98 Degrees Is Hot

By Gay Night

Published on Sep 6, 1999


Disclaimer - This story contains gay relationships between the members of the pop music band 98 Degrees and a fictional character. This story in no way implies that any members of 98 Degrees is gay (but if they are they should feel free to e-mail me). If you are under the legal age to read pornographic material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions - e-mail GayNight@hotmail.com

Now that that is out of the way. Enjoy!!!

98 Degrees is HOT!!!

"Jeff, babe. Maybe we'd better save that for later. I want to start this over right. I want to take our time before we get serious in the sexual sense."

"I agree," he replied. "We can build something much better if we hold off for now."

"Lets just keep it down to kissing and massaging for now. We can take it the next step when we know we're both ready.

"Agreed." He smiled up at me. "I don't know about you Tris, but I am a little tired. Why don't we catch some z's?"

"Sounds good to me, as long as we catch them together."

We snuggled up together and fell asleep, listening to the beat of each other's hearts, and the rythym of each other's breath.

The following morning I awoke with my head resting on a warm, firm, yet giving surface. I smiled and lifted my face off of Jeff's chest. I looked up and saw him smiling down at me. "Good morning," I said.

He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I was helpless to resist his probing tongue. It made its way into my mouth and began to search out all those nookes and cranies that feel so wonderful. After a few moments he pulled back, "Good morning to you too," he said.

"You have no idea just how good a morning it is," I smiled.

"I think I might," he replied, leaning back in for another kiss. Once again I didn't resist.

When we finally returned to reality I layed my head back down on his warm chest. "So what's up for today?" I asked.

"Well we have most of the day free until the tour rolls out at 6:00."

"Hmmmm, that doesn't give us much time."

"You're right it doesn't, it is 11:00."

I practically jumped a foot out of the bed. "WHAT!?! It is that late and you didn't wake me up!"

"Hey calm down there. You were just too cute to wake up. Meg called like ten minutes ago, she said that she and your brother were on their way over. They should be here in fifteen or twenty minutes."

"Then I'd better get a quick shower."

"Then I'm coming with you," Jeff smiled.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," I smiled back.

We walked into the bathroom together and removed our boxers, throwing them to the floor. I reached into the shower and turned on the water nice and hot. Soon billows of steam were pouring around the corners of the shower curtain. We didn't care, we were to busy charting the uncharted territories of each other's mouths.

After a few minutes of impassioned kissing we stepped into the shower together. There the kissing resumed while we blindly rubbed soap into each others bodies.

After a good long time we were finally clean and turned off the water. We stepped out together, losing our lip-lock only long enough to step safely out of the slick shower. "Alright look baby we need to hurry up and get dressed Meg and my brother are going to be here any time now."

"Oh so your afraid that one of them will see me naked and try to steal me from you? Is that it?" Jeff joked.

"Oh, but I have so much more to offer than them. You can't even think about it, please," I played along. We both broke into uncontainable laughter. "Anyway," I said after we had stopped laughing, "I think the point of all of that is that we need to hurry up and get ready beofer they get here." As if on cue the phone began to ring.

"I'll get it," Jeff said, then ran into the room.

I did everything that I needed to in the bathroom then followed him out. Bye the time I finally did make it out he was sitting on the bed looking into space. "Hey baby, you there?"

He looked up at me. "Yeah. Just thinking. You know I liked that."

"Liked what?"

"You calling me baby."

"Oh. It seemed natural. I dunno."

"Well I liked it," he smiled. "Anyway, that was Meg on the phone they'll be up in a few minutes. She forgot to bring you clothes so you'll just have to use some of mine. Feel free to dig through my chest of drawers, I haven't packed yet."

"Sounds good to me."

"I'm gonna do what I have to do in the bathroom."

"Ok." He stood and walked to the bathroom while I walked over to the chest of drawers and began to search for something suitable to wear. I found a pair of navy blue silk boxers and slid them on, enjoying the feeling of the light, smooth, sexy fabric. Then, after a little more rummaging, I found a pair of black button-up Addidas pants and a burnt orange shirt. I quickly threw them on and sat down on the bed waiting for Jeff to get out of the bathroom and for Meg and my brother to make it up.

