By Bruce Turner

Published on Oct 16, 2023



Chapter 34

Legalities. Have you read them enough? IF there are doubts go the the innocent side.


Chapter 34

I was returning from my second visit with Meckelson when I was confronted by four guards with pistols drawn and one with a taser sparking. I reacted politely to their order to stop, turn to a wall and didn't even react when my pants were pulled down so a guard could stick fingers in my ass for a cavity search. They seemed to be doing what they could to humiliate me and when the man with the taser started talking I knew that humiliation was too mild of a word for what they had in mind.

Jones could have been the only one that spoke of Camp (50) unless there was another graduate that I hadn't seen. "We heard you are the best at sucking your own cock, slave. Trained in the slave camps to please your master's desire for a show. Well guess what? It is time to give us a show, you may be leaving in a few days and we wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to watch a Prime Grade A graduate of Camp (50), the most notorious in Kuwait.

"See those red dots along your sides, those are laser sights. There are two rifles from the tower and a pistol from our office trained on you." I had four guns less than two yards away and three more on me? What the Hell did they think I was going to do? Disarm the man with the taser and then get the four guards to drop their pistols, magically?

"You are going to do exactly what I tell you and nothing more or less. Do you understand?" A guide that I had been warned could be ruthless had his pistol less than six inches from my nose, I could tell the safety was off and his finger was twitching,

"Yes, sir." People in positions of petty authority always like having you show respect even if it is insincere, they usually can't tell that. I wanted the guards to know I wasn't planning on fighting with them, I relaxed my arms the best I could as they hung by my sides, trying to show no sign of tenseness that would proceed a punch.

"Now get that big cock hard." It is strange but having all the guns pointed at me didn't seem to have any affect on my ability to get hard, my smaller head had a good idea what was coming and was ready for my mouth after three days of no action.

"We know Prime slaves are able to lick their own dicks and Grade A are able to suck their cocks, so don't try telling us you can't. Rumor is that you are one of the few that are able to take your entire cock into your mouth. DO IT NOW!" I was surprised at the vehemence in his order. I had expected that they were going to be wanting to see me do this without force when they said it was time for a show.

"Line up along the railing so everyone down there can see what you are doing, too, slave boy." I hadn't thought about it but one floor below us were half of the population from the cells on this end of the prison, those that hadn't gone outside for their hour of recreation were sitting around tables talking or playing cards. The guards couldn't have known it, but I was proud of the fact I could take my whole cock, most anyone else that tried sucking me was only able to take eight or nine inches, never able to tongue my balls at the same time they had my cock jamming into their throat.

I had to try loosening up my back, having guns pointing at me tended to make me tense up even as I tried talking myself into the calm state of mind and body the Yoga master had taught and made me practice. I didn't want to speak to the guards, afraid of their reactions but if I did any stretching without giving them a warning they were likely to think I was resisting. Once they moved back a few feet and what I was going to do was relayed to the guards' office and the tower I did five minutes of stretching rather than the ten I would normally do. I thought I might get away with less this once, I turned so I was lined up against the railing.

Bending like is required to suck your own cock is not that easy for me when standing. Over the past few months I have added some abdominal muscle that I didn't have when I was first working at the moves necessary so I needed to work harder. It only took a minute or so until I was able to pull my mouth down far enough to lick the head of my cock that was already drooling pre-cum like I was going to get into a new asshole, traitor. I made sure the guards were able to see that I was licking up the pre-cum before I took the head between my lips.

Licking the head of my cock while I was holding it between my lips helped me relax more, it had been part of a relaxation technique the Yoga Master had tried to teach me from the time I had first gone half way down my cock, he had assured me that it would make the idea of showing off for an audience less noxious. As with everything else he had been correct in that a minute with my cock laying on my tongue talking myself into believing I was sucking my master's cock not my own helped me force my mouth down further. A couple of the guards seemed to be getting impatient with me, they were starting to say things like, "suck it faggot", "take it all slave" and "hurry up cocksucker". None of that helped but it really didn't hurt either, I had accepted months earlier that I was a cock-sucking, faggot slave, although just not to them.

