By Bruce Turner

Published on Sep 4, 2023



Chapter 2

While I have set the slaves' birthplace as the USA they could have as easily come from anywhere in Europe or South America. The receivers of flesh could be of any race or nationality, remember Shylock? Minos? The Iroquois?

The story is obviously fiction. None of us know what may happen in the years between now and 2088.

One freedom we have is reading Nifty! If you can contribute to its ongoing presence please do.

Chapter 2

The first three of us on the stage to my right were sold for fifty-five thousand dollars each. That would do more than the $20,000 average expected for the sale of slaves proposed to the USA to reduce debt (It was an odd agreement, the slaves were taken from the USA at $20,000. but if the country wanted to sell them individually whatever was paid minus 5% would be given to the USA not to be less than $20,000.. Still those left in the hands of the government would be valued at that price. Those of us culled from the mass for private sale might draw more money and assume some status from that but it is unlikely that any of us individually would be sold for enough to help our country much.

"$225,,000! Do I hear $250 thousand? Take a good look gentlemen. This is the only slave we have in this shipment that looks like this." I couldn't believe that Prince Khalid and three other men had driven the price up that high. It is nice to know that I am worth more than the $55,000. that had been paid for Jones.

"Remember you are getting a virgin. Not just his ass (there was a loud rumble of laughter at that) but dick and mouth, too."


What did they think I could do that would be worth that much? Jones had said to relax and let it happen, but I was going to fight it all the way. The first man that tries sticking his cock in my mouth or ass is going to find out how hard I can bite or land a punch. Let them shoot me with their rubber bullets and taze me if they want, they are going to hurt just as much.


"$320,000." Two of the guards grabbed me by my arms and shoulders. I was walked to the edge of the stage and forcibly bent over so that anyone looking could see my asshole. I wished I had been able to move my bowels and dump a load in front of Prince Khalid but I was tighter than a champagne bottle. At least I thought there were only two men bidding on me now. All other sound in the warehouse had been silenced. Other than the Prince I hadn't been paying attention to those bidding but now I looked to where I heard the next bid, he didn't look like a Kuwaiti. It took me a few minutes until I recognized Mr. Meckelson, my parents' lawyer. I breathed a sigh of relief, my family was trying to save me from slavery. I wished I could talk to him, I would release the small trust fund that my great-grandparents had left me to add to whatever money my parents were able to pay. I couldn't believe they had the money to compete with Prince Khalid. Hearing his next bid I knew their attempt would fail.

"$450,000!" The Prince was sounding more aggressive the higher the bids he made."

"We have $450,000. Do I hear a half million?"

As if he knew he had won, the Prince ran a wet finger up the crack in my ass. Like Samson pulling down the temple walls I stood and using every ounce of strength ran the two guards together and tossed them from the stage. I was getting desperate but I was overwhelmed by another half dozen guards.

"Meckelson, add in my trust fund!" There wasn't much left in the fund after paying for college, but the plan had not been for me to go to a state school so there was at least one hundred thousand left. We had been warned to not say anything by the guard walking us up the steps, I hadn't forgotten but the club on the back of my knees reminded me in a way nothing else could have. I dropped to my knees, my semi-hard cock less than a foot from Prince Khalid's face. His gaze was intently focused on me even as he paid attention to the auctioneer. I could feel the warmth of his breath caressing my cock and balls. If I could have reached I would have stuck my ass in his face, later I learned that he would have liked that except for the audience.

The lawyer was on his phone. With a small smile he raised the paddle that said he was still in at half a million dollars. Without the auctioneer asking the Prince raised his paddle again. For another five minutes the pair went back and forth raising the bid, I barely heard what the asking price was until I heard Meckelson shout out one million dollars. I never had believe much in telepathy but I tried as hard as possible to tell Prince Khalid not to bid again. I knew that would be the last bid from Meckelson, my father didn't believe there was anything worth more than one million dollars, even his first born son's ass.

"1,250,000." I looked down at the Prince wondering if that was the last time my head would be higher than his. How was he going to treat me? Would he want to share my ass once he was tired of it? Would I be sent to the labor camps once I was too old to intrigue him?

