By Bruce Turner

Published on Oct 6, 2023



Chapter 25

This story is 100% fiction. There are no similarities to any existing people that I know or have ever met. If you live where it is illegal to read about men having sex with other men, go away.


Chapter 25

I needed time alone to think this out. The question now is, am I still a slave? I think I need a lawyer to sort through the different documents to understand my status, how can I reach Meckelson? Was it legal for Juan Diego to trade his sister for me? That might not even depend on my legal status. Much of what I had learned would depend on the timing of said documents being properly signed and registered starting with Mehmet in Kuwait. The King had not owned any slaves prior to me and didn't seem too sure that was what I was to remain.

As important as my legal status was to others I was concerned about my personal status with the men I met. Why did the men that supposedly own me think it was of no concern; they could sell me, give me or trade me. Is there something about me that makes them value me less than they would their other partners? Yes, I know that the amounts of money that were in play for buying and selling me were a fantastic, more than was being paid for thousands of other slaves from America but that didn't make the fact I was being sold any more palatable to me. I own two slaves you say? Well I have no intention of giving, trading or selling either of them unless they request it of me. One was willingly enslaved to me and the other was given to me as a present, I have had a crush on him since we were both children as did he me since a day camping when we crossed our streams of piss and wrote each other's name in the snow How different my life might have been had either of us stroked the other's cock or attempted having a drink

My first two owners were handsome men very similar to me in build, the first almost exactly down to the most insignificant detail. If I wasn't owned by them I might have stayed with either of them anyway. I had deep feelings for them but they threw me away, I had thought it was love with both, looking back I can't believe they had so little reverence for my feelings or for me as a man. Now, I am supposedly owned by a boy that is just over half my age that has pretensions of returning Spain to a kingdom under his rule. I wish I knew if being traded even without the first party really owning me for another human makes me legally a slave again? Or would that only be so if I go with the boy? Where else could I go? I have a feeling that if I was to go to court in any of the Mideastern states that had approved slavery I would be given into Juan Diego y Ortega's hands as his property. We'd had two tiring nights unlike I had experienced with either of the princes, it may not be a joke but I had been traded up to a king.

"Ahmed, Jamaal will you have us packed and prepared to leave by the end of dinner?"

"We are packed now, Master. We still have training to do." Ahmed would always do what was required if not more. As a free man he would have gone far, it is no wonder his father and country were not happy to see him enslaved to me.

"I need information on this king. Is there anyone you have met since we're here that could help us?" I asked both.

"Master, if you remember, Prince Al Sari said that there was a beach boy that might help us out if needed, with the slaves. I met him a few night ago. He seems to know everyone in the city and the dirt on most of them. He may have reservations about spilling on the King, he didn't wanted to say anything to me about the Prince." Ahmed chuckled, "when he had a dick in his ass he spilled it. He did confirm that Juan Diego y Ortega lives in a huge palace at the other end of the country that was once considered the Spanish capitol in Morocco. Other than that he wouldn't talk about the boy, his uncle or his mother.

"But with a cock in his ass and a good caning he might open up and tell you what you want to know. Going into the palace may not be healthy for any of us., master." Ahmed seemed as questioning about the boy as I was.

"Did you detect an interest in caning, paddling, whipping?" If that was his desire I could certainly use him for training.

"He said the Prince had paddled him twice and he was waiting for him to return to the Villa."

"Waiting as in getting revenge or waiting for another paddling?"

"I really think it was the later but he wanted me to believe it was the former." Unlike any slave he snickered at that.

"Did you slap his ass while fucking him?" He had admitted to having his dick in the boy but not really fucking him. I knew he liked slapping the butt of his partner, I had seen enough of the boys walk into breakfast with a red butt to know his hand print.

"Yes, sir. I had to slap him quite a few times to get his ass moving, he was as still as an ice cube until I had slapped him at least four or five times really hard. I can tell you he loved both being fucked and slapped. He would have come back with me for more but I didn't think you would be too pleased to see him here."

"Why?" I had never stopped either slave from having sex with anyone else as long as they were at the side of my bed in the morning or night.