Yes, I was posed to be the spouse of the next King of Saudi Arabia but that didn't really make a difference. Even once I would marry Prince Al Sari I knew I would have to be his slave in bed and make him my whore, much of our marriage would be based on sex and I would have to keep him interested or be assigned to a harem. I took another two inches thinking of my Prince. I was no longer paying any attention to the five guards, that turned out to be a huge mistake on my part. I had almost all of my cock in my mouth starting into my throat when I felt the rope hit my legs and the back of my neck. There was no time to unbend, they pulled it tight driving my cock the rest of the way into my throat. I was tied to the railing like a dog.

My ass was still in the air. Besides the show of me getting my whole cock into my mouth they wanted to fuck me. I hadn't seen it coming. Down below there was a clatter that I understood to be the other inmates yelling at the guards to fuck me. I knew I had few friends and they were no longer around. What's that old saying about rape, "If you can't escape? Lay back and enjoy it." That doesn't sound like what was said but I had no other choice, my hands had been cuffed as soon as the guards thought I was unable to use my legs to kick. I wouldn't be able to reach the knots since I only had a foot of freedom for my hands and wasn't a Houdini, if I tried to drop to the ground I would be choked by the rope around my neck tied to the railing. I spread my legs as wide as I could to create a base that would help me not strangle. I was still attempting to get in position when the first of the guards slapped my butt, poking me with his cock and telling me to stop moving.

"Boy, you're staying here all day and maybe even night, depending on the guards that relieve us of duty." He didn't use any lube, he drove his cock all the way into me with one push causing me severe pain and yelled loud enough for everyone downstairs not already watching to look up. It was an artless fuck that fortunately it was over fast. Unfortunately, the next guard was anxious to get in my ass and followed the first without giving me time to catch a breath, the load of cum left acted as a lube and even though the second cock was thicker it was much less painful. It had been less than twenty minutes and the five guards were finished.

The guard from the office traded places with the first guard to fuck me. I had seen his cock before and had hoped that he wasn't going to join in the rape, I should have known better. The last of the six was a huge man with a huge cock that would have made Runihuru's look thin. I had seen him force two inmates to suck his cock instead of sending them to solitary. The harshness with which he had fucked their throats must have seemed like too much punishment even if they were experienced cock suckers. I knew it would be more than I would take comfortably even though I had taken my own and Mehmet's that was nearly identical. I saw him walking down the aisle way and feared that he was going for my mouth but he fooled me and went for my ass. It was good that by then I had what felt like a cup of cum in my ass or he would have torn me to pieces as hard as he fucked.


I shot a load while he fucked me and if he had lasted longer I might have shot another.

The guards were talking like they were going to have a second turn in my ass when I saw that most of the inmates had made their way up the stairs and were closing in on us. Were they there to rescue me? What a stupid thought. The guards backed away telling the inmates that I was a good fuck and they should give my ass a try unless they were more interested in getting head. The inmate that had spent time the first day I was here sucking my toes had his head pushed into my ass crack, he spent ten minutes or so sucking and licking up the guards' cum, he didn't do a bad job of it. I had my head pulled off my own cock and speared with one much smaller but one that shot a load that must have been three times the cum than what I had swallowed of my own. I was trying my best to swallow as the inmates watching were yelling at me to do that, I was intent on it when the first inmate cock drove into my ass.

What felt like a day passed with me having a cock in both my cock and ass almost all the time. There was a break when dinner was served, two guards that stayed behind to watch the few inmates that didn't go to dinner alternated fucking my mouth. Both the heads of their cocks were in my mouth when they shot their loads. Who needed dinner, my stomach was full of cum. I couldn't have counted how many cocks I had in either my ass or mouth but I knew that everyone of them had shot a load with one or two pissing in my mouth, too.

"Don't worry, slave. Your friends will be back shortly. I'm sure most of them will be recharged after having dinner and a cup of coffee."

"The kitchen is giving them a second cup tonight in his honor." The other guard laughed and slapped mt butt a couple times.

"They are all going to be hard and horny."

"With a lot of them needing to piss, too. So, be a good slave and don't let any of that piss drip from your mouth or you'll end up cleaning the floor with your tongue before you are put in your cell.." They walked away laughing at my situation.

