By Bruce Turner

Published on Sep 28, 2023



Chapter 19

Okay, do I need to give you an order? IF you are not of age, go away!

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Chapter 19

Day by day Mehmet treated me more like a slave. The week we were supposed to have to ourselves turned into a constant use of my mouth or ass by guests to the hotel. The last day before we returned to Kuwait I swallowed the piss of six Agency employees before they fucked me. I was ready to escape to the penthouse but knew that I was still Mehmet's property and running would caused an incident.

Back in Kuwait I was left at Mehmet's palace when he took Ahmed to his father's palace for the family farewells. I would never have expected it but the family head spoke harshly to his son criticizing him for his activities of the last week. In front of his younger son he threatened to have me removed from Mehmet's palace forcibly if he did not start treating me with the respect I was showing him by agreeing to the marriage. Ahmed told me how angry Mehmet was at being spoken to like that by his father. For a few days I spent most of my time at the Agency being taught Saudi customs and geography. I even had a few hours of instruction on the different sects of Islam and their relative power in the political structure of the Kingdom.

At my request the Agency had what were basically international city planners for hire look at Saudi Arabia and determine some needs that if filled would strengthen the Royal Prince's stature. I intended to be more than just a pretty ass for the Prince. We spoke nightly on a visual system that allowed us to titillate the other, usually with the aid of another slave between our legs. I loved having Ahmed lick my ass while Prince Al Sari watched, I was hoping he was learning how much that pleased me, it was a lack on his part my slaves could help him overcome. He seemed to get jealous if I allowed Ahmed to drink my piss so I avoided that most evenings while on the system. When he first saw Jamaal in the background he got more excited than long distance sex had kept him. I was careful to keep Jamaal away from the Prince more than on an occasion when he came to Kuwait for the first festivities the Agency and Mehmet's father threw in our honor.

On those nights we were left alone except for first thing in the morning when Ahmed appeared by our bedside to serve as our urinal. I wouldn't have needed his service since the Prince begged me to empty my bladder on or in him every night before we went to sleep. There were days that I felt like my entire purpose in life was to provide urine for others, the Prince, Ahmed and Jamaal. Mehmet had returned to treating me with concern, days when the Prince was not in Kuwait I enjoyed his attentions, oral and anal. I was no longer Ali, he called me slave and gave me orders rather than expressing desires. At the end of the first month I was engaged, both of Mehmet's older brothers came to the palace for an evening with Ahmed before he was to finalize the paperwork that would make him my slave not the possession of Mehmet or his father.

I had been ordered to serve the brothers their dinner on the lawn that ran out from the hot tub. It was the closest lawn to the kitchen and had tables and other needs so I was not pressed too hard as I served or removed individual plates and platters. Ahmed and Mehmet had removed the little covering I had started the evening wearing piece by piece. The older brothers did not seem disturbed by having a naked server even when Ahmed stopped me and asked for a drink. The brother that had tried raping me little more than two months earlier looked at me as blandly as he would any server in any household. I had worried about his actions when Mehmet had informed me of the dinner.

I cleaned up and removed the table as the brothers indulged in the illegal consumption of a bottle of very old rare brandy that the eldest brother had brought home with him from France on a trip he had taken to NATO for the government. I had a job to do so I wasn't paying that much attention to them, Ahmed had been instructed that he would serve as well as join them after dinner. I know my master well enough that I had the kitchen prepare his favorite coffee and took it to the men offering each one a cup.

"Slave, get down on the ground we all need to relieve our bladders." If Mehmet had said that I would not have been as surprised but it was his eldest brother. He was pulling up the hem of his robe so that his cock was exposed to the others and me.

"Come on. I can't wait all night." Mehmet hadn't said a word, but when I looked at him he nodded that I was to obey his brother. The three older brothers' cock were not more than an inch different in length and almost identical in girth. They all became erect as I sucked the piss out, haman says I must get it all not to allow any piss remaining to soil the robe. Ahmed is not used to having the piss sucked out of him and needed me to return to his cock a second time or maybe he just wanted his cock sucked.

