By Bruce Turner

Published on Sep 5, 2023



Chapter 3

I'm well aware that this story has started without sex. I will be correcting that in this chapter. So if you are too young to be reading about sex between men it is time to abandon the story. If you are hoping for a lesson in politics sorry I'm not that versed or opinionated. If you are enjoying the story let me know, cbru49@gmail.com, if you have suggestions I might include them in future chapters.

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Chapter 3

Masoud shaved my chest, my crotch, my ass crack and surprisingly my face. I had stood stoically while he bumped against the cock ring and the collar. Honestly it was the first time in my life that anyone had shaved my face for me and the first time I'd had a straight razor against my skin. I worried the entire time Masoud used the razor, needlessly, as he didn't even nick me once. I'd shaved my balls and ass crack a few times and knew that I would feel soft and sexy once Masoud was finished, I didn't know if that was why I was being shaved or if it was to humiliate me. If it was the later it didn't work, when I looked down I felt even prouder of my ten plus inches standing erect without any hair left to minimize its length or heft.

He was on his knees rinsing away any shaving cream he had missed from around my asshole when I got brave and told him to kiss it. I'd unwillingly had three strangers' fingers explore my ass before I had been sold but now I was being prepared for Prince Khalid. Masoud was the second person to tell me that everyone in the camp had been warned that I was a virgin and I was to remain that way until the Prince took my virginity, the trainers had been told that there would be an show in front of all his slaves.

"Monsieur will beat me until I am unconscious."

"You've been spending more time shaving and rinsing me than is necessary. I know you want to kiss or lick my asshole, do it. I'm not going to tell the Prince you did." I could feel the heat of his breath as he edged his face closer. What was this going to feel like? I had told him to do it just to exert some sense of me as a prized stud, holding on to some sense of freedom. Hadn't I'd been bought to be that stud? Or was I bought to be the Prince's bitch?

"Aaaah!" I hadn't intended to give Masoud away but his tongue felt so wonderful tracing the length of my asshole that I couldn't hold back from reacting.

Monsieur was hauling Masoud away so quickly that I didn't have a chance to object although I doubt that would have done either of us any good. In seconds Masoud was hanging from a frame I had noticed earlier but had not asked about assuming I would learn its function. I saw the metal tip of the whip flying through the air a moment before I saw the welt stand up on Masoud's shoulder and heard him scream. For what seemed like forever I watched Monsieur raise parallel welts down the left side of Masoud's body then up the right side before he moved to the front of the poor man and continued beating him. Masoud had started out as brown, when Monsieur finally walked back to stare at me he was red from head to foot either with welts or blood. Monsieur had not eased up with the whip from the first stripe even after Masoud had obviously passed out and hanged from the frame limply. I hoped he had enjoyed the taste of my asshole, it had felt wonderful.

Was that what would happen to me if I disobeyed the Prince?

"Slave, step down and join the others." The man speaking to me had showed up moments earlier with nine more slaves. I thought the Prince should have spent more for any of the nine than he had spent on me, they all looked athletic, handsome and hung. I recognized two of them from training camp in Colorado Springs two years earlier, one of the others I thought was on Ohio State's tennis team. I am half a shade darker than all of the others even with their fading tans.

"To warm up your muscles we will be running four miles. Start out as I call your number." I hadn't paid much attention to the boy that had been walking behind us. When I looked over he had been writing a number on the backs of the other nine, the guy beside me was Two.

He spoke with a heavy Philippine accent as he carefully drew the number, "One."

The man in charge of us running snapped a leash on my collar and told the others to start running when their number was called. He dropped his robe on a table, leaving him only wearing lycra shorts, that sat next to the third camp wall and started us out at a slow pace. We picked up the pace as the final slave fell in line. Monsieur was following behind, his bull whip hanging over his neck, bouncing on his chest.

"Faster." The studs pulled against my neck until I was able to match his pace. I couldn't look behind, every few minutes I heard either a scream or the bull whip slicing through the air and slapping against solid flesh. The two miles out were on dry sand, the two miles back we were up to our ankles in the Gulf, I finished the four miles two steps ahead of the man holding my leash.

"The Prince demands that you stay in top physical condition. For the first three months you are here you will be running everyday he wants you all to have plenty of breath. After that it will depend on what he has in mind for you to be doing. Number One that means you will be running close to ten miles every other day once you are moved into the Prince's palace." That didn't bother me, I was used to running ten miles twice a week, adding on another time would not be difficult. Maybe I could get my muscle tone up to the point I could run from my master's home. (Did I really just think of the Prince as my master?)

"Number Nine and Ten open that tent." Hidden beneath a huge tent was a full circuit of body working equipment and free weights. The set up would have made many gyms jealous. There were three of each piece of equipment and we were told to gather in groups of three.

For the following two hours we worked on our bodies. Fortunately we were allowed to talk as long as it didn't become too raucous. The other two Olympians and I grouped up to work out together. I had heard that the long-jumper (six) was gay, but had never heard anything about the gymnast's sexuality (three). Other than working out we talked about what was going to happen to us, fear being as much a part of their outlook as mine.