I was tied there for a long time that evening until I had been fucked so many times that my ass couldn't have pleased anyone let alone a horse. The inmate that had his face forced into my ass earlier sucked at the cum in my ass at least three more times. I fell asleep standing. When I woke I was being walked to my cell past inmates that were calling me so many different names I couldn't make sense out of any but "slave girl". It is every inmate's worst nightmare in that jail, the other inmates all believe you are theirs to fuck whenever they want, calling me their slave girl meant just that. My mouth and ass were no longer mine. It wouldn't matter how much I fought, I was now the slave girl for the whole wing and the guards wouldn't help.

The owner of one of the cots told the others to throw me in with him. When I woke the next morning he was taking chits for the use of my mouth or ass. He must have seen me in the one fight, seeing my eyes open he grabbed me by the left arm and twisted it hard behind my back and put a knee in the crack of my ass nudging my balls.

"The entire wing thinks you are their slave girl, but you are going to start making me a rich man with your ass and mouth. Your mouth must be really talented. Some of the guys that you sucked yesterday have been by this morning offering a weeks worth of cigarettes or the little cash they have been able to have friends and relatives sneak in on visitor's day. I'll be giving it a try after you service everyone that has paid.

"Its going to be a few days before your asshole is ready to please anyone. Even I felt like I was fucking an exhaust pipe this morning when I fucked you." I looked down to see the thickest cock imaginable being tossed up and down in his hand. It must have been twice as thick as mine, I knew I would never get even the head in my mouth. That had been in my asshole and hadn't wakened me? You may as well drive a Hummer up there and park for a few days.

"Ibrahim, don't think you're going to dominate the slave girl's mouth and ass. You need to remember who broke him in for you." The guard was handed a carton of cigarettes and told that my mouth was available anytime he felt the need. One look and I was ready to fight for my dignity. But something was wrong, my feet were tied with not chains or ropes but plastic bands that cut into the skin when I moved. My legs had been taken from me, my only weapons left were my hands but they were cuffed together making any effort on my part to fight slow and mostly useless.

"Do you understand your situation, slave girl? Until one or the other of us is released from this hole I own you and if you try to fight that you are going to start finding yourself with broken bones. I will start with the small bones of your hands and feet but if you continue to object the bones will get larger, fast."

"I understand." I didn't need to have it explained a second time or proved by having my fingers smashed under his foot.

I must have sucked three dozen cocks by the time I was given word that Meckelson was waiting for me that afternoon. I thought it was for another visit but he was there to drive me from the jail to the jet waiting on the runway warming up. Meckelson let me know he would be in contact when the Moroccans set a court date. I did what was possible on the jet to make myself look presentable for my Prince. My wrists and ankles were all bleeding and I was still dripping cum from my ass. I had the pilot radio ahead to have a doctor ready to see me.

It was late in the evening when Prince Al Sari entered our quarters followed by six heavily armed guards. I was afraid at first they were there to take me away but my man gathered me in his arms, repeatedly asking if he was hurting me. He gave me one of the best kisses that had ever been shared with me. I stayed in his arms for at least ten minutes not talking or attempting to stand on my on. Releasing me he asked if I needed to sit or lay down.

"Did you enjoy kissing your King?" My third king. But, he was talking about his ascension to the throne. A family war that had been won with the help of his nephews. His brother that had raped his own sons had been exposed as not only that, but also as a thief that had been siphoning off money to support his immense extended family. Salman and Salim had testified as to his incestuous rape and given the court his home computer that held all the financial records that were needed to convict him of the other crimes. Now, he sat in jail awaiting his punishment, the next day would mark my King's first pronounced punishment so he was trying to meet the Islamic requirements while showing sympathy to the man's family.

Both the King and his brother were believers in Islam and the laws that decreed punishments. Was the man to be stoned to death? The punishment for incest while married. Or would he have both hands chopped off first, have the wounds cauterized and then be put to death. There was little that would speak for the King's ability to allow the man to live. He had committed adultery with all but the youngest of his sons which could have been commuted to one hundred lashes for each son but that was just a slower form of death unless he was allowed to have the lashes on consecutive days which he might survive but most likely not. There had been ten sons raped.

