By Bruce Turner

Published on Nov 1, 2023



Chapter 39

Do you know the legal restrictions on reading about men having sex with men? Is it Age and are you old enough. Is it your criminal status? Whatever the restrictions, please follow the law and do not get Nifty or yourself in trouble. Prison is not a fun place and I wouldn't want to meet you there..


Chapter 39

Just making the grids of electricity, water and sewage along with roads is difficult, especially when you are not a professional in any of those fields and the professionals were demanding more than I thought my slaves were able to give. The planner and I had gotten along fairly well until he sent me the design I thought we had worked on together and it was nothing like what I wanted. The slaves were able to start digging trenches and using the single piece of heavy equipment that was needed to excavate for the roads. I hadn't wanted to pave any roads but the carts moved on concrete much easier than they did on the decorative stone that had been the original plan. We settled on roads that were strips of colored concrete half the width of the carts apart, eighteen inches wide for each wheel with a soft (ha) running path in the center for the ponies and decorative gravel in the other open spaces. Even the trenches for the wires and pipes were to be covered in the decorative gravel, making the town colorful underfoot. Mehmet had talked me into the gravel, hoping it would placate his father since it would come from his quarry and be colored by his slaves.

The pre-built office I had installed for the doctor sat across what was to become the main street from the beach house. He had been called to the trailer a few times as the trenches were being dug, mostly for blisters, either on the hands or from the sun. There had been two slaves that had to have a little more serious work but he was able to do it, even with the equipment that had come installed; a few days after that he had presented me with a list of equipment that he thought would be necessary as the town grew. The trailer was one of those designed for sub-Saharan Africa, it had much of what a single doctor would be able to use for diagnosing and treating but not much that could help a doctor if there was need for an operation; it was bullet proof although we would never have that need.

The Chamber of Commerce from Twenty-Second Century City had visited with me while the planning was in process, they were glad not to be the only town of their kind any longer and had offered some much needed assistance. Primary was connecting with men that wanted to move into a town like theirs and five small businesses that were willing to take the chance on expanding with a branch in Manzili. Mehmet had come with the members of the chamber although not really a member, he was there as one of the proud originators of their city. There would be at least one restaurant, one bakery, a clothing store, a sandal shop and a small home furnishing shop (unless the men owning the original could find financial backing to increase the size) that would be opening a branch in Manzili, two of the owners wanted a plot of land for a house, too..

Mehmet spoke with the city planner about the sex booths that I was going to insist on us having like our sister city, how they were built, the financing and upkeep. He also spoke with the planner about the possibility of putting in two whipping stations that supplied the slaves as entertainment. That sounded too much like prostitution but they both promised they would get with Sharia law specialists before we set one ounce of concrete in place. That was the first time I had been told that slavery had been legal in the region in one shape or another since 650AD if not earlier. The idea I had proposed of rent a slave for day work was suggested as another idea that might need to get the blessing of the church and state.

When the idea of the state passing on anything we were trying to do in Manzili came up I pushed Mehmet on the idea of self rule. He did admit that the Ambassador had not only taken the idea to the Kuwaiti King but also the Saudi Arabian King. He thought the Kuwaiti King was close to making a proposition that I might not find too objectionable. He hadn't heard any more about what was happening on the subject in Saudi Arabia. I had yet to create a title office or real estate office for the transfer of titles of property legally, Mehmet surprised me by requesting that I save him a double lot along the beach. He must have been missing the house I was living in.

That evening after most of the chamber had left Mehmet joined us for dinner and for some time to speak with his brother, privately. Ahmed had thought the previous time they spoke would be the last but he jumped at his brother's request, I hadn't realized how much he missed his family until I heard him asking about some of his siblings and his mother. The beach house wasn't built to do much entertaining but there were enough rooms for the visitors not to be forced into sharing. Whether they did or not, I don't know. A couple of them looked as if they had a good night when we had breakfast and sent the Kuwaitis on their way.

"Are we ever going to have time alone?"

"Daiki, we will have a slave sleeping on the floor for the rest of our lives."

"No, I meant all the extra people in the house. Having someone in each of the bedrooms makes the place seem crowded."

"I thought you were happy to be cooking for the extra men."

If we had two more chairs in the dining room and another sofa in the sitting room it wouldn't have been so bad." Home decorating was not high on my list of what I needed to get done in the next month, if he wanted to take it on, fine. That is when I planned to start opening up the town to sell the plots. Unlike when you buy a house this was going to be much more like buying a condominium, the owner would have to do his own maintenance but there would be no outside work unless they choose to install a pool or hot tub, except for the businesses which would be on long term leases. Those buildings would be much like a mall along with street front walk ways which would be enclosed. The beach front stores would be smaller and at first on a short-term lease.

