By Bruce Turner

Published on Sep 29, 2023



Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I hadn't heard from Prince Al Sari for more than a week. I was beginning to spend more time in bed than out of it, less clean than showered and at least half of my waking hours crying to myself. An escort of four guards came to take me to the Doctor's office for an X-ray that was to check if the bones in my leg had remained in place long enough to start healing or if he would need to reset any of the tiny fractured pieces that he had glued together with the bone glue perfected nearly 45 years earlier in Texas. Ahmed insisted on wheeling me through the public hallways of the palace to the limousine Fahis had provided for the six block trip. It would have been nicer to be out in the hot air for the trip with Ahmed pushing me but it was said I wasn't safe even with four guards, so I needed to be in the bullet-proof limo from garage to garage, guards leading and following me, a three car caravan to go six blocks, ridiculous. Let them shoot me,.

The television in the doctor's waiting room was the first I had seen since my accident had revealed my true self to my Prince, those in the Prince's quarters had been disabled so I was unable to hear anything of the world at large. The reporters were talking with a Palace spokesman about the possibility that Prince Al Sari would still marry the man that had stolen his heart. The official line was that marriage was not on the horizon. The reporter hinted that there were other stories circulating in the palace that were more positive for the couple, including one that could have been lifted directly from the last conversation I had with my Prince. I took heart from the reporter saying the other side of the story was more positive.

"Prince Khalid", really Prince Mehmet had purchased me for more than one million dollars, The supposed dowry offered his family had been more than 10 million dinars (the last I saw that would have been about 14 million dollars) which the house of Saud had given on a misrepresentation of the spouse in question and wanted most to be returned with the papers that entitled Prince Mehmet to my life. Saudi Arabia couldn't execute a slave with papers held in another nation, that was the official line for getting me under their control but a rumor had surfaced in the previous few days that once title to me was given to Prince Al Sari, he would set me free and once more court me. I didn't know where that had come from other than the hope that still lived in my heart.

Before signing off the air, the reporter spoke to two men on the street in front of the Murabba Palace where public enlistment in the Kingdom's Army was being promoted by proclaiming a soon to be war with Kuwait. The first man said to "seize Kuwait and enslave the whole population". The second man was more to the point, he thought that I should be allowed to marry if the Prince in Kuwait would free me from slavery. At least the Prince wouldn't face a complete meltdown of the kingdom should he choose to marry me. Ahmed was taking his time wheeling me back to the Prince's quarters from the palace garage ignoring the guards words 'to get a move on' with barely a hitch in our journey. It had felt good for me to be out of the Prince's quarters, it must have been even better for Ahmed that wasn't held back by a heavy cast on his leg.

We were most of the way to the door to the quarters when we were stopped by the Kuwaiti Ambassador and a man that I had seen a few times at Prince Mehmet's father's palace, I think he had been introduced to Mehmet as a Saudi negotiator.

"I no longer know how to address you, Ali. Your engagement to the Prince has not been cancelled. Your status as Mehmet's brother was finalized before your accident, so legally you are a prince although still an American slave of our nation. You are also being called a prisoner of war and a hostage of love. May I call you, Prince?" I had forced myself to clean up to go to the doctor's office but meeting the Ambassador like this was still less than optimal, I should have liked to know how to answer him.

"Prince Ahmed."

"Ambassador, you may call me slave. I am the possession of the new Prince Mehmet and will remain with him in Saudi Arabia once the contracts that permit his marriage are signed. Leave it to Ahmed to mention the elephant in the room."

"We have just left the Prince's office negotiating peace with his father and your ultimate fate, Prince Mehmet." I hoped he didn't get used to calling me that. I would ask the Royal Prince to rename me as part of the wedding ceremony, many princesses had, why not me?

"If it is not with my Prince you may as well allow the Saudis to execute me. I will have no further use to Kuwait or any new owners." Other than as a fuck boy, I had no further use.

