By Bruce Turner

Published on Sep 8, 2023



A few thoughts. If you are bnot of age that allows you to read about gay sex in your locale please go away. Not of age, maybe Mandingo or Uncle Tom's cabin will be better suited to you. I remember reading them when I was still in elementary school and Mandingo's over sized throbbing loins have stayed with me all these years.

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Enjoy and let me know what you think.


Chapter 4


Mehmet looked at his father pronouncing my new name. I could see on his face the question of whether his father knew my name was Olly. A moment later he nodded, accepting the pronouncement by the head of the family. He had put his dishdasha on again, instructed me to stand to his left and sat with his family to discuss the training I would need to pass as him.

"Ali, you have heard some of what will be your future. Unlike the sex slaves I have purchased from the auction this morning you will be undergoing a slight bit of plastic surgery so that there are no strangers that can tell us apart."

"I thought we were identical."

"Ali, I didn't give you permission to speak. Your ears are ¼ inch larger than mine. Your butt still has some baby fat that needs removed so we are the same. I think that will be all the surgeon does but we will be scanned by a laser before going under the knife.

"After that you will be fitted with weights that will stretch your balls down a half inch."

"You are a bastard for doing this to me."

"You still haven't been given permission to speak. I don't want there to be a chance that Monsieur's whips leave a mark anywhere that anyone might see. Generally you will be allowed to wear a dishdasha unlike the other slaves but there will definitely be times when you will be displayed as a slave either naked or with a loin cloth, naked unless there are unmarried women present.

"Now as for punishment for speaking out of turn, your cock will be placed in a chastity cage for a week. Should you act up again the time will be extended and further punishment will be added."

We had been walking across one of the three lawns at the palace. I hadn't seen him motion a servant over but suddenly there was a very pretty young Philippine boy kneeling at my feet measuring my softened cock and the circumference directly in front of the cock ring while pulling my balls away from the dreaded thing..

"Spread your legs, Ali. I will return in a few minutes."

The relief that gave me was immediate and blessed. The evening was warm so I didn't feel the lack of clothing but when I heard a couple young girls running down a hallway giggling I was embarrassed. I quickly put my hands over my cock and balls, but it was too late, there were five girls leaning over a half-wall staring and giggling.

"You will need to move your hands." I hadn't heard the boy return.

"Forget it, I'm not allowing you to put that on me." I was grabbed by four palace servants that were all larger than Monsieur and stronger than the two guards I had thrown off the stage at the warehouse. It didn't take the pretty boy any time at all to fit the cage around my cock and slide the pointed metal tip into the opening. My cock wanted to get hard with him handling it but I now understood the power of the cage.

"Mother, can you tell the difference between Ali and I?"

"Certainly. He has such a huge butt and those ears. Can he speak?"

"Ali, say whatever you have learned in Farsi."

I wonder if it was because of our physical similarities or the Farsi teachers, I sounded very similar to Mehmet. Enough so that his mother made a comment about it.

"Angelo, take him to my rooms."

It was close to an hour before the Prince came to his rooms. I had been shown where I would be allowed to sit as a slave. Angelo had been willing to talk with me once we were behind closed doors. He apologized for having placed the cock cage on me and warned me that the next step in punishment might be a butt plug. We sat there having coffee until he heard the Prince approaching, he took the cups and scurried out a back door.

Mehmet was alone when he entered the room.

"When you are the first one in my room I will expect you on your knees when I enter. You were taught the proper way to kneel for prayer calls, that is how I expect to find you.

"I am sure this is confusing to you. Are you a sex slave or are you a double that will travel with me so that I am able to be in two places at once? Will I be treating you as a free man or as my slave when we leave here?

"At all times you will be my sex slave. There will be guards that are trained to defend against Taikando at your side when I wish to leave you where you will be visible to all.

"As a slave that resembles me there will be differences in what is expected of you. The other sex slaves brought here will be available to anyone in the house. You are only available to me and maybe two others. If I find it necessary you will be left caged and stuffed with the largest butt plug I find you can take. I was already told that oral sex will not be your forte. You will still need to learn how to take my cock in your mouth and throat so do not think the trainers will not find imaginative ways to punish you should you not be making progress. Your goal will be take my cock down as far as my soon to be non existent public hair, we will be under going laser hair removal so that there won't be a time when one of is hairy than the other.

"If I am not traveling by private jet we will not travel together. Unless I mask you we will never be seen in public at the same time. With a mask you will act the part of a bodyguard.

