By Bruce Turner

Published on Oct 13, 2023



Chapter 31

Legalities, Legalities, legalities. Don't get the web site in trouble.

Nifty survives on the generosity of its donors. Today would be a good day to help.


Chapter 31

"You will take my son with you, Prince please."

"Madame, you would have your son live with me as a slave? He has told you that these other boys are my sex and personal slaves, hasn't he?"

"I would have my son as slave to the worst predator at the festival to get him out of Rwanda. He has been damaged by those monsters that were murdered in the street yesterday and will never heal or give me grandchildren. His father will not allow him to come home and I can not afford to leave him to raise my son."

"If I could help you would you stay with your son and daughter in Kigali?"

"Prince, my husband would find us, beat me, rape my daughter and kill my son. No! It is best if he is to go with you. If he is your slave I do not believe you will harm him, he says you are a good, honest man." Runihuru's mother was an admirably dressed woman that was obviously of the upper class in Rwanda. She held herself with pride and spoke with confidence in what she said. That she believed her husband would treat his family the way she said was a terribly sad judgment on the state of Rwanda. I hoped the King would change her mind but doubted he could.

"Come with us to the President's house tomorrow. He wishes to honor your son for what he did in helping to rid the country of these men that have been preying on your children." I hoped when he was offered a government job that Runihuru and his mother would change their minds about having him live as a slave for the rest of his life. African slave markets usually sold their slaves to the Arabs for a set number of years or amount of money. This would be different and they needed to understand that Runihuru's life would center around sex until he was too old to attract a man if this is what they chose, I hadn't looked forward to what might happen to any of us, then.

Khozito did not return with Runihuru. I had hoped that perhaps his family had taken him back into their house but Runihuru said they hadn't. Salman had been trying to teach Mosi and Zubyda some of the lessons they would have to learn to survive as my slaves. When I walked in the door he seemed to happily be trying to teach Zubyda how to get his tongue to enter Mosi's ass. The boy was squirming so badly under their tongues that it would have been impossible for anyone to pierce his asshole. I didn't say a word to the slaves, I waved to Runihuru to join them and Patrick to kneel in front of me, I raised my legs high enough to give him access to my asshole and told him to follow Salman's lesson. With Patrick probing my ass with his tongue I tried to decide what should be my destination when I climbed on board the King's jet. Should I go home to Spain and hope the King was still mine or head to Morocco to talk about the idea of becoming the master of a training camp with the perks no slave should ever expect?

I had arrived in Rwanda with one slave and would be leaving with a minimum of five, 1 English, 2 Arab and the remainder African. Counting them out I understood that I was going to take Hamid from the King's jail unless Ritchie had changed his mind over night and would have me turn Hamid over to him, personally. After the night of self awakening he was going to need a man to keep him going, as good looking as he was that shouldn't be difficult although he felt he would need to be very discreet.. If I knew that the King of Spain was going to replace me as Regent I would stay for a while to teach him more about his own desires and how to really please a man's cock even though I am not one of the most discreet of men..

Before I headed down the runway I was going to give him one more lesson.

Patrick also definitely needed lessons. If I was to return to Spain, Ahmed and Jamaal would need to teach him exactly what to do with his mouth, for now he was sloppy.

"Salman, tuck the boys in and join me." It had been a long exhausting three days in Rwanda, he had pulled his body up against me, settling his butt into my crotch for a few seconds before I fell into a deep sleep. A few times during the night I heard rustling as the boys shifted around on the floor. I don't remember the particulars of my dreams from that night but I do remember that I had settled into a new home with eight slaves. I was living well beyond the means I had as a college student and worried that I would no longer be able to afford it when my parents came to live with us.

"Up, everyone wake up."

I hadn't used Salman's mouth the night before and waking needed to piss bad! Salman would have happily sunk to his knees beside the bed to drink the piss but I woke with the thought that Patrick had only started his training and this morning the slaves and I would take him a few lessons further. I have never been that attracted to Gingers but his smile and pecs made up for the reddish hair and if I kept him, he could be shaved..

