98 Degrees Is Hot

By Gay Night

Published on May 29, 1999


Disclaimer - This story contains gay relationships between the members of the pop music band 98 Degrees and a fictional character. This story in no way implies that any members of 98 Degrees is gay (but if they are they should feel free to e-mail me). If you are under the legal age to read pornographic material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions - e-mail GayNight@hotmail.com

Now that that is out of the way. Enjoy!!!

98 Degrees is HOT!!!

A warm feeling began to spread over my body. I looked into Jeff's eyes, losing myself in their crystal blue depths. I felt myself being pulled toward him by an unseen force.

I snapped out of it, jerking back into an upright position. 'What the HELL was I thinking?' I asked myself. 'I'm gonna get these guys really angry at me like this.'

While I chastised myself, I was completely unaware of Jeff doing the same to himself. "Well, we'd better get going," I said.

"Yeah," Jeff said, sounding dissappointed.

'Maybe he wanted that as much as I did,' I thought. 'No, there is no chance that any of them could be gay. I've got to stop fooling myself.'

We sped out of the parking lot and into the streets of Roanoke. Jeff and I were silent for the entire trip, both staring directly ahead. I brought them to the classiest place I new of then parked as close as I could. "Well here we are," I said. We sat there for a few minutes, just staring off into nothing.

Jeff suddenly broke the silence, "Well we'd better go meet the other guys at the entrance.

We got out and walked over to the club entrance where the other guys were waiting, noisely.

"You guys trying to wake the entire city?" I teased.

"Actually we were trying to wake up the entire east coast, do you think it worked?" Drew joked.

"I dunno, pretty close," I replied. "Shall we," I said motioning to the door.

"Thought you'd never ask!" Justin said.

We walked up to the door and were greated by the guard. "Hey Tris," he said. "Who are your friends."

"Hey Johnny," I replied, "98 Degrees."

"Yeah, right and I'm the queen of. . ." he trailed off as he saw the guys step into the overhead light. "No problem, I can get you guys in free," he said, quickly changing gears.

Johnny opened the door and we stepped through, into the glaring lights and pulses of sound. "This probably isn't as big as what you're used to, but it is one of the biggest clubs in town," I said, using a low yell so they could hear me over the music. "There is a second room for anyone who wants to talk, make-out, etc. So if you found anyone interesting you can take them back there to do whatever."

"Cool," Jeff said, while is mind wished he could say 'I already found someone interesting.'

We found a table and sat down. We ordered drinks then Drew and Justin went out into the crowd to dance.

"So what do you do?" Nick asked.

"Oh, I work at the local Super-Wal-Mart. It isn't what I want to do, but it is pretty much all I can at the moment."

"What do you want to do?" Jeff asked.

My face flushed, "Well, I actually wanted to sing."

"Cool!" Nick said. "You should come over to the hotel and sing for us, maybe we could set you up with one of the managers."

"Yeah that'd be great, but my voice sounds like crap, and I don't have any good lyrics either."

"Heh, I like the sound of your voice," Jeff said quickly. This set off a little red flag in my brain. 'Could it be?' I thought. "And I read those lyrics, some of them are REALLY good."

"Thanks, but you don't have to say things like that to cheer me up, it isn't the end of the world for me."

"But, we want to say things like that, because they are true," Nick said.

"Well, I guess I could sing for you, but I'm sure you'd change your minds soone enough," I said slowly. We sat in silence, or as silent as it could get with the music blaring, for a moment. "Hey, I didn't bring you guys here to sit around," I said jumping up. "Lets dance!"

"Yeah, baby!" Nick yelled.

We danced into the crowd and I spotted Meg. I dance over to her. "Hey, girlfriend," I yelled from behind. She jumped straight up then whirled around faster than I have seen anyone move.

"You scared the shit out of me!!!" She yelled back.

"Sorry, babe," I said apologetically.

"That's ok, I'll forgive you this time."

"Where are the kids?" I asked, meaning Sherrie and Amanda.

"Oh, I brought them home," she giggled. "Anyway, things not go to good with 98 Degrees?"

"No, they went fine. I'm kinda suspicious of Jeff, and maybe Nick, but I think it may be just my imagination."

Well let me talk to them sometime, I'll render my opinion."

"Thanks girl," I said. "Actually, they are here with me now."

"Really!?!" she almost yelled. "Where?"


"Oh, well lets go to your table, I can talk to them when they come back to rest. Besides, I can't wait to see Drew again, he is sooooo hot."

"Yeah, you're telling me," I laughed.