"Now get on the bed." I really didn't want to find out what was going to happen to me once Mehmet had me in bed so I struck out with a power stoke that should have hit him in the throat. Instead my feet went out from under me and four guards each grabbed an extremity. I was held in the air squirming to get free. Mehmet hadn't seemed to change his expression so I didn't know if he was angry.

"Cuff him to the corners." There were cuffs from every corner of the bed that quickly had me secured to the bed. Mehmet was murmuring something as he approached me and pushed two pillows under my crotch making the leather pull tighter. I was screaming as loudly as I can until Angelo stood at the end of the bed with a couple items that I found were to plug my mouth, the one Mehmet choose was a dog bone with an elastic band.

"Ali, I am not sadistic. I have no intention of hurting you, although I have enjoyed the few times I have slapped your ass. You will be getting more of that." With a huge smile on his face he accompanied the promise with a slap to both cheeks, he had crawled onto the bed and was kneeling between my legs.

"I had wished that by now that you would either be set in the knowledge that I am going to fuck your ass or possibly eager now that you have seen my cock.

"Leave us and close all the doors." Mehmet walked around the rooms making sure all the doors were locked and what I assumed were cameras turned off. They might have been for security or for making his own pornos, I was happy that I was not about to be the latest star of either, I had been warned that stealing was punishable by having a hand shopped off. Homosexuality had been removed from lists of illegal activities when the proposal to accept slaves to pay the American was made, obviously there were some Kuwaitis that couldn't wait to get in an American's ass.

The whole time he was roaming around the rooms I was building even more anxiety about the idea that I was going to losing my virginity. It might not be so much that I was to lose my virginity but that it was he was going to deflower my asshole and make me one of his sex slaves; had it been a one time rape I was facing I would have felt differently although probably just as angry. If he had been going for my mouth I might have been able to lay there quietly while he forced me to suck his cock. The training that day had made me understand that a cock fit in a mouth easily and that most if not all sex slaves were going to be expected to service their Master. I wasn't looking forward to having my mouth on his cock but I wasn't going to bite him.

Before he climbed back on the bed he stood in front of me talking about how just the sight of my asshole had him drooling. I thought he meant orally but his cock was leaking pre-cum by the bucket load. He stepped close enough that all I could see or smell was his crotch, my cock twitched in its cage when I inhaled the aroma. That was the closest look I had ever had of a cock, we had been made to touch each other during the blow job training that afternoon but I hadn't gotten within inches of my partner. After getting my nose full of him, I wasn't sure but I was thinking that I might want to lick or suck the Prince. He recognized something in my eyes and started laughing, he stepped back to where his cock was an inch from my face.

"Look at it real good, Ali. There is not going to be a day pass that you will not be servicing my cock. Do you understand why I was so intent on measuring you while you were waiting to be sold? I've been known to fuck a lot of men and boys, here and in other countries and I couldn't have them suspecting that it isn't me when you slide your dick in one of their asses.

"I can tell you are liking what you see. That will make everything easier for you. Take another whiff of that precum. Yeah, that is what your man smells like." I thought I was almost ready to faint from the pungent smell of testosterone filling my head. If only my mouth wasn't plugged I would have stuck my tongue out and licked at that shaft or pre-cum. The look on his face made me think he was debating the idea of removing the dog bone.

"You have been heard telling the other slaves that you are going to fight having me fuck your ass. Repeatedly. If you were one of the others in Camp (50) that would entice me to rape their ass. You, I am going to taunt and tease your asshole until you are begging me to fuck you.

"Believe me, Ali, you will be begging for my cock in your asshole. You don't believe me? I saw how you took the fingers earlier, your dick was standing straight up by the time you had the third finger massaging your interior. Imagine how much better a longer and thicker cock will make you feel." Mehmet had gotten behind me again. The way he was talking I assumed I would be stuck on the end of his hand again.

"GOD! NO." It wasn't his finger that was in me, he was licking at my asshole. Up one side down the other and then lightly over the hole itself. As heavenly as it felt I knew why there had been attempts over time to prevent anyone from licking your ass, why would anyone ever stop having it done, if I had the choice I would have let Mehmet lick my ass until I died. I tried pushing back so that I could feel more of his tongue but I was tied too tightly. He left a wad of saliva on my asshole and straightened up.

"You like that, Ali. Don't try denying the fact, I could feel you trying to open up your asshole so I would push my tongue in. You aren't ready for my cock, unless we spread you some it would tear you apart and spray us with your blood."

