24 hours with One Direction

By Tony James

Published on Jul 2, 2018



Hi guys, here is a story I wrote about 1D. This story is complete fiction and is intended for entertainment only. I do not know any of the members of One Direction nor do I know the sexual desires or preferences of any of the boys. Enjoy!


I go to physical therapy every Monday. Shawn had been working with me for 5 years and as a result, my physical mobility had improved tremendously. I was still unable to walk for more than a few minutes, but I could walk for about 250-300 yards before I got tired. Unfortunately I was still as blind as a bat with damaged sonar. I went into PT not knowing it was a special day. I didn't have the faintest clue that I would shortly be meeting up with One Direction.

Shawn had me do all the usual stuff. I did spine circles, several different kinds of resistance exercises, and stretches. After I got back into my chair, I rolled out to the lobby. I pulled out my phone to call for my ride as usual. Before I could, a large paw landed on my shoulder. At the same time I became aware of more people around me. I heard a voice which I've heard A dozen or more times, but never in real life.

"Hey Tony, what's up?"

I gazed blindly in the direction of the voice, not believing my ears. I new that irish lilt. It belonged to Niall Horen. " I must be dreaming." I said stupidly. The boys all chuckled. "This ain't no dream."

A finger was placed under my chin. My face was gently lifted. A warm mouth was pressed against mine. I felt as though a jolt of electricity had just gone through my body.

One and only one thought filled my brain. O my Bieber. I'm kissing Niall Horen! I Am Kissing Niall Freaking Horen! From a great distance or so it seemed, I heard several low wolf whistles. "Damn, look at that. Look at them go."

Several seconds later, or it could've been minutes or hours or even days...we broke apart. Niall sounded A little breathless when he spoke. "Still think this is a dream?" I shook my head mutely.

Harry chuckled. "Awe look at that boys. Tony's dumbstruck." "Nah, more like lovestruck."

When I had recovered, I asked a question. "What r u boys doing here?" "Ooh, rite to the point." Zayn said. "I like that."

Louis spoke. "Well, we were at a fund raiser for Women's and Childrens Hospital when our manager notified us that you were the lucky winner of our secret fan drawing." I was confused. My puzzlement must have showed on my face because Niall explained. " i'm sure you remember when you ordered the singing doll of me from Amazon." "Yes." "Well, unbeknownst to you the packaging contained a secret code. This code was embedded within the UPC code so when The seller scanned it for purposes of inventory, we were notified that it was going to your address." Liam spoke up for the first time. "We're yours for the next 24 hours. Whatever you wanna do. Wherever you wanna go, just say the word."

I sat stunned. One of the hottest boy bands ever were clustered around me. As if that wasn't enough, Harry, Zayn, Louis, Liam, and my personal favorite Niall were willing to spend the next 24 hours with me. It was amazing. I was tempted to pinch myself just to make absolutely sure this wasn't a wet dream, but then I quit worrying about it.

My face split into a wide grin. "Why r we wasting time here? Let's go. First, I wanna c if I can walk home."

The boys were gain, but they were unsure how to best help me. I explained as Harry pushed me outside. " it would be best if two of you flank me. I still need to hold on to something in order to stay on my feet." "U got it!" Zayn said.

By this point, we had emerged into the warm air of another Beautiful June day. I heard the sound of an idling engine. A door opened and a solicitous voice inquired, "will this young man be joining us in the limo?" "Not rite now, Chase." "Very good sur. I'll remain on standby."

Liam called out there thanks as they rolled me past. We got to the sidewalk and I asked them to stop. " I would like to start here." I announced. Releasing my seatbelt, I rose to my feet. Strong fingers closed over my upper arms. "We got u." "We sure do." Another voice agreed. I knew from the voices that Niall was on my rite and Zayn was on my left.

I felt strong and confident as we began to walk. Niall and Zayn stayed rite with me. They were like a pair of well-trained guide dogs. They never pulled too far ahead nor did they lag behind. Our steps were so synchronized in fact, that we could've been a single organism with six legs. The rest of the band trailed after us.

We made it all the way to the corner when I spoke up. "Let's stop for a second." We did and Zayn asked if I was all right. "Sure." I answered confidently. "It's just that I need to ditch this shirt." We stopped. Harry came up behind me to brace me as Niall and Zayn tugged my shirt off. My ass was briefly pressed against Harry's crotch. Maybe it was my imagination, but I was pretty sure he had a boner. Louis let out a whistle. "Damn, he's a fucking bear." "Otter." I corrected automatically.

I felt Harry's chest rumble as he chuckled. "This otter knows his stuff." I briefly pressed my ass into Harry's crotch. No doubt about it, the boy had a raging hard on.

Niall and Zayn asked me if I was ready to continue. "In a second." I replied. "First, I wanna get a group shot of all of us like this." Liam set up his iphone with the timer then rejoined the group. "Say More Then This." I called out. The boys all said it just as the shutter clicked.

Harry fell back as Niall and Zayn resumed their original positions. We got to the next corner and I had to admit that I was getting tired. The boys noticed and asked if I wanted to stop. "No I don't want to stop, but I should." "U did awesome little otter!" Zayn assured me. Liam brought my chair and I was gently lowered into it. Once I had settled myself, I asked, "can we go to dinner?" "Sure, little otter. Where would you like to go?" " well, there's a nice place over in Depew called Hillview. I go their regularly." I hesitated before saying, " of course, you guys may have a better idea. I mean you've traveled all over the world, so if you have a better suggestion, I'm all ears." Harry ruffled my hair. "You r in charge. Your wish is our command." He bent so his lips brushed my ear. "Your the boss, but that ass of yours is mine tonite." I shivered as he squeezed my shoulder.

