By Bruce Turner

Published on Oct 6, 2023



Chapter 24

How many times have you been told that these stories are fiction, not to read them if you are a minor and that they feature gay characters having sex with other men.?

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Chapter 24

I hadn't named the three boys that were most likely to be sent off to Nigeria but all twelve of the boys must have been feeling slightly inferior. By the next afternoon every boy was sucking dick well enough to get their partner to blow a load in their mouth. Twelve cock suckers that were trying hard to swallow as much cum as they could. There were still two boys that weren't doing well licking ass or allowing other boys to fuck them.

As I thought Salman had a day of practice on his cousins when we had the first lesson on drinking piss and taking golden showers. I have to admit a little difficult to having that many boys and all their trainers ready to piss at the same time. We did the best we could, usually in the hour dedicated to piss there were no dry heads when we went to the showers. Surprisingly the only one of the cousins that seemed to object to piss play was Yasir, he wasn't innocent or virgin to piss he just had been abused by straight boys with their need to piss on gay boys too many times for him to enjoy it. I will say that he forced himself to swallow piss without stopping if it was Ahmed or I using his mouth, he seemed to be around every evening when Ahmed finished dinner and stayed until he had a drink, there had been quite a few times when he was the only boy around when I needed to relieve myself and had no hesitation to sit at my feet with his mouth open.

The boys woke on the third morning without the odd Masoud. There were those that congratulated Salman and a few that spoke to Salim quietly on the side, it sounded like commiseration. I would have liked to help out but it was a family rift so I decided to let what would happen, happen. Now with eleven boys every sex class except for daisy chains demanded that Jamaal, Ahmed or I become involved. None of us were too upset, especially when Ahmed had the boys line up and follow one after another licking our asses, they would keep alternating for almost an hour, by the time they finished we knew who was who just by their tongues. Salman and Yasir were the only two that were able to get me close to cumming. Salim made Ahmed cum every time he put his tongue in him and Jamaal twice in a week, he didn't learn licking ass from us but he had never said who taught him, there was a rumor that it had been his father but there was no confirmation from Salman.

We were almost to the end of the second week when I told the boys that I expected them all to be able to take the two biggest cocks there, Ahmed's and mine, all the way in their asses or they would be taken to the caning station for twenty strokes. If the following day they still weren't capable of taking one of the two cocks they would be taken to a paddling station where each of the other boys would be allowed to swat them twice. This punishment would be continued until they were returned to their fathers and the palace or took our entire cocks and made love to them.

"You don't have much imagination in punishing those boys.." I didn't recognize the voice and when I turned to see who it was, I didn't recognize the face.

"Who are you?" He didn't answer but handed me a small note with the Prince's handwriting.

"He gave you a pass to be here anytime you want? Are you the boy from the beach he wanted me to use for the whipping lessons?" I was opening the note with one eye on the boy, there was something I didn't want to trust although he was one of the prettiest boys I had seen since leaving America. That is not to diminish the Prince's beauty or Chuckle's surfer boy looks, or the many other boys and men that I had seen that were extremely attractive. I found the mixture of races present in America and Brazil to be unmatchable in creating beautiful girls and boys. It was just that he could have modeled for any of the Great Masters that were adding angels or serving boys to their paintings to make them more beloved of their patrons, he would break many hearts with just his looks.

"I am Juan Diego y Ortega. I come across the water every few days from Tangiers hoping to find excitement (he groped himself saying this). Are these boys what I have been looking for?" He was only wearing a pair of snug, red and yellow striped swim trunks, they showed a lot but exposed nothing.

"What have you seen and heard?" If he had been there long he was in no way innocent.

"I've seen most of the boys kneeling in front of you trying to take all of your cock in their mouth to give you a blow job. I have seen four boys being caned and three being sent to the paddling station. Other than that I have seen the boys involved in a lot of different sex. They seemed to enjoy sucking and fucking with each other, there are two that seem to really enjoy licking ass.

"Juan, do you know the Master of the Villa, well?"

"Yes, Prince Al Sari was the man that popped my cherry. He told me to come by anytime he was home to enjoy a night in his bed. I have slept here maybe ten times. I always leave more tired than when I arrive."

"Juan, are you ready for all eleven of these boys to fuck you?" It was a guess from looking at him and what he had said about my Prince.


"They are training to be great sex partners but I want a single partner for them all, one that can tell me if anyone is failing."

