By Bruce Turner

Published on Oct 14, 2023



Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

By the time the Heir-Apparent arrived from Saudi Arabia I was no longer sure I wanted him at the palace. He had sent the first gift with the staging party, a second gift with two of his nephews that I had trained at the other end of Morocco for him, the papers making them into slaves that he was turning over to me. Now I owned five of his nephews. Was the whole generation of nephews to be under my whip? That was the demand in the letter that came with them, one had raped a cousin (she had been put to death) the other had attempted to kill his father, they were to be whipped until I felt they had submitted to being my slaves.

The following day I received two packets by courier. One was from Kuwait in a simple leather pouch. The second was in a leather pouch also, one that had been gilded on the borders and encrusted with jewels on the flap. They both arrived minutes before the Prince and his entourage so I didn't have a chance to open either. Seeing the Prince dressed so that I was able to see his chest I knew I had picked the right robe, although my waist wrap hung awkwardly. We met outside the main gate. The Prince exited his vehicle allowing it to enter the grounds followed by a second and third Hummer.

"My Highness."

"My Love."

"Welcome to the Spanish Palace. I am so pleased that you accepted my invitation to visit me here." He had hugged me even longer than a normal Saudi hug, kissing me on both cheeks which I returned and took my right hand in his. All of that was the formal way he would greet a fellow dignitary, but I'm not.

"Prince Ali, Who do I ask if I am permitted to continue to court you with intent to marry?" He had not let go of my hand nor I his.

"Prince Al Sari, when you once more stand face to face with the King of Spain you may ask him but until that time you have my permission." We entered the Palace grounds side by side. I think there may have been a telling smile on both of our faces. Everyone that saw us from his secretary to Yaris started smiling when they saw us.

"I thought when I was run out of Spain that I would never see you again. How is it that you are willing to see me when I was insulted so severely by your owner?" What had been the lightest of hand holding became much tighter.

"Offering a slave for one night with me was not the most gracious offer you could have made to a man that thought he was falling in love. More of his anger that evening was with Prince Mehmet, you just happened to increase it with that offer. I feared that the two of you were starting your own personal relationship and I would be too late once I was ready to speak to you on my own. I would never speak of you the way the King did."

"So you invited me here to do what?"

"Prince Al Sari, I invited you here to see if we can work through the lack of love you had, the lack that held you back from standing up to your father and moving forth to marry me." If he wanted to get to the heart of the matter this soon, I was willing.

"My father knows I have come here to see if you are still willing to marry me." Unlike every other courting gift this one he handed to me unwrapped.

He wasn't on his knees not sitting across from me at a table but there was romance in the exchange as he took the hand he was still holding and set a purple ring box in it. I wanted to jump up and down and say yes, yes, yes. But I held back, "Will you put it on my finger?"

I wanted at least something that would always remind me of the romance of the moment. As opposed to having numerous sinks so that the Moslem men could wash their hands so often I had installed sanitizers that a Mullah had assured me would satisfy the need. I quickly wiped my hand and dropped the towel into a trash bin. Prince Al Sari took my hand and slid what I guess might be a three karat colorless diamond in a platinum or titanium setting (I knew it would be one of the two since he believed only sinners wore gold and would not have me wearing gold rings).

It didn't matter to me that I was standing outside the Palace or that at least a dozen of his entourage could see us. Or that most of my slaves were within sight. All that mattered at that moment was that I wanted him to know that my yes was unconditional. I pulled him into a hug that was in no way the fraternal hug he had given me earlier, it was passionate and the kiss I planted on him was as passionate as any I had given him in the past. Thank god the gifts would stop. Hell with his dislike of PDAs I needed the kiss.

When I said something about the gifts stopping I was informed that I was wrong, there were still fourteen days worth of gifts before his courting gifts would be considered fully appropriate and complete. Even if I and the man that would have to agree to my marriage approved this early, the gifts must continue for the House of Saud to be content with his intent to follow through with the marriage. I'm certain everyone had a good idea what was happening, but an hour after he arrived I had taken him up a back staircase to the room we were to use and we made love. Yes, it was love not fucking. I enjoyed having him in me and he enjoyed my being in him. Neither of us rushed the afternoon. I was kissed more in that hour than I think I have ever been kissed, I went to dinner with sore lips but a smile plastered on my face.

