By Bruce Turner

Published on Nov 20, 2023



Chapter 43

I apologize that this chapter has taken longer than usual, it is partially my lack of computer skills. I thought I had the chapter nearly finished and saved, I must have hit a wrong key. I am unable to find the chapter I wrote other than a title in my documents. If I sent it to any of you please send it back and I will include it later.

This is 100% fiction, no individuals or countries are accurately portrayed as you and I know the countries named have not done what I claim. None of the characters are even based on anyone I know, unfortunately. If you are underage please find something else to read.


Chapter 43

How ten armed men had thought they would overtake the town when there was close to 50 construction workers, 15 Realtor or Title workers and my thirty slaves plus myself would only be understandable if they knew the town was not allowed defensive weapons. The ten men had swept in from the Saudi desert, guns on automatic. Within a half hour there were ten dead from the town and four of the Bedouin. Matters were still in an uproar when the six Bedouin were herded to the beach, stripped and tied to racks. The slaves had taken it upon themselves to tie the Bedouin to the racks, when I neared them I ordered them to be washed in the gulf, one by one; the stench was nearly unbearable, I doubt any of them had ever bathed certainly not within the last year..

It was a Lord of the Flies moment. Had not enough of the slaves fully accepted their position I would have lost control of Manzili. The construction crews had been left without their three supervisors that had been killed during the first moment of the attack. Those still alive were screaming for the deaths of the six invaders still alive. I felt they should die, too. Since they came in from the Saudi side of the town I put in a call to the King of Saudi Arabia.

"We don't have much control of the Bedouin. However they are mostly Muslims, the punishment in the Koran for killing is death. I give you the authority to kill them all and return the bodies to Riyadh. Normally, they would be beheaded, but I don't think you want to start that in your town."

"You are right about that. I would prefer that they were returned to you to be put to death. If I start killing off the Bedouin that live on this side of the peninsula I am going to have a continual problem without the weapons to defend the town from the next attack."

"They probably wouldn't be much good to you, but if you think it more humane you could enslave them. I will sign the papers necessary." He wasn't about to change the agreement that didn't allow me any defensive weapons, he did educate me as to the history of Arabs enslaving Bedouins and that it was still legal in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Kuwait.

"Don't you think others from their tribe will come looking for them? If I enslave them I am most likely asking for another attack."

"True. Put to death any you think deserve it. If there are any you would like to enslave, do it. When you have the dead bodies beheaded have them taken out beyond the highway and leave them for their tribe to find." It was strange that he thought my desires to enslave any of them should be part of the equation.

"That won't cause them to retaliate?"

"No. Death for an attack will be understood. If one or two are missing the tribes will think they are putrefying somewhere in the desert. They will search for them and may even send an envoy to ask about their fate. If they ask, tell them you are having however many you have enslaved to help pay recompense for the lives of those you lost."

"Thank you. Would you send a few troops out to patrol close by where the bodies are left? Just in case they need to hear the official story?"

"I can spare one small troop, but only for a week or two. We are having trouble outside the city and most of our troops are engaged either in Yemen or there."

"I appreciate it. If your government would send condolences to the construction companies, their employees and families it will calm things down better than the letters I will send."

"Consider it done.

I spent an hour conversing with the wounded that had been brought to the doctor. Most of the wounded were slaves or construction workers. The Realtors and Title workers had only lost one of their people. I had lost three slaves and the construction companies had lost six men and had two that the doctor thought might die if we didn't get them to a hospital. The wounded slaves wanted the attackers enslaved, the other wounded wanted them put to death.

It was the worst afternoon I had ever had. First acknowledging the dead, then trying to give others condolences when I am far from the most empathetic man in the world. Rather than eat dinner I had Daiki make me a soup I hoped I could hold down when I put the men to death. I would be required to stand by as they were beheaded, if I didn't lose everything in my stomach I assumed I would at least be left nauseous and unable to eat later.

Daiki walked with me to the beach where slaves and freemen had gathered around the soon to be dead. "Master, you know you have to do this."

I hadn't expected him to try comforting me but the bluntness of his thought was harsher than a Westerner was used to hearing. Why couldn't I just whip them and send them on to the King for the appropriate punishment, after all they live in his country?

Five of them were maybe twenty-five or there about, the other one was still in his teens. There were all about five-seven or eight with hard bodies without an ounce of fat or an extra ounce of muscle. The five older Bedouin were darker than the teen although his arms were blackened from the constant exposure to the sun. Only the teen was attractive to me, he was a younger version of what people expect a desert pirate to be. If he hadn't been on a rack I would have bent him over and fucked him all night, I don't think of that as punishment but he might, although looking at his butt I couldn't imagine that he had reached his age without someone attempting to fuck him.