Niall called Chase and the limo pulled up 5 minutes later. Chase got out and opened the backdoor. I was amazed when I was rolled up a ramp into the limo. Chase secured my chair by means of strong metal hooks that were firmly anchored to the floor. " I had no idea they made wheelchair accessible limos." I exclaimed delightedly. The band slid onto the bench seat. As Chase closed the door, Louis explained. " it wasn't easy finding a limo like this, but when you are celebrities like us, there are very few things you can't get. In case you were wondering, you're sitting in an open space with a single bench seat which forms a semi circle around you." "Cool." The floor vibrated as Chase started the engine and we pulled away from the curb. "Where to, young masters?" Chase's voice issued from the speaker next to me. When Louis spoke, I could tell he was grinning. " I fucking love it when he calls us that." Harry spoke into the intercom. "Hillview restaurant in Depew." "You got it. We should be there in approximately 15 or 20 minutes." "That's fine. Take your time. We're in no hurry." Harry clicked off the intercom. "Who wants a drink?" I do." I said immediately. Niall chuckled. "No surprise there. Walking is thirsty work." " what would you boys like?" Liam called over. " we have a fully stocked mini bar, but only for the big boys." I could tell from his tone that he was teasing. " I guess that counts you out." I shot back. "Ooh, you r so busted." Harry laughed. "I guess Tony has you pegged." Louis told Liam. "Ah, fuck up, you hedgehogs."

Harry started handing out drinks. I accepted a cold bottle of beer and took a long swig. It felt nice and refreshing as it went down. The next few minutes were spent in companionable silence. I broke it by saying: " maybe on the way back I could sit with you boys?" Niall answered. " that will be fine with us, except there isn't really any room." "Yeah," zayn said. " where packed in like sardines." " you would have to sit on someone's lap." I took a long pull on my beer and took my time swallowing it. I finally responded. " does anybody have a problem with that? I certainly don't."

A beat of silence greeted my words. I had the impression that the group was exchanging silent communications. The silence stretched until I started to worry that I had crossed some line. A paw landed on my nee and I jumped. " that is perfectly fine." louis assured me. Which one of us do you want to cuddle with first?" I didn't have to think about it. "Niall." I said firmly. Louis squeezed my nee. " anyone else?" "Harry and then Zayn." Someone clapped. " you've got it all figured out."

Just then, the limo pulled into the parking lot of The restaurant. Niall tugged my shirt over my head. " do I have to wear this?" I asked playfully. "No shirt, no shoes, no service." Liam said in a singsong voice. Under the pretense of making sure my shirt was strate, Niall tweaked my nipples. I felt my dick rise in my shorts. The boys whistled softly as they noticed my bulge. " looks like someone's awake." Harry commented. Niall reached down and gave my hard dick a squeeze. "We will play with this plenty later." He promised. Just then, the door slid open and we piled out.

The interior of the restaurant was nice and cool. We asked for a booth and one of the waitresses showed us to one in the very back of the dining area. I got to sit between my favorite boys, Niall and Zayn. The rest of the group sat facing us. " do you know what you boys would like?" Liam asked us. " i'm going to have my usual." I said. "The burbin steak with mashed potatoes and gravy." "No appetizer?" Harry asked. No appetizer." I confirmed.

The waitress arrived and we placed our orders. Harry ordered The Hawaiian chicken with french fries. Niall and Zayn both wanted beef tips. Liam decided on The regular strip steak and Louis had a craving for meatloaf. " okey-dokey. What would you boys like to drink?" Predictably, we all wanted beer." After she finished writing down our orders, the waitress went to put them into the kitchen. She returned a few minutes later and placed a beer in front of each of us. "My name is Amanda by the way." Amanda paused briefly then said in a voice that was way too casual,"I know who you guys are of course. : " you guys are One Direction right?" The band confirmed that yes they were. " my daughter loves you guys." She has all of your albums and her entire bedroom is covered with One Direction posters. She won't stop talking about you boys. One Direction is so hot. Harry is just the cutest isn't he? I wish I could meet the band. It's always One Direction this and One Direction that.That's all I ever here at home."

Suddenly Amanda stopped talking. A few seconds of silence past and when she spoke again, her voice was embarrassed. " i'm sorry. I don't mean to imply that you boys are not hot. I mean handsome. I mean I enjoy your music as well and I'm over 30. I'm babbling. God, somebody please shoot me now." The comment elicited a chuckle from us.

Amanda left to check on our food. " I think she's sstarstruck."." I commented. A sudden thought occurred to me. "Crap. I don't have my wallet on me." "Sure you don't." Harry teased. " that's what they all say." I felt a hand creep beneath the table and give my knee a squeeze. " don't sweat it little otter. We got this." I felt lips brush against my ear and Zayn murmured, " of course if you want to repay us, i'm sure we could work something out." A shiver went down my spine and my dick which had softened grew rigid once more.