While Prince Al Sari washed before dinner and said his fourth? Set of prayers for the day I opened the courier packets. There were two presents, one from the King of Kuwait and the other from the King of Saudi Arabia. I now held title to a stretch of land about half a mile long in Kuwait and another three quarters of a mile in Saudi Arabia along the Persian Gulf coast that was also about a half mile deep. Both Kings hoped I would start a new city but would understand if what I wanted was a personal enclave for the Prince and I. It was what we mostly discussed over dinner.. I was used to the Prince discussing possessions more easily than feelings or needs so this was comfortable for him. I learned it was in a strip of land the two countries had once hotly contested who owned.

"Yasir, you won't be needed tonight." I was not used to anyone dismissing my slaves so although I flinched at hearing him say that to Yasir. I settled down a minute later.

"You've learned how to hang up your own clothes?" Yasir or Salman had always picked up our clothes and put them away while we made love.

"And yours if I must." He was standing feet in front of an empty closet holding his robe, his shoes already sitting on the floor. He had removed his head dress as soon as he had entered the palace. I had trouble believing I was going to marry this wonderful man. Yes, he was a few inches shorter than me and twenty pounds lighter, but he was as handsome as a movie sheikh and loved me enough to stand against his father and country if I would have him.

We had a few arguments the previous time we were engaged, that day he had come to me with a willingness to compromise or give in to them all. Most important of all he promised that once we returned to Riyadh that we would sleep in the same bed every night. I was not as hard headed either so we found ourselves with no good arguments to have. Instead we had sex, all night. When the time came to piss we both offered the other his mouth. It was a first time for the Prince but the second and third times he seemed not to be less any less willing and swallowed all I gave him without choking or allowing a drop to spill on the bed.

We fell asleep with my cock in his ass for at least the fourth time. I couldn't fuck any more but he was happy to have me in him and I was pleased that he wanted me there. We woke to the news that Prince Al Sari's father had died during the night and he was needed at the palace or there might be a coup to install a rival on the throne.

"I will send the jet back for you and the slaves. Bring everything you are going to want from here. I hope you never return here by yourself."

I had been thinking about the night the King of Spain and I had spoken of me being conflicted about being a slave and owning slave. I offered Ahmed his freedom. I hoped he took it and came with me. He is much more adept in the society than I am and if I lose him I will be lost.

"If you free me, will you hire me as your personal secretary at the palace?" I could tell looking at him that he didn't want to leave me.

"Yes, and you will have access to all my slaves."

"Jamaal will not like that I can give him orders. Master, will you still give me a piss offering every once in a while?"

"If you give me a show of sucking your own cock." I answered him and groped his balls, thinking of what I might never have again.

"Every Friday while your husband is at prayers. I promise to stay limber." Ahmed bent nearly in half and licked the tip of his cock and standing again gave me the grin that told me he was still mine no matter free or enslaved. I hugged him harder than I think I had ever.

"Don't worry, Ahmed. There are bound to be days when we work together that I will want to fuck your sweet ass, too." Freeing him could only be accomplished once we were in Saudi Arabia unless he went off on his own. He preferred to stay and be sure everything we needed would be packed and hauled to the jet.

"Where do you think you are headed?" I hadn't spoken with the head of the police department since the day the English couple had disappeared. Patrick had been hospitalized ever since the morning he was found laying on the beach his lower half in the water. I think they might have tried to drown him but he might have dragged himself over the cliff not too far away trying to escape.

"I am going to Saudi Arabia to be with my Fiance, he left this morning and sent the jet back for me to gather up what I needed from the Palace."

"The abuse of Patrick Windsor has not been resolved. You are still considered to be the prime suspect. Leaving the country has been denied you."

"I was never given that court notice. Do you have a copy of it with you?" If he didn't and had to go get it we were leaving, we had already checked through customs and they didn't have a hold.. The boys were already loading the little we traveled with and my courting gifts into the rear of the jet. The pilots had come to see what was holding me up, they had been told to rush me back.

"Captain Saleem, will you please contact the Saudi Ambassador. The police seem to think there is reason to be holding us up." I was afraid that they just might be able to hold me with the little evidence they had. It wasn't anywhere near enough to arrest me, but it did point to the crime happening on the property and I was the one they considered most likely to have control of the property on that day, even though the King had been there.

