By Bruce Turner

Published on Sep 13, 2023



Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Mett pointed to the bench and when I approached it, bent me over.

"Jamaal, take the cuffs on the four legs of the saw horse and fasten your master down tightly. I haven't been in one of these since they were built. There have been some changes." Mett ran his hands over some of the whips and paddles hanging from the wall, I thought maybe he was going to give me my first paddling to follow his gift..

I think my Master was trying to teach me that although Jamaal would be my slave he would answer to him, first. I could have let it make me feel more embarrassed but I didn't, Jamaal needed to know that I would obey my Master, if that meant having him obey Mehmet first, so be it. I just hoped that he would not have my slave punish me..

"Jamaal, stand here." He was a step or two behind me Beside Mett.

"Don't look away. That is your Master's asshole." I was glad that I had taken time in the diner to be sure I was clean outside and at least the first few inches inside. I had always thought bidets were for women to clean their parts not boys to clean their assholes., however they were convenient when you didn't have access to a shower.

"I will be fucking your Master's asshole at least once a day but most of the time I will be fucking him at least twice. I'm telling you this so you know that I expect my slave to be just like you see, hairless and spotless." My Master was running a finger over my hole, causing unexpected quivering to rush through my body.

I don't know when but Mett had pushed Jamaal onto his knees between my legs. He was closer than I would have expected, I could feeling him panting. His breath was hot even on a day that had exceeded 110 degrees.

"Your Master enjoys me fucking him." He said that for an unknown reason but it may have been so that my slave didn't think Mehmet was punishing or hurting me when he fucked me. "He also enjoys having his asshole licked to get him prepared for me to fuck him. He may be shy about telling you that, now you know and will be expected to do it whenever he snaps his fingers. Jamaal it is going to be one of your jobs to keep his asshole clean and when we let you know it is time to fuck to work his ass into a fever with your tongue." Do you understand what I am telling you, Jamaal, I have seen that your tongue is much longer than mine, you will be licking your master's asshole as often as he thinks you should."

"I never."

"He knows that, so do I. But we are in here for you to learn as well as for me putting a load of cum in your master." There was a hardness in Mett's voice that I had never heard. Jamaal must have heard it, too.

"What do I do, Prince Mehmet?" His breathing had slowed but now I was feeling every exhalation tickling the skin close to my asshole. Had I still had hair the individual strands would have been waving like seaweed.

"First, I want to see you limber up your tongue. Stick it out, flick it around, try touching your chin, you nose, either ear. Now flick it around some more. Let me see how far out you can stick it. Ali he is going to make you so ready for me." I could see his tongue when he stretched to reach his chin, Mett was right Jamaal was going to get me ready to be fucked.

"Now, Jamaal, approach the target discreetly. Lick up the side of your Master's crack on one side of his asshole without touching it and then lick back down the other side. Do that a few times getting closer to his asshole with each swipe of your tongue. You are teasing him but he will not be angry with you, it makes when you finally push in that much more enjoyable.

"Now, start licking in circles around his asshole." He was driving me crazy. I didn't care whom at the moment, I wanted something in my asshole.

"Are you ready to drive him over the edge?" I could feel Jamaal nod his head even though he didn't take his tongue off me. "First lightly run your tongue up the slit. Do that a couple times. Listen to those moans, he is enjoying what you're doing. Do this right and he will give your tongue access whenever he is horny.

"Okay, start applying a little pressure with the tip of your tongue. A little more each time you run your tongue over your Master's asshole. If you feel the ring start giving way you need to stop moving your tongue back and forth and start pushing it in. In a little and back out, then in again more as you open him up for your whole tongue.

"You can continue to press in little by little or you might think it is time to push your tongue in as deeply as your can. You want his asshole to be loosening up for your tongue, you won't be able to push too far in if he is still tight." Mett had his hands on my butt slightly pressuring each cheek, I think he was trying to see the tongue sliding in and out of me.

"God, it feels like he has his cock in me." It didn't feel like Mett's cock but it did feel like I had more than just a tongue up my ass.