"Mehmet, show us how the Heir Apparent's spouse will please him. You could start by having him lick our asses." The eldest brother had never expressed any interest in having me or any other slave perform for him but with his brother's dishdasha held up to his chest and his legs spread wide was watching with interest as I was ordered to lick Mohammad's asshole. Mehmet knew what had occurred between us but didn't seem to care at that moment.

After licking the four assholes for at least a half hour I was ordered to lick and suck their balls. Even though Ahmed was to be my slave the following day I had no trouble servicing him, I did the best I could hoping that he would be paying close attention to what I liked.

"May we fuck your slave, brother? His mouth is wonderful and has me as hard as I can get. I need a boy hole to dump my cum in," That was as ignorant as he could have gotten. Asking to fuck another's slave is unexcuseable and calling that slave no more than a cum dump even worse. Had Mehmet still been more than just my Master he would have taken offense but now that he had settled on giving me to the Prince he didn't do more than nod at his brother and point to the grass for me. I spent the next hour on the grass being fucked by the four brothers, I think I received a load of cum from all four and two from at least two of them and a third from the brother that had promised me he was going to fuck me before I left their father's palace.

"The slave will remember what a Kuwaiti cock feels like as he sits in Saudi Arabia thinking he is on top of the Arab world."

"Mohammad, at least four times a year he will be returning to Kuwait to get my cock in his ass. I doubt he will ever forget what a Kuwaiti cock means for his ass." I was happy to hear Mehmet speak up for me even if it was to remind me that I would be returning to him to be fucked.

The brothers thought it was funny that their father had arranged for me/him to return four times a year to be fucked and used by his old master. Laying on the grass I could think of nothing but the difference in the way the Prince treated me and how I was being treated that night. As they rose to leave they all chose to piss on me together.

"He is nothing but a rejected American, how can the Saudi Prince think that much of him?"

"He thinks he is taking me to be his spouse."

"Like father would ever permit that." The brothers didn't know the original agreement betweenthe Prince and their father was before even the father knew I had been taken by the Prince.

I was preparing to sleep beside Mehmet's bed when the daily gift arrived. Crafted to match the wedding set was a set of nineteen more rings, hands and toes perfectly fitted and a cock ring and a ball ring. Included in the box was a letter saying if I wanted matching arm bands or other bands I should tell the Prince and they would be included in the gifts as soon as possible. I thought I should have an ear pierced and suggest an array of different sizes to choose from. Was I becoming spoiled? I put all but the cock ring in the jewelry box and placed it in the safe Prince Al Sari had demanded I had installed in the palace, he didn't rust the family in the least. There had been a dozen loose diamonds delivered earlier in the week, as I fell asleep on the floor I dreamed of having somewhere from two to four mounted on the last toe rings. I fell asleep dreaming wonderful thoughts of my Prince.

A few days later we returned to Saudi Arabia. Mehmet had stolen plans he had thought were of the Saudi's OPEC projections only to find out that the plans were not Saudi Arabia's plans but the pre-announced plans of the anti-Arabian states of North Europe. He was going to attempt another foray into the Prince's office. There was not going to be a chance for him to search the Prince's suite in the palace, I was to be installed there while I worked with the Royal wedding planner about details that I had never heard were necessary when dealing with a marriage ceremony or reception, there would be many Saudis in and out of the suite at all times, my Master would stay at the hotel entering and leaving surreptitiously. To be fair there were going to be three days of receptions in Riyadh and four more throughout the kingdom, a lot of work for the man and his helpers. We were even going to have to have a personal cleaner in our entourage, the eleven dishdasha needed to be seen more than once so that the people of the Kingdom would seen how splendidly their Prince had chosen, embroidery is not simple to keep clean so he would be working full time.

