By Bruce Turner

Published on Sep 9, 2023



Just a quick reminder this is my story not to be confused with any other. If you have any extra dollars, Nifty is run on contributions.


Chapter 5

We were about a half hour early so Angelo started me on Yoga training that he promised would help make me more agile. I am not sure I want to be as agile as he is, not only can he suck his own balls but he can get his nose in his asshole. Wow! What would it be like to lick your own asshole? All he did when I asked was smile. It seems like a lot of work for the pleasure, but if I can get to where I can lick my own ass I may think it is worth all the training, having Mehmet licking my asshole last night was unbelievable, then this morning having Ahmed working his tongue inside to get at his brother's cum had my caged cock cumming.

Now that the other slaves have seen what Prince Mehmet looks like they have mostly stopped speaking with me. I should have guessed that would happen, how can they know when it is me not the Prince they are speaking with. Jones at least kids me about my efforts to master sucking on a dildo. Angelo has tried giving me tutoring but without me being allowed to suck his cock doesn't know how I'm doing other than gagging or my inability to open wide enough for a dildo quite a bit smaller around than my own cock. Maybe if I could bend over far enough to get at the head of my cock I would know how much I have to open up to suck Mehmet's cock and stop resisting the dildo. It is becoming a matter of pride for me, if Mehmet wants me to give him a show sucking my own cock I am going to learn to do it and then do it proudly.

A month had passed before I licked the head of my own cock. In the following week I went from licking the head to getting my lips around it and forcing my mouth down a little, I could only tell how far by where I thought I was still wet when Angelo and I finished practice., Angelo thought I was ready to show our Master my progress but Mehmet had disappeared for a week without saying a word, why would he? I am only his slave.. I was left in the camp those nights, Angelo stayed with me. I learned how nice it is to sleep with a body in your arms, up until then I had been sleeping under my Master with his cock in me, holding Angelo was nice and I dreamed of holding Mehmet the same way, a futile dream on my part.

I knew that the first night without my Master was going to be difficult. I was used to being fucked three or four times every night until both my Master and I were too tired to stay awake any longer. With no one allowed to touch me sexually I knew it was going to be a long night. Fortunately Angelo knew how I was feeling and brought one of the dildos we used for oral practice to my bed. A piece or latex will never replace a man, but it was better than not having anything in my asshole.

The second night I was playing with the dildo Angelo suggested that I might try reaching for my cock with my mouth at the same time. I was already fully erect so I gave it a try. It was surprising how easily the dildo and my own cock slid into their respective holes. I thought I was going to gag but Angelo was watching and suggested that it might be a good time to speed up the way I was moving the dildo in and out of my asshole. I was concentrating on the dildo in my ass when I felt the base of my cock with my lips.

I am ready to suck my Master's cock. Oh, God, what will his cum taste like?

His pre-cum was sweet, would his cum taste as good?

At that point I did start to gag. Angelo helped me with the dildo and in a minute I was once more impaled the entire way on the piece of plastic wishing the dildo in my ass was the real thing, not only was I missing his cock but I was missing Mehmet. I didn't like the taste of my own cum, it had been at least ten years since the last time I had tried it, don't all teenagers at least taste it? Get real. Angelo had found a butt plug for me. At least I did not have a void that needed filled while I slept and dreamed but surprisingly I missed my Master and the touch of his body on mine, I hoped that him disappearing wouldn't be regular.

The next day six women were brought into the camp. Two of the men Mehmet had said would not be allowed women were in Camp (50). I was one of the two, the other one was a very young guy, about five feet tall, 110 pounds and maybe 17 but I would have thought less if the rules hadn't said there were not to be any boys tithed if they were not at least eighteen, rumor was that he had won the Michigan State High School wrestling championship in his weight class. Now that I had been having man on man sex for six weeks I could appreciate why the Prince wanted to keep the boy away from the women, he looked like a perfect replica of Michelangelo's David. The other two that were being denied females were two guys that hadn't gotten past the third dildo in their line. What our fellow slaves were doing should act as motivation no matter what their objections to sucking dick if it was that they thought of themselves as straight. What did that really mean here under the beating sun, you did what told and didn't think about it.

After watching the women and guys for about an hour I was rounded up by my guards and with Angelo taken back to the palace, we were given loin cloths and lead to the door. Usually I had been dressed in a dishdasha when brought to the palace unless the Prince's father and mother were going to be absent. On the nights his father wasn't there I would be lead in naked.

This was going to be different.

What was happening?

Before the door opened Angelo was handed a mask that he was instructed to fasten on my head. There must be friends or associates of my Master, this was going to be the first time I was put on display other than to the family. Monsieur adjusted the mask and warned me that if I did ANYTHING that displeased the Master that he would give me a beating and risk whatever punishment the Master thought appropriate. I had the cock cage removed again, it had become a semi-permanent accessory since the first time and I had no desire to go back to being caged, which Mehmet knew was an effective motivation, it certainly got my attention.