"Jamaal, it sounds like you are learning to please your Master. For the next few minutes keep doing what it is you are doing right now." Mett had talked Jamaal through the tight ass ring, I could feel his tongue flicking about inside me. It wasn't as great as having Mett fuck me, but it is so much better than anticipation."

"Ali, lift your head." He couldn't stand and force his cock into my mouth but kneeling on the pad Mett slid most of his cock in. I was able to move up and down a little touching his cock head to my epiglottis, a lesson from camp came to me and I started humming a song Chuckles and I had sung at the camp out many years earlier.

"No, Ali, you are not getting two consecutive loads of cum in your stomach. I want your ass." He was true to his word and pulled away.

"Okay, Jamaal, it is time for you to move you mouth to my asshole."

I couldn't see if he actually did or hear anything from Mett that let me know about getting a tongue he was too busy fucking me. He did unlike any of the other times he fucked me and went from the tip of his dick touching my asshole to ramming me to his pubis in one stroke. Jamaal had left me needing that. Mett didn't slow down for at least ten minutes, he fucked me with long strokes, hitting hard as he touched home every time. I had been too excited by having Chuckles' tongue in my asshole (it had been thirteen years since I first thought I would like to do something with him), it didn't take much of being stroked by Mett for me to dump a load of cum on the floor.

I felt the first splash of cum barely inside my ass and then the next four splashes on my asshole. He had never shot there before, I howled in pleasure when the hot seed splattered on my asshole and drained down to my balls.

"Jamaal, it is time for you to clean up after your master and his. First you should always lick up any cum I have left behind." Jamaal must have gotten a taste for ass, he dove into mine licking up Mett's cum and trying to digging his tongue into me to find any cum my Master had shot inside, if Mett hadn't spoken I think Jamaal would have been getting me ready to be fucked again. That would have been fine although the door would fly open when the time was over exposing anyone caught unprepared.

"Once you have cleaned all of my cum off of and out of your Master it is time to see if he has shot a load of his cum and lick it up." I could see under the bench as Jamaal lapped at the floor pad cleaning up my last load.

"Unfasten your Master." I was a little light headed from being bent over for half hour but it only took a minute to clear up as I leaned against Jamaal's shoulder.

"Ali, it is a good thing to leave your slave unsatisfied some if not most of the time. He will be more eager to satisfy your needs." By that time Mett was dressed and waiting for us to tie the long laces of our sandals, I could never have known he was speaking the truth from the number of times he would fuck me during a night, did he think I wanted more than four times?

If I hadn't needed to get up and go to training everyday I might have been ready for him to fuck me more. Angelo had been trying to convince me a butt plug would hold back some of that desire. Honestly I didn't want to have any less desire to be fucked by my Master.

"We have about ten minutes to meet the Realtor."

"Mett, who are those men sitting in front of the sandal shop?" They were more disreputable than anyone I had seen since leaving America.

"They are enforcers for hire. If you didn't think you were able to punish your slave as much as you thought they need your could hire one or two of them. If you haven't learned to use a whip well enough by the first time you need to whip Jamaal that is where you will go to find a man that can do it for you." Both Jamaal and I took a long look at the men. I didn't think there was anything he could do that would make me hire them.

Mett waved down one of the luxury buses. There were only about six seats, raised above the ground about four feet. He explained that he wanted to hire the bus for the next three hours and where the first place was that we needed to go. The driver acted upset and was on his mobile talking to the base by the time we had moved two hundred feet. Mett explained that the buses were self-driving so if the driver wanted to be releaved for the rest of the day the company would have him picked up. We picked up the Realtor and dropped off the driver at the first stop.

"Prince Mehmet, I have only found two houses that might work for what you said you have in mind without any major remodeling needed, I haven't seen the interior of either. I'll show you them first and if you are not sold on either one we will look at two that have the space to expand but will need quite a lot of work to make into what you want." It sounded like the Realtor wanted Mett to chose one of the first two but why when he hadn't seen them was a mystery.