Minutes later I heard a knocking on the door. "I'll get it!" I yelled, as Jeff was still in the bathroom. I walked over to the door and opened it with a big smile on my face.

"Hey, babe!" Meg practically yelled in my face.

"Hey bro!" my brother said in a somewhat quieter voice.

"Hey!" I yelled back.

"Why are you yelling in my face?" Meg complained as they walked into the room.

"Make yourselves at home," I laughed. "You yelled in mine first."

"Did not!" she said.

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"How old are we!?!"

"I dunno. It was kinda fun though," she said.

"You two never cease to amaze me," my brother said, shaking his head.

"They never cease to amaze me either," Jeff said, walking out of the bathroom.

I was sitting on the bed, which was next to the wall beside the bathroom, so Jeff could not see me. Meg and my brother were standing at the foot of the bed, facing each other. Jeff walked over and put his arm around my brother. "You look good baby," he said. The rest of us broke into laughter.

"What!?!" he yelled. Then he looked at me sitting on the bed. Then his head whipped around to look at my brother, then back at me.

I got up off the bed and walked over to them. "Jeff meet my brother Steve. We're twins," I said. He just stood there speechless for several moments. His arm slowly moved off of Steve's shoulder.

"Sorry man," he said to Steve.

"No problem," Steve said, still trying to stop the last of his laughter. "It happens all the time. Besides my brother has excellent taste in men." Steve smiled.

"You your---," Jeff began.

"Yeah, I'm gay too," Steve replied. He stuck out his hand, "Everyone calls me Tev."

Jeff took his hand, "I'm Jeff. This is going to be so confusing, keeping track of you two. How will I know which of you to uh---"

"Guys," Meg spoke up, she was obviously a little uncomfotable, "I think I'll go see what Drew is up to."

"Actually why don't you get everyone together and get them to meet in the little 'conference' room. We'll be there in a second. I want to introduce Steve to everyone," I told her.

"Alright, I'll round everybody up," she replied, before slipping out of the room and into the hall.

"So Jeff," Steve said. "I trust your taking good care of my brother here."

"Well I don't know," Jeff said smiling and looking at me. "We really didn't hook up, in a serious sense, until yesterday."

"Oh well. You'll have to keep him on his toes," they laughed.

"Alright guys, we'd better get down there before they get mad at us for making them wait. I know Nick was interested in meeting you Steve," I smiled.

"Tris," Jeff said, "can I speak to you for a minute?"

"Sure baby. Steve we'll be right back." Steve nodded and Jeff and I walked to the other side of the room and began to talk in whispers. "What babe?"

"Well I was thinking, Nick and Steve. I mean, Steve isn't you, but you do look alot alike."

"Last time I checked that was part of being a twin," we both laughed quietly. "But what I mean is, I was thinking the same thing. Besides I think that maybe Steve would be a little more compatible with Nick then I am. There personalities fit a little better I think. We'll just have to see."

Jeff smiled, "Yeah, we'll just have to see." He leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "Love you."

"I love you too," I replied. "Alright, lets get down there before they really kill us." We laughed and headed out the door and down the hall to the little conference room.

I walked in first. "Everybody, I'd like you to meet my brother Steve," I said. "We're twins." Everyone looked at Steve. Jeff and I watched Nick to gauge his reaction. When he saw Steve his eyes widened for a split second before they returned to normal and he flashed a killer smile. Steve smiled back. "I think this could work," I whispered in Jeff's ear.

"So everybody what do you want to do today?" Jeff asked.

"Well I was thinking we could go out and eat then we can figure out the rest of the day, before we leave," Nick said. The mentioning of their leaving put a damper on the moment, but soon we were all walking down the hall to the elevator.

Halfway down the hall we were stopped by the guys manager. "Hey guys, is Tristan there with you?" he called out from the opposite end of the hall.

"Yeah I'm here!" I yelled back.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked.

