By Bruce Turner

Published on Nov 3, 2023



Chapter 40

Please obey the laws in your locale. If the legal age to be reading this type of material is 21 please be at least that age. If there are other restrictions please follow them. This is a work of fiction, 100%. There are no people that are being described and the countries have not done any of the things stated. This is a fantasy world occupied by unrealistic humans with the possibility of extreme sexuality.

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Chapter 40

I sat in that prison for two days before being taken out to meet Meckelson and a representative from the Kuwait Ambassador's office. The Prime Minister of England was discussing me being in his country with the Prime Minister of Kuwait, it seems he was not pleased with my presence. If he had asked me I would have said the same, I wasn't pleased to be there other than it had me that much closer to Daiki. Seeing Meckelson in the consultation room I was afraid that my father had gotten his two cents worth into my problems and made them worse, Meckelson promised that he had warned my father not to attempt intervening on my behalf that was why he had sent the lawyer. Hallelujah he is maturing and listening to his lawyer.

Although I was going to be held at least another day until the two Prime Ministers came to an agreement the Ambassador's representative did have some good news. The NCA had located Daiki, the center where he was being held was now surrounded by British police and five members of Interpol there were also three soldiers that Kuwait had sent as observers. He had not learned anything about Daiki, whether the brainwashing the center used had affected him in any way was a secret that was being held between the center and his father. The Iman that we had originally thought might be holding Daiki for his father was cleared of any connection to the center where Daiki was suspected of being. It was really more than suspected, the NCA was almost 100% certain that we would find him in the center, but because it had been declared a religious center two years earlier they could not enter without a visual confirmation sworn before a court with three sitting judges.

"So while they wait for confirmation, the Muslims in the center continue attempting to change his personality and sexuality?"

"That is unfortunately how these situations proceed." Meckelson spoke like he had confronted these centers before.

"So is there anyone trying to make a visual confirmation? Who is here that knows him?" Daiki wasn't that well know so it was fair for me to ask.

"The King sent his chef. They worked together for three years so he should have as good a chance as anyone of recognizing him. How he is going to get inside is another story, the center has serious security and is very restrictive about visitors allowed in the center. In the two days the center has been under observation there has only been one man that has gone in and out, he is a kitchen worker of some sort. He has gone to the town market in the morning done his shopping and returned, that is really the only reason other than heat signatures that the police know the building is occupied."

"Could I fight my way in?" I was seriously anxious to find him.

"Possible, but you would have to face two guards in the front entryway that look to be carrying nearly three foot long scimitars. If they really know how to use them you would need more than your Tai Kwan Do."

"Scimitars, because England does not allow guns?"

"No. Guards can get a waiver to carry a gun but the center is said to have a few truly disturbed inmates that might be problematic around guns. So the guards may be well trained with the blades to avoid the need for any other weapons."

"But somewhere in the center there is a gun in case the guards are disarmed. It sounds more like a jail than a rehabilitation center."

"It does, but most of the centers were heavily guarded years ago to keep the men sent there inside. Most likely the Head of the center has access to the gun."

"If I was to try going in I would need to get through the two guard fast and do a quick search or Daiki and I might both get shot trying to leave." It wasn't a very positive outlook, guns and knives aren't the easiest opponents.

"They wouldn't shoot Daiki unless necessary, they charge a huge amount of money to hold people in the center even temporarily. Which may be the reason for the scimitars, wound but not kill escaping inmates?" Meckelson seemed to know more about the center than the Embassy employee. When I asked if he had been inside he admitted that my father had him inspect the place after he first saw me in Saudi Arabia. There were only twenty rooms for the inmates. The men were held on the second floor of the center, only brought onto the first for their conversion sessions. If they were there to avoid Kuwaiti prisons they never left the second floor.

"Mr. Meckelson, before I am released would you please pick up a few items that I will need if I am to invade the center. I understand that knowing what I plan would most likely be against your legal guidance in this country. I'm only going to ask that you find me a Tae Kwan Do sparring partner that is proficient in using kamas and have him or her bring a pair of 14 inch that are better that Demonstration quality. I haven't used them for a few years so even an instructor may be good enough as sparring partner." I hated lying to the lawyer but kamas are extremely deadly and I didn't know how England classified them. Were they even legal in the country or would he have to have them smuggled in from France overnight? I knew he would have them there when I was released, he had contacts over all of Europe that dealt in illegal weapons.

An international intervention, Turkish swords, Japanese kamas, Korean martial arts; all being dealt with by me, an American ex, Saudi ex, Spanish ex, Moroccan ex, and international Tae Kwan Do expert. I would have a day or two to plan going through the two guards with the scimitars, without ever seeing them use the weapons there was not much I could plan other than to get muscle memory back/working the kamas against scimitars being properly used. They had never been my weapons of choice but I had learned how to use them early in my training and could either wound or disarm with them when necessary. I thought I would probably need to do both as I forcibly entered the center, looking back it was three years since I had kamas in my hands.