Thankfully our food arrived giving me something else to think about. I asked Liam to please cut my steak. He did and I dug in. We had an enjoyable meal. While we ate, we laughed and chatted. The band regaled me with some stories of things that happened to them while on tour. They told me about the time they were hanging out with BTR Who Opened at one of their concerts. Louis was telling the story. "So we're like, in the hotel room and I have James shoved against the wall. we're making out and groping like a couple of horndogs. We're both just in boxers and both of us are hard as rocks. I want so damn bad to shove my dick into him, so I pull him to the bed, push him down and rip his boxers off." Louis paused to take a sip of beer then continued. "So there we were, 2 naked guys sporting huge bones. I get on the bed and I'm just about to shove my cock deep into James and fuck the shit out of him when there's a nock on the door. Before we have a chance to react, it opens and I realize far too late that we hadn't locked it." " I guess you guys had other things on your minds." I commented. Louis' story was doing nothing to ease the hardness in my own shorts. "Well yeah." Louis admitted. " so who was it?" I asked. Harry laughed. " it was our fucking manager." She cane to find us to tell us something about the concert." " instead of that, she got an eye full." The boys chuckled and Louis resumed. " so picture this if you can Tony. You have two naked boys on a king sized bed clearly about to make one hell of a mess not dimension noise." His voice dropped to a whisper. "Do you know how she reacted?" I was hanging onto every word now. "How?" I asked eagerly. Louis' voice rose with incredulous delight. "Nothing! No damn thing! She froze for a second or two, blinks twice, then says, " The concert will start in 30 minutes. Hopefully you boys will be finished by then." Have fun. Then she leaves and closes the door behind her." We all laughed.

When we finished eating I told them I needed to take a leak and could one of them please help me into the bathroom. Niall needed to take a leak also, so I got in to my chair and we went to the bathroom. It was empty and Niall parked me in front of a urinal. I didn't usually use them, but I figured what the hell. I unzipped my fly before standing. I braced myself with one hand against the wall and fished my dick out of my shorts with the other. I rubbed the tip. It was wet, but not with piss. I made no effort to hide it as I let loose with a healthy stream. Niall was doing the same thing next to me. He finished first, shook off and flushed. I was finished also so I made to put my dick back into my shorts, when a hand landed on my back. "Leave it out." Niall whispered. His hand slid down until he was groping my ass. My dick started to harden. I felt Niall take hold of my shaft. I moaned a little as he stroked it. Niall ran his finger down my ass crack and I whimpered. His mouth was so close to my ear, his warm breath tickled. " do you have any idea how long I've been wanting to do this?" My only response was another whimper. My dick was leaking all over Niall's hand, but he didn't seem to mind.

Niall turned me to face him. "Put your hands on my shoulders. He instructed. I obeyed and discovered that Niall had muscles. I meeded them as One of the hottest boys on the planet took my dick into his mouth. It was warm and wet and I loved it. " suck that dick." I moaned. Niall unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my shorts. They fell to the floor. Now Niall had access to everything. The fact that we were in a public bathroom where the chances of us getting caught were very high made it even more exciting to me. Niall took his mouth off my dick and licked my balls. I panted quite literally. Panted like a dog in the summer. Niall took my balls one at a time into his mouth. I was getting close and I was determined to pour my baby batter down this celebrity's throat. I said as much and Niall took my balls out of his mouth. He had a grin in his voice when he spoke. " not much stamina. Tisk tisk. The rest of the guys Will be disappointed." I growled. "Fuck up u twit and suck my dick." I moaned in satisfaction as I felt is warm lips close around my shaft once more.

I started fucking his mouth. My balls slapped his chin. He slid a finger over my crack driving me crazy. I sped up. I was fucking his mouth and he was finger fucking me. Well, sort of. His finger wasn't actually in my ass yet, but I wanted it there. I pushed against the digit with every thrust.

Suddenly it popped inside. I moaned. "Fuck yeah. Take my cum." I Felt my climax strike me first and a few seconds later I was pumping my nut butter down Niall's throat. I dug my fingers into his shoulders in an attempt to keep myself standing.

My legs were spasming like they haven't in years. arms closed around my chest and an amused voice said, "well, well, well. Looks like someone got a tasty treat." Another voice remarked, " I guess we won't need to order dessert now." Niall pulled off my dick which had softened. I felt him shift in preparation to stand and so I let go of his shoulders.

Harry kept me on my feet as Niall bent and pulled my shorts back up. He fastened them as he told Harry, " it was tasty, but this little otter doesn't have much in the way of stamina." I had recovered enough to growl, " if you boys hadn't been teasing me all fucking day, I would've lasted much longer." "Ooh, feisty little tiger." Zayn remarked from the doorway." Harry scooped me into his arms and we exited the bathroom. Niall and Zayn followed bringing my chair. I had one arm wrapped loosely around Harry's neck and my face pressed into his shoulder. I breathed in his scent. It was some intoxicating combination of soap, Cologne, and just plain boy. I turned my face and purely on impulse, I licked his cheek. It was smooth as silk. A chuckle rumbled in his chest. " I think both Louis and you were wrong." " what do you mean?" I asked lazily. " you're not either a bear or otter." I lifted my head from the pillow of his shoulder. "Oh, what am I then?" My tone was coy. "You're a fluffy puppy dog."

