By Bruce Turner

Published on Oct 22, 2023



Chapter 37

If you are not of legal age to read about sex between men please find something else to read, perhaps Hans Christian Anderson?

IF you able able, please Help out Nifty with your donations.


Chapter 37

Daiki must have heard that I had enough of eating mutton. We were properly served at the table by the last nephew King Al Sari had enslaved for our pleasure. Khalid was a good looking young man that must have been a disappointment to his family being barely five feet tall and less than one hundred-twenty pounds. With a standard slave wrap he looked as if he was wearing his older brother's wrap not one meant for him, it draped almost to his knees and had been stretched around his body nearly half a second time. When he'd brought Khalid to the quarters the first time I kidded my lover about having a desire to fuck a child, I learned the next day that Khalid was twenty-five. He still looked so young that having sex with him did seem like pedophilia except for his knowledge of what to do in bed and bathroom.

While Walid and I ate the meal of Chicken Cordon Bleu and plenty of vegetables the prince started to loosen up some and by the time Khalid removed the last plate he had sat back in his chair to relax. It was pleasant to have a dinner mate that wasn't related to King Al Sari wanting something from me, of his or attempting to talk me into supporting another palace coup. Eating with my slaves had become less than satisfactory also, none other than Ahmed spoke of anything other than matters that had occurred among them that day or week.

"You were telling me earlier how restrictive your family is. How did you manage to escape them to spend this time with me?" I was really curious, it was known by the King that I was interested in having sex only with men and that I had been with three Kings and numerous princes. The protective wall built around Prince Walid wouldn't allow him to be touched, either by a man or woman unless his older brother lowered it. I wondered for a second if the King was trying to act the yenta and have his brother out of the palace.

"Daiki and the two drivers are all to act as my chaperons. That is why the van driver is in the living room and Daiki shows his head in here every so often. I imagine the other driver has made friends among the slaves and expects to be informed the moment I step out of line. I think my brother knows that I would like to have sex, maybe with you or your slaves. He was once young, too. He isn't that much older than me now anyway, fourteen or fifteen years I think?"

"All of our parents were young once They just don't want to think of us as having the same wants and desires they had when they were younger." I said that but I had trouble believing either my father or mother had sex with a member of the same sex.

"No, and it is becoming very frustrating. My brother is told even when I adjust myself if I am in public."

"So no sex with anyone else or yourself ?"

"That's the downside of the luxury I live in."

"You don't try to sneak away and lose your virginity?"

"My brother has so many guards watching me at the palace that I would be caught before I walked out the door." The disgust was evident.

"How old are you, Walid?"

"I just turned twenty-four last week."

I shouldn't have found it that odd for him to be a virgin, after all I was still a virgin at twenty-seven and may have been one for much longer if the slavery/payment laws hadn't been approved. Although I had been thinking I would like to have sex with him, I wasn't ready to pop another cherry. The twelve cherries I had popped recently had tired me of that, although he definitely was attractive and the chef was beyond attractive really. I hoped Daiki wasn't a virgin, when the Prince and his drivers left I was going to attempt seducing him, I hoped the slave boys hadn't exhausted him by that time: I wouldn't object to sharing him, but I wanted him still active.

"I could have wished for more from you this evening but with three chaperons I know there is nothing that can happen. Why don't you come back in the daylight tomorrow and I will show you how far I have come in training the boys you saw outside. I may skinny dip, but if you want me to teach you how to swim you might find a suit that will not offend your family or whatever guards you have with you."

"I can't."

"Prince Walid, twenty-four is old enough for you to start making your own decisions. If you want to see me naked or to be naked in the ocean on your own, grow up and decide that you will come with me on a ride down the beach."

"Ali, I would love to try that but I have told you the family would be scandalized, my mother may go so far as to disown me." It really seemed to bother him.

"Are you in line to be King?" I hoped not, three kings had been enough. I was hoping not to get involved in palace politics ever again.

"Not too likely. My brother has appointed a crown prince, that will take over when he dies, that is young enough to live as long as I do. The next king could appoint me Crown Prince but since I have no outside education the National Assembly is unlikely to approve me. For the last one hundred and fifty years they have demanded the Crown Prince be college educated in either the USA or England. Preferably, Oxford or Yale, with there having been one Harvard graduate."

"So, whatever your family does really has very little consequence to your future. Your brother has already guaranteed that you can't over throw him by not allowing you to be educated." It sounded cruel but it was the way I was reading the situation.

"True, but it might affect the honor of his rule."

"Are you so important that you have spies following you around the country hoping to get a photo of your wrist or ankle, like a Victorian maiden?"