"He's not from here, Master. I'd say most likely the Sudan, he is blacker than any boy I ever saw." I knew his family had been racist but he had no reason to expect I was.

"Wouldn't fit in too well with the little princes, would he?" Many of the King's court were very dark, a few even dark enough to be considered black, but would the boys be willing to suck a truly black cock or lick a black man's asshole.

"No, but I'd bet he'd like to fuck everyone of them, master."

"Big cock?"

"Smaller than mine but still bigger than average, sir. We were together for four hours and he was hard the entire time."

"Be sure to tell the man replacing me tonight." If the Prince had thought he was a good resource we couldn't deny the same to my replacement, it may have been his ability to stay hard that long or a predilection for whips.

I was ready to hate whoever was going to replace me. I hoped he hadn't taken my place in the Prince's heart as well. The last person I expected to arrive was Ablah, at least that answered the question of the Prince's heart. He had three strong, mean-looking guards with him that rounded the boys up from the caning station, paddling station and where the rest were practicing with dildos that were longer than any cock.

"Ablah, if you wish I will fill you in on the progress of each of the boys over lunch and show you what and where we have been doing the training up unto this point." I knew better than to think he wouldn't be moving things around tomorrow, confusing the boys maybe even making more enemies among the few that thought they were in love with Ahmed, Jamaal or myself. Even knowing that, I was trying not to destroy what I had created over the course of two weeks.

"I do not need anything from an American slave." The resentment from the beating I gave him rang in every word he spoke. If he hadn't had the three guards behind him I might have given him another. If there was anyone that deserved a caning it was him. His sneer wouldn't go far in training free boys.

I wanted to respond but with Juan Diego y Ortega beside me I simply asked my new owner if he cared if we left right then.

"Prince Ali, I am expecting a delivery within the hour. We can leave after that unless you need to leave now, then you may take the Mercedes and have my driver bring it back.

"No, I can wait." There was plenty of room in the Villa and on the grounds to avoid Ablah and his gang of three. I wondered what he was thinking about me as a slave, I seldom called him master or sir.

Jamaal and Ahmed came running, confused that Ablah had tried giving them contradictory orders from their training schedule.

"Settle down. You have been relieved of your training duties, let him do what he wants. We will be leaving here in about an hour, you may relax. Would you like to swim or soak in the hot tub for a while before we leave?" I was hoping to have all the latest memories of the place washed away although I knew it would take more than just an hour in the water, still treating my own slaves well didn't hurt cement their bonds to me.

The four of us had just gotten into the heated tub when the Physical Therapist and the Yoga master walked up to ask about what was happening. I explained that the new master had already taken over the Villa, the boys were now in his hands. They both understood, having followed me through one transfer of my ownership and replied that they had only come to assist me and would return to Kuwait on the first plane for their regular job at the training camp, they would report to me from there. I wondered how soon Ablah would have the maids deserting like rats from a sinking ship. The four of us were alternating time between the cooler pool and the hot tub, I guess it was the fourth or fifth time we were moving between the two when the Major Domo came up and handed Juan Diego a packet, marked urgent.

He looked through the papers for a few minutes and walked away from us without dressing or saying a word. Five minutes later he returned with Yasir, Ihad and Imad, collars around their necks and the leashes he held attached. They all had shocked expressions on their cute faces.

"It's time to leave." He spoke in an authoritarian way that only Princes and Kings seemed to posses in this world.

What I thought I saw but couldn't quite believe was that Juan Diego had somehow enslaved the three boys he had found out that I would enslave if I had the money or power. Yasir looked at me with more fear than I had seen on any of the American boys when we were first taken to Kuwait. The twins seemed to have taken the news that they were now the King's slaves without objections, they were already slaves to sex and his cock must have entranced them, being two of a dozen boys I later learned it was always a possibility their father would sell them. I rubbed Yasir's hair and let him know that all would be alright, I was glad he wasn't in Ablah's hands, I could finish his training.

The King startled me once we were driving in a sports car that had pulled into the driveway while he had been off collecting the boys.