"Why don't you?" There wa a definite air of insult to his reply.

"They react to me differently than one they don't think of as having their fate in his hands You are about fourteen? It would be better if I get an appraisal from someone they haven't fucked ,yet."

"Fifteen, senor. Would this be all in one day?" He might have been fifteen but he really looked about thirteen, short and thin with no more than nine inch biceps, still he had a large bulge in his trunks that I couldn't help but ogle.

"Why don't you stay for dinner? Afterwards you can come 'not sleep' in my bed, I may give you a standard to judge the boys by." He gave me the cutest smile. I didn't know what I would do with him all night but I didn't give the eleven boys another load all day, saving up for an interesting night. Ahmed and Jamaal didn't need me for the training still left before the boys' next break and dinner. Juan Diego and I went into the villa and sank into the hot tub, where had all that cock come from on such a skinny little boy? He was still soft, but I thought he just might be longer than me and if he had the blood in his frame, thicker.

I'm not sure what we talked about, I remember it was mostly in Spanish which I hadn't used for a few years, my mind was on what I had seen as he stepped into the tub. There were some misunderstandings but for the most part we enjoyed ourselves relaxing and later on a lounge chair waiting for dinner to be served, Juan Diego showed me why the Prince allowed him to show up unannounced. If he showed the cousins how to suck cock like that they could take over the palace.

"You like?"

"Juan Diego, if you use your ass that well I might keep you here until I need to go see the Prince. He stood beside the chair after giving me the best head I had ever had, licking the cum off his lips and waving his cock at me."

"Oh, you will not know what has happened to you by morning." As I looked at his cock I thought 'if this boy knows how to use that like he sucks, I'm in trouble'. Truthfully, even if he just sucked all night I would be in trouble.

Most of the boys gathered around us on their way to dinner if not just to grope Juan Diego to brag about who had done what with the exercises, racing, licking their chins or cracking nuts with their jaws. The Physical Therapist had really strengthen their jaws, Heaven help anyone that pissed them off; they could easily bite off nuts or dicks.

"I would fit right in here, senor.

"Would the Prince let me stay?"

"I will let you stay if you will help train these boys, but won't you be missed at home?"

I don't think he jumped but I saw a physical reaction that brought his dick to full erection once again. If I hadn't had a mouthful of soup I would have gone down on his cock right then and there, Hell with the Major Domo and the maids serving dinner seeing me. I had thought I would be able to wait easily since I had been having so much sex my cock needed a mouth to get erect, but a half hour after the blow job and I was ready to hop into bed with Juan Diego and let him fuck my ass all night. What would my Prince think?

"I disappear from the home all the time. The nuns and fathers get upset with me but after a few days back they will all have had a shot of my cum and forgiven me." I couldn't tell if he was telling me the truth but I delved into his story further.

"You live in an orphanage?"

"Si, Senor." His swim trunks didn't look like any an orphanage could afford.

"And you're telling me that the nuns and fathers suck your cock?" With as long as he was it seemed that it might be enticing to both.

"They each do it at least once a week, with the head mother twice." In Spanish I didn't catch the intentional pun that would have let me know he was leading me on.

"That doesn't bother you?"

"No, Senor, she takes out her teeth." I knew right then I wouldn't be teaching Juan Diego anything, more likely he would have something to teach me that might please my Prince. I wanted a little more information.

"Do the father's fuck your tiny ass?" I had been staring at his ass with the desire to fuck it since he had gotten into the hot tub. I regretted that I had as of yet been able to get a feel of what looked to be very firmly muscled.

"You like my ass, Senor?" He stood up and half turned it towards me before sitting back at our private table.

"Yes, but do they fuck you?"

"No, the prince is the only man I have allowed to fuck me. Maybe tonight you would like to be the second man in my ass?" That answered why he hadn't ever let me know if he would let all the boys fuck him, but it was still very flirtatious for a boy that had only been fucked by one man. He might suck a hundred dicks and be sucked a thousand times but his ass was next to virgin if you can call being fucked by the Prince's ten inches that many times close to virgin.

"Yes, Juan Diego, if you stay the night I will be fucking you. More than once, bonito." Hearing that he bent over and gave the head of my cock a wet kiss. The word play had made me hard, he let his tongue slip out when he kissed me to explore my urethra.

