By Bruce Turner

Published on Sep 23, 2023



Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

The sun was already starting to rise when I walked into my Master's suite. There was a stranger speaking to him so I went to the corner the furthest away and waited for him to speak to me. I fell asleep with my head on the window ledge. I woke with a screaming headache from the crick in my neck. My Master treated me with a liquid somewhere between Aleve and Opium. I went back to sleep the minute I laid down. My Master had examined my body for damage, I had a few pink splotches but nothing too severe. The worst mark was a bite mark on my sac, that had hurt and I sat on the Prince's face for a half hour in retaliation but also for the pleasure.

Dinner was being arranged in the main room when I woke. I sat with my Master discussing the evening with the Royal Prince. He had expected me to be the one to crawl home with welts and worse but was pleased to learn that the second beating I had given the prince had been hard enough to have him unload without any manual stimulation.

His evening had not gone as well. He had been able to avoid the guards but once into the office found nothing other than an encrypted computer that could have contained what he needed to see. He didn't take the computer, liking his hands. The stranger that had been there when I returned was a computer specialist that was working with him to find a way to read what was hidden, if possible they would hack into the computer and he would not have to return to the Prince's office.

It was totally unexpected! An hour after dinner the escort that had lead me to the penthouse returned to the suite with a cart load of presents. Most of what was on the cart I could never have afforded as an American student. My Master allowed me to have those that would be used inside the palace but took possession of the clothing that might be seen by the Saudis being worn in public. I would have liked to have the tiger cape and asked if the next time I was to meet with the Prince if I would be allowed to wear it. I was hoping that we could use it to cover the floor at some point but I was informed it was a highly ritual cape that would not be appropriate for indoor wear.

"Do you think this much of my cock and ass?" I was wrapped in the cape and holding up one of the ruby toe rings that were part of the set of ten.

"Thinking of trading me in for the Prince?" He looked amused so I continued the thought.

"No, Meht I was just trying to determine my value to you." That was crude and uncalled for but it had slipped out.

"You won't be learning that by loads of diamonds and furs." I could see in his eyes that he wondered if the gifts from the Royal Prince had in some way made me think differently of him.

"But since it was Ali the slave that received the gifts from the Royal Prince not Prince Mehmet his master you will have to write a very personal letter of thanks. If you do not do this he will think you have been insulted by his gifts. When you write to him thanking him do not be overly effusive but carefully describe each gift physically and with the emotion it touched. Your letter will put you on the same level as him, thus more likely that he will ask for you to return to his penthouse." They had been discussing the need for Mehmet to once more search the Royal Prince's office try to open the computer if not possible to bug it so that when the Prince opened it a full download of information would be transmitted to the Agency. I was thinking more of what second night be like.

"Without making a direct appeal for another night with the Royal Prince you might include a photo of you wearing the ruby rings on one foot. Did he seem to have a toe fetish?" I knew the answer would be added to the bio the Agency continued to amass on the Prince.

"Master, he licked the soles of my feet and the top but he did not suck or lick the toes that I remember. I was recovering from the shock of him licking my feet so all was a blur for a few minutes."

"Did he lick your asshole?" I know what the question really was.

"Yes, Master. But he did not lick me nearly as well as you do." We were in private and I could have called him by his name but I felt the need to reassure him that he was my Master and would remain that way not only due to the money he had paid.

"How soon do you think the Prince will be ready to beg you to come to his bed?"

"He said that he would return to the restaurant every night this week. I took that as an invitation to dine there and have him contact me, he may have been thinking he was already prepared.. It is going to take him a day or two to recover from his beating and maybe more for him to accept the idea that the royal asshole was used by a man that does not have his prestige. He loved being fucked so he will come to terms with the fact you are not in line to rule a kingdom."

"We need to be more careful, Ali. You say he enjoyed it and will come to terms with both being whipped and fucked but he may need to seek retaliation before he does. He has hundreds of people in this hotel that could be sent enmasse to seize one of us and taken to the penthouse. If they grab me would you be able to carry out the rest of the mission?

