98 Degrees Is Hot

By Gay Night

Published on May 17, 1999


Disclaimer - This story contains gay relationships between the members of the pop music band 98 Degrees and a fictional character. This story in no way implies that any members of 98 Degrees is gay (but if they are they should feel free to e-mail me). If you are under the legal age to read pornographic material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions - e-mail GayNight@hotmail.com

Now that that is out of the way. Enjoy!!!

98 Degrees is HOT!!!

Chapter 1

Tomorrow,' I thought. Tomorrow is the BIG day.' I lay back into the pillows of my bed, closed my eyes and lost myself in thought. Ten minutes later, my radio brought me back to reality, "Tomorrow morning the K-crew will be giving away tickets and backstage passes for the 98 Degrees concert at the Roanoke Civic Center with special guest B-Witched. All you have to do is sit on ice. . .," I ran to my phone and called the studio line for more information. They asked for some information, which I gladly gave them, and told me to be in front of the studio at 7:30 the following morning. I lay back into the pillows of my bed, smiling contently. I was fast asleep in minutes.

The following morning I woke bright and early, 6:00. I practically ran through the house getting ready. At 7:15 I wrote a quick note to my parents telling them where I would be. Ridiculous for a 19 year old High School Graduate to be reporting to his parents, but they insisted that if I was living with them they wanted to know what I was up to.

I sighed as I jumped into my car and sped off. About 10 minutes later I found myself in front of the K92 Studio. I had 5 minutes to kill, so I sat in my car trying to calm myself down. At 7:29 I got out of my car and headed toward the building, at 7:30 I opened the door and walked in. I take great stock in punctual.

I found one of the personnel and told them who I was and why I was there. They brought me to a room full of "padding" and told me to suit up. I stuffed as much padding into my shorts as I could then sat down waiting for the other contestants.

One by one the other contestants walked into the room and put their own padding in. I looked around at the other contestants, all of which were women, and thought about how silly we must all look with tons of padding stuck inside our shorts. We all waited patiently until Tracy came down to bring us outside.

Tracy appeared to read us the final rules and bring us outside to sit on the ice blocks. "Alrighty everyone, I want to thank you all for coming," she said. "Whoever remains on the ice the longest wins four 98 Degrees tickets and backstage passes. Are you all ready?" The girls all screamed yes, I merely nodded. "Alright lets go outside." she said with a huge grin, then turned and led the way out in front of the studio.

Outside, we were greeted by six HUGE blocks of ice and a News 7 camera crew. Tracy marched over to a sound system turned it on and began talking to the booth. Presently, she turned around and asked us if we were ready to sit, we all screamed yes. "SIT!!!" she yelled back at us.

We all sat down on the ice. `This isn't going to be so bad I thought.' I remained seated for several minutes, then I started to feel the cold. It was seeping into my rear faster than I imagined it could. I almost jumped from my seat when on of the girls screamed and jumped up from her seat. We all began giggling, except for the now disqualified girl, but it didn't last long as we were pulled back to the present by the cold emanating from beneath us.

Slowly, all but one of the girls was disqualified, usually accompanied by various high pitched screams. The final girl and I sat, literally glued to our seats by the slowly melting water. Just as I thought I was going to be forced to get up and forfeit the tickets and, more importantly backstage passes, I remembered a technique I had read about in one of my various books. It was a process called meditation, for any who have not heard of it it is a form of concentration. I slowly and delicately centered my mind, willing myself to lose all sense of sensation in my body and float on a "cloud" of thought.

What felt like seconds later I felt myself being poked in the side. I came back to myself, only to be greeted by screams of jubilation. "What?" I said.

"You just won," Tracy said, "and I want to know how you managed to fall asleep on the freezing cold block of ice."

"How long was I asleep?" I asked.

"About ten minutes," Tracy replied.

"Really, it felt like much less," I said. I made a mental note to study what I had done later, but for now. . .

"So now that you've won, would you like to get off that ice and over to a heater?"

"Oh!" I said, jumping up. "That was getting to be a little cold." As I stood, feeling began to return to my legs. Feeling and pain.

"I bet it was," Tracy said, "follow me." I followed her back into the studio and into a room filled with small space heaters. I turned one on and stood in front of it.

"Ahhhhhhhh, that feels so good," I moaned.

"I bet it does" Tracy replied. "How did you manage to 'tune' out the cold so to speak."

"You'll probably think I'm crazy," I said, "but I used a technique called meditation."

"Isn't that what Buddhist monks do?" she asked skeptically.

"Yeah, I think it originated with Buddhism, but lots of people over here are starting to use it. From what I understand it is very calming and centering," I replied.

"From what you understand? You mean you've never done this before?"


"Well, next time 98 Degrees comes to town we'll give you tickets and backstage passes for walking on hot coals so you'd better practice," she said.

"I'll be sure to. So when do I get those tickets?"

"We'll give them to you in a minute, but first we would like a short interview, if you don't object."

"No I don't mind." She miked me and asked several questions before giving me the tickets and sending me on my way.

