3/3 -- My First Threesome -- corrected

By R.B.

Published on Mar 6, 2000



{This is a true story of an experience I had this past weekend. It is the best experience I've ever had and I am glad to share it with others. Of course things didn't happen exactly how it's written below. But who can remember exact details and what exactly was said? But it at least gives a good idea of my feelings and my thoughts during the experience. And another thing, what we did here was pretty stupid. No protection was used. But luckily my experience was with two people I'm now close to and I trust them both. I just happened to get lucky despite my lack of discipline. But if I were you, I'd still play it smart at all times. I ask that you do not write me and give me a lecture on what I did wrong. I know I did wrong and don't need to be scolded for it. But if you have any other comments or suggestions, please feel free to email me. brudog01@yahoo.com }

My First Threesome ================== by Brudog

I have known I was gay since junior high, but I am still closeted and only have gay friends that know about me and a few str8 friends. I never thought that I would have acted out my gay fantasies until recently. I've been with one on one with past boyfriends but I've always wondered what it would be like to be in a threesome.

First of all, let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Michael and I'm a 21 year old senior attending a major university in Texas which is very conservative. So now you know that I'm in a closeted area and it's hard to find other gay guys around here. But I've been able to manage to still find several gay friends.

I have a nice body from working out and doing cardio throughout the week, and I have a stocky build. I'm 5'8", 165 lbs., brown hair, brown eyes, and I am about 6.5" cut. I'm white but have a good tan from being outside a lot and going to tanning beds. I'm short when compared with all my friends, but I'm still proud of the way I look, and I don't want to sound arrogant because I'm not really at all in person but one of the best qualities of my body is that I have a nice butt. I am both smooth and moderately hairy but of course I have some hair on my legs and chest like most men do.

I've been hanging out with several gay friends here at college in the past two years. I've met several nice gay guys and have dated a couple of them. But now, unfortunately, I'm single again but I like the freedom.

One of my friends is Justin. He's about the same age as me but a few months older. I've been very close to Justin but we have never done anything with each other with regards to sex or messing around. We just mostly see each other as good friends and have been there for each other when we are in our time of need.

Justin is about 5'11", 170 lbs., dark hair, brown eyes, white, and moderately built. He's moderately hairy with hair on his chest. He likes to pick on me because I can't get much hair on my chest, but I also sometimes shave my chest. We knew what each other's dick sizes were just from talking with each other a lot but of course we've never seen each other naked. We've only seen each other with our shirts off.

Last weekend, Justin and I went to a friend's party. It was a str8 party, but the host of the party was a very good friend of ours named Karen. She knew about Justin and I being gay but no one else at the party knew. Both Justin and I are very str8 acting and we keep our sexuality to ourselves. We're both closeted to the str8 world except for a couple of girls like Karen. We were mingling around the party and doing some drinking when Karen comes up to us and introduces someone to us.

"Hey guys, I want you to meet a friend of mine. Randy, this is Michael and Justin."

I extended my hand out and we shook hands. "Nice to meet you Randy."

"Nice to meet you too."

Karen leans into us and says, "Don't' worry guys, he's family."

"Really? Wow, you don't' meet many guys like us around here." I was very surprised that Randy was gay. He was one of the most beautiful angels you would have ever seen. He looked like a preppy farm boy with blonde hair and that golden skin. Karen later told me that he was 20 years old and just moved to the area. He was a friend of hers from her hometown and she's known about him since high school.

Randy was about the same height and weight as Justin, however, he did have that country boy cowboy look. However, he was a little more built than Justin was and he filled out his jeans very nicely. You could tell that he must have had a huge package in those jeans. It was very noticeable and made myself stir a little in my own jeans. I was just hoping that it wouldn't be too noticeable.

Justin, Randy, and I talked for a while and did some drinking but got tired of being around a bunch of people we didn't know. And we all knew that each other was starting to get bored.

Randy spoke up. "So what are you guys doing after this party? Do y'all go anywhere like to clubs are hangouts around here?"