"If you were to listen to my brother and uncles you would think so. I have never seen anyone following me other than once when an uncle took me to visit a Bedouin chieftain and I imagine he was really following my uncle."

"If you decide you want to give the ocean a try I can have the slaves run inland towards the half-mile mark to be sure there is no one watching." I was sure it was an unneeded precaution, there was no road close enough to bring in the paparazzi but if it would make him comfortable enough to fuck or be fucked, I'd do it.

"You want to see me that bad?"

"Walid, if I was to say yes it would only be part of the truth. If I get you naked I will want to do more than look at you." I let it go there. Even a virgin could understand what I was saying, I hoped he wanted the same as I did.

"I need to be headed back to the palace. The guards promised palace security that they would have me in the palace in less than an hour from now." I think he was trying to escape the conversation although he had lead it to sex, twice.

"Ali, thank you for offering to teach me how to swim. I don't think I will be able to make it out here again tomorrow, even if I do I won't be able to buy a swim suit by the time I get here. Treat Daiki well, he is just a trainee in the King's kitchen but if I ever get to set up my own house I hope he will be my chef."

"Is he a slave?" I needed to know how I was to treat him, to be treating him well. Daiki was better looking than Walid, he is probably better looking than just about anyone you meet other than a few magazine models.

"No, it is just that his family has worked for ours since before anyone can remember. Unless he is mistreated he is unlikely to seek other employment." He seemed confident that the boy would want to remain working in the royal kitchen.

"Daiki, is there anything you need before we leave?" He had poked his head around the corner so Walid hadn't needed to raise his voice or go in search of him.

"When will you return, Prince Walid?" They seemed to have an easy relationship and could speak to each other without hesitation.

"Either tomorrow or the following day, Daiki."

"I forgot a bag that I packed, it is in Chef Anas' office. If you have him asked I am sure someone in the kitchen will load it. That should be all I need." Daiki had come into the room and when finished addressing the Prince gave a half bow and started to back out of the room reminding me of movies where I had seen Japanese servants doing just that. I caught a glimpse of his butt and almost without delay my cock stood at attention. Neither the prince or the chef saw it, I had put on a robe before I met Walid for dinner aware that the two men would attract the attention of my cock if I even glimpsed their asses.

I walked the prince to his car. A few steps before the door was opened he hugged me. It is quite common for the Saudis and the Kuwaitis to hug upon greeting and leaving but I hadn't thought about the Prince doing it and hadn't been careful about the erection that Daiki had raised. I was still fully hard when Walid pulled our bodies together, I hadn't really felt his upper body strength before that. I might have felt his strength, I am sure he felt all ten inches of my cock pressing against his abs, a different strength than he creating working in the gym.

Back on the porch that had been added to the beach house when it had been moved I watched the Prince and the other vehicle pull away faster than I would think legal. I thought about where we could put a parking lot for Kuwaiti visitors, would I need to have one for each country? In the house I was met by Daiki coming to the front of the house to take a walk. He had removed the white jacket he had been wearing in the kitchen and was only covered in a very light, gauzy, knee-length dishdasha that clung to his body around his chest and upper arms (it would have been more properly been called a caftan).

"If you would like I will walk with you to show you what we have now and some of my plans for the near future." My plan for the nearest future was talking him into my bed, I was surprised and pleased when he said that was his plan for the near future, too.

"Prince Ali,..."

"Please just call me Ali. My right to be called prince is not very strong, I am an adopted son of Mehmet's family. Once I went to Spain with the King I think I lost the right to the Kuwaiti title. If King Al Sari had lived long enough for us to be married I might be a Saudi Prince. So with all of the confusion there is no need for you to use a title."

"Prince Walid called you prince and you didn't stop him?"

"I only wanted us to be on the same level so I allowed him to greet me that way. When he left we were calling each other only by our familiar names. Is Daiki a first name or your more formal last name?"

"Daiki is the only name I have ever used. My father and mother use their more formal name but I want to be known as Daiki with no family connection, much like many of the American performers are known. Being a chef can make you a celebrity, also; I hope to some day be known all over the world as Daiki."

"Daiki, there will be no one outside. The ponies have been stabled, the slaves other than the two that were helping you clean the kitchen have been sent to bed. If you would like, you do not have to wear the robe, I will be leaving mine here. It is unfortunate that Kuwait and Saudi Arabia have not joined much of the rest of the world allowing anyone to walk their beaches naked, not just non-Islamic slaves. This town will not be its own country, but I hope that the two Kings recognize my right to self-govern. I have no intention of requiring residents or visitors to wear more than sandals." I really wanted the residents of the town to be permitted to walk on at least the beach naked.