"Patrick, where do you think you're going?"

"I'm going to the bathroom to piss." A moment later he remembered to add "Master."

This lesson might get messy, "get into the tub, slave. No pissing before I get there." He probably thought I wanted to watch him piss. The rest of the boys were behnd me when I stepped up to the tub my to line my cock up with his mouth.

"Patrick, you saw my other slaves drinking my piss yesterday. Since the King enslaved you to me we have not had the time to see how well you have learned that lesson. I hate my slaves wasting my piss by letting it spill out of their mouths, you may have noticed yesterday that none of them walked about smelling of piss, that is because they swallowed every drop of piss whenever a cock was in their mouths pissing. You are to do the same."

"No, I don't drink piss."

"Patrick, I only give a slave one chance. Now open your mouth, my bladder is overly full." A tub is not the best location to use a cane but I was determined to give him a good caning if he didn't open his mouth and swallow what I gave him and most likely the other slaves, too." I smacked him upside the head on both ears. His reaction was to attempt to grab the cane, not open his mouth. I sent Salman for a pair of handcuffs I had left in the suitcase. It took a small tussle with the aid of Salman and Mosi to get the cuffs on Patrick and him back to his knees.

"I have encountered slave boys that think they are too good to drink piss before. There are a few methods I might use to teach you that you are not that good. If being in cuffs is not enough to make you aware enough that what I order you to do you will do, a good caning will. You have the choice of opening your mouth or of having my slaves force it open, These boys are new to doing what I say so it would probably be very violent if they try to open your mouth. I had Salmon carrying a letter-opener that looked like it would piece his skin.

"You have sucked cock and licked ass, this is only the next step in your training, slave." He was eyeing the boys to see if he could resist them while in the cuffs. I was getting to the point where piss was going to begin flowing without a destination, I backhanded him.

"Open your fucking mouth, slave." The reality of force had his mouth open.

"Remember you are to swallow every drop, slave." Whether he was trying or his head was held at just the right angle he was allowing most of the stream to flow down his throat. When he understood what was happening he started crying. I didn't care, if he was willing to enslave himself he needed to perform to meet my requirements. The boys were standing behind me doing dances showing their own need, I hadn't permitted any of them to relieve themselves. Salman had let them know that I controlled that as well as every other part of their lives.

"Salman, Mosi, Runihuru and Zubyda you may use his mouth. In that order." Even though he said he had come to help free African boys and girls I could see an almost universal distaste of white men when made to service black men beyond sucking or being fucked. Why that is I am not sure, but Patrick wasn't going to leave Rwanda thinking he was too good to serve my boys along with me. Every other slave would be expected to service black, white, yellow, red or whatever color slave I owned, so he would learn or perish.

Learn or perish? Would I really be harsh enough to allow a slave to die because he refused to service anyone? I guess we would learn that later in the morning when Hamid had the chance to kneel before the King of Rwanda. The man had the size of cock the King had been deflowered with and should the King decide he needed to have a stud on demand I would gladly leave him Prince Mehmet's cousin. Patrick was drinking his third bladder full of piss when Khozito arrived at the door. He was filthy, tear streaked and carrying a folder of papers that I knew immediately had to be the papers necessary for self enslavement from the blue tab along the top of the folder: boys being sold from freedom into slavery by their parents had a green tab and boys being sold from one master to another had a purple tab on their folder..

Khozito had spent the night roaming the city. After his parents had rejected him he had visited each of the relatives he remembered, brothers, cousins and uncles. At each of the houses he had been told the same thing, 'he was filth, he should have died before allowing his body to be desecrated.' He had slept in a pig sty, woke knowing his only choices would be to live as a slave with me or to sell himself at the next auction for men and boys that had no other prospects. He had bent to the floor as he told me his tale, every few sentences he would kiss my feet and then start again. I had become attached to the boy and was glad to see him back but heart-broken that his family had been so cruel. I took the papers, telling him he could decide if that was what he wanted after the reception the King was having at noon for Runihuru and him.