Six men like floating X's anchored to each corner awaited their punishment stoically The slaves had used a rope to encircled the Bedouins' cock and balls and then attached it to an iron rod hammered into the sand in front of each man. The slaves were expecting me to whip the men, the rope attached in front would make the men feel the whip twice once when first hit and then again when their body jerked against the whip and the rope. Walking to the shore I had thought I might be able to share the whipping with the survivors; seeing them, I thought the Bedouins would be dead before actually being executed if I did that and might save me having to order their beheading. As I looked closer I didn't want to execute the teen, a life time of slavery would be more cruel in many ways although he would wake in the morning and see the sky beloved of the desert tribes and might come to love having his ass fucked if he didn't already.

"Ahmed, distribute six rods."

"Gentlemen, you all know what you did. You also all know that your religion requires your death for killing other men. That would be fine, but in my town you also have committed a crime, all crimes in Manzili are punished with the whip." I spoke to them in the halting Arabic I was still trying to improve.

"The dead are unable to seek their revenge so their friends and fellow workers will be striking you five times each." Looking at the teen I tried to think of a way to keep him from being killed or too badly disfigured by the whips. I stood in front of the men as the first six that Ahmed had given the canes stepped in behind them. I tried counting the entire number of people that were waiting their turn, it wasn't enough to punish the six men as hard as I thought necessary.

"Remember, five times." The sound of the canes was magnified as they seemed to almost strike the men at the same time. The older men tried not to yell out but the teen was unable to hold in his pain screaming profanities at me and the slave whipping him. As the cane stopped hitting him I saw what I hadn't earlier, with tears wetting his eyelashes and cheeks the teen was almost pretty. Unlike any of the others he had been partially rid of hair or hadn't grown any yet, I wasn't sure which but I approved of his appearance. I didn't know whether it was a Bedouin tradition, since many of the Arabs I had had sex with were almost hairless from having their hair plucked.

"Give me that cane, Pisces. Go get a razors and what you'll need to shave them all" A whipping wasn't going to be sufficient to break these men, they were hard men used to a hard life. Shaving them would be humiliating, I would be sure to allow the slave to do more to make them feel the anger and hurt they had caused.

"Those with a whip come around to the front of your man and use the cane on their chests."

Rather than hit the teen I did what I was almost sure would be as hateful to him, I played with his cock and pinched his nipples. "You, my sweet young thing are going to be turned into a slave. How you may serve, I'm not sure, but I do know whoever it is will enjoy fucking that ass if he doesn't give it to some animal for a show." One evening discussing his country Daiki had told me that the Bedouin still roaming the desert would make enormous amounts of money giving sex shows to the royals often including any animals the royals wanted in the shows.

When I said that last thing to him I stuck a finger in his ass, he howled in outrage. His body answered me in a different way, his cock stood erect and hard.

"Look at that. You know you want to be a fuck boy. I think I will be the first to ride that hole." I was already getting hard just at the thought and the feel of his asshole around my fingers.

"No you won't!" I was taken back for a second, it sounded like he meant that there had already been a cock in his ass.

"Second, third?"

I can't remember the string of profanities that he shouted. I let him shout, I thought about the dildo shaped butt plug but decided the other slaves needed to hear his pain and anger if they were ever to accept him as one of them. If they didn't he wouldn't wake one morning, strangled or his throat slit with a knife smuggled from the kitchen.

Pisces had returned with enough equipment to shave an army. The slaves knew what was going to happen and two of them rushed to the beach with buckets for the water they would need. Some of the men hanging there had never shaved. Pisces had brought a battery powered razor that stripped away their beards and the heavier patches of hair on their chests and their public bushes so that the slaves with straight razors were able to remove all the hair from their bodies from the sideburns to their knees, front and back. Sagittarius was shaving the teen and I motioned for him to continue on down to the boy's feet, later I would have the hair on his head clipped down to a quarter inch or so.

"Realtors would you step up?" That was a stupid question but what was I supposed to do order them? There were five that had never caned a man, I instructed them to use their canes on the men's balls. Whatever reluctance the men had about letting the others hear them screaming disappeared with the first stroke of a cane on their exposed balls, a slave had held their cocks out of the way for the Realtors. One of the older Realtors lost a load in his robe as he caned the man beside the teen, he lost count or just loved caning the man and had to be restrained.

I walked close enough that only the teen would hear me. "Is that what you want? If not, I can cut you down and you can give your friends blow jobs while they get beat to death."