Both the Prince's people and I had been receiving a constant flow of questions from Khosla verifying details that could or could not be embroidered on the robes and where on the robes must stay clear of any decoration, the wedding robe was different than the more mundane reception robes. Requests for gold thread and silver embroidery seemed to arrive almost daily. I had hoped that I would be able to wear some of the robes after the receptions but it had been decided that our robes would be displayed in the King's personal museum after the curators had seen the sketches for the robes, that seemed to me to say the King was blessing his heir apparent and his wedding. That is a shame, there are a few of them that I would like to have for special occasions, the red and yellow on ethat had replaced the blue and silver, especially. Prince Al Sari has said that might be possible, as few people ever were able to view anything in the King's museum and he thought even fewer would be concerned with royal robes.

"Is there anywhere we can go for two days to be away from this?" I waved at the mounds of cloth, paper, trims, flowers and menus that now filled the main room of the Prince's suite. It wasn't like we were not having what should have felt like a honeymoon once the receptions were over but I wanted him to myself for more than the time we now had together in bed. I had found I needed him more and more since the night on Prince Mehmet's lawn, the way I had been treated made me suffer more than I had while in Camp (50).

"You don't want to wait until after we are married?"

"No. I want to go now." Bridezilla? He seemed to understand the reference.

"Crete?" He rattled it off quickly.

"How soon?"

"Will the day after tomorrow be soon enough?" He was holding me by the hips back to his crotch. I leaned my head back, kissed him on the cheek and told him I would be packed for the beach vacation.

"My mother maintained a home in Matala, if the Mullahs ever learned of it there would be more of a problem than the Kuwaiti selling a prince to be my husband, never speak of this trip to anyone." That was the first time I had heard him claim that Kuwait had sold me to be his husband, it didn't feel right so I pulled away from him.

"My country may have profited from you asking me to marry you but if I had not agreed this never would be happening." It was our first real argument. By the time he was ready for bed I was still steaming and chose to sleep in one of the dozen guest rooms.

A few hours after I had emptied my bladder in Ahmed and fallen to sleep the Prince came to my bed begging forgiveness for being so crude as to suggest he was buying me. He rolled me up to lick my ass, it was the first time he saw me take my own cock in my mouth. He worked his tongue into my asshole better than he had ever done, Ahmed performing in front of him had helped. Surprisingly. I shot a load of cum down my throat. He sucked out the last of what was in my sac and shaft, saying that he wished he had been able to have more, I would remember to save him some and not swallow the full load in the future.

He tried talking about my ability to suck myself but I quieted him and we soon slept in each other's arms even though I would rather have given him a paddling he wouldn't forget for the insult which was so close to the truth to cut at my heart.

Flying off to Crete was much simpler than I would have thought it could be. A co-pilot and the Prince's personal slave greeted us at the stair way mounted on a lightweight pickup. I was shown to a seat in what resembled a family room, the two slaves were led to the back of the plane by the steward where they deposited our light luggage and were shown how to strap in for the short trip. The Prince was in the cockpit with the co-pilot, the steward let me know that the Prince was an accomplished flier and would have us on Crete in short order. As the plane lifted off I started to breathe better than I had since the evening I had accepted the marriage proposal, it felt like such a weight had been lifted from me I could have lifted the jet myself.

My Prince came back to join me for lunch shortly after we reached a level cruising, He let me know that while we were on Crete he had about two hours of business that he would need to attend to and the rest of the time he hoped we could spend on Red Beach or climbing the cliffs, exploring the caves.

"Is not Red Beach a nude beach?" I didn't know if he was a voyeur or would join in the general nudity of the tourists.

"It is, that is why if the Mullahs ever learned of our house there they would throw a holy fit. I have been going naked on the public beach since I was eight or nine years old. Does going to a nude beach bother you?" He seemed overly concerned with my reaction.

"No my love, I will be extremely happy to spend two days without clothing or thinking about clothing." It was as true as anything I ever said to him.

"You will need to dress if we don't have dinner in the house."

"Fine, I'll cook for us."

"The slaves?"

"They can eat what I cook, too." I wanted our time to be as much the two of us as I could possibly make it.

"We may have Ahmed cook breakfast, he is very good with eggs." I was sorry he wouldn't be able to cook me any bacon but that had to be a memory of home that I might be able to have on our foreign travels.