Ten days after the chamber and Mehmet left, Daiki and I took a late evening walk down the main street. The sidewalks were still under construction but walking between the cartwheel hard stroips was pleasant. I joked with Daiki about going for a swim but I wasn't really ready to swim into another dugong. We talked with some of the contract workers that had been paid for by King Al Sari with the courting present. They were all going to be leaving in a few days. Water would start pumping through the city the following day and the electricity was ready for the final test, although we had been using it regularly for a week.

"Prince Ali, we just learned that almost everyone that was working here the past few weeks is a slave. Is that right or was someone pulling our leg?"

"Daiki, right here is not a slave. Mehmet who left yesterday is not a slave but I doubt he did much work, more likely he interfered with what you were doing. The Chamber of Commerce men that left a couple of days ago are free men. I think just about everyone else is a slave." I thought I had done well in not mentioning myself.

"I was asking because there was one of the men that was not doing his share of the work unless you were in the vicinity. If he was a regular employee we would have let it go, but since he is a slave we figured you might want to punish him and if you did we would like to be allowed to watch."

"I have never seen a man whipped." The youngest man of the group was pretty naive, I had heard the other kidding him about still being a virgin. I would certainly have enjoyed breaking in his ass, his butt was high, tight and dimpled.

"And I have never seen a slave forcible fucked. What type of punishment do you think you will use?" It was pretty obvious that they were asking for a show.

"It depends on who it was. There are two of the slaves that seem to enjoy being whipped." If it was them I would find a different punishment.

"Getting fucked isn't too much punishment for most of them. If it was bad enough I will most likely use a bull whip, there is only one of the slaves that has shown any sign of not hating it. Do you know who he was?" Who couldn't guess, it was Capricorn. I thought about what I would need to do to arrange a public whipping before the last of the contractors left.

"Were you thinking that you wanted to be involved in punishing Capricorn?" If they had been the ones seeing him not pulling his share of the load and slowing down the completion of their projects it might just be appropriate.

"There was talk last night in the trailers that if he caused one more problem that there just might be a gang rape happen as far from your house as we can get without getting lost in the desert. There were a couple others that wanted to watch you publicly flog him. There was even one guy that suggested we tie him off the far end of the desalination plant and let him drown." I had seen the man that was doing most of the talking setting up some of the equipment that had been used to turn the gulf into a giant battery to store electricity from the solar panels so we had a constant supply. I had been attracted to his build and butt but had not made a move or inappropriate suggestion in the six weeks his crew had been there.

"Let me think about this for the night, your crew deserves the chance to be serviced by the slaves but I don't know that letting you gang bang Capricorn will give any of you an accurate picture of what sex with a man or slave should be like. How many of your crew are still here?"

"There are three in our trailer and four in the other one. None of us has had more than one night at home in the last six week. So you can guess that there are seven pretty horny men in the trailers, it smells like a cum dump most mornings." The other men with him sort of laughed but not with much hilarity.

"That's why the doors are left open all day?" Trailers tend to heat up in the Kuwaiti sun but the smell might be just as repellent to straight men.

"Yes. Airing the trailers out everyday seems to have been needed most of the time. Now its just a habit, we could probably stand the smell without too much trouble."

"Do you think your men would prefer a gang bang or seven separate slaves if I bloody Capricorn while punishing him. He was given his last warning a couple months ago. I will have to steel myself to do it, but he was told the next punishment would either be removing his tongue or balls." After having been so close to losing my own balls I wasn't sure I could remove his with either a whip or knife but I knew I could order the doctor to remove them.

Capricorn had never made any friends among the other slaves so I doubted that the doctor would have any reluctance about castrating him. We had spoken about how he would do that if required. One piece of equipment he had on the first list of supplies for the trailer was a pair of pliers that stretched an elastic band around the ball sac. The band would cut off the blood flow and within hours the slave would be castrated, bloodlessly.

"I would prefer a slave of my own for a night. Could you arrange that?"

"I could. Most of the boys are both receptive and able to give their cocks to a partner. So just let me know how many of the receptive slaves you desire and how many of your men would prefer a slave that could fuck them all night." I didn't think there were too many of the crew that would admit that in front of the boss.

"You might want to ask how much cock the men want, too, we have slaves with cocks from 11 cm to 33 cm, I've seen the boy with 33 cm watching the red head working among the electric panels. I'm sure Runihuru would love to give him a ride or three." I didn't say that I had seen the redhead giving two slaves head, this wasn't his boss but still I could imagine he would be harassed in his trailer at night if not raped.

