
By Chase Donovon

Published on Aug 24, 2000



Author's note: 2Gether and the characters in the MTV movie and TV series are trademarks of and copyright Keystone Productions and MTV Networks. This is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of any of the actors who play these roles. Now, enjoy yourself!

Q.T. McKnight moaned softly as his hand worked it's way up and down his hard five inch cock. The warm water from the shower head cascaded down over his soapy body as the youngest member of 2Gether, his eyes tightly closed, stroked himself slowly and firmly.

He'd been in the shower for nearly half an hour now, coming close to a climax three times already but pulling back from the brink at the last moment each time. He wanted the feelings that were builiding up inside of his body to last for as long as possible.

"Q.T.! How you playin' me, man?? I gots to use the bathroom!" His band mate, Mickey Parke, banged loudly on the bathroom door, but Q.T. didn't break his rhythm at all.

His soft moans and the squishing sound of the soap between his fingers, wrapped tightly around his cock, were very loud in the confines of the shower as Q.T. began to stroke a little faster. He was approaching the breaking point once again, and this time he knew he wouldn't back off.

"Q.T.! Now, damn it! If you don't come outta there, I'm gonna have to bust this door down!" Mickey yelled again, pounding on the door with a fist and kicking it with his foot at the same time.

"Come in," Q.T. said softly, not loudly enough for Mickey to hear. But the image of his band mate barging through the door and stopping in shock as he watched what was happening in the shower sent Q.T. over the edge. An eruption of hot cum splattered against the wall of the shower as an exclamation of release and pleasure shot out of the singer's mouth.

Q.T.'s climax left him feeling momentarily weak and he wanted to sink down to the floor of the shower and just sit there for a few minutes, letting the hot water massaging his aching arm and shoulder.

"Q.T.!" Mickey's voice had taken on an edge of pleading mix in with usual bravado. Smiling to himself and feeling the warm afterglow of a good stroke session, Q.T. stepped out of the shower and whiped the steam from the bathroom mirror.

He sighed as he looked at his reflection. 'Still too scrawny!' Q.T. wished he had a body like Mickey's, or, even better, one like Jerry's. Even Chad had a more built physique, Q.T. knew.

"How am I ever going to get any looking like this?" Q.T. muttered to himself as he wrapped a towel around his waist and walked across to the bathroom door.

"'Bout time, fool! What you got to be takin half hours for? You aint got much to wash on dat little body!" Mickey said as he hurried into the bathroom and slammed the door behind him.

Q.T. looked across the hall at Chad Linus, who was standing in the doorway of his room, and rolled his eyes. Chad smiled and then watched intently as Q.T. turned and walked down the hall to his own room.

Feeling the stirrings inside his khaki's, Chad looked down at the growing bulge in the front of his pants. "Oh, no! It's happening again!" Chad turned quickly into his room and shut the door.

His brother and fellow band mate, Doug, had told him about the birds and the bees a long time ago, so Chad knew what it meant when he got hard like that. But what he couldn't figure out was why it always happened when he looked at Q.T. in a towel, or at Jerry walking around shirtless after a workout.

"It must be broken!" Chad shook his head as he stared down at himself.

Downstairs, Jerry O'Keefe was doing the very thing that often got Chad into that most confusing state- pumping iron. As he laid there on the bench and pushed the heavy weight up into the air and then brought it slowly back down, feeling the burn in all the right places, he smiled.

He was so ripped! He knew his girlfriend Erin loved his hot body, and she wasn't the only one. Most of the fans were hot for him, too. Jerry let his mind wander to his so called competition, the heart throbs of other boy bands. He let his mind drift over every inch of their bodies, long since committed to his memory. Yes, his body was much pumped than Justin Timberlake's, much harder than Brian Littrel's. Neither of them had anything on him.

As he thought of their bodies and how much better his was, Jerry felt another key part of his body growing harder. Sitting up, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and reached for the phone. As he dialed, he slowly carressed his cock through the thin fabric of his work out shorts.

"Erin? Hi. Can you come over? I really need you baby. I need you so bad," Jerry moaned into the phone as he stroked himself slowly. As he did so, he thought about the size of his package. He was sure he must have the biggest cock out of any boy band member ever. Surely none of them could beat his eight inches!

"Okay, baby. Hurry." Jerry hung up the phone and looked at his reflection in the mirror. Yes, he was not only a better singer than the competition, he had a hotter body, and he was sure he knew how to use it better, too. Often while he was fucking Erin he'd picture those other guys in his mind, thinking about their lesser bodies and lesser cocks, and how clumisly they must use them in bed. They could never satisfy a woman like he could. They were probably queers anyway. Jerry O'Keefe was all man, though, and he grinned in anticipation of Erin's arrival as he slowly rubbed his cock and checked out his own body in the mirror.

"All man," he moaned softly.

(More later! Watch 2Gether on MTV! It's a cool show, very funny, and the guys are HOT!)

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