By Bruce Turner

Published on Feb 12, 2023



Chapter 44

Legal mumbo jumbo, please be of legal age. This is 100% fiction and no characters are based on any people I know. Be aware that you are about to read a story of gay sex that is in some ways extreme.

If you CAN please donate to Nifty.


Chapter 44

Watching the town rise out of the sand was exhilarating. There were days when it seemed as if there were hundreds of men working at constructing buildings. The first occupant that was not one of my slaves was the restaurant owner, his home was not finished but he wanted to get the restaurant open so that his would be the place to go as residents arrived. I think he was also hoping to provide the only place for the crews to go for breakfast, lunch and dinner that was not in their camper town outside of Manzili. He provided beds for the first of his workers in his own house and hired five slaves from me to help finish the interior of the restaurant, haul furniture and load the shelves with inventory, his own workers were busy getting the kitchen and bar prepared. It was only by luck that I had managed an agreement with the two Muslim countries that allowed Manzili to be free of Islamic laws regarding alcohol and sex.

Daiki worked with the man's chef to make sure there would be some non-native foods available for visitors, foreign workers in the offices or plant and any of the slaves that were taken out to eat (I had been told that slaves would used as escorts from time to time). I hadn't planned on my stable being whores or escorts but the reality of the situation came as I saw there would be work for the pony boys and a few of my personal slaves but that there would be at least fifteen or more that would have little to do unless I put them to work for the city, most of them would be working at maintenance in one way or another half the day and free for the residents the remainder of the day. A few of the boys had asked if I would allow them to go with other men since I couldn't keep them all satisfied. I didn't want to be making money off them, sexually, but the city could use some type of revenue to cover operations.

The night the restaurant had its grand opening there were only five or six of the houses occupied. The first residents were men that were either relocating their businesses to Manzili or expanding to Manzili from Mehmet's town, the men had all hired the pony boys to haul their possessions through town to their houses earlier that week. Omar Khalid was the owner of the restaurant, I had met him once when Mehmet and I had gone to his restaurant for dinner with a few of Mehmet's fellow Agency workers. He had invited quite a few people from out of town to the opening, I had made certain that there were enough Realtors present in town to show his guests around. It had been ninety days since the last open house, there was still 30% of the housing available, three store fronts and one of the shops on the beach. I hoped some of his guests would be interested in moving here or opening a hotel, motel or at least a Bed and Breakfast..

The apartment buildings were starting to take a form that resembled the watercolors in the hastily finished lobbies. The company that would be operating the buildings had sent two rental agents for each of the three separate buildings. They had a limited number of apartments available to show the visitors but I think they were going to be able to do what they hoped. I had been told they hoped to have 30% of the buildings rented before it was finished and the plant workers that came from outside of the town arrived. The plant workers were to have a priority in two of the buildings except for the penthouses. The two companies with plants and the one with an office building had reserved about sixty percent of the apartment building so there was to be 10% unoccupied when the plants were fully functioning, that percent was to be for any of the small shop owners' employees that needed them. I had hoped they would always have some empty apartments for those men that might split from their current partners or wanted to get out of a house.

Tony had rented a small suite on the first floor of the apartment building to promote the title business he was hoping to establish in Manzili. I couldn't see that there would be that much business once the first residents settled in, but he admitted that he only wanted to work part-time. The rest of the time he had been hinting he wanted to be at my side. We had spent most weekends together since the first night but I was not being monogamous and had told him that there was little chance that would happen, he wasn't pleased to know that but he didn't allow it to chase him off..

The office building was running behind most of the construction of the rest of the buildings but they had managed to get the lobby presentable enough for visitors to see the office plans, sq ft and underground tunnels connecting to the apartment buildings and the plants. I hadn't thought it would be the best time for them to put on a leasing event but they had chosen to expose the offices to the town's visitors that were coming to see what the Chef for the new restaurant had created in the middle of nowhere. I wished the town was further along so that they would have more possible tenants view the building, it was going to be amazing for a small town. The tunnels would not be large enough for the pony carts so they were being built with people movers with a few small kiosks at the intersections, news stands, coffee and tea shops and a few others, all that would be city owned and operated.