Suddenly he bent and I realized that we were back in the limo. Harry settled himself more comfortably on the plush seat. " where are the rest of the guys?" I asked. " Liam is settling our bill and the other three boys are using the bathroom." Harry was smirking. Lifting my head I nibbled his earlobe. " they better not expend all their energy. I still have over 15 hours with you guys and I'm going to want to be fucked by at least one of you before you go to your next gig." He laughed softly. "I think you're underestimating your appeal puppy bear." I felt a thrill at his words. "What do you mean?" His lips brushed mine and he whispered, "not one of us will fuck you." I was confused. "You won't?" Harry's mouth was warm against mine. "Not one of us." He repeated. "We all will." I felt the tip of his tongue pass over the end of my sniffer. I giggled. "You boys are silly."

"Awe isn't that sweet!" The voice broke the spell. I sensed movement as the others settled around us. I realized that the boys hadn't been exaggerating. Harry and I were squeezed into the corner. Someone gently lifted my feet as they sat down. I felt the velcro on my shoes being undone. "Are you sure you wanna do that?" I teased. "When you've been around locker foot as long as I have, you stop noticing it after a while." Zayn remarked as he pulled off My shoes one at a time. The bad boy tickled my feet and I squirmed giggling. "Stop that!" I protested. At that moment, the intercom crackle to life and Chase's voice inquired, " what is our next destination young masters?" Turning my head to face the speaker, I said, " Fantasy island." " as you wish sir. We will arrive at our destination in approximately 30-45 minutes."

Most of the trip was spent in comfortable silence.

I was sprawled across 2 seats. My feet rested comfortably in Zayn's lap, while my head and shoulders reclined against Harry's muscular torso. He was petting my hair and occasionally whispering sweet nothings. Zayn was massaging my feet. I felt content. The other boys were talking quietly and soft music played through the speakers.

Eventually, Harry spoke. " maybe on the way back to your place, you can cuddle with Niall like you wanted to." I snuggled deeper into his arms. " do you hear me complaining?" Harry had to admit that he did not. " I want to sleep with you guys just like this tonight." I felt Harry's hand drift-ever so casually-to my belt. My dick stiffened. His tongue passed over my cheek. " I don't know if I can wait that long." He murmured. His hand drifted even lower. "Niall got his dessert, but The rest of us did not." His palm rested directly over my rigid shaft. He caressed my balls with his fingers. "I moaned. " don't start something you can't finish. " oh don't worry about that, we never start anything that we don't intend to finish." Zayn answered. Now he was being a rascal, rubbing my cafs. Every time his hand ascended, it crept hire on my leg until it was inside the leg of my shorts. Harry had unzipped them and my bone was in his hand. "Now this is our toy." Zayn declared. He got off the seat and knelt next to me.

Harry shifted me so my head rested in his lap. He was sporting a huge bone which strained against his jeans. I turned onto my side and pulled his zipper down. Reaching inside, I discovered two things. First, Harry went commando like I did. Second, he had a huge cock. I pulled it out and ran my fingers over it. Harry was uncut like me and as I pulled back his foreskin, I discovered something else about him. His dick drooled like a dog does at the prospect of a juicy bone.

Extending my tongue, I swiped it over the head of his 9 inch tool,. He hissed in a breath. I gathered a decent amount of precum and tasted it. It was warm, just a little salty, and tasty. Holding his dick still with one hand, I lowered my mouth over it. " about damn time!" As if to punctuate his statement, Zayn swallowed my cock to the base.

I shuddered with pleasure as Zayn worked my dick like a pro. Once again my shorts were down around my ankles while Harry kept his hand on the back of my head. He wasn't forcing me to take more of his cock, it was more of a reminder not to pull off too soon. He pumped his hips rhythmically, fucking my mouth with slow even strokes. "Damn boy, your mouth feels so good on my dick." I reached between Harry's thighs and he spread them for me. I cupped his balls through his jeans. He liked that.

"Play with my balls boy!" He panted. His thrusts became more forceful. Zayn was playing with my balls as well. I was loving it.

I alternated between deep throating Harry's cock and licking it like a lollipop. Zayn was matching my motions. The only difference was that he was able to take my balls into his mouth from time to time. Judging from all the sounds we were making, we none of us were gonna last much longer. " I want to feed you my load." Harry grunted as he pumped his dick in and out of my mouth. Zayn had my cock buried balls deep in his mouth and was sucking it for all he was worth.

Harry was the first to blow. He thrust a few more times, then his hand became a vice on the back of my head. Not painful, but I was not moving anywhere unless he wanted me too. I felt his already in gorged member swell even more just before it began to pulse. I only had the head of his cock in my mouth now so I could taste his cream. At almost the same second, I begin to empty my balls into Zayn's mouth. His large hands were wrapped around my hips and he held my crotch to his face so my dick remained buried balls deep as I drained my seed into his throat. I was also eagerly swallowing Harry's large load. After what seemed like an eternity, Harry's flood slowed to a trickle. Zayn had started cleaning off my cock as I did the same to Harry. Once he was finished, Zayn rose to a kneeling position. Grabbing my hand he placed it on his own cock rocket. He had pulled his jeans down and like both of us, he was not wearing undergear. The entire time he had been going down on my dick, he been jerking himself off. He had drooled enough to fill a shot glass. " finish me off." He panted as my fingers closed over him.