Juan Diego ran off to play a short game of soccer with the boys, they were glad to have a player that would even out the teams. There had been evenings when Jamaal sat out the game so the teams would be even without one of the boys having to sit on the sidelines. Juan Diego was as good as any of them with a lot more breath so he was still running hard at the end of the game, scoring point after point for his team. It may have been seeing that huge cock coming at him that caused the other team's goalie to freeze every time, by the time I called the game he had 8 goals on his own.

"You are quite a good player, Juan Diego."

"Thank you, I intend to become a professional player when I can get out of the home."

I wondered if the Prince knew that. He could have taken the boy to Saudi Arabia to train with the national team that was owned by his father, if so. The boys all ran off to shower, I was left to think about what all had happened over the week. Sure the boys had been fun but I was planning on having a night that was not about teaching just about pleasing me, it sounded greedy even as I thought it. Every time I had been with someone since arriving in Morocco it had been about them, I deserved a night to be about me. Except when I saw Juan Diego walk out of the showers with the other boys I knew that it was going to be about us both.

"What do you want to do first, senor?"

If he had been four or five years older I would have taken him into my arms and smothered him with kisses but we weren't in the bed to make love, we were there for sex! He instinctively knew that, I had one Prince and two slaves in my heart and didn't have room for another boy no matter how gorgeous or how well we pleased each other. As we walked to the bedroom I had been caressing his pretty, small, tight, bouncing, taut, tanned, hard, hairless, inviting butt. For a boy that said he had been fucked only by my Prince he seemed to have no problems with another man touching him, even as my hand slid between his cheeks and my fingers rubbed his asshole.

I understood immediately that he was asking to get off, he had sucked the cum from my balls before dinner but he had not gotten off himself unless he was playing in the showers and hadn't told me. I lead him to the bed, I was thinking I would give him a blow job but that was something that he said he had been getting every night for who knew how long. It might sound fair for me to get him off before I got off again but then I thought maybe we could both spurt our seed at the same time, he was long enough for me to suck while fucking.

I had seemed frozen, I know. He had to call out to me again. I had been enjoying the view of the cute boy waiting for me. Once he aroused my conscious once more I picked up his legs and exposed his asshole to my sight. I only looked for a few seconds and was licking at him the next. I guess the Prince hadn't warmed him up to being fucked like that, by the time my tongue was running across the smallest slit of ass I had seen he was almost bouncing. It was good I was holding him by the ankles or we would have been torn apart many times.

"Que? Bueno. PorFavor, otra vez." He was ranting the same senseless words either thanking me for what I was doing or begging for more, but he was opening and I was ready to fuck him. Really, really fuck him , not the mild beginning fucks the other boys were getting. He hadn't been with the Prince in more than six months so his ass was as tight as it had been the first time. He knew there was going to be pleasure, but as I split his ass he screamed out in pain that drew attention from every corner of the Villa.

"More grease,Juan Diego?"

"No, Senor. Por Favor, Fuck me.!" I heard laughter from every bed and a chant start up, 'fuck him, fuck him, fuck him, it was growing louder as I felt Juan Diego relaxing, the boys were distracting but we both knew what we wanted.

"Please, please fuck me!" It was almost a scream that must have been heard not only in every room of the Villa but in the guard house and beyond.

I had felt myself inching into him without much force but with him begging to be fucked I couldn't wait any longer. I put his feet on my shoulders. I moved his cock so the head was at his lips, I put my hands on his thighs. In one hard push I pushed the four inches of my cock that weren't in him through the tightening sphincter and the second making him howl with pleasure. That had been all it took, he was spraying his cum in his mouth and back out over his lips. Watching that was so exciting that I picked up my pace and began ramming his cock head into his mouth as my balls slapped against his spine. He had all ten plus inches of my cock in his ass and was mindlessly ranting his thanks and begging me not to stop alternating with begging me to fuck him harder or faster. He was not just laying there passively, his ass was doing its best to bounce up and down on my cock.

He was so tight that I was only able to fuck for about ten minutes before I too was shooting my cum in him. I knew right then that Juan Diego was going to be wearing out my cock before we woke in the morning. I was more than surprised to see him shooting another load of cum into his mouth, I had forced more than just the head into his mouth and the look on his face said he was HAPPY!

"Don't pull out senor."

"Juan Diego, I need to piss."

"Yes, me too."

