By Bruce Turner

Published on Sep 29, 2023



Chapter 22

Legal niceties. I have written the story, all characters are fiction, nothing the countries have done in the story should be construed in any way political or factual. If you are in Russia, don't share this with anyone. If you are under 17 in my locale or under age in yours go away.

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Chapter 22

"Meht, a couple of my brothers have sons that they believe will be choosing to live a life very much like mine. They usually approach me after family dinners or small business meetings with their questions. What they have been asking is if there is a way the boys can be taken from the palace and trained to be the best they can be when they are able to choose for themselves. Would you like to take this small project on for me while I am in Africa?"

"How many boys are you talking about?

"What do they want them trained to do? Are we talking sex? Are we talking dating? Are we talking hiding their sexuality while others around them get married? Because we were Americans and did not know much of the culture when we we purchased we we being taught more than just sex. Are you certain we would not be raping these children?"

"I have no concern about that last question. The fathers will know what is going to happen to the boys and will agree to their boys having man on man sex, they will sign away any right to object publicly or in court."

"Why do the fathers think their sons need this? Do the princes do this for their straight boys?" I mean , I had heard of fathers takoing their son out to a prostitute when they thought the boy might be gay but this seemed extreme.

"The straight boys will get taken to one of their harem girls or out of the palace to a courtesan they know in town. They get a training but it doesn't need to be extensive as that is what they see every day of their lives."

"How old are we talking/?"

"That will depend on how many you think you would be able to take."

"Do you have a house other than the one on Crete where we could take them?"

"I have a Villa in Morocco. They now allow homosexuality and hope soon to allow ownership of American slaves so you should be allowed to take Jamaal along. The Moroccans have left the villa alone in the past, even when I have had beach boys swarming the place for sex. I think the slave law was to go in to effect the first of this month but I will have the head of the state department check." He had said I could take Jamaal not mentioning that I was officially still a slave, too.

"Does the Villa have any outdoor space?" I had never been to Morocco, it was on my bucket list of places to visit before I retired when I still thought I would be working, so the idea of using his Villa there was superb.

"The Villa has eleven bedrooms and a security house. It sits looking out on the Mediterranean. There are five or six acres of land behind the Villa and a path down to the beach. You are far enough away from anyone else that even the worst screaming would not be heard by a neighbor. There is a Major Domo, a Chef, twenty maids and a gardening staff."

"I will see how this works since we would not actually be training them as slaves unless you intend to enslave your nephews."

"There is one or two I would like to enslave and send to the work gangs but no we are just intending them to be taught about gay sex in ALL its iterations. That does mean you will need a slave to go along that is used to being beaten although I expect most of the boys will have already beaten one or two of the palace slaves by the time you leave."

"But beating them sexually would be different than beating the slaves for misdeeds or their own pleasure. I would like to try this as long as you have no objection to me fucking your nephews. Or more if I think they are ready."

"I would want you to. I want them able to take your cock by the time they return home."

"If you can, let's try the first time with 4, 17 year olds, 4, 16 year olds and 4, 15 year olds. Besides me there will be four others on staff so unless we use tents that will be maximum this time."

"Meht, if you are to do this there is a set of twins that are 13 I want you to take, also."

"Make that 2, 17 year olds, then."

"Meht, by 17 most of our young men are setting up house, off to college or working full-time."

"You might want to look for two that are the same as the youngest, if there are three others of the same age they can bond easier and they are likely to practice what they are being taught among themselves, more. The rest of us are going to look really old, even Ahmed who is only nineteen and Jamaal who is twenty. Unless we are training them for their uncles and grandfathers try to keep them the way I asked.

"I will only be bringing two employees from Kuwait. We should not need guards to keep them in, but if you think there are any of them that need protection send how ever many guards you think appropriate, if there is place for them to sleep outside of the villa." I would probably still be guarded myself but they weren't going to have one of the eleven bedrooms, the two around me were always awake and the pair off duty went elsewhere.

"You will need guards at the top of the stairway to the beach or you will be inundated with beach boys when they realize the villa is occupied."