I raced home, overflowing with joy. I ran into my room shut the door and picked up the phone. I dialed my best friend's number. She picked up, "What's up girlfriend?" I said.

"Not much, hun," she replied.

"Well guess what, Meg?"


"You gotta guess!"

"I dunno, you won a million dollars?"

"Nope even better. . . wait backtrack, not better, but close. I won four tickets and BACKSTAGE PASSES to the 98 Degrees concert tonight," I yelled through the mouthpiece.

"Jesus H. Christ, calm down. What are you trying to do make me deaf? I BET your happy about those tickets."

"Yeah I'm happy. But the only problem is I don't have anyone to share them with."

"Hey, I'll take one."

"How about two? So you and your boyfriend can go."

"Now why would I want to take him with me to drool over some guys? Besides he is already going out with some friends tonight."

"Not jealous are we?"

"Not anymore," she laughed. "So who else you wanna bring?"

"I dunno, you got any ideas," I said.

"How about Sherrie and Amanda?"

"Yeah I guess."

"You don't sound too committed to that."

"Well you know that Amanda has a crush on me even though she full well knows that I don't do women. But hell, why not. The guys will probably get her off me anyway."

"That's the spirit, I'll call her. When and where you wanna meet?"

"Well I gotta work but I get out at five and. . ." We finished making plans then I hung up the phone.

I went to the bathroom and got in the shower. I turned the hot water on real high. I began rubbing the backs of my thighs and my butt. With each rub my cock began to rise, demanding its own form of attention. I began to slowly work it with the palm of my hand. I ran my fist over it entire length a few times then brought my fingers to the tip and began working the sensitive area right behind the cut head. My legs shuddered as my mind lost sense of everything but the pleasure emanating from my crotch. I returned the palm of my hand to the underside of my cock and resumed my stroking. I imagined being in bed with Nick and stroking each other to climax. I concentrated on an image of his face and just as it became crystal clear, I lost it to the thrill of orgasm.

I lazily came back to the present and washed myself.

Chapter 2

The rest of the day passed by quickly. Before I knew it it was 5:00 and my shift ended. I punched out and walked to my car. I started the engine a drove home. I got myself ready for the concert and left another note for my parents.

I drove quickly to Meg's house. I pulled up in front got out and walked up to the door. I raised my hand to knock just as the it swung open. I laughed, "Couldn't wait to see me?"

"Couldn't wait to see the tickets," she replied sarcastically. "Come here you!" She gave me a hug the walked into the living room, with me trailing along behind.

"Hiya girls," I said when I noticed that Sherri and Amanda were already in the room. "How were your days?"

"Terrible," they said in unison.

"Did ya'll plan that?" I laughed.

"No, but we might as well have as you ask that question every time you see us sweety," Amanda said.

`Great, here she goes again,' I thought.

"Hey, ya'll let me talk to Tris alone for a minute, ok?" Meg said.

"Yeah, sure. You just want those tickets for yourself," Amanda said.

She led the way into the adjacent room. "Look I talked to Amanda, but she seems hell bent on getting in bed with you."

"Like I couldn't tell."

"Look, after everyone starts leaving I'll take Sherrie and Amanda with me and you can stay a little while. I know what you dream about! I know you, and all I'm gonna say is DON'T be shy, but don't be to open unless you wanna bring down the roof."

"Thanks Meg. I really can't thank you enough, you help me through everything."

"Yeah, it is my first try at mothering," she laughed, "think I'm doing a good job?"

"Hell, yeah," I replied.

"Alright lets get back in the other room before those girl think we've left without them."

"Last one there's the rotten egg," I said over my shoulder as I ran to the door.

"You are SOOOO childish!"

"I thought that was the idea?"

"Oh, shut up!"

We sat around and talked for an hour then decided it was time to go. "Alright, I can't fit all of you in my car, the one problem with sports cars, so someone is gonna have to ride with Meg."

"I wanna ride with Tris," Sherrie said a split second before Amanda chimed in.

"Sherrie called it first," I said to Amanda, acting apologetic. "Maybe next time, Amanda."

We got in the cars and headed for the Civic Center. The traffic getting off the interstate was abominable, but we eventually made it to a parking place, not too many lightyears from the main gate. When we reached the gate I gave everyone their ticket and pass then we entered the building. A clerk took our ticket stubs and we walked in.

It took us forever to get to our seats seeing as though they were right next to the center of the building and we were on the fringes, with a HUGE mass of people between us and the seats. We eventually made it, in one piece.

I sat down quietly, closing myself within the emotional cocoon that I always seem to put up while in large crowds. The girls on the other hand seemed to tap into the energy flow of the place and became especially energetic.

Thirty minutes later the show finally started. "Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, summer is coming and the temperature is rising." The speakers began to pulse, blaring out the music and beat. The guys ran out on stage, one at a time. They reached their mikes and began to sing.

All throughout the concert I kept my eyes on the guy closest me, taking in every physical detail as if it was the last thing I was ever going to see. Several times I caught the guys looking directly at me, or at least what I thought was directly at me. I scanned the crowd and noticed that I was, in fact, the only guy in the first couple of rows. Oh well,' I thought. If they haven't figured out that I'm gay yet, I may still get to meet them without them being totally disgusted.'