"Nope, not much really. Just every once in a while. Justin and I most like to just chill and do some drinking. We're not big clubbers or anything."

"Well, would y'all want to come over to my apartment and sit and chill with a few beers? I have plenty of beer at home."

Justin and I agreed to go back to Randy's place and have a few beers. I guess the guy had a fake ID because how would he have beer?

Justin pitched in and said, "Sure man, that sounds cool."

When we got to Randy's apartment you could tell that this guy was pretty loaded (rich). He had a very nice apartment with an entertainment center and a queen-sized bed. But Justin and I later found out that his family was pretty well off even though they lived out in a small town.

Randy got us each a beer and we all sat down on his couch. Randy sat between Justin and I, and turned on the TV set.

Watching him fumble through the stations I said, "Man, they're ain't shit on TV except that 'Undressed' show they have on MTV. That's the only place you might find cute guys on TV."

Randy then surprised me by saying, "If you're looking for cute guys, watch a porn movie."

Justin and I started laughing and I said, "Yeah, that works too. But I don't have the connections to see gay porn."

Randy said, "You mean y'all have never seen a gay porn?" Then Justin said, "Well, I have but Michael I don't think has before."

"Well, I've seen pictures on the Internet but as for video, nope, I've never seen one."

Randy said, "Would you want to watch one?"

"Really? Do you have a good one?"

"Yeah, I have my little collection. I have one that's pretty good with some cute guys and some good scenes."

I got kind of excited and said.. "Well damn man, put it on, let's see it." I've seen gay porn pics from the Internet but I've never seen a video. That's what I get for living a closed up life. Plus I've always been scared to go to one of those adult video stores and look in the gay section, especially in this conservative town. But I was definitely looking forward to seeing this video. This was going to be exciting.

Randy put on the video and turned down the living room lights a little so we could see the TV better. He sat back down on the couch between Justin and me. I was on the left and Justin was on the right. After a while of watching the porn flick, it of course was getting all three of us very hot.

I glanced down to see if I could see a bulge in Randy's jeans. He had a bulge alright and he was already rubbing the outside of his jeans and I'm sure Justin noticed it also. I was thinking to myself, "this guy is huge to have something like that bulging from his jeans."

I had my hands in my lap and was hesitant to start rubbing myself through my jeans. But I started to slowly get into the porn flick and started to rub myself.

After a while of this, I lifted up my arms to stretch out but before I put my arms back down, Randy placed his hand on my right thigh. This surprised me quite a bit but I just relaxed and left my right arm up on the back of the couch. And I started rubbing the back of Randy's neck with my fingers.

Randy reached up and grabbed my arm and guided it down to his package. I didn't' resist. Damn, it felt awesome. I just started squeezing it and wishing to see it so bad. I still couldn't tell if he was very thick or not because it was all rounded and bunched up in his tight jeans. I couldn't see what Justin was doing but I'm sure he was rubbing himself too over there because I could partially see movement in the dim light.

Then Randy said, "Damn man, I'm starting to hurt here." Justin and I started laughing and he said, "yeah, I don't blame you."

Then immediately Randy undid his belt buckle, button of his jeans and zipped them down, allowing his package in his briefs to be exposed to the air. I placed my hand back on him and began to squeeze gently. Now I could feel that the guy was pretty damn thick. I'm guessing he was at least as round as the base of a beer bottle to the circumference of a coke can.

After rubbing him a while, he leaned over and started making out with me. We were working our tongues in and out of each other's mouths. It was one of the hottest kisses I've ever had. While not leaving his kiss, I leaned off the couch and got in front of him. He started unbuttoning my shirt and I started doing the same to him. I leaned off him and we both started lifting the T-shirts off of us that were underneath our dress shirts. I looked over at Justin at this time and saw that he had his dick out of the fly of his boxers stroking it while watching the porn. This was the first time I've seen Justin's dick and I was pretty surprised. I don't' know how long it was but I figured it was at least 7.5" cut. He was longer than I was but not as thick. He always told me he was about 7".