My King needed comforting as much as I did, we spent the rest of the evening almost always in one another's arms. I was happy to crawl into bed with my king, my soon to be husband and gave him what he wanted except for my ass. That, the doctor had said needed to be allowed a few more days to sufficiently recuperate. I wanted him in me and enjoyed sucking his cock more than I ever had before, he might have also, giving me two full loads and not shrinking as he fell asleep still in my mouth. I would have fallen asleep that way, but I needed to feel his arms around more than just my head. I slept with my cock hard, between his legs, the doctor had suggested I have a shot and wait for a blood test before I let anyone have my cum.

He woke me in the morning attempting to slide out of my arms.

"Ali, I need to get up and start my day. Are none of your slave boys around to be our urinals?" He was wiggling a bit, as if he really needed to piss badly.

I slid around him and opened my mouth, he had sent Yasir away the night before and locked us in so no one could disturb us.. "My King I am willing to be your urinal this morning. Or really anytime you feel the urge to use me." I hoped that wouldn't be every time he needed to piss, I am not that thirsty but if he does I will.

"This morning is good, my love but not too often. I want you to think of yourself as my equal not my piss slave."

"Piss slave? No. Your lover that is willing to give you everything you need." I hadn't finished swallowing his strong morning waste when he pulled me to his face and shared a kiss that I would never have expected, there was still the taste of his piss on my tongue as his swiped it. He had drank my piss once, a moment that I had doubted would ever be repeated but breaking the kiss he offered me his mouth, demanding that we be equal in bed. I had to claim the doctor excuse again. I would have loved to give him what he asked but I did need to protect him from whatever may have floated through that jail. I was shocked that he promised that as soon as I was cleared he wanted, (WANTED) to drink my morning piss, the strongest of the day.

"The royal wedding planner will be here after lunch. Go over the plans you and the other planner made and if you want changes make them. I am trusting you to know what I like at this point and to put together a wedding that will outshine any that have been held here in centuries." He donned a simple black robe and his red and white headdress before sitting beside me with his sandals in hand, I don't know if he was testing my promise of anything..

I don't have a foot fetish or even a tendency to like feet if the truth be known but with that being the only part of my King being available to me I took his shoes in my hands and knelt in front of him once more. I then slowly sucked in each toe for a minute before putting on one sandal tieing it, then moving to the other.

"Ali, you may do that anytime you'd like. Look at how hard you have made me."

"Look? Not suck?"

"I have no more time. If you'd like, I can make time later this morning."

"Please. I need you more than ever, my King." I didn't want to sound needy but the truth was I was still having trouble that related to my stay in the jail. If he had asked me to give Salman's father the first hundred lashes I would have gladly taken part as executioner. Salman had gone with Salim, the enmity between them momentarily brushed aside in their willingness to stand by their mother's side when she would be forced to stand and watch as her husband was punished. None of her ten abused sons had been willing to plead for their father's life, admitting to their mother their shame at having been raped by their father as they passed through their teens.

Recalling the punishment that the English couple had inflicted on Patrick, I made certain I would be occupied whenever the man was put to death. Hoping it wouldn't turn out badly I contacted Prince Mehmet to see if the Agency would be willing and able to search for the couple, I figured if the least I could say was that I still owned a beach house and a stretch of half mile by half mile property in the area Kuwait and Saudi Arabia once contested I might get him to speak up for me. I was unable to reach him.

Just before noon all the slaves other than Salim and Salman returned to the King's old quarters where I had spent the night with him. Unlike any time they appeared en masse they knelt in a straight line greeting me with honorifics they imagined I was soon to be warranted as spouse of the King. They moved along the line not only kissing my feet but also licking them and taking a dry toe either on the right or left foot in their mouths for a few moments starting with the big toe. For an Islamic boy that was an extra show of deference, shoes and the bottom of your feet are dirty and should not be shown, they were voluntarily taking just a small part of that dirt with them as they stood.

I was glad to be seeing them again but still missed the brothers that were with their mother. I was glad I hadn't turned either Ahmed or Jamaal free, having them with me was almost as reassuring as having the King in our bed the previous night. "Boys, no sex with me for two more days. I hope you are keeping each other satisfied and have been good to my King, he may need an ass."

"The king refused all of us. We tried to go to him one by one and as a whole but he didn't want to be with us until you were back in the Palace. He actually used a common restroom." Ahmed made me laugh at the disdain in his voice about the King using a urinal in a public restroom. Still it would have been as if he wasn't waiting for me if he had been using the slaves. Would I have wondered if he wanted me for my slaves? Foolish thoughts, he had never had that much preference for them other than having Salman sleeping on the floor as a urinal and Jamaal to join us to lick and suck my cum from his ass.