The concert soon came to an end and I waited for the crowd to clear out a little before I got up and headed for the backstage entrance. I showed the guard my pass and then headed through the doors and found the guys by the amount of noise coming from one of the rooms.

As I entered the room, the guys looked up. I felt their eyes on me. My cheeks began to flush red as I stood embarrassed in the doorway. Luckily only the guys seemed to notice my embarassement, because all the girls kept right on yelling questions at the guys. I couldn't help but feel sorry for them, but it was the life that they had choosen to lead.

The guys returned their attention to the screaming girls and I quietly took a seat near the back of the horde. There is no chance,' I thought. At least I get to see them up close. Maybe. . .' I was broken from my revrie by a hand on my shoulder. It was Jeff.

"Looks like you're as tired as we are," he said.

"Hmmm? What? . . . Oh! Yeah," I responded. That blows it,' I thought. I get to talk to Jeff from 98 Degrees and I make a complete fool of myself. Just great! Why do I even try?' Jeff merely smiled, a kind of secret smile.

I looked around to see that most of the girls had left. The few that remained, including Meg, Amanda, and Sherrie, where engaging Nick and Drew in conversation, Justin was nowhere to be found.

"So you like our music?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah, it has a really nice beat, and the lyrics are amazing! I wish I could write like that."

"You write lyrics?"

"Well, ahhhh, yeah," I said, unsure of myself.

"Cool! I don't suppose you have any with you, do you?"

"Well, I have some in my car, but they're not really any good."

"Right, and I can't sing."

I opened my mouth to respond, but couldn't think of anything to say. "Alright," I conceded, "You got me there. I can go get them if you want."

"I'll come with you," he offered.

"Cool," I said.

He turned and said to Nick, "Hey, be back in a second. I'm goin with. . ."

"Tristan," I spoke up.

"Yeah, I'm goin with Tristan to look at some stuff. We'll be back." I thought I noticed an emphasis on the 'We'll', but I wasn't sure.

"Yeah, sure man," Nick replied. As Jeff spoke, Meg turned to look at me, caught my eye and winked.

"One sec," I said to Jeff. I walked over to Meg an whispered in her ear, "Don't get any ideas. . .yet. I'll call you tomorrow if anything happens." She only smiled at me.

I walked out with Jeff, and we quickly made our way to my car. As I keyed the alarm and door locks Jeff said, "Nice wheels!"

"Thanks," I replied. "Only problem is there isn't much room to take alot of people."

"That can be a good thing at times," he smiled.

"Yeah, I suppose." I opened the door and rumaged around in the glove compartment. "Ah. . . Here they are." I held out a notebook which he took and began to look at.

"There's not enough light to look at these here, you wanna take it back inside?"

"Sure," I said, hopes rising.

We made our way back into the building and into the room where I had first found them. Jeff brought the stuff over to the other guys on a sofa, and they started reading and discussing my works. I unconciously seated myself across from them on an easy chair. I sat watching them, trying not to fidget too much.

After a good time had passed Jeff looked up and smiled. "This is some GOOD stuff. Mind if we take a look at it a little longer?"

"No, sure. I got all the time in the world," I replied.

"Look, I'm getting a little tired of the present surrondings guys," said Drew. "How about we find a cafe somewheres and get something to drink, and maybe eat."

"Ok with me," I said.

"I'll go find Justin," Drew said, and walked out.

"Where ya'll wanna go?" I asked.

"I dunno, we don't really know the area at all," Nick said.

"Well I know some good places," I replied.

"Cool," said Jeff. "Why don't you bring us somewhere?"

"My car. . ."

"Well one of can ride with you, and the others can follow in the limo. And since I thought of it I get to ride in the Miata!"

"Hey now," said Nick.

"He did call it," I said.

"Yeah but. . ."

"But what," said Drew, entering with Justin.

"Jeff wants to ride with Tris, you don't mind if we call you Tris, do you?"

"No, everyone else does," I replied.

"Well anyway, Jeff wants to ride with Tris while the rest of us follow in the limo," Nick said.

"How come Jeff gets to ride with Tris? Why can't we all?" Drew asked.

"Because I asked first, and he has a Miata. It's only a two seater." Jeff replied.

"Oh," Drew nodded and I thought I detected a wink as well, but was unsure.

"Alright lets leave before we grow old," Justin said, finally speaking.

"I second that," I said. "Jeff can ride with me on the way there. The rest of you can fight for any additional rides."

"That's what I'm talking about," Jeff said.

We all marched out of the building. Jeff and I walked to my car and the rest of the guys waited for the limo. It came and picked them up, then pulled up behind me. "Looks like its time to get this show on the road," I said.

"Yeah," Jeff said, staring into my eyes.

A warm feeling began to spread over my body. . .

. . .To Be Continued. . .

Questions, Comments, Suggestions - e-mail GayNight@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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