When he walked into the bathroom and saw Patrick drinking his fourth stream of piss it was too much for his straining bladder. Khozito let loose his stream of piss on top of the older slave's head relaxing back against my body as he let the piss flow down Patrick's chest and ending with only dribbles on his hard cock. It was all that Patrick needed to make him spurt cum into the tub, the other boys laughed at him. I don't know why I had the sense that he was going to be the lowest of the slaves, he was proving that he could be trained to serve them.

I didn't take Patrick or Zubyda with me when I went to the jail to ask Hamid if he would be willing to accept my conditions on enslaving him so that he would be released from the jail by the King. He started to object but as I rose to leave him in the Rwandan jail for the next twenty-five years he felt what must have been an overwhelming sense of depression and attempted to ram his head into a concrete wall. I saw him land on the floor unconscious, felt a small twinge of guilt and then remembered he had refused my offer to be released and walked away. As I left I heard one jailer tell another to call the Ambassador from Kuwait and tell him he had a citizen in the hospital that would be in ICU on suicide watch.

"Runihuru and Khozito, I have asked you here today to honor you in front of your countrymen. Your help in releasing the children held in the four brothel compounds liberated yesterday was essential. The nation and more than a hundred children thank you for a new beginning. We have been considering what would be an appropriate gift for the pair of you but have not decided upon anything that would be of use and value to the pair of you, this Our Star of Honor only adding to your honor not your life. As you stand here in front of me, is there anything that we could give you that would be enough to thank you for your part in the raids yesterday?" He put the gold Star of Honor over each of their heads, I think he was feeling some of what I had taught him the previous night, he left his hands stay on the boys' shoulders.

"King Ricard, thank you. This morning when I returned to Prince Ali's room from a night on the streets of Kigali the only thing I thought of other than my coming enslavement was how to help the children released yesterday to start a life without the families that were sure to reject them like mine. If you can not order the families to accept their children back into their homes and love them, would you establish a program and home for the children of the compounds so they do not need to live on the streets as prostitutes?"

"Granted. We shall name the home after you Khozito.

"Runihuru, do you have a wish also?"

"Our glorious King, my wish is not as grand as my friend's. Having lived in the J Compound for 10 years and carrying that past with me I wish that the buildings be bulldozed or burnt until all that remains are the memories.. And maybe you could punish that man, also." Runihuru was pointing to one of the King's chiefs of police.

"For what, Runihuru?"

"Your highness, he would order children that escaped be sent back to the brothels whenever they were picked up on the streets. He returned me to J Compound twice, the second time after sharing me with all his officers at the west jail."

King Ricard seemed to have gathered strength from the raids, he had the man removed from the room and sent for questioning. There was little doubt Runihuru's accusation weren't wrong, the boy had whispered to the king privately the location, shape and coloring of a birthmark the man had that would never have been displayed publicly.

"I understand that you have both offered Prince Ali papers of self-enslavement that he has not signed. Is that correct?"

"Yes, your highness." Their voices were not as strong as they had been only a moment earlier. I hoped it was that they were ready to reconsider the idea.

"If you wish to stay in Rwanda we would be pleased to have you as part of our ruling government. You may choose a job in any part of the government you wish. If you prefer to leave with him I will personally sign the papers of enslavement you have offered Prince Ali as your witness." Having the King sign their papers would have them enslaved without ever having a chance to be freed by a court or myself. Both boys admitted they would like to stay but the hatred and anger they had felt directed at them by their families would not die with them having permanent positions in the government. They felt it was best if they were to be my slaves as they both felt that I was a good and honorable man and would not treat them poorly. Runihuru spoke of his fear that there were still others that had not been found or arrested and they would seek revenge until the day they died should they remain in Kigali for long.

After an elaborate signing ceremony both boys knelt on the floor to kiss my feet and receive a shining gold collar provided by the King, the collars were easily worth more than twenty thousand Rwandan francs. Just for that honor he deserved another hour in bed, I know it sounds like I let him pay in advance for his pleasure bu t it was really that I appreciated him giving the boys as much as he had.. I thought of having Runihuru show him what his own people might provide him but choose to enjoy the hour myself, the first night had been near enough to convince me to remain.