As I walked through the town seeing it take shape I wondered how I was to get enough slaves to work it. Just keeping it clean was going to take most of the non-ponies, an adjustment from my earlier estimates of needed slaves. I thought I might have to switch some of the less well performing ponies to other jobs. Just getting the town polished for this one event had taken all of the boys, plus half the construction crew.

"Ali, Manzili is starting to look like a real town. You should be happy with what you have accomplished here."

"Prince Mehmet, I am but I am also worried about how I am going to be able to keep it up. I hadn't planned on all the infrastructure that was going to be needed." Earlier that week I had thought I wouldn't have work for all the slaves, now I was thinking the opposite. I was going to need to have the city planner sit with me and attempt to determine the need we would have before the office workers and plant enployees arrived.

"Don't you have enough slave boys?"

"I own enough to have it running at this occupancy, but once half the houses are filled and the stores are all open I think I will need to at least double the number of slaves I have."

"Then I might be here at the right time. The King has asked me to arrange for the training of a constant influx of slaves coming from a few different countries. Most of them will be from North America, a few from Brazil and less from the Philippines."

"So why would it be the right time?" I was hoping he didn't think I would be able to buy the slaves I was going to need. At least if they were new slaves they would cost less since they wouldn't have gone through any expensive training, still I was investing most of what I had earned by selling lots in the town. With a few lots giving me a constant income I knew I wouldn't go hungry but most of my earning power was being turned over to the city.

"I have shut down my training camps. The Agency and the King have kept me working too much to be able to supervise them. With your town settling into everyday life you are going to need something to do. You could set up camps outside of town, the Kuwait side, of course, and train all of the slaves coming into the country."

"I have never trained more than a dozen at a time." I thought he was being unrealistic so I wasn't paying that much attention.

"We expect there to be more than a hundred every six weeks. We will be getting enough $20,000 slaves to cover interest on the money owed. The U.N. has determined that accepting slaves for principal is against an old regulation signed by all the members, including us. So, quarterly we will be receiving Americans, at the six week mark we will be receiving boys from the other two countries."

"I have only ever trained sex slaves. Are there going to be that many buyers for boy sex slaves? What is that about eight hundred to a thousand a year?" The year I had been sold to him the market had been flooded with American boys.

"One thousand five hundred. Five hundred to be sex slaves and the rest trained to hard labor."

"Prince Mehmet, I have never trained anyone for hard labor. I have not seen more than what you showed me at the labor camp, a quick glimpse of slave boys working to strengthen their upper bodies and legs."

"I have been promised that slave supervisors from the different companies that will be buying the majority of the slaves will be available as they determine their need. If we get a particularly promising shipment of boys that have a higher percent of boys that should be trained to be sex slaves some of the hotels have asked to be allowed in on the project also, they will work as both bellhops and call boys."

"Why don't the Kuwaitis want any of these jobs?"

"Ali, you haven't spent much time in any of the cities, have you?"

"A few weeks in the royal palace and a few months with you."

"Of slightly less than two million people in the country less than 30% are native Kuwaiti. We have not been breeding our own slaves so we need to keep importing them. Every native that wants to work has a job. We need slaves to do the hard labor of the oilfields, fisheries and gravel pits, our men do not want to do those things anymore, the jobs are extremely hot and strenuous. Some of the Bedouin come across the border from Saudi Arabia to work the gravel pits but they aren't reliable, disappearing when they have enough money saved up for some sheep, goats or a camel."

"Didn't you used to hire people from around the world to work here?"

"The mid-east got a bad reputation fifty years or so ago because of some princes and sheikhs that chose to illegally enslave the women in their harems, mostly blond Americans. We started to have a real problem finding people that wished to come here to work, slavery seemed to be the answer. For decades the only slaves we were able to buy were shipped in illegally from the southern parts of Africa and our men were hungry for lighter skin. China was willing to send us women, but that market was filled quickly, almost every house in Kuwait has at least one Chinese maid."