We danced back on over to my table and sat down, waiting for the guys to come around. We didn't have to wait long, as Drew and Justin returned to the table.

"Man, I'm tired," Drew said. "It was bad enough after that concert and now we go out dancing as well, what is a guy to do," he laughed.

We all laughed and Meg started talking with Drew while I spoke with Justin. It wasn't long before Nick and Jeff returned as well. We all talked and joked for a couple of hours then Nick spoke up, "Well, guys we really need to get back to the hotel. I don't know about you but I'm dead tired and we have tons to do tomorrow."

"Yeah, I'm sorry I kept ya'll out too late. I wasn't thinking," I said.

"Don't worry about it," Jeff said, laying a hand on mine. "It was enjoyable," he smiled looking deep into my eyes.

His hand on my mine warm and it felt as if it was sending electric shocks straight into my brain. I felt a warmness spreading throughout my body, and I felt an almost unresistable urge to lean over and kiss him deeply.

We both snapped back to reality and walked back to our cars. "Here's my cellphone number," Nick said, handing me a piece of paper. "Call me and we can set-up a time to meet and talk." I nodded. Meg and I waited for the limo to pick up the guys then she told me should would meet me at her house in ten minutes.

I returned to my car and quickly drove to Meg's house. I noticed that she hadn't arrived yet, so I sat back with the top of the car down gazing up into the heavens.

Thoughts of Jeff and Nick floated through my mind. They were so nice, open, gorgeous. I held a picture of Jeff's smile in my mind's eye, and I smiled at the stars above me. "Oh Lord," I said to the open air. "Please, I beg of you, let Jeff love me. Please oh please, give me that and I will ask nothing more of you. Please grant me this single thing." I heard footsteps approaching. I turned my head to see Meg. "Heh, sweet-heart," I joked.

"Hey, hun," she replied in her best New York accent. "Who yah talkin' too?"

"The man upstairs," I said.

"What'd he say?"

"Told me that we need to go inside before we freeze to death out here."

We laughed. I closed the top of the car and we walked slowly into her house in silence. I took my usual seat on the arm of the sofa and she sat down in an easy chair across the room.

"I don't think you have anything to worry about," she said.

I felt my heart leap, "You really think so?!?"

"Yes, I do," she said, seriously. "The whole time, both Jeff and Nick were practically breathing down your neck. You could practically feel it in the air. I think you have your pick of either."

"Pick?" I said dazed. "NO!!!" I abruptly yelled.

"What?" Meg question anxiously.

"I can't choose," beginning to despair.


I focused on her, my eyes filled with anguish, "I can't choose between them! What will the other think. I'll destroy their group! I can't do that to them, it is their life." My voice was thick with emotion, "I can't do it. . ." my body racked with sobs.

"Heh, heh there," Meg said quietly, slowly walking over to me and laying a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Heh there guy," she intoned. "Don't cry on me here. You can't do nothing, they can't risk their careers on someone they aren't sure about. No matter how sure they are up here," she said pointing to her head, "They can't risk losing everything and gainning nothing. Think of what they must be feeling right now." She continued to try and comfort me.

I smiled up at her, for once thinking about all we had been through together. "You're right, as usual."

She smiled back, "You expected something else?"

Jeff walked into his hotel room, leaving the door slightly ajar. He fell back onto his bed and closed his eyes, thinking of me. "Hey, Jeff," he heard Nick call quietly from the hall. "Can I come in?"

"Sure, man," he replied, sitting up. Nick entered and sat on a chair opposite Jeff. "What's on your mind, Nick?"

"Do you. . .," Jeff nodded. "Do you think he is. . .," Jeff nodded again. "Which of us?"

"I dunno, man. We can't just leap into this. We could be totally wrong, and destroy everything. and our careers too."

"Yeah, I know. But everything seems so. . .so right," Nick repied.

"I know. I know."

"If we're right, we have to let him choose."

"And whichever of us isn't his choice, has to accept it and move on," Drew said seriously.

"Yes," Nick said emphatically. "Which means, that you're gonna have to hope he has a brother just like him," he said laughing

"I have to hope," Jeff joked back. "What about you? You're a lady killer, but that has nothing to do with gorgeous young men."

"If you say so," Nick smiled. He leapt at Jeff, tackling him to the ground. They struggled against each other for a few minutes before relaxing and laying side by side on the floor.

"No hard feelings," Nick said.

"No hard feelings," Jeff agreed. "But it looks like something else is hard," he joked.