"Has the slave told you that I was the one that abused him?" If he had lost any memory he might just mention me and forget the couple. I would like to forget them, too. The worst thing I could think at that moment was that the new King and I had promised to spend every night in bed together and the first night I was going to be spending in jail, breaking our first promise to each other, not a good sign of how I would treat our marriage.

"Sir, you are still considered a slave and do not have any rights that we do not grant you. Morocco may not as of yet permit the owning of slaves but we do recognize that our neighbors do and thus follow their laws in detaining anyone they consider to be enslaved. I have been given the order to hold you and unless am ordered otherwise by my superiors, will follow that order. Now, get in the back of the van." My slaves were also herded into the van. I was cuffed and shackled just like my slaves, they were not taking any chances that we would attempt to escape.

Until I had the Ambassador speaking to their government or a lawyer to sort out the mistake I was a prisoner of Morocco. Within fifteen minutes we were headed from the airport to Tangier's city jail. It was a short ride with sirens blaring. At the jail we were all placed in one cell that had been built for two people, our clothes were taken and we were given the striped outfits of the state prisoners, not the solids of the city. What they called dinner was served a half hour after we arrived, I took one bite and decided I would rather be hungry while waiting for help from the outside.

"Master, will we be held here for long?" His cousins that had only arrived in Morocco the day before laughed at his innocence.

"Salman, I don't know any more than you. The authorities are holding us in connection with the beating of Patrick. What they will charge us with and how long we will be held or if we will have to appear in court I don't know. If we need a lawyer I hope one of the Kings will help us, it was on King Ferdinand's property but King Al Sari....."

"I thought he was a prince." Yasir jumped into the conversation.

"We were headed to Saudi Arabia because last night his father died in his sleep and he needs to be in the country to stake out his claim to be the heir. Apparently just having his father declare him as such is not enough, having my Saudi slaves imprisoned here may be a move by whomever else thinks he is in line to succeed the King."

"That would be my father." Salman spoke for the first time since the Prince had left that morning, he had heard the news and understood that it would not be beyond his father to arrange for their arrest if he thought there was a possibility it would help him. He didn't know if Salim was behind any of it but he knew his brother did not want him returning to the palace, it didn't matter how much he had changed or that he would offer to do anything his brother wanted to make up for their past disagreements and fights. Childhood grudges died hard.

"Prince Ali, since you are the owner of these slaves their conduct ultimately rests on you. The order to detain you was signed by the monarch but it did not include your slaves. The head of the Police had that signed locally. The Prime Minister, who you had invited to the dinner for Prince Al Sari, is permitting them to leave but cannot over rule the monarch without taking it to the Parliament which he promises to do when they meet next week. He sends his regrets that there are not enough members of Parliament in the country to form a quorum so he must wait."

"Please escort the slaves to the Prince's jet. Or is he King?" I had not gotten any news while sitting in the cell so I wanted to know if my Prince was now King of Saudi Arabia.

"There is still a family meeting, that will make that decision, to be held when the three other princes that are out of the country can be recalled. It may take a day or two for the prince visiting the UN and a day for my younger brother that is in Hungary meeting with NATO leaders. That gives us time to get you out of here but perhaps not enough." The Ambassador was one of the princes that had always promised to pull his name from contention for the the crown, he only had one wife and secretly was not a follower of the faith..

"I hope you are not harassed while in here but the chances of being attacked by supporters of other princes in our country is even higher. Many of my countrymen in here have been arrested for Wasabi terrorism which Prince Al Sari does not support. I know at the minimum thirty five of my countrymen being held here waiting for trial. Once convicted, prisoners would be transferred to the larger national prison, there may be more than a hundred Saudis there."

Other than being able to send the five Saudi slaves to my prince to help as they were trained I was aware that there was not much I could do while Prince Al Sari was prince;. If he was selected to be the King, Morocco would be more than happy to give me up; after all, the slave that had been abused was neither a Moroccan citizen or native. I had no contacts within the Saudi spy agency operating outside of Saudi Arabia who could have helped to search for the English couple. I should have spoken to King Ferdinand before I had, perhaps Patrick would not be in as bad of shape as he is: regrets are never easy to live with..