I was going to need to purchase clothing fit for a ninja once I was out of the prison, I didn't trust Meckelson to get what I needed or maybe I am just that vain that I knew I needed to get the perfect fit. I know I'm not a ninja and would prefer extremely tight clothing rather than the loose that helped mask the body from swords and knives. I wanted to be able to fade into shadows as much as .possible and wouldn't have time to soften the clothing to not make noise. I didn't expect it to help much approaching the building, but once I was searching for Daiki inside I would need every advantage I could give myself. The heat detection equipment had shown there to be a person in every room on the second floor, I had hoped for a few empties so we could send someone in to pretend to be looking for a room but Meckelson said they didn't accept anyone previewing the center if all rooms were filled There were also three bodies roaming the halls upstairs and down, whether they were more guards , nurses, or some other type of support we didn't know and Meckelson had said he hadn't seen anybody roaming the halls when he visited it but that he had been there during the day when there were more doctors and nurses present.

"Prince Mehmet has men searching for anyone that was held here but so far he hasn't succeeded. Either no one will admit to the conversion or no one leaves there." I was returned to the same cell where I had spent two nights to think about what I was going to do to get Daiki out. I really could use exercise and time with the kamas, I didn't want to try goino into the center up against two guards with scimitars unprepared. With at least twenty other men in the cell there wasn't room for me to do much in the way of loosening up other than what I was able to do sitting or propped against the corner. At least I was able to loosen up my hips and shoulders. It wasn't like I would be heading straight into combat, but if I let myself stiffen up any more it would take me more than just one day outside the center to get prepared. Especially since I had always found using the kamas to be both physically and mentally demanding; it didn't take many strikes to learn how hard you could hit a body with your hands or feet but using the kamas you didn't have those few initial strikes to tell you how resistant the body would be to the blade.

Back in the cell, my cock betrayed me. The first two nights it had behaved and not been aroused by any of the drunk and unwashed men crowded around me but walking into the cell when the guards unshackled me I brushed against a new inmate. He was unlike any of the others, for a few minutes I wondered if he was related to Patrick or the royals. Slowly, I saw there were too many differences for there to be any relationship to either.

He followed beside me across the cell, I would have also. I was the best groomed of the group other than him. If his shirt hadn't been ripped at his left shoulder you might have thought he was headed off to work in an office. It had taken six centuries but England had finally mostly stopped wearing jackets every time they left their homes. I think part of that was acknowledging the global weather change and partly the drive for society to become less formal hadn't hurt. The skin poking through the ripped shirts was a blotchy white and pink, that typical English complexion that had never attracted me too much. When I added the ginger hair I was less than stirred. After I sat he looked around the cell before sitting on the floor between my legs, I was shaken.

"Mister, I don't know anything about you but the way the others stay away I have to think you can defend yourself and aren't afraid of anyone in here. If you take me under your protection I'll give you whatever your want, a blow job, my ass, I'll even eat your ass or drink your piss. I just need someone to defend me while I'm here." I watched as he made this profession, my cock was standing at its full height.

I doubted I was going to let him suck me off in front of the cell full of straight strangers but I wondered if he thought he would be able to take all ten inches.

"Mr., taking that in my ass or throat would be better than what the three in the far corner are planning for me." I looked where he had nodded. There were three men that were probably in their early twenties that all looked rough, if I had been back in Indiana or Ohio I would have thought they were just lately thrown off the family farms trying to survive in town by fighting anyone they thought had a buck. They all looked strong, slightly cut up from knives, angry at something I couldn't see,. They were rubbing and talking together in the way pack animals do.

"Why are they after you?" The look on his face was more scared than it had been when he first sat. He didn't look like he was a 90 pound weakling, in fact I would have picked him as one of the inmates most likely to win a one on one fight in the cell.

"I committed a grave sin in their eyes. Over the weekend I was with them when they caught a twelve year old boy out after midnight. We had just left a pub on the East End after the owner got pissy about us singing over the sound of his shitty mellow music. You noticed the blond? He and I have been singing in groups since before I went on to sixth form and he went to the streets with his two friends. We often get together when I'm home, with his friends being more and more antagonistic towards me every time. I have never quite understood the reason other than I was getting an education and they weren't.

