By Bruce Turner

Published on Sep 9, 2023



Chapter 6

"Put him in the green dishdasha from Persia. I will be with Ahmed in the breakfast room." Mehmet must have been happy to be home, he had fucked me four times before we slept and again when we woke.

"Yes, you may eat the cum out of his ass, Angelo." I guessed by this that Mehmet was not that angry that Angelo had given me a boost the evening before.

"Does this mean I am not going back to the camp this morning?" I wasn't normally dressed in one of our Master's dishdashas so there had to be something special happening. Angelo didn't answer me, he was busy burrowing for the cum in my ass. It felt so great that I was moaning too much to worry about what was happening next.

"Mehmet, how are we supposed to know who is who? He already looks so much like you I would be confused unless I stood next to you and sniffed you. He smells so much nicer than you." I had heard Angelo say the same thing out of the hearing range of Mehmet I thought he smelled just fine, real manly if you must.

Mehmet swatted at his brother. I had noticed that most of the men in the palace didn't seem to care much about how they smelled. Unlike his father and brothers Mehmet did shower daily and use an expensive cologne even if he did not use an anti-antiperspirant or deodorant.

I had yet to learn that I would love to lick out his pits as long as he stayed with that regimen. We had only begun the training in the full exploration of a man's body. I had yet to find a body part that drew me to it, although I did find myself enjoying running my tongue up a man's back and kissing his butt cheeks more than licking legs.

"We're going to have our bodies scanned at the plastic surgeon's office this morning. Since I have the day off we will also have our first laser treatment. I noticed last night you are slightly prickly, have they not been shaving you every few days?"

"They shave us every third day, Master."

"About that. While we are in public I want you to call me Mett. Although slavery is legal here there are still many of my countrymen that think it is an abomination for us to own anyone other than the traditional slaves we have had from Africa. Slaves like Angelo are consistently abducted by their government, thinking that they are only here as servants and free to leave anytime.

"Is that what you think, Angelo?"

"No, Master. I belong to your family and will remain here until your father either has me executed or sells me." He was busy trying to keep up with the brothers' empty plates. I could only eat half of what either of them ate.

I don't know why but Mehmet began explaining Angelo's situation in the house., "Angelo sold himself into slavery. His family wanted to emigrate to America and needed the money. I had met him serving as a scrub boy in the baths. Once he knew that I would allow him to suck my cock he would run to greet me. He must have sucked my cock a hundred times before he asked about becoming a slave to my family."

"One hundred and sixteen, Master."

"You can tell he really likes my cock. I think the rest of the family will be sad and fight me if I try to take him with me when I find a new place for Ahmed and I to live. I think Mohammad will be more upset that he wants to go than Ahmed wanting to leave. Maybe you should start licking our brother's feet, Ahmed."

"I won't do anything for that cow."

"But you will drink my piss?"

"That is right."

"You are going to turn into a real little fag boy aren't you?"

"If you'll let me go to the camps and get some training." Ahmed would be a real prize for any of the slaves, I'm sure he would have gotten as much cock as he would ever want.

"I thought you said that Angelo had taught you everything?"

"But my ass is still virgin. He wouldn't fuck me, he did show me how to clean out my asshole in case I find a picky prick." Ahmed had grabbed hold of Angelo by his cock and wasn't letting him do his job with one hand and had his other hand trying to grab his brother..

"Angelo, under the table. I suppose everyone is ready to piss." Angelo had a big smile when he crawled out from under the table. He always did when he was permitted to drink Mehmet's piss, that morning he was allowed Ahmed's, too.

It is strange riding in two different vehicles when you are going to the same place at the same time. I wasn't even allowed to walk across the lobby of the building at the same time as my Master. He said it wasn't that he was afraid of anything happening to us but that at some time in the future someone might remember seeing him with a duplicate and endanger both our lives. Sitting in the plastic surgeons examination room chairs waiting for the man was perhaps the first time that Mett spoke to me as nearly an equal. I was learning that he is a very caring man, worried about his brother and any number of other people that are affected by him having agreed to the program that required me to appear as him in public or as his sex double. About halfway through our conversation he switched to French. There was no segue so I had to stop and think for a few minutes but I was then back up to speed in a few minutes.