He looked at me in horror. I didn't know whether it was the idea of sucking their cocks or that they were going to die in front of him. Whichever it was, his sucking their cocks or maybe dying with their cocks in his mouth he shook his head. I rubbed the cane I had taken from Pisces underneath the teen's balls tapping them lightly. Suddenly he got courage that he hadn't had when he was first hit. He didn't shout it out but I was able to hear each word distinctly.

"You may beat my balls, sir."

"That's not what I have in mind for you boy, but if you wish I will. You are going to lose your balls in front of everyone. If you scream you will lose your cock, too." I hadn't been feeling that violent earlier but hearing him not take the easy way I upped the ante. My fingers hadn't been in his ass since he was shaved but now I rammed three fingers in. He did his best to fight me but there was no where for him to go.

"Once your cock and balls are gone everyone on this beach is going to fuck your cunt. Right here where I have my fingers." I squeezed the fourth finger in with the other three. If I didn't watch myself I was going to have my entire fist in him without any lube, just his sweat. I had never called an asshole a cunt before, I really wanted him humiliated.

"Doc, get the castigator for his balls."

"Please! Sir please don't. I'll suck everyone's cock." There weren't even tears in his eyes as he promised to suck everyone.

"Do you want to be one of my slaves?"

"Yes, Master. I will be one of your slaves if you will have me. Please, don't cut off my balls or cock." I had thought him pretty before, but now without any hair on his body he was even more so. Even though he was begging I wanted to do something that would hurt his balls, he couldn't leave the beach thinking he could beg his way out of punishment..

"Which ball should we take?"

"No, Please."

"Yes, I'll take you as a slave but first you are going to have to suffer for the dead you left. So which ball should I take, the right one or this one?" I know I was causing him a lot of pain, my hand was pushing further in and I was pulling down hard on the ball.

"Don't stop guys. The next five strokes are on their cocks." The slave in my hands relaxed his ass and my whole hand slipped in. I saw what he saw, the doctor had returned with the elastigator, a tool that the boy must have know about..

"Doc, he hasn't answered which ball he would rather lose so band the one I'm not holding." We had discussed this possibility one other time so I knew that if he did it right that it was possible to remove just one ball with the equipment. What I had thought was relaxing was actual his body passing out from the pain of my fist in his ass and the fear of what was going to happen to him. I was glad to know that I had found myself a slave that could take my fist, he was going to be stretched wide in the next few months.

"Once you have this slave banded we will remove the manhood of the other five. I hope you have brought a sharp knife with you."

"Master, I have a surgical knife with me." He answered as if it was only natural for him to be carrying a surgical knife. I had seen him with a scalpel often enough to not be surprised.

The teen woke as I pushed my hand deeper in his ass. He begged me not to shove my whole arm up his ass. He had forgotten about the fact he was in the process of losing a ball. I've never tried it myself so I don't know if it goes numb but I had read the instructions and knew the ball would start to die within a half hour. I figured by the time we had fully emasculated the five that were to die the teen's ball would be dead and ready to be removed. The doctor handed the knife to different title workers as he went down the line. The screaming was so horrendous I had the men gagged. The last man he handed the knife was Tony, I watched as he pulled the cock away from the man's body and neatly sliced all of the man's manhood off with one swipe of the knife.

So they wouldn't die too quickly the doctor had cauterized each of them with a heated iron he was carrying with him.

The slaves that had been trained at Mehmet's camps were handed my bull whips and instructed to give the Bedouins ten strokes each. Most of them were hanging limp by the time the slaves were done except for the one that had been erect while being caned. I had five of the construction men jam unsanded boards in the attackers' asses, by the time they were finished forcing at least a foot of wood in the Bedouins the first had died. There were only a few men that hadn't joined in the punishment at that point and they were called forward, handed a cane and told they could strike the men as often as they liked wherever they wished. I was beginning to believe that men are naturally sadistic, those men attacked places that were already bleeding from the earlier whipping.

One of the carpenters had heard me telling Daiki that I was going to need a solid place to have the Bedouins laid to be beheaded. I knew that the traditional way in the area was to have the soon to be headless to kneel and strike him or her from the back. I wanted these men to see what was coming, they already knew they would not be able to deflower the virgins that greeted them in Nirvana, they believed that having their cocks and balls removed meant they would not have sex in their afterlife. Perhaps it is a blood madness or some related mental illness, but by the time the men had lost their cocks and balls I was ready to do the beheading, myself.

One of the construction trucks that had been used as a weapon was used to haul the bodies out beyond Highway 40 and left with their heads sitting where their cocks had been. I don't know who did it, but each of the emasculated corpses had a cock thrust into its throat. That was one step further than I thought we needed to go but most of these men were from the area and knew how the message that would be received by the Bedouin.

