A Better Haircut

By Daniel1989a .

Published on Jul 28, 2016


A Better Haircut

At 15, my Mother and I moved to a new town. My Father left when I was so young I do not even remember him. I was sad to leave my friends and the city I had lived in my entire life, but we moved to a much warmer climate and now that we were here and I was getting to know the place, my old city started to become just a nice memory. I had not made many friends yet as school would not start for another 6 weeks, but I was getting a great tan as I practiced surfing. My Mother worked hard and long hours so I was pretty much able to come and go as I pleased. She made good money so I had 2 very good boards as well as a membership at the local health club. I had been told by relatives that I resembled my Father and that getting his looks was a good thing. I was 5'9" tall and weighed about 145 pounds, dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Starting a couple years ago I had become almost obsessed with my appearance, making sure to shower every day, keeping my clothes in perfect condition and working out hard almost every day. I kept my hair medium to almost long and spent much more time on it than my Mother spent on hers. I was a fanatic when it came to dental care, seeing the Dentist 3 times a year for cleanings and in between keeping up a rigorous brushing and flossing routine.

I knew I was good looking and somewhat vain and very aware of the long looks I got from both girls my age and older as well as men, especially in the locker room at the gym. There were 2 men that I saw every day, guys in their 50's and it became obvious they were a couple and very intent on staring at me every chance they got. They were not obvious about it, but I had caught them many times looking when they thought I was not paying attention. I had no interest in a relationship with them, but it did turn me on a bit to know how much they loved staring. A few days ago I got brave and gave them a bit of a show. I positioned myself so they would see me from the side, making sure to keep my eyes looking away as I bent and very slowly pulled my shoes and socks off. I dropped them in my open locker, casually noticing they were watching very carefully. I then stood and stretched, then reached down and grabbed my t-shirt at the bottom and peeled it up and off and dumped it in my locker. Usually at this point I put on my work out shirt, but instead I put my hand on the button of my jeans and popped it open. The two men were watching every move so I popped open the next button, then lazily ran my other hand up my abdomen and over my chest. I heard one of the men let out a low noise, almost a moan so I slowly turned my head towards them and smiled. They both looked away so fast it was almost funny and I regretted turning to face them. I had to get their attention again and make them know it was okay to look when an idea hit me. I always wore a ring, nothing expensive, just a silver ring with no design. I slipped it off my finger and with the men looking away I dropped it and luckily it rolled almost right in front of them. They both looked down at it but when they made no move top pick it up I said,

"Excuse me Sirs, could you grab that for me please?"

They hesitated, then both of them bent down to retrieve it at the same time, almost bumping heads. The taller man grabbed it and they both stood and faced me. I flashed them a wide smile and as the man handed it to me I said,

"Thank you very much Sir. My name is Nick."

They looked like they were trying to think of something to say while at the same time keeping their eyes off my body. I loved knowing I was affecting them like this, enough so that it made my cock harden slightly. The man dropped the ring in my hand and said,

"Nice to meet you Nick, I'm Stan and this is Jeff."

I shook both their hands, then stepped back in front of my locker as I said,

"I just moved here a few weeks ago, but I am really liking it a lot."

Both men were now facing me and openly staring as I kept my eyes on my locker. I popped the next to last button on my jeans and heard both of them clear their throats as Jeff said,

"That's great, this is an amazing place to live."

I turned and smiled at them as I popped the last button and spread the waist of my jeans. As I started to lower them I said,

"It sure is."

I let the back of my jeans pull the back of my briefs down just enough so they got a good look at the tops of my boy mounds as I bent down and pulled my jeans off and dropped them in my locker, standing now in just my briefs. The back of my blue briefs were down enough to show the top of my butt and they were small and tight enough that when I stood up my slightly hard cock pushed out enough in front that it was obvious I was semi hard. I twisted my waist a bit as I reached for my gym shorts, so they got a better view of the front of my body which made my cock harden just a bit more. This was really turning me on and not wanting it to end I made a show of dropping my shorts and slowly bent down to pick them up, loving how intently they were staring at me. When I stood up my cock was poking out the front of my briefs enough that they could not miss it. I wanted this to go on, but short of stripping naked I had to do something so I tuned until I wads fully facing them, then slowly bent at the hips and put my feet through the holes of my shorts. Both men gasped as i did because with my cock tenting my briefs, they could actually see my pubes. I slipped my shorts on and slowly pulled them up my legs. I gave them another wide smile and said,

"I better get a move on, it was great to meet you."

