By Bruce Turner

Published on Oct 11, 2023



Chapter 30

Okay, once more this is fiction! If reading about men having sex in any form, most often extreme is illegal where you live this isn't the story for you. I claim all rights to the story and promise that no one depicted is a real person. None of the countries has done what I claim, Slavery is not legal.

If you can't buy a slave why not give the money to Nifty so they keep operating.


Chapter 30

The hotel room mattress was pounded from the time we arrived after dinner until far into the night. I hope there weren't any neighbors complaining because I didn't hear them. I had barely waited for the boys to stop eating, most of them had never been in a real restaurant and wanted to savor the experience. I was glad that Spain was paying for the dinner since they kept ordering more as one dish of food would disappear. I hadn't expected it but I had gone into the restroom while we were waiting for the first food, taking Salman with me, filthy places those African lavatories, I would never use a urinal in one. He had spread two napkins he swiped from the dining room on the floor to kneel on, he wasn't even to his knees when Hamid joined us.

"I have never done this, but after watching the boys since this morning I know I want to attempt drinking your piss. May I?"

I had put up with the jerk all day. "Salman, would you care to share my piss with this Kuwaiti interloper?"

I hoped that he understood that I was putting him lower than a slave by asking a slave to share my body's waste. He is a handsome man that I had once thought I might enjoy but I had lost my taste for Kuwaiti men other than my slave when I'd been sold. If Ahmed hadn't been Kuwaiti I might have asked him to follow me to America as a free man.

"I will share with the Kuwaiti, Master, only if you would have him drink my piss, also." I had thought there was a feeling of competitiveness between the slaves and Hamid. This would be a good way to end that, having Hamid drink piss from a slave? He could go back to whoever wanted an introduction and let them know he had been treated with contempt.

"Hamid? Are you prepared to be a urinal for my slave?" He must have been desperate to taste piss. He nodded in answer, I didn't let him get away with that. What do you say to my slave, Hamid? He was on his knees staring at my slave's feet , more than a free Kuwaiti man should permit. 'Slave, Salman, thank you for sharing your master's piss with me. Please let me drink all your piss directly from your cock." It was a self-humiliation that I would not have expected from him, but then I would never have expected him to suck my cock in the center of a busy street with men and women walking up to watch, maybe this Kuwaiti man wasn't so bad.

I gave Salman the first of my piss then ordered Hamid to open his mouth. I filled his mouth and had to tell him to swallow and then walk him through actually doing what I expected of a piss drinker. He was doing better when I saw Salman come back into the restroom with Runihuru Double the pleasure.

Hamid stayed in the restroom while the boys all relieved themselves in his mouth. He returned to the table with a smile and a wet stain done the front of his caftan. The boys liked the stain and kidded him about not being that good but that they would give him another chance after the meal was done. Some of them weren't able to wait until the meal was finished. Hamid didn't appear to be unhappy about the amount of piss he was being forced to drink. He left us after dinner, thankfully, I wondered if he walked the plaza the rest of the evening drinking the piss of anyone that would indulge him, we had given him a good introduction.

"Boys, the alarm is set for 2:30 it is 7:30 right now. When the alarm rings we have to stop whatever we are doing and go to sleep. Tomorrow, I have to solve this refugee problem, find the families and see what there is to do about the compound. I want every one to fuck me, now. Even you," pointing to the huge cock that Runihuru had already started to grease.

"Let a couple of the others fuck me first. Runihuru. They might make room for your snake to slither all the way up into me. I felt bad talking like that seeing Zubyda fingering his balls with only two inches of cock sticking out. There was no reason to have him fuck me.

"No slithering, master. I'm going to pump my cock and cum it all the way in your ass." I was sure he meant that, at least I hoped so. But I meant it about some of the others opening me up first. I intended to have all of them fuck me. I hadn't had a night like that in some time and the show outside had me warmed up. Mosi, how appropriate, dove into my asshole with his tongue while the others decided the order they would take in my ass. It was a treat for them to fuck their master; although Runihuru and Khozito weren't officially my slaves, I had the feeling they would have liked to join in with the others serving me.