I thought about drinking his piss or having him drink mine but I knew that would mean that some time during the night we would both wake needing to piss harder.

"Ahmed, Jamaal!" They knew why I was calling them and came running. Ahmed had started to learn that when a slave was summoned he was to get to his master as quickly as possible, something that he hadn't learned in his father's palace since there were so many slaves they just seemed to appear magically when called.

"Juan Diego, have you ever enjoyed having a piss in another boy's mouth?"

"No, senor." he looked somewhat doubtfully at me, was I going to piss in his mouth?

"My slaves are coming to be our urinals. I wouldn't want you to leave my bed when there is a mouth available to drink our waste." It was partially true, I didn't want to share the beauty of his body with the boys whose beds were between mine and the bathroom. But I also wanted my two slaves to have the pleasure of at least getting their lips around the head of his cock.

Jamaal's eyes went huge when I told him to take the head of Juan Diego's cock in his mouth. It was the largest cock he had seen since Monsieur waited to rape him. Juan Diego and he were both a little unsure of themselves but hearing Ahmed gulping down my piss Juan Diego started and then there was nothing to stop either of them.

"Do they do that for you every night" Juan Diego looked like a boy with a new toy. I could tell he was going to be pissing in mouths as much as possible until it became common place to him. I thought there were nuns and fathers that were going to learn something from the charge they had been abusing so nicely.

"And first thing in the morning. They or one of the boys is always ready to open his mouth for me any time I need them." He looked at me open mouthed. I wasn't bragging, I was just telling him about what the training had accomplished

"Close your mouth or I'll think you are begging to be next to get a drink." He shut his mouth but not how I expected, we had separated when the boys arrived, leaving him moved to my feet and he had his mouth around a toe, sucking. I had missed this session at Camp (50) because Prince Mehmet was not interested, he should have known that it was one of the Royal Prince's interests if the bio the Agency had on him was as complete as they thought, I assumed it was the Prince that enjoyed Juan Diego doing this not the other way around. But then the bio had been mistaken on the Prince's desire to be dominated also.

For a half hour Juan Diego sucked my toes and then my balls and moved smoothly to licking my asshole. I didn't know whether he thought he was going to fuck me. He had never fucked the Prince according to him and the Prince's comment about his ass having never had a cock before mine seemed to confirm that. I was confused, should I let this boy have my ass? Would the Prince be upset? He had sent me here with twelve good looking horny teenagers, telling me to teach them about sex. Did he expect me not to have sex myself with all the sex I would be teaching? Was not teaching them to fuck part of the expectations?

"Prince, there is a call on the house phone for you." It was a first, the Prince and I usually spoke at least once a day but on his portable and mine. I wondered what the slave had thought walking up to hand me a phone to find a boy vigorously eating out my asshole.


"My love, what are you doing? "

"My Prince, do you mean at this very moment?"

"Yes, I am laying in bed wishing I was with you. Would you turn on the video above your head?"

"Are you ready to see Juan Diego eating my ass?" I was caught, I should fess up.

"Now. Turn it on. That looks like it feels wonderful. Juan Diego has a wonderfully talented tongue for such a youngster doesn't he? Have you fucked him, yet?"

We talked for the next fifteen minutes, Juan Diego never stopped worshiping my asshole.

"Are you going to allow him to fuck you?"

"My Prince, I had thought I shouldn't give up my asshole to any but you."

"Members of Mehmet's family have fucked you, correct?"

"Yes, my Prince." I hated that I had told him but I wasn't about to lie knowing how rumors ran among royals, even in different countries.

"When I heard that I was more jealous than you can imagine. Al Baka talked to me for two days until I started to see that you are a man just like me and have needs and desires even though at the moment you are still a slave and your desires should be mine I would love to watch Juan Diego take your ass, no he never fucked me.

"I don't even know if he has ever fucked anyone. But if not then we would both have taken part of his virginity."

"Juan Diego, have you felt my asshole getting wider?

"Si, senor. What does that mean" Are you going to have to shit?"

"No. Have you ever stuck that monstrous dick of yours in an ass?"

"No, Senor."

"Would you like to try fucking me? The Prince would like to watch me speared on your huge cock. Look up to the ceiling, he has been watching you eating my asshole for twenty minutes and thinks you are ready to try fucking and that I am ready for your pinga grande."

"But it is too big. That's what everyone who has seen my pinga has said."