When Randy took off his shirt and we saw each other shirtless, I was in amazement at how awesome his chest looked. It shined from the TV screen and you could see a trail of hair going from his navel down to his huge package. He started rubbing my shoulders and then down to my chest. And that's when he found my nipples. He started rubbing them gently turning me on more and more.

I started kissing his neck and went down to his chest. I followed his torso trail all the way down to his naval and then to his package. I then started to pull off his jeans and briefs to reveal a super hard 9" cut dick. I know this because I asked him.

"Damn dude, how big is that thing?"

He responded with "It's a little more than 9 inches but I like to say 9.5 inches. You like it?"

I just smiled without saying a word and started licking and sucking his balls.

"I guess you do like it."

I continued to suck on his balls one at a time and then tried for both at the same time but they were just too big to fit. I started trailing up along his shaft and up to the head. I made sure the entire base and shaft was wet with my saliva, trying not to touch the head.

I've been sucking dick since I was a freshman in high school, so practice has helped me learn how to suck very well and make the guy feel great. I know exactly how most guys like it.

After making sure his shaft and balls were wet with my saliva, I started to tongue bathe the head of his dick. And I finally got to his hole where precum had been dripping down the top of his head. I slowly took his head into my mouth massaging it with my tongue as much as possible. I knew he liked it because I could hear him say, "oh shit dude, that feels awesome."

I started to go farther and farther down trying to get as much as his dick down my throat as possible. When I looked back up at his face, he was still moaning but at the same time making out with Justin with a long passionate kiss. It was very hot seeing my best friend stroking and making out with this guy who I was sucking.

I sucked Randy for as long as I possibly could. And I knew that he was loving it. In the meantime, Justin had stood up and was completely naked. He had taken out one of those wallet lubricant package (whatever those things are called), and started to apply it to his now hard-as-a-rock dick.

I just continued to suck Randy as much as possible. And that's when Justin leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Mike, I want your ass."

Justin knew that I was mostly a bottom so he knew that I would like it. While still sucking Randy, he pulled off my shoes, jeans, and briefs.

I got down on the middle of the living room floor and saw a scene playing from the porn flick still on. One guy was getting fucked and sucking another guy in a threesome. So I got a good idea and said, "Hey guys, let's try that."

I got on all fours and Justin came up behind me and started licking my hole. He was damn good at it too. I have never been rimmed before and this experience felt so awesome. I could feel my hole twitching around his thrusting tongue. He then started lubing up my hole with his finger. He slowly put one finger in and then inserted another. He was very good at warming someone up. After having two fingers in me for a while, he inserted a third finger. I could feel the tension and it hurt a little bit but I knew that I would warm up eventually.

He then said, "I think you're ready right now, what do ya say mike?"

"Go ahead, but just go slow." I have always had a tight ass so I knew it was going to take a few minutes for me to warm up with Justin's 7.5 incher.

Justin touched the head of his dick next to my hole and started slowly entering me. I could feel my hole encasing his dick head. And then in no time, the head was fully in and he started going deeper. It just hurt a little but I was still able to take it.

Justin then pushed the rest of his dick in and it started making my dick jump which was hanging with my balls towards the floor. I knew he was all the way in when I felt his balls against my ass. Justin started thrusting in and out... in and out. After we were settled, Randy gets up off the couch and kneels down before my face. He had dripped so much pre-cum from stroking while waiting for Justin to warm me up. He then inserted his dick into my mouth.

He slowly inserted it fully. I was so amazed that I was able to take it all down my throat. I'm guessing it was because my head was tilted up where it could slide straight down my throat. Randy began face fucking me trying to match his thrusts with Justin fucking me up my ass. I was surprised that I was able to breathe and all this was hard to do. If anyone has been in this position, they know it's not as easy as the porn stars make it out on TV.