"Your freedom in this country was registered with the proper Saudi offices and with the Royal Prince's office. We could request the Prince to once more court you but that may turn counter-productive. Kuwait has washed its hands of you and the king of Saudi Arabia does not want you. We regret that you take one of our brightest young men with you as your personal slave but that was his choice and duly registered with the proper authority. In fairness, Prince Mehmet has officially turned over his slave camps to you as was represented to the Royal Prince during your conversations as to employment prior to your engagement. Prince Al Sari has requested that you be allowed to have possession of the palace you were to occupy with Prince Mehmet but that has not been approved in our current talks with Mehmet and his family. There will be further discussions on what you will be permitted to bring with you and what Prince Mehmet's family will be required to give you in Kuwait, they will probably include the house on the beach that you liked instead of the palace. It will be more convenient if you are to continue running the slave camps where they are currently located." He had no need of the palace. Why did my Prince want it transferred to me.

"Will you still be wishing to marry the Royal Prince or do you no longer have the desire now that Kuwait no longer has a reason for that to happen?"

"As a free man I will let the Royal Prince know that I wish to hold him to his request of marriage. Do you know if that would be the proper course of etiquette?" His engagement was to a slave so it was not binding even in Saudi Arabia that held engagements arranged by the families to be nearly sacred.

"I should no longer give you advice, Prince, as you are an American of questionable slave status of the nation not entitled to my advice, until your status is fully determined But to me it sounds proper, you might want to speak to the American Ambassador's designate to enslaved Americans. Rumors at the Embassy parties have been circulating that the Americans would not be happy to see you married to the Royal Prince." What a let down, had my father gotten to some official and paid a bribe? The USA still owed the Kingdom trillions so why the objection to a marriage that might help find a different solution to a debt that was far out of bounds.

"Fuck, them. America didn't care enough to keep me from being enslaved so why should I give 2 dinars what they think or want?" Ahmed put a hand on my shoulder, I knew I was getting too loud for the area of the palace we were in, but I was losing any desire to obey anyone's rules. The Ambassador was ready to get away, too.

"Good luck, young man."

"Ahmed, get me to the Prince's quarters before they lock us out." I didn't have any idea what would be the next step in this odyssey but didn't want it to include homelessness in a strange land. I had started a free man and was now technically something else but not what I wished to be. MARRIED TO PRINCE AL SARI!

Back in the Prince's quarter the guards inside had disappeared leaving a an official missive that stated they should no longer be needed. They were never needed and had done nothing while there other than stare at me. "Ahmed, Jamaal, the time has come to move all of this wedding material into another room and get it organized so when the wedding planner returns matters move much quicker."

While they cleared what I guessed had been his Mother's room I wrote out clearly the decisions the Royal Prince and I had made while on Crete. Ahmed was pleased to be involved in anything about a wedding, (he is a romantic) I allowed him to decorate a table in the center of the room as closely as he could, to meet our decisions from the materials the planner had left in the quarters I occupied to duplicate my description of the head table

While he was decorating the wedding table I had Jamaal deliver a dinner invitation to Prince Al Sari. Matters had been dragging between us. I had thought he would need to make the next move but I decided that just as I had to take the initiative to paddle him I was going to need to take the initiative to win his love back. If that required me to bow as a free man to his stubbornness, so be it.

"Master, if he accepts the dinner invitation we could have your wheelchair wrapped in gilt."

"Ahmed, look around, the Prince has banished gilt from most of his life. I would not want to make him think I was here only for his money. Although I might wear one of the sets of toe rings to show my appreciation of his taste in gift giving. With my toes propped on the foot rest it may be the easiest I will ever have to display them.

"By doing this am I starting to court him?'

""Master, in some way he may think that. Would the dynamics of your sexual situation permit him to think of himself as being courted?"

"I don't believe so." No, he would never even though I had taken what he would think of as a more traditionally masculine role in our first sexual encounter.

"Ahmed, I could not give him the gifts necessary to be courted in the way he would me. This is all too confusing for a small businessman's son (I had never told anyone in either Saudi Arabia or Kuwait about my father dealing in ammunition around the Mideast) from Indiana. I had never seen a gold and jewel encrusted goblet until your brother took me to your Father's palace. I had never imagined that people lived with slaves that would be their personal urinals every morning or nighttime. Slaves were only fantasies that I had seen occasionally in erotic or historical writings. The life I have been living since the day your brother bought me has been so different than that of a college student surviving (only barely) on a trust fund and a scholarship.

"Was Jamaal not your slave in America?" Ahmed seemed surprised.