"I'll be alright, I may even be able to enjoy having you in me if you listen to how I tell you to fuck me." I hadn't thought when I went to bed that I would need to teach Juan Diego anything, still if this was what the Prince wanted how could I resist such a request? Still the boy was right he was huge and most people would have run the other direction seeing that cock pointed at their ass or cunt, still people took arms and this wasn't that big.

"Juan Diego, the lube I used to let my cock slide in you smoothly is at the foot of the bed on top of the bed post." That was not the most artistic way of making a bed, but it was definitely a handy place to set the lube. "Now take two fingers, dip them in the lube and slowly work them into my asshole. Give me the lube."

While Juan Diego worked the lube into my ass I rubbed more of it up and down his huge cock, I couldn't estimate the length of that cock standing up above my chest. I was glad it wasn't any bigger around than mine or the Prince's, that wasn't going to be the problem, thankfully. Was I going to be able to take the whole length? If I didn't would the boy be able to stop trying to force it in further? I would do what the Prince wanted.

"Un Beso, por favor." I had been talking about on my face or lips, Juan Diego was more in tune to my cock at the moment and kissed the head of it as he put the head of his own at the entrance to my ass.


"Push easy, Juan Diego." It had been a few weeks since I had a cock with that girth attempt to enter me. As I felt the initial pain I thought of Mehmet and then of my Prince who was just a little thinner. Looking at the corner of the screen above my head I saw my Prince with a smile on his face, his arm moving fast.

"You have been missing this, haven't you, love?"

"I don't know how to answer you but honestly since I was first fucked I haven't been happy when I have been forced to go for days without. I would much rather that it was you fucking me, my Prince. But that you are able to watch and enjoy this while encouraging me to take all of what Juan Diego is forcing into me is next best." Really it was distracting, I wanted nothing more than to enjoy and work my ass up and down the dick I had now taken in fully.

"Not having Mehmet or his brothers fucking you?"

"No, my Prince." Had I missed something? Was the Prince jealous? Was he angry that I was allowing this fifteen year old force more cock than either of us has deeper into me than anyone has ever been?

"Juan Diego?"

"Yes, Prince Al Sari?" He had raised my legs into the same position I had held his and was moving my cock to my lips.

"What is your thought about that ass?"

"It may be the best ass I will ever be in your Highness."

"Would you trade it for your sister?"

"She will not be happy to be married, however she will do as she is told."

"And you? Are you pleased with your part of the deal?"

"Yes, your highness. He can move into my palace as soon as your ambassador signs the papers approving my sister's travel to the Royal Palace in Saudi Arabia." At that moment I felt him slam his slight body against my butt.

"Oh, yes your highness I will be very pleased with this ass." The look on his face told me that what he said was the truth.

"Ali, your gifts will be forwarded to the Spaniard's Villa in Tangiers. He claims to be the direct descendant of King Ferdinand. He has begun a plot to return to power in Spain. Obey your new Master and you will have as privileged a life as I could have given you. Don't worry, though, Juan Diego will allow me to come to your bed when I am in Morocco."

He laughed as he hung up his phone. Young Juan Diego didn't have any experience but as I told him what he should do to feel better and make me feel better began to smile wider and soon was shooting a full load of Royal Spanish boy cum in my ass.

"Now that you are my Master Juan Diego what would you have me call you?"

"Once we arrive at the Palace you may call me King as everyone else in the palace does. While we are here, you may continue calling me Juan Diego.

"You should be an extremely proud slave. I had laws changed to make it possible for you to become mine. Prince Al Sari was not happy to relinquish you, however his father was demanding a royal wedding and my sister had caught his eye many years ago at a Swedish marriage ceremony for a distant cousin. Still, I think he was very reluctant to give you to me for a girl that would please his father and the country but never be what you were to him sexually.

"Plus, I will never become as jealous as your last two masters. I own you completely, body and soul, so what do I have to be jealous of. You will never find a cock like the one that is buried in your ass or a boy that is as good looking as me. We don't have slaves in the Palace to use as urinals but you will readjust. I imagine without too much distress."

"I own Jamaal and Ahmed, they will come along as my personal slaves. I will not have to adjust to anything other than this cock fucking me. Are you ready to go again? My body was fully adjusted to having him inside it." I had felt him flex his cock at the mention of Ahmed and Jamaal being my slaves. My boys were soon to have a second man's cock to service every morning and night, unless at some point I decide to show the King I too could be his urinal; I will be careful that he is not sharing me with others in his palace before I do, though.