'Prince Ali, we are new to this slavery business. I have my lawyers working day and night to untangle the documents that have kept you enslaved. We have one American International lawyer that believes you are not a slave. There are many different clauses in the laws in each country so we are preparing a case to take to the international court for its determination. There has been a special court set up to hear slave complaints and ownership issues. If you are determined to be a slave under any of the four countries laws I will free you in each of them.

"Prince Al Sari was fooled into believing that Morocco now allowed slavery. The law that may allow that here has been held up in the Moroccan bureaucracy indefinitely and has not had a vote and most likely will not for another six months. Now, what does that mean to you?

"You are now the owner of five slaves but only in Saudi Arabia where the last papers were signed and registered, not here.

"Sir, two of them I still own from Kuwait."

"If any of the boys escape they cannot be hunted by the police or any authority in this country. Should they return to their families in the capital palace in Riyadh they will automatically be returned to you as would any possession. This gets complicated the more boys you own, their country of origin and the level of Royalty their families were when they sold their son..

"The Kuwaiti boy is your slave no matter where you live due to having voluntarily enslaved himself, that is settled law. The American slave belongs to you in any country other than those in the Western Hemisphere. I think your boys are pleased enough with that." He was right both Ahmed and Jamaal had expressed their desire to remain as my possessions.

"That leaves the three slaves I bought from their parents this morning.. If you want to keep them, as you indicated yesterday, you are going to need to either break them into slavery as a general matter or turn their feelings for you at this time into a love that would stop them from wanting to ever leave. Yasir I think already has some love for you." The boy lowered his head but I could see that he wanted to nod it, he was flushed at hearing us talk about him as a possession rather than a human. He would be the youngest of my slaves but that was okay I thought Ahmed and Jamaal would take care of him, teaching him what would be expect of my slaves. We were at the King's palace with the boys lined up, each being held by an enforcer that looked as if he would just as soon smash the boy into the ground as hold him in place.

"Ihad and Imad are a different story. They both seem to have accepted their fate but they are sneaky and may attempt to run the first chance they get. I would suggest you hold them locked up except when training them, for now. I may move on Spain within the period of time that it takes the vote on slavery here to be brought to a vote. In Spain you will have absolute power over their lives (life and death), there anyone with an Arabic background is automatically assumed to be a slave, the rest have been driven from the country. We are over-populated (as if that were an explanation). Spain voted that addenda into law at the same time that Saudi Arabia and Kuwait approved enslaving Americans, it looked like the Spanish were trying to get back at the Arabs but like I said we are over populated. The trio was bought for you to take with us with the hope that we get there fairly soon.

"What do you expect in return for these slaves, your highness?' I knew the price of a Saudi Prince was not cheap, three? The young King must have spent a fortune.

"If we are able to sort out your documents I will begin a courting of you that makes what the Saudi Prince did, look like Dan Conner meeting Roseanne." I gasped I couldn't imagine that there was anything in the world that would do that. As he said that he handed me the keys to the Jaguar saying this is a gift in anticipation of being able to do win your love.

"These boys will be only the first of many gifts I give you. Believe me Prince Ali, the ruby toe rings sent you will look like they were pulled out of a gum ball machine. Yes, I have spent some of my life in America. Even a few evenings in a Denny's restaurant while my mother brooded about losing the crown. You and I will not have time to brood if I return to Spain, I plan on having you by my side when I rule.

"A spy in Kuwait has sent a message claiming that you are a marksman with the six foot bull whip. Is that true?"

"Marksman? I don't know about that, but yes I am fairly good with a six foot bullwhip. I am good but not as good with a twelve foot whip."

"I have an older man that was caught attempting to steal the documents that gave possession of those three boys to you, he may be a relative to them. I would like you to whip him." Caught attempting to steal in a Moslem country and they were willing to forego chopping off a hand to see my ability with a whip. I better go along with the deal. The king could have turned him over to the government if he had wished to see the other outcome.

By the time we walked out into the courtyard, servants of the king had the man tied to a rack that was exactly like the one that had been on the beach at Camp (50). He was stripped to his waist, hands and feet tied in a spread eagle. The slaves purchased that morning were standing close enough had I wished I could have tapped any place on their bodies.