"Ali, I woke this morning feeling a void inside me that I had never felt before. As I rose to start the day all I could think of was having you inside me once again. Won't you consider staying here by my side, here or at least in my bed? With your strength I could start the reforms my country needs. I feel so much stronger with you here."

"And that here, is the inside of your ass, Ritchie?" The King had been sore, it had taken more lube and gentleness to enter him than it had the night before. I was all the way inside and slow fucking him while he begged me to stay. I would have rather had him begging me to fuck him harder. He did once when I had nearly pulled out. I'm sure that most of his household heard him, his life was bound to change, if only because of the rumors leaking out of the Palace.

"Ritchie, would you like me to leave you Runihuru to keep you well fucked?' After he signed the papers I knew that what I was suggesting was difficult but I wanted him to stay happy.

"No, Ali. I will find a man that I feel can stand by my side if you won't." He was wrapped around me tighter than even the night before. I wondered how long he had needed another man without admitting it to himself. If I hadn't received a message from my King that he needed me in Spain right away I would have put off our departure for a few more days. It was probably best we were going to leave, I might have been inclined to begin teaching Ritchie the way I taught my slaves.

"Please shoot your cum in my mouth, Ali." I knew he would become hooked on cum after the night before when I forced him to taste his own and mine. I hoped he would soon find a man that could keep him happy, I had told him that Hamid was in the hospital and if seduced might be the one that he needed they would have been a good match. He declined, saying he would sign the involuntary enslavement papers and send him to me in Spain. I had thought it would be better to leave him but the King said he didn't want to start owning slaves. Ritchie was ruling over one of the most progressive African nations, it was trying to come back from a disastrous revolution in 2075 that brought the Kings back into power and destroyed many of the improvements to Kigali that had been built in the early part of the century. He had inherited from an incompetent father a nation that had devolved from the least crime ridden on the continent to one that had too much petty crime for the ruler to spend time concerned with his own household's image in the world. Except for the festival of penises the world thought of Rwanda as a nation that was moving into the twenty-second century ahead of the rest of Africa and was investing accordingly.

"Should you ever find yourself needing a home outside of the slave owning nations of the Middle East I hope that you consider coming back here to live. You may not be permitted to bring your slaves back with you, the congress is currently considering a law that will eliminate the travel of slaves into or through the country. Against the will of the people, congress is also considering a law that will deny any enslavement occurring during the Festival other than those that are self imposed and meeting a certain dollar figure per year of age, money to be handed over to the family and witnessed by the notary and a non-family member."

"Some day that may be the life I wish to have once more (no slaves to serve me). Remember to keep the invitation open in case I need to run from Saudi Arabia or Kuwait. I am not certain that my life is safe, even in Spain the men that previously owned me have agents that may try nabbing me and return me to Saudi Arabia. I am told that Kuwait has washed its hands of me but you never know what royal will change that."

"Prince Ali, I would have you live with me as consort should you change your mind and remain."

"Ritchie, you are feeling the first reaction to having a man take your ass, not just your physical virginity but more of your emotional being."

"Were you having these feeling the first time a man took your virginity?

"I did and I still have feelings for that man as I hope you do for years."

On the jet I received another message from King Ferdinand. I was not to return to Spain but to Tangiers. He would meet me there. I thought about the Palace that Juan Diego had occupied until the coup that had returned the monarchy to Spain. I had enjoyed my time in the palace and hoped that Tito would enjoy his first time there away from the Spanish court and Parliament.

We weren't met by any of the King's vehicles but there was a van that I had used before sitting at the hangar, the keys had been left with an employee in the hangar. I had to keep Patrick on a leash, even tamed by six loads of piss before we left what had been built as a Marriott hotel but was now a locally owned suite hotel. The other boys laughed at Patrick wanting to run and tried convincing him that his life could be much worse if he were sold once he arrived in Morocco, not telling him it would be illegal for Prince Ali to sell him there.

