24 7 365 with Mark

By Greg A

Published on Apr 25, 2012


Disclaimer: This story is fiction, any names or situations are coincidental and not attributed to anyone in real life past or present. Although, I wish the story was real ;)

Thank you all for the feedback. I will try and have less grammatical errors in my future writings.

24/7/365 with Mark Part 3:

...He jizzed in me again, but this time with fewer loads, but the fuck was just as intense as the last time. He was definitely exhausted now. He pushed me to my knees again and I automatically took his cock in my mouth and started cleaning it.

"Look at me when your sucking my dick" Said Mark, so I obeyed with a hard cock leaking precum.

I never thought I would actually be happy being on my knees servicing a Master that owned me, but this was real, and it make me feel complete. Once I was done cleaning Mark's cock, he grabbed the chain and led me to the bathroom where he started a bath. As he waited for the bath to fill up, Mark grabbed a hair trimmer and began trimming my head. He started with a number 3 clip, but once nothing else was coming off with that clip he used a zero number clip. The zero clip hurt my scalp horrendously. It scrapped and pulled my scalped, but I dared not to protest of fidget too much. I feared Mark's punishments more than I did the clips, and besides, I wanted to show Mark what a good slave I was. Once My head was trimmed, he grabbed a shaving a razor and some shaving cream and shaved my ass. My head and ass were nice and clean shaven/trimmed. I couldn't wait for for Mark to shave my crotch. But my expectations were soon gone. Mark while getting in the tub said "Grab the razor and shaving cream, shave your pits, your chest, your belly, your legs, tighs, face and crotch. And when you're doing your crotch, do not touch your dick, go around it, or else." I did what I was told while Mike relaxed in the nice steamy bath.

When I was done, I stared at the mirror in shock and awe at the transformation that had occurred. I was a moderately hairy person and now I was smooth from top to bottom. I felt degraded. I felt subhuman, I was a slave. Mike got out of the tub to inspect me, to make sure I didn't miss a spot. I did an acceptable job to Mark and he allowed me to get in the tub to wash off the excess hair stubs from my body, but he also unplugged the tub, so whatever water was there was beginning to drain. Mark laughed at how pathetic I looked. I looked so exposed, and so much smaller now that my body hair was gone. I somehow felt and looked less equal to marks body and stature now that my hair was gone. Once Mark finished gloating himself over me, he ordered me to open my mouth. I knew what was coming. I had drank my own piss before, and knew I wasn't a fan of it. But I had no choice in this. Luckily for me, Mark wasn't really aiming for my mouth, but he wanted to coat my whole body with his piss. My guess was that he was going to leave me to dry with his piss stench all night. He first started missing in my mouth and I tried to swallow as much as I could, then he aimed for the top of my head and I felt the piss run down my whole body. It was really warm and really potent. He made sure my back was soaked in miss along with my legs and stomach, and the then he mostly concentrated on my crotch. Once he was done embarrassing me even more he left the room, and turned off the lights without saying a word. I herd him lock the door from the outside. I figured this was it for the night and tried my best to go to sleep.

I woke up with a mask over my head as I was being carried away by who I was hoping was Mark. I felt a few doors open and felt a strong breeze and I figured I must be outside now. The stench of the piss filled my nostril to remind me of the actions of earlier. I wasn't sure if it was morning or if it was still dark out. I herd the pickup truck door open and I was dropped on the floor of the back seat. And a blanket was placed over me. It was then that I realized that I was handcuffed from behind. The bondage, the disorientation and the piss stench gave my cock a quick jerk, followed by a stinging pain. Mark must had placed a chastity belt on my cock before I woke up. I would just have to get used to it. But even the discomfort of the contraption could not contain my erection. If anything the belt only made my cock get harder, or atlas try to get hard.

The ride only lasted a few minutes. Mark pick me up from the back of the truck and dropped me on my knees, but before I could get myself confortable, I felt a tug on the chain that jerked me towards Mark. As we entered the building Mark muttered "stay quite, and do as your told"

I herd another man say "thats him?, nice piece of ass just leave him over there while we talk over here" I herd distant murmurs but I couldn't quite make out what was being said, specially since I had the mask on. I had no idea what was going to happen to me. I got scared. I felt so vulnerable, what was Mark planning on doing with me here with this man? I then herd a door open and my chained being tugged again. I followed and I ended up back outside. My mask was removed and I saw a tall bearded man with tattoos all over his body, and piercings too. I saw Mark get in his truck, start it and drive away. I panicked. I tried to get up but the tattoed brute just kicked me back down and placed his boot over my head. He got as close as he could and said "Your mine for the next few hours so just calm your ass down and this will be over real fast." At that moment I felt so betrayed by Mark. I started to weep. The man only laughed at my misery and pulled me to my feet. I was in an alley behind a tattoo and piercing parlor and it all made sense now.

The man said "Don't worry faggot, I'm only here to do some stuff on you, Mark's too territorial to share his toys with anyone, he'll be back shortly. Now stay still" He grabbed a hose and began spraying me with cold water. "I have to rinse that piss off of you before I do anything like this" he said. I just stood there taking whatever was lashed out at me. Once he felt I was clean, he took me inside. He tied me down on a table and began disinfecting my nipples with alcohol. Both my nipples were pierced sporting circled rings that could be used to leash me to things. The same happened to my nose. I was now sporting a nose ring similar to that of my nipples. I was in so much pain that when it was time to pierce my cock it wasn't even hard. My prince albert hurt like no other. But It wasn't up to me, it was up to Mark now. He dictated my body. and if he wanted my like this, then I just had to oblige with it.

------------- to be continued.... -------------

Sorry this wasn't as exiting as my last two. I just needed to build into the story. But expect great things in the next one. Also, sorry it took so long for me to keep writing. I was busy exploring my own submissive side.

Next: Chapter 4

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