"Juan Diego, can I call you that here?"

"Please use your highness, the others here call me that."

"Your Highness, how many stripes with the whip do you want me to give him?" I was hoping my arm would hold up to whatever he thought would be a reasonable number.

"Go until I say you can stop." What was I getting into by admitting my prowess? Was this boy really sadistic or would he stop me before there was too much damage.

I may be pretty good with the whip, but I do not like being restricted to half a body. My first three hits tore open the side of his robe and as it fell around his feet the man stood before us naked, not a particularly splendid example of manhood .

"My King, a naked target always feels the punishment more dearly." I didn't know if this was the first punishment he had ordered but I gave him my feelings anyway. I hadn't said that if they were told of the punishment and then told to strip it was even harsher on their ego, should we ever be here again, I will. Forgive me, I studied the months of torture inflicted by a doctor in Argentina in the twentieth century.

I was still standing behind the man, I'd say he was in his thirties not old, that was about to be whipped as a demonstration for the king of my ability to punish a standing body with a bull whip. The next time I snapped the whip, the tip of the it hit the man between his legs directly on his ball sac. If he hadn't been caught stealing I might have felt sorry for him, the tip of the whip had been fitted with a metal blade, that had to hurt. I could hear the scream through the gag. I gave him a half dozen stripes down the side of his torso making the man twist and turn in his ropes.

I moved as if I was going to do the same to the other side of his torso but chose to leave the next six stripes on his right cheek which I followed quickly with six to the other side of his butt. I knew starting out that many judges thought fifty stripes were a reasonable number, but if they permitted me to give them fifty with this whip they would never again sentence a criminal to that many. I went for a tender spot next and laid down a row of parallel stripes on the inside of both legs before moving back to his balls where I gave him the next three, I had him sobbing so bad that he was getting sympathy from the few gathered to watch, with my new slaves puking. He should have pulled his arms out of the shoulder joints as hard as he was trying to get away as the whip cut into his flesh.

I was really hoping the future king had seen enough. He hadn't, I ran a series of X's down both sides of his back and tapped his nipples hard enough to make blood gush.

"Have you seen enough, my King?"

"No. Another twenty stripes to his chest." He said that as calmly as asking a servant to bring the next course of food to his table.

At least the order wasn't to a place where I would have to cross another stripe. I stepped back about four inches, I needed to have the stripes be shorter to fit them across the top of the chest and then X then without hitting the nipples that were effusively gushing blood down over his stomach into his crotch hair. I had just snapped the twentieth when I heard the wanna be king order me to hit the nipples one more time. The whipped man was sagging like he was unconscious but his the top of nipples were still clearly visible until I cut them off with the requested two hits. It was like I was hitting the king himself, both times the tip of the whip cut into the skin snapping the man out of whatever state he had been in and splattering blood behind and the full length of my arm and whip. There were witnesses that gagged and puked as the blood hit them, the King looked at his bloody chest and laughed to see one of the nipples sliding between his youthful pecs.

I wanted to take the young king over my knees and paddle him until his ass turned so dark I wouldn't be able to distinguish it from the boy Ahmed had declined to take with him to the Villa. "Prince Ali, we need to get you some food and a beverage. Follow me, we should be able to get something in the solarium."

He knew what he was saying. We were barely seated when a servant appeared with room temperature water. He had let me know the night before that was the only way he was used to drinking water and that would be the way it was served in his palace. He let the servant know that we would be wanting a light meal. I understood why he wanted to keep his meal light, it had been less than four hours since he had eaten a huge breakfast at least twice as much food as I had eaten. I had to eat less to start the day and would have appreciated a full meal after the exercise I had just had but I would not dare contradict him.

We hadn't been seated there for more than five minutes when a young woman that I took to be a maid asked if he was ready for Alexandra Sevilla to come remove, something? He had carefully washed his chest and stomach so there was no blood left on him. We were both only half dressed, our robes hanging at our waists over gold robes, I was enjoying the light breeze that he said almost always blew through the cozy solarium when an old, old woman spoke to Juan Diego like he was already crowned king.