Barely seven months a slave and I am now owned by my third master. I could have spent all night fucking and sucking but after about three hours I chose to roll over and cry myself to sleep at Prince Al Sari's cruelty in trading me to this man/child. I would never be able to rest my sad head on his shoulder or chest, unless he matured quickly. I had rested that way once or twice with Ahmed and although he was seven years younger than me he had been reassuring just as he was instructive in the ways of the Saudi Palace. Would he or Jamaal be able to work out the ways of my young King? And the politics surrounding him? Would they ever be able to be as reassuring as the Prince had been when I was troubled?

Twice that night I woke with Juan Diego again burying his cock in my ass. I was sore from the constant fucking but I did enjoy having him so enamored of my ass that all he wanted was to fuck. How long would it take me to exert control in our bed? What would the young King think if I either paddled or caned him? He had seen me doing that to the boys in the Villa. Had Prince Al Sari admitted his own caning to the king?

Instead of Jamaal being with Ahmed that morning Salman had joined him. Jamaal was busy the first thing every morning, I think it may have been arranged that way between the pair when we arrived so that he wouldn't cause Ahmed to have to share. Now with two bladders to drain Ahmed was wise to have a second mouth with him.

"Prince Ali, are you empty?"

"Yes Juan Diego, why?"

"Turn over on the bed and allow that slave to empty the other end." Was he thinking I would shit in the slave's mouth?

"You have at least four loads of my cum in you, give it to your slave." Juan Diego sounded as if he was feeling out the Master/slave relationship. That was okay, I had always enjoyed having my asshole eaten and with it full of cum Ahmed would dig deeper than ever.

Ahmed was pleased to eat me out on the King's order if he was going to be rewarded with cum, the more the better. I thought I was going to exert control and here the young King was telling me what to do. I needed to find his weak point or my own strength over him before we moved into the king's palace. I needed information, who could get it?

The rest of the day went much like the previous twelve days had except the king had joined us for the run, being the only one that stayed with me as I upped the pace. I was surprised when he was able to do the full ten miles with me. I congratulated him for his effort.

"Well, ten miles isn't that long, although that was a fast pace. I intend to run in the marathon at the next Olympics. I have run the 26.2 miles a few times but not at speeds that would have won my country a medal."

"Your highness shall we start training together? I was denied the opportunity to train for long distance running when I was first taken to Kuwait. Then in Saudi Arabia I was not permitted out of the Palace. It would be good for you to have a running partner and I can use the exercise in case slaves are permitted to enter the Olympics for their owners' countries."

"Have you run a marathon?" He was looking at me doubtfully although I had set a pace for him for ten miles..

"I ran a few minor marathons while an undergraduate at college and then in grad school I was running partners with a professor that took me along to run in the New York City Marathon. We placed in the top twenty, if I hadn't had to pace him I might have made it into the top ten."

"But you were in the Tai Kwan Do portion of the Olympics." There was a perplexed look upon that beautiful face.

"I had to make a choice, the qualifying matches for Tai Kwan Do were while the marathon was being run. I thought my chance of a medal was better in Tai Kwan Do, I did get the bronze. My best time in the marathon would have had me place at eighth. I think I made the right choice." I was proud of my medal, the other two medals had been won by men that had competed in the Olympics three previous times and had both won gold once.

"Were you training for the Olympics in Saudi Arabia?"

"No, the last training I had was while I was in Kuwait. I broke my leg after that and have not trained for about six weeks. I would love to start again would, you bring in a master to the palace? I will train with you for the marathon, running any that you might wish between now and the Olympics. It was then that the fact that most of what he had told me the previous day must have been lies struck me, I face planted at the knowledge.

"If you are thinking I might run away you may collar me with the strongest shock collar you can find to keep me in control. I would just like to have one thing in my life to look forward to, for myself. I know the country will take the medal just as Kuwait intended but I want a chance to beat the man that beat me last time." I had only been a few points behind gold, it had been the closest standings ever the three of us were within one point. Still, I had lost to the man that won silver and would like a rematch.

