By Bruce Turner

Published on Oct 4, 2023



Chapter 23

Ditto, Ditto, Ditto.


Chapter 23

The following morning at breakfast Salman was still with us without a change in his attitude. When asked if his father wouldn't send for him, he responding by saying his father was coming to Morocco to straighten me out. I wasn't worried, the Prince had seen the videos of the previous days activities and Salman's punishment. He was glad that I hadn't allowed the boys to treat him any harsher but gave me permission to expel him if there were more than one more act of disobedience, I didn't want to do that since I believed there was something about the boy that would attract much attention as he grew into his sexuality.

Salman was paired with Ahmed when we started the class on licking and sucking cock. He had heard that Ahmed was a member of one of the ruling families in Kuwait and should be called Prince when he was addressed. All I can say is that he did try, Ahmed didn't look like the boy had given him any pleasure but he said he had followed the instructions but needed a lot of practice. The boys followed the hour of cock sucking practice with two hours of exercise, one that was half running the other half weights. The second hour of exercising was with the Physical Therapist, he had them try to stretch their tongue and strengthen their jaws After lunch the boys had a half hour break.

That was when Salman's father arrived; unlike what his son expected, the father asked to see the videos of the previous day. When the Prince joined us the boys were supposed to be attempting their first efforts at ass licking. Jamaal and Ahmed had given them all a quick demonstration of what having their asses licked would feel like. Six boys were on the ground, I do admit Salman lay down without anyone forcing him, the demonstration from Jamaal and Ahmed should have convinced him of the idea that licking assholes was not just for subordinates.. His father and I walked out to see six boys lowering their asses on to the faces of the six boys on the ground.

"Father, see this is the dirty perverted things they are trying to make us do I will never be cleansed of haman." Salman had thrown the boy off his face and run to his father's side to plead his case against me.

"Son, you begged me to allow you to come here with your cousins to learn more about sex with men. Since you have been here I see you have done nothing but cause problems for your cousins and the trainers. Get back down on the ground and lick that boy's ass and make him feel good." Salman looked at his father as if the man had gone mad.

"I'm not..,"

He hadn't finished saying what he was not going to do when the father hit him hard enough with a backhand to land Salman on the ground beside one of the other boys.

"Salim, sit on his face." The father wasn't going to take any guff from his son.

"Salman, if you do not do as you have been instructed you will be returning to your mother a daughter rather than as my son." With that he raised a cane and struck his son hard enough on his balls that they went purple within seconds. I had seen Salim lower himself as Salman had started to scream.

"Salim, is my son licking your asshole?"

"No, father." Even harder than the first time the man struck the boy's balls.

"Prince Mehmet, I apologize for my son. I will take possession of him for the next hour. Salim, you will come with us."

"Yes, father." Salim, winked at me when he walked past with his cousin once more wearing a collar and leash.

"Father? May I have a few minutes to have one of the trainers teach me what they will be doing while we're gone?"

"Certainly, son." Ahmed was giving the lessons so Jamaal motioned Salim to the ground and knelt so that his asshole was touching Salim's nose. For about ten minutes the boy had a personal lesson from Jamaal on what Salman was supposed to be doing.

The father and sons walked away with Salman between the others on his knees crawling along like a slave not a free man. I wondered if he would be back and if so would he be whole? If he didn't change his attitude his father might just beat his balls to uselessness.

Father and sons.

"Salman, I have come here to learn why are you acting out rather than obeying your instructions like your brother Salim? Your brothers and I have known for two or three years that your sexual interests were mainly the other boys in your school (since the summer you raped your mother's slave's son). Now here, where you can express your desires and needs freely you decide to place yourself above your cousins that choose the same path. Lay down on that bench on your stomach, it was too short for Salman so his butt was exposed to his father, brother and the guard. The father motioned for the guard to hold his son down on the bench so he did not try escaping the punishment he deserved from both his brother and he.