"Anyway, I thought they were going to beat the 12 year old down for his shoes or money and tried to get them to stop. Wylie pushed me back and held on to me while his friends stripped the boy's clothing off and never giving him a chance raped his ass and mouth. Rupert, who was in the boy's mouth finished first and came over to us and let Wylie take his place. It seemed as if that was the point when Paul shot up the boy's ass. Wylie moved from the boy's mouth to his ass and ground him to the street fucking him for a good ten or fifteen minutes. Rupert and Paul had kept me from helping the boy. With the boy having taking three loads I thought they were finished but I was wrong, Paul and Rupert changed ends and raped the kid again. Wylie was not able to hold me any longer.

"I took off and as soon as I found a constable, ratted them out. They were arrested within the hour and warned me as they were being cuffed that they were going to get me.

"I thought with them in here and school only a few days away I didn't have anything to worry about. About four hours ago the constables showed up at my parents' flat and arrested me. I knew there had to be a mistake, I never do anything other than speed once in a while. Once they started questioning me it was obvious to me what had happened. Since I had ratted them out for raping the boy they had decided to have me included in the charge, I had been seen with them in the bar so the police took their word for it. If they get the chance to beat me down, while in here, they get their revenge and when my DNA doesn't show up and the boy denies me raping him I'm out but having paid for some of their pain."

"Lick my feet."


"You said anything I want. Down, now."

He was almost too slow. I was able to get from where I was sitting into a full throat slashing kick stance as the boy between my legs moved back a step. The blond of the three fell back into the other two boys and they all retreated back to their corner of the cell.

"Sit back up. What's your name?"

"I'm called Elton."

"Is that your name?"

"It's the family name, my first name is Winston, my parents don't have much imagination or the ability to see that I would be bullied over both names."

"You were bullied about being named after a British hero? Winnie should have guaranteed that your classmates didn't bully you about being named Elton."

"Well, kids are mean and don't act logically. I was never much of an athlete but by the time I only had three years to go I was as strong as any of the other kids because I was power lifting and running long distance. If any of them other than Wylie had known I preferred boys to girls I would not have made it to college."

"At least you knew by then, I had less than a year of graduate school left when I learned about my sexuality."

"You like sex with boys, too?"

"I really prefer them to be old enough to be called men. Boys will do if you must."


I took a good look at Winnie. Up until then, although we were talking I was watching the three men that he had claimed were after him. Sure I had noticed the ginger hair and the pale skin and and a faint similarity to Patrick, but now that he was propositioning me I looked closer. He was about the same size as I am, not handsome but not bad looking, he had strong looking shoulders. Since he was kneeing on the floor I couldn't tell too much about his body and definitely hadn't gotten a look at his ass or crotch.

"Winnie, I'd have to get a better look at you, from what I can see I wouldn't reject you. Can you take ten inches in your mouth and your ass?"

He looked like a floundering fish, unable to answer the question or unwilling to believe I have ten inches that I would force in him. I would have thought he had seen it when he was within a couple feet of my crotch.

"It looks like I am going to have to defend you again." The trio was pushing through the other inmates, it would only be another minute before they arrived.

"Give me as much room as you can, if you can push anyone else out of the way it would help."

I was fortunate, Winnie had gotten my shoes and socks removed while obeying the order to lick my feet. Hard shoes work well when you do a double head kick, being barefoot did too if your feet were used to it, sandals and socks not so much. I was only going to be able to use a kick on one of the three, there just wasn't enough room in the cell for me to follow up with either a high kick or another double kick. I was sure I would be able to take out all three as long as none of them knew some exotic style of defense.

Head, knees and throat, head, knees and throat, I repeated the mantra to myself as I jumped to a standing position on the bench where I had been seated. If Winnie went too far I was not going to be in position to reach any of them before they made it to him.

A double kick to Paul's head and forcing Rupert's right knee backwards as I did a full 360 degree forward turn. It looked as if Wylie was going to retreat without his friends, I wasn't going to allow him to escape without knowing it was poor idea to attack me or his old friend, he needed to receive some pain, too.. I wasn't able to go for his throat as I had planned, he had turned his back to us. What I was able to do was a move that I had never believed would be useful when I had learned it the first month I trained. I always thought the instructor was trying to make our bodies more limber and adding strength to our kick heights. You see the move all the time, just not with fighters. Modern dancers and cheerleaders have appropriated the move, or did it come from them in the first place? Any way it was a simple forward flip. Both hands to the ground that then pushed you up and over, cheerleaders and dancers land on their feet or do a second and third off their hands.

I pushed higher and further forward than either of them would. That was so I would land in the center of Wylie's back. We had been warned that you can break a man's back if you did that move and hit his spine. The intent is to hit with both feet almost on the shoulders or if you go lower hit the hips. I think that was just to teach us control of the move, think about it, the full weight of a man crashing into your back just about anywhere would put you to the ground. It might be like when you are whipping a man and don't want to hit the kidneys, if you landed on them as the pursued hit the ground you might do serious damage, higher would be much like the blows you have seen to a man's chest (heart) that stopped it. Because the man was going to hit the ground that hard.