"Is that so bad?"

"It leaves us at their mercy. If China ever says they want those women to come home we would be left to clean our own houses since we would be unable to defend ourselves against a nation that huge."

"That's what most people around the world do." It had only been since the discovery of oil that Kuwaiti families had expected to be pampered. Earlier they had been an extremely hearty people.

"But Ali, we want a better style of life than most people around the world live." It sounded so selfish I had to respond.

"Hence, the boys as cum dumps and housekeepers?"

"Yes. It would be good if they were trained as cooks also, but that may not be possible in the short time you would have them in the camps." He had completely ignored the facts as I presented them. I tested his preparation.

"Are any of the men that worked in your camps willing to come down here to work?"

"You seem to have a few of the men there that worship you, the Yoga teacher and the Physical therapist both asked if you would be running a training camp since Camp (50) closed." Mehmet had hired them both for me personally.

"I would also need some of the men involved in the labor camps.

"What would I be paid if I agree to do this?"

"You would be given one slave of your choice from each group and ten thousand dinar for each six week group trained. Out of that ten thousand you would need to pay any non slave trainers and feed everyone."

"Let me think about this and have a friend that knows more about budgets than me take a look at my finances to see if this is a possibility, the dinars seem a bit on the low side. I would have to set up camps large enough to train one hundred and twenty-five slaves a month, that is going to be expensive. I will also have to think whether four new slaves a month will fill my needs. What would I do with a slave trained for hard labor?"

"It sounded to me like plenty of the jobs you will need filled are not sex jobs."

"The slave's primary job may be other than sex, but all the slaves in Manzili will be available most of the time to anyone that lives here. The slaves that are not available will be marked in some way so there is no mistakes made by the residents that could end in problems." We had yet to sign a contract for a hotel so visitors were not on my radar.

"Are there going to be many that won't be available?" Mehmet was trying to help by getting all the information but I wasn't sure he should know everything.

"At this point I think there are four that will only be available part time. Of the others, some will not be available while doing certain chores and some will only be available to give blow jobs while working. I intend for the ponies to be wearing a butt plug while hauling carts." I didn't tell him but some of the slaves wouldn't interact with anyone outside of my household.

"I've seen some of them. It is a shame those butts won't be available to fuck."

"They'll be available, just not when they are on duty hauling carts." How I was to set about making slaves available without asking the John to pay for whatever he wanted from the boys had been a recurring question.

"Are you planning on pimping them out? Charging for the slaves?"

"The slaves will belong to the town except for those that I keep as my personal boys." A simple way not to answer the question.

"Do I know any of those?"

"Your brother and Daiki."

"Wait. Daiki is a slave? I thought he came here as your lover?"

"I did too. He prefers to live as a slave. I am not sure I understand it even now, but being owned had an attraction that he couldn't resist. I hope it wasn't that he didn't want to spend his life in my bed, that would sure hit my ego a hard blow."

"As long as its not your libido.

"How long would you like, to think about doing the training for the country?"

"Three days. I can get an accountant and my city planner to look at the idea the day after tomorrow. After that I'll need a day to decide if it is a deal I really want, although right now I think I am leaning that way." I had heard rumors that the Kuwaiti and Saudis moving into the town thought I had a fondness for American boys that was not appropriate for a slave owner. There is some truth to that, I have generally treated the American boys less harshly than the Saudi boys that I own, but I did treat the two Kuwaiti slaves (Ahmed and Daiki) better than anyone else.

"Will Kuwait allow me to set up camps on land I do not own?"

"The King has already agreed to that and to have a troop of soldiers stationed between the camp and the nearest city. You would be able to call on the troops to defend the city should you have another Bedouin attack." The deal was sounding more attractive, although I had a slight worry that the Kuwaiti troops might take over the city if the King changed his mind.

Mehmet joined Tony, Ahmed, Daiki and I for dinner late that evening. The idea of building training camps outside of the town excited the three of them and I must say by the time I saw Mehmet out I was hoping the numbers could add up.

