By Bruce Turner

Published on Oct 20, 2023



chapter 36

Please observe the legal restriction where you live.

Story is 100% fiction, there are no resemblances to anyone I have ever known or met a or to any actions by the countries named.

Chapter 36

"Ali, why aren't you getting erect? Tired?" My husband to be had been licking my ass and balls for close to twenty minutes. Although I had enjoyed every swipe of his tongue there was not an extra drop of blood moving into my cock. It was the first time he hadn't been able to get me erect and he was worried.

"My cock and my balls have had a hard day. I hadn't planned on taking twelve ponies' virginity in one day but after you wouldn't touch me last night I started strong and by the time I had fucked nine of them and gave them three loads of cum I couldn't leave the others still virgin. I was ready to collapse when I shot the fourth load into Libra.

"If any of your friends say they want to go to Nirvana warn them that 70 virgins will be a lot of work and may kill them again.

"Just because I'm not hard doesn't mean I'm not enjoying what you're doing or that I wouldn't love having you in me." I pushed my ass back trying to get close to his tongue again. I am getting to the point that I think I enjoy having my ass licked as much as I enjoy any sex act except maybe being fucked. He didn't swipe his tongue across my asshole again, he swatted me twice, said he needed to find Salman and jumped off the bed to the floor.

The Palace floor is as hard as concrete and slick, the rugs are mostly on top of a gripping sheet but when my lover hit the corner of the rug it flew up and he flew down landing on his elbow. The sound he made when he hit made me know that we were calling in a doctor or heading to the King Fahd suite at the hospital to have him fixed. Unlike the slaves or even myself he didn't yell or scream as the pain shot through his body. I helped to get a robe over him while he held the broken arm with the other, dressed myself, tenderly put his sandals on, called the royal limo and his full contingent of guards to take us there.

"You may need to stop using Salman, I should make myself available for you more often."\

"No. I know you are available when I wish, but you are not a slave like Salman."

I wished there was something I could do for him while we took the ten block ride. We were three or four blocks from the Palace when I remembered that he had never gotten to piss. "I may not be a piss slave, my King, but I think you may want to give me the load of piss you need to get rid of or you will be having trouble making it to the Royal suite." I had never sucked his cock or had him piss in my mouth while riding, but I had no trouble getting to the floor and under his robe without the guards seeing us. The piss was not his usual sweet, morning piss; he had a vile taste that I had never had from him before. Was it adrenaline? Or had he had a strange food or beverage? How I managed to swallow it all without dripping on his robe I don't know, I struggled with it.

"You better get up, Ali. We're pulling into the emergency unloading zone."

"If we have time I will finish that before we return to the Palace."

"I still want your ass."

"Well, it's your arm, likely your elbow and maybe shoulder that broke. There isn't anything wrong with your legs or cock is there?" I hadn't taken my hand off his cock, knowing there might still be a drop or two of piss and to get it on his robe was haman

"My tail bone hurts some." Shit, that might stop him from fucking me, but I should be able to sit on his cock and fuck if it isn't too bad. It felt selfish to be thinking about my own pleasure when my King was suffering

There were three doctors surrounding the wheelchair before the guards were able to push him inside. We went straight to the X-ray area, with only a two minute wait for the man that was being scanned to get dressed and leave (I don't think his x-rays were even finished). I wasn't permitted to go in with him but did manage to pull a doctor aside while he was in the room to tell him about the tail-bone pain. The King had only mentioned the arm while we were wheeling him to be X-rayed. It took longer than I would have expected, by the time he came out of the room I was furiously pacing, not believing how upset I was that he was not going to be whole for some time because he had viewed me as being better than a piss slave.

"Either settle down or I'll have them tranquilize you."

"My Highness, how can you be so calm, you are going to be in a cast and sling for weeks if not months?" He hadn't yelled, screamed or cried but I was so close to crying for him that I felt like a wimp. It is hard to see the one you love in pain, there is no doubt that I love him and hoped that this was not going to delay the wedding.

He refused to be admitted to the hospital but agreed to wait in the royal suite for the X rays and the doctors. While hospitals are notorious for making patients wait, he was treated with as much haste as I thought they could. If we had wished we could have had a full dinner while the doctors consulted each other in the other end of the room but we had both waved the food away when the orderly wheeled it in, why would they think we would be hungry at that time of night?.

As the consultation was taking more time, the more nervous I got. I had been sitting beside my King on the bed but tried to get up at least four times to walk off the energy, he held my arm tightly. "I am going to be alright. It is just a broken arm, kids break bones everyday."

"You are no kid. You say it is just a broken arm, does that mean your shoulder doesn't hurt or your tailbone?"