"Prince Mehmet, will you please remove your clothes. Sir, you too." I don't know what I expected the doctor to be like but he wasn't. The Dr. was a few inches too tall to be considered a dwarf and properly proportioned. He stood in his office a few feet behind his desk watching us discard our dishdashas. Brushing up against Mehmet accidentally made me even more aware of how similar our bodies are.

"Yes, yes, yes. I remember this cock so very well. I am glad to see that you have been taking care of it." They both laughed at that and so did I when the Dr. turned and saw a second cock that was a mirror image of the first.

"If you don't close your mouth one of us may fill it for you, Dr." Jolted from his momentary trance he reached out and caressed both of our cocks.

"I never believed that there was a heaven on Earth, but it seems I was wrong." He continued stroking us until we were both erect.

"There is nothing I can do about the half inch difference here but you have the weights you'll need to drop his testicles?" I felt like a horse being examined for sale once again and hate being referred to in the third person or as if I am not capable of understanding.

"I thought we'd start that process when we leave here today." I had been told I would be wearing weights but I didn't know the time was already here. I was still wearing the cock ring, I wongered if they would interfere with each other.

"How close together are you in age?"

"He is two years younger than me. Does that make a difference?"

"Only in that I would suggest that he doesn't wear the weights for more than six or eight weeks." The man had moved over to me, bent down,was thoroughly examining my ball sac and pulled the loose skin to the side..

"Uncanny. Shall we start the examination?" I thought he had already started examining me more than would be necessary.

"Doctor, the machines...." The man standing in the doorway couldn't have looked more surprised. Shaking off his shock he walked to Mehmet.

"Cousin, if they had let me know this was going to be you and your slave I would have made sure there were more assistants here, at least Angelo." he kissed his cousin on both cheeks before pulling him into an embrace.

"Hamid, I was only approved to have one assistant today. The Agency wants this to be kept secret. If there had been anyone else here I'm afraid of what the Agency might have done to them." Hamid had not released the hug he had on his cousin, I had the feeling he had held Mehmet when he was naked sometime in the past. When Hamid released Mehmet it appeared as if he had maybe nbot completely stood erect but almost all the way.

The walk to the room holding the machines was silent. Sitting in a room that must have occupied at least three quarte3rs of the Dr's space were two identical Rube Goldberg type machines that were not only warm but noisy and glowing with lots of different sized lights. The scanners could have been evolved from MRI's, X-ray machine or airport scanners with an ultra-scan thrown in for the fun of it. I hadn't thought too much of the idea of this exam, but now that I was looking at the odd machine I started to shiver.

"Mehmet, are you sure this isn't a twin that your father has been hiding from the extended family? He not only looks like you but has the same facial expressions." Hamid was examining me in ways that the machines never could., it was disconcerting; he was one of the people that would always be able tot ell the difference.

"Before we start Prince Mehmet, I apologize for any indignity that occurs today. This is going to be an extreme physical requiring many contortions of both your bodies. Please accept my apology. Since you are both fully erect I would think that we should start with that part of the exam. If you would both step up to your machine and set your cock on that blue shelf." It did look like a shelf (covered in velvet) that had been raised hydraulically from the floor.

"Interesting that even with the slight length difference you weigh the same. Hamid, put their balls on the shelf, too." The man was drooling at the thought of touching his cousin. Or me? It was the softest touch I had felt other than Angelo's tongue.

"Press your bodies against the glass, please." The machine whirled and gurgled, slightly lifting the shelf, in front of us I could see two sets of computer screens that flashed green. A minute later one showed red.