"Who is that with my brother?" Ahmed had followed us out to see his brother off and stayed beside me on the porch. Without any of the other slaves around he spoke freely.

"That is an Agency provided slave. Mehmet said the boy has been with him for the past two years. Its the first time I saw him, he didn't refer to him by name." I had always thought Mehmet was more attracted to fully mature men, the Agency had provided him with a young man/boy that didn't look old enough to drive or even be legal for sex. He was a very pretty boy, long dark hair, prominent cheek bones, thin nose, rosy lips and smooth, fair skin.

"That's surprising.. The last time I was at his house there was a different slave licking his feet. He told me the man was one of his neighbors' doormen." Ahmed was well aware of his brother's willingness to have a new slave every day.

"You shouldn't believe your brother too much.

"Before you came out he showed me the Agency boy's butt. He was covered in welts that Mehmet says he got for not getting his tongue up his ass fast enough, other than the welts it was incredibly fuckable with a deep hairless crevice and sharply defined slit. I think he was trying to rile me up, he knows how much I like a tongue in my asshole." That the boy still had a slit rather than a rounded hole made me think Mehmet wasn't fucking him that often.

"He's licked your ass?" Ahmed looked at me in awe.

"Your brother, yeah. Your brother is one of the best at eating ass I know, he should be teaching the slaves how." I would have thought Ahmed knew that Mehmet ate my ass, I was sure he slept by the bed some of the nights we were together. He had been told never to watch but how could he not hear me begging Mehmet to get his tongue deeper in my ass?

"Better than me?"

"I'm not sure I have ever been with anyone that is better than your brother, even if their tongue is twice the length of his. It is the one thing I miss about him." Even more than having him fuck me with a cock mirroring mine.

"He says he still misses having you in his bed."

"If he wanted to go to bed with me as an equal rather than thinking about me as a slave I would rush to whatever bed he chose." Just talking about having Mehmet's tongue in my ass and going to bed with him again had my cock standing tall.

"Are you that ready for me to suck your cock?" I hadn't noticed Tony come up beside us until his hand was wrapped around my cock. I wasn't ready to go inside but a blow job sounded wonderful even if he still couldn't take all ten inches. He needed the practice.

"Sure. Why don't you get down on your knees? Ahmed is going to lick my ass while you suck my cock." They were both down quick and the touch of their two tongues was fantastic. I didn't think much about the possibility that there would be any of the visitors walking around town now that the sun was down and the pony boys had been locked in the stable.

I had spread my legs as wide as I could and was holding onto a post so the pair didn't knock me over when I heard Mehmet asking if that was something I did often.

"It's the first time I have had sex out here since I moved in. Sure I have sex in the back yard and in the stable or the beach but this has always seemed too conspicuous for me." I think I was blushing at being caught like that by Mehmet.

"I thought Tony was only a fuck boy. He didn't seem like a cocksucker to me."

"He's learning. He still can't take all ten inches but he does give a good head job." He had caught me in the act, so what difference did it make if we talked about what was happening and giving Tony a compliment shouldn't hurt.

"Abdel could give him some lessons. Is that alright?" I was surprised that Mehmet was offering his boy as instructor but I had no problem in having two mouths working my cock.

"Sure. While he does that why don't you teach your brother how to eat ass like only you can?" The chance that he would be embarrassed in front of his brother being told that he was that great of an ass eater was nothing when I thought about getting his tongue in me. He hesitated for a few moments but did kneel next to his brother and begin a tutorial.

Four mouths were driving me crazy. When Abdel and Mehmet were both working me I could barely stand. It was fortunate I had shot once only hours earlier or I would have been rushed to an orgasm. I closed my eyes and let them do what they did better than anyone else. The noise either I or the boys on the floor were making attracted Salman and Daiki from the kitchen. I knew it was them the moment a tongue hit my feet and another began licking out an armpit.

It was too much.