"Patrick, I don't intend to sell you. However, should the King want you in his harem I will give you to him."

"You can't!"

"You seem to be of the impression that slaves still have rights of free men or there is someone that will interfere for a slave that has signed his own enslavement papers. Unless you have the head of your nation going to the International court for you there is very little chance anyone will help you over ride the King of Rwanda's signature. Like me you are a nothing to your country, a debt paid to the world for former imperialism."

"I want to talk to the English Ambassador when we arrive wherever you are taking me."

"If he is willing to see you we will provide a suitable interrogation room. We would not care for you to attack him when he is sure to tell you that there is nothing he can do to pressure either the King of Rwanda or me to release you from the slave papers you have signed. The papers I read are the standard boilerplate accepted around the globe and unbreakable. Your only chance is to treat the King here to the best use of your body that makes him feel for your plight and releases you when we return to Spain."

"My cousins will not allow this." Although he had been thrown onto the floor of the van and being held under the boys' naked, dirty feet he was combative.

"Who might that be, slave." I was getting tired of his reluctance to admit to his condition.

"The royal family, you idiot. Can't you see by looking at me that I am related to the Prince that everyone wished had become King?" I had said the first day I saw him that he resembled Prince Harry before he started to lose his hair. Especially if he smiled. Even at that moment with Runihuru's feet rubbing across his lips and face he had that look.

"We shall see if the King wants you in his bed, if so it will not matter who you are related to, you will not leave."

"What is this place?"

"This is a palace that King Juan Diego inherited as the eldest member of the Royal family, now it has passed to King Ferdinand. It has often been called the Castle in Exile although it is much smaller than the Spanish Castle. It is where you will begin the rest of your training along side of Khozito, Runihuru and Mosi. I will follow the ways used by the Kuwait slave camps, tell you, show and then have you act; if you fail to act, whip you..

"When we have settled in and had lunch, I will see how well you can lick my ass. But before you are taken to your cell I need to piss again."

"No." It was more a cry of distress than a refusal.

"Patrick, open your mouth. You know better than to resist. Do it again and you shall learn how good I am with the bull whip."

"You wouldn't." I was tired of his mouth.

"Guards, take him to the whipping rack." I didn't listen to anything more that he was shouting as the guards took him away. Khozito moved to where Patrick had been standing and lowered himself to do as I had ordered the older man. I was glad I didn't have to wrestle Patrick to the rack.

I took the boys to rooms that I knew hadn't been used when Juan Diego had his court staying with him. They probably hadn't been used since his mother and father held royal feasts and festivals for their court.

"Zubyda, you will be staying in my room this evening. It may be possible that I have Salman on the floor by the bed, he has been my night time urinal since he was given to me by the Royal Prince of Saudi Arabia. Since I do not have Ahmed with me you will be expected to drink my piss when I wake." Pissing was not even primary in my mind although I did need to be sure the boys had some idea when they would be expected to serve with an open mouth. My real concern was why had the King changed our meeting to here. I spent hours reading through a packet of papers that the King had sent via courier.

There was one thing I hated about the palace in Morocco. Juan Diego had required everyone to be clothed unless they were in their private rooms, he claimed there were too many female attendants to allow otherwise. He could have made them wear nothing also but hadn't, swearing he had no intent to live the life of the Roman Emperors. He had never modernized the palace by adding hot tubs or swimming pools, it still had a racket ball court that had been built in the fifteenth century and a tennis court that was added in the twentieth. Those were the last improvements.

Khozito found me explaining the routine to Zubyda. He had been whining on the jet but as he walked through the door and saw me still dressed jumped between me and the bag on the bed. "Master are you going to wear that robe while here?"

He was referring to the fact that I had been wearing the robe since early that morning. He had come to my room wearing only one of the wraps that I had made after learning how much Salman preferred living in his. Ahmed and Yasir had also taken to the wraps and wore them other than if we were in a formal situation. I was glad to see that Khozito had put one on also, There was a single strap over the right shoulder and about nine inches of material around their waists.