How can I tell you about four excited boys going after my ass like it was the last piece of meat on the platter they had for dinner? Mosi did wonderful in opening my ass. There must be a story behind that, I intend to find out what it is. I'm not to into those incest stories like the one Salman had but if that was what was in his background I would be sure to listen. That he was only to serve me for the rest of the year was a shame, he was able to eat ass like no one had since Juan Diego and maybe even better. I knew right then that my pledge to have him eating my ass every night was not a false pledge, I hoped I still felt the same way once we were back in Spain. Maybe he would like to continue after school started, I wasn't going to tell him no.

"Master, you really are my master now?"

"I am, Mosi. Want do you want to know?"

"Master, I am only happy when I am using my mouth. I enjoy, armpits, cocks, asshole, balls, toes and any other part of a man's body that demands a mouth to please it."

"Have you been taught to give a man a tongue bath?" I thought I was going to know the answer but why not make him tell me.?"

"Yes, master. Is there some place you would like me to bathe while Salman is fucking you?"

"Mosi, I want you to lick my feet and suck my toes." Every since first meeting Juan Diego I had been getting more excited having a mouth on my feet, or sucking my toes.

He worked at my feet while Salman and Khozito fucked me. I had heard that Runihuru was going to be next. That monster of a cock scared me even after having two good sized cocks opening my ass for him.

"Mosi, wet that cock down."

"I had expected the boy to take maybe an inch or more than he had when he had taken my cock in his mouth but was completely at a loss as to what to say when without stopping he was able to ram Runihuru's cock all the way into his throat until his lips were scraped by the boy's pubic hair. How much cock could he take? Someday when we have the time I'm going to ask if he knows, Runihuru has the longest cock I have ever seen. Was he trained to take more than that? By whom?

He didn't make me scream or yell, but I know I was making loud noises as Runihuru fucked me. It wasn't like he stuck it in and shot, either. Once Runihuru had forced it all the way in he worked that monster dick out the whole way and back in. I moaned from the sheer weight of his cock in my ass. There wasn't two seconds while he was in me that I was not feeling him from my asshole to wherever he might have pushed the head. Rather than cum inside me he pulled all the way out and shot a massive load of cum on my asshole down to my balls.

Mosi followed him with his much shorter but slightly thicker cock, using the cum for lube he forced his way in and began a championship fuck. Within a few minutes he had me shooting a load of cum on the bed but didn't stop and God I didn't want him to. My ass was going fifty miles an hours as I squeezed on that cock and enjoyed every bit of the pleasure he was giving me. If he was trained to do these wonderful things to me I should have his trainer come to any camp I intended to run. Shit, I really was thinking about it wasn't I?

Had Hamid worn me down or had he allowing his own humiliation show that he was not here for his cousin and the royal families of Kuwait? I would still want to have it checked further, I would have him give the names to someone in Spain that could follow up. I wasn't sure I was ready to leave King Ferdinand but he was close to being ready not to need or want me.

No. I'd have Ahmed go to Morocco to meet the men, if he trusted them and only if he did would I meet them.

Four straight fucks should have satisfied me after the number of times I had my cock drained during the day but it wasn't enough even after two of the best I'd ever had.

I know it was my imagination running wild but I thought if they kept pumping cum into me until the alarm rang I would be swollen with their wonderful loads, I was fortunate, Mosi would go down on my asshole after two of the others fucked me and draw out as much cum as he could. The boy was rapidly becoming one of my favorite slaves anyone that can eat your ass like that should stay by your bed day and night.

"Master, may one of the others piss in your ass a little? I would love them to wash out the cum I haven't been able to reach." I thought about it a minute but I couldn't cross that line, no slave was going to piss in me in front of the others. By the time the alarm rang I had counted each of the boys fucking me twice and Mosi sucking me empty then refilling me more than the others. I hoped the room where we were to meet in at 8AM had padded chairs, or I might be sending Salman for a pillow, maybe we should be prepared. I had maintained a relative sobriety while around us were many a drunk and many of them beat their wives and slaves in the plaza. I expected to arrive at the Embassy to see a few bruised faces.

Nearly every face at the Embassy showed signs of abuse. The Ambassador was the only person there that was not hungover or bruised or both. The young man that I said had come from Camp (50) was not only beaten around his face but was unable to wear a shirt he had been caned so harshly. There were others in the Embassy that were in the same shape but none that showed still weeping welts like he did. I wanted to send whatever Spaniard had done that to his slave's home for the family's response, but with so many in the Embassy showing signs of being beaten I couldn't force myself to single out one as worse than the rest.

"Are the two sides to the issue present?"