"And are you available?" I hadn't expected the question but I quickly held up Daiki's hand and proudly admitted that I was already taken. My lover blushed at having me telling the man were having sex, but I didn't care. I own the place, if he has a problem he shouldn't have accepted the contract or once there shouldn't have suggested the gang bang or wanting a slave for a night; he shouldn't have asked about me either.

If the workers had been gone I would have been naked walking down the street but for modesty's sake, I had been wearing a slave's wrap whenever I was out of the house. Embarrassing Daiki even more I pulled his hand to my cock. I was covered until our hands went under the cloth and flipped it up with Daiki's hand wrapped tightly around me.

"That's nice. Do you think you have a slave built like you? I will make his night more pleasant that a slave would have any right to expect." That brought me back to reality, was I really thinking about pimping out seven of the slaves? I could make it a voluntary duty but I wouldn't want them to think they had the right to refuse sex from any one. Ahmed, Runihuru and Mosi would likely volunteer but would any of the ponies?

"Tomorrow, a half hour before your quitting time I will have Capricorn taken to the rack on the beach. If your men want to watch I will be using a bull whip, not a flog. All the slaves will be there to see one of their own punished, none have had a good whipping for some time. Your men can pick a slave of their choice, wash them in the gulf and take them wherever, if they choose one of the ponies they will be given a shock collar and remote. I wouldn't want any of the ponies thinking it is their chance to escape. Seven of the other nine wouldn't leave if you tried throwing them in your trucks in the morning. I hoped that hadn't given him any ideas.

I had the feeling we weren't alone as we continued walking but I couldn't see anyone beyond the limited glow of the lantern. A few times I had pulled Daiki to me, stopping to kiss him and listening for odd noises but I didn't hear anything. Finally, walking back along the beach I gave up, nothing could be heard above the slapping waves of the gulf; if someone wanted to spy on us, let them. It was the first time since I'd met him that Daiki was naked before me, even though all I needed to do was pull one Velcro tab to remove the slave wrap from my waist.

"Make love to me." I couldn't believe how demanding he was.

"Do you have lube with you?" I hadn't thought we would still be out when it was dark enough to mask us from any stray observers so I hadn't brought any along. I had fucked while being watched but not with Daiki. He was getting sentimental, I found that I enjoyed that as much as I enjoyed the harder sex I had with the slaves. Spreading our wraps on the sand he handed me lube he had brought with him: he told me that he had learned to be ready all the time, both for his needs and mine. We had engaged in sex at the oddest moments, too often not having lube so only being able to suck each others cocks. As much as I liked his balls that didn't bother me, but I love being in his ass. I love his noises and expressions when I am.

"Ali, I am falling in love with you." What are you supposed to say when a man tells you that? Do you say I am too? Isn't that a little flip? Do you say something more positive? I am in love with you? Even if you aren't yet sure? I knew the wrong thing to say was nothing and most anything that didn't admit to having my own feelings for him would be as bad. It just hadn't been long enough that I was not with the King of Saudi Arabia for me to be thinking about love.

"Daiki, I hope you are falling in love. My feelings for you are growing, too." I hoped that was enough for him, love is such a tricky emotion. I might find myself drop dead in love with him tomorrow or returning Ahmed's feelings. Or letting Jamaal know how I have felt about him since we first crossed swords in our teens. I didn't give Daiki time to think about our words, I helped him down onto the wraps and while still kissing worked lube into him with two fingers. I had found that worked best as it helped him open enough to take my girth. I had that feeling again, someone was watching us, why? Voyeur or trouble? It was too late for me to worry about it, Daiki was whimpering and between moans was begging for me to jam my cock into his ass, hard.

I hadn't caught when he had switched from wanting me to make love to wanting a hard fuck but I was okay with it. He had pushed up onto his shoulders, when I started to push into him he dropped his ass onto my cock and took at least half before grabbing hold of my ass and pulling me the rest of the way in. In just a few weeks he had gone from being uncomfortable to voracious in his need to have me deep inside. If he had been anyone else I would have been mating him with Runihuru by then. I did ask if he wanted someone with more cock to fuck him but he had been offended and left my bed for an entire night, I didn't ask where he slept. All the beds in the house were occupied, I didn't want to know that he had slept with anyone else. Unless he had slept on a sofa or the floor I knew I would be jealous.

"Harder, Ali!"

"Hey, take it easy. I thought this was your night to fuck me."

"It was, but that can be tomorrow, please?" He squeezed down harder than before and tried stroking me with his ass.

I loved the look on his face when he was begging for my cock. I wasn't about to deny him the fuck he wanted, his ass always was sure to take care of me too. All of a sudden there was enough light for everyone to think it was high noon, I was blinded and closed my eyes. When I opened them again I recognized the men standing around us with handguns. There was Daiki's father and older brother, two guards from the palace and a really huge man that although he hung around the palace I had zero idea his position.