It didn't take long. I stroked him while he thrust into my hand and in less than 30 seconds, he was pouring his seed over it. "Yeah Zayn! Cum for me." I cheered as I felt his warm, sticky ball juice flow over my paw. Zayn was also a big cummer. He must've shot 7 or 8 times before his balls were empty. Releasing his softening dick, I lifted my hand to my mouth and licked off as much of Zayn's cum as I could. "Very tasty," was my verdict. Zayn slumped against the seat. " give me a minute." He panted.

I suddenly realized that we had stopped moving. I also realized that we had been parked for sometime without any of us noticing. Louis spoke. "We're at Fantasy Island in case anyone is interested, but I texted Chase that we need a few more minutes so take your time." Liam piped up with, " I seriously doubt if anything this place has to offer and come close to matching the show you boys just put on for us." "Yeah, we captured everything on video." Louis agreed enthusiastically. " that was epic! Don't worry Tony, will send you a copy." I hummed in response.

After about five minutes, Zane and hairy began to put themselves back together. " don't you boys had to change after that?" I asked. "Nah, our clothes are free of ` evidence.' Harry said this last bit like he was reporting about a crime scene. I shifted and reached for my shorts, but Zayn playfully smacked my hand away. "Uh-uh,"he said in a mock scolding tone. " it is our job to take care of you for the next 15 or so hours." "That's rite." Louis agreed. " it's down in our contract." I smiled at the playful banter.

When we were all acceptable in the eyes of the world, we exited the limo.

It was a beautiful summers day. It was pleasantly warm but not stifling. Liam told us to go ahead while he hung back to speak to Chase. We started walking and by the time we reached The entry kiosk, he had caught up to us. " I have released Chase from service for at least two hours." He informed us. Apparently, all of the boys had seasonal passes which they flashed for the attendant. I had a strong suspicion that these passes were purchased very recently. As we passed through the gate, Harry confirmed this suspicion. " our manager, a very nice chick by the name of Valerie bought these passes for us a week ago. They're good for an entire year."

" where do you want to go first?" Niall asked me as we got deeper into the park. Before answering, I took a deep sniff. " is that cotton candy I snell?" "Sure is!" Louis answered. " could I get some?" I asked hopefully. " I don't know, can you?" Liam teased. I scowled. " that joke is so old it's not even funny anymore." My scowl slowly melted into a smile. " you wanna know what's funny?" I asked. Not waiting for an answer, I continued. "You are Liam." I paused. "Your funny...funny looking!" Liam just hurumphed as the rest of us snickered.

Before I new it, we had reached the cotton candy stand. We only had to wait a short while in line. After about a minute, Lewis handed me a cone full of the fluffy blue treat. I new it was blue because I had specifically asked not to get the pink. ". Let's just wander around for a while." I suggested.

As we walked, I asked the boys to describe what they saw. " not many people here right now." Harry observed. " it's like a fucking ghost town almost." Liam stated. The mention of ghosts reminded me of something. " hey, have you guys ever heard of cradle Beach Camp?" They answered in the affirmative. " well many years ago I used to go there and there was a camp legend." I informed them.

I began my story. " Long, long ago before camp was even built, The site was home to a crazy old hermit. No one knows his name or how he got there or anything about him. All we know is that he was driven out of his home when the construction crew arrived to build the camp. He vowed vengeance against those who destroyed his home. He acquired a chainsaw and murdered the construction crew one by one."I paused here to take a bite of cotton candy. It melted in my mouth. Yum!

" well what happened?" Harry demanded in a whisper. I could tell my audience was riveted even though I could not see them. I continued the story.

" just as Chainsaw - for this is how he was forever after known - closed in on the last of the construction crew with his chainsaw roaring like an enraged tiger, the construction worker managed to take his legs out from underneath him. He fell onto the deadly tool and it chewed rite through his chest, killing him instantly."

I licked at the candy. A horrified silence greeted my story. " so that's it?" Liam demanded. "This crazy dude kills himself by accident?"

I had to admit that I was enjoying myself immensely. " well that's just it." I told them. Chainsaw's body may have been destroyed, but his spirit returned as a revenant. Now he haunts the camp. According to legend, if any boy or girl is disobedient during the day, Chainsaw will find them at nite and he will sever their pinkies with his chainsaw. He buries the bones in the sand of the beach."

Thirty seconds of ringing silence. " I don't believe it!" Zayn whispered. He reiterated himself, speaking each word slowly and distinctly. "I...don't...fucking...believe it!"

I shrugged. " maybe it was just one of those crazy stories that the Management made up to keep kids in line. Whether the story is true or not, it certainly had the desired effect."

We continued walking. I wanted to play some games so we quickly found A shooting gallery where you had to try to blast moving ducks. Niall's large hands were warm as they covered mine. He helped me aim the air rifle while I pulled the trigger. I liked the popping sound the rifle made as it discharged. I new whenever I managed to hit a duck because it would give an indignant squawk.

Working together, Niall and I managed to rid the world of 12 mechanical threats. I got a large plush puppy as a prize.

Next we went to see an old wild West show down reenactment. " those were the good old days." I remarked to the boys as the fearsome outlaw and courageous sheriff squared up to each other. The opponents exchanged a few words before simultaneously drawing there revolvers. Liam is providing a running commentary. " The outlaw is sneering as he twirls his revolver around his index finger. The sheriff is in a shooters stance both hands on his weapon. His eyes are not moving from the outlaw." He sucks in a breath. I didn't need him to explain why. An echoing bang reverberated through the air as the sheriff fired. "He got the son-of-a-bitch rite in the chest!" Harry exalted. "Damn if he didn't." Zayn agreed. "Anyone up for the Superman?" Louis asked. I was gain so we headed in that direction. We arrived at the roller coaster and we only had to wait five minutes. I petted my plush puppy before handing it to Liam. " take good care of him." I instructed. "Yes sir! Nothing is going to happen to Fido here." I scowled. " his name isNiall."