"Tony, get your mouth on my cock." I couldn't tell the two cock suckers apart by then but for some reason I thought it was Abdel sucking me. I wanted to make sure that it was Tony that got the cum they had boiling in my balls. Even with my asshole opening and clenching, I shot volley after volley in Tony's mouth and Mehmet continued to tongue fuck me. Between them they drained every drop of cum from me. Abdel had moved to where he could suck Tony's cock and Ahmed his brother, from the sounds everyone made they must have all enjoyed the experience.

"Ali, now that everyone else is gone, tell me what you thought about me getting most of your cock in my throat." I had been holding Tony with an arm over his shoulders and his head pressed against my armpit.

"You are getting better, but you still have a few inches to go."

"Jerk. I bet you couldn't suck the whole thing either." It had been a while since I'd sucked myself, if he had made that comment before Mehmet left I would have shown him on the mirror image but I am somewhat competitive and wasn't going to let it go unanswered. Getting off and having my ass licked for a half hour had loosened me up some, I did some quick Yoga positions to finish loosening up and with Tony moved back a few steps bent over to where I could get bent enough to get the head of my cock in my mouth. As normal my dick thought with its head and by the time I had the head in my mouth was fully erect.

It took me a few minutes to stretch out far enough to get more of my cock sliding in my mouth and by the time I had my arms behind my legs pulling me down further I felt the head touching the back of my throat. The display had Tony excited, too. He was stroking his cock, he had knelt beside me to watch me suck my own cock and gasped as he saw my lips covering the last of my cock. I didn't really want to give myself a blow job, I had only intended to show Tony that it is possible to suck all ten inches in.

I was going slowly up and down my cock when I saw him moving. He surprised me by licking at my ass for a few minutes and probing me, too. I didn't notice him standing. My cock was all the way in my throat when I felt the head of his cock slide into me. He pressed down on my shoulders as he slid in and out picking up speed. It wasn't like taking the normal cocks I let fuck me (Runihuru, Ahmed and Mehmet) but as I had heard from some of the slaves 'size doesn't matter'. It was nice and having him in me was fulfilling in ways that I hadn't expected. After a few minutes of having his cock in me I shot a full load of cum into my own mouth. While I was shooting I felt the warmth and wetness of him shooting up my hole.

"I thought that just because you are so much longer that you would be able to lick the head or maybe take the head in your mouth. I never expected you to be able to suck in your entire cock." Tony was sitting on the top step looking out over the gulf leaning up against my chest.

"Sucking my own cock to the base was one of the requirements that Mehmet had when he sent me to Camp (50). There seem to be a huge number of Kuwaiti men that enjoy watching a man suck himself and he wanted a slave that could suck his whole cock to show off.

"It is a convenient way to get off without having to jack off."

"Was everyone in Camp (50) taught to suck themselves?"

"No. Out of the entire camp there were only about five or six of us that were forced to learn how." I honestly didn't remember how many, but I knew that it was only a small group of us. "I was the only one that learned to take his entire cock. I was able to bend enough to lick my balls, too. Mehmet wanted me to learn how to lick my own ass but I was never able to bend those extra three inches more than once. Even that time all I was able to do was touch a corner, not really lick myself."

"Did you teach any of your slaves to do that?"

"No, but if I go in the business of training slaves I imagine I will have to do that. Either Ahmed or myself. It would be cheating to have Runihuru teaching them, anyone could reach his cock."

"I've never seen this cock you keep saying is longer than yours."

"Maybe one of these night I'll have him fuck you."

"Oh, no. Only you are going to be fucking me." I didn't expect that, he had just watched two other men licking my ass and had sucked my cock with another man but now he was going to be restrictive on who got in his ass? As I turned with a quizzical look he kissed me on the lips.

"Tony, I'm not getting married. Even if I fall in love with you I don't believe in monogamy. If I agree to training the hundreds of slaves that Mehmet was talking about there are going to be times when I will be fucked out. Either from getting sucked off, fucking virgin assholes or teaching slaves what feels good when they fuck their new masters. If you are around you might be needing another cock to fill your ass."

"Couldn't you have others do those things?"