"I hadn't seen Chuckles for more than thirteen years when your brother made him bow at my feet and kiss them. Besides, there have not been any slaves in Americas since the 1800's. That's not to say all people are treated with the respect they deserve. You still hear of an occasional housekeeper that a family has kept from the public to do the same as a slave might here but they are always prosecuted. Thinking about it right now, there are also prostitutes that are virtual slaves to their pimps but that is usually for drugs and last only a few years."

"Master, did you not open the last gifts that the Royal Prince sent to you while we were on Crete?" Ahmed had been digging for a sheet of cloth that we had decided would be used for my attendant's headdresses instead of the Saud family checkered cloth..

"I didn't know anything about them. Bring them out, we can have fun for a few minutes." I didn't feel that I deserved fun but I sure needed it.

Jamaal and Ablah returned to the Prince's quarters before Ahmed had brought out the dozens of gift that had never been opened. They both looked happier than I had seen anyone in the palace since returning from the hospital on Crete. The first gift I opened was an oil painting of the Prince looking down the corridor of the palace.

"Master, the Royal Prince Al Sari has sent his personal body slave to stay with you and teach Ahmed and I court etiquette while he is traveling in Africa."

"You are most welcome in my current residence, the Prince's quarters, Ablah."

"May I speak freely, master?

"Please do." I really wanted to ask about the Prince's trip to southern Africa but was attempting to placate this presumptuous slave.

"The Royal Prince is in mourning at the idea that he will not be permitted to marry your highness. He has asked me to express this to you. He is still trying to convince the King to permit the marriage to happen. He is being sent on the month long trip to change his mind about you. If when he returns he demands to be permitted to marry you, the King is willing to go to Royal conciliation. Most of the countries where he will be in contact with the rulers send slaves to entertain the Princes of the Arab nations thinking it is required for them to do so to conduct business. The King hopes these slaves can change the Prince's mind or heart.

"I am not going with the Prince, because the last time I was on this trip a King tried buying me from the Prince and would no longer honor a contract when refused. Only those slaves that he would not miss too much are being allowed to accompany him along with an older secretary from the King's office.. Unlike me all but the secretary were once Americans."

"Why has he entrusted you to me?"

"The Prince has some peculiar sexual desires that if you are married he hopes you will be able to satisfy. He does not want to have to maintain a harem of boys to satisfy each desire. He hopes I can introduce you to the practices without you being insulted or needing to be being sent to his slave camps."

"I told him about being through three months of training in Prince Mehmet's camps. There was very little that I was not exposed to or taught."

"We shall find out if that is true, our camp rulers believe they are far in advance of the Kuwaiti. I do not wish you to think of me as a master while I live with you but as a teacher, however I will have the authority of the Prince in this household while he is absent. (I fumed at that thought.) You may find it demeaning to perform on a slave, but I hope not. My Master wants to be certain that you are more accomplished than you have shown in the few night you have been together." Ablah seemed to be holding back a smirk.

"I think of it as the opposite, myself. I have found the Prince as less accomplished than I would like. There are activities that he needs much teaching in." I had been trying to increase his skills while on Crete but that had been cut short so I couldn't measure his progress.

"What are you saying?" Ablah seemed surprised anyone would think the Prince lacking.

"Your master needs to learn how to use his tongue more effectively to bring me to climax when eating my asshole."

"He licked your ass?"

"Yes, and he needs practice. He also needs to learn how to lick out an armpit more eagerly. And how to suck balls"

"But these are things a Royal Prince would never be expected to do." The shock that registered on his face might have been humorous in another situation.

"They are things which I expect of him as a spouse. He may be a Prince in court but in bed I expect him to be my whore." Ablah was scandalized, how dare anyone speak about the Royal Prince in that way?

"Master, I need to report to the Prince before he leaves. May I visit him?" The desperation in his voice made my day.

"You may. Remind him that I hold the whip in the bedroom."

"Ablah blushed so darkly that my two slaves both laughed until they fell onto the floor." It certainly wasn't the way I wanted to speak to the man I love, but if he wouldn't seek me out I would send him a message any way I was able. He was going to be out of the country for a month and I was being held prisoner? I wish I knew how to get out of the palace and on his jet, I know if he sees me we will find a way to convince his father that we belong together.

