69 with Jeff Timmons

By Zackary

Published on Nov 27, 1999


69 With Jeff Timmons By: Zackary~Scott

Disclaimer: This story is fantasy and not meant for anyone under 18 as it includes pornographic material. This is not meant to imply that neither Jeff Timmons or any other member of 98 Degrees, LFO, or any other celebrity involved are gay. If Jeff Timmons just so happens to read this story, please drop me a line. If you enjoy this story, or even if you don't please feel free to E~Mail me and let me know what you thought about my story. My E~Mail address is:


And my AOL Screen Name is:


So, please IM me or send me an E~Mail.

Now to my many thanks. All of you people know who you are, but for all the readers. John, you know that you have been a great support, and even though I wanted to stop writing, you kept my desire there. You are the reason that I wrote this story, I only wish that you would finish your darn story that you started in July, I am gettin tired of having to get off to Justin and Nick doing it...lol. Matt, although you are very picky, you are a good friend, and are a wonderful writer. I really thank you for helping me once again. You are another one that keeps me wanting to write. Jason, buddy, I miss not gettin to talk to you any more. I wish that you would get on. I can't wait to here from you. As I said before your story is wonderful, and I enjoy reading every minute of it. I can't wait for the next chapter. Jayson, I have not gotten to talk to you for a while, but as I told you, your last chapter of 'Escape' was very very good. I wish that you and I talked more, and you could write faster. I look for your chapter every day. Chris I just read your latest chapter tonight, and I must say too that you are an excellent writer. I can't wait for your next chapter. I thank you all once again for being there for me. To all of the others that E~Mailed me, thanks a lot, you too are the reasons that I am still writing. Please continue to keep in touch. Now on to the part that all of you, and your dicks have been waiting for....

I awoke the next morning, sun beaming through the windows which were from the floor to the ceiling. The sun was putting a wonderful glow in the room. Jeff's warm body was laying on me, and I could feel that wonderful morning hard on pressing agents my leg. I just laid there for a few minutes, not wanting to move from that position, I wanted to stay like that all day, but there was way too much stuff to show Jeff, and the fact that it was his last day in South Carolina was not cool at all. To think that I would not wake up like this again, or at least not for a long time from now saddened me. I laid there for about 20 minutes just watching this beautiful man sleep, his chest moving up and down with each breath. His cock was still hard, and I was trying to think of the perfect way to wake him up, just as he began to move. He opened his eyes, looking around the room with a confused look on his face. He then turned to me and began to smile. He looked at me, and leaned in for a good morning kiss. He pressed his lips to mine, and we just embraced for a short time. He broke off the kiss and said.

"Good Morning beautiful."

"Good Morning to you too sexy, did you sleep well?" I asked him.

"With you wrapped up in my arms, I will forever sleep well, I can't dream of a better way, or person to wake up with," He said.

"You are too sweet to me, but I am with you, I could lay like this all day long, with the man of my dreams, and the only man that I love, and be content, but this is your last day," I said with a pouting face, "and besides, I have too much to show you."

"Now Zackary~Scott, I know it is my last day, but let's not even think about that, we have today, and part of tomorrow to spend, before I have to go to Atlanta," He said with a reassuring hug, and a kiss on the neck. "What do you want to show me today?" he asked.

"Well, do you like horses?" I asked.

"Yes, I love them, I love to ride," he said with a huge grin that looked as if it was fit for a child in a candy store.

"Well, I have 6 horses, down at the barn, I have not been down to check on them for a day or so, we can get up right now and check on them, and saddle them up, and we can ride down to the lake, and then to the orchards." I told him.

"Lets go," he said as he got out of the bed, showing me his still hard cock.

"Hey babe, don't ya think we should take care of that first?" I asked pointing to his cock.

"Actually, it is your turn, you didn't keep your word, you were supposed to make love to me last night, but I only got the chance to make love to you, and then we were too tired, so how about we take care of each other now," he said as he got back in the bed.

"Well, it is only 8 A.M. so we have time to take care of this, what time do you think the guys willll be uppppppppppppppppppp," I said as he engulfed my cock into his warm moist mouth.

"Ummmm, they will be sleeping till later, we should just leave them a note, we should keep it down so we don't wake them up," he said just as he went back to working on my cock, which was about to explode.

"Oh, Jeeeffffffffffff, turn around and let me have a taste of the wonderful cock," I said as he positioned his body to where we were in a 69 position.