"This is why you wanted my son as your chef?" It could have been anyone and I wouldn't have stopped fucking Daiki; maybe not his mother or mine. I had stroked his ass and my cock another four or five times before I felt what must have been a sap or a sock filled with sand hit the back of my head. That was enough to make my body react, my cock shrank and I fell to the side. I could hear Daiki's father and brother telling him that they were taking him to some type of rehabilitation and him arguing that he had no intentions of leaving me. I wanted to get up to help him and I tried., just to have the huge man put his boot between my shoulders and once I was pressed to the sand move to where he could sit on me.

After that I couldn't see much of what was happening or even hear much since the man had one hand on the side of my head pressing the other into the sand. It took them less than five minutes to have Daiki's hands cuffed in front of him and a chain attached, I had seen slaves dragged that way and maybe even a prisoner in some old videos but I couldn't believe they were treating their relative so inhumanely. Daiki's father made him walk across the sand after the guards by smacking his perfect butt with a wiffled paddle. They had come prepared to do this.

He was out of hearing distance before the man stood up, over me. It was the same position I had taken many times while training slaves to accept piss, I was not worried. I had my share of piss already, another load wouldn't mean anything. Instead of pulling out his cock to piss on me, he removed a gag and plastic ties from under his robe. I thought I might be able to resist but that was a joke, he manhandled me like I was no more than a wimpy teenager. I would be abashed, but I thought I was going to be able to crawl in the sand to the house. I knew doing that would mean the entire front of my body would be scraped raw. Before he left he picked me up and easily spread my calves, sliding the opening between my legs over a flag pole base we had sunk into concrete on the shore. I was very effectively anchored on the beach.

"If they weren't calling for me to hurry I would have liked to see if your ass is as willing as that boy's." He groped himself. I knew I would never have been able to have him fuck me, the head of his cock was bumping his knee. I think it was the first time I saw a cock that when hard was still too heavy to stand even half way. I was glad I could hear Daiki's brother yelling but didn't know what I was going to do, I was too far from the house to be heard.

The next evening when I was rescued and finally arrived at the palace, I enlisted the help of Prince Walid and the King. Daiki's father denied knowing anything about his son's whereabouts. The prince and king could tell he and the others we were able to find were lying but were unable to do anything that would make them tell us the truth. After the first Gulf War (American) they had passed a law prohibiting torture or the use of chemicals to get the truth from anyone other than a native Iraqi. I spent the next two days searching anywhere in Kuwait Prince Walid was able to learn had rehabilitation programs. If they sent him out of the country there would be no way to find him unless he escaped and called for me or even more unlikely a family member decided they would speak out on his behave. Sending their children to those programs was a regular way the Imans had their worshipers deal with sexual irregularities.

I arrived back at Manzili while the two construction crews were loading their trucks to depart. I hadn't left instructions with anyone to allow the seven men access to seven slaves. But I had left word about punishing Capricorn with Ahmed, the boy was still recuperating in the Doctor's trailer. I hoped the man that had spoken to me about watching had the opportunity to watch Ahmed whip Capricorn, slaves are usually harder on other slaves than owners. I think we have some sense of their value while slaves do not value themselves at all and other slaves even less if possible.

"I apologize for not leaving instructions for my overseers to allow you access to the slaves. If you are not in too much of a hurry I can have the boys lined up so you all can take a look at them, naked if you want and choose which one you would like to spend some time with." Some of the crew was suffering from that worldwide epidemic, obesity, I pitied any slave they would be on top of for long but they were going to have to learn what it was like to be available at all times. "Three of the guys are in a big rush, they want to get home to their wives. The other four of us might be willing to stay the night if any of the slaves are available to us."

I expected the prettiest boys or the boys with the nicest butts to go first. The first to be picked was Jamaal. He is almost twice the age of the youngest and prettiest boy but still he is one of the best looking men in the slave stable, even if that is my own prejudice. The next two I was not surprised at. One with lots of cock was next Runihuru and then Aries, adequate cock but really nice butt and face. The last one picked was Ahmed, it was always difficult to know what someone was thinking when they were attracted to Ahmed, but it doesn't matter since he is very versatile and the man that picked him would learn that soon..

I had Salman and Khozito follow me into the house. After three days without a slave or lover I was more than ready and both boys put their mouths to work as soon as I removed my robe. Salman had tried going for my ass, first but I told them both that I wanted a full body, tongue bath and they were to start at my feet. They are both proud shrimpers, I had never had them at the same time; I wondered if they would compete. How? They had both sucked from the large toe on to my pinky toe when I felt all five toes being taken in by Khozito followed by Salman. I had to look over my shoulder, both boys were working their way down my feet, I could never have done what they were doing, they had most of my foot in their mouths. If they kept going they would soon be licking my ankles while still engulfing my feet in their mouths.