He refused to answer, but the way he tightened his grip told me that I was right. The pain in his right arm must have been extreme, until that moment neither of us had seen that the pinky finger on his left hand was sticking out to the side, either broken also or out of the joint. When I pointed it out to the King he released my arm and loudly called for his personal physician, seeing strange angle that it was hanging must have worried him.

We went back to have the finger X-rayed, leaving the doctors talking among themselves. Neither on the trip to or back did the King speak, I assumed that meant the pain was starting to radiate out or that the shock of being in pain was dying down and he was experiencing the full effect of it. The three doctors we had left in his suite had been joined by two other, when we re-entered the suite they were standing in a formal line waiting to speak.

"Your Highness, we all agree that your arm is broken in at least ten places between the elbow and the clavicle. Most of those we will be able to heal with bone-glue, but there are at least two breaks that we will not be able to fasten that way. We will need to operate on your arm as soon as you can arrange to have the Prince you have installed to rule in your absence brought here. Your grandfather created the rule that the doctors here are not permitted to put the King to sleep unless we have the physical presence of the man that will be required to make a life or death decision while you are under the anesthetic. Once you return from the recovery room and are fully functioning he will be allowed to leave the hospital.

I hadn't thought he had time to appoint anyone. We had talked about the fact that he would have to have a second when we went on the honeymoon but he didn't know who he would appoint. It was going to have to be a member of the Saud family many of whom he was still battling to exert his authority over the government. We had both admitted that Ahmed would have been the perfect substitute but as a Kuwaiti he was ineligible to rule.

"Everyone out." He was holding on to me again so I knew he was referring to the doctors and nurses that were in the room.

"The only one I trust to make a life or death decision right now would be you. But this is not the time to try changing rules my grandfather put in place to protect the kingdom."

"Isn't there anyone that would work with me?"

"Not until we're married and even then not most of the family."

"Could it be kept secret?"

"Doctors aren't supposed to talk are they? Anyone in the royal suite has been thoroughly checked out as to trustworthiness, why?"

"It is unorthodox but you could appoint Salman with me as his regent. That way if unexpectedly there is a question about your life or health I will make the decision. I really don't want the responsibility but if it will make you feel better going into the operation I will do it."

"I enslaved Salman, I could free him by the time they are ready to operate. I think that is what we should do. Are you sure?"

King Al Sari had ascended to the throne through a palace coup that had short circuited the normal succession to the throne of the King's next younger brother, through the help of his generation of princes, but knew it was personal not a change in the intent of Agnatic seniority succession. If he did not out live his uncles one would become the next king even if he wasn't anointed Crown Prince. He hadn't wanted Prince ibn Saleem to become King due to radical beliefs in supporting terrorism throughout the Americas. He would do whatever he could at this point not to acknowledge that he was the crown prince and next in line to the throne. The first day he was king, Al Sari had started an investigation into his uncle hoping to find reason to have him imprisoned or at the minimum refused the title of Crown Prince.

"No, my love, but if you want me to, I will." I had moved from hold his hand to having both arms wrapped around his waist and my head on his shoulder. I really didn't expect there to be a problem, the doctors had said it was not that difficult of an operation and they were the best in the country. They had said that the tailbone was chipped but could wait until later to be repaired, they preferred not to be responsible for the King's life for more time than absolutely required We had the necessary people come to the hospital unaware they would stay the night and possibly until noon the following day. When the guards brought Salman into the room I think he imagined he was there to do his normal duties not be appointed as temporary ruler of the Kingdom. It was at best a temporary appointment and at worst one that he would be required to abdicate should anything happen to my lover.

The suites next to where the King and I sat were secured, as the required agents from the Palace finished they were ushered into the rooms, warned they would not be allowed to leave or have outside contact until the guards said they could. It was getting close to midnight, by that time Salman was the only one left other than a notary that had brought the required papers to free Salman. That took two minutes. The hospital administrator arrived with the paperwork required to acknowledge Salman's authority to answer any questions from the doctors. The regency papers had taken four palace employees to prepare. They were the last to be signed, Salman had only been free of me for less than ten minutes although this was different.

Salman was confused. He had woke up in our bedroom, without anyone there, as a urinal slave to the king and I; now he had power over the king's life and was standing in a hospital room dressed in proper house of Saud robes.

"You didn't have me brought here me to drink your piss?" We were alone in the room, the King had been taken from me by doctors not orderlies.

I had emptied the King's bladder a few hours earlier so I needed to piss, just the mention of it made me ready to go bad. "Do you want to drink my piss, Salman? You do not have to, you are a free man for the night, although neither of us will be permitted to leave the royal suite. I have always enjoyed your mouth but for once you can tell me if you want my piss or not." I was going to learn more about my slave's desires while alone than I expected when I proposed the arrangement to the King.