I gave Salman and Ahmed what orders I could think might help my soon to be husband and dejectedly watched as they followed the Ambassador from the jail. Prince Al Sari had me train his nephews to help when this day came. I hoped he knew what he was doing, if he was not selected to be King most of his prestige and standing in the country would be wiped out, he would never again have a chance to rule the way he believed the country needed to move forward.

The black and pink outfit I had been given stood out against outfits that I saw in the cells nearby. Besides being too large by a size the outfit was scratchy, I don't think I had worn any clothing that was was not pure cotton or a silk blend since I first moved to Prince Mehmet's palace. I missed my robes, I was being forced to wear an outfit of loose trousers and shirt. We had all been given sandals that were not even second class, they flopped when I walked barely keeping my feet from the slop that ran on the floors.

"Prisoner LD, you are now to join general population." I had wondered how long it would be that I was allowed a private cell. Looking around I hadn't seen another cell with less than four men and many with up to ten or more. There were men laying on the floor in the slop that I was half certain was from overflowing commodes. I considered the wisdom of using my Tai Kwan Do knowledge to battle for one of the two cots in the next cell but put the idea aside hoping that once in general population I would meet someone that could be of assistance.

Would I have to give up my ass for a place to sleep? The idea wasn't appealing but rather than sleep in the slop in many of the cells I would swallow my pride.

I didn't doubt the Ambassador's warning of harrassment. Just let one of the owners of a cot try bullying me, he might find he was giving up more than his ass. I was not in the best of moods, or the smartest.

"Olly?" There was someone here that spoke English and knew my name? As I turned to see who had spoken I saw Jones fighting with a large, no huge, black man that was trying to toss him off a cot. Hell, if I was going to have to share a cot why not with Jones? At least I knew he tried to keep himself clean.

I had the other man off of Jones in a few moments and when he came back to claim the cot again landed three fingers in his trachea, dropping him to the floor in a limp mound. Jones' pants were half ripped off and his shirt was in worse shape. I stood over the cot for a few minutes waiting for the next contestant wishing to sleep with Jones.

"Man, it is good to see you. These criminals they bring in here that were raised lower on the continent seem to think that my white ass is reserved just for them." He seemed please to be able to sit with his ass hidden.

"How long have you been here?" I was still standing guard, fighting from my feet is much easier and quicker than having to stand first and then fight, giving me seconds that might count if I'd been attacked be someone that knew what he was doing.

"I think it has been about six months. My owner gave me up instead of being accused of trying to kill some vacationers. Why they believed him, I'll never know. I have not had any weapon in my hands since we left Camp (50)."

"You are going to have to share this cot with me." I didn't ask and I didn't care much what he thought of the idea. I knew if I wanted a piece of ass while I was in jail I had a willing one staring at my crotch.

"I will and you are going to have to keep fighting for possession of me." He sounded combative but also a little defeated.

"If I do, I guess that is better than seeing you have your outfit torn off by someone you don't want having fuck you. Unless of course you don't want me fucking you." I grabbed my cock, reminding him how large it is.

"Olly, I'll do what ever you want. We'll have an audience but fuck it. I've had a crush on you since the first day I showed up to share that house in Ohio."

"I don't think we'll do much other than suck and fuck in here, if I leave I wouldn't want everyone thinking you are available for everything I enjoy." I was remembering how good Jones had turned out to be at eating my ass.

"Don't worry, I'll do whatever under the blanket."

"Anyone else in here speak English?

"Most of them. They'll deny it but I think so. Why?"

"If there is anyone that challenges me for your ass I'm going to announce that I will take any of them on man to man."

"There are some big guys in here. I would almost bet they could throw you half way down the hall in the air." He didn't have much faith in me.

"Let's hope no one challenges me for a few days then. I'm really not in the mood to play patty cake and will destroy them just like this toe sucker on the floor." I had to hit him a second time to make him stay on the floor but that time he did what I was reporting. He had cleaned my toes on one foot and was ready to start on the second, around the cell there were men watching in awe as he allowed himself to be humiliated.

"The last I heard you were supposed to be marrying a dude?" Way to go Jones, let it be spread around that I normally had sex with a man. We would both be in for more bullying, now.