Jamaal had never really taken to the idea that a slave would be told what he needed to know, he still often asked questions that were most inappropriate. "Master, if I wasn't there last night who sucked the King's ass?" I chuckled.

"Just like you boys he has to wait two nights, too."

They gasped in surprise that I could make the King wait for sex. I would never have expected it of Jamaal but he pushed up the robe I was wearing and asked if there was a problem with my cock or ass. He carefully ran his hand up and down and caressed my balls before getting down where he could see my asshole. "Who did this Master?"


"Bruised your asshole, Master."

"All of them." I hadn't been going to tell any of them about what had happened. Being raped in a jail is not quite the trauma of being raped on the street or in your own home but still it was not something I was ready to share with them, either the pain or humiliation. The King had been ready to bomb Morocco for allowing that to happen to me but I had managed to calm him, at least I thought he was somewhat calm when he left that morning but any dealings with Morocco might set him off. I didn't know the full extent of his anger. Our arguments had always been hot but never violent.

The presents continued coming. The gifts I received the next two days were if I wished to start a city on the land granted me before the time I spent in prison. There was a letter in the first that said it was to make up for the days he had missed. They were getting too extravagant, I would need to beg him to not spend so much on me. The first had been the services of an architect either for a house or to help develop a city on the order of Twentieth Second Century City which he knew I had enjoyed and might want to replicate. There were other services included that included construction and surveying, The second box I hoped would be less extravagant, I was wrong, how much does it cost to build a desalination plant powered wholly by the sun?

If he continued this would be his city not mine.

""Your highness, did you see the dozen slaves he bought for you while you were stuck in Morocco?" Ahmed had trouble saying that I had been in jail. For him I still could do no wrong and even if I should have stopped the beating earlier I hadn't done wrong. I wondered if they were supposed to be another of his presents. I had kept track of the presents on a calendar and didn't see a day he had missed.

"Where are they and is someone training them?"

"I don't think they have had any training yet, Master." I was glad to hear Ihad speak up, I had been afraid deserting him in Spain had broken his training but apparently not.

"Why do you say that Ihad?"

"Whenever I've seen them they show no respect to the women walking by. And, they are still wearing that covering slaves come in when first arriving from America." I had to remember back to the bright pink boxer briefs I had worn on the long trip from Ohio to Kuwait only to be discarded when I was stripped for the auction. Someday I'm going to have to introduce the boys to wearing western style clothing, underwear and all.

"They are all bigger than us and maybe even you and the King. Do you think he bought you studs for the nights he's not home? Master?" After what had been said in bed the previous night I really didn't believe he would have done that' although seeing me hurt he may have changed his mind about why he was going to give me a dozen new slaves, the ones I had were already more than I really needed. I hoped that was still the case once I became his spouse and took on more duties that I hadn't even heard of, yet.

"What is this?" I was confounded. Every gift from the prince had been extravagant, silk, silver or gold and here was a plain (really plain) black robe.

"My love, do you think the robes you wear are acceptable when you go to any official function that will have any religious connection? They are wonderful for times we are by ourselves but the mullahs and other religious leaders are going to raise the dead if you appear in public in any of them."

"Why? I look good in them?" If I wanted I could have said that I looked amazing and he should be glad to be beside me when I wore them.

"Damn, right. I enjoy seeing you in them and will continue to buy them for you. The problem is that you can not appear in any but a wholly social affair showing even the hair on your wrists without the mullahs screaming that you are attempting to raise sexual desire in members of the opposite sex or with us maybe even the same although it is still considered Haman."

"Like getting a drop of piss bigger than a fingertip on my skin?"

"Even worse. What are we going to call you? It doesn't sound right to call you my queen." He had a history of such non sequiturs so I wasn't thrown by the question. "You have never acted like a queen. My Prince would mean I left you behind when I took the title of King."

He seemed too distracted to eat the meal sitting on the table, I took him by the hand and once in the bedroom stripped him naked so I could do what I wanted and thought he needed.

