By Bruce Turner

Published on Oct 10, 2023



Chapter 29

First off, I feel I need to remind everyone, this is FICTION. I have witnessed no person or activity in this story happening in the countries featured. No men gathered at sporting events in America being sold as slaves,etc.

If you are not of legal age in your locale please do not read, wait until the law says okay.

Nifty survives on the donations of it readers, please help when you can.


Chapter 29

Although I had passed out the night previous Salman was on his knees with his mouth open by the time I had my feet to the floor. I wasn't sure I remembered which boy was which in my waking state but I thought it was Runihuru that was attempting to play with my ass and Khozito that had his hands on my balls. They had had fun the night before but I wanted to see what the festival in the Capital city was like. If it was as wildly sexual as the boys had said when talking about it I was going to need every ounce of strength I had to keep my cock up and shooting. Of course if all was as they had said I may also have many opportunities to get my ass filled, how I could be thinking about that when I had just been fucked twice over night I wasn't sure but I knew that I wanted cock in my ass although starting the day with the big cock I saw laying on the mattress between the boys didn't sound too smart.

If I was going to be out in 100 plus degree weather I wanted to wear as little as possible but the two African boys explained that a white man without much in the way of clothing would find himself being forced under one animal or another, more likely a horse or donkey possibly something wilder. While I was in the mood for cock, I wasn't sure that an animal would fill the bill. I put on a dishdasha that was nearly transparent. The boys approved as long as I didn't go around holding up the hem when I wasn't having sex with someone. We avoided the hotel coffee shop and went to the street for food. They were all hungry. The boys scattered like cockroaches returning in moments to ask if I had enough money for this or that. Most expensive was a fruit boat that Runihuru carried around for the next two hours sharing with anyone that looked interested in sex with one or more of us, he must have had a dozen men giving him head or that one of the boys sucked off.

The sights were more than I expected, the boys had warned me but the first oddity I saw was a line stretching out half a block with a wrinkled old woman taking coins from the men to fuck her monkey. We hadn't gone a block when Khozito pointed to an alley where a boy that couldn't have been five was offering blow jobs for $1. USD. Behind him was an older boy with his ass up in the air with a sign saying fuck me $1.USD.

"I thought you said the festival was a mash up of free sexual activity. So far we've seen an old woman and two boys trying to make a buck."

"She is the little one's grandmother. She is raising him. She is probably making a buck the only way she can but a few blocks from here we will get to the main part of the festival where I have never seem anyone charge for sex." We walked on seeing this couple and that one either partially unclothed and close to sex or fully engaged. Most of the couples we saw before getting to the main plaza were men and women though we did see one extremely tall man fucking a boy of about ten. I would have thought he would split that boy in two but I did watch for five minutes and the boy was crying out in delight not pain.

"I have more cock than him." Runihuru was bragging about his cock again. He should just walk around naked so everyone could see if he wanted them to know. He said he might but there was too good of a chance that he would be raped over and over again.

"Now there is a man that is going to go home with money in his pocket tonight." Khozito was pointing to a man that had about half his cock in his mouth.

"If I needed the money I could show off like that too."

"You can take half your cock into your mouth?"

"No, Khozito I can take all of it."

"I don't believe it."

"Remind me one of these days when you see me with a hard cock."

"Why not now? Runihuru and I could make a bunch of money."

No one knew me there and even if they recognized me tomorrow from what they saw here they were supposed to be polite and not mention. I wondered if I would be seen by either the civilian force or a police officer or at the worst anyone from the Embassy. I didn't have anyone to help talk me out of it, so I sent the boys out gathering what I assumed were bets but turned out to be admission fees. No less than a half hour later they returned saying they had $200 USD and it was time for me to do what I promised I could.

I noticed some of the men of those gathered smiled as the saw my body appearing as I shed the dishdasha. Those were men that I knew would enjoy doing ,more than watching if I had the desire once I had sucked myself. I talked myself into thinking about a particularly striking man that I guessed might be European, but I wasn't sure from what part. I thought that if he stuck around I was up for my first fuck of the morning. I played the show man a little, caressing my balls and flipping my cock up and down which was harder than it sounds since I was already getting hard, my cock knew what was coming next.