"I probably could but I will have to sign off on each slave that passes through the camps and unless I have physical contact I would be making a promise that has no basis in reality." I hadn't gone through that process before Mehmet pulled me out of the camp, but when I was in Morocco Prince al Sari had expected it of me. If I had more than 100 slaves every six weeks I would have trouble giving them all what was expected, I would have to have trusted assistants.

I would want Ahmed at my side but who else?

The first thing slaves think about is how they are going to escape. I made sure that the first shipment of slaves was transported in open sided trucks so they realized that should they try to run from the camp they would have a long journey through the desert. They weren't allowed any water on the journey so they would know what it was going to feel like should they make an attempt at running. Any thought they may have had about benevolent masters was dispelled the first few days they were under my control.

"You will hear a rumor that I was once a slave. It is true.

"You may think what I am teaching you is not what your master will be requiring from you. Stop thinking that right now. You are property, not humans any longer.

"If your master wants to waste his money and kill you there is no law in either Kuwait or Saudi Arabia that will stop them. The Mullahs may pass judgment and demand a punishment if you are a Muslim but it will be minor. Every one of you will be punished at some time so while you are here you are going to learn the feel of whips, flogs, electric prods and more."

I had to crack the whip to quiet the group. When one crack in the air didn't silence the boys, I picked up the twelve foot bull ship and carefully aiming struck perhaps the oldest of the boys on his cock. I hit hard enough that he wasn't going to be getting hard for a week. One of their own being hit shocked them into the silence I had demanded.

"Fifty of you are going to be trained to be house slaves and the other one hundred will be trained in the jobs needed for the gravel pits, two supervisors had arrived the previous night.

"I have been given the name of a few or you that have already been purchased. Your training will be harder than the others because your new Masters want you ready to perform special acts. They have also required that you have been punished with all the equipment I mentioned earlier.

"The first thing we are going to do is go to the beach and get you cleaned. If you are a house slave you will be expected to be scrubbed clean every day. Those of you going to the pits may never see a bath or shower again so I expect you to take advantage of this." The Americans in the group had come from well-off families that permitted daily showers, that stopped now.

Mehmet had sent ten men that had worked in the camps along with the Yoga instructor and the Physical therapist. They herded the boys to the gulf with what I grew up calling a cattle prod but was they referred to as a slave prod. There were none of the boys in this group that seemed to be afraid of water so all went smoothly until they were instructed on what went next. Very few of them seemed to be willing to touch another in front of an audience, soon out of the one hundred and fifty there were at least one hundred that had felt the bull whip or the prods. Having them shaved was more than an aesthetic, once they were shorn bare they were less rebellious, as I remember it it was partially that I didn't want anyone outside of the camp to see me that way. At least half of the boys had to be whipped repeatedly to get them to shave the boy in front of them adequately, that half would be sent to the gravel pits.

I had gone through training with the hair on my head untouched but I remembered that many of the others had felt dehumanized when their hair had been shaved with dog trimmers. The three men shaving heads were certain the boys saw them pick up the shears from a box clearly marked as an animal product. I wanted most of them to understand by the second day that their lives as privileged American teenagers was over, the Brazilian boys looked like they had been picked up on the streets and obeyed everything they were told without hesitation as did the five Filipinos.

The mix was about 115 to 30 to 5, I would have to talk with Mehmet but I thought the preference for sex slaves would the same as when I was brought to Kuwait. There were a few of the Brazilian boys that I would like myself and a couple I thought would be chosen if they could be taught to suck themselves. I watched carefully as the boys were shaved, there were at least forty that were sent to the side to be treated for lice, on some you could see a red patch where their pubic hair had been removed. A small group of the Brazilian boys was acting like they were on vacation, playing and talking; I had two of the group hauled to the racks that had become a permanent part of the beach; they hanged there while the rest finished the shaving..

Their friends tried to help them in various ways only to find that the men with the prods and whips were willing to use them liberally, they weren't particular where they reached or hit. I don't think any of them intentionally shocked the boys' balls but I did see a few go down on the sand holding cock and balls tight. We had a translator that spoke Portuguese who explained that this was not a time to be playing. I left both boys that had fallen on the beach with red welts on their butts but with nothing worse done to them.