"I think I would be embarrassed to walk the streets of a town without my robe. Ever since I was a child I have been told that I must wear a robe when meeting strangers. My parents 'would' allow me to wear shorts and a t-shirt in our quarters but not if I was going to leave. When I started working in the kitchen and was around hot stoves and splashing food I switched from long robes to wearing pants, a shirt, a jacket, a hat and an apron. I would be so glad to be out of that uniform after twelve hour days that I would be back in a robe before I would go anywhere. Some of the men in the kitchen laugh at how fast I change into my robes but I really don't care."

"You are welcome to wear your robe here anytime you want. Most of the time you will see me in a slave's wrap. It is the most comfortable way for me to conduct the training I have been doing. If I was to wear a robe I would have to be putting it on and taking it off regularly. With the slave wrap I can just flip it up or drop it. That is especially true as hot as it is "

"Why would you be exposing yourself that way?" I didn't know whether he was innocent or was trying to lead the conversation back to sex.

"Daiki, I currently have twenty slaves. Six of them are already trained to provide any sex that I require of them. The other fourteen are in various stages of training. There are two Saudi boys that were only enslaved three weeks ago but were made slaves because of their fathers' belief that they were going to be having sex with men even if they were free. They asked the King to take them as his slaves as he had some of their cousins so they would not have religious or political troubles. Nine of the twelve that he gave me to be pony boys in the palace are doing fairly well in learning how to please a cock. There are three that have been very reluctant to learn.

"I am almost to the point that one of the three is going to move from punishment to torture. The other two have learned to give up their asses a little more than reluctantly. But none of the three are learning to use their mouths worth food and board. King Al Sari had plans to remove their tongues, I am not sure I can be that cruel." I had thought about it and I knew that I could have it done if the slaves didn't straighten up, soon.

"But you could smash a man's balls?" His hands were being held over his crotch as he queried me about a cringe-worthy topic.

"Where did you hear that?"

"I worked at Mehmet's palace for a grand affair the Agency hosted two weeks ago. I had sneaked out back to have a cigarette and was talking with Angelo and a few other house slaves. One of the slaves told me about how you had ruined a man with a bull whip."

"There are lots of stories of how I took a man's balls. I have even been accused of smashing a set that an English couple had worked over so hard I puked before getting them to stop."

"So the stories are all lies?"

"No, I think I caused one man to lose his." I didn't want to admit the time that Mehmet had fed me a testicle, maybe if I knew him better.

"Since I have worked in the kitchens I have had to cook human testicles four different times. Prince Walid's Uncle is in charge of the justice department and believes that is the only way to punish adultery. He has the man castrated, the testicles cooked and then fed to the man and mistress or man that was involved. It doesn't do much for the married couple, but he is sure to have the full punishment to be done in public so others that may be thinking of cheating on their wives are taught a lesson."

"Have you tasted what you cooked?" Daiki blushed so red that I could feel the heat four feet away.


"I know, that's cannibalism. Mehmet made me eat both of a man's testicles to punish us both. I don't think I would ever want to do it again." I thought back upon eating those testicles and although I had said never again, if I was fed thesticles again I would not have any trouble in chewing, savoring and swallowing a pair. There are a little tough but they are tasty.

"I had to taste what I was cooking to make sure they would be edible." He hadn't lost the bright red that covered him from his face to his hands. It was a disturbing conversation for both of us but I think he found it worse than I did..

"Are you ready to go out?" I had my robe up over my head. I couldn't tell if he had turned away or was looking but I turned to face the door before pulling the robe off completely and started to open it.

"Ali, Angelo told me that you were the only man he had ever met that was able to swallow more of his own cock than him. Is that true?"

"I might show you, someday. I haven't sucked my own cock for a week or so, so I will need to loosen up before I even try to lick my cock head." I wondered if the Yoga master would be interested in coming to the town I planned on building, although he taught us how to relax enough to suck our cocks I never thought of him sucking a cock other than his own.

For the next hour we walked along the beach. I had picked up a lantern before we left the porch so we we able not to stumble over any rocks or debris on the beach. We must have walked a quarter mile in Saudi Arabia when Daiki removed his robe. He hadn't said anything about even thinking about doing it but as he pulled it over his head he gave a sigh that I took as one of relief, it was still close to ninety degrees and with a light breeze walking naked was pleasant. The lantern gave a good light but I couldn't see much of his body.

"Ali, are you ready to take me to your bed?"

"Daiki, I've been ready since you first arrived at the house. It has been nice getting to know you and that you want more from me than for me to fuck you. I'd enjoy more than that also, would you like me to tell you what I enjoy on the way back or would you like to wait and learn once we are in bed?" At that moment we heard noises coming from the water that neither of us recognized. At first I thought it was the legendary sound of the mythical sirens.