"Neither of you ever have had a guy give you a blow job?" Six was astounded at our lack of sexual experience.

"I had one of the Italian female gymnasts try to give me a blow job in the Olympic Village but we were interrupted by her husband." After an embarrassed laugh three turned awa, I caught a glimpse of his dick swelling..

"Number One never?"

"I admit I am a virgin. The closest I have ever come to having sex was having Masoud kissed my ass. You can see how that ended up." I was a bit proud that I had convince Masoud to break his master's rules, but didn't say anything about that.

"I'm not that experienced, but I have sucked a few dicks and been fucked once. Number One, I don't think I could take all of your dick either orally or anally but Number Three I'm willing to show you anything you want." Number Three was at least four inches shorter than me and not nearly as thick as I was even soft.

"Anything. Do you think we have been bought with the intent of only having our dicks sucked or turning us into fuck boys?" It was a question we all had, I was glad to hear the others were basically as innocent of slavery as me.

"I figured we would be made to suck dick, too. If the Prince is a devout Moslem we will not have to worry about any wild perversions."

"Guys there are a lot of things a pervert might want. I think the Prince really is a pervert or he wouldn't have spent over a million dollars on Number One."

"Do you think he wants to suck our dicks?"

"I don't know, but I am sure he wants your ass." They both looked at my butt. Unless they wanted it how did they know what the Prince wanted? I was sure they were right, why else would he have said he was going to have me bent over this evening?

"Hell. Does it hurt to have your ass fucked?

"If he has a cock as big as yours it is definitely going to hurt the first few times."

"It will if you fight him. If you can force yourself to relax it only hurts at first and then will be okay." He looked like he was trying to remember loosing his own cherry.

"Number One have you ever played with your own asshole?" Number three had a look of lust on his face as he asked me that. If there had been anywhere we could go to get away from the Prince's slaves I'm sure he would have tried to talk me into letting him take my cherry. To spite the Prince I might have done it.

"I have shaved myself and run my finger over my slit. I have never pushed anything in. This morning when the guys inspecting me fingered me was the first time anything has gone in instead of come out." I hoped reminding Three and Six that an ass is for shitting that they would stop looking at me the way they were.

"What did you think about that?" My plan hadn't done anything to Three.

"I hated that whole experience. Having a finger in my ass was probably the least offensive thing that happened while they were inspecting us like horses."

"Don't worry about being fucked. If you were able to get used to being fingered you'll be alright when the Prince fucks you."Number Three had gotten into a position where he was able to run his hand and fingers into my crack.

"Stop that.

"He was so intent on buying me I thought he wanted me to fuck him but he did say he would have me bent over this evening." I quit talking to Three and Six, I was embarrassed to admit that my ass was going to be used by the Prince or that having number Three had excited me.

We were allowed to spend a few minutes in the Gulf after working out. Once we were dry we were sat on the sand beside the exercise tent. The long side of the tent was lowered and we were shown a video explaining and demonstrating how to give the perfect blow job, a video that we would see every week during training. A couple of the guys vomited while watching, Number Six said that he wished he had seen the video a couple years earlier he might have been able to keep a lover. The three guys that had vomited were marched out to the frame where Masoud still hanged and given two hard stripes on their chests from Monsieur, he left a definite cut that would be sure to scar..

When we turned around a table had appeared with what looked like a hundred dildos. I had seen a dildo once at a party, it had been given as a gag gift, so I knew what they were. I had a good idea what was about to happen.

"Each of you take one of the two smallest sizes you think you will be able to take in your mouth."

Our training as sex slaves had begun.

The sun was setting behind us when we were finally fed a decent American meal. I was so hungry that I didn't pay any attention to what was happening. We were given a few minutes after our meal to relax or settle our stomachs. The guards marched us onto the beach and made us sit on the wet sand in a semi-circle. There seemed to be a major event planned and until we were completely quiet and motionless nothing occurred.

Out from the tent that held the exercise equipment walked the Prince. Just like he had at the auction he wore a Luchero's mask and a form-fitting robe that was trimmed in gold, I would later find out the robe was designed by Khosla personally for him.

"For the next three months you will be in training. You will have Farsi lessons first thing each morning. Then you will be taught the basics of Islam (we had been forced to our knees three times already facing what I assumed was Mecca). Each day after your midday meal you will have classes that are intended to make you fully proficient in all sexual activities. As long as you perform well during the week there will be women brought in twice over the weekend, if the trainers do not think you are trying or learning how to please men you will not be trained on satisfying the women. That is for the majority of you, there are four of you I have chosen to only be allowed sex with men, you will learn who quickly." I had no doubt that I was going to be one of the four.

"I hope I'm one of those four." I was slightly surprised at Number Six's whisper.

"I expect you all to do as ordered. I would not like to think that I spent my money on a slave that the guards or teachers have to damage or that I will need to have turned into a eunuch. You can see that one of the teachers has already been mildly disciplined. I will not permit either you or them to break the rules. Masoud has been with me for a number of years and has been one of my most trusted slaves, but even he fell to the temptation of the flesh. Monsieur and he hoped that the beating he suffered would suffice to still my fury when I found out what he did. It hasn't. Tomorrow when he is cut down you will all watch as he is castrated."