The first house we looked at was distinguished from the others on the street in that rather than the pale desert color it was pure white. It was set back from the end of the street by at least two hundred feet. There would be room for the parking the Agency parties required. Inside, the house had not been cared for, it would take a complete remodeling job. There were a couple things that Mett really liked including the three traditional lawns and an area blocked off from neighbors that held a hot tub that would seat at least twelve people. There was a dressing room in a gazebo by the hot tub which was in better shape than the house.

The second house was larger. The exterior was as much glass as solid material, I would have guessed it was considered modern when built. It was not bordered by a neighbor, it was maybe a mile south of the Twenty-Second Century City right along the Gulf. There was a wonderful view of the water and beach. He wanted to do a few things that would refresh the house but otherwise it was what he thought we needed. Along with every thing else he wanted there was an extension off one end of the house that held rooms for the servants. For a little while I felt like a bride being shown the first house she and her husband were to live in, it wasn't that bad of a feeling.

I didn't pay too much attention to the business of buying the house but I knew that by the time we were back in the bus that Mett had made an offer for it. We dropped off the Realtor, went to the Doctor's office to find only one Hummer and one driver/guard. It sounded like Mett was going to blow a gasket as he chewed out the guard, I had never heard him yelling at the guards or drivers before and quaked. He refused to leave the parking garage until his other Hummer arrived and we were able to divide up.

Finally, I was alone with Jamaal/Chuckles.

"When we reach the palace we will not be allowed to speak in front of the family. If you have any questions about what is about to happen to you ask quickly." We were in the Hummer that had the rear seats removed and replaced with pillows. I lay on the thicker pillow and had pushed Jamaal into a position where his mouth was within inches of my cock. I wasn't comfortable giving him orders yet, but pushing him into a position that I liked was not a problem.

Mett had had the pair of us pose for him while we were in the house we were examining. Yes it had been humiliating to simulate sex in front of the Realtor, still I had stayed erect for most of the hour we moved through the house he had decided should be our new home. There was very little in the way of furniture in the house, Jamaal and I had filled that role while the Realtor and Mett discussed expanding the slave quarters. Mett had never used me as a seat before that. Having his whole weight on my back instead of spread across my body was uncomfortable, but in training we had been told that a slave's life would not necessarily be comfortable. I know I blushed when he farted on my back, what was I becoming? Or was?

"You said we would be staying here tonight. Do you think we will be allowed to sleep together? I was required to sleep with my other owner and if he needed to piss during the night I was made to drink it."

"My Master has yet to have me drink his piss. My Master uses Angelo that way every morning, you will be expected to do as Angelo does." I said that not catching that I was insinuating that I would be using his mouth as a urinal. I could feel the smile spreading my face as well as a blush, I had never thought of it but now that we were talking about piss I really wanted to fill his belly with my urine. Where that desire came from I have no idea, but it it is there and since Jamaal is my slave I will fulfill my desire. Could it have been sitting dormant since that morning at the camp out when we stood side by side crossing swords?

It was going to take us at least forty minutes to cross town and drive out to the oasis where the palace sat. Our lives had been reduced to sex, so why not? I rolled over onto my stomach.

"Jamaal, I want to know if you remember the training my Master gave you." If I was going to need to give him an order I would, but I really wanted him to start licking my asshole without the need to be ordered. Just like thirteen years previous I wanted Chuckles to do what I wanted without needing direction, after all I was new to this, too.

At first he pushed my legs apart and I had the feeling that he wanted to fuck me not lick my asshole. What would that be like? He only had a short cock but it was enough that I would feel it. Did slave owners ever allow their slaves to fuck them? Their must be more than one slave owner that does, some of the other slaves in Camp (50) were being trained to fuck and Mett had said that there were men hoping that the long-jumper was one of them, he was being watched and bid on in hopes that he would become a great fucker. I knew that Jones enjoyed fucking, from what he had told us at the house it was always women. I had the feeling from what he said while we were waiting to be processed that if there was only a man to fuck he would make the best of it.