As I pulled my head down with one arm I could see more than half the crowd started to grab at their own cocks. I didn't play around now that I had slid past my lips with the head, I put the second arm behind my knees, began pulling my head in further and then showed the crowd what is was like to see a man take his whole cock, not only just to stick it in his mouth but to give it a real blow job. I hoped the crowd wasn't expecting me to cum, I wanted to save that for the the tall, striking European. He could wrap his legs around my neck while I fucked him. After sucking up and down my cock for a few minutes I pulled away and bowed to the crowd. I hadn't moved from my original spot so I was able to squat and pull up the robe in one movement.

I looked out to see who in the crowd was left. Standing about twenty feet away was the man I had been ogling earlier. I gave him a big smile, I'm not that good at inviting men to meet me but that was the absolute best I could have ever done.

"Prince Ali, I didn't know you would be here. If Mehmet knew that you needed to perform for African commoners I am sure he would send you some money." As soon as he spoke I knew who it was, I had only seen him in the doctor's office, the assistant that had tried to let it be known that he would like to play with my ass.

"Will you come have a coffee with me?" Hamid, Hamid, why did it take so much to remember his name?

"As long as you remember that I am no longer owned by Prince Mehmet or the Agency..

"Yes, the doctor was upset when he heard that, but I was glad for you. You never seemed as if you should belong to Mehmet."

"We talked about many things in general not getting too close to any specifics. The local coffee was some of the best I had to drink in a year.

"I still work for the Agency, they were never too happy about having to first give you to Mehmet's family and then have you transferred to Saudi Arabia. Prince Osama lost his head over that. The doctor I was working for? He lost both of his hands. And the Realtor that you conned into allowing you to sign the deed of purchase for Mehmet ran from Kuwait before they could try him, they still plan on putting him on trial for fraud if they can ever get him back in the country.

"You left havoc in your wake."

"I don't know what to say, Hamid. I was being bought and sold, none of the actions were initiated by me. There were done by the Princes."

"And Ahmed?"

"I don't quite know how that happened. I was at a lawn party at Mehmet's father's palace, I was being shown off due to my similarity to the Prince to members of the Agency. I think I was on display due to the huge amount of money Mehmet had spent to purchase me. Ahmed appeared and then disappeared, later it seemed if I was his obsession. Angelo was teaching him the life of a personal slave so he could try to please me. I have no idea how Angelo knew that some day Ahmed would be a slave or if he had been brainwashing the boy. Suddenly, I heard that he was attempting to become my personal body slave from Mehmet. There was dissent in the family, I suggested that he come live with Prince Mehmet and I in the new palace, not much later I was in Saudi Arabia and learned he was mine to possess for all time, signed over by his father and brother..

"The sale of me to Saudi Arabia happened so quickly that I was still thinking I was Prince Mehmet's personal slave when we started a conversation and by the time the conversation was ended I was staying in Saudi Arabia with the Prince."

"Have you been keeping up with you hair treatments?" He would be concerned with that, after all he had run the machinery.

"The King of Spain asked me recently to stop the treatments from hitting my chest. It seems that he enjoys chest hair against his back." I hope I have enough for him.

"So now you're fucking the King of Spain?" It seemed too invasive of a question for me to give him an honest answer.

"I don't know. I am not sure he would have sent me here to deal with this problem if he wanted me to stay at his side."

"But you have another year as Regent, don't you?"

"The bill recreating the regent's position was written so loosely that if he wants to have another regent appointed all he needs to do is present a petition to the Prime Minister declaring that he and I can no longer work together due to irreconcilable differences.

"With his approval of the person's name it is then submitted to the Parliament and I am gone."

"Would that upset you?" It was the first almost human question.

"Not too much, but I really don't know where I would go. The beach house sounds enjoyable but I get tired of the beach after a week."

"The doctor has had an overture from a male couple in Tangiers that had seen and meet Ahmed and Jamaal while you were in Morocco training the family for Prince Al Sari. They are not interested in having you as their slave but to having you take over their training facility which they intend to expand as competition to Prince Mehmet and Prince Al Sari. You will have the use of your own Villa while you are in their employ, any one of their vehicles that you chose and support for eight slaves of your own."