A few seconds later an images of our balls and cock showed up. Hamid took what I assumed was a screen shot, the Dr. was murmuring under his breath.

"Cousin, have you fucked your slave?" I didn't think it was an idle question, Hamid was bent over a key board entering data. I was pleased that Mehmet scowled at him before answering. I'm sure I blushed at the blatant question.

"Yes." I was pleased that he gave the most basic answer, he could have answered his cousin with locker room braggadocio telling him how often he fucked me every night.

"This isn't meant to be insulting, cousin. Have you allowed him to fuck you? I apologize, the Agency needs to know if your slave has fucked. Again apologies." Hamid did really look like he was apologetic and sorry to have asked.

"He has not." Was there some expectation that I might have? How interesting. Mett hadn't even allowed me to lick or touch his asshole yet.

"You know that I can't take that much cock. Who should we have him fuck? One of your slave trainees?" I knew that wasn't going to happen. Why had Hamid made a point of the fact that he can't take that much cock?

"Is there a place where the other man won't be able to see who is fucking him?" Mehmet was thinking about somebody we knew.

"We can arrange that. It is a shame that I can't take that much cock." Again making the point? There must be a sexual history between them that included Mehmet attempting to fuck his cousin. They would make a good looking couple.

"If you really wanted to Hamid, you could." It was said in such a way that dismissed Hamid's objections. There was more than just a sexual history there, I felt the emotional strain in Mehmet's voice and saw it in his look. "Do you think Ali thought he was going to be able to take my entire cock the first time he saw it? Anyway, call the palace and have them send Angelo here, he can take more cock than either of us have."

"Prince Mehmet I apologize again. I think this has to do with previous partners that might find themselves in your slave's bed." The Doctor was wave a purple rod. "This isn't just a solid rod, it can measure how hard your ass muscles clamps down. " The mechanical arms that were holding our arms manipulated us into a jack knife position with our assholes exposed to Hamid." I was beginning to get used to having my ass exposed.

"It's been many years, cousin." I am not sure but I think Mett blushed at the idea anyone knew that his cousin had seen and maybe done more with his asshole. Mett reached for my hand as he watched the Doctor approach with the rods.

"Be gentle."

He might have been gentle with Mett but he certainly wasn't gently sticking that rod into my asshole. After all of the examining and talk I could have taken it anyway it was shoved into me, I wanted Mett in me and nearly called out for him to fuck me.

"Come on, Mehmet is that all the harder you can clamp down? Your slave is squeezing the rod twice as hard as you are. You are barely squeezing hard enough to make a dick feel it."

"I don't get fucked"

"Then why is your duplicate required to get fucked? The Agency must think you will get in situations where you are going to get fucked."

"Yes, so I don't get fucked. He will take those cocks for me." Mett sounded pretty angry with his cousin. I was sure there was a history there that Mett didn't want me, the Doctor or the Agency knowing. The left hand computer started flashing and sounding like a drowning man, I had started to squeeze as hard as I can wishing I was alone with my Master.

"Ali, let go of the rod." I hadn't been thinking about how hard I was squeezing the rod in my ass, I was more concerned with what my Master was saying.

"That was the first one of these that has ever been destroyed. Slave, you need to learn to control that muscle or you might tear a cock right off a man." All three of them laughed but I had the impression that the Doctor had been somewhat serious, there may also have been a hint of desire in what he was saying.

"Prince Mehmet, there is just the testing of the slave as a fucker and you can leave. You don't need to stay for that if you'd rather Hamid takes you into the laser room and does your first hair removal treatment.

"I'll wait." Hamid had disappeared. The Dr. and Mett had a talk about the test with most of the questions being answered by saying the Agency would give him the results when they were fully compiled. He admitted that we are both extremely healthy and that there shouldn't be any questions. He did tell Mett that all the adjustments were not going to be to my body, there were a couple things that could only be made identical by adjusting him.