"No, Prince, no one from the civilian force has arrived. The festival was particularly boisterous yesterday, it may be after lunch before anyone at all shows up." The Ambassador didn't sound pleased with the state of things but was not about to cause waves when he wasn't the one required to solve the problem.

"Salman, go talk with the boy at the desk to our left as you walk out. Find out about the beating he took, if this is a regular thing and who his owner is."

"Ambassador, why don't you have a seat and start by letting me know what would seem like a good resolution of the situation. I am aware that what you and I want may not be how this ends up. I will tell you that I think the civilian force has a legitimate complaint against the men you are housing here. I they are holding the families they haven't given any indication, yet."

"Prince, I agree and the only solution that would make me happy would be to have these men out of here and their families free. The sooner the better."

"Have they caused you any problems in the Embassy?"

"No, Prince. It is just that the people of the country will not trust us as long as we shelter the men, they do not understand the policy of Embassies being places of Refuge. I tend to agree, do the laws of Rwanda have anything to say about refuge, particularly in the case of Embassies? The laws admit it as the power of the nation's Embassy up to but not including treason."

"For crimes that are against the laws of the nation whose Embassy is being occupied?"

"That is totally up to the host nation."

"But in reality they would have to be convicted of the crime in Spain for us to turn them away?"

"That is how the Department of State has issued orders for me to proceed." He did not look as if he agreed but he wasn't willing to disobey his direct superiors.

"Has the Minister of State given you orders in the case of an armed invasion intending to take the three men?"

"What do you mean?"

"What are you expected to do if the civilian force pushes its way through the gates waving guns and pitchforks?"

"We're to repel them."

"Ambassador, you have less than half a dozen Spaniards in here. The other employees are what Rwandan? Two Americans? How many of those do you think will fight for you?"

"And those that are, were trained to fire what weapons? Handguns? Do you have enough and the ammunition to hold off any more than two dozen people?"

"Prince, I really wouldn't expect any of my people to lay down their lives for these scum."

"So we need to find a way to get them out of here."

"Isn't that why the King sent you?"

"I suppose it is, but I am supposed to work with you."

By lunch-time the civil force still had not arrived. The idea of them holding the victims of abuse as hostages felt so wrong to me that had I been a Rwandan I would have been talking to the representatives that made the laws to force them to free them. It made no sense to further punish them.

"Ambassador, can you get me an appointment with the President Ricard?"

"I can, but I will tell you he doesn't have the power to make the civilian force to do much of anything and in this case he is unlikely to help. From what I have been able to gather he is a personal friend of the three in here and has maybe even been a visitor to the compound."

"I suppose not to try would be criminal, though. I will go not expecting too much, thank you."

The street were littered with an assortment of human detritus, the festival had been a good excuse to let off steam, the national police were poking at naked men and women that lay here and there sometimes bent over a convenient wall or table, asses visible to any looking or still needing to get off. I had expected to see the police rounding the remaining people up in police vans and taking them to jail but this was a very mild response to stretching the hours of a festival that left the city smelling of sex and beer.

"Master, was that much like a Roman orgy?"

"Salman, how old do you think I am? I was never at a Roman orgy." I shouldn't have been that way, but geesh.

"Master, look over there." He was pointing at a man slumped over a chair seat. A dog was nosing him. I thought that was what he was referring to, but he asked if it was Hamid.

"Honestly, I can't tell from here. Do you want to go look?" The dog must have been fucked out. After a moment or two at the man's ass he wandered off looking for something else to do.

With Salman shaking him, Hamid rose and looked for his clothing, finding nothing.

"They took everything, even my sandals." He looked angry, but that competed with a look that said I have been so well fucked it doesn't really matter. I didn't even offer to help him find his clothing, he had been asking for something like that to happen..

The President's office was not functioning much better than the Embassy although the President seemed not to be either hung over nor satiated. He had been contacted by the three parties in the situation which surprised, but pleased me. He had received a video of the families saying they were being held in a building that was dry and cool, had been fed and were safe. The group holding them had been identified as Fathers for Chastity and demanded that the three men be turned over to them before the families would be released. The civilian force had reported returning the children to the compound and doing business as usual until the refugees were allowed to return to their native lands. A lawyer for the men at the Embassy who could have only spoken to them by phone demanded they be given freedom as they hadn't been convicted of any crimes.