I wanted to be cruel, I was hurting. What is it about me that demands that anyone I get close to is soon taken away? The boys were being too good to me for me to take out any of my anger on them until Khozito bit too hard on my right nipple. I knew as I was pushing the boys to the side that I was acting irrationally but it didn't matter to me, rationality had no place in my life at the moment. Pain is an emotion and I was acting that way.

"Salman, hold his arms stretched out." Khozito was only half on the bed. His legs were strapped to two rings I had screwed into the wedding bed King Al Sari had sent me. The additions had been included since I was in Kuwait, I never saw the bed while in Saudi Arabia. It was supposed to be my wedding night bed, I didn't think about that too often, now. Spending most of the time I slept with Daiki it didn't make too much sense to worry about its original purpose.

"Today was the wrong day to bite my tit, boy.!" Before I proceed with the story, from the very first day I met him in Rwanda I liked Khozito. I think he had a bit of a crush on me too but Runihuru was from his home and they were bed mates if not lovers, now. Slaves had been punished in Manzili for less than the bite, most of the time punishment was proportional and the slaves knew what would happen to them when they misbehaved. There were too many ways to misbehave for me to let them know what would happen all the time.

I pulled his cock and balls out from between him and the bed pointing it towards the floor. I knew as soon as I touched him that I would be laying the whip into that tender flesh. Would he still have balls when I was finished? I didn't know. I don't think that I intended to damage Khozito but there was never any question in my mind that I wanted him to hurt and not just hurt that night after I was finished but to hurt for days afterwards, like I was hurting over Daiki. The first ten times I let go with the bull whip I moved around his body; two on his back, two on each cheek and two on the inside of each thigh. Salman had held his arms down on the bed but hadn't been able to do anything about the yelling. I found a ball gag that had been used to stop screaming before with a slave and stuffed Khozito's mouth.

Both slaves understood when I stuffed Khozito's mouth that we were far from finished. I went for tender spots when I started again, in the armpits, as close to the nipples as I could get, the bottom of the feet, the asshole, the last three of that ten I landed on his ball sac and cock. Salman was still holding Khozito down good even though he could see that the boy was crying from the pain he was in. I was using an older, nicely, supple whip with a hardened tip, at least it wasn't the one that had the razor sharp edges.

"Salman, five more. You can count for Khozito, if he ever bites again I will give him fifty lashes not twenty-five and you will get ten to your chest. My passion was waning although there was still a need to make him hurt. I was still between his legs and the proper distance away when the first of the five lashes landed on the head of his cock, even without the razor edges he bled. The next two lashes hit his balls, one each. His ball sac went from scarlet to purple and his head was bouncing as he tried releasing the pain. Only two more to go? Suddenly I needed to make those two lashes count more than any of the first twenty three had, Khozito tore out of Salman's hands when the first of the two slashed into his left ball and cut the sac. It took Salman a few minutes to get Khozito back down, I didn't wait for them to settle down. I struck him with the same power as the last one directly on the right ball causing another strip of blood to show.

"You can take him to the doctor. When the doctor releases you get back here and finish what you started." He didn't remove the gag until he had Khozito down the stairs and outside. I know him well enough to know that he didn't want the other boy to make me any angrier and whip him harder for longer. Salman had received enough lashes growing up and in training that he was well aware of what Khozito was feeling, both the pain and anger although I don't think he had ever had his balls whipped by his father.

I was still angry when Salman returned to my bed an hour later but I at least didn't want to make him hurt along with me. I wanted to use him hard and degrade him but I wasn't going to punish his ball sac or make his cock bleed. Salman might have thought he was being rewarded, as soon as he returned I had him on his knees with his lips around my cock drinking a hard flow of piss that I had to hold while waiting for him. When I ordered him onto the bed he had a smile that let me know there was never going to be too much piss in my bladder for the young Saudi slave.

"You boys stopped at my tits, I think you should start over again on top of my shoulders." I had worked up some sweat whipping Khozito, Salman would be ecstatic to lick it off my chest and out of my pits. That would be a good start, but he was going to be back to eating my ass before I fucked him. His brother had taught me how to degrade Salman and leave him wanting you more. I could feel the gas already building.

