360 Degrees of Intensity

By Kane Armanis

Published on Jul 5, 2022


Kane Armanis | 360 Degrees of Intensity | Chapter 3 - London Calling


If you don't like the idea of gay sex then don't read this!

If the law states you shouldn't be readying this in your home state/country then don't break the law!

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Non-commercial and commercial reposting/publishing requests can be made by emailing me.

Based on a true story but this is a work of fiction. Names changed to protect the wicked.

Chapter Three

London Calling

Day 1

Bloody Hell! 23 hours cramped between 2 other people is not what I call fun (unless there is insertion). Welcome to economy air travel!

There is a reason they sent those convicts to Australian over 228 years ago, geez its so far from the mother country. Amazing they sent you so far away for stealing a loaf a bread back in the day ...

This was to be my first holiday abroad, my first time on a 747 and my first time visiting London. Leaving my friends and family with no idea when I was coming back home. This was time to grow, time to explore and time to fuck!

Welcome to London, train to Cockfosters, disembark at Piccadilly circus. As a blonde haired blue eyed Aussie Country boy my eyes were wide open to the new sights, sounds and smells. Jet lag is a strange thing but trying to work out the correct exit at Piccadilly Circus when you're mind fucked from the change of time zones was a challenge for a Thursday morning at 9am. The octagon of exits disorientating for the first time traveler but finally I found the correct exit so I could locate my hotel.


"Welcome to the Piccadilly hotel, checking in Sir?"

"Yes, thank you!"

"Can I have your credit card so I can verify your booking details?"

I reached into my overnight bag locating my passport and wallet quite easily locating the credit card I had made the booking online.

"You are a little early Mr Armanis but you room is available. You have prepaid for five nights and your rate includes a continental breakfast. Please have a pleasant stay at the Piccadilly Hotel. If I can be of any assistance please do not hesitate in contacting me, my name is Juan."

"Thank you Juan, I didn't sleep a wink so I am looking forward to a shower and some rest."

I trudged my wardrobe sized suitcase to the ancient elevator to find my room. It took ages to find my room through rabbit warren of rooms and bathrooms on the 5th level, that was to be home for the next few days. I found my room and put the key in the door and opened my room to a tiny room with a single bed and a desk. Damn not enough room to swing a cat in this room.

I left my bag in the room, locked up and went in search of a bathroom. "Oh my" the communal shower for the men and women down the hall had seen better days and reminded me of co-ed shared bathroom back in my old dorm. There was a row of 5 cubicles in the men's, 2 toilets and 3 showers that seemed spotlessly clean so there were to be no complaints for me. After peeing I went back to my room to unpack and locate my toiletry bag for my shower.


I unpacked my bags, putting my clothes in the set of drawers and away in the cupboard. Of course in my rush to pack back in Sydney, I put my toiletry bag at the bottom of my case. Damn!

Finally getting my shit together, I exited my room and walked down the corridor towards the bathroom for my shower. As I was making my way to my long anticipate shower a hot nordic looking guy exited his room. We both froze staring at each other not being able to move for a few moments.

"Hey," I finally stammered as my mouth finally caught up with my brain and my hard on.

"Hej," Hottie returned.

As we walked past each other I remembered that old cruising rule, one, two, three ..... turn back. So I did look back!


Hottie turned back as the same time! We both smiled at each other as I continued on my way back to the shower.


Latching the door, getting naked and turning on the shower was like a dream. I felt exhausted but as I stepped under the shower slowly I finally starting feeling human again. I thought back to the hottie in the corridor and the blood rushed to my cock as I shampooed. Mmm.

Shit, how am I supposed to get back to my room in a towel with a hard on. Eight is enough but its damn difficult to hid when its hard and you are only wearing a towel. I began applying conditioner to my head when I'm sure I heard a knock on the shower door. I find it hard to hear when I am engrossed in my shower.

Knock, knock ... there it was again.

I unlatched the door and there stood a very naked, very sexy, swedish man. Hottie pushed me back into the room using my cock like a gear shift driving me in reverse back to the water flow. He turned me around and washed the conditioner out of my hair, joining me under my shower as he reached his arms around me. We held each other under the water and kissed. The kiss ended naturally after a long time, finally I opened my eyes giving me a chance to scan his body from head to foot. Swedish hottie was 6 ft, blonde hair, green eyes, smooth tanned complexion, muscular build with no tan line. Oh and don't forget the hard uncut 7 inch cock poking me in my stomach.