"Yes, please, Alexandra." Please don't be shocked at what you see Prince Ali. The disguise was the only way I knew to get into the Villa and meet you without giving away too much. That made no sense, if he already knew I was going to be his slave why bother?

"My grandson loves living in the world of espionage and danger." She had removed what must have been a tightly fitting wig and neatly combed his mahogany colored hair.

"Grandmother doesn't approve of me going out to find information on my own. When she was in the Spanish Palace they had "people" they could order to do that work." You could tell he was trying to tease his grandmother but she was having none of it.

"He is going to be King within a few months and needs to start learning how to order others to do his wishes." If she had only seen him last night she might realize that her not so little boy knew how to order others around.

"Do you not speak?" She had stopped what she was doing to look directly in my eyes.

"I don't know how to address you, madam, we have not been properly introduced." It was something the Kuwaitis had almost had to beat into my head, if you are not introduced the conversation is not meant to include you. Slaves thus stood mute almost all the time, as did children and wives.

"Prince Ali, This is Alexandra Sevilla, the last consort of my grandfather King Alfonse of the late nation of Iberia. You may address her by her first name, but don't take any of her sass. If she watched you punish her secretary earlier she may hold her tongue.

I had not been interested in the interplay between them, but watching her carefully working on his face I was intrigued. He was gradually losing his youthful appearance. I can't say what she used to remove the makeup(?) but it smelled worse than airplane glue. I thought one of us might get intoxicated from the smell, but I was able to hold my head up until she was finished, thankful for the light breeze that cleared the air if I stood back one step. She had been blocking much of his face while removing what I saw were prosthetics and makeup that lay on the table to her side. Her talk about not liking her grandson involved in spying wasn't completely true, she seemed proud of the work she was able to do to disguise him.

"Prince Ali, meet my grandson, Juan Diego." Now there was no longer a fifteen year old facing me but a man that I would think was within a year or two of my own age. I had feared that as she removed the excess from his face that I would be confronted with another "Toad". The man looking back at me was still beautiful, just stronger and older. Why would such a man want me, he could, at least obvious to me attract anyone he thought worthy of him.

"Alexandra, you are a witch. Which of these men is the true king?" It slipped out about her being a witch but I was so astounded at the difference I couldn't think of any other way for his appearance to have been changed.

"Before falling in love with my Grandfather, Alexandra worked with great Spanish filmmakers doing makeup for the great actors and actresses of the early twenty first century. She has never lost the touch. Alexandra, thank you for another successful disguise, but I don't think I ever want to be that young again. Remind me should I ask."

"Remember you said that to me when you are old and wrinkled like me. I need to go, your mother has been acting badly this morning."

"Let her know I will be by to talk before dinner."

"Today she may not remember you or that I tell her that ten minutes later." Alexandra left the solarium as the food arrived.

"Your Highness, you look much better now. I was scared to be owned by the fifteen year old you." We were alone. I could see myself leaning on this man even as small and thin as he was.

"Eat, Ali. We have much to do today."

A Harem. "

"Your highness do you think I will really need a harem with the time you have spent draining me for the last month?"

"Dear, I will not always be able to be with you during the day or night. I do not want you to ever feel unloved or unsatisfied. You can start a harem with the twins, that little brown boy I bought in China last month and if you find boys that you would like me to add all you need do is tell me, I still owe you a few of the courting gifts I promised you. I would like you to have a complete international lineup of boys and men. I will not become jealous I promise." He knew I like both giving and receiving, he was generous beyond belief."

"Will you be having your own harem?" He hadn't seen the boy for a few days and thought this would be a good day unless the King had something particular for him to do. He was having to arrange a massive wedding once more, the wedding planner this time was much more attuned to his desires, they had even managed to have his first five slaves included in the ceremony. He didn't know the nobility of Europe, so having royal attendants was limited to Ahmed and his two previous owners should they be willing.

"I think I will have two concubines, but a real harem of a hundred women, no. You will share yours, true?" He was playing with my cock through the sheet.

"Your Highness, what is mine is yours, but it shall be all male." I raised his hand from the sheet and forcibly inserted it under my butt. I didn't really need to remind him that he possessed my ass but it never hurt to let him know I was aware that he enjoyed being in my ass. Since the first night I had enjoyed his, too, besides enjoying having him take me, regularly.