"That is what you should be wearing, also."

Zubyda quickly looked at Khozito and without me saying any more stripped off his clothing, rather normal western wear, slacks and a shirt. I hadn't said anything about what the boys wore to get on the jet, most of Rwanda wore that style clothing with only a few distant villages wearing anything more traditional. We may have to find a way for Runihuru hide his cock but for now I was pleased to be seeing it hand out from under the blue silk wrap he had chosen.

They could have been wearing nothing like Patrick and I would have been satisfied with their choice. I thought if Runihuru walked the beach naked he would be attacked by the boys of Morocco that were known for their desire to see who could seduce the largest cock on the beach that day, I had more than once been the target of gangs of boys. Nude beaches had only been established in front of the larger hotels that mostly rented rooms to foreigners but the nudity was starting to leak over into more public areas. There was a hotel beach within walking distance of the palace that I was planning to take the boys to while we were in Morocco since they had lived in a land-locked nation all their lives water; nudity and learning to swim would be a treat.

"Master, I think the guards hurt Patrick." He had tried to resist going into the cell and a guard had used his club on the back of his knees, Patrick had fallen against the bars and his head was bleeding. Salman had gone by the cell curious to see their size, those in the palace where he was raised were no larger than the king's bed. I had never used one of the cells for a slave before and the idea was new. He had come running to report on Patrick although I think he least liked the Englishman of all my other slaves.

"Where are the other two boys?"

"Mosi and Runihuru are outside. Mosi was wanting fresh air, he thought the air in their room was stale and would make them ill." It would have been more pleasant if the servants had opened some windows to allow the breeze to freshen the palace but they hadn't, so I had boys running up and down the wing doing that plus Salman finding the Major Domo to show him where to find clean bed linen. It certainly wasn't going to be the boys' priority but I thought it might be better if we started out with them trying to sleep on the beds rather than on the floor, where I was sure we would mostly find blankets and sheets with the boys every morning.

"You would want to give me this battered slave?"

"Your Highness, when I thought that I might present him to you he only had a few cane marks and a few bruises from his time in Rwanda that were almost faded to nothing. He wasn't fitting in with the boys that have attached themselves to me other than that he is crazy about sucking boy cock. I've had to beat him with the bull whip and the cane daily since we had arrived in Morocco." The King's arrival had been delayed by four days, training Patrick became a priority for me but a point of pride and obstinence for him.

"Until he is properly trained there is no way I would hand him over to your Highness. You do not need to hear his tales of woe or being related to the King of England and his uncle. I wanted to give him to you but I find that if I am to gift you a slave I will need to give you the choice of my boys or Hamid who will be arriving within the next day or so.

"He is the cousin of Prince Mehmet. I tend to believe he has renounced his position within Kuwait which would not have been that great anyway, over the disgrace that followed the transfer of my ownership to Saudi Arabia. He looks much like Prince Mehmet and myself although I tend to think he has aged a little quicker than me. The only one of the slaves that is not available to you would be Zubyda, the boy is only enslaved to me through the first of the year when he is to enter the College of Madrid, a promise I made to his parents.

"You know Ahmed, Yasir and Salman, well. Mosi, Runihuru and Khozito are all new to being slaves but are all sexually beyond their years other than Mosi. If you would like time to get to know them, that is fine with me. Just let me know when you would like them in your rooms and they will appear." He and I had been using the royal bed that Juan Diego's grandfather had brought from Spain when he began having the conversation. I had been afraid that Tito didn't want anything to do with me as the four days had dragged on. Now that he had given up his ass twice and I had been treated to him fucking me once we were talking as if the time I had spent in Rwanda was hours not days. Our arms and legs were tangled and our hands were lovingly resting on each others cock.

"I am so glad you were able to resolve the issue in Rwanda without causing a war among the ethnic factions. President Ricard contacted me to praise your every move. Every move, including those in his bed." I had full intentions of tell him that I had broken the President's ass for the first, second and third times but hadn't gotten there, yet. I had to hope he wasn't jealous, I was never able to read his emotions very well.

