69 with Jeff Timmons

By Zackary

Published on Nov 9, 1999


Disclaimer: This story is fantasy and not meant for anyone under 18 as it includes pornographic material. This is not meant to imply that neither Jeff Timmons or any other member of 98 Degrees, LFO, or any other celebrity involved are gay. If Jeff Timmons just so happens to read this story, please drop me a line. If you enjoy this story, or even if you don't please feel free to E~Mail me and let me know what you thought about my story. I can be reached at:

Zackary_Scott@HotMail.Com (E~Mail)

ZackaryScott (My AOL Instant Messenger Screen Name)

We were on our way home from the hotel. John and I just talked about the last evenings events. I got the scoop from John about what I interrupted this morning.

"John, I have a question for you," I asked over openly.

"Well, ask me," he said.

"When I called the hotel room this morning, what was I interrupting, I know it had to be something, because you sounded so out of breath, and so did Drew," I asked as John blushed. "You have to spill your guts about it all.

"Zack, that is a lil personal," He said as he began to turn red.

"John, you are talking to me, I tell you everything, and you tell me everything, or so I thought you did, so just tell me," I said very convincingly.

"Ok, Ok. I will tell you. I had just finished giving him a blow job, and he was working on me, and I was so damn close and then the phone rang. I was so pissed, he was too," he told me rather excitedly.

"JOHN, you are shittin me," I yelled.

"No, and it was great," he replied. "It was the most perfect cock that I have ever seen. He was about 8inches, of thick beautiful cut cock. His cock head was huge and his balls were just the right size to fit in my mouth. He tasted so damn good. I just could have sucked him all day long. He shot so much cum, and you know me...I drank every last drop of it."

"Oh man, just thinking about it makes me hard," I said as I pointed to my large boner in Jeff's pants.

"Ok, I told you about my time, now you have to tell me about what you all did," John demanded, thinking that something happened between Jeff and me.

"What makes you think something happened between us?" I asked John.

"Because you spent the night with the man of you dreams, I know you had to have sucked his cock...was it as big as you had imagined...Zackary~Scott Pritt, tell me NOW!!!!!!!!!" John yelled.

"John, nothing happened OK," I screamed. "You know that I don't mess around on the first date, I like to get to know the people. Jeff may be the man of my dreams in my fanatics, but I want to know the real Jeffrey Brandon Timmons, not the sexy 98° member."

"Sorry, I just thou..."

"Well, John you thought wrong, I thought that you would understand," I said rather hastily.

"Zack man, chill out it is not a big deal, can we just drop it now," John said sounding very sincere.

"Sure man, I am sorry for just going off like that," I said giving him hand shake.

As Jeff and Drew drive swiftly to the Venue and arrive, they run into the meeting room to find Nick and Justin waiting for them, with a few members of management and the guys from LFO.

"Guys, we are so sorry for being so late, we both totally slept in too late, and too way too much time gettin ready," Jeff spoke for Drew and himself.

"What did we miss," Drew asked.

"Jeff, Drew, you guys are way too late to use the excuse of sleeping in, you are over 3 hours late," Nick said, sounding very angry with his lil bro and Jeff.

"Yeah guys, we were supposed to be here at 2, and it is now 5, the show is starting in 2 hours, and we have not went through the songs or anything. You know what concert days are, and it is not good to be late for the meeting on the day of the concert. We are about to go to get ready. We have to be ready for everyone to come back stage before the show, and we need to be dressed and ready to go in about an hour...damn you guys have not even been to make up yet," Justin said bitching just a little bit too much for Jeff to stand.

"Just shut the hell up, we apologized we know that we should have been here over 3 hours ago, if you would have just chilled out I would have explained further, but not now. Drew come on lets go to makeup," Jeff said getting a little upset.

"Guys, I am sorry, but it just needed to be said," Justin said.

"Well, you know you should really think about what you say before you say it, I mean how did you know that it has not been a really bad day for me, or maybe I was with someone, ya know just calm down. Everything will not just fall apart because we were not here on time ok," Drew said, finally speaking for himself.

"Ok, we are sorry," Drew and Jeff said.

"We are too," Justin and Nick said, as they all got out of their seats and hugged.

"Ok, now we really need to hurry and get ready Drew," Jeff said.

"Ok LFO, you all are going to be going on in 2 hours to the second. You need to go get dressed and be ready to walk on to stage and sing your hearts out," Nick said.

"Ok, we will be ready babe," Rich Cronin from LFO said as he kissed Nick on the mouth.

"I love you," Nick said to him.

With that, they all parted and went to get ready for the show. Jeff and Drew to make up, Nick and Justin to the groups dressing room, and the guys from LFO to their dressing room to get ready for their opening act that was in a short time.