"Salim, your brother has embarrassed you in front of your cousins and the Royal Prince's future husband. Take the paddle and demonstrate to your brother the pain he has caused you the last few days." It was exactly what Salim had thought his father was going to do. He gave the paddle a few swipes through the air loosening his arm muscles before putting real power behind the paddle and connecting across both of Salman's cheeks. They heard the screaming on the beach as clearly as if Salman was being punished at the public square. He never stopped screaming between swats of the paddle as his brother didn't let up.

Salim had wanted to paddle his older brother for many years, he was a prat and everyone of his friends made fun of Salman's attempts to act like he was already a powerful member of the Prince's circle. There had been occasions when his friends had physically bullied Salman, the most memorable to Salim being a year before when they had torn off his school clothing and thrown him on the ground in the midst of a band of roving dogs. Salman had received a few bites but had not been dog fucked like his friends had planned.

Salim was on his twentieth swat to his brother's butt when their father had him stop.

"Salman, do you understand how badly you have hurt your brother? You have also made your mother and I look foolish for thinking you mature enough to send here without proper supervision to assure you would listen to what was being taught." The father had picked up the cane and was tapping Salman lightly along the side of his body. Every fifth or so tap he would strike his son as hard as any public executioner would a witch.

"Salman, should I take you home a disgrace? I am going to allow you today, to start obeying the instructors but before I take you back to be with the others turn over on that bench.

"Salim, sit you asshole down on his mouth. Don't give him room to move.

"Salman, it is time for you to lick your brother's asshole. You better learn to do it very well. I think I shall be having you doing it everyday once you return to the palace until you marry." With that the father slammed the cane down on his son's previously bruised ball sac, twice, aiming for the individual balls with the two strikes.

Salim could feel his brother screaming but still he didn't feel any tongue working on his asshole. He reached down and arranged Salman's cock so that although soft it was pointed towards his brother he was not being kind.

"Father, he still has not started to lick my asshole. Perhaps if you were to punish his cock he will get the idea that it is time to make my ass feel good." Salim had been one of the milder boys during the activities that had preceded this, but his anger was visible. It only took two strokes on the soft cock to get the brother to start licking, when Salim told his father that Salman stopped his brother got three more strokes, two to his cock and one to his aching balls.

"I don't think he is trying very hard, father. His tongue has yet to push its way beyond the opening." Salim had no reluctance in telling on his brother, for years the older boy had told tales on his brother that had gotten him punished for things he had not actually done.

"Salim, I think it is time for you to rejoin your cousins. Thank you for helping to train your brother. Did he learn last night's lesson?" Rather than wait for Salim to answer he pulled his own clothing off and stood over his son.

"Salman, show me what you learned yesterday."

Although his father was demanding he do it he found he still was resisting the idea of licking his balls. After his father had rubbed his cock from the head to the balls on his lips

Salman attempted to turn his head away.

"Salman, I had hoped that there was some way your attitude would change. You came here to learn and what have you learned? That you can resist punishment? That you are not what you thought you were when you left home? Son anyone that thinks they are good enough to do what you told the Prince and his trainers needs to be strong enough to accept that he too can do it for a better man.

"That said, you will suck my cock in front of your cousins. The Prince will be asked to fuck you. If after that performance for your cousins you do not willingly lick Salim's ass you will learn what punish really is."

"Before taking his son to confront the others he gave him four more semi-hard strokes on the balls. "That is just a reminder that I will not be embarrassed when I leave here by a son that does not live up to a contract he has voluntarily signed."

When they were still twenty feet or so away from seeing Prince Mehmet and the cousins they heard the Prince telling them that he had been informed that morning that he should have read the training contract more closely. He had thought it was basically for Prince Al Sari and the boys so he hadn't paid it that much attention. The Royal Prince told him that morning that he was to select the least accomplished cock sucker out of the cousins and send the boy to him in Nigeria in three days the boy would be presented to the Dictator there as a blood offering. He admitted that sounded horrible but that he did not know what it meant.

"Excuse me Prince, that clause in the contract means that the boy that is unable to perform to your specifications will be given to the dictator as a slave and on the evening of the summer solstice will have his throat sliced, his entrails spilled onto the ground, his extremities attached to four elephants and his remains dragged through the streets of Abuja like common trash. I know so far this one of my sons must be the prime candidate for this dishonor, but he is here to offer his body to you. First to show he is now willing to try."