"Why are they contacting you? It is known where I am, they could easily contact me in Spain."

"They were raised in Kuwait and Libya, they have not lost the training that tells all young men of our countries that if they want to meet someone they must have a proper introduction. Walking up and talking to a stranger is fine but that is the end of the conversation with no resolution or anything accomplished. If you wish more from the conversation, the more influential the person you can have introduce you the better.

"They know Prince Mehmet, but going into competition didn't think he would be pleased to introduce them to you. The doctor is in disgrace. They know I am not of much influence but they reached out to my cousin who is head of health and welfare in Kuwait and begged an introduction. I was to search for you in Spain next week and ask you to allow them to come to Spain until the Department of State informed them that no Arabs were being allowed into Spain.

"Is that you're doing?"

"No, that law was in place when King Juan Diego and I began his rule. There is no desire in the country to overturn it. Recently, a Duke walked the Princes through customs for a full day in Spain. Then King Ferdinand had them escorted back to their plane and out of the country before midnight, they did not make a presentation that will endear Arabs as a whole to the King. Nor did it make the King more likely to allow further visits.

"You knew I would be here didn't you? This was the only way you could arrange to meet me. What has Kuwait to do with the hostage situation I am here to resolve?"

"Very little, we do have a large financial interest in the country and could influence the civilian force some if you were to need the help."

"There are powerful men in Kuwait that would condone the crimes of the three men seeking refuge, aren't there? I am of the opinion they should be turned over to the mothers of the children, skip the courts."

"The Princes (he didn't need to say which Princes) visited with the three recently to help establish a pipeline of slaves to come out of Africa. We have had a regular trade in African slaves for centuries that was recently disrupted by a revolution that has turned against us."

"I wouldn't want to have anything to do with buying or selling."

"The young men that wish you to head their training camps promise they will have no underage slaves in the camps?" The introduction continued.

"The age in Morocco is what, thirteen?"

"The age in the criminal laws is 16, so when you were there the last time you were no better than the men you have in the Embassy pleading to be sent to Spain." Every time I had touched the twins or the other two thirteen year olds I had been committing a crime. I didn't feel I could judge the men in the embassy other than many of the children were under ten.

"They won't be sent to Spain. Rwanda will be allowed to deal with them in its own way."

"The festival around us is amazing, have you ever seen so many variation of sex?"

"Just around the training camps." I remembered back to the interaction between Hamid and Prince Mehmet, wondering why his cousin was here.

"Hamid, I know you are a cousin to Mehmet. Does that not make you becoming an intermediary for the men in Morocco rather immoral?"

"When the doctor was disgraced, I was disowned by the family. Mehmet lead the faction that forced me to be disowned. Any thing I do now that is against him, Praise Allah."

"Then suck my cock." I had never heard if Hamid actually was a man that enjoyed others but from what I had seen of his reaction to his cousin in the doctor's office there might have been a childhood period of discovery between them if not more. He took a deep breath looked over the plaza where there were more people having sex than I had seen in the camps. I stood, pulled up my robe, let him see my cock again, and sat facing him. If he thought I would believe him he now had the choice to betray his cousin because Mehmet had specifically told him that he was not to touch me or do what I wanted. I did want him to suck me, I had been witnessing so much sex that my cock was ready to shoot with only minutes of care.

When his right hand set down on my right leg I felt what I knew had to be a prosthetic, he had lost a hand with the doctor. Had he lost both? His left hand was more human and it was on my balls while he was still lowering himself between my legs.

"I have wanted this since the first day I saw you, Prince Ali." That was the last thing he said as his mouth was soon sliding down my cock with the desire to swallow it completely. His ass might not have been able to take a cock of my length when he met me but his mouth had no trouble enveloping me. I didn't last long, having been excited by what was happening around us. He swallowed the load of cum and still on his knees, looked up and requested that I turn around so he could lick my ass and fuck me.

I really should have but I wanted to last the entire day and declined. I had trouble believing I was declining a tongue in my ass but being fucked on a restaurant table was intimidating.

Hamid carefully squeezed my cock shaft forcing out the last few drops of cum, licked them up so my robe would not become haman and sat beside me once again.