"I'll have extra security sent in by jet today but until then we are going nowhere but the bedroom." Mehmet seemed worried that the Prince might attack me in response to what he had experienced, it seems he thought that was the Saudi way.

"Would it not be most acceptable to appear at the restaurant and hand the letter to the Royal Prince hands up?" Ali didn't want to face the Prince until Mehmet was sure he would be able to access the office once more.

"Yes, but let's give it two days so the Prince is not certain that he didn't insult you grievously by displaying the obvious discrepancy between the Royal Family and mine." Ali had been motioned to strip off his robe. Mehmet picked up a paddle that resembled the one the Prince had used on his ass.

"How many times did the Prince swat you with the paddle?" What was going on, was my Master jealous of what I had allowed the Prince to do to me?

"Master, I think I counted five, but it may have been six." He was guiding me over to a rack that was the duplicate of what the Prince had bent over to be fucked and whipped were these supplied in every suite.

"Step into the loops." What had I done that deserved punishment? I had done as my Master had instructed, was he angry about the presents the Royal Prince had given me? Bending over I looked for the wrist loops that I had seen the Prince grasp a second before sticking my hands in them and grasping the leather tight.

"Slave, I want you to know exactly what you have done to the Royal Prince. It is not that you have upset me in any way. Although you weren't there to serve as my urinal when I woke. That in itself is enough for me to do this." My Master had removed his robe, too. His cock was already standing at full mast. I wanted that dick in me so much it hurt. I would have begged but I knew that he was going to reenact what I had done the night before so I was going to be fucked at his leisure in a way that would have me begging, screaming and needing him worse than now.

I had forgotten to tell my Master that I had enjoyed the few swats that the Prince had managed to give me between the times when he was fucking my ass. I guess he was about to find that out. I didn't make any noise the first time he landed the paddle across my butt, I know I smirked but I was turned away from my Master and a mirror so he didn't see my reaction. He gave me two more quick swats before loading his fingers with grease and pushing them into me.

"Grease up your cock and fuck me Prince Al Sari." I decided to give him the full effect of what had happened when the Prince used me not what it was like the other way around. He would get that anyway.

"He plunged his whole ten inches into my ass. The noise I made could have been taken as pain or extreme pleasure. It was the later. He plunged in and out four or five time before pulling out and giving me another four swats with the paddle. If he continued I was going to cum from being paddled. Fortunately he plunged back into my ass and fucked me hard for ten minutes as my cock leaked pre-cum on the carpet until I couldn't hold back any longer and shot a load of cum on the ancient hand-woven carpet.

My ass grasped for my Master's cock as he had followed my load with one of his own in my asshole. He stood behind me relaxing and draining the last of his cum. I would have tried working his cock hard again but he slapped me twice telling me that he was finished, when I saw his knees between my spread legs I knew that there was still more to come. He didn't work around the exterior to make me anticipate his tongue.

I felt him lick up some of his cum that had escaped my asshole and without a minute of licking pushed his tongue deep into me. My Master certainly knew what he was doing in pleasing his slave, I was instantly erect again, drooling pre-cum. I had wondered if I would ever be able to cum while he ate my ass, I was about to find out that he could plug my ass with his tongue even better than he had shown in the past. Working in and out alternately fast and slow his tongue felt like he was licking my prostrate and sucking out all the cum he had left in me. I think it was the second or third time I felt his tongue touch on my prostrate that I no longer could hold back. It must have been uncomfortable for my Master but I squeezed down as I shot another load on that beautiful carpet, at that moment I might have preferred his thick cock but his tongue was nearly enough.

He had slapped my butt so many times while eating me that it took me a few more slaps to understand that my Master wanted me to release his tongue. My butt was as sore as it had been when I returned from the penthouse. I suppose it is my Master's right to give me what he thought the Prince had, after all he is my owner. Both his tongue and cock had been much better than the Prince's and I knew I would be happy to serve them for as long as Mehmet would have me.

"Bring us some coffee and sweet rolls. I would like to spend some time with you."