"No sucking my cock. Move down and suck my asshole. No don't just lick it, I said for you to suck it. Get both lips down there and make a firm connection, now you can stick you tongue out." He knew what was coming, anytime I told him to make a firm connection I was going to fart in his mouth. He never knew how hard and that evening I was full of gas. If he hadn't been inhaling hard I would have blown his cheeks up like a chipmunk or knocked him away. I didn't stop with just one fart, I was full of gas and gave him two more that I could hear even as they popped in his mouth. I'd heard one of the ponies asking Ahmed when he thought I would make them eat shit? I don't ever want my slaves to think they are that inhuman, but Capricorn and David were pushing me closer and closer to crossing that line. Gas was as close as I would ever take Salman.

We fucked and I was more angry than when the evening started. I had Salman suck his ass taste off my cock and washed it down with another load of piss. After I told him to get in his bed he crawled off the bed to his blanket on the floor. I could have fucked him again but I choose to lay there dreaming of Daiki. Surprising to me it wasn't just sex that I dreamed of, he cooked and I cuddled him, he walked the beach and talked. What was going on, any dreams I had of the boys in my town had always been of sex but now with Daiki they weren't?

Had him saying he was falling in love affected me?

Was I maybe falling in love, too?

The following morning the slaves I had allowed the construction crew to use were returned. Only Aries had been damaged, any, the man that had picked him had wrapped the rope around his neck at some point in their night of passion. His throat was rubbed raw but not so bad that he would be out of commission.

"I apologize about that, Prince Ali. The slave asked me to kill him instead of fucking him the third time. I had heard of people trying to be suffocated at the moment of orgasm but I really don't think I was able to take him there. If there is any permanent damage my company will pay for it." The man hadn't believed that the slave really wanted to die, knowing Aries he may well have been begging the man to kill him so he didn't need to return to the stable. Punishment is what you don't want, so he was going to live with his.

Then for the first time in six weeks I was completely alone with the slaves. I kept a wrap close by in case Daiki was returned by non-slaves or word was sent by the King or Prince about him (a silly bit of modesty). He might never come back, I was well aware that some of the Muslim rehabilitation facilities had a less than perfect record of returning the children to their parents. I hoped that with Daiki being a bit older than most of the detainees he would have a better chance at surviving whatever they inflicted on him. My hopes were that he came back to me but like his parents, I too wished a more heteronormal life for the man I loved, a life that would give them grandchildren and honor even if that meant he would move back to Kuwait City leaving me behind. I say that but I continued hunting for him, wanting him back.

The city planner sent in two agents that were to help with selling the lots, both to individuals and companies. I had interest expressed and visitors from at least a dozen different countries about relocating a branch office or plant in Manzili, three of the companies were going to send representatives to negotiate a deal for land and see for themselves that the infrastructure was what was being promised. I didn't want too large of either offices or plants, if the town didn't grow beyond three or four thousand people a large plant or office could dominate the discourse and that didn't seem like a good idea. I thought back to the coal company towns in West Virginia and how they had no future for anyone to move in or up and when a company shut down the town died, I was hoping that we didn't end up that way.

A new upstart communications company wanted to locate their headquarters in Manzili, after meeting the CEO I understood why. He agreed with me about one company dominating the town and was willing to limit their employment to under five hundred people, mostly non-slave. The wages he was willing to pay sounded fair for the area, I threw up a sticking point when I claimed the desire to keep the city same-sexed. If he wanted women in the office they would need to be women that were with other women. I knew it was a lot to ask, especially of a company that was less than two years old coming out of the USA. The general aura of Manzili was going to be what most women might consider sexually charged.

We agreed to sit down and negotiate further, he might also be willing to build an apartment building under the management of another company he invested in. By the time he got back in a limo to ride to Kuwait City he had written a five hundred thousand dollar check and committed to a certain number of lots not too close together but close enough the employees could walk if they wanted.. He was more than happy that there would be no cars in Manzili. Helicopters were one of the items yet to be negotiated, the lack of schools was not a problem. If his employees had children in K-12 the company agreed upon hiring the men to pay for private or military schools as long as the children kept up a 3.2 GPA. He didn't think there would be too many children staying in town being home schooled but those that would be, would be severely restricted in their movement. I hoped that wasn't a problem that we would have to deal with.

The men that were to come about locating a plant to package monthly shopping packages for their clients were very late. I had put off every one else that wanted to speak with me, I could have talked to another office that wanted to locate here, they finally arrived about an hour before dinner. The chef in the King's palace had found me a substitute chef for a month. The presence of a chef to prepare the meal while they were in Manzili had been advertised by the realtors, so I felt obligated to fulfill the promise even though Daiki was not with me. Every time I saw the replacement I got a little angry, Daiki had been looking forward to doing that job. And, I missed him!