The teen was still hanging from the rack when I returned to the beach. I had two of the pony boys cut him down. The full day had drained him of his energy but he was still attempting to resist the boys as they bullied him towards the beach house. I was debating myself as to whether I should punish him more or take my pleasure in his ass before turning him over to the slaves for real punishment.

"What was your name?" As soon as my cock was in him I was going to change his name. From the beauty of his butt I had already decided to name him after Saturn's moon, Titan. If I never saw any other part of him I would be happily satisfied with that.

"I am Dawood al-Murrah, son of the tribe's chieftain, Shaik Taleb al-Murrah. He will ransom me in camels and goats, the tribe herds thousands from oasis to oasis. If you do not release me he will wage war upon this town."

Imad could tell what was to happen and quickly begun to lube my cock as Daiki removed my wrap. The pony boys understood what was happening and forced Dawood to his knees and pressed his head to the sand. I took the lube from Imad, not wanting any of the slaves to touch the teen before I was able to enjoy breaking-in his ass. I had most of my hand in him earlier but this was not going to be brutal, I wanted the teen to learn that he was going to enjoy being fucked as much as I would enjoy fucking him.

He tried fighting the boy holding him to the sand. Rather than allow him to continue I swatted him with my dry hand and warned him that if he continued he would end up like the other invaders. He squirmed but wasn't fighting hard enough for either the pony boy or myself to be bothered by it. I enjoyed having fingers in him more than I had ever enjoyed that. I had to stop fingering him or I knew I would orgasm with Imad still rubbing lube onto my cock.

I think Imad was disappointed that he was not allowed to continue but I made him stop so I had a minute to breathe before I touched my cock head to the asshole. After the way Titan's asshole had been tightening around my fingers I wasn't at all surprised when I slid into him four inches without any resistance. He may have been fucked before or not; whichever his ass betrayed the words coming from his mouth. It took me three strokes to fully enter him,.when I slammed my body against his butt I would have sworn I heard him begging me to fuck him harder. I didn't, I slow stroked my ten inches in and out of the sweet, smooth asshole enjoying every inch, each way.

"Your name is now Titan, slave. You are going to be my boy, whenever I want my cock pleasured you are going to use either your mouth or ass and take my cum. Do you understand Titan?"

"Yes, sir."

"No, that is yes Master." I swatted him hard on the right butt cheek. He didn't answer. I swatted him harder, still he didn't respond. I had to resort to a paddle that I had Pisces bring me from the cabinet at the gateway to the stable. That didn't make me pleased, but it did slow down my orgasm which was good for both of us.

I had given him at least fifteen or more swats with the paddle before he spoke again.

"Please, Master."

"Please what, slave?"

"Please stop hitting me."

"I can see it is going to take a lot of paddling and whipping for you to understand that a slave does not get to say when his punishment is over. Beg me to fuck you!"

I swatted him another ten times before I heard him say please, again.

"Please what slave?" His cheeks were giving off more heat than the sand, they were deep red and turning into a shade of purple.

"Please fuck me Master." He said it so low that even the pony boy holding his head had trouble hearing him.

"Louder, slave." I swatted him twice more before he had the chance to say it.

"Master, please fuck me Master." He was a little louder but not loud enough for the rest of the slaves to hear.

I swatted him lower. If his balls had been hanging low they would have been bouncing but as it was I only slammed the paddle into his thighs. I didn't want to hurt his balls this time, I wanted to leave him able to shoot a load while I fucked him. Finally he yelled it out loud enough that everyone watching could hear. The pony boys all hooted and jeered him.

"Leo, suck his cock while I fuck him." The pony boy had been inching closer every time I had swatted Titan, he was drooling at the sight of the cock hanging between Titan's legs. He is one of the better cock suckers among the pony boys so letting him suck Titan wasn't punishment for anyone.

"Ali," Ahmed had come up beside me, "would you allow me to suck his cock?"

I hadn't forgotten about Tony but I hadn't wanted him to be involved in this scene. It had been a few hours since we had started to make out, I decided Ahmed should have the honor if that is what he thought it was. In seconds Tony had first licked my balls and Ahmed moved down further so he could suck the teen's short, thick dick As soon as Titan felt Ahmed's breath pass across his balls his cock stood up hard, I wondered if with Ahmed sucking and me fucking how quickly the teen would end up losing a load of cum. I didn't doubt he would, but would he enjoy it? That would be another question, but his ass grabbed hold of my cock as soon as I was in him an inch and was trying to milk the cum out of me.

"Do you like that cock, Titan?"

"Yes, Master." He had answered me loud and quick, whether it was to avoid being hit anymore or if he had broke down and admitted to himself that he enjoyed being fucked. With everything that had occurred over the previous few hours I didn't last long with his ass milking me and Tony licking my balls.