Back at my estate...

"Come on John, we should be there by now, it is now 6, and I wanted to get their by 6 to get a good parking spot, doesn't look like we are going to find on now," I said impatiently.

"Ok Ok Ok," John said as he came walking down the large marble stair case in the foyer on my house.

"WOW John, you clean up very well, I am surprised that you got so decked out...you look very nice," I said somewhat shocked.

"Thank you very much, you look rather hott yourself," John said. Causing me to blush.

"Thank you very much, now lets go," I said grabbing his arm and pulling him to my 4~Runner.

I was wearing some navy blue Armani pants, a burnt red undershirt with a lighter blue button up shirt that was showing my undershirt, which was very tight and was showing off my muscular chest. Along with my shirt and pants, I was wearing some Black J*Crew shoes that were very comfortable and good looking. John was looking somewhat like myself. Though his pants were black and much more tighter than mine. He was wearing a black undershirt and a top navy blue over shirt, because navy blue is Drew's favorite color. I wore blue, because it was Jeff's favorite color too. We didn't talk much on the way to the show, I think because we were both about to throw up in anticipation of getting to finally see them on stage, and getting to meet the rest of the guys from LFO and also Justin and Nick. We pulled up to the venue and I just valet the car, sense we had VIP passes. We walked to the back entrance and flashed our passes, the guard at the door asked us our names. We gave him our names and he then called back to the guys.

"Jeff, I have 2 gentlemen out here, they say their names are Zackary~Scott and John. I believe these are the guys that you wanted me to escort you to your dressing room...correct?," the heave set man said into the cell phone.

A moment passed, and the man ended the conversation and began to allow us into the door and walking us down a hallway. We approached the door, and the man allowed John and I into the room. We walked in to find all 7 of the guys sitting around, but there was another man in the room that looked very familiar. Most of the guys were shirtless, including Jeff...I should have known. Jeff was sitting alone in a chair. Justin was sitting with the man holding hands, but I could not think of who he looked like. I noticed Nick and Rich Cronin from LFO were together, Nick sitting in Rich's lap. Brad and Devin from LFO were sitting on the couch together, but they were definitely not an item. As soon as we walked in, Jeff got out of his seat and came over to me and hugged me and whispered into my ear...

"You look incredibly sexy."

"You look even sexier without a shirt on, if these guys were not all in here, I don't know what I would do to you," I said making him give me that killer smile.

"Everyone, this is Zackary~Scott, and John, Drew and I met them last night, and they are the reason that we were so late today," Jeff said taking me by the hand as he led me to the chair in which he sat me down on his lap.

"Nice to meet you both, let me introduce the rest of the guys, I am Nick, Drew's older and much cuter brother, this is the incredibly most sexiest man alive, Rich Cronin from LFO. This here is Justin, he is sittin with his boyfriend Ricky, don't ask me how Justin managed to get someone that good looking," he said with a laugh. "This is Devin and Brad from LFO, they are not together so don't get the wrong idea."

"Nice to meet you. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" John asked, sounding very confused.

"Sure thing ask away," Justin said.

"Who in this room is gay, and who in this room are dating?" John asked.

"I can answer that for ya," Rich said, in his raper boy sounding voice. "I am gay, Nick is gay, Justin is gay, Ricky over there is gay, Jeff is gay, Drew is BI, Devin is confused...we all think BI, and Brad is BI, but he leans more for the female side of the fence. Now, as for the couples, myself and this adorable hunk are a couple, Justin and Ricky are a couple, a very odd one, but they are, I think that is it, unless Drew or Jeff have to say something," he said looking over to the guys looking to see of they were going to tell him that Jeff and I, and Drew and John were a Couple.

"Oh, I understand now. I thought all of you guys were straight, man was I wrong," John said.

"Yes you were, but we thought we were straight till we started this tour, well all of us but Jeff, Drew, and Nick. They have had past relationships, actually this sexy thing," he said pointing to Nick, "Went out with Jeff over there."

"Oh did he," I said in that oh yeah type of tone.

"Yes, but that was in the past, and lets keep the past where it belongs. I am over Jeff and am very happy with Rich, and I can only wish that Jeff is happy, and that he can find someone that can care for him as much as he cared for me," Nick said as he gave Jeff a nod.

"Yeah, I agree with Nick on that one, and just to let ya know, I think I have found the one that will make me happy, and that I can please as much as I wish, and he is sitting right here in with me in this chair," Jeff said as he moved in for a kiss, and I gladly excepted.