As I had been told the President admitted to have very little power in the situation since the civilian force did not report to him, the Spanish Embassy legally could not be breached by his army or police and the families had not yet been located and likely would not be as his police were over whelmed and paid more by the criminals than by the country. It would take a tip and even then only if it miraculously reached the right captain was there even a 50/50 chance of successfully retrieving them; the Fathers for Chastity had been known to sacrifice their hostages in previous negotiations. He did agree to attempt getting representatives of the three sides into one room and offered the use of a court room that had been left empty since the courts had moved into a new building. Another day without any progress.

I returned to the hotel to find the boys that had been with me the day before were still soundly asleep tangled in a pile on the floor. The bed had been remade and clean towels stocked in the bathroom. A note on the door requested I see the manager. I could just hear that meeting, why are there natives in your room? We only rent our rooms out to visitor from foreign countries.

I woke the boys up, sent them into the shower and called down to the front desk. It went about as I expected. The manager was understanding about me having bought two boy during the festival but demanded I have two rooms for the number of people I now was rooming. I had to stop and count them out just to keep myself straight. I hadn't bought Runihuru or Khozito but they were possibly working for me as translators when I would need them on the streets. The Embassy had promised more presentable translators for any official meetings,

We went out to lunch. I was mulling over what I might do when my head started to clear a little. Runihuru had been held in the compound, I asked him about the possibility of getting the children out. There was a flat bare expanse around the total compound making it impossible to escape but he knew a taxi driver that could get us inside if I thought I wanted to be there. Perhaps later, when I explained to the boys that I would have to start to gather people together to find the families that were being held as hostages by the Fathers for Chastity they told me there wouldn't be a need.

It turned out the Fathers was a well known group to all the boys living on the streets. They often tried to turn the boys away from prostitution and when they took them off the street to feed them it was in a large abandoned church. Khozito rushed from the restaurant where the rest of us waited to check it out but there was a good chance the families would be held there. If they were perhaps I could start to unravel the mess. I would need help going into the compound and getting the children free, if Runihuru was right there was only a couple guards, add them to the people that would be operating the brothel we would need to overcome no more than a half dozen people. Perhaps,. I could convince some of the Fathers of my plan?

"Master? Do you know that man?"

I looked where Mosi was pointing. Standing outside the restaurant peering in the door was a man that resembled Prince Harry before he started losing hair. Having my attention he tried to get me to join him outside but I insisted that he join us. My coffee was hot and I had no intention of letting it get cold. I t was reluctantly that he entered the restaurant dragging a very young child behind him. The little boy looked used hard and put up wet. I had the feeling the man was regretting that either he bought the child or used him. I wondered as he approached what he thought I might do to help.

"Do you understand English, sir?"

"Yes, it is my native language. Please have a seat."

"The boys sitting here with you look like natives. Would you have them explain to this child that I do not own him and that he should return to his family?"

"Why does he think you bought him?"

"Yesterday, a woman with him at her side approached me as I was leaving the hotel. This isn't the first time I've been to the festival, mind you. I couldn't understand her well, but she was begging for money. I gave her maybe one hundred francs. She said something to the boy and left him clinging to my pants leg. Sure, like the festival I have one day a year when I allow myself to have sex with a child. I took him back into the hotel and, well you know what we did. For the rest of the day he wouldn't leave my side. It didn't matter if I was trying to enjoy the pleasures of another boy or what? I couldn't even beat him off my side.

"When I returned to the hotel last night he followed me to the room and gave himself to me again. Today he won't leave go and I can't find the old woman. I don't think he speaks enough English to understand what I'm trying to tell him."

Zubyda had been talking to the boy.

"Mister, he understands you but keeps repeating that you bought him from his grandmother and he must stay with you."

"That can't be right. You can't buy children that easily or cheaply."

The notaries that had tables in the middle of the street the previous day were gone. I explained to the ginger what I could of the ease of purchase but agreed with him that he didn't own the child since neither he nor the grandmother had signed the proper papers. How he was to convince the child to return home was a problem that the boys were working on as I ordered the man a cup of coffee. During his night on the street he had been robbed, leaving him with the credit cards he had left in the hotel but which for the most part were useless outside of the hotel and a few high end stores and restaurants not where we were eating..

"Master, Mosi thinks he knows where the boy's grandmother lives but he is afraid to leave us for fear we will not be here when he returns."

"That is okay, Zubyda, we will all take him back when we are finished here. You will come with us, to turn him back over to his grandmother or the boy may try searching for you again."