"Hej, I'm Dieter"


"I must fuck you, Kane. You are a sexy man."

I reached back to my toiletry bag that I placed it on the back of the shower door with my towel. I found a condom, opened it and knelt down in front of Dieter placing it on the end of his cock. I leaned over, placing my lips over the tip of the condom and I slowly rolled the condom down the length of his throbbing cock with my mouth and tongue. I looked up at Dieter and winked.

I stood and kissed Dieter hard on the lips as he pushed me hard against the wall, grinding himself throbbing cock against my equally hard on.

"I must fuck you now Kane", as he grabbed me and spun me around. Before I had a chance to react, Dieter dropped to his knees, spread my ass cheeks and rimmed my clean hole. I began moaning as Dieter reamed me with his talented tongue.

He rose and bent me over slowly teasing me with the tip of his cock, he leaned in and whispered in my ear, "I will fuck you good Kane, ya", as he plunged his length into me.

"FUCK!" I screamed. "Fuck me hard, Dieter".

Dieter slowly withdrew most of his length before plunging into me again. Fucking me slowly and carefully with long strokes, massaging my prostate as he went.

"Dieter. Harder man, Fuck me hard, please" , he grabbed my hips as he fucked me hard. He grabbed my dripping cock as began wanking me off in rhythm with his pounding. I was getting close, I didn't want to cum so soon but I also was in pure bliss ... "Dieter, dieter, ... die...ttt...eee.rrr" as I blew my load over the shower wall".

As I cum my asshole clenched Dieters cock bringing him closer to climax, "Kane, I fuck you good ... oh Kane, I'm going to cum inside you"

Dieter grabbed my hips and fucked me harder, harder and quicker until he finally came inside me. He collapsed on my back, as my legs had turned to jelly.

Dieter nibbled my ear whispering, "you are onehot stud Kane, and a hot fuck".

Dieter stood ... I turned to see a condom full of delicious swedish cum dangling off the end of Dieters cock, after he slowly withdrew his spent cock from me.

I stood grabbed Dieter by the back of the neck and kissed him hard. "Thanks Dieter, you are a hot fuck yourself", kissing him again on the lips.

I smiled at Dieter and he smiled back, and then he kissed me on the cheek.

'Kane, I must go. My wife will be back from the shops soon. We fuck again?".

I was a little taken back that Dieter was married, I felt sick. I might have a high sex drive but I am no home wrecker. Dieter noticed the change in my demeanor before grabbing and gently lifteing my chin until our eyes met.

"Kane my wife and I have an open relationship ... she likes to watch sometimes. You meet us for dinner, ja! fuck me later! tack!"

"Ok Dieter but I need a sleep, I'm really tired and need sleep, I'm in room 514. But I really want to fuck you again too. Would you wake me up for dinner later!"

Dieter smiled, kissed me on the cheek again before moving to the door, opening the latch, walking out as naked as he when he walked in. I turned on the shower again and washed myself. I returned to my room, got into bed and passed out in a flash, dreaming of one hot swede reaming me senseless in the shower.


Many hours later I woke to a loud knock on my door.

"Hey, don't get your panties in a twist" as I walked to the door, opening it to find a very attractive Swedish girl waiting patiently.

"Hi, are you, Kane?"

"Yes", my brain still was in dream land when I finally realised I opened the door I was naked, and my cock was hard. Oh well in for a a penny in for a pound.

"I have you for dinner?"

"I looked at her like she had two heads, she was barking up the wrong tree if she thought I was looking for pussy.

She noticed my confusion, "I'm Ingrid, Dieter's wife"

"Oh now I understand, apologies Ingrid, I am jet lagged but I would be pleased to meet you both for dinner. Can we meet in the lobby in 30 minutes"

"That is great, Dieter will be very pleased. He says you're hot ... mmm. I agree ..." She looked down to my hard cock and licked her lips. "You gays fuck me so good. ja."

"No, Ingrid, sorry ... I will fuck your husband good though". She laughed. "You watch, and then he will be so hot he will fuck your brains out"

"Oh yes, I like Dieter after man sex, he is very good in bed." she smiled and laughed.

"Ok so I will see you soon." I reached over and kissed her on her cheek, she blushed as she smiled.