Unwrapping gifts was not as much fun as I thought it might be with the loss of my Prince inevitable. If they were jewels they were larger than before, if silver or gold, more solid, if clothing either more transparent or woven with more silver and gold. Among the gifts there was a caftan that was as sheer as any cloth I could ever imagined, it couldn't have even hid the bumps around my nipples or the top of my public bush. I considered putting it on and walking out among the Prince's subjects demanding to see him before he left the kingdom. I held off, it was a piece of clothing that I should wear for the first time on our honeymoon, the Prince had told me after our first time having sex after our wedding we would be expected to appear on a balcony dressed in bed wear., the caftan would work perfectly as long as the balcony railing was solid.

"Master Mehmet, the Royal Prince agrees to see you tomorrow for dinner here in his living quarters, he will be bringing a younger brother, the one you met at the Royal Hotel. Please stay away from that other red meat as he has been having stomach issues since Crete." I would cook him soft-boiled eggs if that was all he could eat, I was extremely pleased to hear he would finally see me even if chaperoned by the 'Toad'. I sent Ahmed and Jamaal to the dining room to make sure there was not a single speck of dust or sand anywhere, they turned over every object in the room and cleaned the bottom as well as the floor underneath them . I wanted to start on a menu for the following day but Ablah was trying to get my attention focused on sex.

"Ablah, if you do not shut your mouth I will take a cane to every tender part of your body." It was not an idle threat, I had a new cane that had been in one of the gifts the Prince had sent to me, a beautiful supply of equipment meant to be used breaking a slave.

"Master, I would not allow that."

"Ablah, Jamaal and Ahmed would easily overwhelm you, if they are not capable of that I would use my martial arts training to do so. You really are not a match for the abilities we possess. I would not wish to have to teach you to obey, but given the necessity it will not be too much for me to do so." I was ready to toss him around a few times and give him the side of my hand or the tips of my fingers to his throat just for a demonstration.

He was quiet for about fifteen minutes as he pawed through the Prince's drawers and closets. I think he is inherently incapable of silence. He broke into the conversation I was having with Ahmed about arrangements for the meal the following day without even addressing me as Master or Prince. I really am not so enamored with either title but I knew that the slaves in the kingdom were required to address the princes properly or risk a beating that would make ME scream like a little girl.

"Ahmed, Jamaal, take this pest to the bedroom and fasten him ass up over the rack." Maybe with him in the other room I could finish creating a menu for dinner the following evening. There was only a little scuffle. The Prince would expect to approve my selections for dinner and might even take away the joy I would have in cooking the meal by turning it over to the palace chef. I know that would be standard protocol to avoid the possibility of poisoning of any Royal couple that was separated.

The boys came back into the room where I was sitting, giggling. When I asked why, they told me that Ablah had much less cock than they had when they were six or seven years old. (Slaves can be extremely cruel to one another so I doubted the description). It didn't matter to me as long as I would have the chance to beat his balls with the cane, he deserved it. I had determined that he was going to be royally caned in a way that he had never experienced as Al Sari's personal slave.

"May we fuck him, Master?" Ahmed was already protruding from the short robe he had been wearing since he started arranging the spare room. It certainly would teach the slave that I didn't hold him in the same esteem he thought I should as a slave of my Prince.

"Is he shaved?"

"No, Master."

"Ahmed, clean every hair from his body below his eyelashes. He will be able to feel the cane that much better if there is no hair for protection. You may also give him a few swat on the soles of his feet between shaving the right and left leg." I already knew that Ahmed was much rougher than me when wielding a cane. If Ablah could walk when he was finished I would be surprised, Ahmed had no concept of what I meant when I said "a few".

"Master, do you require that he is cleaned out, also"

"No. I don't want you making a mess." There was a look of disappointment on his face. Ahmed had a cruel streak that I was trying to channel and limit but so far I had little success, as he aged I had no doubt he would love to have Monsieur's position as enforcer for a slave dealer or in a harem. This exercise with Ablah should help release some of that cruelty. Part of the problem was that he was a former prince living in the world of a slave and was still trying to adjust. I understood, I hadn't been a prince but I went from being free to the life he was now living, also.

"Master, is he to get all the fun?"

"Jamaal. What would you like to do to the slave?" I don't have that great of an imagination so what I might have told him to do was fairly generic.