"You own all these boys?"

"No. I brought my slave Salman with me when I came to the country not knowing anything about the festival, I had other business to attend to. I met Runihuru doing the business and then Khozito and they became my unofficial translators helping me on my way through the streets. I bought Zubyda from his father yesterday after being given a terribly sad story. A few hours later I met Mosi's father. He was looking for a way to send his son to my country to attend college but in payment of what I would need to do to get him to the college he signed his son over to me as a slave for the remainder of the year."

"This may not be a question you want to answer, but do you have sex with your slaves?"

"That is rather inappropriate, sir. That type of sex in illegal in this country other than that one day of the year which has passed."

"My credit cards have maxed out and I have been kicked out of the hotel. Can you help me?"

"You are selling yourself? I don't need to pay for a prostitute."

"No, sir. You misunderstood. I am willing to sell myself into slavery if you will pay my hotel bill for the last ten days and help me leave Rwanda."

"Why can't you leave the country?"

"The authorities here think I am involved with one of the child brothels."

"Were you?"

"No, I was trying to help the Fathers for Chastity so I visited the one brothel three times to learn if there was a way to steal the kids from them."

"But you just admitted to sexing a six year old."

"Yes, but it has never been my intent to become part of their network of visitors. I have been sucked into that world and can't get out." The look he was giving my boys was enough to make me believe he was stuck, but was it his choice?

The idea of using Patrick to get into the brothel while having the Fathers for Chastity waiting outside to gather up the children I am able to release began to run through my mind. But, was he trustworthy? That might eliminate two sides of the box that I needed to deconstruct. Where was the best place to turn the trio over to the mothers? Could Zubyda convince his father to have the Tutsi outside the city to use the entrance to the Embassy to help me? The chief had informed me about the tunnel, would he use it to take the trio out and give them to the women?

That would leave the hostages to be found and released. Who could assist in that part of the plan? The President hadn't given me any clues as to a reliable force inside his nation. I wondered if he didn't have a personal guard that might be relied upon to spring the hostages, it would make him a hero to many of his citizens. The Hell with a meeting, I was going to head back to speak with the President and ask for a commitment of a force of at least six men, I'd get them if I had to suck his cock ..0Six armed men and my self should be able to free the hostages, march to the brothel and release the children, call the entire staff at the Embassy out of the building while the Tutsi steal in and capture the refugees.

"Patrick, my ass couldn't stand any more stimulation, but come up to our room and give me a blow job." I hadn't any idea how he would respond. Did he want sex with one of the boys or would he do what I asked. I should let the big head not the little one guide me but there are times when sex is the most likely path to understanding.

"Sir, perhaps you would rather fuck me while I suck your boys?"

So he was stuck, with an obsession for boy cock.. Under different circumstances I would have gladly taken him to the hotel for an afternoon of sex but as I said I was worn out. I had said my ass, but I doubted that my cock would stand even for a pretty ginger like him.

"Runihuru, would you like to fuck this man?"

"Yes, sir. Can Salman come with us to fuck his mouth?"

"Patrick, when I return we will be attempting to really do what you have said was your goal in being here for the week. Make it a quick fuck, Runihuru." With the time it would take for him to force that monster in Patrick's ass I knew that I would most likely walk back into my hotel room with the ginger man still speared. If I any of the President's guard were to witness it they would be able to hold the crime against him to force his cooperation while all I had was his word.

"You are right Prince, the city is quieter today than it will be at any other time. I will go along, with my guard of ten if you will raid the other two boy brothels we have under surveillance, also." That was certainly going to increase the danger level but as long as the crisis was resolved I was willing to put my body out there for the children.

"After the hostages and the first brothel?" He agreed to the order of business.

Zubyda had returned to the hotel as I thought he would. His father was sending a group of ten men into the Embassy two hours later. That didn't give me much time to wreck vengance on the city and the brothels. Patrick was happily grinding on Runihuru's cock when we arrived, the President let him know that if he did not help us he would be placed in jail for a minimum of twenty-five years, if it could be proved there were any other children he had sex with he might be sentenced to execution but as long as we were able to be successful he would personally walk the man out of his country, convicted of pedophilia or not..