She flicked my cock with the back of her hand. "Naughty man, you gays are such a tease", she laughed.

She smiled and walked away back to her room down the corridor. I smiled, closed the door and then scratched my chin. My cock twitched as I thought of fucking Dieter later in the evening.


Dinner was lovely affair! Dieter, Ingrid and Kane had a lovely time at the "local", better know as a London pub. Fish & Chips and beers for each of them. After 3 hours of banter they all decided it was time to go back to the hotel for dessert.


Dieter, Ingrid and I went back to their room as it was a little more spacious for our activities. Ingrid had explained over dinner that she would not participate in Dieter and my fun, and she would be watching in the corner from her comfy chair.

"Now make me some fun boys" Ingrid winked at as both.

"Dieter!" I looked into his eyes and he smiled back and we both french kissed. Dieter and I slowly undressed ourselves while we continued to play tonsil hockey until we were both naked with hot throbbing erections playing swords.

"Fuck, " Dieter said "Kane I want you to fuck me now please".

Dieter dropped to his knees enveloping my cock with his mouth. He slowly swallowed my cock to my pubes. Oh yeah my hot Swedish Blonde god had sucked a few cocks before.

"Suck that cock ... OOh fuck ... suck me harder Dieter". I teetered on the edge of orgasm as Dieter used his many hour cock sucking skills to my delight. After slobbering on my cock for what seemed hours, I pulled my cock out his mouth before blew.

"Dieter, that was fucking close man, are you ready for you fucking".

"Fuck yeah Kane, " as Dieter grabbed a condom and lube from their bed side table. He applied the condom to my very wet cock and ran it down its 8 inch length. He then lubed up his ass and assumed the position bend over the bed. He obviously positioned himself so Ingrid could get a good view.

I stepped behind Dieter and paused, bent over and whispered into his ear "I want to fuck you so hard Dieter". He grunted in approval. I grabbed lube and slowly poked around his rosebud. One finger, two fingers, three fingers loosening his hole.

"Come on stud open up for your mate Kane, Dieter!" still bent as I licked and nibble his ear.

I carefully and slowing removed my fingers from his hole and placed my cock at the entrance of his hole. I felt Dieters rosebud slowly swallow the large head of my cock. I waited a minute or two for him to become accustomed to me inside him.

I stopped nibbling his ear, smiled to myself as I considered my next move, as I then rammed my length into him biting his ear in the process to take his mind of the anal onslaught.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD ... Fuck, fuck fuck .... " I held strong as he bucked around trying to push my cock out his ass. I rubbed his lower back and told him it would be ok.

"You are evil Kane but I feel so full ... mmm ... go good ... Fuck me!"

I slowly withdrew my cock until I totally withdrew and then entered his hole again in one long stroke. Dieter whimpered as I continued to slowly fuck his tight hole, loosening it in the process making it easier for him to enjoy our fuck. After fucking him for a number of minutes I slowly picked up the pace, until I was hammering his ass with long strokes. I held onto his hips as I fucked him deep, slowly increasing my speed and the velocity of our fuck.

I reached under us and grabbed Dieters hard and throbbing cock. I wanked him off as I fucked him harder, and harder.

"Kane, stop ... Please I don't want to cum yet".

"Stop being a pussy Dieter, you're man enough to go another couple of rounds, and you have enough cum to go around, so stop bitchin"

"Kane I am going to cum, please, not yet"

"I want you to cum for me sexy, cum for me please"

I fucked him and wanked him as hard as I could until I felt his sphincter grabbing my cock. He came on the bed spread with a very loud orgasmic scream and then we collapsed in a hot and sweaty mess on the bed, his ass still suckling my cock!

After a couple of minutes, coming to his senses he rolled over pushing me off his back. "You are an asshole Kane"

"I think you're the ass Dieter, well I just had that hot ass" I laughed and smiled at him "and boy I fucked that hot ass really good"

"I wont be able to walk for a week." he said as he grabbed my head in a headlock and we kissed again.

I broke off the kiss and pushed him onto his back on the bed. "Ready to cum for me again hot stuff"

I positioned myself between his legs with my cock on the edge of his hole.

"Ready big boy", I said as entered him slowly looking deeply into his eyes. His stare never left mine as I bottomed out in him. I bent over and kissed him, slowly fucking him him short stokes. I felt him smile as I continued to kiss and fuck him.