I had been allowed to keep most of the gifts I had been given by the Royal Prince in Saudi Arabia and the beach house in Kuwait, I had transferred ownership of the slave camps to Ahmed. I hated when he was required to fly to Kuwait but Yasir would greet me in the morning pleased not to be confined to the one drink he usually would be given before I went into the Castle dining room. He was fully adapting to his role among the slaves.

The King's plot to return to Spain as the ruler had succeeded, we were still settling into the castle. Juan Diego was planning a royal wedding as entertainment for his (soon to be our) people. There was still a stiff Roman Catholic minority that objected to the idea of two men having sex let alone getting married. The king mused about doing the same with the Papists as had his most prominent ancestor to the Jews in the early sixteenth century. If he thought it would have been possible, he would have offered them up as slaves to the world. He didn't owe huge debts like the USA but building the royal treasury was a time tested prerogative of the royalty in Europe, selling off the Papists to anyone might have angered the rest of Europe but they were not in the shape to wage war so all there might be was a few angry words at the UN and European congress.

Even after the USA settled its debts with young men, China was still buying slaves wherever it could. Many of what they had purchased were second hand slaves from the Arab nations that were still being supplied with thousands of blond boys and would likely be for another five to ten years. Choosing a portion of your population to cull because of their religion seemed wrong to me but nothing I told the King seemed to make an impression. It was not a constant battle between us as the King had not made an official announcement or move by the government to round up the Papists. He had contacted the USA to learn more about what the process was to connect with the Authorities in China that were over the buying of slaves now that slavery was considered a natural state of the human condition as it had long before.

"They breed like fish. We could feed our own Nation if we sold off one hundred thousand of the RC's a year for Twenty-Five years, twenty years down the road the nation would probably still have nearly as many to sell unless all we sell are breeding males.."

"Your Highness, (it was still a few weeks away from our wedding) is the nation in that bad of shape that you need to cull your citizens? Are there any nations that need more citizens, just send them off."

"If you had not been sold off by your country, and then two owners we would never have fallen in love. I may be giving some of these men and women the same opportunity."

"I didn't know anyone was buying women."

"Yes, Iraq and Iran are now purchasing women as well as Afghanistan and Pakistan. China will take some if they are on the small size but no giantesses, they are not repopulating the way the government wants, their number have fallen below 1.3 billion for the first time since last century. But most of the world wants to buy males, they are capable of more physical work and that strips the selling nation of its power. Plus we know that there is always a demand for fresh cock among the ruling class." I thought about what the king had said, it was true. There always did seem to be a demand for new and more cock among the leaders of the nations buying slaves. When slavery had been reestablished in the world economy it was thought slaves would be used as a labor force, it was only as Kuwait and Saudi Arabia began separating the slaves into workers and pretty boys did the world realize that the slave market could be sexual, as well.

"Where is Yasir?"

"You should have been here when you first heard us talking, slave."

"Get over here." The king over ruled me with my own slaves seldom, but when he did they obeyed, immediately.

"Prince, which end do you wish to fill?" Both men were able to piss with an erection so filling Yasir's ass with piss would be easy for either of them. My king had started preferring to fill Yasir's ass rather than his mouth but he would always give me the first choice. Yasir didn't care, the king had fucked him so many times in the last few months that taking that huge cock and accepting its piss was no longer frightening, he had never told anyone other than Jamaal but he provoked the King on occasion just to be filled this way and unknown to anyone would use a butt plug to keep the piss in him as long as he could. There had been a boy in the Moroccan palace that happily sought out Yasir to be the one that he would allow to remove the butt plug, Ghazi hadn't been brought to Spain, but Yasir thought he had found another boy that might enjoy bathing in the King's piss, Tito had asked him twice for the pleasure, Yasir didn't know the boy was an unknown cousin of the King, he wouldn't have cared, but it might have saved time and money.