"It almost sounded like the poor man had fallen in love with you." He was softly blowing into my armpit. I agreed with my King, Ritchie had been sounding like a love sick teen when I left Rwanda.

"Stop, that is tickling me."

"I thought you weren't ticklish."

"Only when I'm tired." I was tired, I hadn't gotten much rest since arriving in Morocco, between training and the calls I had been answering from members of Parliament to pressure the king to make a decision that would transfer the estates not currently dedicated to the state.

"Trying to get the Englishman and the boys trained has been that hard?"

"Yes, you should take over fucking Patrick for the next few days. Perhaps when he knows he is being royally fucked he will settle into being a slave. He had objected to being fucked by a slave early in the time I have had him but I think it is something else making him continue his obstinate refusal to give himself up easily."

"If he is one of the royal family of England, why don't I just ransom him off and be done with him?" He had moved from my armpit to my nipple and from softly blowing air to licking and nibbling. How was I supposed to conduct a meaningful conversation like this?

"If you wish. Spain only has a few thousand invested in him besides my time. I am sure even the lowliest member of the family would be worth many times that to the king." It was a negotiation that I would refuse to take on. I have no desire to travel to his country, cold and rainy, where I might be arrested myself.

"You said there was something that you thought we should talk about after dinner. Since the bell announcing the thirty minutes until serving hasn't rung why don't you start the conversation now?"

I sat up in the bed. Truly I didn't know how to have this conversation.

"My Highness. Have I changed?" I must have sounded pitiful.

"You are expressing more of a desire to own slaves yourself."

"That is all you have noticed?" I had a particular goal in mind but if the King was unaware it might be just as well to leave him that way

"You had become a little harsher with the slaves before leaving Madrid. You might also need to visit a doctor, I think you have been needing to piss in the slaves' mouths more than I would think normal. You seem to have taken on that royal prerogative at the castle more than is your right but I have not felt you needed to be corrected since they are your slaves not mine.."

"Your Highness, those are the problems I have been dealing with alone. I have no one that I can talk about those matters with. It seems trivial to bring them to you. I can't speak to a slave about them and there is no one else in my life. If my family were here I still wouldn't have anyone I could speak with about these problems.

"I'm willing to talk to you about a hair that you think might be ingrown or the way a petitioner may have looked when you denied their request but after as long as I have been in Spain there is no one for me to talk with, not a friend or really even an equal. Some of the most trivial of my concerns I can talk to Ahmed and Jamaal about, but loneliness or matters of the heart? No."

"I thought you had those conversations with Ahmed?"

"When they were not too serious and were not matters of life or death, sure. If it was 'I like the looks of that boy or man that dick felt good', yes. But, anything that would still matter to me in another week or month, no."

"As a lover you could have talked to me."

"But your Highness you always felt a need to conduct the business of your kingdom when we crawled into your bed, I understand that your day never ends. You always want to discuss business for at least an hour and most of the time more like ninety minute until you were comfortable having me here." I think I was getting to the root of the issue, I no longer wanted to be the regent and lover/slave. I would be either but not both.

"Have you made a decision what you would like to do about this?"

"No, your Highness, I was hoping that talking to you about this would relieve me but I don't feel any better. I don't know, your Highness, but part of the problem may be that I was not ready for the transition from slave to slave master. We could never go back to you just owning me but if you think we should it might be right of you to sell me and appoint another Regent."

We went to dinner without coming to any conclusion, I hadn't expected one with a short conversation. I had left the discussion hanging but I was far from sure that what I had said was the real story. It might be that I was not fit to live a life between slavery and ownership. I wanted love not what I had been experiencing.

Over dinner the King told me about the investigation he had into the two men that had approached me through Hamid about running their slave camps. There were interesting things found out. Only one of the men was from Kuwait, the other was from the USA. They had been running training camps since the first day any of the countries had legalized slavery. Their first few groups of slaves being trained were not legal, no one had complained since they had tapped into one of the ancient routes that brought African slaves into the area. They most definitely had the resources to back the offer that had been made through Hamid. Unlike what I had been through in Kuwait they had both labor and sex camps, I wasn't aware of what the labor camps taught other than obedience.