If it had been me reversing positions I might have told him to get on his knees and drink my piss or give me a blow job. Salman had been so broken at the Villa that he couldn't think of what it meant to be free. I hadn't been trying to turn him into a slave those weeks but between his father and I we had changed the once belligerent teen into my personal body slave willing to serve me in any way imaginable.

"After I drink your piss may I fuck you?" I should have know that he might think of that, he knew the King fucked me regularly and that I seemed to enjoy it when he did, the slaves had watched often from the blankets on the floor in awe knowing that they would be called upon later either to clean our cocks or to drink our piss before we went to sleep. Salman was always eager to eat the cum from both or our assholes.

"Salman, I have made a promise to the King that I will not give up my ass to anyone other than him. If you want me to suck your cock or drink your piss or fuck you, I will do it. I will not break my promise to the King, I seriously love him." I felt bad telling him that after telling him that he was a free man for the night and could have what he wanted.

The hours passed slowly, I had been told that it should only be five hours until my love was back in the room. Six hours passed and then eight without word from the doctors. At ten hours I spoke with the guard outside the door to have one of the five lining the hall to go find any information they could get. It was two more hours before the guard returned letting us know that no information was leaking out of the operating room but that he learned the King had not been taken to the recovery room planned for him, yet. Twelve hours and still in the operating room?

Papers and proposals soon began arriving at the hospital room, some of them required immediate attention. I was glad that the King and I had often spent hours discussing the business of the Kingdom so most of what was required was not too unfamiliar. I had been completely enmeshed in getting Salman's signature on routine business and reading through the proposals that the King received everyday from every department of the government to be surprised when lunch was served. It was then I was certain there was a problem that we weren't being told about, more than twelve hours had passed without a word.

I had Salman sign an order that we had delivered to the hospital administrator to report to the royal suite with as much information as was available. Asking hadn't helped, I was hoping an order would work. The administrator was a weaselly little man that the King suspected of skimming funds from what the government paid to the hospital every month. He didn't plan on an investigation until some of the other irregularities he felt were more important were resolved.

"This is only a courtesy. You have no right to order me to report. The doctors that started the operation last night have been replaced with another set that reported to the hospital this morning. The original doctors are being held in seclusion on the first floor outside of the recovery room. King Al Sari has experienced an unspecified problem while under the anesthetic and in still in the operating room. I was told to expect him out around three this afternoon with him then needing at least four hours in the recovery room before being brought here.

"Do not expect any further information until the King has been in the recovery room long enough to speak." He is such a disrespectful little man that no titles or honorifics were used the entire time he was in the room. If Salman had been an older member of the family he would have harshly rebuked him for his attitude, but neither he nor I was really in the position to do so although Salman was ostensibly in charge of the kingdom's government..

Salman and I both napped for a couple hours exhausted from a night without sleep. There was still no word on the King that would have relieved my feelings that there had been a serious complication. We had no way of knowing what was happening in the palace, his secretary had called at least a dozen time to ask for guidance on what to do about this or that government official who wanted to speak with the King. I was glad when the end of his day arrived, at least there wouldn't be any more of those questions, but sixteen hours had passed and I didn't know any more than the little the hospital administrator had told us. Some of the people that were being held in the other rooms of the suite were starting to get restless and ask questions I couldn't answer. Fortunately, there was no media allowed near King Fahd suites so those questions we didn't have to face.

If I had been wearing shoes I might have worn holes in the ancient carpet as I paced around the bed that sat in the center of the room. It was after ten P M When we were given the first word that the King was in the recovery room. The nurse that brought that information couldn't give us any more information on his condition. I wanted to rush the recovery room and barge through the doors, guards or no guards. I knew too much time had passed for everything to be business as usual.

Twenty-four hours after they first wheeled my husband to be out of the room for the operation two of the doctors returned to tell me that he had died while in the recovery room. They couldn't give me the official cause of death, they wouldn't make an announcement to the press until after the sun rose. The nest three hours were a blur as the men that had been secluded in the royal suite reversed their movement through the room where Salman and I sat. If anyone made a sound of condolence I didn't hear it. I did hear that the King would be buried be the time the sun set. He had marked a grave for his burial when his father had died. A discreet service would be held at the palace that evening while he was being lowered into an unmarked grave of which not even I would be told the location, it had something to do with a Islamic idea that the man shouldn't be remembered.

I found it rather cold, but the King's secretary made the announcement to every senior member of the family. That evening at the service Salman would be expected to turn over his resignation. I had no problem with that, nor did he. He had hated the day of signing papers that he did not fully understand and being required to talk with people outside of the slave circle. He and I made it back to King Al Sari's quarters just before noon.