"SOLD! One and one quarter million dollars to Prince Khalid." Well I guess I was doing my part to reduce America's debt. But I didn't care if he possessed me, I was not going to be cooperative. I wouldn't lay down and let him fuck me like a bitch.

I was afraid that I would be marched off the stage and bent over for my new owner to take in front of the thousands in the warehouse. Four guards escorted me down the stairs at the opposite end of the stage from where I had walked to my down light, still imagining myself a free man. Jones and the other two slaves were standing there waiting for the end of the auction; they had been covered with black robes, I hoped for the same, I had been naked for too long. The guards made me turn so that anyone in the sky boxes that wanted to watch could see them first put a two inch wide collar, studded inside and out, around my neck and pull it snug. Then the guards held up for them to see a smaller version of the same item, at first I thought it was a bracelet they were going to put on my arm. Prince Khalid took the small collar and gently fitted it around the base of my cock and balls.

"These belong to me now. Cooperate or they will be your dinner.

"I will lead you out of here with a leash attached to the collar around your neck unless you give me a hard time. If you do I will attach the leash to the cock ring, if I need to do that I promise I will not be gentle." He bumped the cock ring, it would not take much pressure to pierce my skin. I followed him carefully as he led me from the warehouse.

I didn't like the look of the men that met us outside of the warehouse but I knew I wasn't going to like what they were going to do to me. The Prince handed them two whips. Up until that moment I hadn't thought of slaves being punished, sure I had heard of it when learning about the pre-Civil War slave owners but I had never thought about being in the position where anyone could or would whip me. I was quickly revising my intentions, it might be better for me if I did as the Prince ordered. NO! I am a free man and will not be bought as a slave and forced to have sex with anyone let alone a sweaty Kuwaiti Prince that would finger me in front of thousands of people and then marched me away from my fellow slaves like a prized bull. As I followed the two men Prince Khalid stopped them so he had the chance to slap my butt again and tell me to pay attention and learn, that slap was harder than the first and was followed with a stern look.

It was difficult for me to follow the men across the tarmac, the needle sharp studs of the cock ring not only poked me from the inside but also poked into my sac and legs. If I tried to relief myself from that pain the leash would pull the collar into either the back of my neck or against my throat. Even with the sharp pains I was more attentive to the spot on my butt where the Prince had slapped me. My butt tingled instead of hurt, almost as if the Prince had let his hand kiss my ass. Once in the Hummer I was in such pain from the cock ring that all I could do was cry.

Slave Camp (50)

Other than spread your legs, my guards had not said a word as we slowly made our way to the camp where I was supposed to be trained to please Prince Khalid. Kuwait was much like I had expected until we reached the camp which sat on the shore of the Persian Gulf. I knew Kuwait sat on the gulf but for some reason had thought of it as more of a desert country. The guards walked me through the camp to a hut built in the style of of a mosque with a dome and four towers modeled after minarets. There were no walls to the hut but under the dome was a royally appointed circular bed. I might be held in esteem but the only advantage I saw as I sat on the bed was the four gauze panels that might keep out some insects.

The leash was removed from my collar and I was pushed towards the center of the bed.

"Once the other slaves arrive classes will begin." The guards then left me to myself, the first time I had any privacy since I had left the house on my way to the football game. I spread my legs when I sat on the bed until I realized that I was exposing my asshole to anyone that close enough to look.

I thought about exploring the camp but having walked the depth of it decided that there really wasn't anything I wanted to see more of. I'm not a distance swimmer or I might have thought of escaping, I could see an American aircraft carrier off shore, too far for me to reach by swimming but taunting me none the less. Still the Gulf water looked inviting and I walked to the shore and on into the Gulf. I tried washing away the smell of fear I had felt standing on stage but walking out of the water I could still smell it clinging to me. Behind the hut was a shower where I rinsed off the salt, it was the first time I had soap and shampoo that I would have bought myself while in captivity.