"I want to see more of the festival. Do you wish to continue with me or are you going to search for other cocks to suck and asses to fuck?"

"Prince, I think I will sit here for a while watching the people, have lunch and then maybe find a couple of boys that want to play." Right on cue Runihuru and Khozito walked up dragging a battered looking Salman behind them.

"What has happened to my slave?" I could tell it wasn't too serious but as he sat on the ground I saw claw marks on his side.

"We were,"

"No, let me tell my master, Khozito. We were tired of watching just regular man and woman sex, that was all there seemed to be on the Plaza and had decided to check out some of the larger side streets which the boys told me should be safe. One street we went down they held onto my arms as we walked past boys and women being fucked by donkeys and one boy that must have been about six who was being held be an older woman while a Zebra fucked him. She shouted out that being fucked by a Zebra was supposed to give you the best luck. We stood be her side a few minutes watching that poor little boy having his asshole ruined by the Zebra. I had trouble believing a mother would allow that to happen to her child let alone hold him while it happened. We started to go further down the street when all three of us were grabbed by four or five huge black men that came out of nowhere.

"I tried fighting to get loose but I was wrapped in one man's arms too tightly to do much other than kick and I was too low too get at his balls. They carried us through a crowd that had gathered around two Rhodesian Ridgebacks that would growl as anyone approached them. There was a smaller, nasty looking, man holding their leashes and yelling at them to settle down. I thought we had been grabbed to be dog food..

"Your honor, the men that held us started walking around the crowd, at the time I didn't understand why but men would call out out a number and then point at one of us, mostly at me. As the numbers got higher, Runihuru and Khozito were pushed into the crowd with the men then holding me up in the air and stripping my clothing off. (He hadn't been wearing more than a short wrap that fastened over one shoulder.) so the crowd had been able to see his cock and ass anyway. They walked me around the crowd collecting money until they thought they had whatever the bid had been or what they thought was enough.

"Master, they set me on my hands and knees. I knew what was going to happen I tried getting away. I've said I wanted it since I first saw boys on the street in Riyadh getting paid so men could watch but I really didn't. One of the men said 'he won't hurt you much, boy' and then I felt one of the big dogs nosing my asshole. That didn't last long, he jumped up so his chest was on my butt and his front legs were wrapped around me with his claws digging into my sides. Those claws were hurting worse than the dick tip that was hitting repeatedly between my balls and asshole. He was trying to pull me back on the small bone in his cock when I passed out. All I remember is a sharp tip hitting my asshole and something starting in."

"You didn't get to feel the dog fucking you?" I wasn't sure what I thought about him having a dog fuck him. Part of me thought the idea was repulsive and the other part said loudly that I wished I had been there to watch. I would have wanted him to be awake though.

"Why didn't the two of you come get me so we could save him?"

"Sir, if we had left him to find you by the time we got back he would have been bundled up and put in one of the slave trailers we saw behind the crowd."

"Hamid, I know you are not a doctor, but would you check his asshole out? I wouldn't want him to become infected because he wasn't treated if he's been ripped open."

Salman was laid over the table that Hamid had thought he was going to use to fuck me. There was a small amount of blood but it was from the entrance and Hamid said when we returned to the hotel would be soon enough to treat it as long as it wasn't aggravated by more fucking or a hard shit. He was the first of us to have one manner of sex eliminated as the day progressed. I suggested to Khozito that he should give Hamid a blow job to pay him for the exam. That boy was swallowing his cock before any of us saw him pushing up Hamid's robe. He was impressive, but Hamid's cock was not quite the same size as his cousin's. Walking through the plaza we attracted a few different people, a women that wanted both Hamid and I to fuck her at the same time, a young man,18, that promised us beer if we would allow him to lick all five of our assholes. We passed on the beer, but enjoyed his tongue.

"Khozito, that is such a pretty young man." We had come to a point were the boys had us turn back. I hadn't had an orgasm since Hamid sucked my cock.

"Yes, sir. He is out here hoping to attract interest but too afraid to approach anyone."

"What is the age of consent here?"

"The boys talked over that idea for a minute, then laughing told me that this was the one day in Rwanda when the age of consent had no meaning. Neither would mothers or fathers discipline their children nor seek to avenge the despoiling of a child."