"Master, first I would like to hang weights from his nipples, then heavier weights from his tiny balls and more weights from clips on the loose skin of his cock. If he is not crying from the pain by then I would like permission to heat the weights.

"Jamaal, when Ahmed has finished you have my permission to hang the weights but not to heat them, just add extra weight. You may want to hang them from his ears and lips also. We need to return him to the Prince in very nearly the same shape as he arrived here. You really don't have to wait for Ahmed to finish if you don't want, maybe you can double fuck him" Shape? Yes. Color? Perhaps a different shade mixed with red. Asshole? Wide open.

I told Jamaal that, but I was thinking that the caning I was going to give him might not allow him to walk back to wherever he was to meet the Prince. Why? I wanted the Prince well aware that I wouldn't be taking orders from any of his slaves and that it was time he dealt with me personally.

"Now take this to the Prince's secretary. You may sit in the atrium for a while listening to the public conversations." Jamaal loved to tell me the gossip and truthfully not having any interaction with anyone other than the slaves I needed to hear about the happenings in the palace and world he heard. While I was waiting on Ahmed I checked to be sure the kitchen would have the items needed if I were given the opportunity to make dinner for my Prince or if I would need to request items from the executive chef who served as our grocery store.

From the rattling of metal I could tell that Ahmed was cleaning up everything he had used to clear the slave of hair. "Did you whip his feet, Ahmed?"

"Yes, Master. I gave him five good strikes with the cane on the under-arch on both feet, he is still crying." Ahmed was right, the slave had tears freely flowing from his eyes into his now matted hair.

"Jamaal told me that you wanted to bite that tiny dick and those baby balls off. Do you really think your teeth would be strong enough to tear through his skin?" Ahmed had a look of panic on his face, he couldn't even imagine biting into another's flesh. He saw me motioning to keep the conversation moving.

"Master, I would love to try biting into his sac and learning the taste of a human testicle. Would it taste like his cum?" Ablah began sobbing at the words we were speaking. It was a question that I had wondered about, once or twice before, more seriously since the night I returned to the hotel room with teeth marks in my own sac.

"Perhaps I will allow you that treat after you and Jamaal have fucked him two or three times. That will have to wait until after he receives the caning he was begging for, bothering me while I was busy doing for the Prince."

Caning him was not nearly as enjoyable as had been caning the Prince. His reactions were muted due to having been beaten many times while being trained for his position as the Prince's personal body slave, it would have been required to be guaranteed that he did not offend the Prince if he chose to beat him on the spur of the moment in public. If I hadn't hit his balls and cock a dozen times I doubt he would have whimpered as much as he had done at having a slave remove his hair, that was as much insult as the cane was pain.. When I thought I was finished I saw that his little nub of a cock was standing out from his sac as hard as a bone, I gave both his sac and cock another ten stripes then between his legs, but closer to his asshole. Leaving his asshole for after the other slaves had fucked him and I was ready to send him back to the Royal Prince with an appropriate thank you letter he would have written to my slaves and me.

Jamaal returned just as I had decided that Ablah had enough of a beating.

"There is talk in the palace that the Royal Prince has reserved the space that was supposed to be used for your wedding for a month later than the original date. People are speculating that he still intends to marry you in front of the world even if it is against his father's wishes."

"Perhaps I will know more tomorrow."

"Or now, Master. The secretary showed the Prince the menu and gave it back to me with his approval. You are to requisition any thing used in preparing the meal from the executive chef, he will have his assistant stand in the kitchen to oversee every thing you do."

"That is good, but it doesn't mean he will marry me. But he is coming here to tell me something." I was ready to shout "hallelujah!".

"It is time for you and Ahmed to fuck the slave. Leave me be." I knew it wouldn't take them long to fuck him once but having been given permission if not a direct order to fuck him at least twice they would be leaving me in private for at least an hour. It would be late when I sent the slave back to the Prince. I considered leaving him on the rack until the Prince arrived the next evening, I couldn't think of a reason not to other than the Prince might think I had gone too far in the lessons I wanted to teach him.

"Stay!" Ahmed wanted to leave the room to void his bladder but I had the full intent to have he and Jamaal to fill the Prince's slave with their piss before they were to throw him out the door. I gave Ablah ten strokes with the cane directly on his asshole and another ten on his balls. He needed to report that I knew what I was doing with a cane when he once more saw the Prince.