It was only a peck, because he respected my feelings of waiting, to make sure it is the right thing for the both of us. Yet after what he had just said, I think that I had mad up my mind. He sounded so sweet, and sincere. I was beginning to fall for him and I was only hoping that he was feeling the same way. I believed whole hardly that he did want to be with me as much as I wanted to be with him.

"Oh man guys look at the time, we really need to be getting to our seats, and look at you guys, you are not even dressed," I said as I began to get off of Jeff.

"Holy Shit!!!!, it is a 6:30, we have 30 minutes till we have to be on stage, I sure hope they didn't let any other people with backstage passes back here, because we were not even out there to greet them," Rich said.

"Well, guys we will be back here after the show, you all better do a good job," John said with a smirk on his face and soon there after began to laugh.

"Guys, I didn't think that was funny, did you?" Nick questioned.

"No, it wasn't," all the guys said at the same time, as they got out of their seats, and ran towards John, and began to wrestle around with him.

"Mercy Mercy!!!!!!!!!!!!" John screamed as 7 full grown men sat on top of him, me the whole time just sitting laughing.

"Well, we really need to go get ready guys," Rich said to the guys from LFO.

As the guys from LFO got up and walked out to prepare to take stage in less than 30 minutes John, the 98 Degrees guys, and myself talked as Jeff, Drew, Nick, and Justin got ready for the show in which they were going to be going on stage in less than an hour.

"Well, as much as I want to watch you get undressed and dressed again for the show, John and I need to go to our seats," I said as I walked towards Jeff.

"Oh, Jeff you are not really going to let these guys stand out in the crowd, you know how it gets out there. I think they should stay on the side of the stage," Nick said.

"How about you go out and sell your tickets right now, and you all can stay in front of the security barriers or on stage with us," Jeff said as he leaned towards me for a kiss.

"That is a great idea, are you sure that they will let us back in if we go out of the doors?" I questioned.

"Yes, I will make sure of it," Drew said as he got his cell phone and called the head security man, and he came and escorted us out to sell the tickets.

John and I knew that we would not have a hard time finding someone that would want the tickets, but we didn't go running out and just yelled that we had tickets, that you be a very dangerous thing to do, you must thing that we were dealing with mostly 12 and 13 year old girls. We both wanted to find the perfect people, and we did just that. We saw a young couple, about 15 or 16, the young man was holding onto his girl friend singing "I Do," as she was holding a sign reading..."He will pay anything for us to get to go see 98 Degrees." I knew that those were the ones that I wanted to give the tickets. As John and I approached the couple, he stopped singing.

"Do you have any tickets, I really want to give my girlfriend the perfect birthday gift, and she would just love to get to see the guys from 98 Degrees, they are her favorite group," he pleaded.

"Well, you are in good luck, we have 2 tickets for you," John said.

"OOHhhhhhhhh My Gosh, you are kiddin me, I have been standing out here all night and no one will sell me their tickets," the young man said, as the young lady just began to hyperventilate. "How much do you want for them?" he asked me as he pulled out his wallet.

"If you can promise me that you will treat this young lady to a nice dinner for her birthday after the show, and that you will sing 'I Do" after the show for some guys that I know, I will give you these tickets...free of charge," I said, just waiting for the reaction of the young man.

"Oh, I must pay you something, I can't just let you give great seats like this up and me not pay you, I would feel bad," the young lady said, finally coming out of shock.

"Like I said, if your boyfriend will sing for some guys that I know after the show, I will be more than glad to give these to you," I repeated.

"Sure, he will sing for you, but where do you want us to meet you?" she asked.

"You both just stay in your seats after the show, and I will find you, and take you to meet the guys," I told them.

"Thank you very much, I cannot believe this, you are way too nice, and I don't even know you," the young couple said at the same time.

"It is no big deal, we just had some extra tickets, and we are glad to help you out," John said.

"Thanks again, we need to get to out new seats," the boy said, "Just where are these tickets, he said as he looked down to find out where they would be sitting."

"Sara, what do these things say, I can barley make out the numbers, it looks as if they say 1st row," he said as he handed the girl the tickets.

"James, these are 1st row seats, these guys just GAVE us 1st row seats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed.

"You two get to your seats, we shall see you after the show," John and I said, as we began to walk towards the VIP door.

It was now 7:00, and LFO was about to take stage. The lights in the building were turned off, and the crowd began to scream. The music to "Summer Girls" began to play, as you herd Rich Cronon begin to yell into the microphone to the crowd, and began to sing...