Harry and I climbed into the first car. The attendant walked up and down making sure everybody was safe Lee ensconced within their cars. Once he was satisfied, he returned to the control booth and threw the switch.

I felt a lurch as the ride started up. Harry wrapped one arm around my shoulders while he gripped the safety bar with his free hand. I had both hands wrapped around the bar. Normally I would be thrilled to cuddle with 1/5 of the hottest boy bands ever, but I didn't feel the roller coaster was the most appropriate place to do that.

We rolled along about 50 feet of perfectly flat track. I felt a gentle bump as our car was hooked. We began to climb. Harry slid closer to me until we could've been Siamese twins joined at the hip.

We climbed for what seemed like forever and I knew the roller coaster was gathering as much potential energy as it could. Finally we reached the top and for the tiniest space of time The roller coaster stood poised on the knife's edge between potential and kinetic energy. The hook tugged us forward just another 2 inches then it let go.

Gravity seized our car and we plunged downward. I felt my stomach rise into my chest. All of that potential energy was translated into kinetic energy as we raced down. The coaster leveled off for an instant then we hit another hill. I could hear most of the passengers screaming with delight behind us as we rapidly climbed the second hill. We ascended this hill and like before, we plunged down after hesitating at the top for the briefest of seconds.

This time though we hit a loop and Harry and I were suspended upside down. For a second I worried that we would fall out, but the engineers who designed this roller coaster had done the job well and the laws of physics kept us safe. Five wild wind swept minutes later we arrived back at the platform.

Zayn and Louis lifted me out. Harry climbed out by himself. "That was epic!" He exclaimed. Liam put Niall on my lap. I petted the puppy as we set off again. " how long we been here?" I asked. Niall checked his phone and reported that we been here approximately 45 minutes. " we still have about an hour." Harry assured me. I frowned. " I thought you said 24 hours." Harry bent to brush his lips against my head fur. " don't worry puppy bear. We're not going anywhere for 12 more hours." I tapped my Apple Watch to check the time. " 11 PM current time." It announced. I couldn't believe it. I had left therapy at about noon. The day had flown by. " after Chase returns let's spend the rest of the night in a hotel somewhere."

A set of warm lips brushed my ear. " that is the hottest idea you've had all day." A hand slid down and briefly cupped my basket through my shorts. My dick rose to attention. Warm breath tickled my cheek as Louis chuckled. "We're gonna have so much fun tonite." With that seductive promise, Louis withdrew his paw. The boy must've been evil because he squeezed my dick first and I whimpered.

Harry asked me what I wanted to do now. He acted for all the world as though I didn't have a raging Boner. A raging Boner that was begging for attention. I scowled. "Cock tease." I grumbled. "Give me a minute." "Awe look at that!" Louis said. "Our puppy bear has a stiffie." "Fuck up!" I growled. The boys chuckled but otherwise held their silence. Eventually my dick deflated and I decided to go check out the test your might game. I went first. The rubber mallet was awkward to wheeled, but I gave it my best shot. I lifted it over my head and imagined that I was Shao Kahn preparing to crush Raiden once and for all. I brought the mallet down with all the strength I could muster. It struck the pad and a bell rang. The boys whistled and applauded. "Damn boy! You got it on your first try." Liam ruffled my head fur. This time I got a big soft teddy bear as a prize. The boys all tried in vain to ring the bell. "That game is rigged." Harry grumbled as we walked and rolled away. He was carrying the teddy bear.

We reached the gate and found Chase leaning against the limo smoking a cigarette. Zayn gave me this visual info. " did you boys enjoy yourselves?" Chase inquired. He stubbed out The cigarette and flicked it away. " yes we did!" I replied. " you do realize those things will kill you right?" Louis said to Chase as harry rolled me up the ramp into the limo. Chase sighed. " A man has got to have at least one bad habit." I smiled.

The boys sat down and once they were settled I climbed into Zayn's lap. "You boys look so cute together." Chase remarked. " can I get a picture of you guys like that?" "Sure." I said. Chase snapped the pic with his phone. " where would you guys like to go next?" " any five star hotel will do." I told Chase. " could you call around and see which ones have a penthouse suite?" "Wow boy, going strate for the top."

Zayn ran his lips over my ear. " your an expensive bitch aren't you." He remarked. I felt goosebumps rise on my arms as his warmed breath tickled my ear. That wasn't the only thing that rose. " I figure I might as well make the most of this experience." I replied turning my head to kiss Zayn. "That's ok." Harry said. He put the teddy bear in my chair and placed Niall the puppy in his lap. " when this contest was created, our manager opened and expense account dedicated to it. We can bill anything we want to it. As long as we are with you The expense account will get some serious exercise. That's how we were able to pay for everything. The limo, the park and dinner." Sweet deal."

Chase spoke up then. "The Rainbow Shower Inn has A vacant penthouse. I can call them and see if they're willing to rent it out to us on such short notice." " make sure it has a king size bed." I told him.

We waited as Chase placed the call. Zayn was nibbling my earlobe. I could feel my dick throbbing and leaking.

