looks great, you are even cuter now......"

He had obviously not meant to say the cute part, but I gave them a huge smile which seemed to ease them. Still facing them I grabbed my t-shirt at the bottom and slowly pulled it up and off and dropped it in my locker. Both men gave an audible sigh and their eyes were glued to my naked torso as I let my left hand lazily slide over my abs and then up and over my nipples. My cock was hardening in my briefs, the tiniest pair I owned, they ere more like a very tight speedo than underwear and both men did not miss the growing bulge. I softly ran my hand over the front of my growing bulge as I asked,

"Do you think these are too tight for me?"

It looked like their eyes would pop out of their heads as Stan said,

"Ummm....nooooo, not at all."

I moved my hand away giving them a full on view as my cock hardened a bit more. My briefs so tight that they could easily see the top of my pubes and as they started I carefully lowered my hand again and let it gently slip in the front of my briefs, giving them a very quick view of part of my cock as I adjusted it so it would lay to the side. I removed my hand and my hardening cock now hard an easier way to stretch. As the men stared I got braver and put my hand to my nose and inhaled deeply. One of them moaned softly and I could see they had bulges of their own as I said,

"I was thinking of getting a pair that fit me better, that's why I asked."

My cock hardened more, now almost fully erect and the harder it got the more it tried to push up and out of my briefs, stretching the thin material as the men stared. Stan again spoke up and said,

"No, these ones are perfect for you."

Both of them had reddening faces as I let my hand carefully run over the length of my bulge, then I slowly turned until I was facing away and asked,

"How about from this side?"

This time I heard them both moan and they both said,

"Perfect, they are perfect."

My cock was now fully erect and throbbing and I knew I could not stand here all day, somebody would come along so I got even braver and looked over my shoulder and said,

"I guess I better get to my workout."

I pulled my work out shorts from My gym bag, put them on the bench then looked over my shoulder at them and said,

"Don't want to get these too sweaty."

As I turned my head back away from them, I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my briefs and very slowly started to pull them down in front. My erection popped out right away and I could feel the tops of my butt cheeks were now showing. I was rewarded when I heard both men moan even louder. I pushed down on my briefs a bit more revealing more of my boy butt, then looked over my shoulder and smiled at them as I pushed them down further and let them fall to the floor. In my mind I knew what I was doing was not nice or fair, but I didn't care, their attention to my body was turning me on and that was all that mattered. I reached back and ran my hands gently over my butt cheeks, then let a finger run up my crack. When I looked back both men were breathing heavily and Jeff said,

"C'mon kid, turn around, lets see it all."

I winked at him as my hands caressed my butt cheeks, then I bent down slowly and picked up my briefs. As I did I heard one of them say,

"Hottest ass I've ever seen kid."

As I stood up I tuned my torso slightly and knew they thought I was going to turn around and face them, but instead I dropped my briefs in my locker and started to pick up my work out shorts. Jeff said,

"Hey kid, turn around, let's see it all."

I turned my torso a bit more, winked again and gave them a wide smile and said,

"Maybe next time."

Both men smiled at me as they seemed to come out of an almost dream like state and I felt their eyes on me as I walked away. MY cock stayed hard almost the entire time I worked out and was hard as I entered the locker room again. Both men had left, I had sort of expected them to be there waiting, and was a little disappointed as I stripped off my shorts and t-shirt, wrapped a towel around my waist and made my way to the showers. Most men hung their towels on hooks outside the actual shower room, but I was by far the youngest guy I had ever seen here and did not feel comfortable doing that, plus I much more enjoyed making anyone watching wait, as I slowly revealed my body. I checked myself in the mirror, pushing out my abs and flexing my chest and arms, delighted at how much definition I was getting. My cock was tenting the towel and I heard a few showers running as I walked into the steamy room. All around the walls there were shower heads and handles to adjust the temperature of the water, but the room was empty. I walked to the back and got the water just right and as I was about to pull off my towel I heard,

"I guess this is the next time right kid?"

I turned quickly and saw both Stan and Jeff standing at the entrance to the shower room, both of them naked and both of them with very hard cocks. Anxiety and a bit of fear filled my body as I imagined all sorts of bad things happening to me, being alone with two naked men. Stan saw the anxiety and said,

"Relax kid, it's just, as you can see, you got both of us very worked up."