"Prince Al Sari of Saudi Arabia, we should have been married months ago if life hadn't gotten in the way. Four days ago he proposed again, I accepted and was on my way to Saudi Arabia to be with him when I and my slaves were arrested by the Head of Tangier's police. The slaves should be on their way to be with him by now, but I am going to have to wait until Parliament meets next week or longer." If I was going to be bullied I may as well let everyone know I had a royal connection that would make my life easier soon..

"You have had a real journey since we met when you started working on your doctorate."

"That's right, I thought I would never have the desire to have an emotional or sexual relationship with anyone. I was a virgin and hadn't really thought if I was ever going to change that, the few times I had given sex a thought I assumed I was asexual and let it go."

"So if I had tried to do anything with you in the house you would have turned me down?"

"I don't know. There was a kid I knew from when I was in Junior High that Prince Mehmet bought me. I know now that I had a crush on him all those years. Maybe you could have ignited this fire of sexual energy earlier and sent me off to find him." That didn't seem to make him too happy, it probably wouldn't have made me happy to know the man I was longing for had a crush on someone else, either.

"That is why I never did anything. I wanted to have you for a lover. I had only had sex with a guy a few times but you were the man that I thought would make a perfect lover. I went through a girl a month, never satisfied because they weren't you and couldn't give me what I hoped you would. I had seen your cock and would have worshiped your ass if I ever walked in on you naked. If you had said to I would even be like the guy on the floor."

"You sure held back a lot when we lived together." I looked at him admiringly.

"Like you didn't?"

"I held back, but I didn't know. It seems that you knew and still held back." Thinking about what he was saying had me erect and half showing through the piss opening in the trousers which gaped when I finally sat at his side.

"I knew that I could enjoy sex with a man but I was still enjoying the girlfriends I had and the variety was exciting. Now looking back on it the variety was all that was exciting about the girls. I often thought about what dude they had been with last or would be with hadn't I picked them up. I don't have that problem now. I've had four owners since we arrived and none of them have tried mating me with a woman. You?" The relief was evident in his face as he spoke of not having been mated, it was not what I had expected from Jones.

"I have had four owners also and no, none of them tried to have me be with any of their women. Their sons, brothers and nephews? I have been with all of those.

"When is lights out?" I was looking forward to getting into that ass again, my cock was fully erect and wanting to get out of the trousers.

"No one in here has a watch but we think it around 9 PM. There are usually still traces of the sun coming in through the western windows."

"And they try enforcing eight hours of sleep?"

"It is pretty early when they take those working the orchards from the cells and chain them up to go outdoors. I've been told you have to be in here more than a year to be picked to do that. Everyone else is put to work making sure this place is somewhat clean after they have been marched out. We clean the kitchen, mop the hallways, do laundry, scrub the showers, clean the offices and whatever else the warden chooses to be cleaned on any given day."

"With the newest inmates scrubbing toilets?" Neither my slaves nor I had been forced to do any of the work while together, now I was sure I would be.

"Or mopping the floors where the commodes have overflowed. Whatever the job is it will stink of either piss or shit. For the first five days you will stink."

"No showers?"

"Not for you. You won't get to get in the showers until you have been here for at least a week."

"After demanding cleanliness from my slaves and the princes this is going to be hard to stomach. Isn't there a way for me to sneak into the showers while I'm supposed to be cleaning something?"

"If the warden likes you, you may be sent to the showers to scrub them and be able to turn them on while you are rinsing them down. If you're quick you can at least do that."

"I hope you like stink. I'll be demanding tongue baths if I can't get in the showers." I'd had tongue baths before and given them but I had no expectation of what he said.

"Yes, sir."

"Jones, why didn't you know that you sere so submissive when we were at the University? If you had offered me a toe job or a tongue bath I might have learned to enjoy your mouth years ago." I really might have, I thought back to the first time I had a tongue touch my asshole and thought he might have made me enjoy a bath if he had been that brave. We might be in a cell with another dozen men, but there was no way he was going to get out of licking my entire body even if he needed to stay under the single blanket which I didn't think would hide much.

"Do we get to go outside?" There wasn't that much that I would like doing outside but I was going to need a place where I could practice my Tai Kwan Do, to keep sharp. As much to keep limber and in practice as to show those that might think they had a chance to bull their way into my life or onto our cot. I doubted there would be room to run so I was going to have to find another way to put my legs to work.