The guard dragged the battered and bruised boy in front of his father. He fumbled with his father's robe, the buttons were never made for hands that had been scraped along gravel for hundreds of yards. Once he had the robe opened from the hem to his father's stomach the man held it back for his son. What faced him was what made him. He was revolted at the idea his father would insist that he suck his filthy cock, more so that he would be forced to do so in front of his brother and cousins. He tried. He told himself that he tried to get past the odor. All he managed was to get his nose into his father's bush and lick once at the horribly smelly cock before again vomiting, this time he was able to avoid the man in front of him not even splattering himself.

"Prince, unless you have another of his cousins that is more of a disgrace I see that my son is going to be sent for the blood sacrifice." After saying that he turned the leash that had dragged the boy back to the training ground over to the person of the lowest status he saw and walked away his head still high and robe loose.

"Before Salman's father interrupted me I was telling you what would be done but I had not told you what I would be required to do to the boy sent to Nigeria while still here. First all of his cousins and all trainers would be required to fuck the boy the day he leaves with the cum then locked into his ass with a butt plug the government of Nigeria has sent." As he held up the black bulb that he didn't think he would be able to force into himself the boys all moved back a step.

"Salman will be given the rest of today to save himself, but that means that the other two of you that have as yet to give either a good blow job or ass rimming may fall lower in my estimation and be sent to our Prince." He intended to be fair to the three but at that point he was sure Salman was the only one that he would have on the list at the end of the three days.

The Masoud that had refused to engage in sex with a boy younger than him should not have thought so well of himself. His oral abilities were not enough to make Mehmet willing to save him, if Salman had learned anything from his father and Salim . He could see that the boy was shaking in fear that he was already the one chosen. He was probably correct that he would be sent to die but that decision would be thought over very hard if he was willing to use his asshole to satisfy.

"Salman, your father said you had come to offer me your body. What does that mean?" I hoped to hear a changed attitude in the boy, he was cuter than many of his cousins.

"Prince Mehmet, I will try to satisfy you in anyway you require of me."

"You are ready to lick my ass and stick your tongue in my asshole?"

"I will try, sir."

"You will join me while I fuck your ass?" His cock started to stand as he questioned the boy. He saw Salman staring at the cock he was going to need to satisfy. Tears ran from his eyes as he lowered himself to his knees and touched his lips to the solid shaft of flesh.

"Let your cousins see how you make friends with my cock, Salman." The thought of his cousins watching had slipped from his mind but now with them watching he closed his eyes, he didn't want to see which of them had another's cock in hand or if Salim was laughing.

He gasped, grimaced,drew deep breathes and anything else he could think of to calm himself as the Prince held his cock head to his lips. Why couldn't he open his mouth, the Prince had taken the entire ten inches in his own mouth, could it be that bad if he was able to suck himself? Gradually he opened his lips so that he could lick at the head thinking that he must do what the Prince had shown them, it didn't have a bad taste like his father but it was still another man's cock! His father had expected him to suck cock when he sent him here on Salman's request. The boy had thought he would be taught to fuck other boys not to receive cock but they said he had to learn to take before he would be taught to give. He didn't believe it but he had taken three inches of the Prince into his mouth and was swabbing it with his tongue like he was really a cocksucker. He gagged at the idea of a cock shooting a load of cum in his mouth before he forced himself to try taking more of the monster in front of his lips and slid a couple more inches down the thick shaft.

"Try moving up and down slowly." The voice was soft and encouraging.

Salman knew it was the Prince speaking so he tried to do what he heard, he desperately wanted to please the gorgeous man. The second time he was going down he felt more of the huge cock slide into his mouth. He almost panicked but the thought of his father caning his balls and the possibility that he would be sent to his death for not honoring a contract made him push on. Sliding his mouth over the cock wasn't that bad, he had been going up and down on the thick shaft for a few minutes when he felt it hit the back of his throat. There was still a couple inches not in his mouth, what was he supposed to do?

"Next time it hits your throat breath deep and push your head onto it as hard as you can."