"You can call me cocksucker, fucker or anything else that comes to your tongue." I started on his balls and moved to his asshole. I was going to have him moaning if not screaming when the wedding planner arrived. With his legs high in the air, slowly dropping to the sides of his head I probed his asshole with my tongue and the fingers of one hand. His cock rested on his lips, I watched to see if he would take it in. He had tasted his cum and piss but this was the first time I had forced his cock all the way to his lips.

"Fucker." his lips opened and the head of his cock disappeared. I was sure he couldn't go any further but I hoped that my King was getting a taste of what he enjoyed watching me do for him especially with his cock in my ass bending me tight. I let him go and as he straightened up my fingers dug deeper until three fingers were up to the palm twitching in side of him.

He let out a string of Arabic profanities of which I understood only one out of the batch, I knew he wasn't cursing me out for what I was doing. He was professing how his ass felt, I knew because I knew he was intensely sensitive and reactive to a single finger rubbing his asshole as much as I was to a tongue. I had just started licking his balls again when he spouted wave after wave of cum up over his chest hitting as high as his cheek. I had a cleaning job to do, thank goodness. Lapping up his cum shouldn't be considered a job. Let's say I fed happily from his stomach, chest, chin, cheek and could have lost myself in the left armpit where a couple full spurts had landed to my delight, I spent more time in his armpit than was needed.

"If this is how you are going to treat you King when he comes home for lunch, what will you be doing for dinner?" I wiped him down with a sanitizing cloth from a package to the side of the bed and helped him to redress.

"Did your slaves tell you about the new slaves I bought for you?"

"They said you had bought another dozed or so slaves that they thought were for me." I wasn't going to rat them out completely.

"They are for you to train. They are not to be strictly sex slaves but they should be trained to be available to any that approach them, men or women. You will need to break them into being slaves and then to hauling carts around the palace with any residents other than slaves that need to get from A to B quicker."


"The carts are more like rickshaws, so not really, if you want to train them like you would a horse that is fine. I will be having them all given an operation to remove their tongues, they may hear what they shouldn't and I won't have secrets repeated." I know I made a sick face as he told me that, what was he thinking? Had becoming King changed him that rapidly?

"In palace transportation is going to be one of your duties as my spouse. You may also become in charge of all palace slaves. I'm having a building attached to the palace that will be slave quarters, for these boys and others that I will be buying for you to train for other duties around the palace, those duties are yet to be determined. Is there anything you can think of that we could start looking for slaves to do after we get people moving quicker?"

"Not after, but you are going to have trouble if the slaves are kept naked while pulling the carts, women are not supposed to be seeing a male's sexual parts if it may entice them to commit a sexual act and if they are that good looking and working up a sweat pulling carts around the palace they are going to entice men and women to fornicate."

"After I call you a fucker you use that kind of word? " He laughed a little. "So do you have a solution?"

"I wouldn't want to dress them. But what do you think about every cart having an eunuch to ride along as chaperone?

"You would create the eunuchs?"

"I would if you can't find a doctor that might do a better job. At least more hygienic, with the stitches a bit straighter.."

"What is it about castrating other men that excites you?"

"I hadn't thought of denying other men their balls as exciting. When I smashed balls with a whip it was because of the pain I wanted to inflict, the other time it was because I no longer wanted him to be having sex with anyone. This would be done as a necessity, women won't be riding in the carts unless there is an assurance they won't be tempted to commit a sex act." I personally couldn't think of anything less sexy than a eunuch sitting beside me.

"So why not just cover the boys drawing the carts, at least their cocks and balls?"

"I've never seen a horse with his cock and balls covered. I have seen them with poop bags, are we going that route?" Poop bags? Underwear? Cock socks?

"We are going whatever route you decide is best. This is going to be your project." He drank a nutrition drink and was back off to his office and work. It was only a short time later that the royal wedding planner showed up with nothing more than a notebook and sample tote.

"Prince Ali, I was dispatched to come see you minutes after the King was selected. He is anxious to be married to you. I have seldom seen a groom so anxious, you are a lucky man. Since this will be the first Royal wedding of two men we want the world to see that Saudi Arabia is willing to put as much into this wedding as we have any other royal wedding. It has been a few years since there was a royal wedding which should help in lowering expectations. I have two videos of the last few weddings to give you something to think about.