As I set my head down and Jones crawled under the blanket I stopped thinking about anything other than his mouth and my cock. In Camp (50) he had learned that I didn't consider a blow job complete unless the sucker worked my balls with his mouth. I would have liked to give him access to my asshole for a good licking but I could tell there already were cellmates watching the blanket move. Jones didn't need them thinking worse about him than they already did by the fact they guessed he was sucking my cock. If I was there long I was going to have to force more of them to suck me so when I leave the others have more than Jones' mouth to use. As I looked around the cell there was only one man that I might be interested in fucking, but there might be more men outside and on the work crews that would be of interest.

I hadn't felt him masturbating but as I shot a full load in his mouth I felt his load splash on my foot. Could Jones have been that glad to suck my cock? He had waited for years, I didn't remember him having the chance in Camp (50) although I know he did get to jerk me off one of the first days we were there. And he had sucked my balls, once.

"What does it take to get people to change cells?"

"Chasing one out for each one you bring in. Why?"

"See those two guys against the fence? They were my students. Getting them in the cell might calm down the tensions I'm feeling from the guys that have never been forced to suck cock or been fucked by another man. They were in one of the camps but I don't know who had bought them or where they were trained. If there are any other graduates of the camps in the jail we should try getting them in with us, too." I didn't want to create a harem, but I wanted all of us to feel safe. The other boys from the camps might not have taken to man on man sex but they would be glad to be with another American.

"There's an Oriental man that belonged to the family we stayed with here in Tangiers when we first arrived. He didn't go through the camps but he knows the entire story and man can he lick ass. He was still working in the kitchen yesterday, we need to look for him at the midday meal. Don't get excited, it is pretty lousy food." I had expected that after what we had been fed the night before.

"Professor, you asked that we come speak to you?" The older of the two spoke to me just as he had in class. I had never suspected that there was anything between them but after what I had experienced since leaving Ohio State I knew the signs of two men that were more than friends.

"I was just imprisoned yesterday. Jones has been here about six months. The pair of you?"

"Two months."

"Is your cell tolerable or would you rather be in a cell with other Ohio State men? Jones and I both went through Camp (50). You both knew about me being in the Olympics competition for Tai Kwan Do. I am not offering protection as much as a cell with less tension from those of us that were enslaved and the freemen that are looking down on us for having allowed ourselves to be forced to suck cock and be fucked. If there are half of the cell that have graduated the camps I think we should be fine." It was meant to be a startling approach but one I hoped might convince them I was serious.

"Do you think you can chase two cell mates out? You are in what has been known to be a top's delight." They said that after informing me that they were a couple.


"Tops try getting in that cell because there has always been boys in there willing to be fucked."

"Jones? Were you one of those boys? Was that why your prison suit was in such shape?"

"Sir, I had just moved into the cell the day before you arrived. I was still trying to stake out my position in the pecking order. I hadn't let anyone touch me the first night or that day. The lunk you flattened owned that cot and had dragged me out of the corner where I had spent the night. I was fighting him to maintain my ass as my own. I would have sucked his cock if he had been satisfied with that but he wanted my butt and wouldn't back off." He sounded as if he thought I would be disgusted with him or kick him out of the cot.

"What are you two putting up with?"

I didn't really need the answer, I had looked up as the words came out of my mouth. Walking across the exercise yard were five basic Neanderthals only missing the crowned brows. "All five?"

"Yes, sir." I assumed they picked up the title from listening to Jones. Looking at the five I really didn't think I could get out of a fight with them without serious damage.

"Can any of you fight?"

"We can brawl a little, but you can't expect us to do more than tie up one of them." It sounded as if came from experience.


"I might be able to throw a tackle that keeps one out of the action for a little while." Three to one was more like a fight I might survive. The exercising and Tai Kwan Do I had already done was enough to get me loose and warmed up.

"Leave our bitches alone."

"These are men not bitches, asshole. They're not your holes anymore. Anyway what makes you think I won't talk to anyone I want." I had maneuvered into a wide open space while talking that would give me as much room as any place in the yard. Other prisoners were already starting to move in to hear what we were saying.

"You think you can talk to me like that, a newbie that's only been here one day? You need to be taught a lesson." He was the best dressed of the five, it looked as if his outfit had been starched and pressed that morning. He was obviously the leader of the group and it only took a nod for him to set the others in motion.