"Should we use any of them in the training?"

"There is a boy, he should be about twelve or thirteen by now. You may want to use him in classes on sucking cock. His cock is at least as long as yours and his balls are twice your size."

"I'll have to think about that, do you really want your nephews only pleased with the biggest cocks in the kingdom? There are many more cocks that are smaller that will be their likely lovers."

"I was thinking I wanted them to be able to service me when I'm king."

That was two new sides of the Prince that I hadn't known existed. First his ambition to be king, not just his father having named him successor. Second was the idea that when he was king he would be having many people service him, he had made me believe he wanted a monogamous marriage with the possibility of a second spouse to bear him a son or two. I was not sure I was pleased at knowing he planned to have his nephews servicing his cock once he was king.

"You would want your nephews servicing you as King?"

"There are many favors that are asked of the king that should have a favor returned. If it is known that I will allow their sons repay their favors I will be a popular king within the family. If the family is pleased with me then the security of the kingdom is assured because we control the Army and police. The boys should mostly be in their early twenties before I become King unless there is an accident, that is the perfect age for them to be opening their legs for both of us to repay whatever favor it is their father may want.

"The twins will be not only mine, they will be ours so train them well. Their father has promised them as semi-permanent residents of the King's quarters, he knows they have wanted to warm my bed since they were 8 years old. I do not know if their father has allowed them any experience other than with each other but you must train them to do EVERY thing you know. Their father is very greedy, he wants to be in a position where he controls a portion of the kingdom's wealth, we make them the first of your personal harem. I suppose it is so that he can siphon it off to his sons, there are ten of them so far and his wives are still pleased to bear him more, I will have him watched carefully even if the twins are in our bed eating cock and ass.."

Later that night as I was talking to my slaves about traveling to Morocco a special thank you gift arrived from the Prince. It was carefully marked as not to be considered one of his courting gifts. In the brightly wrapped box were six identically jeweled arm bands, two for me and one for each of the trainers I would be using. If Jamaal or Ahmed ever choose to leave me they would have a treasure that would last them most of a lifetime on their arm, to guarantee their financial future I may have expensive stones set in their belly buttons (they are both innies).

None of us had that large of arms compared to the enforcers I had seen, mine were about seventeen inches around and the other two closer to fourteen or fifteen. The bands were not a perfect fit but easily formed in place with the heat of our hands. My Prince was making me a wealthy man.

"Prince, you know in the workings of palace politics your betrothed is attempting to make you a revered if not loved man that his family will gladly support in marriage if the Prince ever decides he needs to go against his father and marry you outside of the palace. There are forty some princes that report directly to the King. With this mission he is guaranteeing that there are eleven princes that will be on his side in any disagreement when he chooses to demand their allegiance. If you are able to do this training a second or even third time he may have enough of the family standing behind him that even the King would not dare to stand against his desire to wed you."

"Are you thinking I should have agreed to take more than the twelve boys I am going to start training?"

"No you were right to say you needed to see how this will go. If a father coerces his son into the training that isn't truly wanting sex with other boys and men there could be a problem the Prince will not be able to contain. He needs to be very careful about who he chooses and you need to be careful the first week to weed out any of them that may only be there because the Prince has already paid out a favor to have access to a man's son."

"Palace politics are extremely difficult to follow, more so when you add in sex." How was I to know if the Prince had been paying a favor forward if he didn't tell me?

The next few days arrangements came together quickly for the trip to Morocco. I did not have much time to miss my Prince. His presents had begun to arrive again, now items that I would find useful in turning his quarters from a bachelor pad into our home although mixed in were the more personal he had been sending when he first began the courtship. Most of what he sent was much more lavish and expensive than anything I would ever have thought to be used as everyday ware but it was clear that was the intention. The strangest gift I received was two sets of ivory kneeling stations for the bedroom, Ahmed told me they were often seated on each side of a wedding bed for the slave or slaves that were to be the couple's urinals, and I should expect the bed to be replaced soon.