Before I felt anything else Jamaal's curly blond hair tickled my butt. I hoped his hair remained curly as it grew because if it did I had no intention of ever having it cut, it was so soft and sexy. Moments later he was rubbing between my butt cheeks with his facial cheeks and kissing as he moved around. Then I felt his tongue start approaching my asshole, if there was ever a reason to own a slave Mett had introduced me to the reason and bought me the boy he thought would be able to satisfy my needs, a need he had awakened himself.

When Jamaal's tongue first grazed my asshole I know I moaned, but I was still thinking about owning my own slave and had a hard time deciding if it was Chuckles or Jamaal with his tongue pressuring my hole. I opened up for him so easily I knew I would have rather been fucked right then. He worked his tongue in and out of my asshole so vigorously that it could have been a short cock, but definitely longer than either Mett's or Angelo's tongue. He had me hard, I fucked the pillow beneath me wanting to unload.

"The palace is within sight." That was one of the first times that a driver had ever spoken to me. I understood he was telling me that we needed to stop what we were doing but it took me a few minutes to order Jamaal to stop and sit up.

"There is ice in the bar if you feel the need to get rid of your erections." Why he was being so nice I didn't understand but I agreed it would be best if we didn't walk from the Hummer to the palace with our cocks pointing the way.

"Have you brought me a slave, Mehmet?" Ahmed had fallen into lust the moment he saw Jamaal stepping out of the Hummer. He was approaching us with intent.

"Ahmed, the slave is the personal servant of Ali. Angelo will be training him. You are not to touch him unless Ali gives you permission or Jamaal the order." Ahmed rushed back into the palace slamming past Angelo and knocking the door from the doorman's hands. We were going to have trouble if we lived in the same house.

"Ali, remember what you did at the Doctor's? To keep Ahmed under control you may need to do it again or possibly repeatedly. Did you enjoy it enough to satisfy Ahmed?"

To satisfy a horny teenager and a newly purchased slave? Plus give up my ass to my own over-sexed Master. I could see me withering away to nothing from so much sex.


"Is that any way to answer your master?" He wasn't angry, I could tell he was thinking about what was passing on my face and was stifling laughter.

"We don't need another slave or servant in this house." Mett's father had taken one look at Jamaal before he started yelling at his son. My Master stood taking the abuse as a good son should until it got to be too much.

"Father, I arranged to buy my own house this afternoon. Jamaal is here for Angelo to train to be the personal servant for Ali. Within the month we will be moving to Twenty-Second Century City, Ahmed has asked to move with us and I have agreed. I personally own Angelo although he serves the family, if he wishes to come with me I will gladly have him as my Major-domo."

Angelo knelt at his feet and his father snorted before entering the palace. It was the first time I had seen any familial disagreements in the palace other than Ahmed's teen age angst causing him to fight with his father. Rather than the normally raucous dinner there was no speaking among the family members. I stood to the rear of the room whispering to Jamaal what was expected seconds before we needed to serve the family or remove dishes. I had a hard time keeping Jamaal away from the father and Ahmed.

I knew there had been a custom among their people that the senior member of the family would be cleansed by whomever he chose at the end of the meal. Since I had been in the palace I had never seen it happen. Before anyone rose the father called to Ahmed.

"Get the heated cloths son, I need you to wash me."

I was shocked. The father had been no more authoritarian than any American father up until that time but what was he doing to his teenager? I had been made to believe the custom only involved hands and face but the father ordered his son to begin at his feet. Once Ahmed thought he was ready to move on, his father ordered his to sniff his feet to see if they were really clean or if he needed to get another warm cloth and start again. Ahmed was blushing as he restarted running the warm cloths between his father's toes and rubbed the soles.

"Are they clean enough that you would kiss them, Ahmed?" Once more Ahmed lowered his nose to his father's feet and sniffed. Perhaps he was trying to gain the initiative but to my surprise Ahmed lowered himself all the way and kissed both of his father's feet. He then knelt for Angelo to give him new cloths before he could wash his father's hands.

Next: Chapter 9

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