"I thought I might want to come here to live, but that attack has me thinking that it may be too dangerous here. Do you think putting the dead Bedouins in the desert is going to solve anything?" Tony was sitting with me in the Jacuzzi, we were both erect and enjoying the other's hand. He was stroking my cock slowly underwater and I had a finger in his asshole loosening him up for the fuck I had been wanting for a day. I ignored the question.

"Ali, I like you. I am confused, though. Why did you fuck that boy before you fuck me?" The look on his face told me that he was feeling a little more than like, I wasn't sure I was ready for another man that wanted anything from me more than sex. I was still hurting from Daiki turning from lover to slave. I know I could have still loved him but that is the way he wants to be treated and trying to keep him as a lover wouldn't be fair to him.

"I fucked Titan to make him part of the slave community. If I hadn't he would not have survived the night in the stable." He still might not survive the night, if the two dead slaves had friends they might seek revenge and there would be no one to stop them.

"So you will be keeping him as a slave?"

"That's what I told him, why?" I thought I had been fairly definite when I had spoken to the slave on the beach why was Tony questioning me?

"He is much younger than any of the other slaves. Are you keeping him to sell or for the community?"

"Do you want to buy him?"

"No, I can't afford to feed a slave." He hit on a major problem, food was a huge cost. Now that I had money coming in from the sale of lots I wasn't nearly as worried, but I needed an accountant that could guide me through the fine points of making a budget for the town. I moved so that I was sitting on the edge of the pool. Tony looked at what he had been stroking and dove for my cock, mouth open wide until my cock hit his throat. He had a heavy gag reflex and wasn't able to go any further but he did work about seven inches of my cock hard, he has some of the strongest jaws I've ever known. It is a shame that his throat wouldn't open for a cock, with the way he sucks it would be heaven.

After a few minutes we crawled out of the Jacuzzi and sat in the gauze covered gazebo. I was enjoying having Tony to talk with and touch. Especially to touch, I had pulled his chair close enough that my hand rested on his balls, big, hairless, low hanging balls that would fill anyone's mouth. I wasn't sure what his feelings about mutual sex but playing with his balls had his cock hard and leaking pre-cum.

"Tony, I've wanted to fuck you since the first time I saw you yesterday." We had been in the gazebo for a half hour or so talking with my hand on his balls and our cocks hard.

"Ali, I knew that as soon as you spoke to me. But, I've never had a cock that big in my ass. It scares me a little."

"You'll love it once you are all the way impaled."

"I don't know. I couldn't even suck it all."

"Your ass won't have a gag reflex." I had hoped that he would laugh and whether it was nerves or I was actually being funny he chuckled for a few minutes.

Since we had finally started discussing the subject I knew that Tony was going to be willing to try. I slid my hand down lower and tickled his asshole for a few minutes. He wasn't opening at all, I thought back to when I was first fucked by Mehmet. My owner had done what was not expected from a Master and had licked and sucked my asshole long enough to get me to start opening. I could open Tony with my fingers like I had so many of the slave boys over the past few months but I was feeling differently about him than anyone I had fucked.

It wouldn't be the first time I licked an asshole but it was the first time I would be licking an ass on the first night we were together, even my Masters had not forced me to lick their asses the first time we were together. Mehmet and Prince al Sari had both bought me to fuck not to have me fuck them although it hadn't taken more than a few times together before they were both giving up their asses to me and I learned how to please them with my tongue. I didn't even think about Daiki watching me as I dropped between Tony's knees and lifted his legs to give me access to his asshole.

Most people don't think of assholes as being too attractive, but that night I was struck by how perfect his ass slit was as I raised his legs. I could have knelt there and kissed his hole for the next hour but with the first kiss he quivered and I could tell he had never been licked before.

"Tony, are you a virgin?" Yes he had sucked on my cock and asked why I hadn't fucked him earlier but I had the feeling I was taking Tony places he had never been but wanted to go.

"Ali, I have never had my asshole kissed." I could have sworn to that, but had he ever been fucked or even fingered? "Okay the truth is this it the first time I have ever done anything other than get a hand job or lick balls. You aren't disappointed are you?"

How could I be disappointed? He had tried to suck my ten inch cock with no experience and was willing to have me fuck him. I pulled his butt closer to the edge of his chair and started licking and probing at his asshole with my tongue. I can't describe the noises he was making other than to say they were welcoming me to continue. Now I don't have one of those long tongues but I usually can get at least a half inch or so in an asshole, he had flowered allowing my to push in as far as I could. I loved the fact he was opening so willingly.

"Tony, rather than force my cock into your virgin hole I want you to sit on it." I had pulled my face away and was gently applying lube that had been sitting on a small table. When I thought I had him lubed enough I handed him the tube of lube. I lay back flat on a lounge chair, "Tony, you should lube my cock before you try sitting on it."