Already there were palace workers in our quarters packing. I had the guards chase them out. They returned an hour later with an order for me to vacate the quarters within the following three days. I was to take nothing that belonged to the King but was welcome to everything that he had given me as either courting gifts or in person. I wasn't exactly homeless but I did not have any money to feed either myself or the slaves, I owned nineteen by that time, if he had died two days later I might have owned another ten that we were going to inspect, the King had thought to add them to the stable of ponies possibly replacing the three that were resisting their training.

I thought about freeing all the slaves but then decided I would demand some money from the Kingdom and use of the King's jet to take us to Kuwait where the beach house waited before making that decision. There wouldn't be a corral for the ponies but there was enough space around the house for us all temporarily. It wasn't much of a stand-off, within four hours the next king had agreed to provide the jet and enough money for me to survive a few years if I wasn't wasteful. Underneath the paper with that promise sat the original papers that Mehmet had given Prince Al Sari declaring my enslavement. They were signed to release me, they had supposedly been sent to the International court as backup documents in my case to win freedom, freedom that I no longer needed to win.

"Ahmed, I have three days to get out of here. I'll supervise the packing. Will you go to the beach house and try to make arrangements for me to board the ponies? Your brother can tell you where he found the enclosures he used at the slave camps. It should only take one, most of you can sleep in the house."

"Does this mean we will stop moving around from country to country, palace to palace?" I hadn't seen that it was wearing on him or any of the slaves but the question was definitely filled with a sense he was tired of it. Why he assumed that from the little I had said I'm not sure but he is smart and a leap of logic was not out of the question.

"Unless there is an unknown in my situation we should be able to settle on the land that Kuwait and Saudi Arabia gave me along the beach." That was when I finally broke down for the first time. I held Ahmed in my arms and softly cried on his shoulder thinking about living without my King. Ahmed was tender with me and as I cried myself out laid me out on the sofa and told me to rest, he would wake me in time to dress for the evening's service. The next three days seemed to fly past. I found myself having crying jags at unexpected moments generally set off by one of the courting gifts my love had sent.

If nothing else I could sell them one by one to survive for years. Playing Wallace Simpson if need be.

Before we left Saudi Arabia I had the stable master fasten a chain around the ponies' balls that they would not be able to remove without ripping at least one ball off. They all screamed and cursed as the chain burned their tender sacs. My King had been right, I do have a slight desire to deny other men their balls. Watching the stable master do as I had asked I thought that if I wasn't able to break Aries soon that he would be the first of the pony stallions to be gelded. The chain around their balls was tight enough that I thought it might cause them to accidentally be gelded but the stable master promised that there was still blood flowing in and out of their sacs. In the corral they needed to carry the concrete weight and chain in their hands unless they were standing still and weren't going to be dragging the forty plus pounds around by their sac.

Once we arrived in Kuwait I would be able to fasten the ponies to rings that were attached to a concrete blocks buried in the sand rather than the ones they could carry. The concrete blocks that would be buried were about one hundred and fifty pounds, not too heavy for most of the ponies to pickup but too heavy for them to carry far if they choose to pull them out of the sand. I was sad that the King's dream of having the ponies hauling his cousins and other royals around the palace would never be seen. The last day I was living in the palace the first six of the carts arrived, they were sent to me directly so the loading dock sent them to the quarters. Maybe I wouldn't allow cars in the town I was planning, carts and slaves would be much quieter and not spew exhaust. Plus they would be a fitting memorial to my King.

We were on the jet when I remembered that we didn't have the traces necessary to hook the ponies to the carts. Until I was willing to spend that money they would sit there completely useless. We arrived to a greeting that I wasn't expecting. Ahmed had arranged to have enough trucks there to take all of what was on the jet and the slaves to the beach house. Mehmet and a brother were there as was the King of Kuwait and his youngest brother that knew enough about the others to understand that if he joined us on the trip to the beach house that after his brother left there would be a good chance that he would have sex.

I hadn't been having the constant sex the King and I had been having, but I had been getting a blow job every evening after I lay down to sleep. That did help a little, but I still hadn't been sleeping that well. I would wake every hour on the hour rolling around on the bed grasping for my King, then cry myself back to sleep for another hour. Although my heart was broken I was not sad to leave the palace, I knew I would be missing the scent of my King when I lay down in a different bed that night. I thought about the idea of freedom as we approached the beach house which wasn't where I remembered. When I asked Ahmed he let me know that either the government of Kuwait or Mehmet had moved the house to the land the king had granted me further from the camps.