"Now, I was told that you and the King were planning a wedding while he was the Royal Prince, you and I can start with the decisions you had made concerning that marriage. There are a few things that will automatically change because he is King. The first thing is where the wedding will be held and the reception is thrown. The three days of receptions after your wedding will be extended to five with a four day tour of the country.

"If you selected colors and flowers and all of the incidentals we will go through them to be certain that they are within the standards that have been set for the Kingdom' leader. You will not be permitted to wear any robes that are anywhere close to exposing your body, like what your are wearing where it might incite another to a sexual act."

"I am not Islamic and will not be confined by the restrictions that your religion puts on a man for what he may wear. If I want to wear something that is 100% silk I will, if a robe exposes chest hair so be it. I will not wear anything that exposes my genitals or butt so there is one less worry for you." I already, half an hour in, was preparing to kick this officious man out of the King's quarters. It was time that Saudi Arabia had a leader that shook things up, after all two men were going to be the royal couple at this wedding.

One of the flowers we had chosen was not permitted near a King. It sounded stupid but it was a small compromise when I saw the big battles that were going to be coming with the planner. Al Sari had explained that much of what the royal wedding planner would do was to make sure that the country accepted the wedding as "traditional" even though there had never been a royal wedding between two men. The closet with robes the King had sent me for the receptions was inspected with nearly all of his picks being called western and unfit for the King's mate. He might be in charge of most things, but he would find that I would wear what my Prince had sent me in courting.

He was still in our quarters complaining about the Prince's choices when the twelve slaves I had never seen arrived carrying the next courting gift. It did not look as if carrying our wedding bed from the loading dock (I learned most of the gifts needed to arrive there) to the door of our quarters had strained them in any way. I left Ahmed to direct them to have the bed placed properly in a room that had been emptied of the King's mother's bed and possessions two days earlier. I was following tradition by not checking out the bed, the planner was impressed that a westerner had the restraint not to examine his present immediately. I was not to see the bedroom until we came back from the wedding to make love before appearing before the entire city and any tourists that had come to see the private ceremony and public receptions

The bed wasn't what I wanted to examine, the twelve males that had carried the bed were not only muscular and handsome, they also looked as if they were matched pairs. Had the King purchased twins thinking the carts might need two horses? I wanted to see more of their bodies than the muscular arms and legs visible through the new style slave outfit worn throughout the palace. I hadn't recognized any of the slaves, that didn't mean I would have any trouble getting to know what I would need to about them.

"Jamaal, get the men that just carried in the bed lined up in a straight line wherever they might fit. You and I will be checking to see if they are fit to be the horses my Highness thinks they should be for the palace."

"They don't look as if they have had any training, Master." He looked as if he was afraid they would attack him.

"Let's hope they have learned a little since they were taken. I want them naked when they line up. If they give you trouble have the guards give you a hand." I didn't have a doubt that Salman would need to call for the guards but how much would the new boys do to him before he was able to get to the door and yell?

"I do not want to wear a black Igal, I know that is the traditional color you see if you look at men's heads but black will not go with the wedding robe I had made by Khosla. Do I need to send an Igal to him or will you arrange to have it wrapped in the extra material that accompanied the thawb and mislah from Khosla?

"Perhaps, you should have his employees wrap the Igal. If we do it locally it may not match properly. I need to return to my office and determine who to have approve your non-traditional choices and get to work on the transportation for you from the wedding to the receptions and back." I knew we had to appear separately at the wedding or I would have suggested that we have a cart for two be hauled by the horses.

I was happy to see him go. I knew we only had a month but I really thought most of the hard decisions had been made the first time the king and I had been engaged. I accompanied the planner to the front door, enjoying his embarrassment at seeing so much man flesh. I thought of offering him a few minutes in a bedroom but that would not help our relationship at all.

"Did they give you trouble, Salman?" There were only eleven lined up, what had he done?

"The one crawling on the floor tried to resist, Master. I had already borrowed a taser from the guard at the front. You know what they do to a man when they hit you in the balls." Salman looked pleased with himself for having out-thought the dozen slaves and having them naked and prepared to be inspected.

"It's a fine looking stable of ponies. But have you ever seen stallions with balls that didn't hang? Do you know where to get ball rings and weights?" I thought he might, he loved putting weights on others any time he was told to. Just thinking about doing it to the boys in front of us had his cock stand.