The prince took me there in the middle of the jet's floor. There wasn't time for me to return the favor and fuck him but I made up for it a few minutes after we arrived at the house. I think the steward had been watching, how else would he have known when to bring a warm cloth for the Prince to wipe his cock and my ass hole. I no longer cared who watched me having sex, Mehmet had ordered me to have sex with so many people recently that one more watching me was not a real concern, perhaps if it had been a stewardess it would have been different.

Walking onto Red Beach I felt like I was once more a free man drawing free air. The Prince was true to his word, he had been there so many times over the years that stripping before we walked to the beach was natural to him. Ahmed and Ablah were another story although Ablah had been there with his master before he had never been ordered to follow without his clothing. I was not having the stunning young man create a scene by being the only beauty on the beach covered up. The slaves carried umbrellas, towels and beverages for us. My thoughts were not on any of those items it was on the green and blue water that invited me to walk until I was under the surface, I was in a trance as I walked across the beach and out to where I could swim.

I had expected that the Prince would be able to swim when he told me that he had been coming there for so many years. He was as good a swimmer as me, we matched strokes as we swam parallel to the beach. Neither of the slaves had ever tried swimming so they sat on the beach attracting lustful gazes until we returned a half hour after we walked away. My Prince was more relaxed than I had ever seen him. I wanted to take him home and make love for the rest of the two days.

"Love, do you know how to scuba dive?"

"I have never done that. It sounds exciting if you are around old ships or collapsed buildings but just to see fish I don't have an interest."

"Why don't you start lessons tomorrow while I attend to business. You will need more than the one lesson, but by the time we go on our honeymoon you could be ready to explore sunken ships or the city of Atlantis."

"Had you planned this for our honeymoon?"

"No, I was hoping we could start a discussion about that while we were away from the families" He looked pleased with himself. I was too. If he was going to involve me in that plan I might be able to find things we had in common other than sex.

"Is there somewhere you are particularly interested in going?" I hadn't expected him to start like that but why not?

"Australia for three weeks and then here to get ready for our reentry into Saudi society?" It was meant to be an opening in a negotiation not a finalized itinerary, after all it is his honeymoon, too.

"Do you think we can work in four days on Fiji?" His eyes gleamed as he lifted his cock to point at me.

"What are you thinking three days off of the stay in Australia and one day less here?" No matter what, I wanted to end our trip with time on this beautiful nude beach. We hadn't spoken a word about our traveling clothes, he didn't like it when tourists came to his country and tried wearing the traditional clothing so I feared he was going to have us traveling around the world in our robes easily picked out of any crowd of tourists. I didn't know if I would be able to get him to go as far as shorts or Speedos but I was going to give it my best effort.

"That will work, I will have the travel office work on it. I will fly us home from here, but the rest of the way we are tourists. Cameras, backpacks and short shorts if you want." I had to laugh at the idea of him in short shorts but I would remember to pack some just to see if he was really up to it. I'm sure he would look really sexy with his hairy legs exposed.


"If we go to a beach where you have to wear clothing. I would prefer we do it like this the whole way. I love seeing your naked body laid out beside me. I get to imagine what you can do to me with that cock and the cum you buildup in those beautiful hairless balls. If Saudi Arabia allowed it I would be a naturist." He reached over to tweak a nipple. If he didn't stop that talk I was going to be showing everyone my erection.

"Mehmet, I know I have made the right choice in my first mate. I am in love with you, something that princes in my family usually don't find until late in life, if ever." He was being so sweet that I wanted to tell him the truth about me.

"My Prince what may I call you? I don't like calling you by the name Al Sari, we talk too much English to avoid that meaning for the words it sounds like.."

" My sisters call me Fahis. I would be so honored if you would use that name, also."

"Fahis, Fahis, Fahis. Okay, I like it it has to do with curiosity doesn't it?"

"Well, one who likes to investigate."

"You were sticking your nose into everything as a boy?"

"Yeah, even under my sisters curtains."

"A nasty little boy like that needs a good hard paddling." I doubted there had been anyone in the palace that would ever strike the little prince, so we could make up for that now.

"Are you teasing me or did you bring a paddle with us?"


"Yes, Master?"