It was the first time that I was in control of my every step since I was dragged unwillingly from Ohio State. I lead one pony at a time to the enclosure Ahmed had arranged for them, it was really not much more than a tent covering a half dozen mats with rings around the room where I hooked the slaves' chains and locked them up for the night. When all twelve were in the tent I let them know that we would be restarting their training in the next few days but that for the next night and day they would not have any lessons.

"Ahmed, now that we are back in your homeland would you like me to free you? Don't answer too quick, if I do free you I would like you to the my overseer of these twelve. Once a few of the basics are completed I intend to start a town here much like Twenty-Second Century City. I had thought I would need to have a house built for myself, but with this house being already relocated I think I shall just use it for the rest of my life."

"That sounded sad, Master. Do you intend to die?"

"Not too soon, Ahmed. I just meant that I don't need to have the splendor we have lived in for the last couple of years. Sure I'll be keeping the slaves that live in the house, what I'll finally do with the ponies I'm not sure. If the town starts off quick enough I may set up a cart service using them as the first horses. By the way, on the jet I thought we forgot to have traces, reins and bits packed."

"Master, Salman would never have let that happen. I saw him personally packing every thing you will need when you start having the ponies pull the carts. I watched as he lay each whip and paddle separately into a box being sure there was no chance they would be damaged."

"Are you thinking about allowing me to set you free?"

"No. I have no desire for you to set me free. If you want me to become the overseer for the other slaves I will do that while still enslaved. There is only one slave that will have trouble with that."


"No, Jamaal. He does not like having me tell him what he needs to do."

"So if I put you in charge of the outside slaves and him in charge of the inside slaves could you work together if I told him that the ultimate authority would be you, directly answering to me?"

"The ponies being the only outside slaves?"

"No, I think four of the King's nephews will be joining them as workers."

"May I take a slave to my bed?"

"I have never stopped you from having sex with the other slaves." I hoped he wasn't attempting to live chastely. I hadn't been having enough sex with him to satisfy even a nun.

"Master, I meant may I take another slave to my bed to be my regular partner?"

"Are you falling for one of the slaves?" I hoped I wasn't misunderstanding what he was saying. I had noticed he was around Khozito more than any of the others.

"Yes, Master. Khozito and I have been cuddling every night that I have not slept on the floor by your bed and I wouldn't want to have to give him up. I think he has fallen for me and I may feel the same." It was funny seeing Ahmed admit that he was involved with a slave. He had always told me there couldn't be any one other than me.

"I lose the King and now I'm going to lose you , too?" It was the first time in a week that I had felt like teasing either he or Jamaal. But truth be told I would miss having Ahmed's mouth and ass available any time I wanted them.

"Master, I won't go anywhere. If you want me to sleep at the side of your bed I'll be there every night." I could imagine that he would have Khozito there, too.

I hugged him. "Ahmed, find a bed and room for the two of you. Jamaal can take your place by the side of my bed when Salman isn't there. In the first few days you are in charge of the ponies I will take your ass in front of them all and have you drink piss. I wouldn't want them to think you are too high above them."

"I hope that won't be the only time, Master. You know that Khozito prefers being fucked to fucking." I could tell that Ahmed was worried that he would not be getting the sex he needed, it was a familiar feeling. With only slaves around how would I be fucked as much as I wanted?

"He will be a house slave" That means he will be under Jamaal, are you going to have a problem with that? I will be telling Jamaal the same thing I'm saying now, 'If you feel the need, the slaves under you are available.'"

"You mean he might fuck Khozito? And if Khozito resists he will be beaten?"

"That is what I mean." There hadn't been any resistance by the boys I was planning on having inside for a long time. I had taken the Englishman's advice and gave them a few stripes with the bull whip every week in case I missed some misbehavior. Ihad and Imad had both had their balls bruised more than once, neither of them yelled or screamed when the tip of the whip hit their sac, in fact I saw they both had erections when I stopped whipping them, I might want to explore that some more but I knew that Aries was going to be the first one whipped once we started work on the town.

"I may be jealous, but I know that Khozito won't have a problem. He already is sucking Jamaal's cock every few days."

"Get the ponies fed and then come back with Khozito and Jamal." I was in the bedroom that I had chosen for myself with three boxes of items that Al Sari had bought for our home. I didn't know if I really wanted to be going through them to find items that I thought would fit in the bedroom or if I would prefer to take a walk along the beach.


"Yes, Master." He was running up the steps as soon as he heard my voice calling.

"Go outside with Ahmed. Find the boxes of traces and reins, see if you can fit Libra in what is needed. If he gives you any trouble zap him with the taser. I won't be taking him for a run, I want the others to see what the life may start to look like in the near future." I thought I might ride the cart a few feet but not more than that.