I hadn't known that the idea of having slaves to drain your bladder every morning was so wide spread that there was a market for kneeling stations that fastened to different types of beds. Although being contaminated with piss was haman Princes and princesses had become used to not walking to their bathrooms and now had slaves whose souls that didn't think about, the Americans were not Moslems so they had no reason to worry. Ahmed and Jamaal gave them a trial and both agreed that it was much nicer than kneeling on the floor, Ahmed particularly liked the cup that held his balls off the floor and Jamaal thought the place for attaching a dildo was inventive if perhaps cruel if he were to kneel all night, but being pitched forward slightly let his mouth open right where I always told him to put it.

The second set was going to Morocco with us. The Prince had found a set that had its own carrying bag made by a fashionable Italian designer. The Prince's jet returned without him three days after he left, my yoga instructor and the Physical therapist that had worked with the slaves and more with me were at the airport when it arrived. I lead the troop of boys to the jet. They were in high spirits, I took that as a sign there wasn't anyone in the mix that didn't belong. I had met most of them the previous evening at a dinner Prince Al Baka had thrown for the departure of one of his favorite nephews. I didn't learn which of the boys he had his eyes on but by all that was said among the brothers it was clear that if I properly trained their sons, Prince Al Baka would likely to give the Crown Prince and I most anything I demanded.

When I departed from Riyadh I was picturing a variation of architecture that I had seen in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia as what the Prince was most likely to have as a Villa in Morocco. The idea that it might be more Moroccan seemed possible but what we walked up to was not in any way what I would have expected from any member of the royal family that I had met. In a tribute to the Taj Mahal his Indian grandfather had built a version of the monument to love for his first wife, the ancestor of the Royal Prince. Our caravan of black Hummers drove through gates that must have been over twenty feet high and seemed to grow out of a Juniper hedge that towered over them. As the gates opened we saw a wide pure white marble driveway stretching, it seemed, forever past gardens and open lawns, there were gardeners working on nearly every hedge and flower garden.

If I had thought the palaces I had been in that belonged to Princes and Kings in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia luxurious I would have been disappointed entering them had this been the first of the Prince's homes that I had seen. Standing only a few yards back from a cliff overlooking the Mediterranean was a nearly solid pink palace, the Prince could call it a villa if he wanted I would call it a palace. As we neared it I saw hundreds of white pillars retreating inward and an army of maids attired in black awaiting us outside the doorway. Some of the boys had never been out of the palace before and this was so overwhelming they were stunned motionless.

Ahmed whispered behind me, "We are to use this for training?"

Jamaal answered, "I think the plane must have crashed and we are in Heaven."

The Physical Therapist was the least impressed and formed the boys into a line that waited to march into the palace like a conquering army, two by two from oldest to youngest. I lead them in and finding the Major Domo waiting in the entryway directed him to find the bedrooms the boys would be occupying. He didn't do more than raise his eye and servants were there to lead the boys, not to closed in bedrooms like I have always been accustomed to, but to beds that lined a hallway looking over the center piece of the palace, a wall carved in what I assumed was ivory and dining tables set for four around a pool that looked to be a hot tub from the light steam rising.

We did not have a full month to train the boys since we had taken three days arranging matters and another morning traveling. I was going to have to start the training immediately. I told the Major Domo that the boys had been instructed to leave their clothes with the bed they chose and to report to me, he shouldn't expect any of them to be wearing more than at most a Speedo. I went out the back entrance following a column of pillars that rose fifty feet in the air. Looking out over the water I felt a nostalgia for the few days the Prince and I had spent in Crete. I didn't allow the feeling to press me into a depression, I had work to do for my Prince. I walked around the exterior of the palace looking for a place that would work for that day's lesson.

Being naked in front of the other boys was the very first test I had to be certain my Prince had chosen wisely. Having them sit in a circle and get their cocks to stand was the second. I knew that teenagers are always horny so that wasn't much of a test but I wanted them to start feeling comfortable with their bodies, not something I had found Arabian men were naturally. The twins had come out of the palace still wearing tiny briefs that were almost small enough in the rear to be called thongs, when they saw that the others had already gotten naked they tore the briefs off and threw them to Jamaal. That was probably on purpose as his mouth was hanging open at the sight of the almost identical pair of long limbed,mostly tanned bodies.