"Salman, ponies have no use for your cock. Get it down by the time you get back."

"Boys, as of today you are being renamed. Your new name will be tattooed on your shoulders so the Master or Mistress you are pulling will know what pony has pleased them or not. Since there are a nice round dozen of you we shall call you by the twelve signs you are used to seeing in American horoscopes. If you wish to volunteer to be called by your own sign I am a kind Master and will accept that. Now, are there any of you that are Aquarians?" They sorted out easily with only four of them being born in April three needed to be given other sign names.

As they lined up in the proper order I saw that the boys that I had thought were pairs were very different in important ways. As I inspected them, at least half flinched as I groped their balls and stroked their cocks. They may have flinched but when I was finished there were only three boys that hadn't at least chubbed up more than half-way. The one thing they had already learned was that when given an order they needed to respond quickly. I really was impressed when they turned almost in sync to show me their butts. I was pleased, the King had chosen well, he and I agreed in our taste. There was not one of the ponies that had more than a 31 inch waist and a well proportioned but not bubble butt, we both like hitting bone when we fuck.

They were going to be impressive when taught their duty and where in the palace to find those that would want to be riding in the carts. I would have fucked any of them as they stood there but I didn't think the King had left me enough cum to fill to even fill one asshole although my cock was erect from feeling cocks, balls and butts. I thought of what I could do with them to impress the palace, especially as many here were completely jaded by the splendor. Tails, manes. Breast plates reins, bits? There was a lot to do to get them ready for their duties.

"Boys, you heard me call you ponies?

"You are going to grow into horses fit for any Prince or King to admit draws their cart.. Tomorrow you will start on an extremely concentrated series of exercises that will be meant to first build up your legs and then chest and breath, I see many of you have been skipping leg day. I will be leading you as we run in the morning. I have been alternating four and ten mile runs, we will need to increase that to closer to fifteen everyday. You all look like you can press fifty pounds." They all objected to the insult of their manhood, the first sounds they had made since I had groped Aquarius. Really they looked like they could press closer to two hundred pounds, that was good. I didn't know how much the carts would weigh but put in some of these Saudi women and they would have to be moving three or four hundred pounds plus the carts.

I didn't know that there were already the needed attachments for a human to be hooked to a cart waiting for us. Salman asked if I wanted them that day. I was thankful it was them not me that was going to be running from one end of the palace to the other and possibly outside with a bit in the mouth. Salman had returned with what I took to be half pound weights. As he fastened them to each set of balls the boy would groan, a few got hard while Salman hands held their sac fastening the ball ring. I think he might have been encouraging that..

"Once the vet has checked you out, you will also be fixed with a weight attached to your cock. We can't have horses running around the palace that are that small." I had stepped up to Libra and flicked his dick with my middle finger

"Ahmed, is the stable master that brought these ponies here still outside?"

"Yes, Master."

"Have him come in and take the first six back to the stable." I had been told they would be sleeping on straw and living in what would feel like a stable when I was first told the King had purchased them. I had demanded they be given at least a thick mat on the floor. I didn't want any of them showing up to take a prince or princess anywhere looking like farm boys, although I had been told that most of them were.

Before they followed the stable master out of the suite I cracked a whip and told them all to kiss my feet before stepping up to have their leashes attached. Six gone and six standing in front of me. I had thought training should start immediately.

"Ponies, you have a lot to learn. If you resist your training there will be stiff punishments waiting for you. You will be required to be prepared to satisfy any MAN that wants a ride in your cart. He may reserve you for that night or he may have you suck his cock when he arrives at his destination. How many of you have ever sucked a cock?"

I expected that maybe one would admit to having sucking cock but there were actually three, all saying that their mouths had been raped while waiting to be sold. Two of them had sucked cock again when separated out for the King to watch. The third admitted that he had been sucking some of the other ponies every night before going to sleep.

"Today you are all going to get a quick lesson on cock sucking and then a slave's cock to work on until you can make him cum. If you do well and swallow his cum I will be kind and let the slave suck your cock."

Sucking cock won't help Nifty to survive. If you have a few dollars left at the end of the month please share them with Nifty, they are needed. Thank you.

Next: Chapter 36

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