Both the President and I spoke with the Spanish ambassador, requesting in the strongest language we had that might influence him. He was not pleased with out request but agreed that not having an armed confrontation was better for the countries and future relations. They were to set up outside to help resolve issues like the one Patrick had, freeing child slaves from anyone that had buyers remorse or a moral breakthrough. The President had three staff members draft notaries to set up with the Embassy staff. Word was sent to all the hotels and restaurants about the event, that there was to be no sales of the children was made clearly evident to all.

"Do you have a collar for this Englishman?" I knew what the President was thinking but I was out of collars.

"No problem, we shall pass at least a dozen places that sell them on our way to the Fathers for Chastity's church." Patrick looked unhappy at the thought of being collared but with the armed guard and having been caught with a cock in his ass had no way of fighting the idea. As we left the hotel we started past the Embassy as the first notary arrived. The President made us stop and sign the papers and take a collar for Patrick, he had offered himself up to be my slave earlier, now he was truly enslaved and I might just keep him that way.

The Fathers were more than pleased to join us at the brothels, checking the addresses they knew with those the guard had in hand our mission increased from three to four. As we made our way the the first brothel we were joined by the mothers I had hoped would ravage the owner/managers of the brothels. They had no traditional weapons but did carry kitchen knives, hoes and gardening tools with sharp edges.

The taxi I planned to take to enter the compound was unwilling to drive me to the first place, one of the President's men grabbed him and tossed him from his car. He pointed to the driver's seat and waved me in. That was fine, but I would be wandering lost trying to find the compound. Runihuru and Khozito came when I called for them. They directed me to the compound the fastest way. The street was littered with massive penises, parades had dropped them on the sides of the streets, I hadn't seen any earlier but this stretch of the road must have had thirty or forty of all sizes. Not really, they were all at least so large that they would have taken two or three people to carry, I wish we had seen some of the parades. Maybe I should go back next year, I thought about putting one in the rear seat and taking it with us but there was no time.

"Sir, they don't open for the taxi, they open when they see a driver they know."

Great, everything except the key to the door. I was trying to think what to do when I heard two gunshots and saw a man falling off the compound wall. There was no choice left. I revved the taxi's engine threw it into second gear and drove straight for the gate. I didn't have any idea of the chances for success, the gate looked sturdy and the taxi was not that powerful. I didn't believe it, the solid wooden gate shattered like a china plate or single-pane window and not only was I in but so were the President and his guard and the Fathers for Chastity. Mother that had been mourning their children outside the walls swarmed in, weapons raised. There were a few shots from both sides although I didn't see anyone else fall.

"Mr. President if your men can shoot the guns that were to defend this place have them take them with us. As we move to the other brothels we are bound to have more opposition and may need to shoot from further out. I had been taught to shoot most rifles by the men that fraternized with my father but it had been years since I had picked up a rifle, still I thought if necessary I could help. As we moved to the second compound one of the guards had taken over driving. We had picked up more Fathers and mothers shouting their rage, willing to fight should that be necessary.

"Mr. President, do you have connections within the press of the country?"

"The only press or television here are run by the government."

"It might be advantageous to you to have reporters join up with us as we take down the last two of these establishments. You can see how the people on the street are reacting. You should be the hero of the day. I know that this wasn't your idea but take credit and I will shrink back to the Embassy and take the boys that wish to go with me home, it will sound hypocritical to reporters outside of the country when they hear about yesterday and compare it to today but I am sure you have had to make that case for the festival before."

"Our nation thanks you for making us stand up to this criminal enterprise and moral depravity, Prince. If there is anything I can do for you in the future please contact me directly, our nation will never forget its debt.."

"Prince? May I go with you? This next brothel on the list is all girls. I have never heard of the last one but one of the guards told me that it is more perverted than anything we may have seen on the streets last night."

"We'll go when I get word from the Embassy that the refugees have been taken by the Tutsi. I don't want to see what happens to them when they are turned over to this mob of women."

"Master, my mother has join in with the mothers. May I stay with her until the end."

"Runihuru, go, I hope she works out her hatred and allows you to go home."

"No, master I am going home with you." What was he thinking? I was not his master and there was no likely way for that to happen. He was a free boy and should remain that way, before running to his mother's side he grabbed me by the butt, "after all, master where are you going you find a cock like mine willing to satisfy you? What he didn't know was that he hadn't satisfied me the night before, it had been having five energetic boys pounding me that had finally squashed any further desire.

"I thought you said you had only bought the two younger ones?"