For two hours we rode around the town in carts. I sat with the CEO who asked questions that bordered on the illegal in both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. I wanted self-rule but I wasn't going to throw out laws that both countries agreed were for the good of the citizens and slaves. Kuwait demanded any manufacturing plant hired at lest 75% non-slave labor, Saudi Arabia demanded 70%. I could do the Solomanic and divide it in half but I was not going to drop the % down to 50% like he requested. By the end of dinner I was sure there was no reason for their company to locate an assembly and shipping plant within my borders. I wasn't even sure I wanted them there.

The next day at breakfast the CEO and the Director of the Board walked to the sales office with me and chose a location on the opposite end of town from where the office was going to locate as their new plant site. They discussed enlarging the proposed apartment buildings for staff that may want to rotate in and out of Kuwait. Their financial director was on the phone while we talked and before he got off handed it to me. The CEO of the company building an office agreed they should expand the apartment building that would be located between the two companies by three lots. I hadn't scheduled any meetings that day so when they asked me to join them for lunch I was free.

It seems I had passed a test of some kind. The Co. believed in following the law to the letter, they tried not to even bend the intent. By the end of lunch they had suggested two small businesses that supplied them that might relocate to Manzili if they thought they could find qualified employees. I knew that was going to be a problem, it was sort of that old circular conundrum. If you don't have experience we don't want you and how do you get experience if they don't want you. It was fortunate I had taken the Realtor that had the paperwork completed to the lunch with us, he explained the need for those type companies and where they might advertise before making their decision to see if they would be able to attract the employees they would need. There would always be the possibility of buying 25% of what they would need and training the slaves before relocating, I knew that was not a likely process if they were American firms, there was still a lot of resentment about their children being sold into slavery by Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

By the end of two weeks we had sold 30% of the housing lots, all of the apartment lots plus three, two restaurant lots, five other main street retail shop sites, three beach front shop slots and were in negotiations with ten other small businesses including an internationally known restaurant chain that was owned and operated by a Saudi Co.. With the money put down on property I contracted with a specialty company to build a medical clinic that would be able to provide overnight stays for four patients and room for two doctors to see patients. The architects had drawn up plans for the clinic that would allow us to expand the beds if we found we needed them. I saved two lots beside the clinic in case we had enough Doctors want to move into town we could have a professional building.

Training for the ponies sped up. Eighteen of those purchased were still in training. Two of the first twelve had been sold off to a temporary labor firm. They would have taken the one slave out of the last ten but I had other plans for him. Capricorn was scheduled to be castrated as soon as the new clinic was finished, his tongue had already been removed. Meanwhile he was being trained to patrol the streets for any pony shit dropped on the street and wash down piss, whether from the ponies or ignorant guests. The other reject was going to be cleaning the sex stations, day and night, a job that could get nasty depending on the visitors.

I don't know if I hadn't been paying that much attention to the sex stations when I had first seen them but they had to be sanitized between visits. There was a light system on the roof that showed whether they were in use, needed cleaned, being cleaned and sanitized or prepared and ready to use. Some of the stations even had a green light that let everyone know that the station was available for scat play, only two of the ten being planned were that kind. The lighting system was to be connected wirelessly to a collar around the slave's neck letting him know where to go and what was needed,it would continually jolt him until the station was clean. That cut down on the need for overseers but I still thought one or two walking the streets to check on the ponies and the other two was a good way to keep the city clean and smelling good, plus they would hear what the citizens thought and would be able to filter those comments up to me.

The remainder of the carts that Prince Al Sari had ordered and paid for had arrived. The slaves were now being trained to pull them. It wasn't that difficult for them to get used to being enclosed by the pull bars, what was hard on them was the rubbing from leather straps and working in tandem when required to pull the two larger carts. I hoped that they would all be hardened to the straps by the time the first houses and businesses were completed, but not the lunges The man that was opening the twenty-four hour restaurant was pushing his crew to get ready, he wanted to be open for the construction crews as well as the first citizens of Manzili. There were days when I went by the site and saw that he was liberally using a whip to get the most out of the slaves he had hauling building materials. I thought I might have to limit how hard the whips could be used but I didn't see how I could do that without limiting myself, they were his slaves not mine and the bloody welts would heal.

It had been five weeks since Daiki was kidnapped by his family before I was given the first clue as to where he was. That night I left Manzili in Ahmed's hands and went to the nearest airport to fly to London. Before I boarded a commercial jet it was suggested that I wear western attire, Londoners were more likely to respond positively if I was not in the traditional robes of the Mid-East. Back on Morocco I had said I would never fly to England, the loss of Daiki made it worth the risk. I want him beside me, don't even think about trying to arrest me for a crime I didn't commit and attempted to prevent. England had become almost as Muslim as Kuwait, 34%.