"Did you pack the paddle that I told you I would need?"

"Yes Master. Have I done something wrong, Master?"

"It is not for you Ahmed. You always are right where you are supposed to be. Even now with me needing to piss."

With hundreds of men and women surrounding us on the beach I wondered what he would do and what Fahis would say when we did. As he sat beside me he asked Fahis' slave to hold up a towel to block us from most of the beach as he opened his mouth to drink the piss I was streaming over the side of my chair.


"Why don't you call me Meht? Since I will be calling you Fahis when we are not with your father or uncles. I will expect the same from you."

"I prefer calling you My Love. An odd question?"

"Anything." I knew that was a dangerous proposition but I was comfortable that he wanted to know about something that was going on between us on the island."

"Do you always use a mouth when you need to urinate?" I started to laugh but decided I should take the question seriously.

"If there is a mouth that is available I use it. I prefer using a mouth where I stand than trying to find a restroom that could be filled with other's germ and cold piss and the scent of their feces. With Ahmed and you by my side I shouldn't have a problem should I?"

"No, Love. I wondered because I want there to be days that you give me every drop of urine you make. Do you think you can do that?" He was looking at me with the most sincere expression, I had the hardest time believing the Royal Prince of Saudia Arabia had just made a proposition that was that crude.

"I am sure there will be days that I will allow you to drink every drop of my piss, as long as there are days when we can be by ourselves.

"You do know that I also enjoy drinking piss?"

"All the time?"

"No, Fahis, I only like it about once a day. Will that be enough for you?" If he wanted more I wouldn't have trouble but I wasn't going to put it out there, yet.

"Meht, as long as you are giving me your piss last thing before we go to bed you can have mine as often or little as you like. Even if you come into the King's offices.

"Now, are you ready to talk about paddles, whips and canes?" I didn't want to get into a fantasy where he allowed the King to watch him drink my piss.

We were still talking about the different ways my love enjoyed having his body abused when we reached the house. Waiting there was Jamaal with a satchel of papers that had been sent to us from the wedding planner, he was such a sadist. Someone knew about the house the Prince and his mother had here. Neither of us was too pleased, especially me, I had dinner to make. Jamaal asked if I wanted him to prepare food like you would find at a beach party in the USA. I was tempted to ask for regional food but the idea of making the beach day a complete escape sounded better the longer I thought about it, I accepted the relief from cooking.

"Let's surprise the Prince, be sure to have some mustard potato salad in what you make." He had given me a hint that mustard was his favorite American condiment.

For the next three hours Fahis and I did what couples preparing to get married around the world do. We finalized colors to be used in the wedding chapel. The colors to be used in each of the nine ceremonies in Riyadh and the four other locations. I thought it had already been done but we finalized the invitations. There were thirteen menus to be chosen, as a novice to Arabian food I asked my husband to be to chose his preferences with one of the ceremonies each day not to solely have sheep or goat. He looked at me oddly but agreed chicken or beef would be provided at one meal a day..

I felt like I needed to give him some reason. I explained that there would be some friends from the USA that would not be accustomed to all that mutton and would love to have some chicken or beef once a day. I didn't tell him that one of them was me, I'm getting used to the meat but I still crave a hamburger every so often. I hoped that was what Jamaal was planning for us., my taste buds were primed and ready, I was even hoping for Ketchup.

We had already chosen the style of cake but now we were approving the decorations for each of the thirteen cakes that would be prepared from photos the planner had included in the packet. Would I ever want cake again? It was one of the oddities I had the wedding planner throw in that was meant to help create an impression of an international event, if only anyone knew. Of course there would be heads of state from many nations allied with either Kuwait or Saudi Arabia, that alone would justify the cake and one meal without sheep or goat. There were two Ohio State alumni that were on the list of embassy personnel around the world that I wanted to find a way around inviting but hadn't been able to avoid so far, but there was supposed to be a second culling of the invitations. If not, Mehmet's father or family was going to have to run interference. I had managed to get my parents on the invitation list but unless I was able to speak to them before the ceremony I doubted they would attend, after all their primary customer was the nation of Israel. If Meckelson talked to them it was possible they would attend, still I wanted to let them know the reality not the show before I said I Do. Do they say that here? I had only spoken to them one time since I left the USA, they had expressed sorrow that I was sold for more than a million dollars but that I knew my father's idea about that hard and fast number.