Paul had gotten up from the double kick to his head, I hadn't kicked any harder than I would have in competition. I hadn't wanted to kill him but I should have kicked harder to keep him down longer. It didn't really matter since all it took was one fist to the crotch meeting him as he stumbled towards me. There were then three of them on the floor, two groaning and one unconscious.

"What are you doing?" Winnie had come towards us and had pulled his leg back to kick Rupert in the head.

"They have had enough. If they come after you again I'll kick their butts again. It's time for you to get down on the floor and clean my feet." I wanted to know how good he was before pulling my cock out and sticking it in his mouth and I wanted him to know that I was in charge and wouldn't put up with him being stupid.. If we had been anywhere I had lived for the last few years I would have considered making him a slave. After all, he had picked me out to be his defender and a master was always his slave's defender.

"You two better grab your friend and get back to the far corner. If I have to beat on you again I will turn you over to everyone in here as punk boys. Don't doubt I would and can. Whether everyone in here would want your asses is another question. But I have heard a few that want your mouths."

"Fuck you."

"Winnie, it looks like I should have let you kick Rupert. He has a smart mouth. Is it educated, too?" The boy looked at me totally confused. When I reached to grope myself Rupert got the idea ahead of Winnie.

"I don't suck cock, asshole."

"Is that what the boy told you?

"A pre-teen, really?

"Do you have any idea what the other prisoners are going to be doing to you when you go off to the goal?" I really had no idea where they would send a child rapist. England had said it was too civilized to do what at least half the world was now doing. Any of the countries around the Mediterranean, the Persian Gulf, the Red or Black seas or the Indian Ocean would execute a child rapist if the raped was under the age of fourteen. The liberal punishment of the previous century plus had been eliminated. Parents wanted their children protected and the governments had responded.

I did two quick foot strikes to his chest. Rupert was barely breathing. "Winnie, stick your dick in his mouth. He needs to learn how to suck cock, where he's going he'll be doing a lot of it." He looked at his friend with a smile before moving closer.

I hadn't thought Winnie was going to have much of a cock. Usually when someone is on their knees begging for protection upon meeting you there is a lack on his part. But it wasn't true, Winnie pulled out about eight inches of thick cock and without waiting for Rupert to catch his breath stuffed his mouth. I don't know if they had done that before, but the way Winnie grabbed Rupert's ears and worked his mouth up and down on his cock I had the feeling it wasn't the first time for them to connect. It could have been the other way around but Winnie was happy to be fucking Rupert's mouth and I wasn't going to stop him. A few minutes later the other two had their mouths being filled, too. If it had been night without so much light I imagine the trio would have learned what it is like to get your ass raped. I took my seat in the corner and watched while thinking about what I would need to do to get Daiki out of his prison.

Not all of the other fifteen fucked the trio's mouths but I think at least twelve did, I think Winnie shot a load in each of their mouths. He urged a couple of the others to do it too.

"It is time for you to get over here." I hadn't been that attracted to the young man but watching him dominate his friends I had one desire and that was to finish what he had started when he bowed to my feet in front of the entire cell full of men. He had come to me asking for a defender promising to give me anything I wanted from his body. That was the idea, his body. But I wanted something else when I took over men, I want their will. As he knelt in front of me again I could tell that he would willingly become a slave if I exerted my will over his with enough power.

"You came to me promising to give me what I wanted from you. Are you honorable? Are you willing to follow through on what you promised now that your enemies have been at your mercy?" I was sure he calculated the odds of walking away from me without giving up what he had promised, I could see in his eyes that he wasn't certain that he wanted to have me mastering him in front of the other twenty. It had been in my calculations also; that was, would he be willing to be shown as a man that couldn't be trusted to keep his word?

"Do you want me to undress now, master?"

"No, Winnie, that can wait until after the last check by the guards. For now I will be satisfied with a blow job." If we had been in Kuwait matters would have been so much simpler, I could have pulled up the robe or flipped the hem of the slave wrap and given him full access. Here I was in the same pants I had worn on the jet, belt and zipper and needing to pull them down after unfastening. Its not a wonder that the western world has much less sex, they hide themselves behind so much clothing and hardware that spontaneity is nearly impossible.

"Start by licking and sucking my balls then suck my cock."

It had been a while since I had a tongue as nice as his working on my asshole, he was doing wonderfully on on my balls. Shit, if it had been darker I would have dropped my pants and forced his head into my ass crack. It was a tongue that I knew I wanted in my ass, how I was going to get it was a good question.

"Stand up, turn around and sit on my cock. Be sure you leave me wet." I didn't have any lube and wasn't about to ask if anyone had some. If he wanted fucked like I thought he did saliva would be enough even if he had to keep adding it as he slid in cm by cm.