He was eager to try fucking so I had to keep slowing him down. If I didn't I knew I was large enough to rip his asshole and hurt him severely I would have left him go as fast as he wanted. He had said he was experienced in giving hand jobs and the way he lubed my cock I believed him. "Should I be facing you or looking at your feet?"

"Unless you want to suck my toes I'd rather you were facing me. I want to see the expression on your face when my whole cock is firmly set in your asshole." That was a bit more talking about a fuck than I was used to but it was surprisingly exciting. Besides, once he had me partially inside I wanted to kiss him. I changed my mind, I wanted to kiss him right then, it didn't matter that my mouth would taste like his asshole. Those few inches he was shorter than me made it easier to mash our faces together as he took the first couple inches of cock.

"Ali, stop. It hurts, you are going to split me in two."

"Tony, relax. Hold yourself still. Your asshole feels good. I can wait to start fucking. Lower your body as you adjust to having my cock in you. Kiss me again." We met, I pushed up onto my elbows and he leaned forward. I so wanted to force my cock in but I had said I would let him do it so I didn't do more than press lightly down on his shoulders. By the time I let him go I was more than halfway in, he was responding with tears. It was sweet watching him try to relax and press down and have more tears flow down over his cheeks. A couple times I pulled his head down so I could lick the tears off his face.

After fifteen minutes he only had about three quarters of my cock in and was trying to tell me that he couldn't take any more, that his ass was hurting too much, that I was splitting him in two. Why is that such a common reaction the first time? It didn't matter, I was far enough in him that I was not going to allow him to pull off before getting a real fuck. It took a lot of maneuvering to get where I could put him on his back and lift his legs. He hadn't stopped crying or trying to convince me to stop but the time had come to do more than keep my cock hard. I pulled back a few inches, I must have shocked him doing that. "No Ali, what are you doing? I'll get used to having you in me."

"Tony, you are going to be so used to having my cock in your ass you'll be begging me to fuck you every time you see me." I slid back all the cock I had pulled out and repeated the movement again, not pushing any further in but squeezing his cock that had deflated completely. I wanted him hard when I went to push my entire cock in.

"That's nice?"

"What? The way I'm playing with your cock or the way I'm massaging your asshole?"

"Both. I could lay like this all night." His cock started getting harder again. I had a lot of pre-cum on my hand as I stroked his six inches, I used it to make him feel good. I was slowly sliding my cock in and out without pushing deeper. I bent him over far enough that his knees were on my shoulders as I kissed him again. I held him there for a few minutes before pulling almost the entire way out of his ass.

"What the fucking Hell?" He screamed loud enough to raise a commotion in the slaves' stable.

"That is what having my whole cock in you feels like." I had jammed the entirety of my cock into him in one hard stroke. He was crying again and making noises that let me know he was hurting but didn't want us to stop. I didn't. I was glad I had fucked Titan, if I hadn't I knew I wouldn't have lasted long inside of Tony. But drained only a couple hours earlier I was able to hold off cumming quickly. With Tony's feet over his head I started fucking him with long slow strokes alternating a few faster and harder strokes moving my cock around inside him so that I wasn't just going in and out but exciting him from side to side and up and down. His moans and undecipherable noises were turning to pleasure moans. The tears had stop and his cock was drooling pre-cum again.

"Ali, you are a god. I am going to shoot so much cum I'll drown. " He had that barely out of his mouth when he did start shooting cum all over his chest and face. He didn't drown, but he did get at least two volleys in his mouth and one in his left eye. I kissed him and swapped his cum between our mouths until I couldn't hold back and drove my load as deep into his ass as I could. I could have pulled out but thought it better to allow my cock to go soft and gently fall away. It had been a long hard day, I fell asleep on top of him, my cock still inside a few inches.

It was probably three or four hours later when Tony woke me. We rolled to our side. I had been dreaming about sex, what's new? I drove my cock all the way back into him.

"Ali, I need to piss." I think he was worried that he might piss on the bed or me. It was okay with me, he could have pissed the entire time I was going to fuck him. I wouldn't have cared if he was pissing on me, it might have been nice.

"Please, let me up. I need to go piss."

"Salman." The slave was peering over the side of the bed by the time I slid in and out of Tony once more. "Get your mouth over here, Tony needs to piss."

The look I got when I told the slave that from Tony was horror, fear and curiosity all in one. Salman hadn't waited, he knew that some men didn't say anything about their need until the piss was ready to fly. Tony had let a few small spurts loose but had held most of his bladderful until Salman had his mouth covering the head of his cock. As the slave swallowed, the look on Tony's face morphed into a huge smile and then lust as Salman went from drinking piss to sucking his cock. Although I was fucking I needed to piss, too. I thought about giving Tony a piss enema but thought it would be too soon in his sex life to experience that.