"Ali, have you ever eaten dugong?"

"I don't think so. Isn't it legal to kill them?"

"Once in a while we have a single young male that will get lost and find his way along the coast as far as Kuwait City. The king's staff is permitted to harvest him as long as certain old restrictions are followed.

"I think we just heard a group of them. I wonder if there is the sea grass they eat out grows here. I would be surprised since they usually live where some fresh water flows into the gulf. There shouldn't be any water feeding into the gulf around here."

"I would never have thought of dugong living here. What other sea life is there?"

"You will most likely see a few different types of whales if you watch for long enough. I don't remember whether it is three or four types of porpoises and turtles that are seen no where else in the world."

"And you have cooked all of these?"

"No. We never have cooked any of the porpoises. Whales and turtles, yes." He had stepped back a single step and was pressed against my cock. "Our legends make a connection between humans and porpoises."

"If you stay there long you will be making me get even harder. And if I get any harder I might just fuck you right here in the sand." I had been wanting to fuck him for hours so even if I didn't have lube I would take him.

His hand was firmly wrapped around my growing cock. "It has taken you long enough to say that. I have lube in my robe." It really seemed like he was able to read my mind.

He found the pocket with the lube without the need of the light from the lantern. I was getting more interested in him than simply wanting to fuck. It was nice having someone that could answer general questions about our surroundings without having to call for his advisers or slaves. It wasn't as if he was displaying an extreme intelligence, he was just connected to his surroundings and was free to share. I could have taken the lube and fucked him right then but decided I wanted something more. I dropped the lube on his robe and grabbing his hand pulled him to the edge of the water and when he resisted I picked him up and walked in up to my waist and dropped him.

He surfaced sputtering and wiping water from his face. It was so sweet that I couldn't resist and mashed his body against mine and my lips to his. I had seen videos when a girl wrapped her legs around a guy and one or two where a boy did the same but this was the first time I experienced arms and legs wrapped around me while standing in the water. Even 'my' cock isn't strong enough to hold up a young man, perhaps if I had been in him but definitely not resting between his butt cheeks. I felt so happy that without leaving go I dove further out into the water.

I thought I had run into a rock. As we surfaced I heard Daiki yelling that we were up against a dugong. I had no idea if I should move away or rest up against the creature and let it move us through the water. It was moving extremely slowly, I would have won a sprint and I am not that good of a swimmer. Daiki let go of me and was on top of the dugong in seconds, crawling like a monkey.

"What are you doing?"

"Going for a ride on a man that doesn't want to fuck me."

"Come on, you want fucked."

"Really, Ali. I want to get with you and make love." I might have said the same except it was much too soon for us to be making love. I jumped at him, thinking I would dislodge him and we could head back to the beach. The big animal was slow moving away, he was maybe a foot longer than me, I could see short tusks shining in the glare of the moon on the water. I was hoping to catch Daiki but I missed him and my arms went nearly around the young male, how do I know that? The hand that slid down the smooth underside of the dugong caught his cock. It was thicker than mine but not as long, I touched him while he was still soft.

Did sailors at one time really have sex with the dugong that were caught in their nets? If they did was it just the females (weird mermaids) or were they also required to have sex with the males to appease the gods of the sea? I thought for a second about trying to do more with his cock but he butted me, breaking my skin with his tusks. I must have yelled. Daiki, was at my side and seeing the blood in the water guided me to shore. He admitted that he had not mentioned that there were also sharks in the gulf although not often seen on this side of what he called the Arabian Sea.

The tusk had ripped me open about twelve inches along my side. He hadn't managed to spill my guts but out of the water I was feeling the pain of skin split and muscles ripped. Daiki found our way back to the house. I needed a doctor but we had no car and I had insisted that we not have communication with anyone beyond the boundaries of my property.

"Ali, you need to get to a doctor. It would be best if we could get an ambulance to come take you." He was fussing over me but really didn't think he could do much.

"Do you bring a communicator with you?"

"No, the prince said that you preferred there not be any here."

"Do you know anything about the city we had to pass on the way here?"

"No, we drove down here on 40, we passed on going to the refinery city up the coast. If we can get there I would think directions wouldn't be too hard to get."

"I guess its time to see if training the pony boys to haul the carts has been worth the time. Did you learn where my bedroom was when you were in the house?"


"Right, the room to the front of the house. Go up there, I'll be alright to leave for a few minutes. Salman should be sleeping on the floor beside the bed. Wake him, it shouldn't take much. Have him come down to me." He probably could have yelled up the stairs and had Salman awake but I didn't want to have the entire house awake.