"Don't let your muscles tighten up, Ali. There is a good chance that our Master will be having us display our ability to suck our dicks, I was asked about your progress." Angelo was loosening up by stretching and rubbing his back. If my Master wanted to show his associates his newest acquisition performing for him, so be it. I followed Angelo in the stretches and a few Yoga positions while we waited for the door to open.

"Are you fag boys ready?" It was not the usual doorman, rather it was Mehmet's eldest brother.

"Yes, sir." Although for some reason I wasn't sure that I was ready if he was going to be calling us names. I was also having trouble relaxing the tightened muscles of my back.

We followed Mohammad to the largest of the three lawns. A small stage had been placed in the center of the lawn. Angelo made certain that I saw it while Mohammad lead us to Mehmet. I don't know what they were drinking but I couldn't smell the aroma of alcohol so I assumed there must be a majority of Moslems in the group gathered there. There were only about a dozen men other than Mehmet's brothers and servants. I didn't get to look at the men very well but I could tell that most of them were young but older than Ahmed. They were all dressed in what I assumed were not formal dishdashas but maybe the next finest, Mehmet was wearing one that shimmered as if silver had been woven into the cloth, unlike those worn by the others his was form-fitting enough that I could see the outline of his cock.

As we approached Mehmet Angelo noticed something that made him skip a step. "When we are presented to the Master get to your knees as quickly as possible."

In front of all these people that seemed to be more degrading than even licking my Master's cock between the times he was fucking me. Angelo pulled me down with him, almost tumbling me head over ass.

"How much longer does your new slave have in training, Mehmet?"

"Forty more days, sir." The man wasn't his father, so why was he being so formal?

"Which parts of his lessons have proceeded the best?"

"His lessons in Farsi and Religion have proceeded better than any of the other slaves purchased on that same day. He can surely understand every word we say, if not all the idioms we may use." That was true, I understood them as well as if I had been born speaking the language. I couldn't tell what the man's face was like that was asking but when I heard him mention sex Mehmet seemed to cringe although he did not back away.

Angelo and I were both instructed to get on the stage. Standing there without the loincloth that we left at our Master's feet reminded me of that day I had been sold to my Master. That may have been why I was recognizing some of the men that were closing the circle around us. On the opposite side of Mehmet from the man he had been speaking with was the man that had been the first of my examiners to force his finger into my ass. A very young man a few around the circle grinned at me and I recognized the two gold teeth, he had been one of the men that had made appreciative comments while he massaged my balls. The man beside him hadn't like the fact that I have a few fillings. As I looked around I could see another four or five men that had their hands on some part of my body that day, even one that had lifted my feet and caressed them (if there hadn't been anyone else around I was sure he would have licked or sucked my toes and who knows what else).

Angelo was trying hard to relax my back and stomach muscles. He was aware that I would be soon ordered to suck my own cock for everyone's enjoyment. He whispered in my ear that he hoped that I would not embarrass the Prince or him. There was no dildo in evidence, the only times I had managed to take my entire cock was with a dildo up my hole.

"Ali, the men gathered here have heard from the slave camps that you are able to suck your entire cock. It will make me proud as your owner for you to display this ability at this time." Couldn't he have just asked me to show him how I could take as much cock in my ass? I was really realizing how much I had missed him over the past few days.

In a further attempt to loosen up I bent over and touched my head to the stage. I wasn't thinking about that putting my asshole on display but I touched the stage that way in front of each man so I guess they all got a good look at my asshole. I was more than halfway around the circle when I started to wonder if my resting asshole had been spread by Mehmet fucking me so many times. Oh well, let them look inside me if that was the case, although a part of me hoped that I still had the pink slit Mehmet found to be so enticing. By the time I was once more facing Mehmet my cock was 90% erect. Putting one hand behind a leg I pulled my face to my cock and pulled the head between my lips. There was some murmuring around the circle, I assumed some of the men had never seem anyone suck their own cock, before: I never had until the morning Angelo had displayed his agility.

I used my lips and tongue to massage my cock for a few moments, surprising myself that I was able to get an erection in front of these men. I didn't let that thought interfere with what I was doing, but I was having a hard time swallowing more than four or five inches.

'Any job you decide to do is a job worth doing well and finishing' really Dad? Even a blow job?

I stuck my free hand on the back of my head hoping that I could exert enough pressure to force my head down. I was giving them a show by that time I was only taking 7 or 8 inches, I had been told by Angelo that Mehmet would not be satisfied unless I swallowed my entire cock and with it in my mouth stuck out my tongue to lick my balls. I worried that I wasn't going to be able to do it without the dildo.