We still had two hours until dinner so I had them all run with me. Most of them fell off at the two mile mark, a few survived to the five mile point and two were still with me at eight miles when I turned back to camp. They were both nicely built and hung but not very good looking, I assumed right then they would be going to the pits. The older of the two stopped running at eleven miles. I ran the last five miles with the other boy at my side. I wasn't trying to set any speed records so we talked a little, I was pleased that he spoke some English. Jao had been taken in a sweep of the downtown hotels in Sao Paulo as had been most of the Brazilian boys. He had been working as a gay hustler, a few of the others had been working the women but he thought they went both ways when desperate. I decided right then that the Brazilian boys would be paired with Americans, a little experience wouldn't hurt any of them.

Mehmet and two other men I recognized as being from the Agency joined me for dinner. We would be choosing which boys went to which of the training camps. There had only been three boys purchased before being trained, Jao had been one of them and the other two were tall red headed boys from America that I had told Ahmed would be the first in their sex classes. While the other boys had tried not to look too obviously at each other the two red heads had studied every cock that was anywhere near them. I wondered what their cocks would be like when hard, they had about six inches soft, the heads hung even with their heavy balls.

"Do you know why they were purchased?"

"The red heads were both bought by the father of two teenagers. He had seen them in a Golden Gloves match, it seems they were fairly good boxers and wrestlers. He wanted slaves that could also protect his boys if needed." Jao had been purchased by a hotel manager that had worked in Sao Paulo a few years earlier and knew him, they weren't sure why he wanted the boy but one of the Agency men thought he was going to be pimping him out. It was determined that I should segregate the three just like I had been separated for the others in Camp (50), their accommodations would not be quite as fine as mine but would be better than the others.

As soon as we were finished eating we went out past the stables to where the camp tents had been raised. This was completely new to me, I was making a decision that would affect the rest of these boys' lives. Some were going to have a luxurious life and others would be sleeping on the sand in the desert. I would have liked to know more about the boys but there wasn't time. We hadn't gone through thirty boys when I realized that the other three had no intention of putting any of the Brazilian boys in the sex slave camp. I stopped everything.

"Mehmet, I want at least ten of the Brazilian boys in the sex camp. If you three don't pick any of them I am going to increase the size of the camp from fifty to sixty."

"You may increase it to one hundred and fifty if you want, but when the boys leave here they will be divided up the way we are choosing right now." He didn't like me challenging him in front of the Agency.

"Look, some of these boys can be just as good as Angelo. The market is full of blond Americans, you need to have a few slightly darker boys in the mix or the price is going to fall on all of them." I knew that talking sales price was the only way to get through to him.

"Okay, no more automatic labor camps for them. But I won't promise there are ten of them we can recommend." I hadn't picked that number out of my head, there was a group of boys coming up that were some of the prettiest you have ever seen, I thought there were about eight of them I would want placed in the sex camp.

The next two pairs of boys that stepped up were all taken, then three American boys were passed on as was one of the Brazilian boys, when he stepped up I saw that he was badly scarred on his butt and knew he wouldn't sell for sex. It took us close to an hour and a half to chose fifty boys whose future was going to be determined by how well they learned to treat a cock. I ended up with eleven boys from Brazil, two that you would have thought were American or at least all white the other nine ranged from a slight tan to almost as dark as an average Arab.

"What is the first thing you will be training the slaves to do?" The man hadn't spoken during dinner and had only used his hand to vote on the future of the boys that stood before us.

"They have been trained to shave their entire bodies and handle another boy's cock and balls today. Tonight they will be left alone. First thing in the morning they will start having piss lessons. For the boys in the labor camp that means showers and for the boys in the sex camp learning to drink and how to give it to another mouth. By the time they go to bed tomorrow they will all have sucked at least three cocks, drank piss twice and licked one ass."

"When will you start teaching them how to do anything other than have sex?"