"Master, I've never had that much cock in me. Please don't rip me up, too badly." What a plea. First he had called me master again, so it wasn't just a Freudian slip the first time. Second, he knew how much cock he was dealing with even though he had yet to suck it. Third he knew my cock was going to rip him, all he asked was that I not do it 'too bad'.

"You are driving, boy." I had carefully thought about calling him slave, in front of his recently made ex-friends and another fifteen inmates I decided that it would not be good for him to be known as my slave even if he started to fulfill the duties. The others might make it hard for him just for willingly sitting on my cock and after he managed to get my load, to take my cock, clean it and swallow the full load of piss I had been holding.

Winnie understood what I meant when I said he was driving. At first he was lowering himself so slowly that I worried I might not manage to stay hard for as long as he was taking. I didn't need to worry, he squeezed down and bounced up and down on the first three or four inches. That helped loosen him up and lubricate us both, after about five more minutes he was sitting in my lap panting because of how much cock he had filling him. "It is time to start fucking yourself on my cock, Winnie. Or, I could roll you over onto the bench and drive my cock into you as hard as possible. I'm sure there are a few others here that would like to use you after I do."

He choose to keep control. That was not that surprising for a boy having ten inches of cock in his ass for the first time. I leaned back against the wall and enjoyed having him ride me. It was good, however, I would have preferred that I had been able to fuck him. I promised him that as soon as it was dark enough that I would drive my cock all the way home and make him cry out with lust. He already was moaning in lust, his noise pushed me to cum in his ass, way too soon. When he felt I wasn't quite as hard he climbed off, knelt back between my knees and took my cock in his mouth and using only his tongue washed the cum and ass taste off. "Go ahead and put it away. Think about how you are going to get your tongue in my ass while the afternoon passes." I'm not sure even now, why I didn't fill him with piss.

Dinner couldn't have been much worse. Winnie told me it was blood pudding, just the sound of that turned off my taste buds. I drank the tea and ate some crisps before taking a nap, I wanted to be at full power when I drove my cock into Winnie. He woke me, tugging on my sleeve. Winnie had been bailed out by his parents, I wasn't going to get the opportunity to dominate him the way I wanted but he was writing a number on my forearm. "Call me, if you want to fulfill your promise."

I didn't know which promise he was thinking about, but if I had time before leaving England I would love to give him a half hour to lick my ass or maybe longer driving my cock into him. I don't know much of England's geography so when he told me he was from a town that was less than a five minute drive from the center I didn't know how huge a coincidence that was. He offered to help with the locals, but wasn't sure he knew anything about the center that could be of help, other than he might know the cook or a few other employees since there were very few places for the lads around the area to work.

The next thing I heard was the guard calling my name. Might I have slept through him calling other names? That is possible, there were less people in the cell than the previous day and some of the ones in there were new. Selective hearing while sleeping? Why not? I was taken to the Embassy first, given the opportunity to wash up and change clothes. An Embassy driver chauffeured us to where the police, guards and soldiers had a headquarters overlooking the center. Meckelson was arriving at the same time we did. I had managed to stop for the clothing I thought would be necessary. Walking around I am sure the police and Kuwaiti soldiers wondered why I was dressed like Cat Woman. I hoped there hadn't been any changes that would cause me to delay entry that evening. The clothing was tight and I didn't like the looks I was getting.

The kamas Meckelson had for me were beyond what I had expected him to have found, they belonged to an instructor that had once been charged with the murder of a fencing instructor. They had a running feud and the fencing instructor called him out for a duel. Duels had been illegal in England since the late fifteenth century so it was impossible for the martial arts instructor to use that as an excuse or even as extenuating circumstances. He was found guilty and sentenced to life, Meckelson knew the man's attorney, he hadn't been paid in cash but in property. The kamas had gone back to the estate after the trial, the lawyer had them displayed in his office where Meckelson had first seen them and naturally curious had learned what they were. He had managed to borrow them with just one call, the lawyer was accompanying him to see them used..

The fencing instructor hadn't arrived yet, so I spent the few hours of light remaining scoping out the center and surrounding acres. You never know when something is going to go wrong. The police, soldiers and others surrounding the center should be enough to guarantee I could escape but if there was an upgrade in weaponry and I was being shot at I wanted to know where to run. Daiki had not exercised with me so I had no idea of his speed or endurance, I looked for a spot where we would be safe from flying bullets. There didn't seem to be anywhere within one hundred yards so I had to hope that working on his feet everyday had made Daiki's legs strong enough to do a dash.

"Olly, you have been asked not to invade the center tonight. The English and Kuwaiti Prime Ministers are getting close to an agreement. The King sent a personal request, I hope that you can wait another day." Meckelson was relaying the request, the NCA didn't want anything to do with me after seeing me carrying the kamas.