My King's dream of carts in the palace may not come true but if he is looking down I want him to know that I haven't forgotten the ponies' purpose. It was not even a half hour later that I walked to the back door to see how well Salman had done. The ponies all knew that he was willing to use the taser and would aim straight for their balls the first time he needed to exert control and they didn't submit.

"He looks rather plain compared to the cart doesn't he?"

"Yes, Master." Jamaal and Ahmed answered in unison.

"Where are the manes and tails?"

Salman knew it really wasn't a question, it was an order for him to find the hats and butt plugs. Even with a mane and tail I wasn't certain they would look that much more festive. It might take the ribbons Al Sari's sister had sent to the stable master to brighten up their appearance. One good thing about starting a town on my own is that I wouldn't have to worry about the women being embarrassed if they saw the ponies' cocks and balls, it would be occupied only by males. The men might want them decorated with the ribbons but would more likely be concerned with length or girth. The thought hit me that with the ball stretcher that the stable master had put on every pony it might be that they could be sent out wrapped in a different color A rainbow of ponies hauling the carts.

"Has he had any trouble moving the cart?"

"Master, once the wheels moved he was able to pull the cart over here without any effort, I could probably pull one."

"Behave, Jamaal and we'll never find out."

Salman returned with a couple of both the heads and tails. The first hat he placed on Libra fit exactly right, giving him the appearance of having a mane flowing over his neck half way to his nipples. Salman looked at the tails and realizing they were butt plugs offered me a tube of grease and one of the larger ones.

"Libra, won't need one that large, but pick one that matches the color of the mane." When he had the right match I motioned to him that he should insert it.

"I don't think Salman had ever inserted anything into an asshole bigger than his finger. Sure he had been fucked as a teen and more since he was my slave but that didn't mean he had ever been the one to fuck although he had asked to fuck me. Libra acted a little skittish when he saw what was going in his ass but not so bad that Salman had to tase him. Once the pony spread his legs Salman was able to find his asshole and after I told him to work it in slowly not to just jam it in didn't take long to have Libra properly fitted with a tail that a little thinner than a real horse tail went down beyond his knees

"Ahmed, once the ponies start hauling carts for real you can start to have their manes, balls and tails decorated. Do we have a luge unpacked?"

I had been observing from the porch but now moved down closer to see what Libra looked like in the traces. I didn't see anything other than the need to restrain his arms that would be necessary to make having the ponies hooked up to the carts more effective.

"Master, here's the whip."

I hadn't planned on taking a ride when I first sent Salman out to have Libra fitted to a cart. The idea had been my King's. Standing beside Libra, seeing his chest rising and falling much like a real horse I decided to see how well he would behave with my weight on the cart. He had to move a few steps to adjust to my weight being spread over his body. I pulled Salman over to the cart, "run along side us with the taser. I want to feel what this is like." The power I felt with the lunge in hand and a slave attached to the cart was unbelievable.

"Okay, Libra let's go for a short ride." I cracked the lunge over his head so he knew that I wasn't kidding, although why he would have ever thought that I don't know. I had been standing when I cracked the whip only to be knocked to my butt when Libra jerked the cart ahead the first few feet. Then we were moving smoothly down the beach, he was running fast enough to cause a slight breeze but not fast enough to cause him to breath hard.

"Faster", I cracked the whip again. We weren't going the five miles per hours that he had been trained to run but it felt like that. I was going to be using one of the carts and ponies most of the time once we had the town started, I loved the feel of having a pony boy take me where I wanted to be. Pulling easily on the reins Libra turned in a huge circle and when I cracked the whip twice picked up his speed. I think it may have been about as fast as he could run. Thank you, my King.

We were back to the house in about half the time we had gone out.

"Salman unhook him, walk him to cool down, wash him and brush him down." If it was good enough for a real horse the pony boys were going to be needing it, too. As I stepped down to the ground I saw that Libra must have enjoyed his run, his cock was standing straight up as hard as it gets.

"You can suck his dick if you want." The other ponies were watching, some in fascination others with a look of pure hatred. Their looks all turned to envy when they saw Salman turn on the shower, soap up a cloth and begin cleaning Libra from his head to his feet. Salman didn't let Libra's cock subside, he was going to treat the first pony to a blow job right there in front of everyone; if I continue to call them ponies and horses is having sex with them actually bestiality?

"Is that something I'm going to see any time I drive out here?" While I had been concerned with the ride and concentrating on Libra, a car had arrived. I hadn't noticed it since it was on the other side of the house. When the King's youngest brother stepped out from the shade to the side of the house I thought about telling Salman to stop what he was doing. He had done a good job handling the pony and he deserved to have a cock if that was what he wanted in turn.

"Prince Walid, you might. Or you might find them fucking. I want happy ponies and happy handlers. Of course that doesn't mean that all the ponies enjoy being fucked but we are getting to that place."