"From what I've seen it will be about a week. The first week I will work on their conditioning and how to treat their masters' cocks. Unfortunately, it looks like that may necessitate quite a bit of whipping or torture. I think most of the Brazilian boys have already served at least one cock, we will have to see how well and eagerly they respond to orders but I think more of the beatings will be on the Americans although we did choose a dozen or so that might be gay.

"The boy that ran the entire sixteen miles with me last evening is mixing with the sex group this evening to find out how many of the Americans are used to sucking or fucking. Out of the forty we choose I would estimate that there were at least twenty that if not gay have at least had experience and won't take too much training."

"And the boys in the labor side of the camps?"

"We will be working hard on their conditioning for four weeks. The Company that wants them has sent two supervisors to teach them the job they will have to do. I assume it is not too technical or they wouldn't be worried about their conditioning. It is interesting that the company has requested us to train them all on servicing cock, too. I suppose there aren't any women wherever they will be shipped?" I had never heard of the company so I didn't know where it was located.

"I suppose there will be a few young African girls the companies use like mules hauling water, but the companies don't want to risk them becoming pregnant. The slave workers will need to satisfy the Kuwaitis working at the site." It was so matter of fact that I wondered what he would do if forced to bend over and take a cock.

"Before you all head off to your bed tonight would you care to use any of the slaves as urinals or cum dumps?" It was only the second day Mehemet's coworkers had been away from their homes but an offer like that was to be expected of a good host which I had learned to be. The older of the Agency men was the first to respond.

"I don't care to risk having my cock bit off by an untrained slave. Still, if you think showering them will help in training them have a labor slave brought out."

The next fifteen minutes was filled with the smell of piss as the three men and I showered a half dozen of the new slaves. It had taken the generous use of a whip to get the first two boys to kneel quietly at the feet of the Agency men. The man I had chosen opened his mouth when pushed to his knees, he was the first of the slaves to take a mouthful of piss. Daiki and Tony were invited to join us but neither was able to get a flow of piss started when they stood in front of another man. We hadn't pulled Jao or the two red heads from the camp but I knew I would be having them all for the next six weeks so I wasn't in any hurry.

The trainers were instructed to have the slaves lined up in front of the beach house first thing in the morning. My guests were told why the slaves would be there as were all the slaves in the house. A prod was hanged by the front door for the men to make the slaves open their mouths. I would never have enough piss in my bladder to teach all the slaves, any time I had guests I planned on having their assistance in wearing down the slaves until they were fully trained and willing to do as ordered without hesitation.

I was disappointed that the runner had not been selected to be one of the sex slaves. I hadn't thought his face was going to hinder him that much but with the few Brazilians that had been selected he was definitely out of luck. For the first week he went between what would be the two camps learning who had either sucked cocks, fucked ass or been fucked. I didn't like that I was using him as a spy with no chance of him having the better life that those he was able to point out would be having. The day the labor slaves were to have their first class with the supervisors I moved the runner to the sex camp and let him know that he would be staying in Manzili when the rest of the slaves moved on. I hadn't decided what he might be doing but there were enough jobs needing filled that I would find something for him.

That afternoon Mehmet came by to talk and let me know that all the Filipino boys should be moved to the sex camp. I had intended to ask about that, I knew that they were highly prized as houseboys among the elite. It turned out that he had sold the five boys to friends of his father that wanted them trained to be like Angelo. Word was spread through the camps that any of the boys that could do more than lick their cocks would be having a better future. I wasn't surprised when the two Red heads and Jao were all able to suck in the heads of their cocks, the Yoga master had been working with them for the entire week.

Two of the slaves in the labor camp surprised us all by taking at least half of their cocks into their mouths. They were switched from one camp to the other although they weren't that handsome, there might be a buyer that would use them in one of the odd shows that traveled throughout the Mid-east. In the sex camp there were six that were able to take more than the head of their cocks. I would be having a class that contained eleven boys with varying sizes of cocks but willing to learn hos to suck themselves. Jao fooled the judges and awed the rest of the slaves, he kissed his balls.

"How far do you have them running?"

"They all are forced to run ten miles twice a week. That boy that finished sixteen miles with me the first day runs 26 miles with me once a week."

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