"Sure," I replied. "Be there in a second." He ducked back into his room. "Well guys, I guess this is it," I said.

"What is it?" Steve asked.

"Well your brother is about to get a job with our label. He's gonna be just as good as we are!" Nick said enthusiastically.

"Yeah right!" I replied sarcastically.

"I'm coming," Steve said. I opened my mouth to object, "You are my twin," he said, quelling my objections. I nodded slightly.

"I'm coming too," Jeff said. "You are just mine." He smiled widely, I returned the smile weakly. "Cheer up honey, you'll be fine. You are going to get the job."

"If you say so," I replied.

"We'll wait here," Drew said, before turning to Meg.

Jeff, Steve, and myself turned and walked down the hall toward the manager's room. We reached the door and walked in. If he was taken aback by my twin he didn't show it. I made a mental note that this guy was VERY professional. Then I wondered if that mental note would ever be useful. He gestured for us to seat ourselves. I sat inbetween Jeff and Steve.

"Well as I suppose you have already guessed, I have news. I have spoken to the higher ups and they are in the process of writing up a contract. Congradulations, you have the job!" he said calmly.

It took a moment for it to sink in. Then I jumped what must have been several feet into the air. I landed on my feet and let out a whoop of triumph. "YES!!!! THANK YOU GOD!!!!!"

After my loud excitement had subsided he returned to business. "Now I have a question for. . .," he said, facing Steve.

"Steve," Steve told him.

"Yes, Steve. Can you sing like you brother?" he asked.

"Yes, we have the same range and approximately the same power," Steve said to him.

"How would you like to work with your brother," he asked me.

"You mean. . .!? Certainely, if Steve wants too," I practically yelled.

"Need you even ask," Steve said with a huge smile blooming on his face.

"I will have to talk to the higher-ups but I believe it could be worked out. I think that a twins band could be very interesting. Well I'll let you go, I'm sure you have lots of partying to do now," he smiled.

"Thank you," I repeated several times as I backed to the door.

Once we were in the hall, Jeff jumped on me. He wrapped his legs around me and almost pulled me to the floor. "I love you!" he said right before he wrapped my lips in his. "I knew you would get the job, we all did," he said after he had slowly pulled his lips from mine. "And now it looks like your brother is going to be in it with you. This is going to be so cool. A twin brother band. Kind of like Hanson, except good."

"Hey guys, I don't mean to be rude or anything," Meg yelled from down the hall, "But we do want to go to lunch. Are ya'll coming?!?"

"Yeah, were on our way Meg!" Steve yelled from beside us. "Come on guys, get moving," he continued before walking down the hall, seemingly calm. I knew that inside he was just as excited as we were.

Jeff stole another kiss from me before we both raced down the hall, hand in hand. "Well," I said, "I got the job. AND it seems that they want to give Steve a job as well. We would be like a twin brother band. I think it'll be cool. Paris said that he would have to talk to the higher-ups before he could give us a final decision on that. But I definetely have the job, no matter what!"

"YES!!!!" Meg screamed, causing Drew to slap a hand to his ear and another to her mouth.

"Calm down babe," he said, smiling at her. She looked like she was going to bite Drew's hand from excitment.

"I told you you would get the job, didn't I?" Nick teased.

"This calls for some good food." Justin said. I was surprised by his speech, he was always so quite that when he did say things it startled him. "You know of any nice restaurants?" he asked me.

"I do!" Meg piped up, she had freed herself from Drew's grasp.

"Alright then," Jeff said. "Lets get going."

We all piled into the elevator together and punched in for the lobby. The doors opened into the lobby and we all piled out. The lobby was strangely quiet. With none of the groups of wild, young girls waiting for any look at the guys. With all the school girls in school it was easy for the hotel security to keep unwanted people out.

We made it quickly to the limo and were soon on our way to a restaurant. On the way there we engaged in some small talk, and theorized on what would happen with my new record deal.

The limo pulled up in front of the restaurant and we all piled out onto the sidewalk. We walked in and were seated after a brief foray with the hostess. We sat a continued to talk while we waited for the waiter.