My mouth almost came all the way off my cock. Angelo had knelt behind me and licked my clinching asshole. I sucked the entire cock into my mouth and showed them what a blow job should look like, as I was ready to shoot a load I stopped and pushed my tongue out beyond the shaft licking at my balls. Damn, its hard licking your own balls and trying to swallow your cum. Thankfully Angelo wedged himself between my legs and lapped up any cum that escaped my mouth. I stood up, opened my mouth so the men could see that I had most of my cum in my mouth before swallowing while smiling at my Master. I could see that his dishdasha had a wet spot at the end of his cock. I wanted to drag him to his bedroom and have him fuck me but the gathering went back to discussing their business, when I would be prepared for a mission that was planned for Mehmet in Saudi Arabia.

Angelo and I sat on the stage, well away from anyone other than Ahmed.

"Thank you, but don't you think our Master will punish you for what you did?"

"He will probably give me to Ahmed for a week. I couldn't let you embarrass either of us, besides you taste good." Remembering that I don't like the taste of my own cum I asked if he did.

"I liked the taste of your asshole and of your cum. Once you live in the palace and are allowed sweet drinks and fruit you will taste better." Was that why Mehmet's precum was so sweet? He ate a lot of fruit.

I was left to sit on the stage for the rest of the evening. Ahmed did bring me a cup of sweetened tea after Angelo was taken to the exit. For the last hour of the gathering he stayed on his knees licking clean the guests feet as they moved from grass to the marble floor. Some of the guest stood there with their toes pointed up until he had sucked them all. I wondered if that was his punishment, it certainly would have been a punishment for me.

"The Agency is pleased with your progress. Although I was not pleased that you required the assistance of Angelo in getting the entirety of your cock into your mouth and throat. At least we know that you will be able to take my entire cock." He didn't look or sound angry, he had just told his eldest brother that he was pleased with everything about the evening.

"Mehmet, will you let me watch?"

"Our brother really seems to like the idea of man on man sex. Does father know?" Mehmet had the idea of Ahmed's sexuality earlier but he thought it was time that it became more widely known in the family

"Please don't tell him. He'll have me married off within the week." He looked really scared at the prospect of being married.

"What does he think you do with Angelo when I send him to you for a night?"

"Beat him?"

"Ahmed, you better be careful or Father will find out that you only desire men."

"Would you protect me?" There were surprisingly tears running down the teenager's cheeks he clutched Mehmet's dishdasha nearly pulling him off his feet..

"I would have to, if I don't you'll end up on the streets selling that pretty little butt." I suppose it was only to emphasize the point but he slapped Ahmed's butt quite hard.

"I've heard enough. Ahmed, Mehmet, I'm retiring to my rooms. We didn't have this conversation." We were left on the lawn with nobody speaking, I couldn't as I hadn't been addressed and Ahmad and Mehmet seemed too embarrassed to continue. Finally, Mehmet broke the silence.

"Brother, do you want to leave our father's home?"

"If it means that I am able to enjoy the company of men I do."

"What has Angelo been teaching you?"

"Everything you have him do for you."

"Everything?" Angelo moved a foot away from us.

"Not quite. He hasn't taught me how you excite Ali so easily with your mouth."

Mehmet and I sat opened mouth looking at Angelo and Ahmed. He seemed to be thinking about what his brother had said, had his younger brother been spying on him in his own rooms? I was thinking that I hadn't been taught everything that Angelo did for our Master. I had not yet licked an ass or drank piss . Was Ahmed so far ahead of me that he had been taught either of those activities? My Master lifted his robe off the grass.

"I need to piss."

"Brother, I will take it for you." Ahmad dropped to his knees in front of his brother and started to unbutton the dishdasha from the bottom. I didn't think Mehmet would allow his brother to touch him that way but he stood still allowing his cock to be fully exposed by his brother.

"If you are going to drink my piss you may not miss a drop or I will give you the same punishment Angelo receives." With that I could see the piss start and Ahmed gab his cock and stick it into his mouth. My Master had been drinking whatever the punch was for at least four hours never leaving the lawn to drain his bladder. Ahmad was getting a full load.

"Ali, you may use Angelo's mouth for your urinal." I must have been squirming on the edge of the stage. It was going to be the first time I pissed in a mouth. My cock went to semi-hared by the time Angelo had his face in front of my cock. By that time Angelo and I had become as much of friends that slaves could be so I was apprehensive about filling his mouth with my urine. Hell, why not? It seemed obvious to me that it was not something he had a problem with since I had seen him drinking piss every morning I had stayed at the palace.

I knew it wouldn't be long until I would be the slave on my knees when Mehmet pissed.

Next: Chapter 6

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