For an hour I rested on the bed tossing and turning, not quite asleep but not quite awake either: I am used to sleeping on my sides but the cock ring poked into my flesh when I turned to either side.. I had heard arrivals in the camp to my left, but I wasn't interested in seeing the slaves I had been with in the warehouse, maybe if they were women. That thought had made my dick grow to its full length, thinking there was no one near I stroked it leisurely. I was picturing women but the fingers that had invaded my asshole while I had been on stage kept interfering with those images, but not with my erection.

"Do you think he's asleep?"

"He isn't stroking his cock anymore." The voices sounded extremely young. I could tell they were natives not any of the Americans I was with. There were wet footsteps on the platform surrounding the bed.

"If he tries to stop me, hit him." I didn't have anything for them to steal other than my watch or wallet, the guards had shown me a safe for them so I wasn't worried.

"How big do you think that thing is?" The voice didn't sound any older than ten or eleven, I was shocked at the feel of a tongue licking the entire length of my cock.

"Nine or ten inches, long enough to get stuck in my throat." I reached up to stop the boy from sucking my cock just as I felt his lips touch the throbbing head of my cock only to have my head hit with some kind of stick. I heard the boys running away giggling. Why didn't I just let him suck me? I knew that I was going to be having sex with other males soon, I didn't need the headache in the bright sun and 100 plus degree temperature. Sitting up I saw at least forty naked guys in the camp to my left. The voices were loud and distant, I could only tell orders were being given not what they were.

I watched the guys go through a set of fairly normal calisthenics. I really didn't want to notice but there were dicks flopping in all directions as the guys did jumping jacks and squats. They were all sizes from micro cocks to one that I thought might be longer than mine, the fabled foot long dick. I didn't have any desire to do anything with those cocks but I was entranced watching the slaves doing as they were ordered. After about forty-five minutes they got in a line and one by one stepped onto a platform where a kneeling man with barber shears denuded their crotch and ass crack. I heard a whip crack and the first two that had been buzzed fell to their knees and fumbled with some things on a table between them.

The third and fourth guy that had been buzzed stepped in front of the first two. I couldn't hear it but I could tell that there was shaving cream being sprayed on the two guys standing. The guys on their knees were soon shaking a razor in a basin at their knees. A few minutes later the guys traded places unlike numbers three and four one and two were shaved front and back. As they stepped off the platform it looked as if they had dropped ten years off. The shaving continued for the next hour the guys on their knees shaving one guy's ass and another's front. There were a few that objected and attempted to avoid the razors..

The three I had seen object were held off to the side.

When the shaving appeared to be over the three that had objected were manhandled so that their asses were sticking up in the air away from me. The guards were joined by a huge muscular black man dress in little more than a jockstrap, a harness and a few leather straps on his arms. The guys that had already been shaved were arranged behind the muscular man. I learned later he was the enforcer for the three camps I could see and was himself a slave of the Prince. Without any preliminaries he began flogging the three guys that had objected to being shaved. I may have missed a few strokes, but I think he gave each of them a dozen. They were then moved in front of the man with the barber shears and were stripped of all their hair not just that at the crotch.

I couldn't tell how but three of the guys that had already been shaved were called up and handed what looked like an old fashioned straight razor. They all started on the top of the objectors' heads and worked their way down, being replaced from time to time by another three of their group. If there was any hair on their bodies after that I don't know where it might have been as there were nicks and drops of blood everywhere. The hairless slaves were pushed into a wire cage that forced their bodies so close together that there was no chance they didn't feel each others' cock pressed against some part of their bodies.

"So you are the boy that our master has paid over a million dollars to possess." I didn't know how to respond so I only nodded. The man speaking to me was definitely an Arab. He looked at me as if I was less than the pile of hair in the other camp.

"You watched Camp Two while the slaves were prepared for the Prince?" Again all I could do was nod. It was obvious I was watching the process when this man walked up.

"Shall I shave you or shall Monsieur beat you?"

It wasn't much of a choice, Monsieur was standing twenty feet away with a bull whip not the gentler flog he had used earlier.

Next: Chapter 3

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