Before he would go off to confer with his counselors the King would join the me and my slave in the exercises that allowed them all to at least tongue their cocks. Ahmed and the I were still the only two that were able to take our cock down to the base, unfortunately I had never made it as close to my asshole as Mehmet had wanted. The King wouldn't have wanted anyone to see him but he was able to take at least five inches of his own cock and often he would be so excited to have it in his mouth that he wouldn't last more than a few seconds before shooting a load of cum, even had he fucked his lover or his slaves before they got out of bed minutes earlier. Between his own and a load he would milk out of me he always started the day happily.


"Prince? Would you take a ride with me? I would like to ride along with you on the path the King thinks will work best for the procession following the wedding." She and the King had taken to calling me Prince even though the paperwork from Kuwait was gradually making it clear that I was not a Prince.

Alexandra and I had not become any closer than we had been that first day in Morocco. I had asked the King whether I had a need to worry about her undercutting my position in the castle or once married, the court. Juan Diego had spoken with her about her manipulations, as Machiavellian as they were at times. She had been Juan Diego's biggest supporter in his fight to return to Spain as the ruler and now that he was in power did everything she could to undermine anyone that spoke up against him unless they were speaking against him marrying a former slave.

"Madam, I am to be meeting with the wedding planner in the royal residence in a little over an hour and I have yet to have breakfast. Do you think we could do this another day?

"If we must."

"Set it up with Jamaal. We should be able to take the ride sometime this week." I didn't know that being hungry had saved my life.

That night Juan Diego let me know that he had to go to a meeting of Mediterranean slave states meeting three days later in Tangiers. We made love for the last time two nights later rolling each other up so that we would cum in our own mouths while our lover came in our ass. It had without a doubt become our favorite position. Why we liked seeing the other with a cock in their ass and mouth, I don't know. The morning he left I changed it a little and took his cock in my mouth while filling his ass with my cock. He tasted so good.

"Where is that slave?"

"Don't worry, my King, I will drink your piss this morning." He looked slightly surprised, we had been together for more than six months and it was the first time I had volunteered to drink his morning piss, a moment later he was holding my ears as he stood with the head of his cock in my mouth pissing. His piss was as good as his cum had been and I let him know that I loved them and him, if only I had convinced him to stay in bed.

He started to dress, threw the underwear on a lounge returned to bed and asked me to give him the piss back. I was ready to run for one of the slave's mouth once he left, I was so full. As my King took my cock in his mouth I let loose with a stream that shot straight down his throat, I didn't time it, but it seemed to me that I pissed for more than two minutes. My King didn't lose more than a few drops. It was the first and last time he drank my piss.

"I love you, my Prince."

It was the last words he ever spoke to me. An hour later there was a news report that a plane had crashed into the Rock of Gibraltar. It was another three hours before it was confirmed that the pilots and only passenger were dead, Juan Diego y Ortega left Spain without a ruler and me without a lover/master for the first time since I left America.

"Prince Ali, the only relative left of the ruling family is a boy that ran away from home a few weeks before Juan Diego's brother was killed. We can save the Spanish Monarchy if we find him but without him the legislative branch will reinstate a democracy in Spain giving the Papists a say in the ruling of the kingdom. We can't allow that to be Juan Diego's legacy, you know how badly he hated the Papists and their idol worshiping church." Sounded like she did, too.

"If he ran away what do you know of his whereabouts?" When someone runs away they disappear if they really want. If he had no parents to return to, that would make it even more reasonable that he couldn't be found.

"Ferdinand reached out to his uncle when we were still in Morocco. He was living here in the capital but wanted to come to us until he heard we would be returning to Spain. From what I could read between the lines in his letter the boy is living on the streets, begging and hustling. Won't his Johns be shocked to learn they had been paying to have sex with the last of our family.

"I have sent an army of castle employees to scour the street looking for him."

"Alexandra, if it is announced or leaks that he is out there you are going to have hundreds of false Princes storm the castle. Do you have a photo or picture of him?" I was leery of this news, she had made too many moves to undermine the rest of the court since I first met her.

"The last picture we have is a painting that his mother had commissioned of him on his eleventh birthday. Living hard on the streets and seven years will have made quite a difference."