But Justin leaned over my back and Randy leaned to Justin and they started making out above me while Justin was fucking my ass and Randy my mouth. Just imagining how something like that looked turned me on even more.

I knew I wasn't going to last very long at all. And Justin and Randy said they were about to lose it. I came immediately on the carpet underneath me. I just wasn't able to hold it any longer.

Randy then asked me, "Michael, you're about to take my load down your throat because I'm not pulling out." Then all of a sudden, gushes of cum started filling my mouth. I tried swallowing but it was very hard to swallow everything especially with a thick dick in your mouth. Some dripped out and went down my chin. He tasted so good. I tried to take as much as I could. I didn't want to miss one drop. But it was just so hard to keep all his cum in my mouth.

A minute or so after that, I felt Justin quickening his pace and then stopped with a final hard thrust and that's when I knew he was cumming his load up my ass. While cumming, Justin was swearing saying, "Fuck yeah, that was a good load."

Justin leaned across my back and said, "I love your ass Michael. I haven't had a good fuck in a long time."

Then Randy surprised me by saying, "well, it's my turn to have your ass. Let's go into the bedroom."

The porn flick was over with by then and I was a little worried about having Randy fuck me. He was so much bigger than Justin was (mostly by thickness and a couple of inches in length).

We went into the bedroom and Randy told me to lay down on the bed. He went into the bathroom and when he came back he had some of that lubricant called Wet.

I got on my back but Randy said he wanted to take me like Justin did. So I got back up on all fours and waited for my time of doom. I was pretty lubed up from Justin plowing me earlier and cumming his load up my ass, and I guess I was ready for Randy.

Randy placed the head of his dick at my hole and it actually slid right in easily. I could feel my hole stretching some more and there was a little more pain, but after 30 seconds, it subsided and felt pretty comfortable. Then Randy says, "How do you feel?"

I said, "Pretty good." Then he said, "You ready?" And without letting me answer him he shoved his entire 9" dick in my ass.

I let out a huge moan, and it hurt but surprisingly I was able to take it. He held it there for about a minute letting me get the feel for him and then he slowly pulled his dick all the way out except for the head while moaning in pleasure. Then he ran it back in while holding my hips.

I had my face into the pillow trying to withstand the pain. But after a few minutes, it turned into complete pleasure and I was enjoying knowing that this awesome stud loved fucking me with his massive tool.

I looked up from the pillow and saw Justin standing near me with a grin on his face. I'm sure he liked what he was seeing. Justin interrupted us and said that he wanted to join in. Randy pulled out and then Justin laid down making me get on top of him in a 69 position but still on all fours. Justin took me into his mouth. The guy was a pro. I had no idea Justin could suck dick like that. He knew exactly how to tease the head of my dick with his tongue and lick my balls in just the right way.

I then felt Randy trying to get his dick back in me. I was just in shock the entire time that all this was happening. I saw Justin's dick in front of my face so I decided to pleasure him as much as possible. I tried to suck him the same way I did Randy while Justin was fucking me earlier, but it was a little tougher than before. After all, I was being fucked by a monster dick and sucked by the king of blowjobs.

Then I felt Randy slow down and say, "Man, I'm already getting close again." And I said, "well, hell dude.. me too."

Justin underneath me said, "Well, hell Mike, you need to pick up the pace. Y'all are getting close and you're leaving me still far from cummin."

"It's kind hard to suck you good, Justin, when you have Randy in ya. Why don't you let him try you next? Then you'll see what it's like."

"Sorry man, I'm a horn-dog all the time but I'm not stupid to take Randy up my ass. Anyways, you're the bitch for tonight."

I just smiled and said, "Fuck you dude, remember I have teeth."

Justin started laughing and said, "But you're not in charge. Randy, show him who's in charge."

I couldn't believe what happened next. Randy started plowing me very hard and at a rapid pace. But it felt so awesome and I could feel his balls slapping up against me. I've never been fucked so hard in my life. It was amazing.