As I pulled my work out shirt on I saw that both of them had bulges at the front of their pants which they tried to cover as they told me they would see me again. I smiled and said I looked forward to it. I did my work out, a full 90 minutes and felt great. I was easily the youngest guy at this gym that I had seen and though I wanted to be more bold, I always made sure to shower in one of the private stalls instead of the communal showers. As I dried off I vowed to myself that soon I would use them and I would give those men the show of their lives.

The next day was cloudy and a bit cool so after I showered I pulled on jeans and my brand new hooded sweatshirt and went down to eat breakfast. The one thing I had not found yet in this new city was a good hair stylist. My hair was getting a bit shaggy and I desperately wanted to get it trimmed. I looked through the phone book and wrote down the address of every barber and stylist in town, a total of 6 and after eating set out to check them out. The first few were not for me, mainly because they were run and operated by women, but the next one caught my eye right away. Even though it was a barber, the pictures showed they did styling as well. I walked in surprised that there was not a single customer. I stood waiting and was about to leave when a curtain at the back opened and a tall man in his 40's walked out. He was easily over 6 feet tall, sandy blond hair and blue eyes wearing slacks, shoes and a barber shirt. It was obvious he took care of himself as his shoulders filled out the shirt and his biceps seemed to be stretching the material around his short sleeves. He smiled and I smiled back as he said,

"Hello, I'm Jerry, how can I help you?"

His manner was so masculine that I almost stammered but manged to say,

"Hi, I'm Nick. Just moved here a while ago and was looking for a stylist in town."

His smile widened as he shook my hand, his grip was firm and his after shave smelled great. He was clean shaven and even his breath smelled great as he said,

"Styled or cut? Your hair is very long for a boy your age."

I found myself staring into his eyes and was almost going to say do whatever you want but caught myself and said,

"Styled please and I'm 15."

I had no idea why I added my age, but it did not seem to phase him as he smiled and said,

"Nice to meet you 15 year old Nick. I've never seen you before, you just move here?"

His manner was masculine but very easy going and I noticed his eyes seemed to almost twinkle with vitality.

"Yes Sir, my Mother and moved here a few weeks ago."

He smiled wider as he said,

"You can call me Jerry if you prefer. How are you finding it here?"

I almost did call him Jerry, but instead said,

"So far I'm loving it here Sir."

"Well, you are surprisingly polite for a boy your age, most kids would not know manners if their lives depended on it."

His compliment made me feel good and even though it was not unusual for me I found myself getting aroused. I felt my cock harden just slightly and felt blood rush to my face as I blushed a bit. He noticed and said,

"Polite and cute."

He realized quickly what he had said and told me,

"Sorry, that just popped out."

My face blushed a deeper red and my cock hardened more as I said,

"No problem Sir."

I flashed him a smile hoping it would smooth things out and it worked as he asked,

"What have you been doing for fun here Nick?"

"Mostly surfing, swimming, working out and exploring the city Sir."

His smile got even wider as he said,

"Good to hear you are not the lazy type, sitting around playing video games all day."

"I am not really into video games Sir, I play sometimes but not often."

"Well, I can't remember the last time I met a boy your age who is polite, obviously smart and takes care of himself physically. You are a breath of fresh air."

His manner was so easy going that before thinking I said,

"Don't forget cute too."

His smile faded briefly as he looked surprised, then he let out a loud, very natural laugh and seconds later I was laughing with him. At that moment I felt very close to this man I had just met and though my cock was now almost fully hard I was pretty sure it was more than sexual. When our laughing died down he asked,

"So Nick, a wash and then a trim?"

I nodded my head and he said,

"Okay, take a seat in the chair."