While Mehmet talked he worked a finger through his spit. Until his knuckles touched my ass I didn't know which finger it was and really why did I care? This time a finger felt so much nicer than it had when I was being examined for sale, biut it was no where nearly as great as having a tongue licking me. Mehmet moved the finger around trying to open my asshole enough for the index finger that he slid in next, it hurt. I whimpered at the invasion and tried to swing my butt from side to side trying to get away from his fingers.

"Don't do that, slave. Let me move them around and get you used to having me inside you." He had slapped me twice on the left side while talking. The second slap was hard enough I would have howled save for the dog bone in my mouth. Gradually, I did get used to having two fingers in me at the same time.

About then Mehmet dribbled some type of liquid down the crack of my ass. I couldn't see the container but the liquid smelled like ripe apples. He spent some time getting the liquid on the first finger he had in me and the two that were still on the outside. Fearfully, I looked up at my hands and tried crushing my fingers together, all four together were still smaller than our cocks. How was he going to get me open enough? As I thought about it I couldn't believe that he was going to force ten inches of hard cock into me.

"How does my slave like three of my fingers in his ass?" I really didn't know how to answer, my mouth was too full to talk. I was enjoying it but I didn't want him to know that. All I could think to do was tighten up my ass as much as I could and pull away from his hand.

Mehmet pulled all of his fingers out and walked around in front of me wiping his hand off with a towel that looked like it came from Neiman-Marcus.

"Before I remove the bone you should know that these rooms are sound-proof enough that unless someone is standing at the door with their ear to it that nothing will be heard. But, you do look good like that, do you feeling like my dog? No. Just my slave?" He laughed, at first I thought it was evil until I recognized it as a man having a great time.

Words!. If he had called me something sweet and tender I would have melted right then and done anything he asked. My mouth and ass were both feeling a void that I had never felt before, is this why people have sex repeatedly? To fill that void inside them? I hated myself a little for wanting him back in my asshole.

Much of the precum had rubbed off on the sheet but his cock still glistened as he swung it within a half inch of my lips. I caught a whiff of that aroma that had so enticed me, all I could do was let my bottom jaw sag. I closed my eyes only to be ordered to open them. I had never thought of myself as gay but I loved what I saw, light brown, smooth skin, short black, curly hair and a thick shiny cock , a wide open urethra with a huge drop of pre-cum. Our training that afternoon had suggested one of two ways to approach a hard dick in front of you., either stick out your tongue and allow the dick to rest on it or open your mouth and engulf the glans then slowly and tenderly swab it with your tongue. I couldn't move my head forward enough to reach so I stuck out my tongue, hoping that Mehmet would move towards me.

Earlier he had kissed me and I thought the taste of him intriguing but now I was totally intrigued, the drop of pre-cum was sweet and slimy. It easily slid over my tongue into my throat, I was that guy that swallows. I wanted more.

"Please, Master." It was the first time I addressed him as such and the first time that I admitted to liking the taste of a man. Mehmet slid three or four inches in and out of my mouth a few times before climbing back between my legs and oiling my asshole again.

"What do you want, slave?"

"Please do what you did before." He laughed at me.

"What do you want, my fingers or my tongue?"

"Both, Master." I was beginning to think I should beg him to fuck me. The thought of how large he was frightened me.

"I don't like the taste of the oil." But his fingers liked it, he took no time at all in getting three fingers into me. My ass muscles were not trained to spread but I tried to relax like had been suggested, I was going to have a lot more in me and was starting to want it.

"Push back on my hand like you are trying to force out a huge turd."

I was glad I had been forcibly given an enema before the Prince had arrived at the camps, I can't imagine how embarrassed I would have been had I need to shit. I felt like I was tearing in half but tried hard to keep from screaming. Only when I felt the thumb thrumming on my ass did I realize that Mehmet had four fingers into me up to his thumb spreading me apart with fingers and the palm of his hand. He was making circular movements.

"Open your mouth." My Master put the bone back in my mouth. There was a little give on the surface of the bone which I suppose was to allow me to bite down on without breaking my teeth. I almost bit it in two when he removed his fingers.

The heat of his cock on my asshole was both exciting and surprising. I kept whimpering, "Please, please, please."

At that moment I didn't know whether it was for him to fuck me or to not fuck me. Whichever, he ignored me. The cock head felt so much bigger than his finger. I tried remembering everything I had ever heard about taking a cock but I clinched my asshole tighter than when he had begun opening me with his tongue. Suddenly he was slapping my ass alternating hands and cheeks, the pain distracted me from the other pain. The head of his cock was in and I was trying to scream out from around the bone, I wanted his cock out of me. I felt like he was splitting me in two, tears were pouring down my cheeks.