"There we go," I said as I went down on him.

We began to suck each other off, him working his magic on me, and me working on his beautiful 9 1/2 inch cock, that was sliding down my throat. He tasted so good, I was so close, and by the moans of pleasure I was getting from him, he was close too. We both started to suck harder, and faster. He was so good a sucking cock, I was going to have to ask him where he learned, but that was for later, I had a job to do. Jeff started to play with my balls, and that set me off, he began to moan, and I inserted a finger into his waiting hole. He began to scream while my Dick was still in his mouth, we both screamed at the same time.

I'm Ccccuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiinnnnnnnnngggg, as we both exploded our loads in each others mouth. Jeff must have shot about 5 hard loads into my mouth, and as he finished, I was beginning to finish, I lost count of the loads I shot. We let off of each others cocks, and Jeff began to speak.

"Oh babe, that was so wonderful, I don't know how many times I will say it, but you taste so wonderful," Jeff said as he began to move up and give me a kiss.

"Oh Jeffrey Brandon, you are so wonderful, that cock of yours is just wonderful, and you sure can shoot cum, you taste great yourself. I could drink you all day long," I said as I began to share the cum that I had saved in my mouth with him.

"Lets get ready and go down to the barn, I am sure the horses are waiting for us. I'm going to shower, do you care to join me?" Jeff asked with that sneaky grin of his.

"Did you have to ask, I would love to join you, but we can't mess around, we need to get to the barn, I am going to call George and have him fix us something for breakfast, what do you want?" I asked him.

"What do you mean we can't mess around, and I want an omelet, with ham, and sausage," he said with a laugh.

"We can mess around a little, but we have to get ready," I said as I walked over to his nude body that was standing right in the sun, and it was casting such a beautiful glow on his tan body.

"I will get the shower ready, and you call George and have him get breakfast," Jeff said as he gave me a peck on the cheek, and he began to walk away.

"OK," I said as I smacked him on his ass.

I called George and had him fix us our breakfast, and told him that we would be down in about 40 minutes. I then walked into the bath room to find Jeff standing by the sink leaning he perfect ass on it, waiting for me. I walked over to him, and then grabbed his hand, and we entered the spray of water, that was just at the right temperature. We began to was each other. I began to get the soap lathered up. I used my Calvin Klein 'Be' body wash on him. I loved the way it smelt, and I knew that we would be together all day, so I wanted him to smell wonderful, but that was not a problem, but I used it any way. He seemed to like it too. I started washing his huge pec's, circling them ever so slowly and gently. I started to wash each of his arms, starting at the finger tips, and then working my way up, lathering every inch. I go to his arm pit's which had always been something that I love on a guy, the hair, and the smell, the sweet musk of a man, not the nasty sweat smell. I loved arm pits only on muscular men, and Jeff was just that. I worked my way down his body after finishing both arms. I worked on his perfectly defined ab's. Then to the main attraction, that beautiful cock, pubic bush, and balls. His cock was 6 inches, hanging lower than his balls and was still completely soft, but as soon as I began to wash his long tool, it began to stiffen with my hold. We finished the shower, as he washed my body as seductive as I washed his. We didn't make love, or even fool around while in the shower. I dried Jeff off, and he dried me off. He looked so sexy, just standing there talking to me with absolutely no clothes on.

"So do you think breakfast is done?" he asked me as he unknowingly scratched his balls, and rubbed his cock.

"I am sure it is sexy," I said to him as I kissed his soft lips.

We got dressed, and then went and ate breakfast. It was so good, Jeff ate ever bit if his omelet as he then grabbed onto my plate and too a bite of mine. I was still eating, and he could not keep his hands to himself. He kept rubbing my leg, and was making me all hot. I started to get hard at the table. As I finished my omelet and juice, we got up from the table, and I led him to the garage. As we entered the garage, Jeff gasped when he saw everything that was in there. There were 5 cars, 3 dirt bikes and 4 4~Wheelers.

"Damn sexy, you got all the shit don't ya?" Jeff asked.

"Don't start with that again," I said jokingly. "We are going to ride the 4~Wheelers down to the barn, unless you would rather walk."

"Lets just walk, as much as I would enjoy riding I really want to talk to you, and just be with you, and talking would not be something that we could do on those things," he said as he took my hand in his, and we walked out of the garage.