"We had a few comments that were supposed to give us clues when we thought the Agency was watching or listening. I had gotten over my nerves about them watching me being fucked or watching me suck my Master's cock. This clue was different than that, when my Master asked for sweet rolls from me he wanted me to meet him in the bathroom to drink piss. Most days I was only to drink him once, but while we were in Saudi Arabia I needed to fill in for Angelo and Jamaal so I was drinking his piss at least four times a day. Happily I enjoyed having the taste of his piss lingering in my mouth and on my lips.

I was glad that he wanted me happy and healthy, there had been lessons at Camp (50) given to some of the boys in eating shit. If my Master had wanted that I might have committed suicide the first chance I had. The night we had first kissed he had mentioned that he was glad that the camp hadn't forced me into those lessons. He like the sweetness of my mouth even though I wondered why, it had to have traces of cum and piss. Some of the times when he had snuck a kiss he had ordered me not to swallow his cum first. He might have liked that for all I knew, could he have wanted to try piss, too? Why not, the way he ate ass it wouldn't be much of a jump?

We spent the rest of the day and night in bed. I was on my stomach most of the time allowing access to both my butt and hole to my Master. He allowed me to cover my butt with a cool towel a few times, that always followed a rash of kissing that let him know that my skin was hot from the beating he had given me. I was glad that he had finally decided that if he wanted to eat my ass the Agency could watch and that it didn't mean anything. Of course they didn't always know who was who so they never said a word, unless they were able to see the two they didn't know what was up unless we talked.

"Will you be ready for the Royal Prince tomorrow?"

"I don't know, how well is the color fading?" Mehmet was leaning over me tracing the curves of my butt with his fingers.

"You are very hot and red. We may have to wait an extra day. I am ready to get out of this city. If we wait too long to go, tourists are going to be crowding Mecca and we will again be stranded in a hotel."

I really wondered why we were being allowed to go off on our own. One of us would have to be in some type of disguise all of the time we were in public or all of Prince Mehmet's efforts would be for no account.

"Prince Mehmet the Royal Prince has once more sent his messenger. Would you meet him?" I was sent out of the bedroom in the robe that I had been seen in when the escort brought the first load of presents from the Royal. He handed me a gold tray with half a dozen wrapped boxes telling me only that they were from the Royal Prince not the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Once I had the tray in my hands he disappeared.

"What had I done?" As I sat in the bedroom opening the presents I was astounded by the Prince's generosity. The first three boxes contained Faberge eggs, each of which must have cost him close to half a million dollars. ( I later learned that the one egg I thought the ugliest cost over $6m and the others more.) The fourth box was a silk robe that I could wear in Kuwait but never in Saudi Arabia unless it was between floors on my way to visit the prince. The fifth box held a matching pair of jewel encrusted daggers, Mehmet thought they might be royal artifacts from five to six hundred years ago.

"Ali, you have done as the Agency wished. Not only has the Royal Prince lusted after you, it appears that he is actively courting your heart. The first five presents have led to the sixth, it should be something that you can use only in the bedroom. If this was the middle ages I am sure it would be a chastity cage for your cock and balls. In the last century it might have been a dildo with a jeweled handle. Earlier this century Silk and gold sheets were the appropriate gift for a prince to give his enamored. As it is you have probably opened between thirteen and fourteen million dollars worth of presents, today. The last present does not necessarily have to be expensive like the first five. After the way your first night together went it may be something as simple as a leather flog or a special lubricant." He was speaking much like this was a history lesson I was living.

"Master, what does this mean? Is he trying to steal me away from you? Or if he does not know that we are duplicates is he trying to have you come to his side and turn from Kuwait?"

"I think he knows I am only supposed to be here a few more days and he is hoping to spend them all with me in his bedroom."

"Would you make me do that?" I didn't want to spend time away from my Master. If I was to spend the nights with the Royal Prince what would my Master think of me as a person not his slave?

"No. Ali. You need to be here when I am out in the city. We can no longer risk that being with the Prince will work as a decoy. But I will be going twenty-four hours a day. Well I mean the Ali and the Mehmet me."

"Master, when I return he is going to want to beat me with any number of the whips he has under the bed. A prince from Kuwait wouldn't allow that, what do you suggest I do?" I really was confused.