If I cared to see their camps the King could arrange a tour during the next day or two. He didn't want to lose me to the men but understood that I was not happy and my status as a slave or freeman was still to be decided. There had been a change of judges since the legal papers attempting to sort out my status were first filed. He believed they were now much less likely to rule in favor of a man that had once been enslaved than the previous court. There were now two more Eur-Asian countries declaring slavery legal against the laws that had been holding Europe together as a union and one of them had sent a judge to the newly organized International court. I was not feeling very positive when I fell asleep with only one arm around Tito, my chances of ever being free seemed to have faded.

"My friend, I am not a counselor but I think I may have one or two ideas that could help you rest more easily. (I'm sure I tossed throughout the night, when I woke all the sheets were tossed on the floor.) You have said you have no one to talk with. If none of the other ideas appeal to you, you could go outside of the castle and find a shrink that would be required to be quiet about what you would discuss. But, I think there are a few things that might help before you go that route."

"Tito, you need not be spending your time on my personal problems." I knew he needed his sleep or was waspish at court.

"Love, your problems are my problems. If you are not happy I know you will be requesting to leave my service."

"I could request, my King, but I am your slave although also the Regent, so you would be within your rights to refuse me."

"There is the start, of how you must work through these issues. You need be one or the other, not both so I will no longer agree to wait on the International court to rule on your status. I will free you from enslavement in Spain, I wish I could do it here also but my power does not extend to Morocco or Saudi Arabia, if it takes an act of Parliament we will have one passed.. Second, you should free either Ahmed or Jamaal, which ever one you think will stay with you as a friend once he has regained his freedom. Then for a week or more the two of you should go away, removing you from the slaves you are becoming too close to. I suggest you only talk, but do what you must..

"You can love your slaves as I do you but that doesn't permit you to act with them as a slave owner as much as a friend, causing more and more conflicts, not for them but for you. Before you leave on a "vacation' with your friend I suggest you see a piss doctor."

"A urologist."

"Okay. While gone you only piss in a mouth if your friend requests your piss." Either of the slaves mentioned would be on their knees asking for piss every time I would make as to go a regular urinal, I think as much their desire as training.

"My King, you are being too kind to me. You know if I go away with Jamaal I may never return, he has been an obsession since we were very young." I had told him about our camping trip and how the Prince had tracked him down to fulfill my desires.

"An obsession, yes. But I don't think you love him the way you want to feel towards a man. Will that man be me? I know it was Juan Diego for the short time you had together." He seemed sad at admitting Ihad felt more for his predecessor than him.

"After having thought about you all night I understand that I do love you but I will never be the man you marry, both because of my feelings and yours. You need to get your feelings under control. You have become too soft with your slaves and have allowed their feelings to influence you more than is proper for a slave-owner. Maybe that says you shouldn't own slaves or perhaps you should learn to treat them less as boyfriends and more as the slaves they are."

I had thought much the same as I slept, dreaming of Ihad and Imad alone in the castle in Spain without a master there to control them. My dreams were full of my boys, that was not right and the King had perhaps been right when he accused be of being too close to the boys I now owned. Was it Ahmed or Jamaal that I should free? Jamaal was the only one of my slaves that had the same background as me and Ahmed was the only one that had a background that allowed him to fully understand owning slaves.

Whether I was too obsessed with feeding slaves piss or not, the King and I went to the cell where Patrick was chained and fed him our morning waste. I know it is a way of establishing control over your slave but perhaps the whip was as good of one. Most of my slaves had never felt a whip or cane, was that proper for our relationship? Was it a needed part of owning a slave that had self-enslaved? What did that mean to them and what should I allow it to mean to me?

As we walked to breakfast I vowed that I would resolve how I was to treat my slaves before I decided to free one.

Next: Chapter 33

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