Before we had started on the satchel that Jamaal had brought us I had slipped on four toe rings. If I was going to be wearing them all day for three days and then 6 to 8 hours on subsequent days the wedding planner warned that I needed to start getting used to them.

"Meht, which set of the toe rings do you think you will wear on our wedding day?"

"I think I want to wear the ones that match the ring set I chose. If they had stones they would be more appropriate. Do you think you could have two for each foot studded with some of the loose diamonds you sent me?" Mounting the diamonds should be much less expensive than asking him to buy four new toe rings.

"We could have all ten rings fitted with mountings and diamonds."

"No, please that is too much for me. I think just the two on each foot will look good. I don't know which two but your jewelers should know which would look the best. If this would make it look like you are being cheap we should forget it."

"I will speak with some of the men that will be dressing you and have dressed princes in the past to see what they say but I think they are going to say all or nothing." He jhad given them to me and was sure to want me to go all the way.

"Maybe just the large toe with the largest diamonds?" A large diamond on the big toe would be outstanding. I hoped he was able to use his force of will on the stylists working on me.

"I'm sure that would work as a compromise if it comes to that. Have you ever thought of having your ears pierced?"

"No, you"

"I would like you to wear earrings that match the wedding rings."

"If you will." I wasn't against having an ear pierced but both? And what was the reason?


"My Prince, I am not going into this marriage with your nation thinking I am a feminine man that you have chosen instead of a female. I will stand in front of your Kingdom as a man proud of who I am and who has chosen me as their mate. Is that understandable to you?" I knew that there was an argument in that exchange but I hoped it wouldn't ruin our vacation.

"Completely. You are my man, not my wife and I want the nation to know that. We will stand adorned equally. Except, I do not plan on having diamonds on my toe rings. I still want you to have them as a token of my love and desire that this lasts forever.

"You will have matching toe rings?"

"Yes." That was the first that I had heard of my Prince being willing to appear in public wearing the rings that symbolized so much.

We stepped outside thinking we would be alone but around the outside kitchen were both Ahmed and Jamaal with Ablah bringing needed items from inside.

"Masters, it will be another half hour before dinner is prepared."

"Do you think we can find a place in this house where I can fuck?" It didn't really sound like he was complaining but maybe he wanted to fuck that much.

"Boys do any of you object to watching your master get fucked in the grass?" The only response was giggling and a solid laugh from Ablah who a minute later handed me his Prince's favorite lubricant.

"Do you want me to lube you up, Meht?"

"No, I think I will be alright with you lubed and me coated with saliva." I don't know if he thought it was a treat but that was the intention as I bent over, pulled on my legs and took my cock in my mouth. I had done it often in front of Mehmet but this was the first time I had Fahis watching me take my cock down to the base. I thought about showing him that I could lick my balls at the same time and get my tongue up top my ass but decided that might be more appropriate for our wedding night. I was still practicing to get my tongue into my asshole but I wasn't sure that was going to happen without more help from a yoga master, for my Master I had learned to get the first two inches of my cock in my own asshole but I wasn't ready to show that now.

Fahis yelled appreciatively as my cock head slid into his recently virgin asshole and then when the shaft started sliding in screamed out for me to fuck him like a bitch. I had his legs over his head, his dick pointed at his mouth and was pounding him almost as hard as I could. When I finished I was going to shower him with piss that had painfully built up, I didn't want to piss inside him although he had said that we would try that one day, soon. I had been holding my eyes closed imagining our wedding night, I felt him start to spasm as his cock couldn't hold back. As I looked up to see the cock shooting I saw the three slave boys standing over his face jacking their cocks hard all almost to the point of shooting. It was as much as I could handle, I shot cum spurt after spurt in my future husband just as the boys covered his face in a blanket of white cum.

Next: Chapter 20

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