"Open the last present."

The box was wrapped in a gold foil. I didn't know how close it was to gold but I had the feeling that it was pure. The box was not that large. Only about four inches across and fifteen inches long with two inch depth. I didn't recognize the writing on the box but apparently Mehmet did. He gasped.

"Master, what is wrong?"

"Ali, you should send this back unopened. Actually you should send all of these presents back. This has gotten too serious. Both of our lives are now in danger."

"What will be in the box?"

"I am not 100% sure but from what I have studied I think the words on here are intending to let you know that you shall be married to the Prince. I don't know if it is an order or a request. We need to have an answer from the Agency." He was holding the box up in the direction of one camera that we were sure captured anyone that entered the bedroom, I had never seen him look that worried.

"So, you are to be the Royal Prince's husband and I would be your slave. Does that sound like what you think this tray of gifts means?" He was as pale as I have ever seen him.

"I think if we open this box we are committing to what you just said." A few seconds later his phone rang. He checked to see that the encryption was working and answered it.

"Yes, sir. You have seen correctly. Yesterday he sent the tiger robe, ruby rings, a number of golden goblets and a titanium sword with the words 'To my Dearest' etched on the blade."

"That was everything on the pile of gifts yesterday."

"Have you returned a letter of thanks yet?"

"No, sir."

"Today you were delivered six gifts on a golden tray? Three Faberge eggs of unknowable value, a silk robe that would only be to be worn on the occasion of a wedding, an ancient pair of jeweled daggers that would have been used thousands of time to swear blood allegiance each slicing the others' hand. And a sixth gift from the Home of Bedroom? "

"That sounds about how I thought of the gifts so far."

"Prince Mehmet, the Royal Prince intends for you to remain with him. Only by opening the sixth box will you know whether that will be as his concubine or his husband." Prince Osama sounded like he might mean for Mehmet not Ali to remain.

"No, no. I don't intend to stay here as either. I want to return to Kuwait the free man I am. You surely don't think I should remain here. Even as a spy that is ridiculous."

"Prince Mehmet, this an opportunity to get into the inner circle of Saudi Arabia that we have never had before and may never have again." Prince Osama had more to say about the idea but Mehmet fought him on every argument. It wasn't something that he could be ordered to do but his boss reminded him of the matter that had allowed them to blackmail him into working for them in the first place.

"I won't care if you do expose me. I will tell the world of the missions I have done that have allowed Kuwait to stay ahead of the falling dollar and shrinking economic power of Europe. If you think what Iraq did to our oil reserves was disastrous just think what a pissed off NATO and USA will do to Kuwait."

"Prince Mehmet, would your father allow your to assume another name in his family?"

"If you were to pressure him, yes."

"We could marry off the slave as you. Have you return to Kuwait and go back into the private sector. The Royal Prince only knows you in bed as the slave anyway. We get a new alliance, you escape from the Agency and the slave gains a prestigious position for life.

"I want you to think this over. We will talk in the morning. Now, let us see what is in the last box."

"Since it sounded like it was going to be his ass, Ali opened the box. On the top layer of silver silk sat a solid gold cock ring. That looked like concubine to him. The second and third layer spoke louder of him becoming the Royal Concubine. The bottom layer of the box was another box with the words chose wisely written on the top. When he opened it they saw an array of twenty wedding ring sets.

"If we took off with this box and ran we could survive for the rest of our lives in royal style. Look at those diamonds."

Prince Mehmet held the box up for the Agency ie Prince Osama to look at what was in front of us. Not being an expert in jewels neither Mehmet nor I had any idea how to choose. Was there a special significance if we were to choose the diamond on the top or bottom set. There were twenty columns of four rings, on the top was a band and then a diamond. On the bottom was a diamond and a band that were matching.

"This is non-Arabic. Why has he chosen to present this choice to you.. Obviously if you pick from the top it means one thing and the bottom another but Saudis have never been in favor of engagement rings with stones like those. The bands looks traditional but I don't think the choice is band or stone, it is about position but I do not know how to determine what is what."