"I met a man in jail that may know the cook that is going out everyday for fresh produce. Let me get him over here, he's only five minutes away. If they know each other we may get more info on the layout of the center and possibly even find out where they are rooming Daiki."

"I'll give the NCA his name and address if you have it. They can have him here in the morning when the man comes out."

"Well, I don't think we need to do that." A five minute drive? Okay. It was also no more than a ten minute walk since the sheep paths were straighter than the main road. Winnie was approaching us from the north, happily whistling. Being out of jail agreed with him, he sounded good and the boy that I hadn't found attractive at first now was clean and groomed. He wasn't model beautiful but definitely a boy I wouldn't kick out of bed. And that was what I was thinking, BED.

Will I ever want to be monogamous? Here I was 2900 miles from my home where I had nearly thirty sex slaves, I was trying to rescue a man that had told me he loved me the day he was kidnapped. He was within 100 yards and I was thinking about fucking a different young man walking towards me that I had met in prison. I need some mental help. Not because I enjoy dominating men but because I find it so hard to have sex with only one man, even per day. Daiki understood about the slaves, but what would he think about this ginger? Maybe we could take him back to Kuwait and enslave him, that was the second time I thought about that. I really do need that mental help.

I was glad that it was a warm day. Winnie was wearing the shortest shorts that could have covered his cock and balls. He had gotten warm walking from his home to find me, his shirt was stuck in his shorts fit between the hollow of his back and the belt. The light must have been worse than I thought in the prison, I saw a physical being that there was no question about me wanting to dominate. The next time we connected I promised myself that he would learn what it means to be with a man. His family would have been shocked, like the law enforcement around me was, Winnie walked up to me and instead of shaking my hand, fell to his knees, bowed and kissed the bare parts of my feet before calling me Master.

I hadn't thought he had any idea what he was saying when he had called me master while we were in the prison. Humiliating himself in front of fellow Englishmen and calling me that when he was a free man was a totally different matter. I was sure he wanted to be more than a play slave, he wanted me to own him and show others that I had full control of his actions. That would have been okay but I didn't have time to have that type of slave. Jamaal, Ahmed and Salman would have loved that type of position with me but would he accept the type of position they held and if I took another boy to be among them would they accept him? As beautiful as his body was I had trouble believing I could turn him into just another of the ponies, I also had trouble believing that I would return to Kuwait without him.

"There has only been the cook coming and going?"

"That's what we have observed." The NCA chief was an ass, pretentious as he could be and condescending towards me, even more towards Winnie.

"Well, you haven't been observing very well. My brother's friend works there and has not missed a night with his bride this week." Winnie smirked as he addressed the NCA chief.

The forces arrayed around the center couldn't believe Winnie and tried to say so. He hadn't been there a half hour when he showed them a back entry way that was outside of their circle. Anyone could have come or gone. How we could be sure Daiki was still in the center was suspect. With out that assurance I wasn't going through the guards with their scimitars using the kamas, either one or the other of us would die facing off with the medieval weapons, most likely them and I didn't want their deaths on my shoulders if I wasn't able to free Daiki.

"Why don't you just walk in?" Winnie had listened to me bitching at the NCA chief and had come over to my side.

"What would I be walking into?"

"I don't know, but I never heard that there were that many guards here." His assessment of the center seemed quite different than Meckelson's.

"There are people walking the halls, the patients have been locked in for the night so why are there three people walking the halls?"

"One of them is an emergency nurse that walks the halls in case a patient cries out in pain. They detox patients here, too."

"The other two?"

"I don't know but why hasn't the NCA asked any of the employees?"

"They screwed up. Now that they know people are going in and out maybe they will get some info. I would like to know if Daiki is still being held inside and where before I force my way in." He had seen me use Tae Kwan Do so he thought I could do it.

"You can force your way in, anytime." It was probably the first time there wasn't anyone close enough to hear him. I wanted to do just that. My cock had been hard since he arrived, the pre-cum had soaked through the black tights I was wearing but in the slowly growing dark wasn't showing. If he looked closer enough he could tell I was hard, he had brushed his hand up against my cock every minute or so.


"I've always wanted fucked outdoors. There are some haystacks beyond that hillock where we could be away from these fools." He wasn't brushing his hand against me any longer, he was holding tightly and squeezing.

"Hay and naked skin?"

"I'll see if I can find a blanket." He disappeared. Where was he going to find a blanket? None of the men surrounding the center had anything other than a chair and their weapons. There were a few cop cars, was he going to break into one? Or was he going to break into one of the houses that were a block or two away? Was he going to become a thief just to be with me? That was an interesting test, are you willing to steal for me? Better than are you willing to die for me? Who wants a dead slave? I was thinking he wanted to become my slave even more.