The fact that more than half their populations were committed to being secular and most of that population atheistic had yet to take the governments by the balls and make life more bearable for those that refused religious laws. Unlike much of the USA, churches were still permitted to sponsor rehabilitation centers to attempt changing a person's innate sexuality. I was afraid of what they may have done to Daiki in the time he had been forced to listen to their nonsense. It was hard to believe that he was in London which had been fitfully gay for more than four hundred years. The battle for human rights had started before the time of Shakespeare with Molly houses protected by this or that Lord. Through the centuries there would be laws against and celebrated cases of Gay men fighting for their rights.

Would I have the willpower to do as much as men like Oscar Wilde or Edward II? I hoped I would; but I really didn't know if I had what it would take, I was well known in the Mid-est but not the Western world. With my slaves at my side it might have been different, but standing alone I was afraid. Afraid but desperate to have Daiki back. Flying to London I began to understand myself better. Yes I was that cruel man that enjoyed dominating other slaves and a few other men but I was also a soft-hearted man that could fall in love. Falling in love had not been a rebound action, I had sought men that were as different from each other as possible never with the hope of falling in love, just sexual variety. I had always been seduced into emotional entanglements, given more freedom I would possibly never have fallen for any of the men I had before Daiki.

As I stepped up to the customs, clearing station four, English policemen surrounded me. I knew that if I had chosen to, I might have been capable of walking away after using Tai Kwan Do . Wouldn't more security be called if I resisted this attempt? There was going to be a surprise for the police men when we arrived at the main London station. I had been appointed to the Ambassador from Kuwait as a special investigative aide. The police were not legally permitted to arrest me, I had diplomatic immunity. The prince had hoped that having the King give me the appointment might even force the police to help me find Daiki, I hoped that would be true but doubted it. The only clue we had was that he was in a Sharia center that was being run by a local Muslim that had caused a lot of disturbances in Europe over the past few years. If the police and customs agents were tracking religious trouble-makers they were not sharing the information with Muslims.

Holding an adult against their will was a serious crime, and if Daiki was being held by the man, the English might be able to take him off the street and put him in isolation waiting for a trial. They had finally learned that putting that type of prisoner into general population caused more unrest than they were able to quell. I didn't really care that much about their internal problems being caused by Radicals, I just wanted my lover free.

"Why would the King appoint a murderer as an investigative aide?" My reputation must have been drilled into security ten times every morning.

"Your basis for asking the question is mistaken, sir. I have repeatedly told authorities that the killers of the man known as Patrick were a female cousin of the current King and her husband. That no one could put together who they might be is not my fault, the royal family should be able to tell you what cousin was in Morocco at the time Patrick was killed. Once you have her and her husband it shouldn't be that difficult to have them admit their crime. You may not be permitted to use chemicals on the royal family, there is no such restriction in Morocco." I couldn't believe the Moroccan police hadn't already put the pieces together, but the English police might have a lot more sway with the royal family. I knew they wouldn't want to be connected to the murder of a slave but they could at least remove the accusations from my head.

"You'll have to wait in this cell while your papers are thoroughly investigated and the appointment approved, in other words at least one more day until they are accepted by the Prime Minister. He can refuse the appointment and may, you were on bond from a foreign government when appointed." As if that would really make a difference to the King.

Arguing with a solicitor wasn't going to get me anywhere. I needed to wait for the Kuwaiti Ambassador and the British Judges to work out the matters of law. I only had a short period of time that I thought Daiki would still be held in England, the original clue we had been given was that he was to be moved to Sweden two days from then, meaning tomorrow would be his last day in England. There were four of the King's men that normally worked for the Ambassador that were staking out Heathrow with the idea that it was the only way he would be moved. I would have liked boats and the Chunnel to be watched but there were not enough Kuwaitis in England to help and hiring them took more time than we had.

I had to fight off a couple of advances that really weren't that interesting to me. I slept sitting up in a corner as far from the stainless commode as I could get. I woke up wishing for one of my slave boys so I wouldn't have to whip my cock out in front of what was about thirty-five or more drunk or half high and mostly unwashed men, most of whom were ready to fight with the man next to them or a man across the cell. I had pulled my cock out and started to piss when I heard an American voice ask if I was Ally. Being recognized in a British jail was about the last thing I would have expected but my life was so full of surprises that hearing the question was almost normal.

"Yes." Other than while telling the slaves what I expected of them next I didn't normally talk to anyone standing around while I was pissing. It just isn't proper etiquette, is it? Do you find that odd? Speaking of pissing and etiquette at the same time? Go in any restroom around the world and you will find it true.

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Next: Chapter 41

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