"Prince Osama, does the Agency have a gay Saudi working for it? There may be a special significance he could tell us."

"I think there is one in Mecca, let me speak with the Ambassador. He would know and could have him at the hotel tonight." Osama spoke as if he was surprised I had an idea let alone one he would agree to do.

"Master? Are you going to allow the Agency to tear me from your arms and marry me to the Royal Prince?" Prince Osama had said farewell and Mehmet and I were speaking to each other once more.

"The way you have said that sounds like a medieval maiden. But unfortunately that is what Prince Osama has proposed and I do not have the backing to oppose him. For myself, yes. But for a possession, no. I am not happy about this Ali. If this happens I may never see you again." The Prince took Ali in his arms and held him tightly until they were interrupted by a call from the Ambassador telling Mehmet that the options among the rings were not simple.

"If you take the ring from the top row you are agreeing to a short engagement. As you move down the engagement becomes longer until you reach the last ring. It should be just a tenth of a carat larger. If you choose it you are agreeing to become the Prince's concubine. I thought they he would only choose female as Royal Concubine but that may not be true if he is offering you that position also. First, second, and third spouse as you go down the rings also have their significance. Since the Prince can afford to keep the four permitted spouses each one as you move down the line receives less acknowledgment and support until the fourth spouse that is never mentioned lives as ruler over the Prince's harem.

"A concubine has greater freedom than the wives who are never seen once they are married to a royal prince. None of the choices is good. I would suggest sending all the presents back and getting out of the country as fast as possible. The Agency wants you on the inside, but if the way the Royal Family treats the wives is any indication of the way it will treat a husband I doubt it is worth your life or the life of your slave."

"Master, what is this in the bottom of the box?" He picked out a neatly hand printed letter on a heavy rag paper.

'Prince Mehmet, I have contacted your father about a Royal engagement and wedding. He did not seem too pleased but when I promised a dowry of more than ten million dinars and freedom for you to visit your family four times yearly for a week each he agreed with a few other stipulations, one being that you be allowed your own stipulations to the wedding. The choice you are making now is no more than a formality we shall be married in six months unless you are disgraced before the wedding.

'I hope you choose to be my first spouse as I have been happier in our short time together than I have ever been in another's company. My Father does not like the idea but since your father has agreed he is willing to allow me to be a man for the first time since I was chosen as the heir apparent. A spouse is a man's choice and I choose you, I hope that you choose me also..

'If you are not pleased with the matter as I have settled it please join me for dinner tomorrow so we can discuss our future. There is another layer under this letter. I would not suggest opening it in front of your entourage. They have been created for us to wear when not in the other's company. My enduring love.' Prince Al Sari of the House of Saud, Heir Apparent.

"Well, let's see what he thinks you should share that way."

The box was wrapped simpler than any of the other gifts, paper that he didn't think needed to be saved and no bow or gift card. He pulled the gray top off the box. Laying in opposite directions were two but plugs that Ali recognized as having been modeled on the Prince's cock and his (how was that managed) except rather than being latex or any of the other normal materials these were a very firm transparent material with sperm caught in limbo from one end to the other.

"I heard when these were first proposed to be made. You would never be able to see sperm in the material naturally but there has been a magnifying layer built in. This may be the only pair ever produced, the Italian company that wanted to go into general production was shut down on grounds of immorality. I doubt there would have been the call for many of them anyway. You are holding the Prince's sperm in the model of his dick. But formed into a butt plug. I hadn't known that any of those had been produced, it must have cost him a small fortune. I wonder if he saved you sperm to make the plug he is to use." Ali didn't know whether to be grossed out or enamored, even if he returned every thing else he wanted to keep at least one of these, probably the one his size although having his own sperm in his ass didn't sound thrilling or the Prince's if he was trying to escape the man..

Ali had thought he was in love with Prince Mehmet but he found himself oddly with feelings that might be defined as love by the rest of the world. How would such a thing work? Would he be freed from slavery once married to the Royal Prince or would Mehmet hold the papers giving him ownership even then?

Next: Chapter 18

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