"It's not the best blanket I've ever used, but I think it should do." I hadn't seen him reappear. I was the one dressed in black but he was the one that seemed to be using the shadows most effectively. We were hidden by the hillocks when I told him to get out of his shorts. He hadn't even stopped walking when I heard the zipper going down. The shorts slid down one leg and he bent over to pick them up. I jammed a finger in and told him to keep walking. He could go back and get his shorts later. I was getting impatient to have his tongue in my ass, I had been wanting him there since he first licked my balls. I stopped him from walking anymore, surprising what one finger can do.

"Undress, me. Fold them up and set the clothes away from the hay." The next day I wouldn't be wanting to smell like hay when I went to find Daiki.

The thought of him was enough to make my cock twitch some more. I thought I was in control of the situation, Winnie had my clothes piled neatly and I was standing on a used but clean thermal blanket. I was getting ready to give Winnie another order when I heard a distinctly English voice tell him to move away. I turned to see who was giving the order, I landed on my butt. The man had given me a push over the kneeling Winnie. I had just hit the ground when I saw the corners of the blanket lift and I was wrapped in it and helpless. It took them a few minutes to get me off the ground and hanging between the six of them as they started walking.

Not being able to see anything I had lost track of directions. They could have been carrying me to Scotland or Wales, I was totally disoriented. Every few minutes one of the two people in the center of the procession would take one hand off the blanket and punch whatever part of my body they could reach. Most of the punches landed around my naval but there were a few that hit my balls and one or two that were aimed directly at my kidneys and landed. I knew I wouldn't die from what was happening but I was going to be pissing blood with a good chance that my cum would be bloody, too. I hadn't heard Winnie since we started walking, I had been totally gobsmacked; I thought he was after me when all he was doing was leading me into a trap.

They were not treating me tenderly, but when I was thrown against a wall and fell to a cement floor I wanted to fight them all. "Don't try getting out of the blanket, you piece of shite. Willy, here has been given the okay to beat you with his cricket bat."

I could hear them moving around but they didn't talk among themselves or seem to be in any particular rush to do anything with or to me. I thought that was a positive sign, but who were they and why had Winnie betrayed me to them after I had helped him. The blanket made it difficult to breathe, I dug an opening that let me get air that wasn't as warm and finally fell asleep. Why couldn't I have had one of the boys in the wrap with me, my cock needed relief.

I was being lifted when I woke.

"You'll be learning why you're here in a few, chippie." Shit, when they got hold of my cock they weren't going to be thinking I was a girl, or was I about to be prostituted? I hadn't heard a word about hustlers or brothels when Winnie and I were talking about his friends or while I was wrapped in the blanket but I had the feeling that had been the trio's original intent in raping the twelve year old. Grab a kid off the street make him compliant and soon you either had a slave or a hustler, either way making yourself some money off of a twelve year old piece of ass. But, I'm not thirteen and I doubt I would make them any money other than at a slave auction.

If they hadn't tightened the blanket around me I would have been trying to escape but as it was I could barely move the fingers in either hand. I tried pushing out with my arms and legs but the blanket was stronger than what I had thought. That time when I was put down it was much gentler, I think it was a fresh bed. At least fresh enough that I didn't smell any testosterone or cum. I was strapped down, still in the blanket but soon a section was cut away and I could see I was in a startling white room with nothing on the walls or window. Even the floor was white ass where the four men standing around as the youngest cut another section of the blanket away exposing my ass. What thehell was happening to me?

"Is that going to be enough?"

"I would think so," two of the men grabbed me by the ankles while the others were talking..

"Loosen the straps over his legs." I could feel that the two holding my ankles were pushing my legs as far apart as they were able. I was trying to keep my legs together, I didn't think anyone was getting me ready to have my ass licked, this was about doing what THEY wanted not me. "Use the loops to pull his legs even further apart."

"What do you think, Daiki? Does he look like he is a slave master? Or the man that was fucking you when your father went to see you?" I couldn't tell if they were taunting Daiki or me. I knew that I was attached to the bed with straps that I wouldn't be able to break, but why was I there? I was there more than an hour when I heard the door unlocking and two men enter. One of them twisted my head around so they could see my face. The others had left, I was hoping Daiki would still be there, he would help me wouldn't he?

"You have done well, Masoud. This is the man that corrupted my son, your money will be transferred immediately. I could see Daiki's father tapping at his wrist. Not many people used the wrist communicators but I had seen them around the palace, the King did not like hearing people talking to the air so he forbid any other devices for communications.

"Were you able to secure the brands I requested?" He sounded very businesslike as he spoke to the kidnapper.