I saw the image that Alexandra had used to change Juan Diego from a twenty six year old into a teenager. The boy was stunning, if Spain is like any other country in the world he should have been making enough money on the street to have his own room, at least. If either of the Princes that had owned me had met him he would be in his own residence or drafted into a slave camp. I would have tended to agree with them, after all I had eagerly slept with the uncle for two days while he had been made to look like him.

"Alexandra. If this boy is still on the streets it will be amazing. I have heard that there are foreigners that are on the streets picking up boys and girls to ship to some of the slave states." There had always been Americans scouring the streets of Europe for the next 'big' porn star, if he was built like his uncle that was assured. I wished him well.

"I hope he is intelligent enough to survive."

"It takes more than intelligence. If he has been selling himself to other men all it takes is a man that offers a hotel room to seize him and send him to a slave auction. But I will have Ahmed and Jamaal reach out to their contacts." Making contacts on the street was the first thing they did when they arrived here. They hate feeling isolated in their home and I appreciated the gossip that let me know what life was like outside of either the palaces or castle..

"And your other three?"

"I am not sure they would return even if they thought there was a big enough reward for bringing him here."

"I thought they were better broken than that."

"I don't want to give them any ideas. Search for a run away, why not become one yourself if it is that difficult to locate the boy?" The twins had been acting up since we arrived in Spain, I had beaten them both with a cane at lest three times. Ihad seemed to enjoy that more than his regular sexual training.

"I will take Yasir with me, but not the twins or the new boy." She wasn't pleased with my decision but said nothing more. There was always the chance that some of Juan Diego's supporters would make a case that I should follow him since we had been betrothed for seven months and I had been seen at his side at many official functions, she wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of that battle. Whichever side that turned out to be.

The rest of the day I was bombarded with messages of condolences that I was forced to answer, I had Alexandra and a secretary to help but the volume was too overwhelming for me to leave the castle to search as I had promised. Ahmed and Jamaal were on the streets reporting on any boy they thought might closely resemble the picture but none of the boys were him, Alexandra spent hours looking at photos sent to my phone..

In our bed that night I wondered what was going to be my future. The international court had agreed that Kuwait and Saudi Arabia no longer had any claim on me. The trade of Juan Diego's sister for me had eliminated any right she had to succeed him in the royal lineage but they were still trying to determine my status in Spain. Juan Diego had not made a claim of ownership but that didn't matter. If I was found to be his slave he would have freed me and we would have wed the following month, but that hadn't happened since it wasn't legal pro-actively.

It was three days after Juan Diego died before Yasir and I were getting ready to search for the boy, we had a single day before the state funeral that I was going to be able to be out of the sight of the public. One look at the picture and Yasir told me that he was well aware of where the boy was but he wasn't certain the boy wanted to be found, princes hung together like flocks of birds. Old European castles have many places that are no longer used. Some of them were dungeons, some leather shops or another craft that was now easier and cheaper to buy than have done on the premises. As we approached a small guard house at the rear of the castle that stood beside a stoned over entry the smell was strong enough that I was surprised that anyone could stand to stay there for minutes let alone live there day and night..

"Yasir, this smells like a latrine, are you sure you're taking me to this boy?"

"Yes, Master."

"Tito!" For a few minutes we stood there without sensing or hearing any movement. I was getting ready to question Yasir again when the door started to creak open. Peaking out around the base of the door was a man's head mostly covered in shit and dirt. The smell had gotten stronger as the door opened. He was so covered in the mess that I couldn't tell if he was really the boy we were searching for.

"Yasir, we need to get him cleaned up to determine if he is really the boy we are hunting."

"Master, the only way I have seen him any cleaner was when he asked me to piss on his head.

"Tito, do you want us to piss on you?" There was a light that came on in his eyes as Yasir addressed him. I was supposing he would speak his answer but all he did was crawl out a little further and nod his head.

It hadn't been that long since I'd pissed but Yasir and I aimed our streams so they would clean his face. It was difficult to believe but there was no question in my mind, this was the lone member of the family left to take over as ruler of Spain, Ferdinand, a lowly shit covered waif hiding on the grounds of the castle.

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