"Yeah," Nick said, rubbing himself. "You need any help over there?" he asked.

"We agreed we wouldn't," Jeff replied lustfully.

"I know, but it would make things so much easier."

"Until someone gets upset."

"I know. Well see yah tomorrow," Nick said, standing an heading out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Jeff simply laid on the floor, thinking of me. A tear formed in the corner of his eye and slid slowly down his cheek. "I love you," he whispered to the empty room, before closing his eyes and falling into a deep dreamless sleep.

I woke bright an early the next morning. Too early. I looked at the clock to find that it was only seven o'clock. Normally this would be fine, but after being out so late, I found it rather annoying. I could feel the tiredness creeping back into me, so I rolled over and closed my eyes, attempting to go back to sleep, but pictures of Jeff kept popping into my head. They wouldn't stop, no matter how much I told my brain that it wasn't the time for it. I finally gave up and surrendered to my all-powerful subconscious. I fell back asleep, with a picture of Jeff floating on my closed eyelids, and a smile plastered to my face.

I felt a gentle rocking motion, as if I was floating on a calm sea. The rocking became more insistent, and my eyes shot open. I found myself staring into a pair of light green eyes. I jumped back, startled. "Shit, Meg. You scared the hell out of me."

She began to laugh, "You are funny as hell!"

"Not to sound rude, but why are you here?" I asked.

"Well I called and your sister picked up. She said you were still asleep so I decided to come and wake you up myself," she replied.

"Great, you didn't have to wake me up soooo early."

"Tris, its 12:30!"

"Twelve thirty!!!" I yelled. Then the mornings event came flooding back to me. "Jeez! I didn't mean to sleep so late. I need to call Nick," I ran to the phone. "Where did I put his number?"

"Slow down there guy!" Meg said. "He'll still be there in a few minutes. Go take a shower, get that sleep out of your eyes, and eat something. Then call him, that way ya'll can go out and do something."

"You're right, as usual," I replied. She merely smiled.

I took a shower, spending several minutes just lazing under the warm water, as the negative ions went to work, waking up my brain. I ate a quick breakfast and took a deep breath before heading to the phone.

Meg held out Nick's number. "Thanks," I said. She smiled again.

I picked up the receiver and reached out to dial the number, but my hand stopped inches from the buttons. "I can't," I said, feeling a strange sort of nervousness creep into my mind.

"Oh, please!!! How old are you!?!" Meg said, exasperated.

"Fine, fine," I said, punching in the number before I could think about it.

Soon the phone's ringing was interupted by Nick's beautiful voice. "Hello?"

"Hey, Nick! It's me, Tristan," I said.

"Hey, man! How you doing? I was beginning to think you weren't going to call," he said.

"Well, I slept later than I intended. If Meg hadn't woke me up, I would still be in dreamland as we speak."

His voice came back with a hint of regret. "Oh, I see. Well, you wanna get together sometime today?"

"Sure," I said, enthusiastically. "When?"

"Whenever you want."

"How about now?"

"Sure, cool man. Why don't you meet us at the hotel. I'll call the reception desk and tell them to let you in."

"Thanks man, see you there in a little while," I put down the phone.

"Soooo? How did it go?" Meg asked.

"Great, we're gonna meet as soon as I can get over to their hotel."

"Cool beans guy!"

"Thanks. You wanna come?"

"No, I have to go to work. You have fun for me ok?"

"I will," I said then kissed her lightly on the forehead.

She gave me a funny look, "What was that for?"

"For being a great friend, that is always there to help me through the hard times," I smiled.

"Alright," she said. "Well we'd better get you going. Forward march!"

"YES SIR! Ma'am!?! Siam?!?!?" She swatted my butt. "Hey don't do that, I may have to use that for something later."

"You disgust me!!!"

"Yeah, but you love it." She gave me a death look. "Ok, I'm going!!!"

I ran out to my car, jumped in and sped off. Pictures of Nick and Jeff kept floating through my mind. I couldn't belive how lucky I was to have met 98 Degrees, and then get to go out to a club with them. Then go out with two of the cutest members of the group, to see if they could get me a job. I heard a loud beep behind me. I had slowed to almost a stop in the middle of the road. 'Got to stop daydreaming,' I told myself. I gunned the engine, accelerating to 65 in a matter of seconds. 'I just love sports cars,' I thought to myself.

Soon I was parked in front of the guys hotel. I walked in, and located the reception desk. I walked up to the desk, through a crowd of people. I waited in line for several minutes, feeling VERY out of place among crowd of people. The woman asked at the desk asked me if I needed help. "Yes," I replied. "I need Nick Lachey's room number and floor please."