"They are right there, sir. They have been heating since you arrived at the airport." I saw the two of them go over and examine the strange equipment. I had seen old fashioned brands such as the one that had marked me with the "2" but the equipment they were looking at seemed almost futuristic.

Masoud was calmly explaining to Daiki's father how to make the brand say whatever he wanted by dialing the words into an inset on the non metallic part of the handle between where he would need to hold on and the hot metal. I learned more than I wanted to know about the brands, you could adjust the shape from square, to rectangular, to oval to a perfect circle. The lettering could be in Arabic Chinese, Cyrillic or those I was used to reading, Latin. I couldn't tell what he was intending to have the brands say, but I was well aware it was my butt that was going to be branded. As Daiki's father adjusted the brands, Masoud pulled a gag from a bag: it wasn't a typical ball gag but shaped more like a butt plug with straps.

I wanted to scream for help right then, but the door had been closed and I had not heard a sound come in. Why would sound go the opposite way? Why was I still acting so rational? These men were going to be burning my skin. How rational is that?

What could he mark me with that anyone that saw my butt wouldn't already know? It wasn't like I was going to try convincing somebody that I was a virgin. There were a few words that I really hoped that he wasn't going to burn into my butt. I would have to remove them, I hoped he stayed away from killer, rapist and the like. If he was stupid enough to mark me a as a queer or a demon I would most likely live with them proudly displayed.

"Masoud, would you like to fuck him before we brand him." So the man wasn't against fucking men just me fucking his son. It had been quite some time since I'd been fucked but I was sure I could live through it, I had been allowing (closer to demanding) Daiki to fuck me weekly. It had been close to three weeks at home and then five weeks here since the last time, that wouldn't be too bad unless he was hung like Runihuru.

"I'll pass, sir." I don't remember the last time anyone had that good of a look at my butt had refused to fuck me. I knew I should be glad I wasn't going to have to take a stranger's cock but I was insulted, too. I hoped that Daiki's father wasn't going to rape me. After as much sex as his son and I had, wouldn't that be incest? If so we could both be sentenced to death if I complained once back in Kuwait. In England?

Two green lights popped up on the shelf where the two brands were sitting. As up to date as they were I imagined that meant the heat was where it needed to be.

"Now sir, when you hold it to his skin you'll want to hold it in place for three minutes before pressing the blue button." Both men were standing there looking at the brands, I wondered if there was a possibility that I was going to be spared. I heard a ding and saw Masoud move towards me. He had the plug in one hand and what looked like a small taser in the other.

"I don't want to have to use this, but if you don't open your mouth your ear is going to be going crazy with pain." He held the plug in front of my mouth, I could smell that it was still new, not rubber but some kind of plastic. Reluctantly I opened up. He started to shove it between my teeth. I let it come in. It was thick enough that my teeth scraped until the bulb of the plug was past. He took the time to fasten the straps around my head. I doubted he needed to do that, I was probably going to bite down on the plug as soon as the brand hit my skin. I expected to feel heat as the brand got close but I didn't, the brand was against me when I understood that it was colder than dry ice. Why wouldn't that mark all the skin within the outer border? I was still thinking about that when he must have pressed the blue button. At first it was no more than a tingle, it slowly increased in pain as I felt not branded but as if a wire had been inserted under the skin.

"That should set the brand deep enough he would have to have half his butt removed to take it out." The pain almost completely disappeared when he pulled the brand back.

"Everyone is going to know that you are a murderer You are probably thinking only the people that get to see you naked butt are going to see it. These brands are set in the skin and glow outward, the manufacturers promise is that it is visible through any clothing you might wear." The son of a bitch knew how I thought well enough to plan for removal.

"Ready for your second brand? I'm sure you are. If being a Murderer isn't enough to chase everyone away from you, the star of David on your other cheek will at least chase away any of my fellow Muslims unless they too, want to punish you."

Going through the same process a second time was just as infuriating and painful. All of this just because his son liked my cock or was it the love he professed? I didn't care at that moment if they converted Daiki to being straight. When I found him he was going in the stable with the ponies. It didn't matter that he once thought he loved me. Or that I thought that I was falling for him, when I got him home he was going to be a cum dump for the ponies, even a real one if I didn't exact revenge on his father first.

I don't know exactly when I passed out. I remember feeling the wire being inserted but nothing after that. Not even a bit of the hatred the men had heaped on me from time to time. When I woke I still had the plug in my mouth but I was no longer strapped onto the bed, I was laying in the grass not far from the haystack where I had first been attacked. I was still naked. I looked around to see in the clothing that Winnie had folded so neatly was still in the grass but all I found was the shirt and shoes. There was going to be no way to avoid telling the NCA or the others what had happened.

I knew there were people that believed I murdered Patrick, but with the flaming insert I was sure I would be convincing others of the lie.

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Next: Chapter 42

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