I had said it would be alright to leave me but I was close to passing out. I don't know if it was loss of blood, shock or something else. I sat where he had helped me to the ground leaning against the side of the stairs. I was almost out when feet on the stairs shook me awake again.

"Salman, get two of the fastest ponies and hook them up to the big cart." I had six carts, the five one pony carts were identical except for a few minor color differences. The sixth cart was larger and would easily seat two people and had two enclosed pull bars so the ponies were able to use their arms as well as their bodies that would be strapped into the traces. Ahmed had told me that the weight difference was negligible so the cart should be able to move much faster. We were soon on the beach once more, heading north to the nearest city.

Daiki kept the ponies moving, cracking the lunge over their heads, only two or three times actually having the tip connect with the slaves pulling us at no more than 5mph. The pain made me wish we were already in the hospital but I had to accept what the ponies gave. Daiki had suggested that we would find something along the beach within 15 miles that should get us to the city. What he knew or thought I wasn't sure. I knew there would be off shore oil rigs about that far north, maybe there would be land based support that would help us. The rickshaw rode smoothly. We were about an hour from the beach house when I finally succumbed to the pain and shock and passed out leaning up against Daiki, he had been worried about the ride and had Salman tie me to him.

I woke later with fingers poking at the wound.

"You don't need to take him into the hospital. We have everything needed to stitch him up. He was fortunate not to have been speared more deeply."

The next thing was a pain that was worse than anything I had ever felt. I hadn't even looked up to see who was examining me but when he poured what felt like alcohol on the wound I yelled and with all the strength I had turned my head to look up. I thought I was hallucinating, standing over me grinning was Monsieur.

"Daiki, help!" I couldn't see him around where I was laying. There was Monsieur and a dark black slave dressed in baby blue,American, boxer briefs. I tried yelling louder only to have Monsieur place his hand over my mouth, muffling almost the entire sound. What I did hear was what I thought were chains. I looked at my hands and feet, the chains weren't there. I could barely see the floor, both of the men handling me were chained together and to a bar beneath a row of cabinets.

I hadn't known that Monsieur had any medical training, I still don't. Even if he had he wasn't the man that I would want to touch my body. When I tried screaming for Daiki again Monsieur had his counterpart stick his cock in my mouth. I had thought that the dugong was thick, the animal had nothing on this man. I couldn't move my lips or mouth once he had forced his way in.

"Guta, this slave managed to have his master punish me for an entire week and then sell me to a labor camp. I have tried to follow his movements since those days. He's been with two Kings in Spain, numerous princes and the King of Saudi Arabia before being freed. It must be serendipity that dropped him into our hands. I have promised the fates and Allah that should I ever get my hands on him that he would not be more than a palace eunuch when he was freed."

He continued talking to Guta. I learned Monsieur had practiced castrating teen slaves (some night as many as five in one night) on the path up from Africa, hoping for this night. I had told Mehmet to be careful, that Monsieur would attempt revenge. It turned out that he had been involved in the kidnapping of two members of Mehmet's family. As the kidnappers waited for the family to arrange payment he would be charged with sending pieces of the brother's body home. The kidnappers had slightly restrained him, allowing him to start with ears and fingers but when the time had stretched beyond seven days, one testicle and two days later the other. The family had learned after the first son arrived home castrated, but they hadn't learned enough. The second son, Mohamed, arrived home with one testicle and an infection in his sac.

"Don't you need to sew him up first? You will want him to have enough blood to keep him alive so you can feed his his his balls. You always said you would make him eat them raw." Guta certainly wasn't trying to help me, but with the first slice into my sac must have seen that between the blood on my side and sac I might die.

"True." He poured more alcohol on my side to wash away the blood that was flowing out. As I once more tried to scream Guta pushed his cock further in my mouth nearly blocking my throat. I struggled to breath. I was sure they were not going to use any anesthetic, local or otherwise. The needle that pushed into me felt like an awl. When he pushed it through a second time I passed out. Monsieur did not like that and waved an ammonia ampule beneath my nose until I was shaking my head, trying once more to yell.

I would have thought the wound would take almost a hundred stitches, I had two inch long cuts as a kid that had taken twelve and thirteen stitches. I was going to be in such agony. I tried not counting, I just hoped that he was going to be finished soon.

"Monsieur, that doesn't look look what you usually do when stitching up a wound."

"No, I choose to mark the wound with stitches spelling out his status in life. Piss slave! Anyone that ever sees him after today is going to know exactly what he is, no matter what he pretends to be." He had the needle out of my wound while telling Guta what he was doing.