"That is right Mr. President. He and Khozito are free boys. Their families won't take them back since they were in the brothels for some time. They both have to find work on the streets where they can. I haven't even offered them the chance to become my slaves but you can see they do not want to live as prostitutes."

"Perhaps you should. I see a look of love in their eyes that says they are going to find a way to go with you."

"Will you sign their papers?" I knew he was not happy with the idea of his people being enslaved and shipped to other nations unless they were Tutsi. Why was he suggesting that I took two of his brightest?

"Bring them to my office tomorrow for lunch, we will give the nation's thanks for their help in this battle and then offer them the choice of becoming your slave or coming to work for the government." I sincerely hoped that Runihuru stayed in his country. Khozito, I might try to influence his decision. Although I had only known the boy for 2 days I would certainly miss having him around.

Back at the Embassy all had gone as expected. The Tutsi had taken the three man out through the secret passage way and after cutting six Achilles tendons left the men in the path of the women. Zubyda was able to stand there, a slave collar proudly around his neck, a Tutsi spear in his hand and a smile as his father and men of his tribe disappeared through the side streets into the forest where they were forced to live. He stood over them until the first of the women landed a hoe blade to the crown of the first man she reach.

"Mr. President, am I now released from slavery?" Patrick had followed the guards and I through the streets serving as well as he had promised.

"Patrick, slaves do not address the President of Rwanda." He turned so I could see that he was grinning at the man's discomfort. "Your slave has a lot to learn, Prince Ali."

"You are the one that signed him over to me is that not correct?"


"Perhaps I should give him back to be taught his proper place." It felt good to have the tension of the day behind me. Had I lived in Rwanda the President Ricard and I might have become friends.

"No, Prince. If he were to stay with me I would have to have him executed. There is another man that was jailed this morning that claims to be your slave, also. Are you missing one?"

"Not as of when we started the march."

"He looks a lot like you. I would think he is Kuwaiti from the craven way he begged to be released."

"Ah, the cousin of my first owner. He is not a slave."

"If he wants out of jail he will be signing self-enslavement papers. He was caught with a nine year old on the main plaza six hours after the festival was over. Self-enslavement is the punishment I have chosen for all found with children today.

"Should you not accept him as your slave he will be executed."

"I will speak to him, if he accepts my conditions of his slavery I will take him."

"What may I ask will they be?"

"He will become the first in my King's harem."

"Your King will accept him as a gift?"

"He will either accept him or have him executed for an offer he made me. But should you need a blow job before I leave your country I can add that to the conditions."

"No. but I have been curious as to what it feels like to have a man fuck me."

"Mr. President, all you need do is ask. I have four boys here that will gladly go to bed with a man such as you."

"No, Prince Ali, I think I would have you come to my bed.

"I will be more than pleased to pleasure your ass. A good looking man like you will find it easy to have other men follow me."

"Please come to the palace this evening. I will have my wives taken to their families, the guards moved outside and the servants will be given the night off.."

So I became the first man to fuck four heads of state. The President had the palace set for the seduction of a female, he knew no better. I tried not to show too much displeasure at the flowers and incense. Dinner was nothing I thought too highly of nor the wine he served. I needed to ask him to lead me to his bedroom, he said we were to use a guest room that had been fitted for the night. More flowers and scents. As I removed the Dishdasha his eyes went so wide he could have been one of those Buckwheat dolls from the fifties. I let him take his time ogling me and undressing. I had brought a tube of lube with me, sure this straight man wouldn't have thought of the need.

I lay back on the bed slowly applying the lube to my cock, getting it fully hard. He had taken off half of his clothing at that time. "Mr. President? Do you see something you want?" He was gawking at my cock, mouth wide open and hands holding nothing.

He must have been wondering if his ass would take the cock he was staring at, he did nod but didn't make a move to remove any more of his suit (I had hoped that for this occasion he might show me something more traditional). "If you want me to fuck you, Richie, you need to get naked." I don't know if that is his name but over dinner he had said that is what I could call him If I had to I was ready to get out of the bed and tear his clothing off.

I slid to the side of the bed so I could reach one of his hands. As soon as I had it on my cock he was scrambling to get out of his pants and socks. I've had many different types of men and ways of making love or fucking, I have tried guessing what to expect, but with the President I was off as far as possible. For a man that had never been entered he seemed sure of what he was doing (perhaps he had deflowered a number of virgins). A moment after taking the lube from me he was crouched over my cock, holding it up straight as he lowered his ass slowly.