"Salman I need to piss, too." I could tell he was pulling off Tony's cock reluctantly but as soon as he saw that my cock was out of the man's asshole he dove down and began to lick me clean before backing off to drink the hard stream. By the time I was finished pissing Tony was back to sleep. I wrapped my arms and body around him and slowly fell back to sleep myself, I would have preferred finishing what I had started but I thought I should allow Tony to sleep it been a hard day for everyone in Manzili.

The sun was already half way up in the sky when I felt Tony exploring between my legs with his tongue. I could have pissed again but what I felt was good enough for me to hold back. He had one ball totally wet and the other slipping and sliding through his lips. I must have groaned from the joy of it. "Did I wake you?"

"You did. So I guess you need to keep licking and sucking."

"This is as far as I have ever gone."

"Are you afraid to go further?"

"No. I worry that I don't know what to do and you won't be happy."

"Tony, I'll lift my legs and you can push my cheeks apart with your hands so you have full access to my asshole. There is almost nothing I enjoy more than having my asshole licked and probed." I knew he would be better than I am, he could touch his chin with his tongue, if he only got half that in my ass I would go nuts.

"Who is on the floor? Ahmed or Salman?"

"It's Ahmed, Master."

"Get up here and talk Tony through licking my ass." Ahmed had never had a moment of reluctance when he was first permitted the freedom to spread my butt. Since that first time he had licked or sucked my ass everyday at least once. I knew he wanted more than I was willing to give him but having been refused once he never asked again. Still he could barely stop himself from cleaning my asshole anytime he thought I might have the need or desire. He had especially enjoyed digging for his brother's cum and had learned how to take Mehmet's piss from my ass while I was still his brother's slave. I don't enjoy giving a piss enema as much as Mehmet, still Ahmed was always there to take my piss from whatever asshole I filled.

Tony took directions from Ahmed well and had my ass feeling so good I almost begged him to fuck me. It had been two days since I had been fucked and his smaller dick than any of the past cocks that had fucked me would have been not much more than a tease but maybe enough for a new beginning. I'd been fucked by a few men with six and seven inches and when I hadn't been fucked by a larger cock in a while they were able to satisfy my needs. Tony just wouldn't, I had Runihuru fuck me three times in the five days prior to the Realtors arriving. I have heard some of the slave boys saying it's not how long the cock is fucking them but how thick that really makes the difference, I agree that's true most of the time but when you get all of Runihuru stuffed in your ass you are thanking whoever you pray to that he isn't any thicker.

"Master, when you didn't appear for breakfast I got worried." It was the first time that Daiki served me breakfast in bed. He was making a statement, he had brought only enough food for one even though he knew I was intending to complete the interlude I had started with Tony before the town was attacked.

It was a strange few minutes. Daiki and I spoke while Ahmed held Tony's head to my ass, What ever I might have said to Daiki was punctuated by the noises I moaned each time Tony pressed his tongue in or slid it out. Ahmed had him working me so well that I thought I might spray the tray of food with c um. Daiki was jealous, it was easy to see in his eyes, I had to chase him from the room even if I would have loved to have his mouth replace Tony and had my new bed mate sit on my cock again, one fuck a night is never enough.

Daiki had avoided cooking any pork products for me even though he knew I was neither Jewish or Muslim and had no prohibitions on eating ham or sausage, both of which I love with my breakfast. I don't know where he had found the turkey sausage links that had become a regular part of my breakfast but having them that morning moved Tony and I from simple sexual matters to having him eating food from my asshole. The Sausage links were about the thickness of a good cigar and a bit shorter than his cock so when he was able to take the first bite I was holding almost five inches of sausage inside.

I never asked him if the sausage had tasted like shit but I can say he did take the log without complaining. Until that morning only slaves had eaten food from my ass. Imad and Ihad both had snuck into the kitchen mornings when they saw Daiki leave me alone begging to be allowed to do this Either of them would have continued eating had I slid a log of shit out after the sausage. They weren't the only slaves that would have done that but they were the most vocal about the idea, begging me as long as I would allow. I had seen Imad take a glass of my piss and dump it on his brother's food and then share it. There were times when one or the other was licking my ass that I wondered what had turned them into such dedicated waste receptacles.

"Tony, I need to piss and will unload in your mouth if you get just your lips around my head." I was ready to tell Ahmed to suck it down but Tony had surprised me when he finished eating the sausage by saying he would kneel on the floor if I would try to pee slowly. I had downed piss from all of the Kings, it hadn't made me more of a slave than a lover as Tony gulped and struggled to swallow his first load of piss I tried remembering that. I didn't know what I wanted to do with Tony once we left the bed that morning but he was trying his hardest to make sure there would be another time and succeeding so far..