I was glad I wasn't doped up. I tried throwing myself off the table. Guta grabbed at my head, my teeth had done more than just scrape at him, I had bit down as hard as I could hoping that he would jerk back and help pull me off the table. If it had been his ball sac in my mouth he would have lost them both. I had a flood of blood in my throat and as I fell to the floor, vomited. I was trying to get to my feet when Daiki rushed into the room, having heard Guta screaming.

I don't know why, but he still had a lunge in his hand.

I begged him to get me out of there. Daiki couldn't have understood what was happening but quickly moved both of the men back by striking at their faces with the lunge. I didn't take the time to stand, I crawled to Daiki and followed him out the door. The building we were in was not very large, in the entryway he was able to get me to my feet and prop me up until we got to the cart sitting outside the door. The ponies had attracted a small crowd, I didn't know whether it was people that wanted to do more than look or not. If all they wanted was to see naked men I was giving them even more to look at, I was wearing nothing either.

The ponies were still in their traces although Daiki had been feeding them and giving them water, he didn't know they should be free to eat. I was so glad Monsieur and Guta had been chained in that room. Daiki tried to help stop the bleeding by ripping off the bottom of his robe and putting a patch to my ball sac and telling me to hold it while making another patch to hold to my side. I think I passed out a couple times as we made our way to the city. Daiki tried asking about Monsieur but I wasn't able to tell him much before passing out again. He had learned to guide the cart much better since we left the beach house: experience IS the best teacher.

I finally woke in a too soft bed looking up at bright lights. Prince Walid was standing by the door murmuring to Daiki. "It isn't nice to talk behind a friend's back."

Daiki broke away and rushed to my side. I didn't know what he was doing until when a nurse came in he reported that my responses were good and that I did not seem to have a fever. He was holding one of my hands and Prince Walid was holding the other. The Nurse told me that it was important that I did not try scratching at the stitches, itching would be the mark of healing having begun.. A half hour later a doctor came into the room and chased the nurse and my friends(?) away before lifting the sheet off, careful not to pull it against the stitches. He examined the wounds, told me that I should stay over night and once I went home I should have a nurse with me to clean the wounds daily for four days and if there was no infection after that I would be free to do whatever I wanted except have a partner lick my balls for a few weeks.

I must have looked shocked that he said that. "You were talking while I was stitching you up. If I was one that would be easily shocked I may not have finished. You were asking me to suck your balls and lick your ass."

"I didn't want to fuck you?" I tried making a joke out of it, but he treated my sleep talking as a serious matter.

"No, you wanted to fuck the two men who just left the room." I know I blushed at hearing him say that. What could he think about me wanting to fuck the King's younger brother? I wanted to ask if I had expressed a preference between the two.

"They are both attractive, but do they know what you want?" I had to force myself to remember the King learned everything there was to know about his brother and speaking too freely might cause Walid more problems.

"One of them does."

"I would take it that is the young man that brought you in. He is definitely distracting. I had to chase the nurses and some of the doctors away from him as he waited for you to wake. Having torn the bottom half off his robe didn't help but interest them." I felt sorry for Daiki, being half naked in such a public place must have been embarrassing for a young man raised to always be covered in front of others. That might explain why he was wearing some doctor's pants, I hadn't done more than noticed that fact, I would need to tease him when he returned.

"Prince Ali, you may want to have a better solution to any medical issues you have in your new town four hours into the city is not always going to work. Have you thought about building a clinic wand having a resident doctor?" He asked this as he painted the cut on my ball sac with an antibiotic that turned the skin orange.

"Until the dugong ripped into me and I knew I would have to come here I hadn't thought about the need or desirability of one . All I expected with a group of healthy young men was a few blisters, sunburn and maybe a few welts that would need treated with lotion. I guess I'll have to rethink that." I understood that I needed to, but I wasn't thinking that well.

"When you have, talk to me." I couldn't tell if the doctor was wanting to have sex with other men or needed to get away from the hospital. He looked old enough to retire, maybe the idea of retiring among young men away from the bigger city was appealing. I would think about the idea.

"Ali, are you feeling better?" I had thought that Prince Walid would come in first or at least with Daiki but only Daiki came in.

"Daiki, I am am sore, if it wasn't for you I may not be alive. Thank you for pulling me from the Gulf and rescuing me from that pair that wanted to geld me." Other than appearing in the doorway and flicking the whip he hadn't done much, but what he did allowed me to get free.

"I thought they were trustworthy, Prince Ali. They are working for the state oil company. I have always been told that any one that works for the oil company has had their background checked and double checked.

"They seemed to be crazy." I thought Monsieur was always a bit crazy.

"If you chained me in a small room like that and expected me to treat medical problems I might be crazy, too."