Once the Prince was in his vehicle I was given a robe that was not quite as rich as his but I would think cost more than all the clothing I had ever possessed. I was taken to the second Hummer. We drove across the sand, there isn't a highway to the oasis where we headed from the camps. I looked out at the flowering desert feeling that it didn't match my feelings well, I would have preferred sand dunes and camels. Had the time come for the Prince to try fucking me? Would my Taekwondo proficiency save me?

"You are a very fortunate young man. The Prince has been searching for you for three years." The driver spoke without being prompted.

"But, American slaves only became available last year."

"He has been searching everywhere. I think if he had found you before you were taken as a slave in your country he would have had you abducted from your school or home."

"Why am I so blessed?" The sarcasm was lost on him.

"You will find out shortly." That was all the driver was willing to tell me about the subject.

I found out that the two men in the Hummer with me were Australian and the two with the Prince were South African. They also told me without me asking that there was not enough money to bribe them to help me to escape, what they earned was extravagant for a mercenary. Within two years they would earn as much as had been paid to purchase me and they liked their employer. I doubted my parents would have come up with more than a million dollars in ransom but Meckelson might be able to persuade the Israelis to extract me from Kuwait if my father would agree to a contract they had offered him four times previously. I held on to that slim hope.

Approaching the oasis I could see what were tents glowing from interior lights stretching for at least a half mile, finally something about the country matched my expectations. As we got closer I saw that what I had thought were tents were the car ports for a string of white stone houses. Looking down the road in front of the houses I thought I could be in Scottsdale except for the oasis opposite the houses. What I had thought of as tents were peaked white coverings for the luxury cars parked in front of each house. We followed the road/street until we reached the largest of the houses, a two story palace that stretched more than twice that of the others. There were three Hummers, two Mercedes and a Bentley parked on a covered driveway.

The Prince was waiting by the Hummer. For the first time I could see his face. Damn, damn, damn. It was like looking in a mirror, I had heard the theory that every one has a doppelganger but to come face to face with yours?

"When you meet my father do not speak unless you are asked a question. Even then if you can answer with a nod or shake of your head it would be best. Any answer you are required to give keep to the shortest possible sentence or phrase.

"My father and my brothers will want to examine you physically. Leave your robe with the doorman.

"I am sure you will do well." With no warning the Prince kissed my mouth, not the chaste kiss of your maiden aunt but one that promised passion.

"Take his collar off." The Prince was already ten steps ahead of us.

"Henry, did you remember to bring a taqiyah for the slave's head?" None of the slaves had been wearing anything so I was surprised at the idea my bald head would be covered.

"Yes, Master I brought a taqiyah you parted with last year."

"Not the one with gold that so angers my father?"

"No, Master. It is plain white."

"Come on."

I had been in many homes of the rich and famous in America. My father often insisted that I accompany him with the hope that I would follow in his footsteps in the illegal import/export business. I honestly say this house was more richly appointed than even the gaudiest of America's billionaire's houses, some of which had been nearly 100% trimmed in gold. Being naked among such luxury seemed wrong, my shoulders slumped and I slowed down.

"Straighten up." The Prince slapped me lightly on my ass. I gathered myself together and walked into the room where the Prince's family sat sipping coffee. Oh, the smell of it was refreshing. A slave would never be offered beverages with the family but I had a difficult time not staring at their cups jealously.

"Mehmet, this is what you spent our gold on?" This? He wouldn't accept that I'm human.

"He is only one of eighty slaves that I purchased, father."

"But this slave cost more than half of all the others." The old man was glaring at me as if I were camel dung his son had dragged into the house. I kept my head up, proud that he knew how much his son had paid to possess me.

"Explain again why you need a slave that is your duplicate." Mehmet had removed his robe and handed it to the slave that had followed us from the front door. It was the first time I had gotten a look at my master's body. Other than a small scar on Mehmet's right breast we were identical down to the scar from our circumcisions. Could he be so narcissistic that he wanted sex with me so he could have sex with himself? I couldn't understand the explanation he was giving his father and elder brother, they all spoke in Arabic not Farsi or English. I did hear him say spy.

I wondered if he knew that the CIA had tried to recruit me when I began my doctoral work. I didn't think either my German or French was up to what they explained I would be doing and I had no desire to spend years in prison if I was caught fucking up negotiations between Europe and India or Australia.

"Mehmet, his dick is even the same as yours." A younger brother had been caressing my cock and balls since I had turned my butt to the father. He was so close to me that I could feel his warm breath on my balls. It was obvious that he would have been sucking me if his father hadn't been sitting ten feet away. If I thought I would live through it I might have pulled the teen's face into my crotch.

What is happening to me? It hadn't taken Mehmet's brother more than three minutes to have my cock fully erect and dripping pre-cum. Mehmet took me by the cock and turned me to face his father.

"What shall we name it?"

Next: Chapter 4

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