He followed the Prince's instructions until he couldn't believe that the head of the cock slid into his throat. The Prince put his hands on Salman's head and held him down on his cock, coaching him to breath through his nose and lap at the shaft with his tongue. Just as he thought he would lose consciousness from a lack of oxygen the Prince pulled all the way out until only the head was left between his lips.

"Keep practicing that, Salman. You might turn into a good cocksucker, yet." The Prince hadn't shot a load of cum in his mouth or throat but turned him over to Ahmed and told them to do what he had been doing for a half hour. Suck his cock for a half hour? How? He did his best, shocked when after twenty minutes or so Ahmed held his head down on his cock and shot cum straight into his stomach. He wanted to spit it out or vomit but Ahmed held his head tight and refused to allow him to make any movement.

"Let your stomach settle, Salman. Next you'll get to taste the cum. You may even come to like the taste like most everyone here has." Ahmed squeezed his balls as he dragged his cock back over the boy's tongue. "Leave it sit there until you get the full flavor." Ahmed lay back in the grass, Salman's mouth still holding four inches of his cock. Salim and Salman's father walked up on his way to say goodbye to his other son, saw his older son holding the trainers cock in his mouth and patted him on the head.

"You might salvage your life if you try like this for the next two days. Bless you my son."

"He has just completed his first blow job, sir. He might have even learned to enjoy the taste of my cum. He has far to go, licking ass and getting fucked, but if he shows this kind of effort you may have two sons return to the palace." Unconsciously, Salman nodded his head in response to Ahmed's comments to his father sliding up and down Ahmed's cock again.

"Could you turn over and let me watch him lick your ass before I leave?" Ahmed wondering if performing in front of his father was part of the bigger problem knew the Prince held some sway in palace politics and agreed to flip over with his asshole accessible to the son without a comment.

"Salman, you know what to do. Lick around the hole until you finally feel it twitching and then run your tongue up and down my slit before trying to push your tongue into me." Ahmed didn't think Salman had been listening when they had been trying to train the twelve boys, he wanted to make sure he knew what was expected. He need not have worried. After giving his first blow job Salman was ready to please a man in any way he was asked to do, there was pleasure for him in pleasing others. As his tongue dug into the trainer he knew he would even be happy to kneel in front of the Prince and swallow piss like Ahmed and Jamaal had done every afternoon. If he thought it would help he might kneel by the prince and beg for the honor that evening after dinner, he would think about that.

Salman's father watched his son for five minutes making appreciative noises every so often. When he heard Ahmed tell him to dig deeper he joined the pair for a moment, wetting his finger and sticking it into his son's asshole.

"I should not have sent you here without being sure that you were ready, but now it looks like you might be. Do not dishonor your family again. The father patted his head again as he walked to the Mercedes that had brought him to the Villa forgetting to say goodbye to Salim.


Why had the King ever mounted that stupid Liberian? Horses should stay with horses and mules with mules.

"Just dig your tongue in my ass a little longer, Salman. Then we're going over to where the other boys are learning about fucking." Ahmed had been taught during his time in Camp (50) that calling what was being done by its nastiest name helped to get past your resistance.

"They are all already paired up, and they are still eating ass not fucking."

"Salman, why do we eat ass?"

"To make the ass feel good?"

"That's part of it, why else would you push your tongue in an ass?

"What happened as you ate out my ass?"

"Your asshole opened up to let my tongue in ."

"And if it opens for a tongue what else is it opening for?"

"A cock." It was a realization the boy was more than pleased to have, they WERE teaching him to fuck another boy.

"If the bottom has been fucked before. If not you may want to put fingers with grease in." he was aware that the Saudi's not only considered piss haman but shit too, so fingering an asshole was an act that took some getting used to.


"No, buts. Whatever you get on your finger will wash off and your partner will appreciate the grease when you start sliding instead of tearing up his asshole."

"Ahmed, bring that boy over here." He had taken this part of the training, not only because it was his favorite sex to have with the Prince but also because he would not be in the least happy if one of the boys went back to the palace and couldn't either enjoy being fucked or satisfy their fuck buddies being on the top or bottom.

"What happened to his cock?"