"The larger one seemed to have something against you, personal." It wasn't just a statement, I knew he was wanted to know more.

"Monsieur has reason to hate me, I suppose, although the reason is really something that he did not me."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't think so. I came too close to losing my nuts. Why don't you tell me about how you got me here."

Prince Walid came in and Daiki left us alone. We discussed some things which I can't recall He wanted permission to send Daiki to the town in the cart. It had been reported to him that both of the ponies had been drawing crowds into the parking lot. There had even been attempts to steal them when the guards weren't in the area.

I didn't want to lose Daiki. That realization answered the question I couldn't ask the doctor about preferences. It was wonderful that I had two men willing to take care of the minor extraneous affairs that had been caused by me grabbing a dugong dick, accidentally. I would think about that later. Was it as much of an accident as I was telling myself?

Prince Walid had inquired about the two men chained in the medical building inshore from three oil rigs. They weren't the one's in charge. They were chained there to serve a doctor that was posted to care for the few thousand men and women that lived in the support village and worked on the rigs. Monsieur had survived his punishment at Camp (50), was sent to Mehmet's family gravel quarries, had been the cause of some trouble that Mehmet called treasonous, sold to a Bedouin tribe that needed a pack animal to carry goods from their camels to their stalls in a market, attacked a chief's daughter and after being castrated sold back to the state. Eunuchs were always considered to be less physical so put under a doctor's care it was thought there would be no more heard of him.

He was being sent to a cleaning facility where the average life expectancy of the slaves was less than a year. Generally only smaller framed slaves were sent into the tanks to be cleaned but Monsieur was having an exception made since he had been given all the chances to rehabilitate that were given to any slave.

"You knew Monsieur from Camp (50)?


"Why didn't Mehmet have him put to death?"

"I don't know for certain, but I imagine he thought Monsieur would not survive the eight days of punishment he endured. I don't think many men would have survive seven night on the whipping rack or being sent to the gravel pits while still recuperating."

"Daiki has asked if I would talk to you about taking him on as your permanent chef. Before I can do that I will need to speak to personnel at the palace and my brother. I think there was hope that he would be prepared to replace the current chef when he retires in the next few years."

"The doctor that was in here, is he ready to retire?"

"I doubt that, he looks older but I don't think he is more that forty-five. Why?"

"He suggested that I have a medical clinic in the town. The suggestion had the hint that he would like to be the doctor."

"I could have it checked out for you."

"You better not."

"Will you take him?"

"I have no idea, he doesn't seem to have a problem with me wanting sex with men but I would prefer to know that the doctor in town is another man that likes men. It will make talking to him easier if there is a sex problem with the slaves. He would be willing to care for the slaves, right?"

"I don't know, this hospital doesn't allow slaves so he isn't currently treating any. You could find out by asking him to check the ponies, Daiki said they both have raw wounds where the traces rubbed on the run here."

"Sounds like a good audition for a job. A clinic wasn't in the budget so I am going to have to make an adjustment, probably selling one or two slaves or a ruby."

The ponies were badly rubbed raw, it may mean that any ponies that would be working the street as taxi boys would require their fastenings adjusted. Walid arranged for the ponies and cart to be delivered to my town. He and the King insisted that I spend my four days of recovery in the palace. That was better than having a nurse come to the beach house with me, there were three nurses on staff for some of the older relatives that had physical problems all associated or caused by obesity. I was surprised to see that more than half of the people going in and out of the palace were not just fat but morbidly obese.

The doctor and nurses blamed it on American fast food. It seemed that anywhere you went in Kuwait City there would be a fast food restaurant. From Hardy's or McDonald to Pizza Hut or Domino's or a half dozen other American fast food restaurants that all seemed busy day and night. In a weird way America was having its money returned from the oil rich nations.

I was going to need to have Daiki as more than a personal chef. I don't want the town to suffer the same way the rest of the nation was and there is no place in my life for a fat slave. I did demand exercise even with the heat but it wasn't the hottest part of the year yet, I didn't know if we could survive without cooling stations much like the sex stations in Twenty-Second Century City. The infrastructure necessary to build this town was growing while my bank account wasn't. I walked around the palace wondering what Prince Al Sari had given me that I could sell, whether I could borrow enough money to increase my capital budget or if there was another way to raise the needed funds.