I knew immediately why the Prince had wanted me to include them in the class(?). At thirteen their cocks, still soft, were at least seven or eight inches long, we would measure them hard later. None of the boys had a micro or even small cock so getting adjusted to being in front of the others naked was not that difficult except for a couple boys that seemed to have concave chests. There honestly wasn't that much muscle on display other than a few really nicely muscled butts.

"You all know why you have been sent with me to this place. I heard you on the jet asking each other questions about what you thought would occur during the next month. I want to assure you that you are here to learn. If you do your practice exercises and follow instructions there will be very little pain for the twelve of you. If I find some of you are not following instructions very well, then we may use those boys as bottoms when we practice what we learn about cane, whips or flogs. Are any of you still completely virgin?"

I had expected maybe one or two of the younger boys but was surprised when four of the twelve raised their hands, none of the thirteen year olds.

"Are any of you still anally virgin?" I had Jamaal taking notes so I could personalize what lessons I might need to make for the boys as we progressed.

Added to the original four six more raised their hands. Only the twins sat on their hands. Their father was right, the twins were going to be like the Royal Prince, enjoying every part of his body when he could. I continued with the questions, many of them that must have sounded off the cliff to some of the boys but there was always one or two boys that had experienced what I was asking about except when I asked if any of them were capable of licking or fucking their own assholes (I had no doubt the twins would soon be able to fuck themselves if they practiced). We devolved into a question and answer session with the boys trying to resolve any feelings of fear they were still feeling. I gave them an hour break so they could enjoy the Olympic sized pool. Most of them had never learned to swim so Ahmed stayed with them as Jamaal and I met with the Physical Therapist and found beginning spots for each of the boys but kept them in three groups.

While asking about their experiences we had stopped a few times to ask about the number of times they might have done something. There were six that had only sucked a dick one time. There were also six that had only been given one blow job. Only the twins had ever licked an ass, each others of course. Everyone of the boys had given another boy a hand job, one of them admitted that was why his father thought he should be with us, I had thought he might be the most experienced when I first saw him but he was actually had the least experience, that single hand job. I had been trying since we left Saudi Arabia to memorize the boys' names but there were too many that were so similar, I resorted to pointing.

"Okay, out of the pool and dry off someone you don't know." I wanted the twins to start getting a little experience, at least they needed to touch an older boy or Ahmed before the day was over.

"We are dividing into three groups of four." Jamaal had the names and called them off and sent each group to a different lawn with the leader for that day. I knew there was some rumbling about the questions I had asked so the next two hours were stretching and exercise. We would wait until after dinner to introduce the boys to using their mouths, a half hour of the exercises were set aside for exercises that had been developed by the Physical Therapist to strengthen their jaws so when they were expectedf to suck numerous cocks in a row they were ready. I didn't have one of the groups that afternoon so I went into the palace to meet with the Major Domo to see if the boys could be exposed to the maids as little as possible.

We did a seating arrangement that put at least one boy of each age at the different tables, they would rotate the entire time we were there, no boy friends at mealtime. The dining room was set around the hot tub as I had thought when I looked down it. I thought I would have loved to be with the Prince, enjoy a soak and then a meal. That made we wish for him at my side even more.

There were two young men that were employed at the Palace. When the Major Domo had them brought to me I didn't think any of the Saudi boys would have the least interest, they had both been castrated before being allowed to work alongside the twenty maids. I learned the maids had all been forced to wear chastity belts for the month we were expected to be there, the secondary cook had been charged with checking that they were properly attached and locked every morning. So unless one or more of the boys convinced a maid to have oral or anal sex they were not to be thought of as a distraction to the boys, though why not? I could tell they were all attractive, even those with their faces covered.

"No, the maids will not be serving dessert. We will all be going out to the west lawn after you wash your hands and faces."