I sat down and he put an apron around me, then lowered the back of the chair and easily placed my head in the support over the sink. I heard the water turn on and as he got it to the right temperature he asked,

"Where did you live before here Nick?"

I told him and answered a few more questions, then out of the blue I asked him,

"Does your wife work here too Sir."

"I never married Nick, it's just me and my shop."

It occurred to me at that moment that in a way I was flirting with him and I was pretty sure he was doing the same. I was also thankful for the apron, because my cock was now throbbing and it felt like my entire body was tingling as his hands made contact with my hair. He slowly started wetting it with the nozzle and as he did he said,

"You have really nice hair Nick and it's obvious you take care of it, very healthy."

He was driving me wild with compliments as I said,

"I like to keep it long so it takes a lot more time."

He added shampoo and lathered it through my hair, then rinsed it and lathered again. He added some conditioner and as it set in he asked,

"Will you and your Mother be staying here Nick?"

"Yes Sir, as far as I know we will be here a long time."

I heard him pick up the water nozzle, getting ready to rinse out the conditioner and just as he did the phone rang and his hand shook a bit, sending water down the back of my sweatshirt.

"I am so sorry Nick, that has never happened to me before. Are you okay?"

I knew he was being sincere as I said,

"No problem Sir, it's just water."

I was surprised he did not run and answer the phone, instead he told me,

"The wash and trim will be on the house, no charge. Again, Sorry."

I felt a little bad for him, he did not look like he made a lot of money and there were no other customers in the shop, so I said,

"No way. My Mother gave me money for this plus a tip, so you get is all Sir. It was just an accident."

My eyes met his and I saw he was smiling as he rinsed the conditioner from my hair and then propped up the back the chair. He thanked me and then said,

"You should take off your wet sweatshirt and I can hang it up to dry, otherwise you'll get hair stuck to it."

At this point my cock was rock hard and now he was telling me to take off my sweatshirt, and since I was not wearing a t-shirt I would be naked down to the waist. I did not want to push things or make him uncomfortable so I said,

"I'm not wearing a t-shirt Sir."

He looked awkward for the first time and said,

"Okay, I'll be extra careful not to spill hair on your sweatshirt then."

I knew it was up to me and knew he was waiting for me to decide. I took a breath and said,

"Actually Sir, it's brand new so I'll just take it off if it's okay."

He hesitated and then pulled the apron off of me quickly and knowing my cock was hard my hands went to my the front of my jeans. I stood as quickly as I could, not sure if he had seen or not and then slowly pulled my sweatshirt off. I stood there naked from the waist up and as he approached I handed him my sweatshirt. He hung it up and when he turned and faced me I saw his eyes scan over my naked torso.

"You really do take care of yourself, nice muscle tone."

I felt my face go even redder as my cock felt like it would pop a hole through my briefs and jeans.

"Take a seat Nick."

I did as he said and as he wrapped the apron around me one of this hands made contact with my naked shoulder and I could not hold back, a moan escaped my lips. He paused, so I was sure he heard it, but he said nothing as he began trimming my hair. I kept my hands under the apron, covering my aching cock and a few minutes later he finished clipping, then blew my hair dry. When he showed me in the mirror I was impressed, it really looked good and he had a huge smile on his face as I said,

"Looks better than ever before, thanks so much Sir."

He snapped the apron off of me and my hands tightened their cover of my erection as he began brushing loose hairs off my naked shoulders. He was motioning for me to stand, so I awkwardly did, while keeping my hand sin front of me. He walked to where my sweatshirt was hanging and after checking, said,

"Should be dry enough to wear home."

When he handed it to me I pulled it on quickly, pulling it down tight to cover my erection.

"I hope you will be a regular customer Nick, I have really enjoyed meeting you."

I walked with him to the front and as he rang it in the register, I paid him and tipped him as he told me,

"Sorry again about the water on your sweatshirt Nick."

I smiled said,

'It was an accident, no problem at all Sir."

I was surprised that I actually winked at him as I said it, but was even more shocked when he said,

"Maybe next time, I'll have to spill water on your pants too."

I hope you have enjoyed this story. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated.

Next: Chapter 2

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