"I couldn't tell how old he was but I thought back to the twins when I first saw them and he had much the same build without as much cock."

"Khozito, invite him to come over." We had stopped, gotten a water and were sitting on a low wall watching the crowd.

"Master, he doesn't have much cock." Walking our way I could see the boy had his cock sliced off. I wasn't wanting his cock anyway, I wanted to fuck him.

"That won't matter when I'm in his asshole, Salman." The boys started laughing, he and Runihuru mimicked fucking each other. That didn't seem to make the boy worry about approaching us.

"Sir, he just ran away from his father and won't have much time before the man comes here looking for him. He said he will beg to have you to fuck him if it is necessary. He claims his asshole is virgin but that you are the most handsome man he has ever seen other than on the television in the village restaurant."

The boy was about 5 foot 4 inches and already had his clothes draped over the wall where we sat as Khozito let me know what he had told him.

"Honorable, sir. Do I need to give you what money I have for you to honor me by taking my virginity?" He had partially turned his body so that I could see his butt. It was like many I had seen that day sitting high on the legs and dimpled. Something about the size and shape had my dick rising.

"Your name, boy?

"Zubyda, master."

"Are you a slave​? To address a stranger that way is odd."

He spoke to Khozito in Swahili. After a few comments back and forth Khozito informed me that his father had brought him to the city to sell him for money to feed the family and he would gladly become my slave. He was one of more than a dozen children and the drought had made it impossible for the father to feed them all. His brothers were stronger and his sisters might yet be sold as wives so he was the first of the children his father would sell. If he was able to receive enough to last the year Zubyda may be the only son it was necessary to sell. He tried to tell us how he was selected but another day maybe.

When I heard that the father would ask less than I was being charged for one night at the hotel I decided that having him join what King Ferdinand had laughingly referred to as my harem might be right for him. Waiting for his father to return to conclude the purchase of Zubyda I bent him over the wall and in front of the city took his virginity, that could have made him less valuable. He was a natural, milking my cock of any cum I could produce. He went to the opposite side of the street, brought back some water and reverently washed my cock before kissing it, top, bottom and then kissed my balls, working his way lower as I sat on the wall with one leg raised.

While we waited there Hamid was seized and fucked by three men, when they were finished they threw some of the nations coins on the ground and said something that Runihuru had to translate.

'Your ass works our cocks so powerfully you must have been a boy whore'. Runihuru let him know that during the festival he should accept that as a compliment but the following day it would be one of the worst curses a man could swear at another.

Khozito started teaching Zubyda Spanish so that I could understand or that he could, I'm not sure his intent. I did hear that most of what the first words were, they were sexual, suck, ass, lick, fuck, piss,etc. They didn't try acting the words out until they came to suck, Khozito held the leg I had on the wall, removed my sandal and showed the boy what the word meant by taking in my toes. Zubyda was sucking the largest toe when his father found us. I thought if it had been my father finding me like that I would have dropped the foot, but Zubyda moved to the next and continued to clean and suck all five while we decided on a price. The father asked a little more than Zubyda had told Khozito he would but that was not a huge problem, it seemed to be for the sex we had already had. I wanted to be certain that the family would have what the man thought they would need to survive until the next year's harvest so I gave a few hundred more francs than he asked..

I hadn't been aware that besides sex of any kind being allowed, it was the premier day to sell your children into slavery. Within fifty feet from where I had taken the boy's virginity sat a notary that provided ownership papers for newly enslaved children, collars and leashes. After telling his son to be a good slave and honor me he hugged him quickly, removed everything the boy wore except a necklace that would ward off evil and walked away. We didn't have any extra clothing so I had to take him into the first store we found open and buy a wrap nearly identical to Salman's.

He hadn't learned much in Spanish, but he bowed his head and said, "Master."

They also sold slave collars, a little more substantial than the one's on the street I had passed on buying. I had one fitted to him so that when we walked down the street anyone seeing him would know that he was a slave and not free for them to approach without talking to me first. Hamid had been pulled off to the side of the street two more times and was complaining that his ass couldn't stand any more cock. I suggested that I could put a slave collar on him, too. Wouldn't Mehmet be fully enraged to know that his cousin willingly enslaved himself as had his brother? He declined, but he did buy himself a chastity belt that would protect his ass from any more invasions unless he was talked out of the key. I thought it would be likely before dinner if only when he saw Runihuru's cock..