The boys had all prayed when they heard the prayer call, shown the direction of Mecca by the Major Domo.. I wouldn't let them forget that keeping their bodies clean was essential to good sex, I didn't agree with their religious beliefs but that was nothing new since I seldom agreed with anyone about religion. They might find men that enjoyed body odor once they left the palace but the Prince demanded cleanliness of those in his presence. I wasn't that particular, a sweaty armpit or ball sac was good to eat on occasion.

The first half hour after dinner the boys were all lead in the basics of Yoga that was followed by the physical therapist showing them particular stretching exercises that would allow them to roll their bodies when the time came for them to learn how to suck their own cocks.

We took a break of about fifteen minutes. I knew after dinner and an hour of exercises that most of them would need to piss if not shit. I waved Jamaal to my feet and gave him a hard stream for a minute then had Ahmed replace him to finish what was left in my bladder. Some of the boys had stayed to watch. Their parents may have had personal urinals but only one of the oldest boys had experience with using one. When Jamaal and Ahmed walked into the huge first floor restroom the boys standing questioned them about how it felt and tasted. There was a real curiosity but none of them tried to drink the other boys' piss.

As they returned to the lawn we were using, Jamaal had them line up facing another boy of the same age. I'm sure a couple of the younger boys would have preferred to be across from an older boy when they learned they were going to be given a lesson in sucking cock. I served as a demonstration dummy for Ahmed and Jamaal as they had the boys take a lick of the other boy's cock and the balls before allowing them to take the head of the cock in their face, into their mouth. The first six did as they were told and licked the cock from balls to head, around the shaft, up and down the sides before taking the head of the other cock in their mouth. Looking down the row of boys on their knees I could see that every one of them had an erection, a good start.

We didn't allow them to suck for long enough to get anyone off, but there was one thirteen year old and the boy with the least experience that couldn't hold back and shot a load for their partner. The boy (Yasir) that had taken the least experienced cock in his mouth (Salman) was surprised at the load he received and spit it on the grass. Ahmed explained carefully to the boys that if they were with another man that was accustomed to having sex with men that they would by insulting their partner by spitting the cum out. Yasir was told to lick the drop of cum off the tip of Salman's cock and then to squeeze the shaft to get more. At first he didn't seem to like what he was doing but after the third taste he asked if Salman could give him more, making the others start laughing.

Going through the same process Ahmed and Jamaal found they had two boys that were resistant to every part of their instructions. "Master, what should we do." While they were in training they would have received a paddling or beating if they had resisted doing what they had been told.

"Salman, why are you not doing as your instructors are telling you?"

"Prince, I think what I want to do is fuck a boy and be sucked not to return the act." I know there are many that feel exactly as he was saying. I don't think it fair to the partner but if one accepts that, okay. Still, I felt the need to be sure the boys knew how to give a good blow job when they left for their parents' quarters, it was the Prince's command.

"And you, (it was one of two or three Masouds) "

"Prince, I would never lower my self to having this type of sex with anyone that much younger than me. (He had been paired with one of the twins) If I am to have man to man sex I want a man."

"Boys you will need to learn how to satisfy any cock put in your face before you will be able to choose for yourself what you wish to do. I don't mean you should allow just anyone force you into sex but while you are learning, a dick is a dick no matter who it is attached to. If you are told to suck a slave's cock you will do it. If you are told to suck your own dick you will."

I didn't know if they were aware that I am still considered a slave but there was no doubt about Jamaal's status.

"Ahmed continue the class, have one of the boys standing alone to get on his knees. Jamaal and I will be the partner for these two. If they should fail in anything you tell them they will be sorry (I had been given permission by all the fathers to paddle or cane their sons as I saw fit as long as it wasn't a constant occurrence). Start from the beginning."

I had Salman kneel in front of me, giving Jamaal the boy that wanted someone older than himself, letting him know that Jamaal was four years his senior. That seemed to satisfy Masoud. He used his mouth as per his instructions and took the head of the precious cock in his mouth, he did misbehave by taking all of my slave's cock but who could resist that sweet meat.