Chase ended the call. "Good news guys. The Rainbow Showers Inn has agreed to rent out the penthouse suite to us. They gave us a discount. Normally we would have to pay 500 big ones, but since its you guys, we only have to pay 250." Chase slid the door closed and a few seconds later the floor began to vibrate.

I shifted on Zayn's lap. " don't do that too much. You mite give me a bone." Grinning I shifted again and his breath hissed out. I could feel his cock rising in response to my teasing. "Payback is hell isn't it?" His hips thrust up against my ass. " I think I will fuck you first when we get to the hotel." Zayn whispered. He thrust up a couple more times then with what I knew must've been a supreme effort of will, he stopped. We spent the rest of the trip in silence.

The ride was uneventful as we were saving our energy for when we got into the hotel room. When we got to the hotel, I traded places with the teddy bear. The lobby of the hotel was spacious and according to the boys very visually appealing. We gave our names to the receptionist. She was very excited. " I must say on the behalf of the Rainbow Shower Inn that we are very pleased to have you guys here. Let me just enter you into our system and you can go right up." I heard the quick typing of computer keys and then a few seconds later she handed us our keycard. She hesitated for a second and then asked shyly, " I wonder if I can have your autograph? Please?" Harry hung back to autograph a photo of the band while the rest of us proceeded to the elevators.

When the elevator arrived it was empty which was fortunate. We got on as a group. Harry managed to squeeze himself in just before the elevator door closed. Niall hit the button and we began to rise.

A warm pair of lips were on my neck and a hand was at my zipper. Zayn tugged my zipper down. My throbbing member was in his hand . I grunted with pleasure as he stroked it. I turned my head and found his lips with my own. He continued stroking my rigid shaft. We were still rising.

Zayn took his lips off mine. " His lips blazed a path over my jaw and down my neck. I was loving it. " I want to shove my cock deep inside you." He murmured sucking on my neck.

Zayn ran his finger over my piss slit. could this fucking thing b any slower?" I whimpered.

At that moment, the elevator dinged cheerfully and the doors slid apart. "Open the room." Zayn growled as the other boys extricated themselves.

Scooping me into his arms, Zayn left the elevator. My throbbing dick was still exposed. Giggling I said, "we'll get into trouble. We should...ah." Zayn's lips closed over mine shutting me up. Breaking the kiss, Zayn said, " has anybody told you that you talk too much?" I answered in the negative. "Well you do." Zayn informed me. " it's nothing nobody hasn't seen before."

After what seemed like hours but was only about five minutes we reached the room.

The other boys had stripped and were eagerly waiting for us. Entering the room, Zayn kicked the door shut. " somebody lock that door and for fucks sake, don't forget the dnd sign!"He barked to the room at large.

Not waiting for his instruction to be obeyed, Zayn strolled over to the bed and tossed me down.

I gasped as I hit the mattress. The boy's hands were tugging at my belt. I felt a warm body join mind on the bed. A naked warm body. Working together, Zayn and Niall had my clothes off in seconds. Zayn took my nipple into his mouth while Niall took my cock balls deep. "Fuck yeah!" Niall soon pulled off my shaft. I whimpered. " fuck boy, stop teasing me!" " why it's so much fun." Niall teased.

I understood why he pulled off my dick a second later. Pushing my legs up against my chest, Niall attacked my hole with lips and tongue.

I cried out at the new sensations. Pleasure flowed through me. I was dimly aware of Zayn moaning beside me as Liam sucked his dick.

Niall spent only a few more seconds lapping at my hole. "He's ready." "At last!"

Niall moved aside and Zayn took his place. He held my legs up and plunged rite in. We both moaned out as his 7 inches filled me. He started thrusting his hips. He was fucking me hard and fast. A dick slapped my cheek. I turned my head and took it in my mouth. Harry sighed in satisfaction. "Damn boy, you give the best head." Now I was being fucked from both ends. Across the room The same thing was happening to Niall. Louis and Liam had spit roasted the hot stud.

Meanwhile, Zayn and Harry continued to fuck my mouth and my ass. " your ass is so nice and tight." Zayn panted. Reaching down, he took hold of my drooling dick. He began stroking it in earnest. " that is so hot!" Harry grunted from above me. " show us how much you love us." Zayn said stroking my dick even faster.

I let out noises of pleasure which were muffled by the dick in my mouth. I was leaking all over my chest and Harry was leaking down my throat. I felt my balls tighten. Zayn said one word. "Cum." He gave his wrist a deft twist and I came.

My cum blasted my chest and face. My ass clamped down on Zayn's dick. Swearing loudly Zayn filled my ass with his cream. It was warm as it coded my insides. Opposite him, Harry was doing the same thing to my throat. He had shoved his dick balls deep so I wasn't able to taste his load but I could feel it going down my throat.

Across the room, Louis and Liam were pouring their seed all over Niall's face and ass. Niall had shot his load all over the towel they had placed under him for that purpose. Their balls completely drained, Harry and Zayn withdrew from my body. I gasped in a few breaths as the 2 naked boys collapsed exhausted next to me.

I snuggled with the 2 boys. "You wore us out today kiddo." Harry yawned. Zayn concurred but added, " don't know when we've had as much fun." His paw drifted over my tummy. It was still sticky from my cum. " you boys didn't clean me up." I said in a mock stern tone. " don't worry puppy bear." Zayn lay his head on my chest. "We'll do that in the morning." I fell asleep to the sounds of deep regular breathing.