"My father caned me. Salim suggested that it would get me to lick his asshole."

"Did it?"

"No, Prince Mehmet."

"But you have now licked out an asshole?"

"Yes, sir."

"My slave's ass?"

He had said that he wouldn't sex a slave but he had. He had both swallowed the slave's cum and licked his asshole. He no longer thought of the slave as untouchable.

"Yes, sir."

"Do you enjoy my slave's asshole?"

"Yes, sis." After being told why he licked it he admitted the truth.

"Did you enjoy slave cum?"

"Yes, sir." The little he'd had on his tongue made him want more.

"Well it is a shame that your father has made your cock too sore for me to allow you to fuck or be sucked, it seems that you are really prepared to learn."

"I am sir!" Was he going to be sent to the shower and bed again?

"Ahmed, there is one of the twins that is without a partner. Get Salman on his knees and let's see if he fucks as well as his brother is taking it.

Mehmet had been not only pleased but intrigued as the boy had not even groaned as the largest cock among the cousins had been artlessly forced into him. The boy on the bottom soon had his fucker moaning and groaning. Before the training was over he was going to have the both twins spend a night in his bed, one time fucking him would not be enough, he would be getting enough of Salman's ass and mouth out here demonstrating to his cousins..

Salman had never been fucked other than by his father, a fact that the twin only knew half of but remembered from the first day when they had been asked so many odd questions. Like many of the other cousins he spread the boy's cheeks, finding an asshole that was much darker than the skin of the boy he had hoped to break into fucking from that first afternoon. He and Salim had been acquaintances and he had known about some of the bullying Salman had tried to pull on his brother. If he had caught Salman somewhere else, somewhere he could just fuck him hard the bastard would have paid for every mean thing he had done to Salim, being fucked dry. But here he was having to get in behind the boy and lick his ass.

The twin promised himself he wouldn't give Salman one second more of pleasure with his tongue than he was instructed to. His fingers were itchy to get up inside Salman. He wouldn't use just one or two to get the grease in him, Salman was going to use at least three of his fingers and if the trainer had his head turned all four. Prince Mehmet had repeated that what they were to be doing today was to learn about the pleasures of the asshole not revenge fucking. Somehow he seemed to know that there were two boys that the others had banded together to fuck as hard and fast as possible when their turn came as partners. He remember the day Salman had been thrown to the dogs, he had been inside the school or he would have helped the others degrade him by holding him down for a dog to fuck. Salim had told them he believed his brother wanted that from a magazine he had found among his brother's school books,he didn't know it had been put there by their father.

He and his twin had often thought up ways to put Salman into positions where he would be forced to face the fact that he would one day be fucked by an animal while all his brothers and cousins watched, his father, too, if they could manage it. They were sorry that Salim and his family might suffer some dishonor when the palace buzzed with the news of Salman putting on public displays of his degraded needs but it was a small price for Salim to have to pay after all the damage Salman had already done to his status among the teachers and mullah..

"You should open him gently, one finger at a time and move it around like you are caressing him not like an automatic food mixer." He wasn't too upset about the criticism, after all he hoped he was not making the asshole feel good and didn't intend for the next half hour to be any better for Salman. He decided not to go for the other fingers, Mehmet was watching him too closely. Salim was watching too, Salman's brother hoped his brother would be fucked by at least half their cousins the first day he was broken in. The idiot had shamed him from the first hour they were here and the punishment he'd received wasn't enough, he had been less than pleased when their father hadn't struck his cock with the cane more than he had.

"Which of the twins are you?"

"Ihad, Prince Mehmet."

"The others, including your brother have already left. Why are you still here?"

"May I speak freely, Prince?"

"This time."

"Fucking this asshole is no better than fucking a used peach." They had a showing of 'Call Me by Your Name' on the jet flying there. He wasn't telling the truth but he often lied and no one had ever called him on it.

"Salman, were you a virgin when Ihad started fucking you?

"No, sir." He didn't want to admit the incest but if the Prince pressed him he might spill the truth on his father.

"Now do you still feel his cock on all sides as it enters you?"