It turned me on so much that I sucking Justin as best I could... taking my tongue and going all around his head and up and down his shaft while at the same time I was massaging his balls with one of my hands.

And after all the crap about Justin being far from cumming, he was the one to go first. I felt him shoot into my mouth and then he oozed out remaining cum. This drove me over the edge and plus with Randy's plowing and Justin catering to my dick, I decided to let it go and fill Justin's mouth up. Justin kept milking me until I became very sensitive.

Randy then started saying macho crap like "Oh yeah, get ready to take this load. I've been trying to hold back to let it build but I can't take it anymore."

And with that, Randy stopped and I was able to feel him shooting in my ass. He must have had several loads because I could feel his dick throbbing with each shot. Plus he was moaning like a bitch. I was amazed at how he shot two huge orgasms in less than an hour.

Justin crawled out from underneath me and rolled over on his back to relax from this experience. I collapsed and laid down on my stomach with my head on the pillow. Randy just stayed in me and laid on top of me. I think we were all wore out.

I could still feel Randy's dick throbbing gently going from rock hard to soft. It seemed like it took him several minutes for him to go soft. He then pulled out of me and it felt very weird feeling his soft dick sliding out of my hole. He rolled over to the other side and laid down on his back and said, "Well, I'm tired so I'm just gonna crash right here."

Needless to say, I was tired too but I wanted to take a nice hot shower since I was so sweaty. I asked Randy if I could use his shower and he showed me where the towels were.

When I came back from the shower, Justin and Randy were already crashed out so I got between them on the bed and crashed myself. I knew I was going to definitely sleep well.

I woke to a pleasurable experience. Randy had started to suck my dick and play with my balls. I had myself a real morning wood. I looked over at Justin and saw him smiling. He leaned in and started making out with me. Justin's body looked so awesome shining light that with the sun coming in from the window.

Randy pulled off my dick and said, "Mike, I want your ass again." I said, "Well, I want Justin's ass. He had me last night so now it's my turn to have him."

Justin laid on his back and I took his ankles and put them on my shoulders. My dick was mostly already lubed up from Randy's mouth. I gently applied it to Justin and went in. It didn't take that long for Justin to get used to it. I was thrusting slowly and could tell that both Justin and I were loving it.

All of a sudden, I felt Randy trying to mount me from behind. I stopped thrusting with Justin allowing Randy to enter. He had his dick all lubed up and he found it easy entering me since I was so used to him from the night before. It took us forever to try to synchronize the thrusting with each other.

Now for any of you who have tried to fuck this way, you know that it's very hard to do this. I don't' know how these porn stars can do it with so much ease. I guess that's what makes them pros.

We finally got it down pat but had to go slow. I started making out with Justin and after a while he shot on our stomachs. I guess my abs rubbing his dick back and forth made him blow his load.

We had it to where when I pulled out of Justin, Randy was thrusting in. We kept the same pace up so that I was going in Justin at the same time Randy was pulling out and vice versa.

I had never felt anything like this before. Every once in a while, we got unsynchronized but we got back on track. This pattern made me go off right then and there. I started creaming in Justin and I looked at him and he started smiling at me.

After I was finished, I just laid on top of Justin and decided to kiss him some more. Randy finished off fucking me and let another load go into me.

Randy pulled out and we rested for a bit to catch our breath.

We went to lunch after that but we parted after that.

I can truly say that this whole experienced has changed me. Especially with my relationship with Justin now. For the past few days I've been seeing Justin differently. We talked about everything yesterday and we decided that we should just be good friends but we can still have an intimate relationship. We care deeply for each other and if one of us were to get a boyfriend in the future, we would be happy for one another.

Randy and I have been seeing each other and we are growing closer to a relationship.

If I experience anything else in the future, I'll try to write about them. But it depends on how things go. Also, let me know what you thought of my experience. I hope that things go well in the future. Of course if they don't I doubt I will write anything regarding this experience.

Again, my email is brudog01@yahoo.com


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