The day before I was to return to the town I had a visit from the Saudi Ambassador. The ten slaves that King Al Sari had promised to inspect had been languishing in the Kuwaiti auction house. The king had put down enough money to hold the slaves until he had time to inspect them which it turned out was enough time to purchase them and still have some monies left. He told me that Mehmet's eldest brother had arrange transport for the slaves to my town, he wanted the auction house clear before the next shipment arrived. There is no doubt that ten more slaves would speed up the construction of the town, as soon as we had the survey we could start streets. The desalinization plant was to be started that week, I hadn't known that there was any progress on that, I had only talked to the company on time. We were waiting for the survey to determine where water lines would run. Without water and air-conditioning there was zero possibility of a town succeeding even if it were to be a beach resort, which wasn't what I hoped to build.

I had a few questions about self-rule that I forwarded through the Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, the King in Kuwait had already agree that the town should have the right to self-rule as long as we did not have an army. That was fine with me, I had no desire to go to war.

While in the palace I also had a visit from the Chamber of Commerce from Twenty-Second Century City asking me to discuss opportunities for their businesses to expand. I was glad to hear there was interest, if there was enough I would be justified in spending money on infrastructure. I asked that they bring along whoever was in charge of the sex stations, also. The man whose services had been gifted me to help plan a town was supposed to be visiting two weeks after I returned to my home, I arranged the Chamber's meeting to be the following day. He and I would have a day to go over my thoughts, have him educate me on what I was missing (sewers) in my plans and help lay out plans for businesses to relocate or expand into my town.

"You have been difficult to find, Ali."

"Why did you want to find me?"

"There is getting down to business rather quickly isn't it?" Daiki hugged me and held my hand much like a Saudi. Those customs did not feel like friendliness to me in his hands. I thought the hug had lasted a few minutes too long and his hand in mine was not just light and friendly, it was tighter, as is he was holding my hand in desperation.

"Is something wrong Daiki?"

"The chef and my parents spoke two days ago and agreed that I would not work in the King's kitchen after tomorrow."

"Did anyone say why?"

"Just that my parents thought I wasn't learning what I would need to make my own way in life." He looked about ready to cry.

"I am glad to hear they have agreed that you won't be in the King's kitchen anymore. Will you come with me and be the chef for my house but also executive chef for the town."

"What would that mean?"

"Have you looked around the palace at the people that come in and go out?"

"I suppose you are referring to the obesity epidemic we have in Kuwait?"

"Yes. I want you to be in charge of what can and can not be sold in the two restaurants and beach stands. If we still see a problem I may allow you to be in charge of what is allowed to be sold in the grocery store (s)."

"How many freemen do you expect to live in your town?"

"Until I meet with the city planner in two weeks I'm working with a figure of approximately 1,000. That may be way too high or too low, but I don't know. If we are willing to allow apartment buildings that could increase significantly. If we require a larger plot of land there may be quite a few less people."

"Ali, it doesn't sound like you have too many answers right now."

"I don't. I am hoping that some of the people that want to live there will be able to help decide some of the requirements and limitations. If we go with ¼ acre home plots on the inward side of the street and only one person live on each I think there would be 1300 people. If we add another 700 on the beach side we talking 2000 available living units, have a lover and we are talking 4000 people. If we change some of those lots to apartments three or four stories high and we add another 300-400 people."

"You can afford to build all this?"

"No, much of it will be paid for by the tenants. You want a restaurant you pay to build it, a theatre, the same. If someone wants to build and apartment building, the same. I am paying for the sex stations, cooling stations, gyms, electricity, and water plants, pipes and wiring. Where does anybody work? I don't know, back in college I read an article that proposed that the majority of humans really did not need to work full time. Unless Kuwait and Saudi Arabia come to an agreement on the land that has been contested for one hundred and sixty years we will need to have some type of employment. I would prefer if it was some type of business that did not spout chemicals into the air and gulf. That is one of the requirements the city planner will have.

"The water desalination plant would provide for more than fifty thousand people so we will be able to sell some if we can pump it to either a Saudi or Kuwaiti destination.

"Right now I am planning that all electricity will be directly from the sun or the gulf."

"What type of stores are you going to have?"

"I think we are very much likely to copy what they have in Twenty-Second Century City unless we decide it would be better to compete with them. There used to be competing beach front towns in America that were able to survive nicely because they would select a genre of stores they would promote."

"And you would promote sex stores?"

"I hadn't thought about that, but as notorious as I am it might be a perfect fit. The 'Ali' fuck machine? The Boy Butt Brothel?"

"From what I've seen of the built up beaches around the cities tourist will expect anything I do to be pretty luxurious. I'm not sure I have the money to do that, I will have to do a promo that draws in business. Hopefully a few major businesses that are willing to expand into this type market, not everyone want to work retail."

I hope it wasn't just to shut me up, Daiki swung around in front of me and kissed me mouth to mouth. I took the chance and grabbed him by the butt.

Next: Chapter 39

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