I can't tell you how long Mehmet held his cock there with only the head inside me. It felt like a year but was most likely less than ten minutes. It really, really hurt as my Master started pushing more of his ten inches through my asshole. I knew he wasn't fucking me yet, but it hurt so much I hoped he would shot his load of cum before he could really start fucking back and forth. He couldn't read my mind but did say not to worry, if he lost a load he wouldn't lose his erection and could fuck me until he shot a second and possibly a third load into my ass and the cum would help as a lubricant.

I must have resigned myself to being fucked when he said that. I say that because instead of the infinitesimal progress he slid at least four inches of cock into me in the next push. Two pushes later I felt his pubic hair against my freshly shaven ass. It still hurt but not as bad. Part of me was slightly proud that I had accepted all of his cock and wasn't crying.

"I paid for you earlier, Ali, but now you are paying for your enslavement. You are beautifully tight. I am sure I will want to have this ass everyday." I felt the first load of cum to shoot into my ass, it felt hot and almost as much as the liquid that had shot into me as an enema."

"Do you shoot that big of a load, Ali? If not we will need to concoct a story for those that have had me before." That was the last thing he said to me that night. I was fortunate the rooms were sound proofed, by the second time he was fucking me I was screaming out in pleasure, I remember yelling at full volume for him to fuck me the third and fourth times. I don't remember sleeping as much as passing out. Mehmet's dick was still in my ass, not fucking me but hard and twitching when we heard pounding on the door I had used to enter his bedroom.

"I left notice not to disturb us until it was time for you to return to the camp. The sun must be up and breakfast ready.," He pulled out of me with a plop that those outside the door could have heard, they probably did since we heard giggling while Mehmet pulled on his dishdasha and held it close as he walked across the room to open the door.

Ahmed and Angelo rushed into the room. Angelo immediately went to work opening windows and unlocking doors. It took me some time to adjust to the light. I wasn't shocked but I was surprised to see that Angelo was only wearing a loin cloth and light shoes. I was unable to get up since I was still tied to the bed with the leather cuffs.

"That is a wonderful sight to wake to brother."

"Don't get any ideas, he belong to me not the family."

"It was family money you used to buy him."

"No, Ahmed it was money that will be repaid by the government."

"Won't you let me fuck him? Please." He was playing with my foot. I wanted to get up. take a piss and unload the cum that was starting to slip out of my asshole.

"You may not fuck Ali. But, there are four loads of cum in his ass waiting to come out. If you want you can eat him out this one time.,"

I had thought that Ahmed couldn't be much more than fifteen. The rapidity with which he jumped on the bed between my legs and had his tongue buried in my ass spoke to enough experience for me to think I was wrong. Mehmet was right his cum wanted to escape, it was cool and damp as it slid between the lips of my asshole. Ahmed didn't allow any to escape, for the next ten minutes he worked his tongue and lips on my asshole, Mehmet watched as his brother pleasured me.

"Angelo untie the slave."

Ahmed didn't want to move but Mehmet told him his time was up and we needed to get moving so I wouldn't be late for training. My hands were free when I heard Mehmet snapping his fingers. Angelo ran across the room and sank to his knees in front of Mehmet, it seemed like he had taken Mehmet's cock in his mouth but he didn't move for about 90 seconds when he rose and came back to the bed and released my hands. Had Mehmet ever cleaned his cock after pulling out of my asshole? I didn't see him do it, was that what Angelo was doing?

"Master, may I speak?"

"You may not. Do you need to piss?"

"^Yes, Master." I head him snap his fingers again, that quickly Angelo was on his knees at my feet. Until Mehmet told me that Angelo would drink my piss I had no idea what was happening. It took me a minute to start pissing. The entire time it took to start Angelo had his open mouth less than a half inch from the tip of my cock. It seemed wrong but I needed to go badly since I had been tied to the bed for more than ten hours and hadn't wet the bed. Angelo got to his feet licking his lips, he had closed them around my cock once I started pissing. He wasn't two or three steps away when Mehmet addressed him again.

"Show the slave how you satisfy yourself." I had masturbated but was he going to insist that I do it one particular way?

Angelo stretched his back and then started to bend over. His cock wasn't hard but when he was in reach of it he opened his mouth and took his cock and balls into his mouth.

"Ali, you will be working on your agility so that you can satisfy yourself this way." Angelo was holding still, although I thought that he might be working at getting his cock hard.

"Okay, enough with the show. Finish buttoning up my dishdasha. What are you waiting for, Ali? Get your dishdasha on, we need to get into the Hummers."

Next: Chapter 5

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