"Use that funnel to fill him with your piss and then plug his ass with the largest butt plug you can find (the funnel had been in the Prince's drawers). I think there are at least ten in the Prince's bottom drawer." I had left the drawers to the left side of the bed filled with his personal items and had placed some of the gifts sent in the drawers to my side.

"Master, thank you for allowing us the use of the Prince's slave. He has been riding us since we first met him getting on the jet to Crete. Because you are not a Saudi he believes you are not fit to marry his Prince. I have tried not to show what he has been saying, but this evening has shown him that you know how to deal with unruly slaves."

"Ahmed, you are to come to me if there is anyone provoking you. I will be very disappointed if you leave me because the Saudis have chased you off. I have learned to enjoy having you with me and not only because I love having your mouth to service me first thing in the morning." He knew exactly what I was referring to, so did Jamaal, he did the same for me while I was preparing for bed each night, since we had been in the Prince's quarters they had been switching back and forth during the day. If I wasn't drained I would have given Ablah a load, too.

"Master, was what you told him about telling the Prince that you wield the whip in the bedroom true?" Ahmed seemed amazed that it would be possible for a man he knew to be a slave when he had been with the previous prince to punish a Royal Prince.

"Perhaps the Prince will allow you to see his ass and legs one morning." I couldn't brag to the slaves that I had beaten the Royal Prince any more than that or Ablah might have shared it with the palace gossip line. There was no doubt in my mind that Jamaal would tell Ahmed to look the first time Ahmed came to empty our bladders after we were married. How red the Prince's ass was going to be depended on how long he kept me waiting.

I sat reading the first of the books the Prince thought I should be acquainted with, in Arabic. I spoke the language much better than I read it and would have to have Ahmed translate some of the idioms and words as I consumed chapter after chapter about ancient Arabic history. I took both of the boys to bed with me that evening. They had done what I needed them to and while I tried to fall asleep Jamaal sucked my cock while Ahmed licked and sucked my balls. I thought if the Prince sent Ablah back the slave would be returned to him as a eunuch. (Where did that thought come from?) (It was the second time I had thought about ridding the boy of his balls.) After I gave Jamaal a load of cum I turned onto my stomach; I didn't need to give either the order, they started to lick my ass as soon as it was accessible to their tongues. I fell asleep thinking it was the Prince eating me, never losing the erection Jamaal had attempted to drain of all fluid.

"Prince AL Sari, my love, my Prince, welcome to your quarters. Prince of Saud.,(I had never been properly introduced to Al Sari's brother or if I had I had forgotten his name.) What may my slaves get for you while our dinner is being finished?"

"Iced water., Ali."

I didn't like the sound of his voice but at least there was a hint of a smile on his face and a complimentary host's gift in hand. The daily gifts had stopped coming so this was a treat once more. I found the custom of accepting a gift but opening it after the giver left, confusing. Did that allow them to give gifts the recipient would find humorous? We talked haltingly while the dinner was being finished and dished onto platters by the chef's assistant that had insisted on doing more than watch as I prepared the meal for the Prince. If either of us took ill I would know it was his fault, I wanted my Prince healthy and happy.

"My Prince, I have missed you."

I thought I had given him a chance to say something about missing me also but he spoke more formally, telling me of the infighting among his family. It is important to him and most likely to our future but I find that sort of thing boring beyond any usage of words. He had been there a half hour when dinner was formally announced. We sat at a table built for ten direct across from each other with Princde Alk Baka sitting at the head of the table, that allowed us some familiarity but not much. We were at least able to whisper to each other when the assistant chef entered the room, my Prince thought he might be a spy.

I was heartened by the fact that Fahis had not been accompanied by one of his personal slaves. Had he learned a lesson from the condition of Ablah when he had returned or were they too busy preparing his household to travel? That wasn't the lesson I had intended, but it was a good one. I preferred having the Prince to myself rather than share him with his or my slaves. There was a high amount of tension between us that was taking a very long time to partially melt and his younger brother didn't help us out as he had at the restaurant.