Although he had come to my bed for my morning piss Salman met us as we came off the track dropping to his knees with an open mouth as he had done every day since I had told him he was to be my regular urinal after I ran. The king and I put our streams into his mouth at the same time, he hadn't been drinking piss that long but Salman swallowed most of it and allowed the rest to flow down to his crotch with out attempting to wipe it away, I have to say I admire the distance he has come, exercise piss is stronger than the rest of the day and he never gagged even when I could smell the ammonia rising from his mouth .

"You said you were to be followed by Ahmed and Jamaal to my palace, would you not like to take this slave, too." I looked down at Salman with some pride.

"Juan Diego he is not a slave. He is one of the 42 grandsons of the Saudi King. He will return to the palace a free man that may be called upon once the Royal Prince becomes King to aid him in dealing with the other princes."

"Would you want to take him?"

"No, I am glad that he has learned as much as he has and is finding his place in life." I did regret that I wouldn't get the chance to watch him progressing even further.

"Are there none of the young princes here that you would enslave if it was your choice?"

"I don't think that is an appropriate matter for their trainer to discuss within their range of hearing." There were three of the boys that if I had the power would become my slaves, they were all younger than the king. What has happened to me? A willing slave? Gladly involved in water sports? And now developing pedophilia tendencies? What's next, castration, bestiality, necrophilia? Those thoughts made me consider suicide.

"Your Prince has said that your replacement will be here before lunch tomorrow. He would like you to stay through dinner explaining what you can. We will then go across the country to my palace which sits on the beach about the same distance as this Villa. Most of what will be sent from Saudi Arabia is expected to arrive at the palace about the same time your replacement makes it here. Do you have any questions I should have answered?"

I asked him to correct all the lies he had told the previous day so I would be less confused when we entered the Palace.

Ready to be relieved of my duties I left most of the training that day to the others. Juan Diego and I spent hours in the pool or lounging naked by the side. We did have sex in the grass, both of us fucking the other in full sight of the staff, the boys and my slaves. Yasir slipped away from his trainers when he saw us fucking each other, once we were finished he begged to be allowed to eat the cum out of our asses, I would miss the little boy.

"Juan Diego, in answer to your earlier question this is one of the three." he might have his problems but I had come to feel he would be a sweet addition to the Prince's household. Could the King find a way to take him with us? I only thought about it for a moment, I was going to have my own set of problems once I arrived, I didn't need new slave boys not knowing what they were expected to do.

"Watching the boys drinking piss I would guess the other two are over there." He was pointing at the twins, I nodded my head.

"I will have a talk with the Royal Prince. He had his eye on two of the black boys at the palace, thinking to castrate them both for the beginnings of his harems. A trade could be arranged although I would hate to lose their mother, I couldn't separate them from her as young as they are." I knew the Prince had been close to his own mother so he might agree to what the deal would include.

"How young?"

"The elder is nine? The other a year younger. Their mother teaches at the school."

"He would have them castrated that young?" What would he have them doing in the harems he had spoken of, serving the elders their meals?

"That is near the ideal age." I didn't know them so I was not going to waste time feeling bad for them or their mother, although I felt a conscious desire to cover my balls.

"What is it the mother teaches?"

"Arabic and English."

"What are you going to be having me do in the Palace?" If I was going to be there I had better find a job I would like before I was assigned cleaning toilets by the head of housekeeping.

"Be mine."

"But you must have duties throughout the day?"

"Right now, unless I have nobles in from Spain my duties only take up about four hours per day."

"Before you tire of me and send me off to sweep the palace floors you might think, I have degrees from Ohio State in English and teaching. I am conversant in French, Spanish, German, Arabic and Farsi. I may be the perfect slave to take their mother's place in the school."

"You would have to wear clothes."

I had forgotten that the only time he had seen me was here in the Villa were it had been fine that I wouldn't be wearing any. I had gotten so used to being naked while training the boys here that it seemed natural for me to get up and forget about dressing even though there were twenty young female maids working to keep the Villa clean and running. "Living in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia I was used to wearing robes rather more than western wear. Would that suffice?"

"As long as they don't think you just came from the king's bedroom. They will have seen many Arabs in traditional dress around the city, Morocco is very multinational."

There had been no reason to fight the idea of being traded to the king, I could not win. I was a slave and the only rights I had were to a full nights sleep and adequate food, the UN had negotiated with all parties involved in the new slave trade to guarantee those rights while trying to assure the Americans of no mistreatment. That was a joke but there had been an effort made.

Next: Chapter 25

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