"While you're waiting for the results I suggest that you join the slave on his runs. How far is he running?"


"Master, I am running ten miles three times a week and four miles the other four days."

"Prince Mehmet, that explains the BMI. You have a lot of work to do to catch up. I am not certain the two of you will be ready for the first mission."

"We should be okay, that first mission will not have us meeting anyone that I have ever bedded. Ali will mostly be expected to have a few informal discussions and be seen entering and exiting the hotel where the Agency will be prepping him."

"Dr., the boy is here." We followed the doctor back past his office to a room that I thought looked like any room I had ever seen in the movies for sperm collection, there were a couple porn magazines and a television screen with porn discs on top.

"That's not Angelo." Mett, went out through the waiting room and a few seconds later the ass was no longer in the hole. We could hear him yelling.

"What the fuck are you doing here? I sent for Angelo. Do you fucking think you know everything that boy does about getting a cock in your ass? Have you even been fucked? You told me you hadn't a few days ago." Evidently Ahmed was trying to fill in for Angelo and Mehmet wasn't going to have it. I thought it might be nice, that being the first time I think I actually thought about wanting to fuck a boy's asshole

"Angelo is off with our father. I didn't know what he was needed for. I thought I'd come and tell you that but Hamid didn't recognize me and rushed me into here and ordered me to pull up my dishdasha. Then he slapped some greasy stuff on my asshole and told me to wait."

"Dr., would you come here?"

"What would you like us to do?"

I hoped they let Ahmed put his ass back in the hole, since the night of Mett's party I had been thinking that it might be interesting to see what being with Ahmed would be like but honestly I hadn't thought I would ever get to fuck him. I had been thinking of either sucking his dick or having him fuck me but the idea of fucking him had my cock leaking precum as hard as I do when Mehmet licks my asshole. Hoping that maybe I would influence the decision I stuck my cock through the hole where Ahmed's ass had been staring at me.

It had been more than five minutes and my erection had started to subside. I don't shrink that much when not erect but I think Ahmed was alarmed at the idea I would not be hard any longer. I felt a mouth forced over the head of my cock and a hand reach down to play with my balls. It couldn't be Mett, he would never let Ahmed see him sucking his slave (he hadn't sucked my cock at that point). I doubted it would be the Dictor or his assistant, they both had something to lose in a nation that was still pretty homophobic.

"Come on, Ahmed. Turn around and let me fuck your virgin ass. You know you want me to take your cherry." He was having difficulty forcing his mouth down more than half way on my cock, but it did feel good. I spotted a tube of lube on a counter to my right and handed it through the hole to Ahmed, he knew what I was telling him. He couldn't have been being watched too closely by his brother because he quickly had my cock lubed and moved so that his tight little asshole was pressing hard against the head of my cock.

I didn't want him using me like a dildo so I moved back slowly until his ass was against the wall again. I grabbed hold of him by the hips and pushed the head into him. I heard him scream, that must have attracted the others' attention because it felt as if he was being pulled off my cock. I wasn't going to have that, I jabbed harder and pulled his hips as hard as I could. He was yelling, I didn't know if he was wanting me to stop or was trying to get his brother to let go. I was against the wall. Half way in his ass when something happened in the other room and Ahmed pushed back on his side of the wall nearly knocking me from my feet. I was held up by my cock which had pulled out almost to the head. As soon as I was stable I pushed back into him and went all the way to the base.

His ass was tighter than I'd thought it would be. The Doctor came into the room on my side of the wall and saw that I was fully in Ahmed. Mett couldn't have known what he said but he urged me to fill the boy with my cum. It would be my second load while in his office, the first I had stroked out standing in front of my Master so the volume could be measured. I hoped the Dr. didn't add it to what I was sure was the nitrogen container used by sperm banks I had seen in a room we'd passed on our way to this room. It didn't last long, I shot a good load into Ahmed before Mehmet pulled me out of his little brother.

Next: Chapter 7

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