Salman was a different story. I had to grab his head and move it to where Ahmed was telling the others to lick. Twice, I needed to step on his cock to get him to obey. I was pulling his hair hard enough by the time he was told to take the head in his mouth that he was already wide open. As I slid my cock in he vomited on me. I only hesitated for a moment.

"Salman you have create a mess. You are to clean it up" He looked at me as if I was speaking in tongues..

"Yes, you are going to lick up the vomit everywhere it landed." He was trying to say that he wouldn't do it when I reached back and slapped him hard across the face. Before he fell I hit him on the other side. I held his face to my crotch before the vomit started to dry, I was not going to let him move until he had done as I told him. He resisted me for about fifteen minutes, Ahmed had the other boys gather around us in a tight circle so that they could all see their cousin, in some way they were all cousins, his face smeared with vomit being forced to lick the rest up.

When Salman finally gave in and started to lick up the vomit I had to slap his ass with the cane to make him swallow. The look on the cousins' face told me they were learning the lesson that they were in for a serious time (it wasn't going to be all fun and games) while they remained in Morocco. It must have taken him an hour to clean my body and eat the vomit that had landed in the grass. The only vomit that I did not have him eat was on his own body.

"Go shower and then to bed."

We went on to the next series of exercises without him or any other disruptions. I think the boys all dropped off to sleep without any playing.

"Good morning boys. It has been brought to my attention that some of you want to know what the purpose of this training is. I wish I could tell you why each of your fathers sent you here. The Prince has said he wants this training so that you will be able to satisfy the men that come into your life more than just adequately. He wants your partners to say how great his Saudi lover was. There are other reasons, also. One being that the Prince may one day want to have sex with one or more of you and two he has desires that you should be able to fulfill by that time.

"Ahmed and I are going to show you what some of his desires to watch the Prince expects of his men."

Without moving much Ahmed and I looked each other in the eyes and slowly bent until we needed to put our arms behind our legs and pull our mouths to our cocks. As normal mine was standing up before I touched it with my tongue, Ahmed needed to get his tongue to the tip of his cock to get his cock to stand. I had two inches of my cock in my mouth by the time he was able to suck in the head of his. I had told Jamaal to say 'The Prince wants you to be able to suck your entire cock' at this point.

We sucked the entire cock into our mouth, drawing mine into my throat without a moments hesitation. Ahmed always needed to adjust when his cock hit his epiglottis but after just a moment he was able to take it the rest of the way in. We were in front of the boys with our lips obviously touching our balls. There had been gasp after gasp as they saw my ten inches and Ahmed's nine slide into our throats and disappear.

'The Prince enjoys watching his boys suck their own cocks but there is more that he wants. I reached out and licked my balls just as they had the night before. Ahmed couldn't do quite as well but it was obvious his tongue was touching his balls.

'He also enjoys watching his boys cum in their own mouths' We both went from having a dick in our throat to giving ourselves blow jobs that none of them were yet able to give anyone let alone themselves. We showed the boys when we shot our cum and without any prompting from Jamaal shared it with each other. At least four or five of them lost a load watching.

'There is one move in this activity that Ahmed is still attempting to learn, Prince would you be so kind as to let the nephews of your Prince see what he loves watching more than anything else." My back had tightened up a little because of the time it had taken to get off, but I was going to try to show these boys something they had never seen and probably never even heard of. I stood with my back to the twelve boys and bent over to where they were all able to see my asshole between my spreading legs. From the sounds it may have been the first time many of them had ever seen an asshole, they probably hadn't even seen their own.

I was really having to pull hard with both arms. I should have done this first but there would not have been the same reaction. I could see my goal and my balls were sitting on my chin.

Around the pool I could see all the boys seeing how far they were able to bend. There were two that I thought the Yoga and exercises might help to actually lick the tip of their cocks this month, everyone else was going to need more time and practice. The twins should have been able to get to their dick but their minds were in the way. I might be able to change that, I might want to take them on as a special gift for my Prince,l their cocks were long enough to reach.