For a man that claimed to have a virgin hole he was quick to allow the head of my cock enter him. When I saw the look on his face as my cock head slid in that told me he had not been telling a lie. I let him take charge of the entrance, he had obviously fucked enough virgins himself to know that having them sit on his cock was easiest for them. His cock had been hard from the moment he had taken his pants off, whether he was in pain or not he didn't lose his hard on. I had been lightly stroking him hoping to take the edge off whatever pain he was feeling but I doubt I would have needed to. It was probably the fastest I have ever had a virgin take my cock all the way to the base.

"Prince, no wonder men line up to have you fuck them. Having you inside me is fantastic." He had yelled about the pain or how big I was, but he had a smile that told me what to do next.

I'd heard enough. I rolled us over.

"Richie, its time for us to fuck." I was pulling back although he had grabbed me with both arms and was trying to hold me tight enough not to move.

"Relax, Richie." That didn't help any but I did leverage his legs up onto my shoulders. The fucking really started them and it wasn't more than half a dozen strokes later that the King was shouting for my to fuck him harder. I didn't, I slowed down and let him have long slow strokes.

"Please, Prince fuck me."

"Tell me that you love having my cock in your ass, Richie."

"I love it, Prince."

"What do you love?"

"I love having you fucking me."

"What do you love having in your ass?"


"That's better."

"Now what do you want?"


And I did. I fucked him hard and then slow, making him beg me to fuck him harder and faster. The boys had been keeping my balls drained so it was taking me time to work up the load I was going to deposit as deep in the King's ass as I could. He had already shoot two loads of the royal cum over his chest and still hadn't lost his erection. The hand that wasn't on his cock scooped up some of the cum from between his well developed pecs and forced it between his lips. Bending down I gathered more with my mouth and dripped it from my mouth into his mouth. I wanted to be sure when I was done fucking the President that there was another man in the world that was hooked on his own cum and long cocks in his ass.

The second time I dripped cum into his mouth I couldn't hold back my own orgasm and driving hard and deep held still while I shot volley after volley of cum into him. I held my cock there until I couldn't feel even the slightest twitch in my balls or cock and slowly withdrew. I rolled to the center of the bed feeling the President's eyes looking me up and down.

"Ritchie, get a warm wet cloth and clean my cock or take it in your mouth and suck off your ass juices/" Ordering about a President is always a questionable action. His first time I was giving him an option, I was not expecting him to take my cock in his mouth and do a creditable job of sucking it clean but that was his choice..

"Please fuck me again before you leave." We had been laying in the soft bed him playing and sucking at my cock for close to an hour. That was all my cock needed to hear, never knew it had ears of its own, to stand up fully ready. He had a nice cock but it wasn't going to reach his mouth no matter how hard I drove into him or how far back his legs went. That really didn't matter, he aimed it to his open mouth and on the first try shot cum into his own mouth. No question about it, he was hooked on cum. Now to give him a load of mine.

"Please, don't pull your cock out of my ass.


He didn't seem to understand what I was doing as I pulled away. He even asked if he should roll over. I told him to stay put. I moved up his body jacking my cock the whole time.

"Open your mouth, Mr. President." He looked at me, horror in his eyes.

"Open your mouth!"

I think he knew there was no chance I would back off and not shoot into his mouth. He wasn't opening very wide.


"Unless you want me to whip your ass, open your mouth wider." He gave in and opened as wide as he could and I started shooting at the same time.

"That's what you wanted, right, Ritchie? I thought it might be better to call him that than Mr. President. He was trying not to swallow, so he shook his head side to side. I sat on his chest.

"Ritchie, swallow my cum, now." I put a hand over his mouth and pinched his nose. One way or another he was going to swallow the cum I had worked hard to give him.

"You better swallow before you need to breathe or you might drown in cum."

A few minutes later he was sucking on my cock again, begging me to stay with him. I really thought about it, but I felt to be out of place in a nation where almost the entire population was black. Why I never felt that way among the Arabs I'm not sure, but I was ready to head home even if there was no home in Spain any longer.

As I was getting out of the bed he admitted that cum tasted better than anything he had ever had in his mouth before.

"And cock in your ass?"

"That is the best. Thank you."

"If we had another night I would teach you to lick my ass and drink piss." I couldn't tell if the look of his face was horror, refusal or a new hunger that had been unleashed.

Next: Chapter 32

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