"Good idea, I would much rather talk to your sexy face, and you know I would rather ride you than those things," I said as I grabbed his crotch with my free hand.

"You just wait, and I am going to ride you, you still owe me from last night," he said as he allowed me to rub his dick through his jeans.

We walked down the hill to the stables, and I was greeted by my horse, and 5 others. My horse is a large black stallion, and his name is McCain. Jeff was amazed when he saw all 6 of them. All very nice, and teamed. Jeff loved every minute of it. I got McCain out and saddled him up, and I told Jeff that he could ride any of the other horses, Sady, Rockford, Rollins, Embassy or Jade. He chose Jade, because he is a white horse with absolutely no dirt spots, or any marks on him, other than the fact that his mane is Jet black. We saddled up our horses, and then got on, and started to ride. I led him, at a slow trot to the lake, that is a 20 minute ride on horse back, our land is very large, and at the point of the lake that I was taking him to was still on our land. We talk on the ride, not really talking about much at all, just to pass the time. As we arrived to the lake, the sun was shinning and reflecting off of the water, which was a beautiful site to see. I got off and helped him off of Jade and led him to the water's edge, and sat down, and had him sit in my lap. I couldn't help but ask him a serious question. I didn't know if it was the right thing to do or even if it was the right time, but I did anyway.

"Jeffrey Brandon Timmons, you know that I love you right?" I questioned.

"Yes babe, why would you ask me a thing like that?" he asked as he looked over his shoulder into my eyes.

"Jeff, you know that I love you, and I know that you love me, the only thing is that after today I will never get to see you. These last 2 days have been the greatest days of my life. I know that we were not going to talk about this, but I can't go around all day and act like nothing is wrong, and there is something wrong. I am going to loose you, and I don't know what to do," I said as I began to get louder, and started to tear up.

"Zackary~Scott, I don't even want to think of that right no...," he said but I but him off.

"Well, think about it now, because it is a major reality that is going to come true tomorrow morning at 4 AM when you are leaving my house to go to the airport," I said to him, as he turned around in my lap and wrapped his legs around my waist.

"I know babe, I know," he said as he hugged me.

"I think that this is not only a problem for you and I but for Drew and John, they are in the same situation, what do you think we should do?" he asked as he kept a tight embrace on me.

"Jeff, I am not sure. I am only 18 years old, and I don't know what you want, or what we should do," I said as he looked into my eyes. "I know that you have a job, and that requires most of your time, and I understand that, but I want to know what YOU are expecting to come out of this relationship, not what I think we should do, I want to know what you want and how hard you are willing to work to achieve our decision.

"I know that I cannot live a day without you, as you have said these past 2 days have been the best in my life, and you are my one true love. I don't even want to think of what I will do if I can't have you. I want us to be together, but you have a life, a house, and a family..."

"Yes, but if I can't have you too, I don't want any of that," I said as I cut him off.

"I understand that, and I feel the same way, I will do anything to be with you. I think that you and I should sit down with Drew and John and decide what we are going do to, we should do that today, but right now I only want you to hold me. I don't want to even think about that, I just want you and I to enjoy this day," he said as he pulled me into a kiss, and then turned to where his back was to my chest. I held him for a while, and then I asked him to lay down with me.

We laid down and I gave him a kiss, I closed my eyes and Jeff kept kissing me and touching me, I want to say like that for ever, just he and I with no one to bother us. Soon Jeff started to work his way down my chest to my ab's and then to my treasure trail. I was wearing a loose fitting pair of jeans, so he put his hand down my jeans and started to play with my pubic hair, and then with my cock. I enjoyed it very much. He didn't do anything other than touch me, no sex or even a blow job. He kept his hand down my jeans and soon I drifted into a light sleep. I could still feel him messing with me down there, but then I couldn't feel a thing. The last thing I remembered was the fact that Jeff kissed my fore head, and then I was gone.

What are Jeff and Zackary~Scott doing to do? Is he going to break it off? Are Brad and Devin going to tell their true feelings? Oh, do I see a love twist coming up soon? Why would he do that to him, the man he loves? All of this will be coming up in the next few chapters so, keep lookin for the latest chapter.

Guys, I know it has been a while sense my last chapter. I had all the hopes to write like 3 chapters this week, but I had family and had to fix dinner, it was just way too busy for me to write. I am sorry. I should have the next chapter out by Thursday, but the way my weeks go, you should get it next weekend. Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoyed.


Next: Chapter 7

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