"Yes, sir. It is still hurting me as he fucks me." The twin was larger than his father and was intentionally making the boy hurt.

"Do you think you are ready for my cock? I am larger than Ihad and if he is telling me the truth you should be able to take my cock with no problem? Perhaps you will also be able to take my cock and that of the trainer that taught you to lick assholes at the same time." He didn't believe the boy was that loose but it might be true.

"Ihad, suck my cock until I am hard enough to fuck his asshole." Mhemet had seen this with slaves, he thought Ihad was demeaning the boy on his dick for some reason and there was no way he was going to allow that now that Salman was attempting to prove he belonged among those being trained for his Master.

It didn't take him more than a minute to get hard and shove his cock in the twin's throat. "What a big loose mouth. I think all your cousins are going to have to take their turn fucking your mouth to see if they are in agreement. Ihad, weren't you taught that you were to suck on the cock when it was in your mouth not open up like a sinkhole. Pull out of that ass and let me see if you have been telling the truth." Mehmet already knew that Ihad was lying but needed to show him he was willing to investigate when accusations were being made.

Salman hadn't been opened enough for Mehmet to push in more than three or four inches. Mehmet knew if he pushed further he was going to destroy what should be a great experience for the boy so he pulled out and told Ihad to lick the boy until his ass started feeling better. It wasn't as if he left Salman off the hook, he held his cock in front of the boy until he understood and cleaned his own ass juices off the cock.

"Salman, you should be ready to do that for any Prince that ever fucks you.

"How is your asshole feeling?" It wasn't just that he was too large for the boy but that Ihad hadn't been trying to pleasure him that had Mehmet concerned.,

"It is starting to feel better, sir. If he would put his tongue in me further I am sure it would only be a few minutes before I feel almost normal."

"You heard him Ihad? Push your tongue way up in him." He hit the twin's ass with the cane he happened to be carrying.

"Salman, your ass should not feel normal after a really good fuck. You should feel a void that makes you want to be filled again as soon as possible and if it was a good enough fuck you will hope it is the same man that fucks you the next time. I know you can't understand that right now but you will the first time you are fucked really good."

"Are you ready to go in for a a shower?

"Yes sir."

"Have the Therapist take a look at your cock, we don't want there to be any permanent damage even if your father didn't care."

"Ihad, open your mouth." They hadn't gotten to the part of the training that included piss drinking but he had no doubt the boy would try as hard as possible to do what he had seen the trainers do for the Prince. The twins had been brown nosing him since they stepped onto the plane.

"Prince Mehmet? I would take your piss if you would so honor me." He was shocked that the boy that had less than six hours earlier refused to suck cock was now offering to swallow his urine."

"Ihad, you will be expected to offer me your mouth after dinner." Before the boy ever started to move he had turned to Salman and had a weak stream hitting the boy's tongue. "You will do better if you try swallowing without closing your lips. If you find you can't do that close them around the head of my cock while you swallow." Mehmet was surprised the boy didn't lose a drop of piss as he worked all his piss from the dick to satisfy the Prince. It was going to be the first exercise in a month of training where Salman would be ahead of his cousins, it also saved him from being sent to Nigeria and pleased Mehmet.

"Salman, my slaves do this for me when I wake and before I sleep. I enjoy having other boys kneeling in front of me taking my piss at other times, if you wish you may become my regular piss drinker when I come back from my morning run. It is about the time your first exercise class ends and you begin tongue and jaw exercises. I will find you in your class."

"Thank you for the honor. Prince Mehmet I will be happy when I can open my ass enough to take your cock, but until then I will be your piss slave." He let slip his secret desire, one that the prince missed.

"You are not being trained to be a slave, Salman. You are a royal and are being trained to be the best sexual creature you can become."

"Does that include drinking piss, Prince?"

"It will."

"Then as I promised I will be a piss slave for you until I am able to have you fuck me the whole way and after if you wish." Ihad and Imad heard their nemesis make the promise and were more confused than when Salman walked away with his father or returned with a purple, swollen cock and ball set.

"Is he for real?"

"Maybe, but he still deserves having a dog or other animal on his back and in his ass."

Next: Chapter 24

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