We had come to a dirt road from the countryside that entered the plaza but had been blocked for the day. Seated on a raised platform behind the road block was a huge black man on what could be easily mistaken for a throne. He had two signs, one on either side that promoted unseen sex. He promised a person's desire up two thousand rwandan francs to the person that showed him something he had never seen. Khozito and Runihuru begged me to show him something, that was a wonderful amount of money to them, enough to last them months if not more. What could it be we could show him? They had seen my cock enough to know that there was space for all five of the guys with me to get their mouths on me at once. They thought if they were to start with one boy on each ball, one on each side of my cock and one on the end changing places until they were able to make me shoot cum on all their faces it might be something he had never seen.

I didn't care if he had or not. The idea of have all five of them mouthing me at the same time was exciting, I didn't need anything stranger than them.. My cock was hard by the time I agreed to doing it as long as Hamid started out on a ball and Zubyda at the head. If there had been a couple more of them I might have sucked cock and had my ass eaten at the same time. It was different. I loved everything they were doing and performing in front of people has not bothered me since the first week I'd had sex with other boys. The huge, fat man on the throne jacked off to watching us. When I finally shot my load Zubyda got the first two volleys and then each of the others made their way to the head of my cock for a spurt on their tongue. They knelt to my side showing the man the cum on their tongues until Hamid had worked the last of it from my balls and knelt beside the boys.

I hadn't been paying attention to the crowd that had gathered to each side of us until the applause started with the first spurt of cum. As each boy moved to the head of my cock and I gave them a spurt the applause grew and the man on the stage stood. When Hamid showed the cum in his mouth the man finished masturbating, his cum being gathered in a golden container by a woman that I hadn't seen sitting at the edge of the stage.

"Thank you. Would you sit at my side while my daughter counts out the francs for you?" A chair had appeared, so I sat.

"I am the chief of a diminished tribe of the Tutsi. Most of my people have been killed in the constant warfare. This is the only day I can enter the city. By sunset I will once more disappear. It is necessary that I impregnate three of my tribe's women. I think I can tell you, I am only interested in the sex men have with each other and what man would willingly have sex with me, I am too obese. If I were to be on top of a man he would be squashed." I didn't know about that but the man was surely getting close to six hundred pounds and would be a burden for most men to bear.

"Sitting here, having men and women perform for my pleasure is the one way that I can be excited and have men bring me to climax." I was somewhat surprised at the way he spoke and ask where he had learned to speak English.

"I went to eight years of college in America. I had been taught English prior to that so I would be able to study, by the Peace Corp workers that tried to keep the Tutsi nation alive."

"I seldom admit it these days but I too studied in America, my family was from Indiana."

"My first four years of college were in Notre Dame. I then studied medicine at Ohio State."

I flashed on a vision of a young African man that had given me a physical the last year I ran for the track team. The coincidence of meeting him again would have been too much in a work of fiction but I had to ask about years and if he was involved with the sports teams.

Only when I asked did he recognize that he had once had his hands on my balls.

"Second runner for the track team in the mile?"

"I finished first my senior year, the boy ahead of me had plateaued at his speed and I was still progressing. In fact I'm not sure I have hit my best speed yet."

We talked for ten minutes or so before the topic of slavery arose and I admitted that I had been taken when the armed force had swept the football stadium. He seemed interested as I filled in the past couple years. When he learned why I was in Rwanda he told me that there was a secret passage into the embassy that the civilian force could have used anytime they really wanted to seize the men seeking refuge. They had used it in the past when some of his people had attempted using the Embassy as safe harbor. I understood then I was in the center of a publicity war, a war that no one would win but I still had to think about two families being held somewhere that I didn't know.

Three young women walked out from under the platform. I hadn't expected that the impregnation was being accomplished while we talked but fresh sperm? Sure. We talked for a while longer while the women removed the signs and other paraphernalia that surrounded the platform. He told me he needed to by on his way out of the city but that having talked to me he wondered if I might take one of his sons with me into my harem so he would be safe.