"My Prince, do you intend to marry me?" I am tactless at times, I was impatient to know if there was a chance that the Prince had any love for me, I think the brother enjoyed me putting his older brother on the spot. "Fahis, I hope you have learned from my messages that I am still yearning to be yours; I hope you wish the same as you did when I first agreed to your proposal. I thank you for freeing me from the Kuwaitis (it could only have been him.). If you now promise to marry me, my life will be completely happy." It really wasn't the answer I was expect from my Prince but I was glad he addressed the issue.

"My security force is still investigating what you told them about your involvement in the Kuwaiti plot to steal information from my office and to seduce me as an act of decoying my security. I hope what you told them proves to be the truth and that the decision for you to marry me was yours not that of Mehmet or the government of Kuwait. If security finds that you have been telling them the truth, my father may yet be convinced to allow us to wed. For the moment, he is still refusing my requests but has been weaker in his denials every day."

I didn't know what to do. I wanted to take him in my arms, I wanted to fall at his feet and I wanted so much more. I broke down and lay my head in his lap murmuring pleasure that my Prince still desired to be with me. He was surprised that I showed the affection in front of his brother I did but returned some of it with a hand placed on my head holding me to his lap. I knew better than to try to turn the moment into a sexual encounter. We were not back together, but we both wanted the same thing and could possibly be there soon.

"My Prince, do you have to go off to South Africa for the next month? I will be driven crazy by your absence." I knew that I would be a mess, most likely crying as I had for much of the last week. I hoped I didn't take to my bed also.

"Do not allow that to happen, my love." It just slipped out, my heart leaped at the words and I pushed myself even tighter against my Prince's body.

"Will you please try to message me while you are absent?" I didn't know whether I was asking more than he wanted to give until I was cleared but I needed more than just a half promise from him to sustain me for the next month.

"Ablah told you that I was thinking of sending you back to slave camp while I was gone? "

"Yes, my Prince, but not why specifically."

"One of the greatest pleasures Allah has given us is to watch a man swallow his own cock." I gave a small huff, stood up, moved away from the table where he and his brother were able to see my entire body, slipped out of my robe and slowly reached around my legs. I had been tense most of the day but just before the Prince arrived Jamaal and Ahmed had helped me stretch and relax, were they developing an ability to read my Prince?

At what I was about to do my cock knew to rise, it had a brain of its own and didn't care if there were was an audience. It was already 75% erect when I pulled my head low enough to take the head between my lips. I find the taste of my cock intoxicating and worked the head with my lips sucking up as much taste as I could. Then I worked the shaft into my mouth giving myself a tongue and cheek massage that took me from 75% erect to 100%. My Prince and his brother sat wide-eyed as I moved past that point of my cock. Al Sari had been able to take me only so far into his narrow mouth and slid up and down. Two minutes later I had managed to force the head of my ten inch cock into my throat and licked at my balls for his viewing pleasure. I could see that I had the effect on my Prince that I had hoped for, there was a wet spot spreading on the front of his formal dishdasha. I doubt his brother had noticed, his eyes had not left my cock, telling his brother how he could see my throat swelling as I drove my cock deeper every time I slid down the shaft..

I held my entire cock in my mouth and throat until I needed to breath, after pulling from my throat I gave myself not just a bath in my mouth and throat but a full blow job, the head of my cock reaching into my throat every time my mouth went down the shaft. My Prince sat there agape as I began to shoot a full load into my mouth. From the moaning I heard at the head of the table the "Toad" must have lost a load, too. I could have swallowed my sweet, thick cum; my Prince would have enjoyed watching that but I had another thought. As I drained my cock of cum I stepped back to him and let the cum mix with his on the robe.

"My Prince, is that what you would send me to your camp to learn?" He didn't answer but nodded his head, gulping hard.

"Have you ever taken a cock in your ass while doing that?"

"No, but Fahis, I would love for us to try to see if it would be possible for us." I couldn't see why I couldn't take his cock if I rolled up on my shoulders to suck my cock. I had taken Mehmet in that position just not sucking on myself.

"There is one other reason I would like you to go to the camp. I want to see you do the impossible." It didn't take me long to understand what he meant.

"My Prince, I am able to take about two inches and push it in and out."

"Perhaps you should be teaching at the camps." It was the first time the "Toad" had spoken since I had disrobed.

"Perhaps, but do you really think your father would approve of your brother marrying a teacher from the sex camps?" I didn't.

Next: Chapter 22

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