"How do you do that, Prince Ali?" I hadn't thought about the fact that I might still be considered a Prince in Kuwait. That certainly didn't make us equals but I was glad to hear him use the title it meant that he wasn't here to condescend to me.

"I've been breaking them to my cock and if it takes more than once or twice before I start to feel some desire I have my slave, Runihuru fuck them a few times. After a few times with his cock in their asses they are happy to be back under me and work my cock like professionals.

"Would you like to step inside?" I was done with the ponies, so I opened the back door and let him enter ahead of me. It was much cooler in the house, I must be adjusting to the mid-eastern weather. I had seen that it was close 110 degrees when we passed a sign on the way here and I hadn't been bothered by it.

"I didn't think you would have what was needed to have dinner prepared here tonight so I had a

chef's trainee brought out to fix you and your household dinner. I didn't think to have dinner brought for the ponies?"

"Yes, that is what they are called except for the one you saw getting a blow job, he has now hauled a cart so I suppose he will be called a horse. But that is alright, their food was packed and Ahmed will be able to find it easily."

"That was Ahmed on his knees?"

"No, that was Salman. Ahmed was the one that you saw as we were coming in, move the cart."

"They were both princes?" He sounded really curious.

"Yes, Ahmed was a Kuwaiti prince and Salman was Saudi prince." I explained the best I could without getting too involved in their histories what had occurred to enslave them and for them to lose their titles. Salman was no longer a prince due to his father's execution, that had happened the day the new King took power. I hoped it never mattered to either of them, they said they were happy as my slaves and if so it wouldn't. He looked at me so seriously I was wondering what was on his mind.

"Prince Ali, you know my family is in power and is very strict about what we are permitted. I have never been outside with less than a full thawb. I would love to learn how to swim but my father has decreed no member of the family should ever show even an inch of skin in public. I can't imagine that there are swim suits that fit that stricture. Other things are the same way, does your family know that you dress the way you do?" I wasn't even thinking about how I was dressed. Once we had arrived at the beach house I had removed my robe leaving me in the wrap that barely covered my ass and let my cock reach for fresh air, as if breathing through the piss slit. I had been planning on working not having a visitor.

"I suppose that would depend on which family you were to ask. My Kuwaiti family (I guess I did consider them family after all this time) would not care as long as there are no females in the house or vicinity." Ahmed and Mehmet's father had to adjust to them going naked years ago. "If you were to ask my biological family you would get two different answers, my mother believes clothing is necessary at all times even under the covers and my father has taken me to nudist colonies.

"If you wish to undress while you are here, please feel free to do so." I was pretty sure it was going to take more than one invitation to get him out of his robe but I hadn't been planning on it anyway so I wasn't disappointed when all he did was remove his headdress, socks and sandals.

"May I call you Ali?"

"Either Ali or Olly."

"And you may call me Walid rather than Prince, I get so tired of hearing that."

"Is the chef still in the car?"

"No, he will be arriving shortly, he will have all the food and a helper in the van. I'm not even sure he drives, there may be a driver/guard also. He was still discussing food for the next two days with the chef when I left. Have you come with a chef?"

"I don't know why but food was the last thing on my mind when I packed to leave Saudi Arabia. I am still often falling apart with thoughts of King Al Sari. Do you think the man you have coming could show one of the slaves around the kitchen? I'm not sure if any of them have any experience." I was thinking that one had cooked for me one time but I couldn't think which one of the slaves it might have been.

"That might leave you eating terrible meals until you find a cook, I will talk to the palace and see if we can leave the trainee here for a month or so until you have time to look for a cook."

"That really isn't necessary, I am able to cook. If nothing else I can prepare the meals until I find a cook." He looked at me as if I were from outer space, I am sure no one in his close family had ever been in the kitchen let alone cook.

"I am sure it will be approved, my brother was pleased that you have decided to do something positive with the property that he and the King of Saudi Arabia gave you. The idea that you will do one thing that will cover both lands was always the hope. We have feuded over those lands for too long. Even with you having the top developed we will still feud over the oil underneath."

"Zubyda, this is Prince Walid of Kuwait."


"He is from Rwanda and doesn't know that he should use all your titles the first time he speaks with you any day. Zubyda, was anything packed from the kitchen other than the courting gifts?"

"Very little, Master."

"Can you make lemonade?" Neither of them had never heard 'if life gives you lemons make lemonade.'

"I think so, master, if I can find sugar." He hadn't been dismissed but left anyway.

"He is not to be a life long slave, when the new year comes he is off to the University of Madrid, I brought him out of Rwanda for his parents and in turn he is a temporary slave paying off his freedom so he has never been trained to more than sex. He has learned to enjoy being fucked, his parents didn't put that in the papers but he wanted to belong among the other slaves so he offered himself to me the first day."