An hour later or so it seemed, I jolted awake. The first thing I noticed was that only one naked guy lay next to me instead of two. The second thing I noticed was that someone had my cock in their mouth. I shifted and whimpered quietly. The mouth was removed to b replaced with a hand. It stroked my length as Zayn whispered, "good morning sleepyhead. I figured I would start your morning off right." I ran my fingers through his head fur. "Thanks sweetie." I groaned as Zayn's tongue dipped into my piss slit. Next to me Harry shifted and muttered, " I should've known Tigger would get the morning BJ." I felt a hand on my chin and hairy turned my face in his direction. "Morning puppy bear." His lips were soft as he kissed me.

Zayn reached over and took a hold of Harry's morning wood. He purred into my mouth as his band mate stroked him. I heard similar noises from the other bed. Obviously the other boys were awake. Harry pulled away and said, " I promised you that we would all fuck you. Would you like that?" I felt a thrill course through me at his words. "Hell yeah! Fuck me good!" Harry and Zayn switched places. Zayn started kissing me as Harry began to eat me out. His tongue drilled into my ass. My cry of pleasure was swallowed by Zayn who was still kissing me. Harry withdrew his tongue and called over to the other guys, "get in line. This fluffball wants to b drilled by all of us in turn."

I pulled away from Zayn and said, " doggy style. I like it doggy style."

Harry chuckled. Of course you do." I got onto hands and knees. "Woof woof." I barked just to b silly.

Harry had spread my ass wide open. He was rimming it with gusto and skill. Something touched my lips. "Suck it." Zayn encouraged. I opened my mouth and the dick slid in. "Fuck!" Zayn sighed. Harry shifted and his tongue was gone. I would've growled at him but my mouth was full of cock. A second later I felt his rod enter me. I shuttered as his warmth stretched my opening. Removing Zayn from my mouth I said, " your dick feels so good in me. Fuck me boy."

I swallowed Zayn as Harry started rocking his hips. He was fucking me slowly and it was driving me crazy. Spitting Zayn out of my mouth again, I said, "fuck me boy. Fuck me hard and fast."

Harry obeyed. He started fucking me with fast hard strokes.

The others had gathered around the bed and I found myself surrounded by horny stars. They started feeding me their cocks. I would have one dick in my mouth for a while and then that boy would pull out and b replaced with another. I quickly lost track of who I was sucking.

Harry meanwhile was pounding my ass with everything he had. His large balls slapped my ass every time he drove into me. I felt his cock hit my p-spot and my body emptied onto the sheets. My ass squeezed Harry's rod and he exploded. I felt his cock pulsing as it fired blast after blast of cream. After about a minute, he withdrew and someone else took his place.

It became a blur. I was lost in a sexual haze. I didn't know who was fucking my ass and who was in my mouth. I came 4 more times as the band each got a turn at my mouth and ass.

Finally the last boy shot his cream down my throat and I collapsed spent on the mattress.

The sheet was sticky with my multiple loads but I was too tired to care. The boys slumped all around me. " that was totally hot! Niall remarked. "Tony has one hot ass." Louis agreed. The room was silent for a few minutes. Presently, Liam spoke up. " I think we just have enough time to get cleaned up, dressed, and take this puppy bear home."

I lifted my head from the pillow. " is our time over already?" Liam crawled over to me and pulled me against him. " unfortunately the contract pacifically states only 24 hours. We would love to stay but rules are rules." Niall crawled up next to us. "We had a lot of fun with you." I could tell that he was sincere. " look on the bright side. You have this entire experience documented." I turned to him. "What you mean?" He sounded startled. " didn't you know? Every second of our time together has been filmed. It was one of the stipulations in the contest rules. It was meant to ensure our safety and integrity as well as that of the contestant." I grinned. " what about the sex stuff we've been doing?" "Every second." Niall repeated. "Hot." Liam joined us. " don't forget those two plush animals you have." I smiled. " where are they?" "Chase is looking after them." Niall assured me.

While we had been talking, the other boys had taken showers and gotten dressed. Liam and Niall carried me into the tub. Liam turned on the water to rinse off the dry cum. Once he had gotten all of it, he and Liam took turns soaping me up. Liam washed my asshole. I jumped when he touched it. It was kind of sore from the invasion of cocks. They rinsed me again and I washed them in return.

When we exited the bathroom we discovered that someone had ordered room service. "I'm starving!" I exclaimed. I dug into a plate of bacon, eggs, ham, and pancakes. When I finished, I asked "did any of you boys wear undergear?" "Only me." Liam answered. "Are you wearing them rite now?" He snickered. " wouldn't you like to know." I scowled. "Yes I would! I would like to keep them." The whole group found this highly amusing.

Liam got up and crossed the room. He returned and handed me a pair of silky Bikini briefs. I felt my dick stir. Examining the underwear, I discovered much to my delight that they had a fly. "Very cool!" Liam ruffled my head fur. "Silly boy." I pulled them on and found they fit very well. "Could you guys sign these?" I stripped them off and each member of One Direction signed the back in permanent marker.

After that, I got back into my threads and we exited the suite .

" The longer I do my job, The more I realize, that humans lack good mirrors. It's so hard for anyone to show us how we look, so hard for us to show others how we feel.

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