"Ali, I need to get to work. Will you be available tonight?"

"Tony, what would you be wanting tonight?"

"Everything you can do with this wonderful cock. I want it in my mouth and my ass." He had admitted feeling sore earlier but I understood what he was saying. I had felt that way the day Mehmet had broke through my resistance and made me accept wanting sex with another man especially wanting a man to fuck me. As soon as he stopped talking he was back under my balls licking and stretching his tongue out trying to get to my asshole. How my tastes have changed.

"I will stop by the tent around noon. If you still want to lick my asshole I'll flip the wrap up so your friends and coworkers can watch." I had made slaves lick me in front of other people and had been licked by Princes and Kings in front of slaves, having Tony lick me in front of his coworkers was a strange idea that he didn't answer other than to push my legs up so I lay back on the bed before kissing my asshole repeatedly. Suddenly he was gone, Ahmed offered to continue what he had been teaching Tony even putting his tongue where I felt the last kiss.

I spent the rest of the morning making arrangements for the wounded. The carpenters were sent to Riyadh in company vehicles that arrived that morning with new supervisors and replacement workers. The wounded Realtors were Kuwaiti and were sent to Kuwaiti City, only one of the slaves had worsened over night and needed to be sent to the hospital. A doctor and two nurses had arrived from the town I had used as a model for Manzili with a request that Ahmed call his family to report on his condition. I had pony boys and other slaves working to repair the damage the construction crew had done with their trucks.

Other than occasionally remembering that I was due at the realtors tent at noon I didn't think about Tony, Daiki or sex. I had trouble looking at my town in the same way I had before the Bedouin attacked. I had thought we were a haven unto ourselves now I knew that we were vulnerable to any group whether it was a nation, a religious terror organization, a tribe wandering the desert or a disgruntled mob from the oil fields. I needed to negotiate a better system of defense, once the construction crews were gone we would be totally without the ability to defend ourselves. I couldn't afford a private army to patrol outside of the town even if it would have been permissible. I didn't want to have to live behind a wall that could keep out an enemy. My morning was not pleasant.

"Master, it is noon. Your meal will be ready as soon as you arrive at the house." Daiki had interrupted my thoughts on how I could better serve the town with a defense. As soon as his voice cracked my thoughts I remembered that I had sent a padded platform to the Realtors' tent that I had instructed the slaves to set firmly in front of the nearest sex station. I felt the smile spread on my face as I started walking the three blocks down the center of the town. My mind flashed back and forth between the thought of Tony meeting me on the street to him refusing to leave his work to show the town that he was going to form some type of relationship with me.

The sex station was less than a block past the tent. The platform set for me to bend over called me like nothing had in years. If Tony performed for the town I was going to turn around and bend him over the platform and fuck him in front of anyone that cared to watch. I had ordered the slaves to gather, often when I had done that earlier the construction crew had gathered, too. I was nervous, should I present myself in the tent or wait for him at the sex station? Naked? Or with the wrap covering my hard, leaking cock? Being proud, loud and boastful? Or silent until I told him to take my place?

A Realtor with one of the few buyers that was still in town choosing his lot opened the tent flap and let everyone know that there was some type of gathering on the street. He couldn't know anything more than that since I still had my wrap around my waist and was walking fifty feet or so from the tent headed in that direction. I heard the commotion he caused inside so I choose to walk to the sex station. If Tony didn't show I was prepared to put a slave over the platform and punish him for what I had heard him say about Tony leaving the house that morning.

With still more than seventy-five feet to go Tony stepped up beside me and matched his steps to mine.

"Ali, may I remove your wrap?" He had already slid it up so that my cock was no longer covered.

"Tony, are you certain you want everyone here to see you worship me?"

"Yes. Ali, you are all I have thought about since I left the house this morning. I have had to redo three titles I was working on because I was so distracted. Right now all I care about is getting my mouth on your body. I don't care how many people watch while I lick you r ass or suck your cock."

"Or be fucked?"

"Or be fucked by you!" He had pulled the wrap completely off while we talked. Ahmed stepped up to take it from him. As soon as he could he took my cock in his hand and smiled up at me and waggled his tongue between his lips.

When we reached the platform I intended to bend over I bent his head up so I could give him a huge kiss. The slaves would know that it meant he was not going to join their ranks. What any of the other men thought of me kissing Tony I had no idea but that he dropped his clothing while we kissed should have told them he was doing this more than willingly.

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Next: Chapter 45

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