"Do you fuck everyone that offers themselves to you?" Thankfully the van with the chef drove up at that moment so I didn't feel obliged to answer. It was when he turned away from me that I saw he was a dedicated weight-lifter.

For a few minutes I had to organize the slaves to help the young chef, who looked like he might be Japanese and ignited some desire in most of the slaves that were helping unload the van, I could see their wraps lifting. When I saw him bending over to pull out a set of pans from the van I could see what the boys were seeing up close and almost told Walid that if the chef stayed too long he was going to be tied up and fucked by everyone in the house. Walid was facing the van when Chef Daiki walked past me, lightly pinching my right nipple, it was one of those times I wished my cock was connected to my nipple but Its not but I still smiled at his effort.

"If you are going to be showing your erection like that you might want to cover up," he whispered in my ear, I felt my cock pushing the wrap, I was wearing, up and out of the way. There was nothing I wanted to do more than grab his hand and lower it onto my cock but I was sure as soon as I did the Prince would turn around. It was less than a week since my lover had died and here I was with two men in my house that I wanted to fuck. My heart and my cock certainly have a disconnect, spending the night in bed with either or both of these men would settle my cock but I doubted they would do much for my heart. With that thought the erection that had been growing died and I followed the perfect boy butt into the house, if he stayed a month I would stay in that butt for hours.

"Ali? Ali?"

"Ah, yeah. Sorry I was day dreaming."

"You were looking at the beautiful butt of Daiki weren't you?" That Walid was willing to say anything about his chef was surprising, he had admitted to being a virgin early while we were talking, now he was commenting on boy butt? "I have gotten lost watching him walk back to the kitchen, myself. I don't know why, but I have the feeling you do, perhaps you will teach me." He had stepped up beside me and had a hand on my arm.

"Walid, if we keep approaching this subject I am going to have to take you to my bedroom and teach you what you are missing right now. Your butt is different, I agree. But it is just as nice and could please a man just as well." I don't think it was accidentally, Walid let his hand fall off my arm and brush the front of my wrap where my still half hard cock was pressed against it.

He excused himself and with two guards and two of my slaves went to inspect the ponies before taking a walk around the Kuwaiti land that had been given me.

"Ihad, let me know when dinner is ready." A minute later I was in my bedroom with Imad stripped and on his knees waiting for my cock. I was glad that I had the boys stay shaved, staring back at me was a tight smooth hole. I had learned something while fucking the slaves early on, I would only take the time to lick their holes if I hoped to have more than a fuck. A took the lube from Ihad's hand greased my cock but not his hole and pushed in. I love his groans. He still groans after having taken my cock at least fifty times, you would think he was used to it by now but it is like the first time every time.

He is wonderfully tight and has great control of the rectal muscles. Not only does he enjoy being fucked but he makes sure the cock in his ass enjoys being there every second you fuck him.

"Master, let me ride your cock." Ihad and Imad likely weighed about one hundred forty pounds quite a bit less than Al Sari had and if I let them sit on my cock would actually growl as they fucked themselves on all ten inches. I had walked into the bedroom in the mood to fuck him hard but the thought of what he would do on my cock convinced my to allow him to switch positions. Soon not only was Imad using his ass to work his way up and down he was practically bouncing with his legs. I tried slowing him down so we would last but I was too late for him, his cum splattered om my chest, he then slowed. I drew back from shooting my seed in him and for the next fifteen minutes loved the gripping and clamping down of his ass around my cock.

Finally, I grabbed his cock and began stroking him. That caused him to start speeding up again and soon we were both spewing cum. He didn't have that much left but having waited since the previous afternoon I must have shot half a cup of cum into him much of it seeping back out around my cock. He had been well trained, as soon as his cock stopped pulsating and his ass settled he pulled himself up and off, a few seconds later he was eagerly lapping at my cock getting the cum he had lost and a bit I think he wiped from his ass onto my balls (I should have corrected him for that but it was feeling good) licking them off at least three different times before the cum ran down to my asshole.

"Master, that was the thirty minute bell." I guess you could call it that, it was an alarm that we generally had ring to let us know there was only thirty minutes before we were expected at the dinner table. I supposed Ihad had found the alarm while helping to unpack the kitchen.

"Imad that was wonderful. Before I go join Walid for dinner, eat my ass for five minutes." It doesn't sound like something you would ever say to a lover, but Imad is a slave and if I wanted my ass licked that was his job and he was willing. I thought about the King for the entire five minutes, he had been so much better at licking me and exciting my hole. I got up, went to wash, put on a dishdasha that was not too improper and walked to the dining room. Walid was waiting.

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