We sat around in plush lounge chairs watching the boy for a half hour. A few had either given up or never tried, such as Salman and Masoud. "Boys don't think you're are too good to be licking ass, before you leave here you will have licked everyone of your cousins and all of the trainers' asses ,many times, until you are capable of pushing your tongues deep inside." I didn't know if it would really help but the Physical Therapist said he was going to have the boys work their tongues after they worked their jaws, He had asked to have them for an hour everyday.

"Salman, I thought we had this discussion resolved yesterday. What do you think is so demeaning that you are refusing to do it."

"That slave is trying to make me bend over like you., I will not show my asshole to everyone."

Making him eat vomit and taking a cane twice to his butt hadn't resolved his attitude. I knew I couldn't wait or he was going to become even more recalcitrant and do only what he thought a Saudi man would do.

"Guards!" I hadn't believed I would be needing them but having them watching from the shadows had been comforting as I heard noises from the beach below.

"Take him to the area where the the marble ends and the gravel begins." The gravel lead through a maze of a flowering thorn that seemed completely out of place in this paradise. The time we had allotted for the boys to give this their first attempt was nearly over anyway.

"Boys your cousin is going to make this an extremely difficult week if he continues to resist doing what the trainers tell him. You have all signed a punishment addenda to the original contract you and your fathers signed allowing you to attend this training. Salman is being held on his knees in the gravel waiting for the punishment he is sure will come. I lack imagination and would most likely do nothing more than either paddle him or use the cane on his balls. I would like to hear what you think his punishment should be."

I've said before slaves are cruel to each other. So are teen aged boys. Ask anyone that has either gone through an initiation or been bullied in high school.

"Cane his cock!" So the boys were going straight to hard punishment.

"One hundred strokes of the paddle, hit the back and front of his body."

"Let US cane him." I was sure it would be more than he deserves, but I liked the idea. Either it would straighten him up quick or he would be sent home, the laughing stock of his cousins.

"Who here has a dog?" I hadn't seen any in the palace but I really hadn't been around the other living quarters much. I was glad when it was one of the stronger looking boys that raised his hand.

"There are eleven of you, you may all give him ten blows with the cane. If he starts to bleed avoid that part of his body.

"Salim, will go first while the guards are holding him. After his your ten blows, Salim, you will fasten this collar and leash around his neck and lead him ten of your steps down the gravel path. Using the leash and collar you are expected to keep him on his hands and knees. If you need the guards to help just wave them over. After each boy strikes him ten times you will lead Salman another ten steps on the gravel. The last of you to be given the cane will use it ten times on each foot."

The boys set off at a run to do damage to their cousin. It hadn't been a huge part of the scheduled training but my Prince had asked that I be sure that the boys knew how to punish another, he wanted them to know how to do it for the receiver's pleasure but doing this I would be able to see if they knew how to wield a cane properly.

"You can't do this to me. I want to go home, camel dung!" He said many other things that were much more vile but I don't think you need to see them. Really he was howling most of the time he was punished. When I was handed the cane by one of the other Masouds, Salman's body was a mass of welts, more than the one hundred and ten there should have been since I had to stop a few of the boys and start them with the cane held properly for the area of his body they were aiming to strike.

"You think you won't show your ass to everyone? Everyone of your cousins has seen your asshole every time they struck you with the cane. I would have preferred to use a bull whip but most of your fathers have said no to that idea. If your father will not send for you when you talk to him tonight we will do this again tomorrow and every day after that until you start listening to what you are told. Tomorrow your cousins will be learning how to properly lick an asshole. If your father has not sent for you I will have every cousin sit on your face and I will beat your balls until they tell me you are licking their ass with enough force to get the tip in them.

"Just to give you a taste of what that will be like." The guards and my two slaves had flipped him onto his back. I slapped his balls with the cane five times, listening to him howl with the pain.

"Like I said, you will be licking every ass here, tomorrow. If you do not satisfying your cousins' desires I will be beating you ten not five times on your balls for each cousin that complains; mostly I will hit much harder than I just did, if I don't think you are trying. When the day is over I will send you back to the Prince in shame on the lamest camel I can find." Most of these boys had only seen camels in the distance, never riding one but they still laughed at Salman.

Next: Chapter 23

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