"I'm sorry, but I am unauthorized to give out that information," she politely said, obviously trying to let me down easily.

"No, you don't understand, he invited me. My name is Tristan. Please check your notes, he really did invite me."

She looked at me, sizing me up, "He did leave a note saying that someone by that name would be coming by, and to give them an escort. Can I have some sort of identification?" I handed her my drivers license. She stared at it for a moment then motioned to one of the bellhops. "Escort him to Nick Lachey's room, number 536."

"Thank you," I said, smiling.

The bellhop escorted me to Nick's room and I gave him what I thought was a small tip, but I guess it was more than I thought because he smiled and nodded his head while thanking me profusely. I waited until he got back in the elevator before knocking. I heard movement behind the door then the locks click, and the knob turn. 'Give me strength Lord,' I thought.

The door opened to reveal Nick. He was standing there smiling that, killer smile at me, and I almost melted. 'Hell,' I thought, 'All he has to do is smile at me and I turn all weak-kneed. How can one person possibly do this to me!'

"Hello," he said. "Are you feeling all right? You look a little out of it."

'If only you knew,' I though. "I'm fine. Just a little tired."

"We were out pretty late," he said. "Well, you wanna come in?"

"Sure," I replied.

We walked into the room. Nick sat on his bed, while I sat on a chair across from him. "Jeff is gonna be over in a few minutes, he has the music you gave us to look at. From what I've seen, it is excellent stuff. But, I don't really know. Jeff has been hogging it."

I opened my mouth to respond, but the door clicked, and Jeff walked in, smiling broadly. "Good Morning everyone!" he said.

"What's wrong with you?" Nick asked him.

"What do you mean?" Jeff replied.

"You are never this awake in the morning!"

"I dunno," he said, seeming genuinely purplexed. Nick and I had to laugh at that. "I've been reading your stuff," he said. "This stuff is really good. Get a strong beat, and a nice melody and you could really go somewhere with this."

"You really think so?" I asked, hopefully.

"Yeah!" he said. "Some of it needs a little restructuring, but nothing is perfect the first time, except me of course."

Nick picked up a pillow and threw it at him. It hit Jeff in the face. "Be glad I don't have any pillows, or I'd throw one too." He looked at me, face seemingly hurt. He almost had me fooled for a moment, before the pillow came flying at me. I caught it in mid-air.

"Nice reflexes," Nick said. "You play any sports?"

"No, I take karate."

"Cool," he said. "I bet you would be pretty good at some sports, if you tried them out."

"I dunno," I said non-commitally. "Sports really aren't my thing. Not that I am condemning them, but I just don't like competing that much. I always end up asking myself why I am acting the way I am. I guess that is why I am going to major in psyc, if I ever go to college."

"Hey cool," Jeff said. "I was majoring in psyc before I hooked up with these losers."

"Hey there, I'm gonna take that personally in a second," Nick said.

"Anyway, where were we," Jeff said, ignoring Nick's comment.

"Something about rewriting my stuff."

"Oh yeah! Anyways, some of it could be improved but for the most part it is excellent. All you need is a tune and beat and you could do some really cool stuff with this."

"Actually. . ., I did have some ideas for a melody," I said hesitantly.

"Let's hear it," Nick offered.

"Uhhhhh. It really isn't any good."

"That's what you said about these," Jeff said, holding up my lyrics.

"Welllllll. . ."

"Come on," Nick pleaded.

"Pleassssssse," Jeff begged.

"Alright," I said hesitantly. "Cover your ears, this might hurt." They smiled. "You know, I haven't warmed up yet," I said, trying to delay.

"Well, we'll just have to help you warm up," Jeff said smiling. We proceeded to warm up our voices.

"Alright, lets hear it," Nick said when we finished warming up.

"Alright," I said. I took a deap breath let it slowly out then closed my eyes and found the words and tune to my favorite of the peices I had written. Then I started to sing. It was weak at first, but certainely not bad. Then as I got going I gained confidence, and I seemed to merge with the song. I came to the culmination of the song, and sung out with all my soul then brought the song to a close.

I saw Nick and Jeff staring at me in disbelief and caught sight of Justin and Drew, who I had not even heard enter, standing near the door. "Was it that bad?" I asked, blushing a deep red.

It was several moments before anyone answered. "Bad?" Jeff said. "That was unbelievable!!!" -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Questions, Comments, Suggestions - e-mail GayNight@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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