The four men started for us. One was leading the others by more than a yard. Quicker than I could have told them I was going to do it I laid him out with a double kick, one to each side of his head. The other three slowed down and I throat punched the leading one and stood to spar with the next. I saw Jones flying through the air and thought so much for his tackle but then realized he was going at the fourth man, not being thrown off. The sparring wasn't really that intense so I was able in a minute to get in a deadly stance and force his knees in the direction they were never meant to bend. The other three were on top of the one they had taken on, I turned to the man that had sent the four towards us.

"Are you ready for your lesson, bitch?"

I had often heard that you don't leave an enemy standing if you can destroy him or he will be back to attack another day. I thought he was going to make a move to retreat so I moved in his direction. I was fully worked up and didn't really care how badly I hurt anyone. Two more of his friends moved to intersect my path. I landed a heel of my hand on the man's face on my left ramming his nose into his skull, he was going to be lucky if a concussion was all he had. The other man bent over and charged like he was in a high school football game, I jumped and landed on his back driving him to the ground where he stayed as I jumped towards the man in charge. He was yelling for the guards. I didn't get a chance to give him more than the side of my hand to the serratus posterior superior and watched him drop as guns were stuck in my face.

I had no wish to cause myself trouble so I did everything the guards demanded, was soon cuffed and marched inside.

"For the next week the other three Ohio State slaves and I spent our time in a cell with no cot, toilet or light. We were fed a rough bread and warm water around the time the others were eating their lunch. My plan to get us into one cell had worked too well. Once we were released from the 'solitary' cell we were separated among different tiers and wings. I didn't see any of them the rest of the time I was there.

"Don't think any of that girly kicking shit is going to help you in here. Your place is on the floor, if no one wants to move over, too bad." I could have beaten him in a one on one fight not even using martial arts, but as I looked around the cell it looked to me as if he had the other ten or eleven men on his side. I settled into a space by the bars where the guard could hit me with their clubs if they wanted which the man beside me said was the reason the space was empty. A club a few times a day was better than starting another fight and spending more time in solitary.

I was on;ly out of the 'solitary' cell three days when Meckelson appeared. Of any lawyer in the world he was nearly the last one I would have expected to be working for me.

"Saudi Arabia is still in a state of chaos. Prince Al Sari is unable to spare anyone to assist you so when he learned I was connected to your parents I was drafted, with the threat that if I didn't get you out of here quickly that I could expect to be arrested the next time I set foot in any of the Arab countries. So do you know why you are here?"

"Other than being engaged to the Royal Prince, Heir Apparent? No."

"The federal police have not been able to find the English couple that you and the slaves claim were the ones to abuse Patrick Windsor. He has verified in a most basic way that there was a woman involved so the Federal Prosecutor is willing to allow you to return to Saudi Arabia if there is a bond posted to guarantee your return for the trial if there is ever a trial. Do you have any knowledge as to where the couple may be?"

"I never even got more of a name than her's was Eloise. I don't think his was ever told me, although why they would not be on the papers that the King of Spain had him sign is beyond me. He may know their names but be refusing to say."

"Was he involved?"

"He never touched a whip or paddle. He helped me to get their cart in to pick up Patrick and got in the way of the husband while I was in the way of the women and the slaves helped untie him." I didn't figure him knowing most of the details was going to help or hurt. His only way to get me out had already been set.

"Is Prince Al Sari putting up the money for bail?"

"No, the King of Spain is being required to put it up or you are staying here." Shit! Asking the immediate ex for anything didn't sound like the best way to get any help. Besides, he could look guilty for helping me.

"When he left he told me if there was anything I needed that I was to contact his secretary or Regent. I guess this is the time."

"Your father already has contacted the Prime Minister of Spain. He thinks the money is being freed up by the Parliament."

"He always fucks things up. The king could have freed up the money from a special fund established to deal with Morocco. It would have been here within hours of asking." My father is one of those people that think their connects are better than anything you can do on your own, I had gone to Ohio State rather than Yale because he tried to pressure a connection to help me, I later learned I had already been accepted when he had called the man. Then, I was rejected.

I waited for three days for the Parliament to respond to the Prime Minister. I wondered if I would be in debt to him or my father. I was sure my father would think I would be able to pay him back with a contract either in Kuwait or Saudi Arabia. He is if nothing else, mercenary.

Next: Chapter 35

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