After a few minutes our waiter arrived. "Hello, I'm Max and I'll be your waiter for toni. . . You are 98 Degrees," he breathed.

"Yes we are," Nick said, flashing him a killer smile. I could feel Steve flinch beside me when he saw Nick's smile.

"Jealous already," I whispered in Steve's ear. He responded by jabbing me in the side.

"Can I get your autographs?" Max almost begged.

"If you promise not to tell anyone about us until we leave you can have them," Nick said diplomatically.

After he had gotten the guys autographs and our drink orders, he practically ran to have them filled. We sat staring at the menus, trying to decide which of the seemingly wonderful things to order.

After a few short minutes Max returned with our drinks. "You're not neglecting your other tables for us are you?" Nick asked, laughing.

"No, of course not," Max replied, too quickly. "Are you ready to order or should I give you more time to decide?"

"I don't know about the rest of these jokers, but I'm ready to order," I said.

Max looked at me enviously and suspiciously. He seemed unwilling to take my order in the presence of the guys, but duty overcame whatever other priorities he had in his head, and he pulled out his tablet. "Ok, what would you like?"

"I'd like the Fettucini Alfredo with a side dish of potatos and the salad bar for now," I said, giving him a reproving look. He worked his way around the table, getting everyone's orders before coming to Justin.

"And you sir?" he asked.

"I really don't know what to get. Do you have any suggestions?" Justin asked him.

"Well," Max said, obviously happy that a celebrity would ask him what was good. He quickly gave Justin a run-down of the menu, while at the same time flirting with him. Justin didn't seem to notice the flirting, but he did return some signals.

'I wonder,' I thought to myself. 'What IS Justin's story?' I asked myself. I made a mental note to ask Jeff before they left. The thought of their leaving dimmed my mood.

Jeff must have noticed because he turned his head and looked at me questioningly. "Tell you later," I replied to his unspoken question.

After getting Justin's order Max left to fill the orders. 'Good ridance,' I thought. 'I don't like that guy, he is feeding off of the guys.'

We made it through the meal uneventfully, and returned to the hotel. Jeff and I headed back to his room, and layed down, side by side, on his bed. "Well babe, two hours before you leave," I said, looking at my watch.

"What was wrong in the restaurant today?" Jeff asked after several minutes of utter silence.

"Well a couple of things actually. First of all that waiter. I felt like he was feeding off of you guys. He didn't want anything to do with Steve or I, it was like we were beneath his notice."

"That won't be a problem too much longer," Jeff joked.

"Yeah, well anyway I didn't like him. He was also flirting with Justin and Nick."

"So, you are kind of guilty of flirting with Nick and I now aren't you?"

"That's not what I mean," I said, getting frustrated. "Something about him just didn't bode well. I don't know, I'm probably imagining it. The other thing is, what is the deal with Justin? Is he gay, straight, what? Every time I think I've figured it out he does something to make me doubt my decision."

"You know, now that I think about it he never said that he was gay or straight or bi. I don't think he's really said anything. I mean, on television and in public he makes all the right comments, but when noone else is around he doesn't say much of anything about it. Actually he never says much of anything. He is very quiet."

"I wonder why he is so quiet. Maybe there is more to it then you think."

"I don't know. Maybe we should go talk to him."

"Why don't you let me do it," I said. "If I irratate him it won't fall back on any of you, and I don't have to live with him."

"Alright baby. Thank you. You know I love you!"

"How could you do anything else," I replied, smiling and leaning in for a kiss.

I got up off the bed and walked to the door. "Why don't you start packing. When I get back I want to have a little bit of fun before you have to leave."

"Sounds good honey," he said, jumping off the bed.

I walked out the door and down the hall to Justin's door. I knocked twice and waited for an answer. When I had waited a good minute or two I knocked again, and put my ear to the door. I could hear soft sobbing coming from the other side of the door.

Suddenly worried about his welfare I opened the door and ran into the room. My eyes bulged at the scene before me. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Be Continued

Questions, Comments, Suggestions - e-mail GayNight@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 8

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