"New Kids On The Block had a bunch of hit, Chinese food makes us sick, And I think it's fly when girls stop by for the summer"

LFO ended their set with "Girl On TV" and then exited the stage. It was now time that I had been waiting for, the concert that I had only dreamed of getting to see. The music to "Heat It UP" began, and the crowd just went wild. Fans began to scream, things began to fly onto the stage, it was amazing how crazy the crowd actually went. As the music was playing, you could here Justin:

Yeah, 98 yall... Track masters... Motown...do ya wanna be down...

Do ya wanna be down...

And then they all began to sing:

Baby let me love you till the 98 degree Girl and heat it up (I'm Down) Girl lets heat it up (I'm Down)

98 Degrees sang many songs, including: I Do, True To Your Heart, Fly, Invisible Man, Do You Wanna Dance, 1999, Was It Something I. Didn't Say, and many many many more. The closed with "Because Of You," went off stage, and then did "The hardest Thing" as their encore.

"WOW guys, that was a great show," I screamed as I walked back to the dressing room with the guys, holding on to Jeff's arm, which was dripping wet with his sweet sweat.

"Yes, it was, I enjoyed myself 150%, I could not have asked for a better show," John said as he kissed Drew.

We all went to the dressing room, all the guys changed into some sweat clothes, and then came out to meet and sing some autographs for those who has back stage passes. They signed about 50 autographs and took a whole lot of pictures, and then they all went back to the dressing room, but I didn't go with them. I went to the stage, and sure enough were the young couple that John and I had given the tickets to, waiting for John and I to come and retrieve them. I walked on to the stage and told a security to allow the two of them to come back stage when I brought them back. I went to the front of the stage and spoke to them...

"Hey you two, did you enjoy the show?" I asked them.

"Oh, my goodness, yes we did. Sara cried through most of it," James commented and laughed at the same time.

"Well, I am glad that you enjoyed it so much, now you are going to come back here with me and sing for those guys that I wanted you to sing for, is that OK?" I asked.

"Sure, but why would they be back there, and why are you back there, on stage and all?" Sara asked me.

"You will see, now lets go back stage and you are going to sing. for the guys," I told James.

"OK, I guess," they both said.

I escorted them back stage, by that time the guys had showered, and were getting ready to go back to the hotel, or out clubbing. I knocked on their dressing room door, and Jeff came and opened it, and saw that I was not alone. He closed the door quickly, and told the guys to get decent, and then opened the door again, and offered for me and my two guests to enter the room. I introduced Sara and James to the guys, which when I did that, they both went crazy, Sara much more than James.

"Well, Jeff, Guys, the reason that I brought these two back here, is because James here can sing like no ones business, as John and I went out to sell our tickets, he was singing "I Do" to Sara here, just so he could give her birthday wish, which was to see you guys tonight," I explained.

"Well, If he sings that good, I want to here him," all the guys said.

"No, way can in sing in front of you guys, this guy does not know what he is talking about I can't sing," James said is he began to blush.

"Well, you can't leave till you sing "I Do" with us...OK," Jeff said.

"OK," James agreed.

They all began to sing "I Do" to Sara. I caught Jeff looking at me a few times, and I blushed to a bright red. After they sang, all the guys went crazy, amazed how well James could sing.

"James, I want you and Sara to meet us again tomorrow, let me give you my address, and you meet us at my house at 2 tomorrow," I said.

"Defiantly, I think that you need to sing for our management," Drew said.

James and Sara departed, and the guys and myself discussed what we were going to be doing tonight.

"I really want you all to come back to my place, we can go swimming, or just chill," I said. "I don't live too far from here, and there is more than enough room for all 7 of you, so would you please come over and stay the night."

"Sure, we will come over that is no problem," Jeff and all the guys agreed.

"We just need to go back to the hotel and get some clothes and then go to your house," Jeff said.

"That will be no problem at all," John said.

We all hoped in the various cars, Jeff, myself, Drew, and John all got in my 4~Runner and headed to the hotel, as the rest of the guys went in limos. Each of the guys got some things for the evening, and then we all got into the rental cars that they had, and took off for my house, which was only about 20 minutes from their hotel. When we arrived at my house, Jeff gasped in the size of it, Drew was way too busy ramming his tong down John's throat to know that we had arrived.

"Zack, this place is huge, how many people live here?" Jeff asked.

"Well, just 5 at the moment," I said.

"Lets to inside, I want to show you guys around," I said as I leaded the guys through the house, and ended up at the pool. "We can all go swimming now if you want, but I am sure that you guys...."

(SPLASH...SPLASH...SPLASH) I herd before I could finish talking.

"Get in babe," Jeff said to me.

"I need to go get my suit on," I said as I began to walk to my room.

"No, you don't does it look as though any of the rest of us have on our suits?" Jeff questioned, as I saw that all of the guys were in the pool nude.

Next: Chapter 4

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