"It feels amazing inside you Dieter," breaking the kiss.

I fucked him in constant short strokes as I felt myself get close, I paused, grabbed his legs and put them over my shoulder.

I looked into his eyes again pushing his legs further towards his chest, by body contouring his movement until I we were both in another lip lock.

"My turn" I said breaking our kiss again as I slowly started fucking him with hard long slow strokes.

Dieter screamed in ecstasy "fuck me harder, h...a..r..d..e.....r". His cock throbbed and smacked against my abs as I fucked him harder, longer and harder. I picked up the pace, fucking him even faster and faster.

I could feel myself tiring, I needed to cum. I fucked him with hard pistoning strokes. "Dieter I'm going to cum soon man!. I looked into his eyes again, continuing the fast past of my pistoning. I kissed him as I felt my seed fill the condom inside my hot studs asshole. We collapsed.

As I came down from my climax, I felt my cock go limp inside Dieter. I grabbed the condom and withdrew my cock and we both moved into a more comfortable position. His legs had dropped from my shoulders and I slowly moved and lied on top of him, kissing him again.

I broke the kiss, smiled and said, "That was hot stud" kissing him again. "Really really one top class fuck". We continued our tongue hockey until it ended some time later.

I kissed him on the cheek, smiled at him again before bending over to whisper into his ear "Dieter I would love to fuck you some more but you need to take care of your wife".

I looked into my eyes and a sadness became them, I kissed him again with as much love and energy as I could. He finally smiled as a tear left the corner of his eye.

We had connected!

I removed myself from on top of him and stood up and began dressing. After he recovered he stood naked by his bed looking a little lost. After I finished dressing he hugged me again and lent in for one kiss. Boy did we kiss.

I grabbed his hard on and moved my hand up and down its length, wanking him quickly as he moaned into my mouth. I clamped down on his tongue and he grunted and blew his huge load all over the crotch of my pants. I broke the kiss smiled at him as he came back from his daze. I now had a Dieter souvenir to take away with me as well.

I pecked him on the cheek and turned to see where Ingrid was. Ingrid was still sitting on the chair with a perplexed and stunned look on her face, her eyes wide open she clearly didn't expect our fucking to be so intense. Her fingers were still down the front of what looked like very damp panties, with her skirt around crunched up around her waist.

I smiled at her and while I stared at her I tried to gage her reaction.

"I need to get some more rest guys. Thank you so much for tonight"

Ingrid stood and walked towards, hugging me.

"Please give us your details before you go Kane, we want to see you again when we are back home"

"No problem Ingrid".

Dieter hadn't said a word but seemed to be in his little world sitting on the bed with glazed over eyes. His cock was still throbbing and pulsing as he sat on the naked.

Ingrid walked me to the door and opened it "That was the most amazing thing I have seen Kane ... Thank you." She kissed me on the cheek.

I turned and smiled at Dieter and then Ingrid "I love you both very much and thank you for tonight. I will never forget it!"

I grabbed Ingrid gently by the head and kissed her with as much passion as I could muster. I had kissed many woman back in my hetro country boy days so it wasn't that difficult. She had shared her husband with me, a very special gift indeed, and she deserved a gift in return. I broke the kissed and her knees went a little weak so I grabbed her arm and steadied her.

I winked at her, smiled and lent into her ear, "You bet your going to get the ride of your life tonight sweetheart. ..."

"Bye guys"

"Good bye Kane, see you soon " Dieter finally said sadly.

"Yes, and I will email you when we get home tomorrow" Ingrid added.

I smiled and exited their room, closing the door behind me as I went. Gosh I hate goodbyes! I lent against the wall resting for a minute or two, as I was feeling a little fatigued and I needed to collect my thoughts. I walked back to my room, paused as I reached into my pocket for my keys, removing them to open my door.

As I was about to close my door when I heard Ingrid scream "Fuck me gay boy, fuck me."

Thank you for reading Chapter Three. I hope you enjoyed it! Where should I visit next!

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Written by Kane Armanis
Twitter:@kanearmanis | Mail: kanearmanis@hotmail.com
Please follow me on twitter and be one of the first to know when a new chapter has been uploaded to Nifty.
Copyright © 2014 Kane Armanis

Next: Chapter 5

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