His hand pointed to his erection, then Jeff's as he said,

"Why don't you drop the towel and finish that show you were giving us?"

I felt panic hitting me as I replied,

"I'm sorry....I didn't mean to......."

It was Jeff who spoke up,

"Kid, you meant every move you made in front of us."

"I.....never meant t...."

Stan cut me off,

"Relax kid, we're not mad, just curious to see the rest, or we can just leave you alone, your choice. But I think you owe us something for the long tease you gave us."

I started to breath easier, calming as the thought of being attacked left me. The idea started to turn m eon, and my erection had not decreased at all, had in fact got even harder. Their erections were pulsing, bouncing up and down and the thought that it was y body causing it drove me wild, but I was unsure of that they wanted. I was not going to have sex with them, had not had sex with anyone and again nerves hit me as I lowered my head and said,

"I can't.......I'm a......virgin........"

Stan let out a light laugh and said,

"relax kid, we didn't mean for you to have sex with us, just finish the show, but if you're so scared we'll just leave, no hard feelings."

They both started to turn and leave and my panic left and was replaced with a sadness, I knew I had teased them and had done it on purpose to excite myself and now felt bad. I was about to let them leave but then said,

"wait please......"

They both turned back to face me so fast that their cocks waved from side to side as I asked,

"And you mean you won't touch me or anything?"

They both smiled and Jeff aid,

"Kid, we won't lay a hand on you this time, but tease us again and it will be a different story, understood?"

Something about the way his voice got firmer when he said understood made my entire body tingle, but I ignored the feeling and said,

"Yes Sir."

They both stood staring at me and took a couple steps closer until they were only about 2 feet away from me, their eyes roaming my body, but I was unsure of what they wanted me to do and was about to ask when Jeff said,

"Just imagine we're not even here and you're alone in the shower kid....but make it good, understand?"

Again the understand was said firmer and it made my body tingle again, there was almost a threat to it, but not one that scared me. I got an idea and stepped closer to the spray of water, tuned to face it and very slowly unwrapped the towel from my hips and let it fall to the floor. As I stepped forward to get under the warm water I saw a foot grab the towel and pull it away. When I looked back, Stan had bent and picked it up and thrown it to the other side of the room. I was now naked, hard in the shower room with 2 naked and hard men and no clothing at all. I let the ater run over my Head and body then reached the soap dispenser and filled my hand with it. I added some water and started soaping my chest and abs, slowly caressing my nipples and again feeling that tingle go through my body knowing that the two of them were watching. I soaped up my neck, arm,s, underarms, then bent forward to soap my legs. As I did I heard both men gasp so I took more time bent over to gently soap every inch of my legs and feet. I stood back up and rinsed off, then filled my hands with soap again and slowly reached back and started soaping my butt cheeks. I covered my mounds with the soap, then gently ran my index finger up and down my crack a few times, sending thrills through my body.

I had never really played with my ass before but as my finger again traced up my crack and hit my hole, the impulse to push it in was almost overwhelming. I wanted to do it but something held me back, told me to save it for another time so Instead I carefully ran my fingertip over the opening of my hole several times and though that Stan and Jeff had moaned, but soon noticed,, it was me moaning. The feeling was intense to say the least and the urge to push my finger inside hit me again, hard, but at the last second I held off and went back to soaping my torso again. I knew it was time to turn around and be seen naked and hard for the first time in my life, so I soaped up again, covering my torso cock and balls with suds, then slowly started to turn around as I heard Stan say,

"Hottest fucking kid I've ever seen, damn what I could do to that body."

His words encouraged me as I turned to face them, my hands covering my cock and balls. I saw both of them were now stroking their erections and knowing I was driving them wild made me even hornier. I closed my eyes and slowly let my hand s fall to my sides. My cock popped up and bounced around, then side to side as I stood naked in front of another person for the first time. Stan commented,

"Look Jeff, he's uncut and bigger than you."

I opened my eyes a bit and for the first time noticed that my cock was bigger than his and also saw that both of them were stroking a bit faster. I closed my eyes again and heard

"Kid, I could ravage you all day ever day and never get tired, what a hot fucking body."

I loved the words and encouraged by them reached back and got some soap and began soaping my chest and abs, then my nipples making me moan again. I was about to lower my hands but hear d Stan say,

"Hear him moan when he touches his nipples Jeff, think we got a real Joey here."