"Did he understand that all the boys surrounding me had sex with me or each other?"

"I do and he will understand if he goes with you he would be expected to fulfill his part in our bargain. I'm asking because there is no other way to get him out of the country. He is to attend the University in Madrid this fall, he has been accepted and his tuition has been paid, we had not known how we were going to get him there." Remembering how handsome the young doctor had been I hoped that I wasn't letting myself in for a disappointment when I agreed to enslaving him for a limited time. It was the first time I would be accepting a slave for less than life..

When Mosi appeared I wasn't sure he was a boy. Most of his features were feminine as was his attire. I made a comment asking if this was another daughter and the chief laughed. "Tutsi women have an easier passage into the city on this day, any other day they are savaged and raped if not killed. Today only the most desperate would bother one of my women and we stay to the sidelines. On the other hand if a boy was to walk through the city without an army around him today he would not survive an hour without being raped by men and dogs or horses. Once you place a collar around his neck he will be as safe as anyone in the city. His mother and I have hoped for this day for many years."

"Mosi, come up on the platform with us." I wasn't certain that I could take this boy from his home without him being willing. All my slaves were willing participants in my life and I wanted to be sure I wouldn't be throwing Mosi into my, sure call it harem, without him showing before hand that he was more than just willing but desired to leave his family in this way.

"Mosi, remove that clothing. It is offensive to your master. " I wanted him to know exactly what his father and I had agreed to. There was not a second of hesitation as he stripped the female attire away and threw it to the Tutsi women standing to the right of the platform they laughed and giggled as they caught the different pieces. Naked he breathed a sigh of relief that surprised me, he had looked comfortable dressed as a woman but seemed more so naked. I stood no more than a foot from him.

"Now, remove my robe." Again there was not a second of hesitation as he carefully plucked my robe over my head and after folding it, asked where he should place it. I motioned to Salman standing where we had performed for the chief.. I watched his eye to see whether he would look at the man that had declared him as his master. It would be normal as well as tell me that he could be interested in men.

"Son, on your knees. Prince I know your were drained just a few minutes ago but I don't think you are going to be satisfied to take my son until you and he have sex together in some fashion. Do you want to tell him what he should do or shall I?" That would be somewhat similar to the way I had finally had Salman broken into being a slave.

"Speak to him, chief." I wasn't quite hard but I knew that the touch of his lips would take me there. A son being forced to service his new master might have been strange in any other circumstance but I wanted to know what the chief knew of his son's sexuality.

"Crawl behind the man and lick his ass, son." If he thought his son would willingly do that in front of his sister and the other women of his tribe plus the thirty or so men and women around the street waiting for either the chief or I to do something he must know his son. Head high he crawled to my rear on his hands and knees, spread my cheeks with a power that I knew would have been used before fucking the asshole and then without circling my hole at all dove straight into it forcing his tongue as deep inside as I had anyone do. I was instantly hard.

"That is enough, son, his cock is ready for you." It was like he didn't want to crawl again, he turned me so that my cock slapped him on the side of his head.

He looked up to me and smiled. It was a smile that melted whatever coldness I had felt towards him. He stuck his tongue out and licked from my balls to the tip and once he had his tongue wrapped around the head swallowed me without stopping to adjust or breathe. That would have been enough and I might have taken him with just that demonstration but he was soon sucking my cock as well as any man has. I sat and with one hand drew him back to my cock, sitting in front of a crowd that was gathering again I enjoyed the boy and his position to be in my life. I would be happy to have this mouth in my harem maybe longer than the contract?.

It took him ten minutes or so to have me spurting cum into his mouth. As the moment it hit his throat he shot a load of his own onto my leg. He may have been trained to suck cock but no training could ever train him to cum like that without touching his own cock. Hamid had followed what was happening and graciously brought the notary to the platform so the father and I could sign papers while the boy continued to clean up. A collar was found to fit his throat with my cock still in it, his father and the women disappeared. I didn't think I could cum again, but I was ready to take the boys all back to the hotel room and learn how well they fucked.

Next: Chapter 31

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