I had no idea what a Joey was and was about to move my hands lower when Stan said,

"Keep soaping the nipples kid."

It was not an order or said angrily, but his voice showed he meant it so I soaped up my hands and again started rubbing my nipples. I felt my cock throbbing and could not prevent myself from letting out a groan of pleasure, my nipples having always been sensitive. Stan spoke again

"Any kid gets that hot from nipple play is a born bottom boy for sure."

I knew what that meant but was too caught up in my nipple play to even consider it. I opened my eyes briefly as I heard Stan say,

"Get on your knees."

I felt slight panic thinking he meant me but saw it was Jeff who eagerly got down on his knees and right in front of me started running his tongue over Stan's cock. He saw me looking and the surprise and said,

"He loves doing what I tell him kid."

He then winked at me and said,

"keep rubbing those nipples with your left hand, and use your right to slowly pull your foreskin back kid."

I closed my eyes again, my left hand stroking my nipples as my right grasped my shaft. I started to pull back then almost jumped up when Stan's voice got louder as he ordered,

"I said slowly kid."

My body again tingled as my right hand froze on my shaft. My nipple play was driving me wild as my right hand very slowly started sliding my foreskin back again. I did it as slowly as possible, then finally felt my cock head pop free as the foreskin tightened around the base of it. This always caused my cock to swell even bigger, but this time I almost shot my load right at the moment. I let out another louder groan and felt myself at the point of cumming but again Stan's voice got louder, commanding,

"Don't even think of cumming yet kid."

I stopped rubbing my nipples and used all my willpower to concentrate on something else and managed to calm down enough stop my cock from exploding. When I opened my eyes Jeff had most of Stan's cock in his mouth while Stan stared at me.

"You are one fucking hot kid, sexiest I've ever seen, now, slowly, start stroking."

I loved his compliments as my hand slowly ran up and down my shaft as the other started to reach up to my nipples Stan's voice got louder as he said,

"Not this time boy, soap up that finger and run it over your boy hole."

AS my finger ran over my hole the urge to shoot my load intensified again making my cock throb and pulse as my nipples got hard and pointy. My groan was so loud it startled me but not as much as Stan's voice telling me,

"Not yet boy, don't even think it, I'll tell you when, understand?"

My reply came quickly,


I had to stop stroking my shaft but kept running my finger over my hole, now the urge to push my finger in was almost too much and sensing this Stan said,

"Feels great right boy, you want to push your finger in, maybe two or three, feel your hole opening....right boy?"

He was right, I did and as I nodded and said,

"Yes Sir...."

He said,

"Right now, I want you to push in your index finger as far as you can kid."

The tip of my finger pushed through my hole and sent chills through my entire body, a new sensation, over powering, like nothing before and as I slid the finger in further another new sensation hit me. It was like my cock had a mind of it's own, it felt better than ever before in my life, almost too good to believe. I could not figure it out, but as the last of my finger slid into my hole I opened my eyes and saw that Jeff had turned towards me and had almost my entire shaft in his throat. It startled me and I quickly started to pull my finger out of my hole, but as it was sliding out Jeff took the rest of my cock into his throat and it exploded. My hole clamped down hard on my finger trying to pull it back in and keep it there as my cock shot spurt after spurt of my cum down Jeff's throat. My legs started to shake and feel week, As Jeff's mouth slid up and down my shaft, sucking every bit of cum from me, my finger clamped in my hole. It took a second for me to notice I had been moaning and groaning the whole time and as I opened my eyes again and slid my finger out, Jeff's mouth let go of my erection and from his knees he smiled up at me. I was panting heavily, my legs wobbly, my head spinning, my cock still hard and as I looked at Stan he said,

"Like I said kid, we didn't put a hand on you. But the next time you tease someone, I'm betting you get more than a finger up that sweet butt of yours. You understand me boy?"

I managed to stop panting long enough to smile and say,

"Yes Sir."

They bot started to leave, but Stan stopped, turned to face me and said,

"Your hair is too long boy, get it cut. And forget the jeans, with legs like those, wear shorts."

There was no mistaking this time, it was an order, then after his eyes took in my body again he said,

"Hottest fucking boy I've ever seen."

He turned and left, me standing there still panting, my legs still shaky and as I rinsed off under the water I heard him let out a loud laugh.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comments and suggestions on what you would like to happen are appreciated.

Next: Chapter 3

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